World tree presentation on the IHC. Mythology of the Peoples of the World

Lesson notes on MHC in 7th grade.

« World Tree as a reflection of the unity of the world."

Lesson developed by teacher

Russian language, literature and MHC

GBOU SKOSHI No. 31 Moscow

Dvorkina A.V.

Objectives: to give students the concept of the “World Tree” as a reflection of the unity of the world;

Talk about the diversity of the World Tree by presentation

Peoples of the world:

Development of artistic and creative, individually expressed

The student’s personality abilities, his mastery of methods and methods

Aesthetic and artistic knowledge of the world by means


To cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste; needs

In mastering the values ​​of world culture.

Lesson progress:

  1. Organizational moment.
  1. Introduction to the topic. Conversation “The World Tree as a reflection of the unity of the world.”

Teacher: Guys, today we will get acquainted with the concept of the “World Tree”.

The language of art is universal and therefore understandable to people living in different regions of the world. There are no time barriers for him either. The language of art goes back to deep roots folk life, when a significant role was played by human attempts to explain the reasons for the emergence of life on Earth.

One of the key images of art is the “World Tree”, which embodies the universal concept of many peoples about the space of the Universe. This image was reflected in the works of oral folk art different nations, in architectural monuments and fine arts(in painting, sculpture, works of arts and crafts).

The image of the World Tree brings together the mythological ideas of the peoples of Europe, Ancient America and the East, Africa and Australia. (Slide 2-4.)

The world tree expresses the idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world, and the tree itself, being its “axis,” embodies the core principle of its structure. The basis of the universe is Heaven and Earth, which is why the World Tree is distinguished between the lower part (roots), middle (trunk) and upper (branches). Upper part The tree is associated with the heavenly kingdom, the middle one with the earth, and the lower one with the underworld. The concepts of morning, day and night, past, present and future, and the three natural elements: earth, water, fire are associated with ideas about the structure of the World Tree. The trinity of this image is associated with the existence of all life on earth. The life of ancestors, the current generation and descendants, three parts, is associated with it human body(head, torso, legs). The upper part is associated with the life of birds living in the crown of trees. With the middle (trunk) - ungulates: deer, elk, cows, horses, and with the bottom (roots) - amphibians and reptiles: snakes, frogs, lizards, mice, beavers, fish. (Slide 5-6.)

Symbols close to the World Tree among different peoples are the World Mountain (Meru, Kunlun, Taishan, etc.), the World Pillar (temple, column, cross, ladder, etc.).

Student message: In the Indian epic Mahabharata, Meru is a mountainous country with peaks reaching to the sky, where the main peak is called Mandara. “On the northern side, shining, stands the mighty Meru. The paradise of the great god Indra was located on its top. Great rivers flowing in golden channels flow from these mountains. At the foot of Meru - the “abode of the gods” is the Ocean of Milk, and in front of the great mountains of Meru lies the sandy sea.

The Mahabharata describes Mount Meru as follows: “All the luminaries revolve around Meru. The polar star hangs motionless above it, and the constellations Ursa Major, Cassiopeia and Bootes make a circle around it, here half a year is day, half a year is night, one night and one day together are equal year. In the north of the Sea of ​​Milk there is a large island known as Svetadvipa ("Shining White Island"). This country is described as: "a land of eternal happiness", "herds of antelopes and flocks of birds are everywhere", "the tribe knows no diseases, nor the weakness of age”, “having gone there, they do not come to this world again”, “on the outskirts of the Meru mountains lies a desert, a region of darkness where vultures guard gold.” This is the “Land of the Chosen”, “Land of the Saints”, “Land of the Blessed”. ". (Slide 7.)

Student message: Old Norse cosmogony tells of the famous ash tree Yggdrasil, the Tree of the Universe. It has three roots that descend to Hel, the mysterious underworld, and diverge from there to Jotunheim, the kingdom of giants, and Midgard, the earth, the abode of people. Its crown extends over the entire world, protecting everything living in it. Its upper branches reach to the Sky, and the highest of them shades Valhalla - the highest celestial sphere where gods and fallen heroes live. Yggdrasil is eternally fresh and green, since the three prophetess sisters, mistresses of fate, whose names are Past, Present and Future, daily water it with the waters of life from the source of Urd. In the branches of the sacred Tree lives an eagle, a golden bird that possesses the hidden Wisdom. The gods gather at the foot of Yggdrasil to decide the fate of the worlds. During great cosmic upheavals, when the old Universe dies, Yggdrasil withstands all the tests and does not die along with everyone else, so that the grain is preserved for the birth of a new, young Universe. It continues to serve as a refuge for those who survived all the upheavals and thanks to whom life will be reborn on earth, and with it new generations of people. (Slide 8.)

Teacher: Another version of the Tree of Life, Egyptian. From the Tree grows a Woman, perhaps Isis, who herself is the Tree. She bestows Gifts. In full accordance with matriarchal beliefs, there is only Mother Matter, Isis, and she gives birth to Life. (Slide 9.)

Teacher: The Bodhi Tree is the World Tree of Buddhism.

Under this tree, bodhi (enlightenment) descended on Shakyamuni and

Shakyamuni became Buddha. The Bodhi tree is one of the most important

symbols of Buddhism. The term “bodhi” is the basis of many compound words that denote objects near which the Buddha achieved spiritual enlightenment: “bodhi tree”, “bodhi seat”, “bodhi soil”, etc. All areas of Buddhism recognize 7 main characteristics of bodhi (“members of bodhi”): thoughtfulness, masculinity, study of the dharma, enthusiasm, concentration, calmness and equanimity. (Slide 10.)

Student message: The universe - yok kab (literally: above the earth) - was imagined by the ancient Mayans as worlds located on top of each other. Just above the earth were thirteen heavens, or thirteen “heavenly layers,” and beneath the earth were nine “underworlds” that made up the underworld.

In the center of the earth stood the “Primordial Tree.” At the four corners, strictly corresponding to the cardinal points, four “world trees” grew. In the East - red, symbolizing the color of the dawn. In the North - white; Perhaps the white color of snow, once seen by their ancestors who came from the north, was preserved in people’s memory? An ebony tree - the color of the night - stood in the West, and a yellow tree grew in the South - it symbolized the color of the sun.

In the cool shade of the "Primal Tree" - it was green - was paradise. The souls of the righteous came here to take a break from the backbreaking labor on earth, from the suffocating tropical heat and enjoy plentiful food, peace and fun. (Slide 11.)

Student message: According to the ideas of the Nanais living in the lower reaches of the Amur, it was on the World Tree that the first shaman found his ritual objects necessary for ritual practice.

Each Yakut shaman had “his own” specific tree in real world, intended personally for him by spirits. This is the earthly correspondence of the World Tree. The shaman carved the rim of the tambourine only from his own tree, but so that it would not die, since both the life and strength of the shaman are closely connected with this tree. The Ket shaman always had a semblance of the World Tree in his tent, which was also his own sacrificial tree. If it is broken, the shaman will die or lose power. Among the Khanty, the handle of a shaman's tambourine was understood as a symbol of the World Tree. (Slide 12.)

Teacher: There is a Karelian legend about the sacred “World Tree” - the Spruce, allegedly planted by the northern wise men back in the 14th century on Shuya Island (currently Trinity Island), on Okhta.

In the middle of the 15th century, the Monk Cassian of Muezersky, who arrived in this area from the Solovetsky Monastery, founded a monastery that has not survived to this day, and in 1602 the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was erected and is now in excellent condition. Until now, the neighboring Orthodox Church and the huge, up to four meters in girth, pagan “Tree” represent a unique page in the historical and cultural past of Karelia. (Slide 13.)

The Slavic peoples also had their own ideas about the world order. The remarkable researcher of Slavic culture A.N. Afanasyev (1826-1871) in his book “The Tree of Life” says that the Slavs associated their ideas about the World Tree with the oak tree. Around him, our ancestors carried out righteous justice, made sacrifices, attributed to him healing properties. It was the most revered tree. There is a legend about oak trees that existed before the creation of the world. Even at a time when there was neither earth nor sky, but only one blue sea (ocean of air), in the middle of this sea there were two oak trees, and two doves sat on the oak trees; The pigeons descended to the bottom of the sea, took out sand and stone, from which the earth, sky and all the heavenly bodies were created.

Among the Slavs, it occupies a kind of center of sacred space, constituting its kind of axis. IN Ancient Rus' it was certainly depicted with the sun and the month on either side of it. And in the most archaic rituals, the “axis” was reproduced by erecting a pillar with a wheel (sun) above it, and sometimes an image of the month was added.

Most often, old trees with growths, hollows, roots protruding from the ground or split trunks, as well as those with two or three trunks growing from one root, were considered sacred. The sick crawled between the trunks of such trees and dragged sick children in the hope of recovery. About one such tree, information from the mid-16th century has been preserved: “There was once in the Poshekhonsky border (Yaroslavl province) near the rivers Iyar and Ulom... a tree called rowan. People, in order to receive health, passed their children through this tree, while others, of full age, climbed through it themselves and received healing.”

The World Tree was so revered by the Slavs that it took part in many celebrations. In particular, the tradition has reached us to this day of installing New Year Christmas tree Now no one thinks about why this is being done, but the main and sacred meaning New Year tree- precisely the image of the Center or Axis of the Universe. In a sense, this is the idol of the Sacred World Tree. (Slide 14)


The Tree of Life or World Tree embodies the universal concept of peace. It can be the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Fertility, the Tree of Desire, the Tree of Ascension - from earth to heaven, or to the underworld. The Tree of Life plays an organizing role in any ancient mythological system, being a kind of coordinate system into which the remaining components or their symbols fit. (Slide 15.)

The student reads.

K. Balmont

I was sitting under an old oak tree.

It's warm and light all around.

And the old oak hummed and sang.

I looked into the hollow.

There was a wild swarm of bees.

They hum and sing

Handsome man of the centuries-old forest

Minute gave shelter.

Aren't we also humming and singing?

In the caves of the world?

In the hollow, circular Sky.

Let's sing our verse to fate,

But Ygdrazil doesn’t hear us

Mysterious destinies.

We will pour colored dust into honey,

But we will put our honey in a crypt.

And only in the deepest hour of the night,

When things like that are dreams,

Starry branches pattern

It shines on us from above.

Homework: paragraph 2.2.

The World Tree as a reflection of the unity of the world.

Art teacher, MHC

Kaygorodova Natalya Evgenievna

Lesson objectives:

  • give an idea of ​​the unity and diversity of world culture;
  • introduce the World Tree as a reflection of world unity;
  • nurturing interest in the past.

The language of art is universal, and therefore understandable to people living in different regions of the world. There are no time barriers for him either. The commonality of themes, motives and images follows from the universal human essence of existence. The language of art goes back to the deep roots of folk life, when a significant role was played by man’s attempts to explain the reasons for the emergence of life on Earth.

He was interested in the structure of the Universe (i.e. the macrocosm) and the place of man in the overall picture of the universe (i.e. the microcosm). Already in ancient times, the language of art reflected man’s artistic ideas about the structure of the world.

The World Tree expresses the idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world, and the tree itself, being its “axis,” embodies the core principle of its structure.

The basis of the universe is Heaven and Earth, which is why the World Tree is distinguished between the lower part (roots), middle (trunk) and upper (branches, crown). The upper part of the tree is associated with the heavenly kingdom, the middle with the earth, and the lower with the underworld.

The concepts of morning, day and night, past, present and future, three natural elements: earth, water, fire are associated with ideas about the structure of the World Tree. The trinity of this image is associated with the existence of all life on earth. The life of ancestors, the current generation and descendants, three parts of the human body (head, torso, legs) is associated with it.

The upper part is associated with the life of birds living in the crown of trees. With the middle (trunk) - ungulates: deer, elk, cows, horses, etc., and with the bottom (roots) - amphibians and reptiles: snakes, frogs, lizards, mice, beavers, fish, etc.

So, for example, in the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, the bird Anzud lives in the branches of the World Tree, in the middle is the maiden of the Lilies, and in the roots is a snake. The Egyptian sun god Ra (in the form of a cat) slays a snake at the trunk of the tree of life, in the branches of which sits a goddess pouring the precious “moisture of the depths” into a cup placed for the sick.

No less interesting are the ideas of the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples about the structure of the World Tree.

A picture of the Universe is reproduced on the memorial stone of the ancient Germans. The symbol of the upper world is the sign of the Sun, the middle world is the Tree, the lower world is conveyed by the funeral boat and the monster.

The song “Prophecies of the Völva” (i.e., the seer) speaks of her awakening from a dead sleep. The supreme wandering god Odin is trying to learn from the vulva the history of the beginning of life and look into the future. The soothsayer remembers well those distant times when the World Tree had not yet sprouted - the Yggdrasil ash tree, which permeates all nine worlds of the Universe, from the underworld to the sky. Its branches are spread over the entire world and define the boundaries of the Earth's space. The highest gods, led by Odin, once raised the earth from the world abyss. This is what the völva said about it:

... I remember nine worlds and nine roots

and the tree of the limit, not yet sprouted.

At the beginning of time, there was no world

there was no sand, no sea, there was no land and no sky yet,

the abyss gaped, the grass did not grow.

The sun did not know where his home was,

the stars did not know where to shine,

for a month he did not know his strength.

I know the ash tree by the name of Yggdrasil,

wood washed with muddy moisture;

dew falls from it onto the valleys;

Above the source of Urd it remains green forever.

Near the source where the tree grows, three “maidens of fate” - norns - appear.

Wise maidens arose from there, they judged destinies, they chose life

for the children of people, lots are prepared.

The Slavic peoples also had their own ideas about the world order. The remarkable researcher of Slavic culture A.N. Afanasyev (1826-1871) in his book “The Tree of Life” says that the Slavs associated their ideas about the World Tree with the oak tree. Around him, our ancestors carried out righteous justice, made sacrifices, and attributed healing properties to him. This is what we read about this: “And in the middle of paradise there is an animal tree, a hedgehog of deity, and the top of that tree approaches the heavens. That tree is golden-shaped in fiery beauty; it covers the whole paradise with branches, it has leaves from all the trees and fruits too; from it there is a sweet fragrance, and from its root twelve springs flow with milk and honey."

And here is how this image is presented in the poem by the poet K. Balmont (1867-1942) “Slavic Tree”:

The roots nest deep, the top rises high,

Green branches lead into the azure-wide distance.

Roots nest deep in the ground,

The top rises to a high rock,

The green branches lead wide into the immeasurable blue altitude.

Roots nest deep in the earth, and in the immortal underground fire,

The peak rises high, high, getting lost in the light in the heights,

Emerald branches in bloom lead into the turquoise free distance.

The World Tree grows deep, high, and wide. It seems that his powers permeate all three dimensions everywhere.

But the fourth dimension is also in his power - Man, his emotional and spiritual world:

And he knows joy, and he knows sadness.

And spreading your necklaces from Sea to Sea,

Sings a lullaby over the mind, and takes dreams into the distance.

The idea of ​​eternal life and immortality is associated with the World Tree. It is always inaccessible to evil and dark forces. The Slavic tree, the source of beauty, goodness and miracle, keeps the secret of existence. This image absorbed universal juices from the depths of the earth and heavenly heights, from the invisible sources of the people's spirit. Everyone who joins it draws inexhaustible strength and strengthens spiritually:

Fresh are the storms, the birth of a miracle in them,

Well, spring, flying carpet.

And forever to us, forever, like an emerald’s dream,

The Slavic Tree is blooming.


1.What do you know about the symbolic image of the World Tree, which artistically reflected mythological ideas about the structure of the Universe?

2.Draw the World Tree and explain the features of its structure.

Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Khokhotuy

Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district, Transbaikal region

8th grade art lesson notes

“The World Tree as a reflection of the unity of the world”

Completed by: teacher of Russian language and literature Krasikova Olga Igorevna

village Khokhotuy, 2017

Goals: form the concept of the “World Tree” as a reflection of the unity of the world; introduce the ideas of the peoples of the world about the World Tree; develop creativity students; to cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, the need for mastering the values ​​of world culture.

Lesson progress :

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating knowledge.

Riddles are written on the board: “There is an oak tree, there are twelve nests on the oak tree, on each nest there are four tits, each tit has fourteen eggs: seven white and seven black ones,” “I have a tree - there are twelve branches on it, on each branch there are thirty leaves , one side of the leaf is black - the other is white.”

What do these mysteries have in common? (description through the image of a tree) Why the image of a tree? (is a symbol of “life force, eternal life, immortality stored in it).

The image of a tree is reflected in the works of art of many peoples; you have encountered it more than once in literature, painting, and other forms of art. Remember exactly when you encountered this image.

Communicate the lesson topic and goals.

3. Explanation of new material.

3.1. The prototype of the World Tree.

One of the basic prototypes or archetypes for culture isWorld tree (cosmic, heavenly tree, Tree of life, Tree of knowledge, Tree of fertility, Anti-tree of the other world), which embodies the universal concept of the world.

The world tree expresses the idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world, and the tree itself, being its “axis,” embodies the core of its structure (vertical structure): the sky (branches), the earth (trunk) and the underworld (roots). All of the fauna. At the top are birds (eagle, falcon, raven, rooster, phoenix, firebird), in the middle are ungulate sacrificial animals (deer, cows, horses, antelopes), bees (symbol of the human race), squirrel (mediator, scurrying up and down ), below are chthonic animals (snakes, frogs, mice, beavers, fish, monsters) and predatory and “nocturnal” animals (lions, leopards, a cat, a bear as if sleeping in the roots of a tree or a cave). The sun, stars, lights, balls or fruits, symbols of heavenly bodies, are often depicted on the branches of the tree. You can ascend or descend along the tiers of branches, like steps, which is why the Tree is likened to a staircase to heaven.

The World Tree describes the horizontal structure of the world with a tree in the center, two directions (left - right, front - back) and four cardinal directions (additional world trees, gods of the winds, elements).

With the help of the World Tree, all conceivable time patterns are described: dividing the year into seasons, months, weeks, days (riddles written on the board); movement from the past (roots) through the present (trunk) to the future (branches); life of the race ( family tree); life and death (the Tree of Life and its counterpart, often inverted, the Tree of Death), immortality (identified with the core of the tree).

The three parts of the World Tree correspond to three parts of the human body: the head is the crown, the torso is the trunk, and the legs are the roots.

The three primary elements of the world also correlate with the World Tree: branches - fire, trunk - earth, roots - water.

In general, the Tree of Life is a symbol of “life force, eternal life, immortality stored in it.”

Symbols close to the World Tree among different peoples are the World Mountain (Meru, Kunlun, Taishan, etc.), the World Pillar (temple, column, cross, ladder, etc.).

3.2. Introduction to folk mythology.

Many legends and fairy tales have been created about the tree of life in the world.

In Chinese mythology, there is a Fusang tree, growing in the center of the Celestial Empire (the ancient name of China), on which live a jade rooster and ten suns - ten golden ravens. Every day one of the suns bathes in the sea. And then it climbs up the tree into the sea. In the evening, the sun descends down another solar tree - a red tree, the flowers of which illuminate the earth with the light of the evening dawn. During a terrible drought, the celestial shooter destroys the extra nine suns, and only one remains.

Let's get acquainted with other myths about the Tree. (The texts are printed out and are on the desks.)

1. Indian epic.

In the Mahabharata, Meru is a mountainous country with peaks reaching to the sky, where the main peak is called Mandara. “On the northern side, shining, stands the mighty Meru. The paradise of the great god Indra was located on its top. Great rivers flowing in golden channels flow from these mountains. At the foot of Meru - the “abode of the gods” is the Ocean of Milk, and in front of the great mountains of Meru lies the sandy sea.

The Mahabharata describes Mount Meru as follows: “All the luminaries revolve around Meru. The polar star hangs motionless above it, and the constellations Ursa Major, Cassiopeia and Bootes make a circle around it, here half a year is day, half a year is night, one night and one day together are equal year. In the north of the Sea of ​​Milk there is a large island known as Svetadvipa ("Shining White Island"). This country is described as: "a land of eternal happiness", "herds of antelopes and flocks of birds are everywhere", "the tribe knows no diseases, nor the weakness of age”, “having gone there, they do not come to this world again”, “on the outskirts of the Meru mountains lies a desert, a region of darkness where vultures guard gold.” This is the “Land of the Chosen”, “Land of the Saints”, “Land of the Blessed”. ".

2. B Scandinavian epic tells about the famous ash tree Yggdrasil, the Tree of the Universe. It has three roots that descend to Hel, the mysterious underworld, and diverge from there to Jotunheim, the kingdom of giants, and Midgard, the earth, the abode of people. Its crown extends over the entire world, protecting everything living in it. Its upper branches reach to the Sky, and the highest of them shades Valhalla - the highest celestial sphere where gods and fallen heroes live. Yggdrasil is eternally fresh and green, since the three prophetess sisters, mistresses of fate, whose names are Past, Present and Future, daily water it with the waters of life from the source of Urd. In the branches of the sacred Tree lives an eagle, a golden bird that possesses the hidden Wisdom. The gods gather at the foot of Yggdrasil to decide the fate of the worlds. During great cosmic upheavals, when the old Universe dies, Yggdrasil withstands all the tests and does not die along with everyone else, so that the grain is preserved for the birth of a new, young Universe. It continues to serve as a refuge for those who survived all the upheavals and thanks to whom life will be reborn on earth, and with it new generations of people.

3. The universe - yok kab (literally: above the earth) - seemed to the ancients Mayan in the form of worlds located one above the other. Just above the earth were thirteen heavens, or thirteen “heavenly layers,” and beneath the earth were nine “underworlds” that made up the underworld.

In the center of the earth stood the “Primordial Tree.” At the four corners, strictly corresponding to the cardinal points, four “world trees” grew. In the East - red, symbolizing the color of the dawn. In the North - white; Perhaps the white color of snow, once seen by their ancestors who came from the north, was preserved in people’s memory? An ebony tree - the color of the night - stood in the West, and a yellow tree grew in the South - it symbolized the color of the sun.

In the cool shade of the "Primal Tree" - it was green - was paradise. The souls of the righteous came here to take a break from backbreaking labor on earth, from the suffocating tropical heat and enjoy plentiful food, peace and fun.

There are other myths about the world order. The Slavic peoples also had their own ideas. Researcher of Slavic culture A.N. Afanasyev in his book “The Tree of Life” says that the Slavs associated their ideas about the World Tree with the oak tree. Around him, our ancestors carried out righteous justice, made sacrifices, and attributed healing properties to him. It was the most revered tree. There is a legend about oak trees that existed before the creation of the world. Even at a time when there was neither earth nor sky, but only one blue sea (ocean of air), in the middle of this sea there were two oak trees, and two doves sat on the oak trees; The pigeons descended to the bottom of the sea, took out sand and stone, from which the earth, sky and all the heavenly bodies were created. The World Tree was so revered among the Slavs that it took part in many celebrations.

In fiction, the image of the World Tree is used very often.

The most famous for us is the image of the famous oak tree near Lukomorye in the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". The cat walks “on a chain”, not on a chain. The Golden Chain is an analogue of the World Serpent, which holds the universe on itself. Gold indicates her divine nature. Her ring protects and protects the world, “locking” it from damage. The cat is associated with the underground god Veles, who could turn into a black cat and also loved to sing songs and fairy tales (the prophetic Bayan is the grandson of Veles).

Mermaids are bird girls. Lukomorye, according to the Russian mythological picture of the world, means a country curved like a bow, i.e. another (“crooked”) world located at the edge of the Universe.

4. Practical part.

Draw the World Tree.

5. Reflection.

The Tree of Life or World Tree embodies the universal concept of peace. It can be the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Fertility, the Tree of Desire, the Tree of Ascension - from earth to heaven, or to the underworld. The Tree of Life plays an organizing role in any ancient mythological system, being a kind of coordinate system into which the remaining components or their symbols fit.

6. Homework.

Find myths from different peoples of the world about the World Tree.

Slide 1

THE WORLD TREE AS ​​A REFLECTION OF THE UNITY OF THE WORLD The world tree (arbor mundi, “cosmic” tree), a characteristic image of mythopoetic consciousness, embodying the universal concept of the world. The image of the World Tree is attested almost everywhere or in pure form, or in variants The image of the World Tree is present in various texts: in fairy tales, fables and sayings, in poetry and myths. The world tree, one way or another, is reflected in culture and art: in games and choreography, in painting, ornament, sculpture and monuments.

Slide 2

World Order The image of the World Tree includes a mythopoetic explanation of the connections of man with the world order, the place of people in the Universe. This is one of the most important images of the universe. It was often used by our ancestors in decorative and applied arts. The language of art is universal, and therefore understandable to people living in different places peace. The language of art goes back to the deep roots of folk life, when man’s attempts to cause the emergence of life on Earth played a significant role. He was interested in the macrocosm and the place of man in the overall picture of the universe (microcosm)

Slide 3

Slide 4

the idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world The World Tree expresses the idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world, and the tree itself, being its “Axis,” embodies the core principle of its structure.

Slide 5

Ideas of the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples about the structure of the World Tree. A memorial stone of the Germans, on which a picture of the Universe is reproduced. The symbol of the upper world is the sign of the Sun, the middle world is the Tree, the lower world is conveyed by the funeral boat and the monster.

Slide 6

An idea of ​​the world order of the Slavic peoples. Book “The Tree of Life” The Slavs associated their ideas about the World Tree with the oak tree. Around him, our ancestors performed righteous justice and sacrifices.

Slide 7

The World Tree, the tree of life - in Slavic mythology the axis of the world, the center of the world and the embodiment of the universe as a whole. The crown of the WORLD TREE reaches the heavens, the roots reach the underworld. The image of the WORLD TREE is typical for Russian riddles and conspiracies. Wed. a riddle about the road: “When the light was born, then the oak fell, and now lies”; this image unites different - vertical (tree from earth to heaven) and horizontal (road) - coordinates of the world. The WORLD TREE embodies not only spatial, but also temporal coordinates; Wed riddle: “There is an oak tree, there are 12 branches on the oak tree, on each branch there are 4 nests,” etc. - about a year, 12 months, 4 weeks, etc. In conspiracies, the WORLD TREE is placed in the center of the world, on an island in the ocean (“the umbilical cord of the sea”), where on the Alatyr stone there is a “damask oak” or a sacred tree of cypress, birch, apple tree, sycamore, etc. On the WORLD TREE, gods and saints live in conspiracies - the Mother of God, Paraskeva, etc., at the roots trees - demonic and chthonic creatures, a demon is chained, lives in the nest (“rune”) of a snake (Skin), etc.

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Velichko Svetlana Nikolaevna Municipal state educational institution “Basic secondary school No. 14” 2016 Chelyabinsk region city of Miass The World Tree as a reflection of the unity of the world The World Tree is a universal tree that unites all spheres of the universe. As a rule, its branches correspond to the sky, the trunk - to the earthly world, and the roots - to the underworld. The embodiment of the universal concept of many peoples about the space of the Universe. The World Tree in different cultures In the ancient Russian apocrypha about Solomon, an ideal state is depicted in the form of a tree with golden branches, a month at the top, and a cornfield at the roots, where the month is the king and the cornfield is the Orthodox peasantry. Wed. Russian riddle: “There is a tree with red flowers on it, and a bird sits on the tree and picks red flowers from the tree and throws them into a trough. The flowers are not filled, and the red flowers from the tree are not diminished”; tree - the whole world, flowers - “people”, trough - earth, bird - death; As much as death steals, “a little” and will be born into the world." World tree. Russian pattern. In the Erzya traditional religion on the world tree of Echke Tumo there is a nest of the sacred bird duck Ine Narmun and from which the egg laid by it falls out Ine al, from which our world subsequently arises : shell - the sky of Men Ele with stars, the yolk - the land of Moda-Mastor, the white - the endless ocean of the World Tree. Painting of the chest lid in the 17th century. In ancient Iran, they believed that the sacred tree grows near the springs of Ardvisuri. lived the king of birds, Senmurv, who scattered seeds on the ground. Another bird carried the seeds from which the star drank, which showered the earth with rain. The seeds returned to the earth with rain. In Scandinavian myths we see the evergreen tree of life, Yggdrasil. life-giving sacred honey. This is a huge ash tree, which is the structural basis of all things and connects the nine worlds. At the top of the tree sits an eagle, the root is gnawed by snakes and the dragon Nidhogg. The word "Yggdrasil" literally means "horse of Ygg", that is, the horse of Odin. This name also emphasizes the role of the tree as the path by which the divine shaman (Odin) wanders from one world to another. “Up with its roots, down with its branches, stands the eternal tree of Ashwattha. It is called “immortal,” all worlds rest in it, and no one can overcome it” (Indian Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita). With roots up, branches down, ashwattha is considered to be imperishable; hymns (Forces of Sattva, rajas and tamas - that which holds in the illusory world) are its leaves, whoever knows it is an expert in the Vedas. Its branches, arising from the gunas, extend up and down; objects (of feelings) are (his) shoots; Its roots also stretch down, connecting it with karma in the human world. The image of Baiterek appeared in Turkic mythology and subsequently in Kazakh fairy tales. Baiterek, with its location and compositional structure, expresses the cosmogonic ideas of the ancient nomads, according to whose legends the World River flows at the junction of the worlds. On its shore rises the Tree of Life - Baiterek, holding the earth with its roots and supporting the sky with its crown. The roots of this tree, accordingly, are in the underworld, the tree itself and its trunk are in the earthly world, and the crown is in the heavenly world. Every year, in the crown of the Tree, the sacred bird Samruk lays an egg - the Sun, which is swallowed by the dragon Aidahar, who lives at the foot of the tree of life, which symbolically means the change of summer and winter, day and night, the struggle between Good and Evil. D/Z: Draw the World TreePage. 17 – 23, read.

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