2nd wedding year as they call it. Paper wedding - a celebration in the best family traditions

The family lived together for the first 2 years, what kind of wedding will it be? People, starting from the 19th century, began to call it paper.

Has developed beautiful tradition, which is supported by up to two-thirds of all married couples.

They celebrate every wedding anniversary.

Popular rumor gave each wedding a name corresponding to the year they lived together, investing in them their wisdom, humor, and observations. At the same time, it was taken into account how many years they lived together, how the relationship transformed during this time, and, accordingly, a name was selected for each year of marriage.

The paper wedding comes after the chintz wedding, it is also called the gauze wedding.

At first, the couple did not change their bachelor habits much. They got to know each other, got used to it, learned to live together. People noticed that within a year, some couples wore out their chintz beds to the point of gauze.

Relationships during this period can be full of passion, but still fragile and thin as gauze.

But 2 years life together may begin to open the couple's eyes to reality. Especially many problems can arise if a child is born into the family. Family relationships during this period can become fragile and fragile, like paper. But paper also has its advantages. This is flexibility and the ability to fold.

Married life in 2 years is also transformed into a structure convenient for the family.

A paper wedding is a summing up of the first results of a two-year period of marriage. This is a statement of fact - whether the family has developed as a unit of society or not. At this time, the first joint holidays appear, caring for each other, bachelor habits are lost, joint behavior is developed, and responsibility for the future of the family appears.

How do you celebrate your second wedding anniversary around the world?

Weddings are celebrated for two years and other anniversaries not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

In Russia, nesting dolls are given to a young couple as a symbol of a large and friendly family.

And they will definitely present 2nd wedding anniversary cards with poems and wishes.

In the USA, a mandatory gift is paper figurines made using the origami technique. They are perceived as a symbol of changeability and inconstancy in family relationships.

In Russia they give nesting dolls for this anniversary, in the USA - origami.

For paper celebrations, the Greeks and Hungarians usually dance the money dance. It is danced by his young wife. Guests buy a permit to join in the dance by stuffing paper money into her belt.

In China, husband and wife wear rooster and hen costumes.

One of the guests is dressed in a suit decorated with black feathers. He personifies the envy of ill-wishers. This guest must steal his young wife. The husband vigilantly monitors the action and must protect his wife from his attacks. Black feathers are burned, symbolizing that the family has been saved from sorrows and adversity. For an example of congratulations for 2 years of marriage, see this video:

In Western European countries, spouses are given origami dolls on their second wedding anniversary, in which congratulations and wishes for a long and strong family life are hidden.

How to celebrate the two-year anniversary of a young family?

There are different ways to celebrate your paper wedding anniversary. You can just go to a restaurant together or cook at home romantic dinner. Or you can gather the people closest to the family and arrange a holiday in an interesting place.

Traditionally, paper weddings have been celebrated outdoors for 2 years.

If it’s warm outside, then guests are gathered for a picnic at the dacha or just on the shore of a reservoir. In winter, you can rent a nearby tourist or ski lodge for 1 day.

A fun and romantic picnic in nature

The venue for the celebration is decorated with paper products: garlands, Chinese lanterns, flower arrangements.

The tables are covered with paper tablecloths and served with matching napkins. In the second year of the wedding, the place where the feast will take place is decorated with many paper crafts.

A young couple prepares for themselves in advance wedding dresses from paper. The couple gets creative and makes the bride's ball gown out of paper flowers, and dresses the spouse in a shirt made from the same materials. Or you can simply dress your wife in a paper skirt, and make the same butterfly for your husband. A dozen years ago, this was a prerequisite for holding a paper celebration; today, young people can wear clothes that are comfortable for them.

You can show all your imagination by coming up with festive paper surroundings

Now the industry produces very beautiful disposable tableware made of thick food cardboard. It goes very well with outdoor table setting. After all, the wedding anniversary is 2 years old, its celebration must necessarily be associated with any objects made of paper, since this is a paper wedding.

If the anniversary is celebrated indoors, then its walls are decorated with paper butterflies, hearts different sizes. Volumetric paper pompoms are attached to the ceiling. Doves and swans are attached to threads using the origami technique.

Many newlyweds prepare decorations for a paper wedding with their own hands, involving their friends and relatives in this. They make beautiful nameplates that are used to seat guests. This allows you to seat them so that guests do not get bored, but can communicate with each other on topics that interest them.

Even simple origami cranes can adequately decorate a holiday

Cards prepared in advance prevent you from getting into trouble and from sitting next to people who have strained relationships.

Over the 200 years of celebrating the second wedding year, some traditions and special signs have formed:

  • the wife should come to the celebration in worn shoes so that the family is strong and the life together is long;
  • the first gift to a married couple should be a paper bill, so that the family has money and life becomes rich;
  • the first child in the family will be a girl if one of the guests presents the wife with a bouquet of paper flowers, but this should be spontaneous, without a preliminary agreement;
  • if on the night before the anniversary one of the spouses dreams of a long ribbon made of paper, then they will soon be moving far from their relatives. For more information on how to celebrate a paper date, watch this video:

According to tradition, spouses write letters to each other on the eve of their 2nd wedding anniversary.

In letters they describe their feelings, express wishes and hopes.

At a celebration of a 2-year wedding anniversary, congratulations are read out loud, or the spouses simply exchange letters and read them only among themselves, without announcing the contents to everyone present at the celebration.

What do you give for a two-year anniversary?

A gift for a wedding anniversary of 2 years is chosen on the same theme as the second anniversary of marriage is called.

Presents made of paper or cardboard or simply paper packaging are well suited for celebrations.

Invited guests also give gifts made of cotton and glass. The second wedding anniversary is also associated with these materials. They are also quite fragile and can easily tear or break. To learn what to trim, watch this video:

What to give to a young family for a paper wedding is decided without any special problems. First of all, it is money, especially since it is made of paper. Any gift wrapped in paper bag and decorated with ribbons and flowers of the same material, would be appropriate for a biennial celebration.

Many couples prepare a tree of happiness with a large number branches. On them, guests hang their congratulations on their 2nd wedding anniversary with paper money attached to them, with witty advice and wishes. Money is the most universal gift for a young family.

To collect gifts for a paper wedding in one place, prepare special cardboard boxes decorated with tinsel, flowers and ribbons.

There will always be money a good gift young family

The holiday program must include competitions and quizzes. They allow guests to have fun and have fun. Some of the popular competitions:

  • drawing married couple blindfolded. Each guest draws only one line, continuing the drawing started by the previous artist;
  • comic answers and questions asked by guests;
  • cutting origami figures at speed blindfolded.

Awards for the winners are made in advance from cardboard and brightly painted.

Books and puzzles are also a good gift for this day.

Users are often interested in what to give for a paper wedding date? These could be:

  • books, various useful reference books, atlases and dictionaries;
  • puzzles (now this is one of the most fashionable gifts);
  • subscription to various interesting magazines, especially if a young couple has a favorite pastime or hobby, because you can learn a lot of useful things from magazines;
  • creativity kits;
  • notebooks for notes (the wife can write down recipes in them, the husband can use them for business notes).

What to give your husband for his second anniversary of marriage?

A paper wedding gift from friends and family can be simple and creative, useful and expensive. But spouses give each other somewhat unusual gifts.

You shouldn’t give your husband a trivial shaving lotion or favorite cologne.

You can congratulate your husband on the 2nd anniversary of your marriage with a gift you made yourself.

Choose a gift for your husband based on his hobbies

A good tradition has developed when a wife, when deciding what to give her husband for a paper wedding, chooses something related to his interests or hobbies.

As a rule, the main gift is complemented by a small paper gift. But you can get by with simple paper packaging. It is practically enough to maintain traditions.

So, a gift to my husband for a paper wedding from my beloved wife:

  • a thermos for those who like to hitchhike, bike, or hike in the mountains and cross-country;
  • tourists: sleeping bag, tent, set of camping utensils;
  • windbreaker, special shoes, thermal underwear, backpack, folding chair;
  • You can give fishing tackle to an avid fisherman as an anniversary gift;
  • for a hunter - a permit to shoot animals or accessories related to hunting;
  • businessmen will find beautiful pens, organizers, wrist watch, useful books about business.

If you list what you give your husband on his 2nd anniversary, it could take several pages. After all, it can also be:

Most wives, when deciding what to give their husbands for their wedding anniversary, do not go to the store. They roll up their sleeves and give their husband a present themselves. This could be crocheted or knitted items, an embroidered T-shirt, a collage not based on his hobbies, things decorated using the decoupage technique.

Gifts for wife

The husband also needs to use his imagination to decide what to give his wife for her 2nd wedding anniversary. Women are always happy to receive gifts that will improve their appearance.

Favorite women's things will delight your spouse on this day

It could be:

  • cosmetics;
  • subscriptions to fitness, swimming pool, and spa treatments;
  • jewelry, clothing, shoes;
  • favorite perfume;
  • interior items;
  • dishes;
  • candies;
  • a trip to a joint vacation. Lots of gift ideas in this video:

The gift can be anything, the main thing is that it is desired by the wife and wrapped in beautiful paper, because the wedding is paper. Any gift, if chosen with love, is welcomed by wives. They happily accept gifts and lovingly give their presents to their husbands.

Our wedding day or the marriage of people close to us will be remembered for a lifetime. But it is worth knowing such a moment as joint marriage 2 years and what a wedding it is.

Then other questions arise such as:

  • what to give to newlyweds?
  • What should I buy my husband or wife for their anniversary?
  • Is it worth celebrating this holiday?
  • Is it important to invite guests?
  • How is the second wedding anniversary celebrated?
  • what to wear for your 2nd wedding anniversary?
These, and many other questions, arise both for the newlyweds and the guests they invite. First, let's figure out what a wedding is called in two years and why it has such a name.

What kind of wedding after 2 years of marriage interests spouses first of all? The second anniversary is called paper or can also be called glass or cotton.. You may ask, why paper? – Because in the first and second years of living together, it’s a grinding in, so to speak, all feelings begin to move into everyday life, appear important issues, which need to be solved together, and the relationship is like paper.

That is, if everything goes smoothly, people do not argue, then the sheet of paper is clean, not folded or dirty. During this period, it is very important to listen to each other and take care of the feelings that arose before the wedding.

IN different countries 2 years are celebrated in different ways. What kind of wedding is also individual in each state. For example, in China, in the second year of marriage, a young couple dresses up a rooster and a hen - these are red suits that symbolize wealth, joy, youth and the desire for something more. In Greece, everything is a little simple, the couple invite those guests who were at the wedding, set a luxurious table, in the center they dance a wedding dance, and the guests attach banknotes to them, which also means enticement to financial success.

How is a paper wedding celebrated?

A paper wedding is celebrated traditionally, like all holidays, but every family tries to surprise guests with something and please themselves. You definitely need to come up with a gift for the spouses if you are among those invited and write or find beautiful words congratulations. If you are interested in the question of what interesting things you can come up with for guests on your second wedding anniversary, then there are several original options:
  • invite the toastmaster, animators;
  • you can order a chocolate fountain;
  • a fountain of champagne or wine will look beautiful;
  • Try to prepare a small souvenir for each of your guests to remember your event.
A paper wedding is a period when the family may already have children or are planning to do so, so giving something for a little child will be a sign of respect and gratitude to their family. If you have been together for 2 years, what kind of wedding your spouse does not know, then give him a brief overview of what kind of holiday it is and what you would like to receive as a gift. This will avoid strange oddities during the holiday.

How to decorate a hall for a second wedding anniversary?

There are several options for how and where to celebrate your second wedding anniversary. You can symbolically invite guests to the same restaurant where your wedding was celebrated. But it is worth noting that this idea is unlikely to delight guests. Holiday decoration salons offer several options:
  • order a beautiful cozy restaurant;
  • make a celebration in the form of a banquet or ball;
  • you can equip a playground in nature (if it is spring, summer or early autumn);
  • as an option, at home, invite only close relatives and celebrate in a narrow, modest circle.

If you are full of strength, energy, time and financial resources, then an outdoor celebration would be an excellent option, where you can invite about 50 people, and also do it all beautifully - decorate with flowers, your photos that were taken at the wedding with relatives and portraits after the wedding. You can also invite toastmasters, animators, presenters and even pop stars here. Be sure to think about gifts for guests as souvenirs from you, perhaps make them hand-made or buy keychains with their names. Foam parties in honor of paper weddings are welcome at outdoor celebrations.

An original themed party

Themed parties celebrating wedding anniversaries have become popular in the late 21st century. This is mainly suitable for those who have been married for 2 years. What’s a wedding without something special and surprises?! So many people think that a paper wedding should be interesting and memorable. You can choose your own party themes. Many couples have them prepared even before the celebration is planned. If you have just decided to take this step, then it will be useful for you to learn the following topics:
  • a party in the style of the 80s or 90s is very common;
  • gangster party;
  • “And we come from childhood”;
  • "Masquerade Ball"
If you are interested in this option, then the list of the most interesting topics for parties, you can ask the toastmaster or host.

Is it worth celebrating a paper wedding?

Many married couples wonder whether it is worth celebrating or celebrating wedding anniversaries at all. If we are talking about the first anniversary or the second, fifth for example, then here we can say that definitely worth celebrating. Because people are still young, full of energy and interesting ideas, they are starting a new family, children are appearing, and it is very interesting for relatives to watch this.

Therefore, think about making your paper wedding interesting not only for adult guests, but also for you and the little invitees. It is very important that each of your anniversaries is distinguished not only by the dishes on the table, although this is important, but also by interesting and original moments.

What to give to your wife?

A gift for a loved one on your anniversary is the most important and primary thing you should think about. First of all, he must express care, attention, respect and love for a beautiful female representative. On your paper wedding day you can give your wife:
  • an original frame for your shared photo;
  • photo album;
  • gloves, scarf, warm socks or other clothing accessory;
  • Glassware is welcome.

Perhaps your wife hinted to you in advance what she would most like to receive on this day, there is only one piece of advice: do not ignore the wishes of a loved one, because they are perhaps the most intimate and long-awaited.

What to give to your husband?

Choosing a gift for a man for 2 years of married life is an important point in preparing for the holiday. For two years now, you know better than anyone his preferences, hobbies, or perhaps he inadvertently voiced what he would like to be given as a gift. If you are in doubt, here is an example of a gift for your spouse:
  • from clothing: gloves, belt, scarf, or other necessary and useful item;
  • some of his hobby accessories: a fishing rod, a fishing chair, a soccer ball;
  • from souvenirs: a photo frame, a photo collage of general photographs.
Of course, every loving woman knows that a man has desires in his soul that he has voiced at least once, don’t be lazy - fulfill them so that your spouse will remember this anniversary forever.

Whom to invite?

A young couple who has decided to celebrate their paper wedding faces the question of who to invite to this event. When you celebrated your wedding, many guests were invited by your parents, your mutual friends and acquaintances. Therefore, for your second wedding anniversary, you can invite guests whom you will be pleased to see.

Parents and witnesses must be in the forefront, perhaps with their families. And then, if desired, friends and relatives with whom you have close, warm relationships.


Do not forget that any anniversary of your wedding is, first of all, your holiday, a holiday of your love, feelings and family life. Try to make the atmosphere at the holiday homely and cozy.

An important point at the celebration of the second wedding anniversary - these are the clothes of the spouses. Buy something combined and new. You can choose one color scheme.

Be sure to book a photographer for 2-3 hours to capture this important moment in your life.

For guests

If you find it difficult to choose a gift for your spouse, then you can choose an option such as a book. But it is not advisable to give one for two; to do this, find out the favorite genre of both and select worthwhile options. You can also choose a tableware service, a set of glasses or cups made of porcelain or bed sheets. The main thing is to give with respect and soul.

Memorable dates and anniversaries occupy a special place in the heart of any person (and especially women). Some people count the months of their relationship, and others the years, but it’s nice to identify their years of marriage with certain objects and symbols, under the auspices of which it would be good to spend time until the next anniversary of the relationship.

It is especially important to know about such symbols if you are invited to celebrate such an anniversary as a guest. Then, in order not to make a mistake with a gift, you should treat its choice as carefully and responsibly as possible. Such diligence and attentiveness on your part will not go unnoticed by the hosts of such a holiday.

IN modern world The most memorable holidays for all young families are weddings. It is in the consequences of these events that a huge number of various kinds of colorful photographs, videos, and also good memories can remain.

It is worth noting the fact that wedding anniversaries have been celebrated for more than two hundred years. Over the years, various customs of this wonderful and significant holiday have been formed. Also, today, each anniversary has its own special names. But sometimes you might wonder what kind of wedding this is?

Two years of marriage - what kind of wedding is this?

In order for the organization and holding of wedding anniversaries to go off with a bang. First, you need to find out how many years people have been married. In cases where the spouses have been married for 2 years, what is this anniversary called? The attribute of this biennial holiday is considered to be paper.

That is, fragile materials that are very easy to tear, crush or burn. But, nevertheless, paper gifts have flexibility and the ability to overlap each other. This is exactly what young spouses are like, going through various stages of their life together, transforming into a friendly and well-coordinated family.

You can celebrate your second year of marriage with various crafts from paper, for example, making various kinds of flags. In addition, in most cases, in the second year of the wedding, people give each other gifts in the form of letters of wishes or declarations of love. Those invited to the celebration can present glass, wood and paper products to the young family.

Psychologists note the fact that after celebrating each anniversary, not only the relationships of lovers change, but also their behavior, and the feelings themselves grow stronger and stand the test of time, which is a litmus test for love and feelings in such relationships.

Each wedding anniversary is for everyone memorable dates for a final summary of the time lived together, as well as symbolic for all members of the young family, and such a tradition itself is a favorite theme. That is why you can invite close friends to this holiday and celebrate this event with them. Or organize a romantic celebration, just for two.

It is worth noting the fact that all anniversaries have some distinctive features. Sometimes the question arises which wedding is the second. The answer to this question is quite simple and easy. For the second year of married life, the symbol is paper, unstable and short-lived.

It is thanks to the two-year stage of living together that people show true traits that they could previously hide. Sometimes there may be a disappearance or fading of cloudlessness and trepidation.

However, this is a great opportunity for people to realize that sometimes it is worth giving in or offering a compromise to some solution to a problem. Spouses must learn to understand each other and support each other difficult moment.

Sometimes a child can aggravate the situation and the tense relationship of both spouses, at the same time, and vice versa, a child can unite a young family. Thanks to the annual holiday and anniversary new family, its members learn to be friendly and strong.

What customs exist?

The 2nd wedding anniversary has its own interesting customs. It is worth noting that each country has its own characteristics and varieties of customs. For example, in many countries, both spouses can be dressed in paper clothes on their 2nd wedding anniversary. In order for the spouses to live in abundance in subsequent years and always have a successful feast, their festive table should be covered with paper tablecloths and napkins should be present.

It should be noted that, for example, in the USA, those invited to a celebration are required to present gifts made from paper in the form of origami; these gifts are symbols of transformation and impermanence in marital relationships. While Russia is famous for its nesting dolls, which contribute to the great and friendly family.

Some believe that having a huge amount of paper on the anniversary day can only have a positive impact on the spouse and their future married life. In addition, there is such a belief that the wife is obliged to dance with those who wish, while she must have a shoe in her hand, and everyone who wants to dance with her must invest money in the shoe.

It is thanks to this ritual that the young family gains wealth and receives a huge amount of happiness in their future life together. But this is not the entire list of traditions and rituals, since there are also a huge number of different signs. For example, in cases of receiving the first gift in the form of money, the spouses will be in abundance.

Very often, close friends invited to the celebration, or both spouses themselves, may have a question of this kind, so you can give it as a gift. So, the 2nd wedding anniversary involves the following gifts:

  • In most cases, friends prefer to give banknotes. In addition, if a person who was a witness at the wedding is present at the celebration, he can also give a painting, a book, or even a ticket to some interesting event.
  • For parents, an excellent gift option for their children’s wedding anniversary could be a tour package or a piece of valuable paper.

It is worth noting that if one of the guests wants to give a gift, but it is not made from paper, it will be enough to just give it in beautiful packaging. As for both spouses, there are also some valuable tips for presenting paper gifts to each other.

In cases where the wedding anniversary is 2 years old, then the husband and wife can present each other with some books or unusual photographs, photo albums and much more. That is why a young family may not even have problems choosing a gift for each other.

Unfortunately, many men do not pay special attention to such a celebration, unlike women, and in cases of failure to present a gift, they may blame the circumstances, but not their stubbornness or attentiveness. When choosing a gift for your wife, many men also wonder: what kind of wedding is 2 years of marriage?

To solve this kind of issue, any site on the Internet that provides detailed information and all the necessary materials can come to their aid. If the information received from Internet sources does not satisfy the desires of men, they can use a standard gift, donation of jewelry and jewelry. But, do not forget that in such cases, it is necessary to wrap the gift in paper packaging, for symbolism.

IN recent years, the second name for paper weddings, namely glass weddings, has also become relevant. Thanks to the second name of the two-year marriage of both spouses, questions regarding gifts become even fewer, because the range of choices is only increasing.

In the modern world, for many young families there are no leading questions, for example, 2 years of married life - what kind of wedding is this? So you can find the answer to this question in an elementary way, even in Internet sources that provide a huge amount of varied information that can be useful even in later life.

Romantic men can even give their significant other live tropical butterflies, because these are considered to be the most romantic types of gifts. And it is these butterflies that will be able to fill the heart and soul of the spouse with a huge amount of love and bliss.

There are a number of gifts that you should not give to your spouse. The most common include:

  1. a book related to raising a child;
  2. flowers made from paper;
  3. a gym membership, as it can only cause offense and will be regarded as an incorrect hint.

Second anniversary – what kind of wedding is it? Now you know the answer to this question. As a conclusion, it is worth noting the fact that all anniversaries have their own characteristics and are unique and inimitable. It is events like these that are great occasions for celebration and gift-giving. It doesn’t matter how much the gift costs, because the main thing is how much soul and love was put into it, and what it means for both.

If you are invited to celebrate two wedding years, be sure to find out what the second one is called. After all, now it is especially fashionable to celebrate such celebrations in accordance with traditions.

Why paper?

The anniversary when the spouses have lived together for 2 years is usually called a paper anniversary. Why? This name indicates the peculiarity of family ties at this stage. Simply put, right now, in terms of strength, they are similar to such a fragile sheet of paper. This comparison is explained very simply.

As a rule, at this stage the spouses have babies - it is at this time that a loving couple has their first child. It is clear that this event becomes a real test for young people. After all, it is at this time that fatigue reaches its apogee, many things begin to irritate the spouses... Although not so long ago it seemed that life in the family consisted only of joyful events and pleasures.

The second year of family life seems to present real problems to the husband and wife, becoming a real test of the strength of the relationship. He confronts them with the realities of life, which at times seem simply insurmountable.

What should you give?

So, the question has disappeared about what the second wedding anniversary is called, and what is the symbol of the celebration. It's time to move on to searching for appropriate gifts, as they say, in the “paper spirit”. And here, too, it is very important to maintain tradition.

The second wedding anniversary has arrived - what to give the spouses? Thanks to “celebrations with a name,” this question, which is usually painful for most people, can be resolved quite simply. It is enough to remember that it is the second one that awaits you to clear your head.

Guests must replenish the family’s paper “treasury” by this date so that the spouses’ nest never runs out of paper to tear. Gifts in the theme include books, paintings, as well as calendars and various photo albums. Plastic gifts and furniture are allowed. By the way, a husband and wife can give each other a wad of money if their financial capabilities allow it.

Origins of the tradition

The tradition of naming and celebrating the anniversaries of spouses dates back to medieval Germany. It was customary there that the most friends were invited to the celebration, when the lovers officially became husband and wife, within two weeks and the tables were set again. For the first anniversary, only good acquaintances were invited, for the second - friends who had appeared in the young family since the spouses lived together, and the most distant relatives.

In the East (China and Japan) they did not know what the second wedding anniversary was called, but they also celebrated these days. True, here numerology came to the fore. According to this teaching, dates that were divisible by 4 without a remainder should be celebrated noisily. And wedding anniversaries, when spouses walk side by side through life for 5, 11, 22 and 33 years, had to be celebrated in an intimate setting, so that only husband and wife were present.

Of course, in Ancient Rus' We didn’t even know what the second wedding anniversary was called. However, even there there were a number of ancient traditions that vaguely resembled the comparison of various dates of life together with different materials. In Russia in the 19th century, after a year of marriage, a woman was tied with a calico scarf, and on the (5th anniversary) it was customary to plant a seedling, which was considered a family one.

The tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries arose about two hundred years ago. But relatively recently it has become popular to celebrate not only round anniversaries, but almost every year we have lived together.

The wedding day and the first year of marriage is called a green wedding as a symbol of the youth of the newlyweds.

1 year – . After just a year, the relationship between the spouses is still bright and fragile, like chintz fabric itself.

2nd year – paper wedding . The feelings of the spouses are not yet strong and, like paper, can easily tear.

Read also:

3rd year – . The relationship between spouses becomes stronger and more flexible, like good skin.

4 year – linen wedding . Linen is a symbol of prosperity. It is believed that after four years of marriage, a couple becomes financially secure.

5 year – . The tree symbolizes strength and constancy, which are also typical for a married couple celebrating their first anniversary.

6 years – cast iron wedding . The relationship between spouses is like cast iron: although it is durable, it is one of the most fragile metals.

6.5 years – zinc wedding . This is a reminder for a married couple to cleanse their relationship from time to time to maintain its luster and longevity.

7 years – copper wedding . Copper is already a valuable metal, but not yet precious. It symbolizes strength and prosperity.

8 years – tin wedding . Tin should sparkle, but over time it becomes dull and requires polishing. Likewise, the relationship between spouses after 8 years of marriage needs to be refreshed.

9 years – faience wedding . Faience is a symbol of beauty and fragility. It’s the same in a family: on the one hand, the storms of passion have already subsided, the spouses have become accustomed to each other, but it is at this moment that a critical period may begin.

10 years – . The rose is a symbol of love and beauty, as is the relationship between husband and wife after 10 years of marriage. And the trials and problems of family life are thorns, without which it is impossible to imagine even the most beautiful rose.

11 years – steel wedding . The countdown to the second decade of life together has begun. The relationship has hardened like steel and become even stronger.

12.5 years – nickel wedding . Like a tin wedding, the sparkle of nickel reminds spouses of the need to refresh their relationship.

13 years old – lily of the valley wedding . Feelings become bright, refined and tender like this flower.

14 years old – agate wedding . Agate is the first gem in line wedding anniversaries, which means the value of the family increases.

15 years – glass wedding . The relationship between wife and husband becomes as pure and clear as glass.

17 years old – tin wedding . The husband and wife learned to give in to each other, because tin is a very flexible metal.

18 years old – turquoise wedding . Turquoise symbolizes victory and happiness. , have experienced a lot and, nevertheless, emerged from life’s troubles as winners.

19 years old – krypton wedding . An unusual name for the anniversary, because krypton is a chemical element used, for example, in energy-saving light bulbs. Therefore, a nineteen-year marriage of spouses should be light and bright.

20 years – porcelain wedding . Porcelain is a thin, elegant material, but at the same time very fragile. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage must be treated with caution so as not to allow feelings to be broken.

21 years old – opal wedding . Opal symbolizes fidelity on the one hand, but on the other hand it can lead to quarrels. However, with minimal care (the stone must be wiped vegetable oil), he gives eternal love and happiness.

22 years old – bronze wedding . Bronze is a very malleable alloy. Also, by the 22nd anniversary, the spouses, having studied each other well, became more flexible and tolerant.

23 years old – beryl wedding . Only some varieties of this mineral are considered precious. So it is with married couples: many manage to live together for 23 years, but only a few become truly “precious.”

24 years old – satin wedding . Satin is a durable, smooth, noble material, just like the relationship between the spouses 24 years later.

25 years – . Silver symbolizes purity and is a precious metal. A twenty-five year marriage is a kind of family jewel.

26 years old – jade wedding . A very durable and strong stone, jade symbolizes the longevity of a marital relationship.

27 years old – mahogany wedding . A very strong and durable tree, just like the feelings of spouses who have lived together for so many years.

29 years old – velvet wedding . Velvet is a symbol of luxury and nobility, a very soft and delicate material akin to the feelings of spouses who have carried their love for each other through the years.

30 years – . Pearls are a symbol of purity and impeccable relationships between spouses who have lived side by side for 30 years.

31 years old – dark wedding . Another name is solar. No one knows why the thirty-first anniversary received such a name; perhaps the sun symbolizes that all adversity is left behind and only the brightest awaits the couple ahead.

34 year – amber wedding . Amber is a magical healing stone that symbolizes the time-tested strong love of spouses.

35 years – coral wedding . Coral represents strength; it is formed from tiny particles and forms entire coral reefs. Likewise, the relationship between husband and wife is made up of many days spent together, intertwined and forming a strong, indestructible union.

37 years old – muslin wedding . In the old days, weavers had to spend a lot of time and effort to make muslin fabric strong and thin. Likewise, the couple, who lived together for 37 years, tried to ensure that there was peace and mutual understanding in the family.

37.5 years – aluminum wedding . Aluminum is a very light and flexible material, as is the relationship between husband and wife after so many years of marriage.

38 years old – mercury wedding . The spouses became one, merged together like mercury. With this anniversary, the couple has a great opportunity to give their relationship a new shape.

39 years old – crepe wedding . Just as the threads of this material are tightly intertwined, so the destinies and feelings of the husband and wife are inseparable.

40 years – . Ruby ranks second in value after diamond. The color of the stone is red. This is the color of blood, the blood ties that bind spouses who have lived together for 40 years.

42 years old – mother of pearl wedding . Mother of pearl symbolizes the well-being and prosperity of a married couple, whose feelings for each other have not yet faded.

43 years old – flannel wedding . Warm, soft and at the same time strong feelings bind husband and wife together. It is these qualities that are inherent in flannel.

44 years old – topaz wedding . This stone is very durable and beautiful, just like the feelings of the spouses after 44 years together.

45 years – sapphire wedding . Sapphire is a healing stone, refreshes the senses, gives strength from fatigue and illness, which will not interfere with people of advanced age, such as spouses who have lived together for 45 years.

46 years old – . A very symbolic name for such long-lasting marital relationships: the delicate aroma of lavender lasts for many years.

47 years old – cashmere wedding . The warmth and comfort of cashmere symbolizes that for many years binds two hearts together.

48 years old – amethyst wedding . A stone of extraordinary beauty, amethyst symbolizes pure and transparent relationships that bind people who have been married for 48 years.

49 years old – cedar wedding . Very strong and durable cedar is associated with love between a man and a woman who have lived for almost half a century.

50 years – golden wedding . Family relationships, which lasted half a century, is a real jewel, which gold undoubtedly is.

55 years – emerald wedding . Emerald is a very rare and expensive stone, and its green symbolizes the eternity of life. Likewise, in family life, couples who have lived for 55 years are very rare.

60 years – diamond wedding . Diamond is a very beautiful and durable stone. Spouses who have kept their family together, despite any problems and adversities, are no longer able to be separated by anything or anyone.

65 years – iron wedding . The name of the wedding speaks for itself: the strength of marriage is already unshakable.

67.5 years – stone wedding . The relationship between spouses is like a rock: strong and reliable.

70 years – blessed (grateful) wedding . Living many years together in love and mutual understanding is a grace sent from heaven.

75 years old – crown wedding . People who have lived together for so long deserve the highest praise. The seventy-fifth anniversary crowns married life.

80 years – oak wedding . The name of the wedding speaks for itself, because oak is a symbol of power and longevity.

100 years – red (beautiful) wedding . To live to see such an anniversary seems fantastic. However, she came up with the name of this wedding for her hundredth wedding anniversary. married couple Agayevs from Azerbaijan.

As you can see, some dates are missing. But don’t be afraid to celebrate them: the absence of these anniversaries from the list is most likely due to the fact that they simply haven’t been given a name yet. For example, in some sources you can already find that the sixteenth anniversary of marriage is called a topaz wedding. Therefore, celebrate, give names to nameless anniversaries and let your family life will have a long and happy life!