How to celebrate a porcelain anniversary (20 wedding years)? Where can you celebrate a girl's 20th birthday?

There is no need to cry and say goodbye to your twenties. Celebrating turning thirty isn't all that bad - especially if you decide to throw a great party with balloon releases and cake. Since we are ready to offer you some ideas with excellent cool photos stand with ideas - everyone will say “There’s no point in regretting your twenties!” You deserve it worthy celebrate your 30th birthday . The best way to start the new decade is with a party - we have no doubt that at 30 your best years still to come.

1. BAR PARTY– this is a great reason to have a great time and enjoy champagne. What could be better than a holiday with neon and glitter?

2. BRILLIANT PHOTOS : There are so many good things going on at this party, from the number 30 made out of tinsel to the cupcakes with signs on them. All this is worth capturing as a memory. If there are a lot of such photographs, you can use old photographs as decoration.

3. "ADULT" CAKE on the occasion of the 30th anniversary: ​​The fact that you met your friends when you were 21 years old also cannot but be mentioned on this day. But you can still (as before) order a cake, full glasses of beer and other delicious dishes.

4. NUMBER 30 FROM MATCHES Candles are placed at 29. Now that you are already 30, you can use new styleput the number 30 out of matches and set them on fire.

5. BALL CHANDELIER with your photographs. Favorite photos of you and your friends attached to helium balloons will fly right above the heads of your guests. They will be able to take photos on the fly and remember good life moments with you.

6. THIRTY ANNIVERSARY IN CHANEL STYLE No. 30 If you love fashion very much, you should celebrate your 30th birthday in Chanel style. The combination of black and white will never go out of style. This is a great way to celebrate your anniversary.

7. CANDIES ON STICKS : There's nothing better than celebrating a birthday with a little reminder of old good times. In our case – the 80s! The lollipops will remind you of your favorite moments in the 80s - what you were like as a child!

8. FUNNY BAG for the 30th anniversary: ​​30 years old, of course, is a respectable age, and it’s worth hiding. This fun bag will help you with that.

9. KISS STICKERS ON CANDY : kiss goodbye to 20 years, wishes for entering the third decade and other special tags-icons pasted on candies.

10. 30 WISHES: There is no better idea than this. Each guest writes birthday wishes for a guy or girl, and binds to every wish balloon . No one will ever forget such wishes, like blowing out candles.

11. CASSETTE THEME: You are old enough to have crossed the 30-year mark. You're old enough to remember the days before iTunes and CDs. Why not use cassette tapes for your party? And yes, mix tapes will definitely cause a stir.

12. 30TH ANNIVERSARY IN GATSBY STYLE : Without a doubt, there were a lot of cool moments when we were 20+, but it's time to remember those days. Costume: flowing dresses, feathers and coffee pearls.

13. SET OF PROPERTIES "OBSENCY THIRTY" : This is not true, but this humorous prop may well amuse you. If your guests disappear, just look at the flashing camera.

14. DYLAN'S CANDY BAR "Time Capsule": to sweeten the party, and your guests remember the past. These capsules represent all the sweets and will make everyone remember the candy stores of our childhood.

15. 30 YEARS INscription ON EVERYTHING : Yes, it's true. You just turned 30 and have achieved a lot. “Reminders” will be on all food.

16. BOWTS: These huge bows look very bright and fun. Add these photos to your photo collection and they will always remind you of the 80s (as well as Cyndi Lauper).

17. BRIGHT and FUN + lyrical memory song, it will remind you of the past. The best way to start the party is with one of your favorite childhood songs. Complete the look with fun DIY hubcaps.

18. SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS : You can tag any meal, sandwich, or even cake with these cute tags on a stick.

19. Chocolate two-tier cake: Thirty doesn't mean you have to grow up. It's better to celebrate with your favorite cake from childhood. And of course, don’t forget to fill it with milk for soaking!

20. GOLD AND PINK + Wishes at the stand: This year you should forget about standard cards. gold ribbon, pink flowers and wrapping paper, as well as gel pens (remember those?) - and your guests will leave you their birthday wishes.

It doesn't matter how old you are, 16 or 60, almost everyone loves birthdays.

Don't know how to celebrate this day with maximum pleasure? It is for you that today’s article contains 20 traditional and original ways how to celebrate a birthday.

1. Rent a villa for your birthday

I’ll start with a personal dream that I plan to bring to life next year. Celebrate your birthday in a secluded villa near the sea, with your family and best friends- a wonderful way, although quite expensive.

A couple of years ago, an acquaintance of mine celebrated his 40th birthday in a rented villa in Sant Feliu de Guixols, on Spain’s picturesque Costa Brava. It was at the height of the tourist season, the expenses were substantial, but he brought a lot of impressions after the weekend.

If you are ready to spend several thousand euros for a couple of days of a beautiful holiday, then this idea is for you. Be sure that you and your guests will remember this birthday for a long time.

2. Organize a themed party

The option is simpler, cheaper and without long trips. For a birthday party to be memorable and unique, it must have a specific theme and style.

There are many themes for birthday celebrations: superheroes, medieval, fantasy, Star Wars, James Bond theme, etc. It all depends on the age, hobbies and imagination of the birthday boy.

3. Birthday in nature

Have you dreamed of celebrating this holiday surrounded by picturesque forests, on the shore of a lake or in the mountains? This is a unique experience that is definitely worth trying. Rent a house far from civilization or even buy tents, pack your backpacks and go camping with friends to celebrate your birthday around the fire.

4. Put on a magic show

Most have never been to a real magic show. An amazing way to celebrate a birthday, especially a child's. To arrange everything top level, you will need the services of a professional celebration organizer and talented illusionists.

5. Just don't do anything.

A way for those who want to celebrate their birthday alone, taking a break from everyone and everything.

No, I love holidays, it’s just that situations in life are different. Take a day off, turn off the connection, sit at home with your favorite hobby or just in front of the TV, or better yet, go out of town. Relax as much as you like – today it’s your right!

6. Favorite place

Name your favorite city, country, resort, where you have always dreamed of going. Or just a good cafe or club where you like to spend time. For example, I have a favorite lake not far from home. To avoid wasting time on planning, grab everything you need and head to this place.

7. The long-awaited meeting

If you have been in business and for recent years haven’t seen your dear people, get together for your birthday. A wonderful occasion to meet those who played an important role in your life.

8. Private party

The best way to celebrate any event is to organize a private party where only your people will be. Dance until you drop, have as much fun as you can - here no one will watch from the sidelines or comment. Only familiar faces around. This is really cool.

9. Party on an open bus

A unique way to celebrate a birthday that few have thought of. We are used to celebrating at home, in a restaurant, in a hotel. Admit it, you haven't thought about a party on a bus without a roof.

What are you waiting for? Rent a suitable vehicle with a driver, load up on food and drinks, gather your guests and set off on your holiday tour. The main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.

10. Help those in need

In developed countries, it is customary to help orphanages and charitable organizations during the holidays. This is not just good manners, but our humanity. By helping a disadvantaged child, you will be many times happier than simply spending a few thousand on a banquet in a restaurant.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not just teenagers who love a good video game. Take a look at the respectable guys who drive paid virtual tanks, and you will understand this.

Why not have a real gaming festival with games of different genres, including action games (rent a couple of Wii consoles). Organize a fun championship with prizes and pamper the child inside you! By the way, this could just be one part of a birthday party.

12. Go to a concert

Let's move on to sublime ways to celebrate a birthday. If your family and friends are into classical or contemporary music, grab a pack of prime row tickets and spend the evening with your favorite performers. A simple and unpretentious way to celebrate any event.

13. Frugal family dinner

Don't want to celebrate loudly and pompously? A traditional family dinner in a small circle will suit your mood. In fact, millions of people celebrate their birthday this way.

This is not just an opportunity to communicate with family, but also a good time to try out an interesting recipe (it is advisable not to make the latter the basis of the holiday menu - you never know how it will turn out).

Skydiving is a truly memorable way to celebrate. Skydiving has long been a popular entertainment for birthday people and guests. And don't forget video shooting! Imagine how you will then watch extreme videos with friends.

We would like to warn you right away that skydiving is categorically not recommended for people with hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, osteoporosis, knee and knee diseases. hip joints and those who have problems with coordination. “Earthly” methods will suit you better.

15. Children's holiday

The option is not for everyone. Remember how birthdays were celebrated in the most carefree years. There was so much enthusiastic expectation and anticipation in these plans, treasured packages, balloons and ribbons... My idea is simple: invite old friends and remember your childhood.

16. Shopping

For busy people, going to the mall can truly be a holiday. Set aside time and money for yourself by spending in full. Then smoothly move on to family dinner.

Sometimes we are so busy that we neglect even our deepest desires. But every person has them. For example, I love good wrist watch, but I still can’t find the time and extra money to buy my favorite brand. Is this a familiar situation?

One of the ways to celebrate a birthday is to fulfill a small personal whim that you haven’t gotten around to. It could be anything. Relatives, if they carefully follow your words, will probably guess your deepest desire and will gladly support you.

18. Celebrate with your parents

I know, I know. Some will find this boring, others live thousands of kilometers from their parents’ home, and still others do not maintain good relations with their parents at all. Nevertheless, these people came out and raised you, so smart and independent, and therefore try to give them a little warmth and attention at least on this day.

19. Gaming club

If you like billiards, slot machines and similar entertainment, you can turn your home into a real gaming club for the day. A birthday party in such surroundings will definitely not be boring.

Of course, you will need to rent and professionally install gaming equipment.

20. Unplanned holiday

Something special, not everyone will dare to try. We constantly draw harmonious plans, prepare, rent and buy decor, but in the end the holiday is too predictable and uninteresting.

My plan is no plan at all. Yes, I'm serious. Call your friends and invite them to jam day. When they get together, it turns out that no holiday was prepared here.

Then the whole company will flex your imagination and come up with a birthday party on the fly, taking into account everyone’s wishes. Don't worry, you won't be left without a holiday. In any metropolis there are dozens, or even hundreds of places where you can have a decent rest!

Such an impromptu will be more fun than a well-thought-out and polished script.

We hope we've given you a couple of interesting ways to celebrate your birthday.

If you want to organize a family or business event, but don’t have the time or suitable ideas, you can contact.

In it you will find offers from cafes and restaurants, hotels and clubs, showmen and artists of all genres, experienced event organizers, as well as reliable suppliers of equipment and transport.

It doesn't matter how old you are, 16 or 60, almost everyone loves birthdays.

Don't know how to celebrate this day with maximum pleasure? It is for you that today’s article contains 20 traditional and original ways to celebrate a birthday.

1. Rent a villa for your birthday

I’ll start with a personal dream that I plan to bring to life next year. Celebrating a birthday in a secluded villa near the sea, with your family and best friends, is a wonderful way, although quite expensive.

A couple of years ago, an acquaintance of mine celebrated his 40th birthday in a rented villa in Sant Feliu de Guixols, on Spain’s picturesque Costa Brava. It was at the height of the tourist season, the expenses were substantial, but he brought a lot of impressions after the weekend.

If you are ready to spend several thousand euros for a couple of days of a beautiful holiday, then this idea is for you. Be sure that you and your guests will remember this birthday for a long time.

2. Organize a themed party

The option is simpler, cheaper and without long trips. For a birthday party to be memorable and unique, it must have a specific theme and style.

There are many themes for birthday celebrations: superheroes, medieval, fantasy, Star Wars, James Bond theme, etc. It all depends on the age, hobbies and imagination of the birthday boy.

3. Birthday in nature

Have you dreamed of celebrating this holiday surrounded by picturesque forests, on the shore of a lake or in the mountains? This is a unique experience that is definitely worth trying. Rent a house far from civilization or even buy tents, pack your backpacks and go camping with friends to celebrate your birthday around the fire.

4. Put on a magic show

Most have never been to a real magic show. An amazing way to celebrate a birthday, especially a child's. To arrange everything at the highest level, you will need the services of a professional celebration organizer and talented illusionists.

5. Just don't do anything.

A way for those who want to celebrate their birthday alone, taking a break from everyone and everything.

No, I love holidays, it’s just that situations in life are different. Take a day off, turn off the connection, sit at home with your favorite hobby or just in front of the TV, or better yet, go out of town. Relax as much as you like – today it’s your right!

6. Favorite place

Name your favorite city, country, resort, where you have always dreamed of going. Or just a good cafe or club where you like to spend time. For example, I have a favorite lake not far from home. To avoid wasting time on planning, grab everything you need and head to this place.

7. The long-awaited meeting

If you've been busy and haven't seen your loved ones in recent years, get together for your birthday. A wonderful occasion to meet those who played an important role in your life.

8. Private party

The best way to celebrate any event is to organize a private party where only your people will be. Dance until you drop, have as much fun as you can - here no one will watch from the sidelines or comment. Only familiar faces around. This is really cool.

9. Party on an open bus

A unique way to celebrate a birthday that few have thought of. We are used to celebrating at home, in a restaurant, in a hotel. Admit it, you haven't thought about a party on a bus without a roof.

What are you waiting for? Rent a suitable vehicle with a driver, load up on food and drinks, gather your guests and set off on your holiday tour. The main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.

10. Help those in need

In developed countries, it is customary to help orphanages and charitable organizations during the holidays. This is not just good manners, but our humanity. By helping a disadvantaged child, you will be many times happier than simply spending a few thousand on a banquet in a restaurant.

11. A gamer's dream

Contrary to popular belief, it's not just teenagers who love a good video game. Take a look at the respectable guys who drive paid virtual tanks, and you will understand this.

Why not have a real gaming festival with games of different genres, including action games (rent a couple of Wii consoles). Organize a fun championship with prizes and pamper the child inside you! By the way, this could just be one part of a birthday party.

12. Go to a concert

Let's move on to sublime ways to celebrate a birthday. If your family and friends are into classical or contemporary music, grab a pack of prime row tickets and spend the evening with your favorite performers. A simple and unpretentious way to celebrate any event.

13. Frugal family dinner

Don't want to celebrate loudly and pompously? A traditional family dinner in a small circle will suit your mood. In fact, millions of people celebrate their birthday this way.

This is not just an opportunity to communicate with family, but also a good time to try out an interesting recipe (it is advisable not to make the latter the basis of the holiday menu - you never know how it will turn out).

14. Skydiving

Skydiving is a truly memorable way to celebrate. Skydiving has long been a popular entertainment for birthday people and guests. And don't forget video shooting! Imagine how you will then watch extreme videos with friends.

We would like to warn you right away that skydiving is categorically not recommended for people with hernias and protrusions of intervertebral discs, osteoporosis, diseases of the knee and hip joints, as well as those who have problems with coordination. “Earthly” methods will suit you better.

15. Children's holiday

The option is not for everyone. Remember how birthdays were celebrated in the most carefree years. There was so much enthusiastic expectation and anticipation in these plans, treasured packages, balloons and ribbons... My idea is simple: invite old friends and remember your childhood.

16. Shopping

For busy people, going to the mall can truly be a holiday. Set aside time and money for yourself by spending in full. Then smoothly move on to family dinner.

17. Wish fulfillment

Sometimes we are so busy that we neglect even our deepest desires. But every person has them. For example, I love a good wristwatch, but I still can’t find the time and extra money to buy my favorite brand. Is this a familiar situation?

One of the ways to celebrate a birthday is to fulfill a small personal whim that you haven’t gotten around to. It could be anything. Relatives, if they carefully follow your words, will probably guess your deepest desire and will gladly support you.

18. Celebrate with your parents

I know, I know. Some will find this boring, others live thousands of kilometers from their parents’ home, and still others do not maintain good relations with their parents at all. Nevertheless, these people came out and raised you, so smart and independent, and therefore try to give them a little warmth and attention at least on this day.

19. Gaming club

If you like billiards, slot machines and similar entertainment, you can turn your home into a real gaming club for the day. A birthday party in such surroundings will definitely not be boring.

Of course, you will need to rent and professionally install gaming equipment.

20. Unplanned holiday

Something special, not everyone will dare to try. We constantly draw harmonious plans, prepare, rent and buy decor, but in the end the holiday is too predictable and uninteresting.

My plan is no plan at all. Yes, I'm serious. Call your friends and invite them to jam day. When they get together, it turns out that no holiday was prepared here.

Then the whole company will flex your imagination and come up with a birthday party on the fly, taking into account everyone’s wishes. Don't worry, you won't be left without a holiday. In any metropolis there are dozens, or even hundreds of places where you can have a decent rest! Such an impromptu will be more fun than a well-thought-out and polished script.

We hope we've given you a couple of interesting ways to celebrate your birthday.

If you want to organize a family or business event, but don’t have the time or suitable ideas, you can contact our catalog.


The 20th anniversary is an important date. Very often, young people want to celebrate this day especially so that the holiday turns out to be spectacular and memorable not only for the birthday person, but also for his friends and relatives.

You will need

  • Photographer, presenter, bicycle, tickets to the amusement park, balloons, fireworks, sky lanterns, party hats, candles, cake.


  • If you decide to celebrate your birthday traditionally, host a dinner with cake and candles for yourself, your friends and family at home or in a restaurant. Last option will make it easier for you to prepare for the event, because then you won’t have to prepare the treat yourself. Be sure to think about it fun competitions. They can be left to a specially invited presenter or invented and carried out independently.
  • You can throw a costume party on your birthday. Come up with a theme in advance and notify your guests to come to your party in appropriate costumes. It could be a retro party, a Hawaiian disco, a nautical party, a rock party, a wild west party, a pajama party, etc. In summer, you can arrange a beach disco or relax with friends in nature.
  • If you want to remember your childhood, organize your 20th birthday in a circus, zoo, amusement park, arcade, etc. Make sure there are characters from your favorite cartoons or clowns at the party. Treat your friends to ice cream, cotton candy and candy.
  • If you love active recreation, organize a trip to a water park, bowling alley or a bike ride for yourself and your friends. Invite guests to an ice skating rink, horseback riding or boat ride, or play paintball. Or arrange a fishing trip together, at the end of which you and your friends will enjoy a dinner prepared from your own catch. You can arrange an adventure game for yourself and your friends. If you love partying, celebrate your holiday in a nightclub.
  • If you like extreme sports, on your birthday, do what you have long dreamed of. For example, go paragliding with an instructor, go down to the seabed, etc. If you have the opportunity, invite your friends to witness your brave act. Or have your fun party on the roof of your house. If you decide to celebrate your 20th birthday in a small circle, a hot air balloon or airplane flight could be unusual and memorable for you.
  • A mandatory attribute of your holiday should be funny caps, balloons, and a cake with twenty lit candles. Wherever you organize your celebration, launch sky lanterns into the sky in the evening or at night. This is a very beautiful sight. Don't forget to invite a professional photographer to your birthday party. Let him take beautiful pictures of your anniversary. With it, you can arrange an unusual photo shoot for yourself and your friends.

You will need

  • Photographer, presenter, bicycle, amusement park tickets, balloons, fireworks, sky lanterns, party hats, candles, cake.


If you decide to celebrate yours in a traditional way, arrange a dinner with cake and candles for yourself, your friends and family at home or in a restaurant. The latter option will make it easier for you to prepare for the event, because then you won’t have to prepare the treat yourself. Be sure to think of fun competitions. They can be left to a specially invited presenter or invented and carried out independently.

You can throw a costume party on your birthday. Come up with a theme in advance and notify your guests to come to your party in appropriate costumes. It could be a retro party, a Hawaiian disco, a nautical party, a rock party, a wild west party, a pajama party, etc. In summer, you can arrange a beach disco or relax with friends in nature.

If you want to remember your childhood, organize your 20th birthday in a circus, zoo, amusement park, arcade, etc. Make sure there are characters from your favorite cartoons or clowns at the party. Treat your friends to ice cream, cotton candy and candy.

If you like active recreation, organize a trip to a water park, bowling alley or a bike ride for yourself and your friends. Invite guests to an ice skating rink, horseback riding or boat ride, or play paintball. Or arrange a fishing trip together, at the end of which you and your friends will enjoy a dinner prepared from your own catch. You can arrange an adventure game for yourself and your friends. If you love partying, celebrate your holiday in a nightclub.

If you like extreme sports, on your birthday, do what you have long dreamed of. For example, go paragliding with an instructor, go down to the seabed, etc. If you have the opportunity, invite your friends to witness your brave act. Or have your fun party on the roof of your house. If you decide to celebrate your 20th birthday in a small circle, a hot air balloon or airplane flight could be unusual and memorable for you.

A mandatory attribute of your holiday should be funny caps, balloons, and a cake with twenty lit candles. Wherever you organize your celebration, launch sky lanterns into the sky in the evening or at night. This is a very beautiful sight. Don't forget to invite a professional photographer to the day. Let him take beautiful pictures of your anniversary. With it, you can arrange an unusual photo shoot for yourself and your friends.