Paper birch tree applique. Application with drawing elements in the preparatory group

"Autumn Birch"

Program content:

Teach children to create an expressive image of an autumn birch tree, creatively using different appliqué techniques (broken, overlay, symmetrical). Expand the range of techniques for cutting appliqué (tearing, creasing, tearing, twisting) and show it pictorially;

Expressive capabilities. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena.

Preliminary work:

· Observation of seasonal changes in nature. Admiring the birch tree and leaf fall. Games with autumn leaves.

· D/i "When it happens"

· d/i "Which tree is the leaf from" Conversation on the content of reproductions of paintings by famous landscape artists

Materials, tools, equipment.

Sheets of blue paper, yellow paper napkins, pieces of newspaper, glue, glue brushes, cloth napkins, oilcloths

GCD move

Surprise moment.

Educator: - Children, today a letter arrived in our group (I show it)

Look how unusually the envelope is decorated.

What is it decorated with? (leaves)

Did any of you guess who this letter was from? (No)

Shall we read it? (Yes)

Where? to Kindergarten

To whom? For older children

From whom? From Autumn.

Educator: - Children, autumn sent us this letter!

Do you want to know what is written in this letter? (Yes)

"Dear guys! Trouble happened in the autumn forest, birch trees disappeared. Help bring them back. Autumn."

Educator: - Children, let's help autumn! (Yes) Great!

Listen to Trutneva’s poem about the birch tree. (I read and display a picture of a birch tree)

Suddenly it became twice as bright

The yard is like in the sun's rays

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

Children, tell me, what color are the leaves of a birch tree in autumn? (Yellow, gold)

What can you say about the birch tree’s outfit, what is it like? (Gold)

What can you say about its trunk? What birch tree? (Belostvolnaya)

Educator: - Birch is the main tree of Russia, the symbol of our country. Therefore, the tree can be immediately recognized as a Russian forest. Guys, do you want to turn into autumn birch trees? (yes) Come out, stand in a circle. f/m

Leaves are falling

Turn into leaves

The wind catches them

And slowly circles in the air

The leaves quietly fall to the ground. (movements are performed according to the text)

Educator - And now we will help autumn and create beautiful pictures with Russian beauties - golden birches. I show children how to create an expressive image of an autumn birch tree and techniques for cutting appliqué.

We will make the trunk from a piece of newspaper, plucking the edges with our fingers. To create a tree crown, you can use different methods:

The whole silhouette;

From pieces of torn paper of different sizes;

From strips of different lengths and widths;

Made from small pieces rolled into a tube.

I show you several ways and suggest you get to work. Children choose materials, a method of execution and create their own paintings with birch trees.

At the end of the lesson, an express exhibition “Birch Grove in Autumn” is created

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

lesson “I can’t imagine Russia without birch”

To be a patriot means to feel like an integral part of the Fatherland. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted: it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, and the desire to study their culture and history...

"White Birch"

In a clearing, on a hillock, under a window, among fields, Blond birch trees are a symbol of my Motherland. You are so dear to me, down to every drop of dew, Silence slumbers in your expanses, Birch, Russian Russia, Chamomile...

Summary of an integrated lesson on patriotic education and modeling "White Birch".

To introduce children to the historical culture of the Russian people. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of children in various types of activities. To foster patriotic feelings for their Father...

Natalya Samokhina

Summary of integrated direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the application "White Birch"

Educational area: artistic creativity.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, safety, health, communication, reading fiction.

Goals– to form in children a culture of communication with nature and an aesthetic attitude towards it, to clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the relationship between man and nature.

Show a person’s caring attitude towards nature, cultivate love for the Motherland through artistic and aesthetic perception. Learn to convey the characteristic features of the image of a birch in an application.


To develop the ability to depict a birch tree with its characteristic features.

Develop children's fine motor skills using the cut-out appliqué technique.

Develop aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, observation skills. To cultivate love for one’s native land and respect for nature.

Materials for the lesson: Multimedia equipment. Reproduction of the painting “Birch Grove” by I. Levitan, “Birch Grove” by A. I. Kuindzhi, “The Rooks Have Arrived” by A. Savrasov, “February Blue” by I. E. Grabar, colored paper, glue, napkins, leaves of different trees for playing , birch sap.

Preliminary work: Observing a birch tree while walking, learning A. Prokofiev’s poem “I love the Russian birch tree.” Examination of paintings by artists A. Kuindzhi, I. Levitan “Birch Grove”. Introduction to the concept of “landscape”.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about a tree that has long been revered in Rus'.

They scattered along the edge of the forest

Girlfriends in white dresses.

What tree is the riddle about?

Of course it's birch.

A video about birches is shown. A recording of the song “Why do the birches in Russia make so much noise?” performed by the group "Lube".

The birch is a symbol of Russia and is treated with special love. She is sung in songs, amazing poems are dedicated to her.

Svetlana Steinbakh

How beautiful are the birches in Russia!

Words are not enough to say about this.

How they soared into the blue sky!

It's a pity that I can't draw.

Snow-white, slender and curly,

It's standing by the road in the wind.

And friendly and majestic,

She looks straight into your heart.

Here is our symbol. Not a sickle and not a hammer,

Not rowan, not oak and not maple.

And it doesn't matter if you're old or young,

The light of those birches is reflected in each one.

Artists depict its beauty in their paintings. View slides from the painting “Birch Grove” by I. Levitan, “Birch Grove” by A. I. Kuindzhi, “The Rooks Have Arrived” by A. Savrasov, “February Blue” by I. E. Grabar Look at how they depicted birch trees on their canvases. Birches, like girlfriends in elegant white dresses, stand in pairs leaning towards each other, as if whispering about something. The trunks of birches are covered with white birch bark, and thin branches are inclined downwards. Our people love the beautiful birch tree; our ancestors considered this tree sacred, personifying light, purity, and feminine beauty. The summer church holiday SEMENIK is dedicated to the birch, during which the white-trunked beauty is surrounded by everyone's attention. Girls decorate the birch tree with ribbons and flowers, dance around it, sing songs, and weave wreaths.

The poet Sergei Yesenin called Russia “the country of birch calico.” The birch is a symbol of our Motherland. The Slavs considered birch to be a gift from the gods that protects people. Birch is not only a beautiful tree, but it also brings benefits to humans. Tell me, please, what benefits does birch bring?

Children's answers: The hut was illuminated with a birch beam, bast shoes, baskets, and boxes were made from birch bark; Vitamin tea is brewed from the buds and leaves. A birch broom is used in a Russian bath. Birch bark was used to braid pottery to prevent it from breaking.

Many migratory birds also gather in the birch grove. They build nests, hatch chicks and sing in different voices.

Let's remember what poems about birch you know.

Children read poetry.

Russian round dance music begins to sound. There was a birch tree in the field. Guys, do you hear the music calling us to a round dance? Let's do a round dance.

Guys, today we learned a lot about the Russian beauty.

And now I suggest you go to a creative workshop to make a birch grove using the cut-out appliqué technique.

Children make birch trees to the music.

What a great fellow you all are, what beautiful birch trees you have produced.

Oh look how many leaves we have under our feet, let’s play with them and collect bouquets. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. One team will collect birch leaves, and the other will collect oak leaves.

Well done guys, you played great, sang, danced in a circle and created a beautiful birch grove. And we’re probably a little tired, so let’s go with you to the group and drink birch sap.

Abstract of GCD for application in the senior group.

Topic: “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Goals : Continue teaching children to cut out symmetrical images from folded paper. Develop hand-eye coordination. Cultivate the desire to complement the image, achieving expressiveness. Clarify children's knowledge about birch, the structure of the tree and the names of its parts.
Instill a love for nature.

Teaching Techniques : Game, display, explanation, questions, reminder, individual approach, assessment.

Preliminary work: Prepare the base: paint the earth, sky and sun on a sheet of paper. Learning the song “Birch”.

Individual work : Continue learning to cut out symmetrical images.

Vocabulary work : Crown, trunk, birch bark, birch grove.

Materials and equipment : Paintings of birch trees, sample appliqué, colored base depicting the earth, sky and sun; green and yellow blanks for cutting tree crowns, white - trunks. Colored pencils, scissors, glue, glue brush, brush stand, oilcloth, cloth, tray.

GCD move

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle and find out what we will do today.

Beauty in the clearing
In white sundresses.
There are green scarves on my head,
There are gold earrings in the ears. (Birches).
That's right, children, today in class we will make a birch tree. (Paintings depicting birches are exhibited).
Look at these images, how do you think the birch differs from other trees? (Birch tree trunk is white).
Question: That's right, children. Apart from birch, nature has not endowed any tree with such wonderful white bark.
(A sample of the appliqué is placed on the easel).
Teacher: Guys, look at the birch trees we will make today. We will make a birch trunk from a white strip, and we will cut out a tree crown from yellow and green rectangles. Look carefully at the shape of the birch crown. What does she look like? (Children's answers).

We cut out the crown of the trees by folding a sheet of paper in half, unfolding the cut out parts, placing all the parts on the prepared base so that we get a complete image, then carefully gluing all the parts onto the base and making strokes on the tree trunk with a black pencil.
(Reinforce the method of symmetrical cutting with the children; two children (optional) are invited to cut out the crown of the tree).
Before starting work, the teacher reminds the rules for working with scissors and glue. Helps with advice when doing work.

Vopi tatel: Well done, children, everyone coped with the task well. We ended up with a whole forest of birch trees. Do you know the name of a forest in which there are only birch trees? (Birch forest or birch grove).
Let's stand in a circle and sing the song “Birch”.

Song "Birch"
1. Children danced in the field near the birch tree,
They all played happily with the birch tree.
Children with handkerchiefs in their hands dance according to the text.

Summary of the lesson: Children, what did we do in our lesson? (Children's answers).
What is the name of the birch forest? (Birch forest or birch grove).
Analysis of children's work by children.

Municipal budget preschool institution"Kolobok kindergarten" Perovo, Simferopol district

Republic of Crimea

Lesson notes on application

Theme: “Autumn birch”

Prepared by the teacher older group "Sun"Rassimas Ilona Igorevna

Program content:

  • continue to introduce children to new techniques - thread applique;
  • teach children to finely chop threads for leaves;
  • encourage the desire to complement the image of a birch tree or trunk by completing the drawing, achieving expressiveness;
  • develop creative abilities, aesthetic taste;
  • develop independence when performing work.

Materials and equipment: braids of thread for the trunk, sheets of blue A-4 cardboard, yellow thread, black felt-tip pen, glue, scissors.

Vocabulary work: white-trunked, birch grove, birch forest.

Preliminary work: Fix the structural features of birch. Memorizing poems by Russian poets about birch. Admiring the autumn birch tree on a walk. A conversation about threads, what can be made from them, braiding for applique.

GCD move

Minute of entering the day: Get into the circle quickly,

Hold hands tightly:

Give me a smiley emoticon,

Let a smile like a crane

Will fly into the hearts of friends...

Or a flock of cranes!

Be kind, don't be stingy,

Smile generously at people.

From a smile, everyone knows

A gloomy day will turn into a beautiful one!

Surprise moment.

Q: Children received a letter to our group today.

Q: Look how unusually the envelope is decorated. What is it decorated with?

D: Leaves.

Q: Did any of you guess who this letter was from?

Q: Shall we read it? (Where? - in the village "Kolobok"; To whom? - Children of the senior group "Solnyshko"; From whom? - from autumn)

Q: Children, autumn sent us this letter! Do you want to know what is written in this letter!?

“Dear guys! A disaster happened in the autumn forest; birch trees fell. Help bring them back. Autumn."

Q: Children, let’s help autumn?! (Amazing)

Listen to L. Trutneva’s poem about the birch tree.

(reading, posting pictures)

Music is playing

The white birch has let down its braids

The white birch dropped its branches

Yellow leaves decorate the braid

And they quietly, quietly fall to the ground

Q: Children, tell me what color the birch leaves are in autumn?

D: Yellow, gold...

Q: What can you say about the birch tree’s outfit, what is it like?

D: Gold.

Q: What can you say about its trunk? What kind of birch?

D: White-trunked.

Q: Birch is the main tree of Russia, a symbol of our country. You can immediately recognize this tree as a Russian forest.

Q: And now we will help autumn and create beautiful pictures with Russian beauties golden birches.

Q: What can birch be made from?

D: Plasticine, paper.

Q: You and I can surprise autumn by making birch trees in a somewhat unusual way from threads. Just yesterday we looked at these trees and made blanks for the trunk and branches. Here they are (show).

Q: All I have to do is remove the tape and stick on this pigtail, with which we immediately made a trunk with branches. First I apply the barrel and press it well with my finger. Now pay attention to how I will lay out the branches. The birch branches are downward, so pieces of tape are glued along the drawn branches. I first remove the tape from one drawn twig and put a thread there, then the second and all the other twigs in the same way.

Q: Guys, where I removed the tape there is still a sticky place, here you can glue leaves, we will also make them from threads.

Q: You and I have these yellow threads. Birch leaves are small, so you need to cut the threads very finely, cutting all the threads back a little at a time. To do this job faster, you can fold 2-3 threads at once and cut them.

Q: I take the finished chopped threads a little at a time, apply them and press them onto the branches where there is tape.

Q: But the wind blew, I’ll take some glue and put a few drops around the tree to the ground. And I’ll also sprinkle some thread on these droplets of glue. The leaves fell and lay like a yellow carpet under the tree. I'll take off the tape under the tree and put some thread there too.

Q: Guys, look what is missing for the expressiveness of our birch tree? Why do you think you need a black felt-tip pen on your desk?

D: Draw dashes on the trunk.

Q: In order for our hands to work well, we will stretch them a little.

Musical finger gymnastics

Birch leaves were flying and spinning

How yellow bees hovered in the air

Then they rustled, rustled a little

And they lay quietly underfoot

Q: Now you will make your own birch tree for Autumn. Let's remember how to handle scissors.

Q: Scissors are not a toy. Scissors are a tool.

scissors must not be left open;

do not approach a friend while working;

you need to work with scissors while sitting at a table;

place the scissors with the rings facing you;

monitor the movement of the blades while cutting;

Q: Let's repeat the sequence of work.

(Children's answers)

Q: Now let’s start doing the work.

Q: Well done, children, everyone coped with the task, we got a whole birch forest. Do you know the name of a forest where there are only birch trees?

D: Birch forest or birch grove.

Q: Did you children like working in class today?

Q: Whose work did you like the most?

Q: Let's ask the guests if they liked our work.

Q: Children, thank you for your work, I really liked how you helped autumn today.

D: Thanks for the lesson.

Q: Now let's say goodbye to our guests.

What can you do with birch leaves? First, the birch tree itself! This idea was born due to the fact that several of our maple leaves dried incorrectly: we simply forgot about them after a walk. But I didn’t want to just throw it away. And so, on our next walk, we collected several small birch leaves (you can use already dried ones), and when we came home, we began to create.

Before any creative work, I look for suitable pictures and show them to Nastya, paying attention to certain points. For example, before this work I showed photos of birch trees, looked at them through the window and on the street while walking, and noticed that the trunk was white with black stripes.

So, to begin with, I drew the outline of the tree with a felt-tip pen. It’s better if you can print it on a printer or draw it with a pen, because... The felt-tip pen spreads even when slightly wet.

My daughter began to pinch off pieces of black plasticine, glue them to the trunk and lightly smear them. At first I showed her how to do it, holding her finger, then she began to do it herself.

We crumbled the “incorrectly dried” maple leaves.

We smear the “ground” with PVA glue and sprinkle with our crushed leaves.

Then we coat the birch leaves with PVA glue using a brush and glue them onto the branches in different orders. My daughter and I got this autumn birch tree (2 years old).

This work of ours participated in the “Autumn Mosaic” craft competition (from 1 year to 5 years) on the website Academy of Crafts. We were awarded this diploma