Scenario for Teacher's Day “The Journey of a Teacher. Scenario for a holiday for preschool employees dedicated to “Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers” Scenario for adults: Teacher’s Day

Preschool Worker's Day.

Presenter 1: Time passes quickly in worries,
The holiday has arrived again today.
And we came, having finished work,
Into this bright, welcoming room.

Presenter 2: Preschool Worker's Day
Notes kindergarten.
We invite you to have fun
Together with us everyone!

Presenter 1: Life flies by like in a fairy tale,
She keeps moving forward
Days after days float away,
And year changes year again,

Presenter 2: And according to tradition.
We know - this is how it should be -
Word to the main “mother” of the kindergarten.

The head of the kindergarten is given the floor to congratulate the team.

Presenter 1: Even if our road is sometimes difficult,
And let it be hard along the way.
Preschool worker is a high rank,
And we need to carry it proudly!

(trade union committee)

Presenter 2: They say that things take time,
They say: it's time for fun.
Our team is cheerful -
No one will get bored!

Presenter 1: Our team is very friendly,
Every employee is needed.
Our personnel are valuable,
They will show you the “class” in action!

The “Crazy Hands” competition is being held: Collect puzzles

Presenter 2: Life is rich in impressions -
Everything strives to surprise us.
And now we’ll sing ditties,
To lift your spirits!

The teachers perform ditties.

1. Ah, now, for you, girls
We'll sing little ditties
How we work together
How fun we live!

2.Light in the kitchen early in the morning -
The girls can't sleep.
They won't give us a cook
Choke on saliva!

3. Our nannies all day long
They wash and clean.
How to live on a salary -
They think, they guess!

Pregnant women sing:

4.To increase sharply
In groups the occupancy rate is
We decided not to yawn,
And increase the birth rate!

5. Our physical instructor is an athlete,
Undiscovered phenomenon.
Maybe in five years
Raise Olympians!

6. Our team is purely female -
This is not order.
We would like a couple of men -
That would be a gift!

7.If someone gets sick -
They won't let you die:
And the pressure will be measured,
And they will give you a pill.

8.What is that strange noise?
It's not icicles that are dripping.
This is our supply manager coming,
He rattles his keys.

9.Like funny old ladies
Our musicians:
They will sing a song with us,
They'll dance merrily!

10.Our laundresses and seamstress
They succeed everywhere:
Sew costumes for the kids
And the clothes are washed!

11. The most senior teacher
Smarter than everyone else. No doubt about it.
Stuffed with information -
Real Internet.

12.One, two, one, two –
That's the end of the words.
Now try it
Clap your hands!

Presenter 1: We have many talents:
We are actors, musicians,
Jacks of all trades,
We never know boredom.

Presenter 2: Even if Mikhail
stepped on your ear
We must try our luck -
Sing a song with us.

Sketch for teacher's day.


I want to be a businessman.

I'll be very cool.

I will travel by car

I'm on black and big!

I will be terribly busy, business meetings...

In general, I'm very tired

I'll come home in the evening!

1 girl

Then I'll become a model!

I'll be wearing makeup all day.

For us models, early in the morning

I'm very, very lazy to get up!

I'll be wearing dresses all day

Try on and try on!

And when I get tired, I lie down,

I'll just rest.

Well, what about you, Polina?

Do you want to become one in the future?

2 girl

I listened to you, now

I'm embarrassed to say out loud

I want to be a teacher.

Work in a kindergarten.


Cool too! I am my son

I'll bring you to your group!

Cause I trust you

You will love him!

If you can help the garden,

You can call me.

When I grow up, I’ll give you my number.

I'm a cool businessman!

1 girl

Well, then your daughter

I'll give it to your group.

You know there are so many of us

Such tired mothers!

There is no time to study

But I only know that I am for you

I will definitely trust you!

Boy and 1 girl

Yes! We may be cool

Meetings, people, cities.

But without Polina’s work

We can't escape anywhere!

There are many professions needed,

But one is more valuable than the others!

We love you very, very much,

Educators of relatives!

Presenter 2:

A smile makes our life easier,
After all, our work is not easy.
If you suddenly feel unbearable, hold on,
Smile when you want to scream.

Some people are not very interested in: do you have time for rest, for your family, for your loved ones. But close people are very interested in this question.

Scene "Othello and Disdemona"
(Attributes: for Othello, costume elements, a large spoon. For Desdemona - a bag, a laptop).
Othello: I hear steps! Finally my wife is home and will cook me dinner! I'm fucking hungry, Desdemona!
(Opening laptop) Othello! I don't have lunch! I've been in kindergarten for two days without a break! Programs! Plans! Contest! Lists!
Othello: I really have no time for jokes, dear, our refrigerator has been empty for a long time! I'm just dying of hunger!
Desdemona: I was in kindergarten, but not at the cinema!
Othello: What's in your bag? What, plans again?? You brought it home, woe is me!
Desdemona: I see that your nerves are not all right! You even screamed in your sleep yesterday!
Othello: Listen, Desdemona, it would really be nice to have a snack now!
Desdemona: Othello, I ate in the garden! It's bad for you to eat at such a late hour! But if you really want, you can, honey, fry some eggs, just yourself! You see, I’m working, my love, take three eggs there, they’ll be enough for us!
Othello: What three? I ate two yesterday!
Desdemona: Well, okay, fry yourself one!
Othello: But the refrigerator is empty!
Desdemona: Well, I don't know! Where could it suddenly disappear to?
Othello: Listen! I also have a job, but I can’t think of anything because I’m hungry!
Desdemona: Oh, darling, come up with something, really! Start cleaning and your hunger will disappear!
Othello: My hunger is tireless! Is it really so difficult for you to go to the store?
Desdemona: There was a check in the garden, dear, and in fact, you could buy your own food!
Othello: You're looking at the computer! Only you see him! You work is more important, not family! Have you prayed at night, Desdemona? (Strangles)
Die, unfortunate one, die, my love!

1st presenter: Of course, this is a joke, but every joke has some truth. Well, today we congratulate not only ourselves, but also our beloved veterans.

2nd presenter:

Veterans of the preschool world,
Giving yourself to children
You are heroes and idols for us!
We praise you today, lovingly!

You, remembering kindergarten with a sigh,
Even though you hide the tears in your eyes,
But wrinkles appear on the forehead,
Gray cobwebs at the temples...

We sincerely remember and love you:
You glorified yourself in deeds,
We also love children
And we work in kindergartens.

Our boys will also grow up,
And they will go along adult roads...
...There is no need to forget veterans,
Let the years fly and run.

1st presenter:

Let a smile light up your face

Even if gray hair is like snow

Age is just a mistake

If a person is young at heart.

We wish you happiness, health,

Many bright and joyful days.

May everyone surround you with love

And more to you, good friends!

Let's applaud our guests and give them a little more good mood. Today is your holiday, and we are glad that you came to us.

2nd presenter:

Wind of new changes

I also touched my grandmothers.

And over the years they need

Getting younger and younger.

Go to football with my grandson

And you'll have to go to a rock concert.

To teach computer science,

Everything is not easy for them.

1st presenter: What does a modern grandmother look like?

Most often, this is a young woman who has a job she loves and sees her grandchildren only on weekends..

2nd presenter: There are grandmothers who leave work to help raise their grandchildren and take care of the house. They pamper their grandchildren and protect them from all difficulties.

Sketch “Meeting of two grandmothers”

(The roles are played by two teachers dressed as old women)

1 grandmother: Hello, my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

Grandmother 2: What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet...

1 grandmother: What lessons? It’s been a hundred years since you finished school, right?

Grandmother 2: Yes? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it is very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren. I want to try it, although it’s probably terribly uneducational.

1 grandmother: What is this? Yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

Grandmother 2: Is it true? Are you spoiling them like that?

1 grandmother: I'm not spoiling! You know how strictly I am with them. I’ll do my homework, but they always copy it out themselves.

Grandmother 2: Yes... you are really strict.

1 grandmother: That's who I am!

Grandmother 2: Well, if it’s not difficult for you, check how I learned the verse...

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,

Golden chain on oak volume.

And day and night the dog is a scientist...

1 grandmother: Wait, what dog?

Grandmother 2: Well, I don't know what breed he is, maybe a bulldog, maybe...

1 grandmother: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

Grandmother 2: Ahh, I understand. Well, I'll start first then.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,

Golden chain on oak volume.

And day and night the cat is a scientist,

He goes to the grocery store with a string bag.

1 grandmother: What string bag, what grocery store, where did you see this?

Grandmother 2: At the circus. The clown's cats don't do that yet.

1 grandmother: Oh, that’s it, I don’t have the strength with you, I’m chatting, but I still have so many lessons, and I have to not be late for the choreography club.

Grandmother 2: Are you still dancing at that age?

1 grandmother: It’s not me, but my granddaughter who attends art school, and I also have to master it.

Grandmother 2:

Well, show me at least one movement, maybe it will be useful to me.

The dance “Old Grandmothers” by Muses is performed. V. Dobrynina

1 grandmother, 2 grandmother:

For grandma's grandchildren -

Very important!

Grandmother's grandchildren -

1 Presenter:

We hope this good mood, as you had today at our holiday, you will always have it! May sadness and sadness never touch your hearts.

2 Presenter:

Nothing will darken your smile. Be happy and give joy to children. May your Guardian Angel always be with you!

Rearrangement to the melody of `Blue Car`

1. There is a legend that in distant years
God once took pity on people.
To brighten up their difficult everyday life,
He decided to give them children.

And the girls went, and the boys went,
This white light was filled with laughter.
There are dimples on the cheeks, chubby fingers...
It's a pity there are no wings behind my back!

2. The devil forgot about sinners out of anger
And I didn’t sleep for five thousand years in a row,
Moved his brains furiously
And yet he came up with a kindergarten.

Evil spirits were unleashed
And according to statistics, seventy out of a hundred -
Not angels at all - real devils,
All they need is horns and a tail!

3. Hardly stuntmen, testers
Or animal trainers
They will say that the work of educators
At least a little calmer than my own.

But we don’t gasp, and we all love children,
Although they are not angels, although they have no wings...
Spinning and spinning in the Ferris wheel
From evening to morning we live without troubles!

2nd presenter. There are many different professions. But someone has dreamed of becoming a teacher since childhood.

On September 27, 2019, our country celebrates Teacher and All Day preschool workers. Many events are dedicated to this date: holidays are held in kindergartens and additional education institutions preschool education, where poems and songs are sung, funny miniatures about kindergarten teachers are staged.

You can perform short children's skits for Teacher's Day with the participation of the children's parents and the teachers themselves. Teach your children poems and songs, select appropriate props for such miniatures. This page of our website contains materials that will help you stage funny scenes about children in the garden that will appeal to both the children and the audience.

Cool sketch about a kindergarten teacher

The miniature will begin with the lights in the hall going out and soft music playing. A teacher will appear on the stage where there are artificial Christmas trees and several stumps:

- I'm in a hurry to get to work,
To your favorite kindergarten,
My main concern is
Educate your kids!
And the road is not easy,
Along the path through the forest.
There are many adventures here
And unprecedented miracles...

But where did I end up?
I don’t understand right away
Lost, confused -
And by chance I got it
To an unknown country.
Forest all around, grass, trees
And I don’t see the guys.
Yes, now I understand:
This is not a kindergarten at all...

Guys dressed as various animals (wolf, bear, fox, etc.) appear on stage. In this children's skit for Teacher's Day, they run around the stage, growl, throw toys on the floor, aim at guests with toy pistols, etc.

The animals perform a song to the melody of the song “They say we are byaki-buki” from “The Bremen Town Musicians”:
- They say that we are villains,
That we have no conscience.
We are in any harmful business
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la,
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!

Animals with a teacher come to kindergarten. At this time, the scenery changes: a table, chairs and other equipment for the games room appear on the stage. The guys are playing. When they see the guests, they greet them emotionally.

- Look, Ira, Anya -
What kind of brothers are these?
Who came to kindergarten
Together with the teacher?

– Our guests are not easy
And they came from afar.
Ill-mannered, evil,
A little wild!

After that, in this miniature about a kindergarten, the children read poetry:
- Yes, you will have to work hard,
Clean and wash them.
Wash your face, brush your teeth,
Learn to eat with a spoon!
-We will teach them how to exercise,
To improve health.
Temper yourself, run, jump,
Have fun and play!

The animals, after listening to the children, ask to be accepted into kindergarten.

Later in this scene, the kindergarten teacher takes the floor again:
- Well, guys, let's tell the animals about our house?
There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Who lives in the little house?
Does anyone live in a low place?

– And children live in them, children, like candy:
Looks wonderful, smart, diligent,
They like to work hard and then have fun.
Adults are always nearby so that nothing bad happens.
This is our favorite
The very best

- Well, guys, shall we agree?
Shall we take them into our group?
Well, instead of testing
Let them sing a song with us.

Miniature for Teacher's Day performed by children

There is a miracle garden in the world, a miracle garden, a miracle garden.
I am glad to go to this garden, very glad, very glad!
Here, both in summer and in winter, all my friends are with me,
We live well in our kindergarten! (Repeat the last 2 lines 2 times).
If you want to know a lot, know a lot, know a lot,
You have to visit the kindergarten, visit, visit.
Here we develop, we do a lot,
We live well in our kindergarten.
If you liked the song, song,
Sing along merrily, merrily, merrily!
Come visit us, we are always glad to have guests,
We live well in our kindergarten!

Then, in this funny skit for children, the children read poems about kindergarten:
- Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not apples!

- Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!

- Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
Because there is harmony in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
There is a kindergarten in this house!

After this, in a miniature about a kindergarten teacher, the animals again begin to behave badly: they spill paint and get dirty. The teacher asks them to wash, but they do not agree.

She explains to them that they cannot behave this way.
– Those who don’t brush their teeth and don’t wash with soap,
He may grow up sickly and frail.
They are friends with dirty people, they only become dirty,
Who themselves drowned in the mud.
Nasty things grow out of them,
Angry dogs are chasing them.
The dirty ones are afraid of water and colds,
And sometimes... they don’t grow at all.

“Okay,” the animals agree, now we will wash our faces and brush our teeth.
“I’ll clean them too, but only after I’ve eaten this boy.”

He starts chasing one of the guys and even swings at him. The teacher stops them, and the Wolf says:
- I think this: if there are fighters,
This means they are needed for something.
How could it be otherwise? How could it be otherwise?
Who then should receive the change?
Who should get what they deserve?
From those who will come to stand up for the weak?

The girl answers him:
– I will answer you, but my answer is not new:
Tell me - who loves brawling children?
Nobody loves. So you, fighters,
No one, no one needs it anymore!

- Let's not quarrel, but be friends with each other.
Children on the planet know
That friendship is more valuable than anything in the world!
Toys, friendship, kindergarten, -
Words burn like sparks.
All children want to be friends
In the whole wide world!

The children and animals stand in a circle and dance around the teacher.

And at the end of this skit for children on the Day of the Kindergarten Teacher, they perform the song “Our Teacher” (words and music by E. Alexandrova).

Who comes to kindergarten early?
Both in the heat and in the cold?
Who will smile like mother,
And will he always help us?
Who will teach you how to knit shoelaces?
Brush your teeth, wash your hands?
With whom else can we?
Have a heart-to-heart talk?

Our teacher is good!
Both beauty and kind soul.
Today we sing a song about her,
We all live here very friendly!

Lyubov Akinina
Celebration script for adults for Preschool Worker's Day

The evening will be charming

The holiday will be entertaining,

I am so glad to see you, guests,

I shout: “Hurray!”, I’m loud to you,

Thank you for coming here,

They brought smiles with them,

There is a reason for this,

Preschool Worker's Day

Celebrates kindergarten.

We invite you to have fun

Together with us everyone!

(read by teachers)

1. Educator is our profession, and sometimes without titles or awards

We still love our work and are all in a hurry to get to kindergarten.

2. Year after year passes in worries. Everything for them - for their own children

We study and implement modern innovations.

3. And in the flow of current life, we must not forget about the peace of the soul,

So that children come out into the world sensitive, kind, and brave.

4. Today is a holiday in kindergarten - the teacher is in sight.

He receives congratulations, dreams about his worldly things...

All in chorus: Let the dreams of the country's educators come true!

Toast: I have to drink for this. (And we don't mind)

FUN QUIZ (given to everyone)

1 When is a person in a room without a head? (when he sticks it out the window)

2 How do day and night end? (soft sign)

3 What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (take off a boot from each person)

4 The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)

5 In which month does chatty Mashenka speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)

6 When a horse is bought, what kind is it? (wet)

7 A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (letter "o")

8 What is yours, but others use it more often than you? (Name)

9 In what year do people eat more than usual? (in high sleep)

10 Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, because he can't speak)

11 What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

12 What disease on earth has no one ever had? (nautical)

13 What can you cook, but cannot eat? (lessons)

14 Which hand is better to stir tea? (it is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

15 What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (number 6)

A toast to our logic.

So as not to get bored, we will answer in rhyme. The game begins!

Let's imagine we're a big aquarium.

We can fit a scuba diver here with our scuba gear!

And there’s also a huge blue whale sleeping and snoring!

Reacting to the snoring, the crab runs sideways!

And at the bottom in the sand lay down with tentacles... an octopus.

The electric brother… the stingray is happy to burrow next to him.

Without being hooked, a sea goby lives here.

Looking for best places

A flat-bodied flounder just swam nearby.

And behind her, like a burden, rushes a burning... jellyfish.

A turtle swims in its shell without fear among the fish.

Somewhere a Black Sea shark flashed its jaw.

Here at the bottom, like a toy, lies a wonderful... shell.

Nearby there is a stone, like a stump, And behind it is a seahorse.

More than one smart, affectionate... dolphin is frolicking here!

Long-tailed... mermaids play with him like tag.

Ved: They say that things take time,

They say: it's time for fun.

Our team is cheerful -

No one will get bored!

We are very happy to see everyone,

And, believe me, from the heart,

Congratulations to you today

Preschool kids!

Adults dressed as children come out with mugs and sing a song to the tune of “Grandma Next to Grandfather...”.

1. Holiday, holiday, fun all around.

And we sing a song for everyone,

We will love you very much,

Please pour milk into the mugs!

CHORUS: Dear, dear women,

How many of you are here in this room,

All the kids from kindergarten

We gave you a low bow.

Dear, dear women,

Let's drink to your health,

Just don’t think bad -

We drink cow's milk.

2. The holiday will end again soon.

They will educate us, they will scold us.

Don't lose the warmth of your soul,

And the kids will reciprocate!

CHORUS: Our dear employees,

You are sitting in the hall now,

From the kids from kindergarten

Please accept my deepest bow.

Dear, dear women,

We raise our mugs

Happiness, health, patience

We wish you today!

You need to drink to this! (And we don't mind)

You all work with children preschool age. Preschoolers know a lot of fairy tales, but do you know them?

Tell me the name fairy tale hero

Ali (Baba)

Little (Muk, Prince)

Uncle (Fedor, Styopa)

Elena (beautiful)

Grandfather (Frost, Mazai)

Postman (Pechkin)

Tom Thumb)

Iron (Lumberjack)

Puss (in boots, Leopold, Matroskin)

Old Man (Hottabych)

Old woman (Shapoklyak)

A toast to a good memory


Our team is very friendly,

Every employee is needed.

Our personnel are valuable,

They will show you the “class” in action!

Life is rich in impressions -

Everything strives to surprise us.

And now we’ll sing ditties,

To lift your spirits!

The teachers perform ditties.

1. Ah, now, for you, girls

We'll sing little ditties

How we work together

How fun we live!

2. Light in the kitchen early in the morning -

The girls can't sleep.

They won't give us a cook

Choke on saliva!

3. Our nannies all day long

They wash and clean.

How to live on a salary -

They think, they guess!

Pregnant women sing:

4. To increase sharply

In groups the occupancy rate is

We decided not to yawn,

And increase the birth rate!

5. Our team is purely female -

This is not order.

We would like a couple of men -

That would be a gift!

6. If someone gets sick -

They won't let you die:

And the pressure will be measured,

And they will give you a pill.

7. What is that strange noise?

It's not icicles that are dripping.

This is our supply manager coming,

He rattles his keys.

8. Like funny old ladies

Our musicians:

They will sing a song with us,

They'll dance merrily!

9. Our laundress and seamstress

They succeed everywhere:

Sew costumes for the kids

And the clothes are washed!

10. The oldest teacher

Smarter than everyone else. No doubt about it.

Stuffed with information -

Real Internet.

11. One, two, one, two –

That's the end of the words.

Now try it

Clap your hands!

To make life easier -

We need to be friends with humor! Now we bring to your attention the information program “Hang Your Ears.”

They take out the TV in the form of a frame, put it on the table, or someone holds it. I. A sits down.

1. Politics news.

About the anniversary. In August of this year we celebrated the anniversary of our nest. The gala reception was attended by representatives of roofs of all levels, sponsors, and wing brothers.

About verification. The raid of inspectors in August 2017 was successfully repelled. After the inspections took place, they destroyed a N-number of provisions.

About the elections. In September of this year, an exchange of sewing for soap took place. Will our chosen one be an awl or soap? We will find out about this in 4 years.

About optimization. Staff reductions and, accordingly, reduction in working space are just around the corner. Musicians will be offered a music box as an office.

2. Sports news.

Despite the drought and lack of rain in the summer, all the offspring not only survived, but also gained weight and height.

The football team of our kindergarten did not get a prize. The reason for this is the senior composition of the team. Instead of kicking the ball, they ran around the field with the ball in their hands.

3. Weather news.

Heavy leaf fall and snowfall are expected. The caretaker took measures to provide employees with heaters: brooms and shovels.

4. The obvious is the incredible.

A mysterious place was discovered in our kindergarten. Girls who come to work there immediately show signs of infection: they gain weight, their bellies grow, and milk appears. What is the reason? Proximity of products? Thermal conditions?

This is where the “Hang Your Ears” program ends: shake off the noodles!


You are at a loss:

How to become a mystery woman?

Everyone knows how to be here -

Call the fashion designer!

- Today only once - a collection of models for you!

(Models are shown according to the description from waste material)

A model comes out wearing felt boots, a sweatshirt and earflaps.

-This model is No. 1. suitable for winter

It will reliably save you from the frost,

The wind is not scary in it,

It doesn't care about snow,

Preschool worker –


A model comes out wearing a minimum of clothes.

-Model No. 2 –

Especially for summer.

She is even more fashionable -

The less you wear.

You can swim in it

Revenge, sunbathe.

But, it's a pity, you are the boss

He won't be able to understand.

A model emerges wearing clothes made of bright fabric trimmed with bells.

- Model No. 3 – needed for work

Every detail in it is especially important:

In it you will be visible from afar,

And the sounds of walking can be heard far away.

This model should come in handy on weekdays,

The child will be surprised when he sees you!

Then he won’t cause much trouble -

He'll sit there all day with his mouth open!

A model comes out wearing a suit made from newspapers.

Model No. 4.

Wear a suit like this for your husband,

He won't need anyone

And morning, evening, day after day -

He will be busy only with you.

He will know everything in the world!

A model comes out wearing a suit made of polyethylene.

Model No. 5.

And here is a model for a gardener,

Suitable for any weather.

There's a breeze blowing through it

And it's dry in the rain.

A stranger will not approach you -

Even a fly won't land!

A model comes out wearing a suit made of foil.

Model No. 6. The last model is important -

It's needed for the holidays.

You will be charming in it

And very attractive:

Both top models and beauties

They won't hold a candle to you!

A toast to the beauty and elegance of the models!

VED: All the guests in this room have probably heard the following phrase: “You don’t know how to have fun -

So you are not a teacher! "

Never forget that Makarenko said: “I wouldn’t let gloomy teachers near children!”

I invite everyone to sing this song:

A song is performed to the tune of “Blue Car”

1. Only in the morning does the dawn rise, cheerfully calling you to work,

We get out of bed cheerfully, like this every day from year to year.

Ave. Good riddance, good riddance, the long journey spreads,

How many souls and years have been given to the garden!

He became like family to everyone, everyone,

Better than a garden there is none of ours in the whole world.

2. Slowly the minutes float into the distance; kindergarten is usually full of things to do,

Sometimes a slight sadness comes over you, because you have been waiting for a home for a long time.


3. Yes, friends, the work of a teacher is an eternal road without end.

We all chose it consciously; we give our hearts to children.


Everyone sits down at the table, and while drinking tea, Little Brownie Kuzya goes off to change his clothes.

Brownie appears to the music.

Brownie Kuzya: The invitations were sent out, but I wasn’t invited.

Leading: Hello, dear guest! Please introduce yourself!

Brownie Kuzya (laughs): Oh, I’ll die of laughter now! This is so much fun! Am I the guest?

Leading: Please forgive me, forgive everyone present, but hurry up and explain to us so that we can quickly understand everything.

Brownie Kuzya (assertive): Yes, I am, Kuzya Brownie, Brownie Kuzya! IN kindergarten from the cradle, and you are all my family!

(Kuzya the brownie sings ditties.)

Brownie Kuzya:

1. I have been living in kindergarten since it opened.

Not a single event took place here without me.

2. How you live, how you sing, what you have for breakfast and lunch,

I know everything, I hear everything. After all, I have been living here for many years.

3. I know all your secrets, I can tell you a lot.

I can even give you advice on what you should do better.

4. I celebrate the holidays with you and have fun with all my heart.

Congratulations to everyone today, adults and children.

5. And on such a wonderful day I’m not too lazy to sing ditties.

I’ll also dance for you and ask you to clap!

The little brownie is dancing.

Brownie. I heard that you are now studying some new program, either GBT or Federal State Educational Training, but I still don’t understand what kind of animal this is!

Leading. Eh, you! And you also say that you know everything about us! This is GEF! Now our teachers are perfectly aware of the new federal state educational standards and master all modern technologies and methods!

Brownie. Come on!

Leading. So we can easily prove it to you!

Everything lives in motion! Who is flying and who is walking must be shown by movement!

Who flies - wave your hand! Mark the one who swims with a wave!

Who just walks - clap! Who crawls - stomp!

Heavy Colorado potato beetle...

Candidate medical sciences

A fast, fast sea horse...

A buzzing swarm of bees...

Beautiful white moth...

Fluffy little ferret...

Long earthworm...

Pot-bellied little hamster...

Airy white jellyfish...

The poet or composer's muse...

Spotted nimble snake...

He, she, you and me...

Winged bird ostrich...

Father Frost or Santa Claus...

A toast to our Brownie Kuzya!

Leading. And now I’ll tell you fortune, I have a magic hat. Whoever I put a hat on, I’ll read all his thoughts! To guess my thoughts, you need to name the numbers!

Question I: Who were you in? past life? (puts the hat on the 3rd guests (in turn) and asks them to name a number from 1 to five) I see you have a lot of thoughts, how confused they are!

1. hermit monk 1. traveling circus performer 1. comedian

2. a pessimist 2. a waitress in a tavern 2. a card sharper

3. eunuch 3. angel 3. tribal leader

4. beggar 4. concubine 4. traveler

5. an organ grinder 5. a delicious bun 5. a soldier

Question II: What is your character? Oh, now we will find out everything!

2. against men, very weak 2. scandalous 2. naivety surrounds me

3. I'm just an angel 3. You can't say anything bad about my character

4. my character has not yet been formed 4. I’m almost a child

5. My character depends on the circumstances 5. exceptional 5. contradictory

Question III: What are you good at? What I love about myself is what I say! Yeah!

1. Ability to choose friends 1. All 1. luxurious hair

2. ability to sit on two chairs at once 2. Refined manners 2. legs

3. Everything 3. You tire me with your presence 3. the desire to notice the performance of others

4. fantastic generosity 4. both face, and clothes, and thoughts, and soul! 4. rare wit

Question IV: What is your life motto? So everyone thought carefully, strained their brains... Oh, they rushed, my dears... “My thoughts are my horses!”

1. All - or nothing! 1. after me - even a flood 1. I came, I saw, I conquered

2. Through thorns - to the stars! 2. my house is on the edge 2. take everything from life

3. Seize the day! 3. time is money 3. don’t be surprised by anything

4. Not a day without love! 4. whatever is done, everything is for the better 4. the end justifies the means

Question V: What will you give half your life for? What is dear to you, but not dear to me!

1. for nothing 1. for performance 1. for the same talent as you. (Name)

2. for a bottle of martini 2. you, fortune teller, don’t understand! 2. for extraordinary love

3. for worldwide fame 3. for eternal youth

4. for slender legs 4. for a villa by the sea

5. for a clear conscience 5. for the opportunity to become a star 5. for the respect of people


We have many talents:

We are actors, musicians,

Jacks of all trades,

We never know boredom.

Presenter: Fairy tale "Teremok"

Fairy tale adaptation "TEREMOK"

Presenter: There was a tower in the field. A little cowardly mouse runs past. (Mouse) I saw the little house, sniffed it, knocked (mouse knock)

Host: Nobody answers. She was delighted, grinned contentedly and went into the mansion. I started cleaning right away, I was a hard worker (mouse theme)

Here's a plump green frog (frog) jumping around. It croaked near the tower, even choked and knocked proudly: (knock of the frog)

Frog: And I'm a fat green frog. Let me in!

Presenter: The mouse let him in and they began to live together.

A hare-dancer walks past to all the dancers. (hare) Approaches the tower, knocks (hare knocking) The animals heard and began to introduce themselves.

I'm a little cowardly mouse. (cowardly)

(proudly) Who are you?

Hare: And I am a hare-dancer to all dancers! Let me in!

Presenter: They let the hare into the mansion and the three of them began to live together. The mouse bakes pies, the frog eats the pies, the hare makes everyone laugh and dances.

Here a fox passes by, the beauty of the whole forest, the first fashionista! (fox) She approached the tower, straightened her chest and asked in a thin voice:

Fox: Who lives in the little house? no one answers, knocking (fox knocking)

The animals heard and answered:

Frog: I'm a green fat frog!

Hare: I am a hare - a dancer to all dancers!

Fox: And I am the beauty of the fox throughout the forest!

Presenter: The hare saw the fox, whistled through the window, winked, jumped out of the mansion, sat down on his knee, offered his hand and heart to the fox and invited him to live in the mansion.

Host: The four of them began to live. The mouse bakes pies, the frog eats pies, the hare and fox learn tango.

A wolf passes by - the top is the friend of all drunkards. (wolf)

I saw the little mansion and knocked (knock of a wolf)

The animals heard and answered:

Mouse: I am a little cowardly mouse...

Frog: I'm a green fat frog!

Hare: I am a hare dancer to all dancers!

Fox: I am the beauty of the fox throughout the forest! Who are you?

Wolf: And I am a wolf-wolf, a friend to all drunkards!

The animals let him in and they began to live together.

Suddenly a cross-eyed bear walks by. (bear)

I saw something like a tower and knocking (knock of a bear)

The entire mansion was destroyed, and the animals fled. (wreck of the tower)

This is the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who participated!

Toast: To theatrical abilities!

Anthem of educators (to the tune of the song “Nadezhda.”)

1. We have to go back to work in the morning.

Once again we are cut off from home,

Children meet us again,

Competitions, crafts, performances.

We have work and friends here.

And the children's faces are delighted.

And you can't get away from it,

Let all this last for a long, long time.


And the kindergarten calls and calls.

Here we sculpt, play, and build,

And we create comfort for the children,

And everyone deserves an award.

And there is fun, children's laughter all around.

Everything is familiar to us firsthand.

We are educators with you,

Children greet me every day.

And let them run, let the years fly,

And sometimes life is hard.

Happiness and love for you for a year,

Dear and close friends!


And the kindergarten calls and calls,

And friendship warms us all.

And we are all a big family,

We don't have it any other way.

Leading. All preschool employees

Happy holiday today!

Our work is very important, without a doubt,

We wish you patience and endurance!

And finally, I would like to say.

We are all different people, but we are united by one common cause and love for children.

General song

(to the tune of the song “Five Minutes”)

1. Our service is both dangerous and difficult

No other work compares to hers.

We are the souls of our particle

We give to children little by little!

Our life is full of worries and difficulties!

Every day, every hour

We give our hearts to children

And we are for everyone

In response to the future!

For children to grow

Don't be sad, but have fun!

To bloom with smiles

On happy children's faces,

We must every day

Every day and every hour

Everybody work selflessly!

2. Our song is funny, fly

And to whomever you meet along the way,

Tell me how we are all together

We gathered today with a song,

There is no way for us without songs and without friendship!

Galina Anatolyevna Zhidkova
Holiday script for Teacher's Day

Goals and objectives:

Development creativity, aesthetic taste of children, ability to hold on stage;

Development of memory, attention, creative abilities;

Creation positive emotions, respectful attitude towards kindergarten employees.

Music sounds and the presenter enters.

1 led. - Kind friends day! We are glad to see you!

Today no sailor's day, not a joiner, not a carpenter

Today is the best day- preschool worker!

There are many different professions in the world,

And each has its own charm.

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful

Than the one I work for!

2 ved. - And in holiday our professional

I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Everyone who "burns out" At work,

Who do kids love so much!

Everyone who cares and feeds,

Who dances and sings with them.

Laundry washes, guards

And he answers with his head.

And it develops their intelligence

He gives his whole soul and heart!

Poem « Educator» reads


The teacher is smarter than everyone else,

Dearest and most important of all!

And kinder than anyone in the world,

Children know everything about this!

All kindergarten workers

A great reward awaits:

This is the happiness of all children

Nastya, Dash, Bogdanov, Mishek!

Don't get sick, don't get old,

Better just stay younger!

We cordially congratulate you,

We wish you personal happiness!

Ved. Dear colleagues, future graduates of our children's school have come to congratulate you garden-preparatory group "Entertainers", greet them with thunderous applause.

Children from the preparatory group enter the hall to the music.

Autumn is quietly setting foot on the Earth.

Irrigates everything with bright colors.

Bushes and trees have become colored:

Colorful, bright and painted!

Children perform a song “Oh, what autumn!”

1. Where are you, where are you, dear autumn?

We've been waiting for you all year.

Into the autumn forest along the path

We are coming to meet you.

Chorus: Oh, what autumn, oh what

All of the yellow leaves are golden,

And silver drops of rain

They sing songs.

2. In the cobwebs between the birch trees

The sun hides its rays.

Berries, mushrooms, nuts

Save it for us.

3. Multi-colored leaves

They fly in a joyful waltz,

The wind dances with autumn,

And the leaves are falling.

1. How kind and attentive

Our educators!

Who meets us in kindergarten, KARINA

Who will accompany us home?

He dances with us,

He dances and sings with us,

2. He goes for a walk with us

And conducts classes?

It's all of them, they are MISHA

My teachers!

We are one family with them,

We can't live without them!

3. Thank you,” we say tenderly

We to their teachers.

We also confess to you: KIRILL

You look like our mothers.

Thank you a hundred thousand times,

We will remember you all our lives.

1 led. – All kindergarten workers

We are very happy to congratulate you!

Wish you warmth

And kindness!

And thank you to say

What have you been able to create?

Warm climate in the team

Always look beautiful!

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness,

Less boring bad weather,

It's fun, not boring to live,

Treasure this life!

4. Our nannies, thank you,

For the sunshine of smiles to you, MAXIM

For attention, for comfort,

For your heartfelt good work.

5. Because our home is a kindergarten -

It was more beautiful year after year, Egor

We must say "thank you"

Our manager.

6. Everyone in our group knows -

It's hard to be a methodologist SONYA

This means very, very

We must love all children.

7. Thanks to the musicians

For holidays and laughter, AMINATE

For having talents

Now we all have.

8. Thanks to everyone who worked in the kitchen.

He cooked porridge for us and prepared compotes, ULYANA

Without you we would be like this

Don't grow big!

Children perform a song « Our teacher»

1. Parents bring us to kindergarten every day day

They run, fly, go wherever they are,

We live, grow, laugh before your eyes,

And we honestly admit that we love you very much.


You are our first teacher, you are like our parent

Friend and teacher teacher, teacher.

You are our first mentor, shield and nerves of steel,

Our Guardian Angel our teacher.


It happens without a doubt, sometimes it’s difficult for you,

But the right decision you will always accept.

Forgive the naughty girls for giving you too much heat,

You love kids, and we sing about you.

Chorus: 2 times

You give care, you give warmth.

You dance and sing with us,

We will hug you tightly, we will press you tenderly,

And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember.

Chorus: 2 times

9. To the employees of our kindergarten

From the noisy and loving children DASHA

Please accept this award:

Our smiles and flowers.

Children give flowers to all employees and sit on chairs.

The presenter comes out with Petya.

Ved - We wish you love and happiness!

Great ideas and salaries!

The entire future is in your power!

Long live our kindergarten!

10. You give us joy and care,

Although sometimes it's not easy,

And everyone day, at any time of the year PETYA

We feel fun, cozy and warm!

Thank you for your love and understanding,

After all, the kindergarten has become a second home for us!

May your wishes come true

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Ved - You have had hard work,

He demanded a lot of attention

After all, everyone understands for themselves

Children, what does it mean? education.

While it lasted working day -

You replaced the children's mother

And today everyone wants

Thank you for everything!

The mothers of our children came to congratulate us, we give them the floor.

Parents speak.

Ved It’s wonderful to be with you,

But the time has come to say goodbye.

And we will say goodbye to you:

“See you again and goodbye!”