How to prevent the threat of miscarriage: its causes and treatment. Why and when to store it For home treatment

Hospitalization is mandatory women at risk of miscarriage or premature birth; pregnant women of medium and high risk groups during critical periods. In the first case, a girl can end up in the hospital at any time, most often in the first and last trimesters. She is hospitalized if there are complaints or pathological signs during examination or ultrasound.

If the pregnant woman belongs to the high or medium risk group, the timing is regulated by observation protocols:

  • In the first trimester- they are usually put into storage from 10 to 12 weeks, and also at any time if there were complications in previous pregnancies - abortions, detachments, frozen births.
  • In the second trimester it is 16-18 weeks. Any deviations can further provoke placental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation and other complications. Hospitalization at this time is especially necessary for women who have episodes of late miscarriages or isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • In the third trimester it is 32-35 weeks. This is a critical period for the onset of labor. After it, the likelihood of having a healthy baby is much higher.

Complaints for hospitalization: pain in the lower abdomen; bloody discharge from the genital tract of varying intensity; signs of chorionic detachment by ultrasound; leakage amniotic fluid(after 22 weeks); false contractions (up to 37 weeks).

Planned hospitalization carried out under the following factors: habitual miscarriage; isthmic-cervical insufficiency; gestosis and other complications in previous pregnancy; chronic diseases; multiple pregnancy; after IVF; in case of Rh conflict in previous gestations.

Put in storage or to the gynecological department (up to 22 weeks), or to the pathology of pregnancy in the maternity hospital. Depends on the duration, as well as availability.

After 22 weeks A pregnant woman is often kept in the pathology department of a maternity hospital. Advantages: it is possible to listen to the fetal heartbeat; the atmosphere of pregnancy - all with common problems and experiences, while in gynecology there are also women after miscarriages, abortions, non-developmental women and often in the same ward; Medical personnel have more experience in dealing with pregnant women than in gynecology.

General mode, semi-bed and bed rest is possible. In the first case, it is allowed to visit the street and go out to meet relatives. Semi-bed - you need to lie down most of the time, you are allowed to get up to go to the toilet, dining room, or shower. With strict bed rest, a pregnant woman must lie down all the time without getting up. This regimen is usually only prescribed for a few days in the most serious cases, such as bleeding.

There is an option for pregnant women to stay in a day hospital. It may be at a hospital or clinic. In this case, women are free after lunch.

Length of hospital stay on average, with planned hospitalization and no complaints, 7-10 days. The same intervals are observed for observation in a day hospital.

Read more in our article about when to put it into storage, its necessity and timing.

Many women know that during pregnancy they have to stay in the hospital several times, even if nothing bothers them. This is usually called "for preservation". Women are required to be hospitalized:

  • with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • pregnant women of medium and high risk groups during critical periods.

In the first case, the girl can end up in the hospital at any time, most often in the first and last trimesters. She is hospitalized if there are complaints or pathological signs during examination or ultrasound.

If necessary, pregnant women early stages, especially after 14-16 weeks, can also be hospitalized in the pathology department.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

There is also such an option for pregnant women as a day hospital. It may be at a hospital or clinic. The main difference is that women are free in the afternoon and return home for the night. Are held before lunch necessary procedures, samples are taken.

How long will you have to stay in the department?

The length of hospital stay depends on the clinical situation. On average, with planned hospitalization and the absence of complaints, a pregnant woman is kept in storage for 7-10 days. The same intervals are observed for observation in a day hospital.

If there are complaints or serious complications (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, bleeding, etc.), the time period can be extended to several months.

To maintain pregnancy, a woman is admitted to the gynecology or pathology department at different stages. Sometimes without complaints, if previous pregnancy occurred with complications or expectant mother have serious chronic diseases. There are no unjustified hospitalizations, since this stay in the hospital and the provision of medications is costly for the state and the woman if she is observed on a paid basis.

Useful video

To learn how to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, watch this video:

In medicine, a miscarriage is a spontaneous (not artificial) termination of pregnancy by the body itself, which for some reason can no longer bear a fetus. Very tragic ending, because of which families collapse, young parents become depressed and become very worried. Very rarely does this happen unexpectedly. Most often, it is possible to make a timely diagnosis, which sounds like a threat of miscarriage, and begin treatment as quickly as possible, which saves mother and baby.

Everyone wants to avoid this condition, which is why it is so important to know as much information as possible about it in order to prevent, recognize, and treat it in time.

There are a variety of reasons for the threat of miscarriage: they are usually dictated by the characteristics of the fetus, the state of the mother’s health, or some external factors. While carrying a baby, a woman faces many dangers, each of which at a certain moment can provoke termination of pregnancy. The most common are:

  • lack of progesterone necessary to continue pregnancy;
  • excess androgens (these are male hormones that actively suppress female ones);
  • rejection of the fetus by the mother's body due to incompatibility with a man at the genetic level;
  • mismatch of Rh factors: negative - in the mother, positive - in the father;
  • abnormal blood clotting (increased);
  • pathological structure of the uterus: defects in its development, non-standard shape (saddle-shaped, bicornuate) prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg;
  • infectious diseases: rubella, chlamydia, syphilis, pyelonephritis, pneumonia and even;
  • gynecological diseases: uterine fibroids, endometritis, inflammation, sutures in the uterus;
  • previous abortions and miscarriages with curettage, as it damages the endometrium;
  • endocrine diseases: thyroid problems;
  • taking some medicines contraindicated for bearing a child;
  • herbal medicine: for example, the active use of parsley, nettle, St. John's wort, tansy in any form - and the threat of miscarriage in the early stages is guaranteed;
  • common cause of threatened miscarriage later- pathology of the cervix or placenta;
  • emotional state of a pregnant woman: constant stress, nervousness, resentment, anxiety, discontent;
  • work until the deadline;
  • questionable lifestyle: drugs, strong coffee and others harmful products, smoking, alcohol;
  • falls, jumping, blows to the stomach, big physical activity;
  • aging of the egg: according to statistics, in women over 35 years of age, the threat of miscarriage is diagnosed 2 times more often.

There may be only one reason, or a combination of them may work. In this matter, everything happens very individually. It is very important to identify a dangerous factor in time and exclude it from the life of the expectant mother, if possible. In order not to be late with treatment, you need to know the main signs of a threatened miscarriage, which will become an alarm signal notifying you of an urgent visit to the gynecologist.

Stubborn statistics. According to data, 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.


Complexity clinical picture This diagnosis is that the symptoms of threatened miscarriage are very few - this is the first thing. And secondly, they may indicate completely different processes and pathologies of pregnancy. But in any case, at the first sign you need to immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance. May be of concern:

  • vaginal discharge when there is a threat of miscarriage, which can be different: spotting, copious, long-lasting, transient, bright in color and vice versa - pale; they can stop and then resume again;
  • pain, pulling sensations, feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;
  • the temperature when there is a threat of miscarriage can rise to 38-39°C, but this symptom is not necessary for this pathology.

These are characteristic features threats of miscarriage in the early stages: the triad of bleeding - pain - temperature should always worry young parents during pregnancy, both in combination and separately from each other. This is a serious reason to go to the hospital.

Pay attention! In later stages, there may be a threat of miscarriage even in the absence of bloody discharge, but it will be accompanied by liquid, watery discharge light color. This evidence is due to a violation of the integrity of the amniotic membranes.


The most exciting question for all young mothers is: until what time is there a threat of miscarriage in gynecology? The answer is quite accurate: up to 22 weeks. Modern medicine is capable of delivering a premature baby after this period if it weighs more than 675 grams. So at 22 weeks it will already be called premature birth.

Depending on the period of pregnancy, there are several types of this diagnosis:

  1. The threat of miscarriage at the 12th week of pregnancy and before this period is called early.
  2. From 12 to 22 weeks - late.

Miscarriages often occur in the first 2 weeks after conception, when a woman is unaware of her pregnancy and perceives bleeding as unscheduled menstruation. This is fraught with serious complications if the remains of the fetus do not come out completely and begin to decompose in the uterus.

So the first trimester of pregnancy is very dangerous in this regard. The main thing is to wait until 22 weeks, when the threat of miscarriage passes and you can give birth to a baby, who can be saved by the innovative technologies of modern medicine. In particular, it successfully solves all issues of accurate diagnosis of pathology.

From a psychological point of view. It is believed that the early threat of miscarriage is not perceived as painfully by young parents as the late one, when they have already gotten used to the baby and have already begun preparing for his birth.


Now let's find out how to determine the threat of early miscarriage using modern diagnostic methods in the hospital. This occurs either after a woman contacts a doctor with complaints about symptoms characteristic of this diagnosis, or after a routine examination by a gynecologist.

  1. A gynecological examination allows you to determine the condition of the cervix.
  2. An ultrasound is also performed if there is a threat of miscarriage, which shows what is happening to the fetus, placenta, as well as features of the uterine structure.
  3. A blood test is taken to determine the level of progesterone, and sometimes thyroid hormones.
  4. Analysis for viruses (rubella, toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus).
  5. Test for the presence of antibodies for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
  6. Urine analysis for the presence of ketosteroids (so-called KS-17).
  7. Blood test and smear to detect bacterial sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis).
  8. Coagulogram - determination of the state of blood clotting. It is prescribed if previous pregnancies also ended in the same tragic way (miscarriage).

All these diagnostic measures are aimed at determining the real reason threat of miscarriage, according to which treatment is selected.

Medical educational program. If there is a threat of miscarriage, an analysis is performed to detect 17-ketosteroids (they can be designated as 17-KS) - a product of male hormone metabolism that is excreted in the urine.


Sedatives and antispasmodics for threatened miscarriage

Treatment for threatened miscarriage depends on the cause this state and the seriousness of the pregnant woman’s situation. The woman is left in the hospital or sent to be treated at home. The question of how long they stay in the hospital with a threat of miscarriage is decided in each case by the doctor individually - until the fetus is fully consolidated. This could be 5 days, or it could be the entire first trimester.


Usually drug treatment in the early stages, if there is a threat of miscarriage, it comes down to prescribing the following drugs and procedures.

  1. Complete peace.
  2. Most often - bed rest.
  3. Calming medications help normalize a woman’s emotional state when there is a threat of miscarriage, since she should not be nervous or worried at these moments. Usually these are tinctures of motherwort and valerian.
  4. Psychotherapy sessions are prescribed for the same purpose.
  5. Medicines for uterine bleeding: Dicynon (hemostatic injections), Etamzilat, Tranexam (tablets).
  6. For hyperandrogenism, corticosteroids are prescribed: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Metipred.
  7. Usually, when there is a threat of miscarriage, antispasmodics are prescribed to reduce the tone of the uterus: No-shpa, Drotaverine, Magnesia (magnesium sulfate), Papaverine (suppositories).
  8. Treatment of identified infections.
  9. Vitamins to strengthen the body: (vitamin E), ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  10. Hormonal drugs Duphaston for the threat of miscarriage or Utrozhestan, containing a synthetic analogue of progesterone. They are prescribed in the first trimester.
  11. In case of cervical insufficiency, conservative or surgical therapy is prescribed. A mechanical narrowing of the internal pharynx at the cervix (which is defective) or suturing of its external pharynx is performed.

Sometimes the main therapy, with the permission of the doctor, can be supported by folk remedies. But only if the bleeding situation is not so serious and does not require hospitalization.

Traditional medicine

If there is a threat of miscarriage folk remedies should be used with caution and only after consultation. With this diagnosis, the following recipes are recommended.

  • Dandelion

Pour 5 grams of fresh dandelion leaves or root into a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

  • Viburnum bark

Pour crushed viburnum bark (1 tsp) into a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink 15 ml three times a day.

  • Viburnum flowers

Pour 30 grams of viburnum flowers into 1.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse (preferably in a thermos) for at least 2 hours. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

  • St. John's wort + calendula

Mix fresh St. John's wort and calendula flowers in equal quantities (1 teaspoon each), pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour (preferably in a thermos). Drink 2 glasses a day, adding honey.

These are the drugs prescribed for the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. In the later stages of this diagnosis, it is suggested to place a ring on the cervix, preventing its premature opening. This is a fairly simple operation with virtually no contraindications or undesirable consequences.

You need to know this! Many herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are tempted to use herbs to treat the threat of miscarriage, study as much information as possible about this plant. Especially the list of contraindications.

When a pregnancy is suspected of being terminated, women begin to panic, not knowing what to do if there is a threat of miscarriage and how to behave in order to save the child. Some useful tips They will help you come to your senses and not make things worse.

First aid

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Move as little as possible.
  3. Don't panic.
  4. Before the doctor arrives, lie down and try to relax.
  5. If there is a threat of miscarriage, sex is contraindicated, as are anal sex, oral sex, orgasm, and self-satisfaction. This leads to contractions of the uterus, causing miscarriage.
  6. You cannot perform any physical activity, jumping, lifting weights.
  7. Do not drink alcohol or smoke.
  8. Try not to be nervous.
  9. Do not use the sauna.
  10. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to take a bath if there is a threat of miscarriage: of course, following the rules of personal hygiene is mandatory, but beware of hot temperatures. The water should be warm, and the duration of water procedures should not exceed 10 minutes.
  11. Do not make sudden movements.
  12. Coffee and chocolate are contraindicated.
  13. Do not self-medicate.

On home treatment

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to save the life of an unborn baby, who already in the womb has had to face serious difficulties along the way. Sometimes they ask whether the threat of miscarriage can go away on its own: yes, this happens quite often if you follow the above recommendations.

Information for men. If your wife has been diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage, you must do everything to prevent a tragic ending. This is within your power in most cases: protect your baby’s mother from experiences of any kind and physical exertion.


If a threat of miscarriage was diagnosed early in pregnancy, this will not affect subsequent pregnancies in the future. According to doctors, there is only a 1% chance of the situation repeating itself. Although this risk increases with each premature interruption.

It is much more dangerous if there is a threat of miscarriage at 20 weeks: you can lose a child whose birth is not yet possible due to the short term. The consequences may be:

  • infection of the uterus;
  • abscess in the pelvic cavity;
  • septic shock;
  • death (extremely rare).
  • depression, feeling of constant guilt due to the loss of a child.

These are the complications the threat can end in spontaneous miscarriage for a woman. Each of them entails a long course of treatment. Therefore, it is so important to take preventive measures in time, which you need to think about even when planning a pregnancy.


It is much easier to take preventive measures for this diagnosis before pregnancy. If the child is desired and planned in advance, it would be useful for parents to learn how to prevent the threat of miscarriage, first - before the moment of conception, and then - during pregnancy.

  1. Before conception, both parents must undergo a comprehensive medical examination and tests for genetic compatibility.
  2. Treat any infections as soon as they appear.
  3. Avoid contact with infected people. Visit places with large crowds of people less often.
  4. Do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, do not use drugs.
  5. Eat right.
  6. Don't be nervous. If you cannot avoid stressful situations, ask your doctor to prescribe sedatives that are not contraindicated during pregnancy (this could be valerian or motherwort).
  7. Avoid excessive physical activity.
  8. Avoid falls and blows to the stomach.

These preventive tips will tell young parents how to prevent the threat of miscarriage in the early stages even before conception, at the stage of pregnancy planning. They should not be neglected, since the life and health of the mother and child depend on them.

Who was at risk of miscarriage... How were you treated when you were in conservancy, was it possible to avoid a miscarriage??? and got the best answer

Answer from Yovetik Semitsvetik[guru]
Probably almost everyone had it... the first one was in bed for 2 weeks and there was bleeding. with the second it’s the same. only on a different date

Reply from Anna Ionova[newbie]
oh, of course. miscarriage will be avoided. In most cases, the threat of miscarriage passes without a hospital. Because now, doctors are insured more. I'm out there. Now I have 3 friends in the process of giving birth, all of them were at risk of miscarriage. Something worked out for everyone. Moreover, at different periods, at 12 weeks, at 25 and at 32, there was a threat of premature birth. As a result, the one who is at risk of premature birth is now 40 weeks and will not give birth. But she didn’t go to the hospital. Due to the tone of the uterus, I was diagnosed at 18 weeks with a threat of miscarriage. Magnelis was prescribed. papaverine in the ass... I didn't do anything. Because that's how I found out. that everyone is now being given this tone. Ultrasounds are now super sensitive and the tone shows, even if I was just nervous before the ultrasound. And in general, this is a normal phenomenon. Every pregnant woman has tone at least once in her entire life. Just sometimes. when it happens, she doesn’t get an ultrasound, so they don’t see it)))

Reply from Yoisha[guru]
the threat varies and treatment will depend on the cause
tone is “treated” with bed rest
If detachment occurs, hormones may be prescribed

Reply from Girl[guru]
“my period” began, but strange, thick and dark-colored discharge ((I thought it was some kind of inflammation, I went to the doctor, it turned out that I was pregnant for 5 weeks already)) but with the threat of miscarriage. I took Vikasol for about 4-5 days and did nothing else. Everything became fine later))

Reply from tata[guru]
managed to delay the birth for a month. . upon discharge, in case of contractions that started, they advised a couple of glasses of dry wine and rest. .
This is what saved me during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies..

Reply from Mythbuster[guru]
I was lying with a miscarriage that had begun (this is the next stage after the threat) at approximately 6-7 weeks. Symptoms: bloody discharge, lower back pain, marginal detachment on ultrasound.
The plus in the hospital was that no one got on my nerves (there was a quarantine and no one was allowed into the department), because the treatment that I had there I could have done at home (drink pills and give injections in the butt myself). ), but since no one at home would let me lie in peace, I gave myself up to the hospital.
The pregnancy continued, although the doctors could not believe it for a long time. After that incident there were no problems with pregnancy at all. She passed normally throughout her term and gave birth. The child is now one year and 4 months old.

Reply from Pretty woman[guru]
There was a threat at 14 weeks. They injected papaverine for 10 days, was in the day hospital (came, injected, left), now 33 weeks

Reply from Irina Efremova-Ponomareva[newbie]
During both pregnancies, I had threats in the short term, possibly from hard work. In both cases, the injection of magnesium was very painful. but it all ended well!

Reply from Almost Saint[guru]
I started miscarrying at 8 weeks. bleeding every day. . They diagnosed placenta previa and fetal abruption. . I was hospitalized for up to 20 weeks. Saved. . Many thanks to the doctors!! ! Now my tomboy is 9 years old))

Reply from Anna Romanova[guru]
In the evening I returned with my daughter from a walk and discovered that all the underwear was covered in blood. I was very scared. I called the doctor. I arrived at the hospital. They scared me. They said that I needed to do an ultrasound to check if the embryo was alive, if not, then they would do a cleaning. I waited for 20 minutes for the ultrasound specialist. It was midnight. They did an ultrasound and said that the heart beating Spent three days in the hospital Injections bed rest and three months on morning medicine Now my son is 6 months old)