Ani Lorak spoke live about serious disagreements with her husband and hinted at divorce! Ani Lorak personal life and family: latest news Children of the singer and her husband.

Nalchadzhiogly Murat, husband of Ani Lorak (Karolina Kuek), a famous singer of Ukraine, was born in mid-June 1977, of Turkish nationality. Successful businessman, co-owner of the tour operator Turness Travel in Turkey. Since 2006 he has been a citizen of Ukraine. Murat owns the Kiev restaurant “Mangal”, where his sister works as a chef.

Meeting Ani Lorak with her husband

Lorak's first meeting with her future husband took place in 2005 in Antalya, a resort city where the girl came to rest. She stayed at a hotel, one of the owners of which was Murat.

husband of Ani Lorak husband

  1. The young man did not know that Ani was a popular singer, and, as a joke, he invited her to compete in karaoke with a local ensemble. The girl replied, laughing, that he would have to pay dearly for such a performance.
  2. At the time of separation, both hoped for a new meeting in the future. It took place exactly a year later: while passing through Turkey, Ani, by chance, runs into Murat again, so as not to be separated again.
  3. In 2009 they got married. Two weddings took place: in Ukraine and in Turkey. 2011 was a happy year for both spouses: their desired daughter was born.

Ani Lorak’s husband assures that he managed to win the beauty’s heart only because Caroline treated him kindly from the very beginning. This is mutual love “from the first smile, at first sight.”

In order for the family to be together, the man makes strong-willed decisions and leaves:

  1. Business.
  2. Beloved Motherland.
  3. Relatives and friends.

Not everyone is capable of taking such steps in the name of love. This characterizes him as a decisive, courageous, and at the same time romantic person.

Ani Lorak - family, marriage, husband

Ani and Murat celebrated their fifth anniversary of marriage (2014) in Malta.

According to the singer, her husband has excellent taste, he knows what suits him, even Lorak gives good advice on choosing things. He loves perfect order in the room and around him, constantly putting it in place: putting things in their places, vacuuming. The businessman’s film preferences: action films and fantasy films.

Ani Lorak's husband loves cooking meat dishes and pampering his family. On significant days, Ani receives huge bouquets of roses from her husband as a symbol of love and devotion.

The Ukrainian singer won the hearts of a huge number of men and women, not only with her appearance, but also with her strong and melodic voice. Lorak will celebrate her anniversary in September 2018; she will turn 40 years old.

She looks simply flawless for her age. Her height of 163 cm and weight of 52 kg allows her to demonstrate to her many fans what kind of body women at her age can have. The biography, personal life, children, husband and photos of singer Ani Lorak were the main topic of discussion among fans, journalists and simply lovers of her work.


Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek is the real name of Ani Lorak. Born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman, in the Bukovina region. Despite the early separation of her parents, her mother kept her father’s surname and chose the name based on her liking for the heroine of her favorite TV show. Due to lack of money and poverty, Lorak’s mother had to spend a lot of time at work.

At an early age, Ani ends up in the Sadgori boarding school. During her studies, she took part in numerous vocal competitions. In 1992, a young girl won the Primrose festival. Yuri Falyosa saw the girl’s talent and became her first producer. She signed her first contract with him.

Ani Lorak in childhood and youth


“Morning Star”, one of the most popular Russian television programs, has made changes to the singer Ani Lorak’s biography and personal life. Pay attention! It was this program that created the stage name by reading her name backwards.

Lorak's career grew rapidly. In 1995, her first album was recorded, and already at the beginning of 1996 a CD was released by an English company. This year was a victory for her. She won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Boundless talent and desire allowed her to record such albums as:

  • "Shady Lady"
  • "Ships";
  • "Caroline";
  • "Without you";
  • "Don't give up";
  • "Autumn Love";
  • "The New Ex."

Ani Lorak on the set of the video “Ships”

These albums include the 7 most popular songs that we all love so much:

  • Shady Lady;
  • Sun;
  • At first sight;
  • For you;
  • Bring back my love;
  • Take it;
  • Mirrors.

Ani Lorak and Valery Meladze on stage

Each composition gives us the opportunity to return to past memories. I have no doubt that every girl has at least one favorite song that she associates with a certain part of her life.

Personal life

Attention! Yuri Falyosa was the first de facto husband from 1996 to 2004. In 2009, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu became Ani Lorak's husband.

Looking through the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, her husband and photos of children, many try to find even more fascinating facts from life in them. Their luxurious wedding took place in her husband’s homeland, Turkey. Two years later, the couple decided to expand the family with children. In 2011, their daughter Sofia was born.

It is interesting that the couple chose the Bulgarian singer Philip Kirkorov as godfathers, and Verkhovna Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya became godfather. The christening took place on April 7, 2012 in Kyiv.

Ani Lorak with Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Husband and children

Everyone is interested in knowing the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, photos of children, husband and how old their strong marriage is. Who is Murat Nalchadzhioglu? What does their now five-year-old princess look like? Murat Nalchadzhioglu is a businessman from Turkey whom Ani met on vacation in sunny Antalya. Murat was one of the owners of the hotel where the singer stayed.

He fell in love with her at first sight, Ani did not keep him waiting long and soon returned his feelings. After the end of her vacation, Lorak flew away, but she and Murat constantly talked on the phone. A year later she returned to Turkey, where she filmed a video and settled in the same hotel. After this meeting, their real romance began.

Many people are interested in the question - “How old is Murat”? The husband is only a year older than his beloved. He was born on June 12, 1977. Murat started earning money very early to help his mother after his father's death.

Wedding of Anya and Murat

After the wedding in Turkey, Murat moved to his wife’s homeland and began to rapidly develop in the restaurant business. He also manages several clubs and has no plans to stop. The biggest achievement for the couple was the birth of their daughter Sofia. Ani Lorak and Murat no longer hide photos of their charming baby.

Now on the pages of Instgrama, parents with pride and great delight for their “child” post funny pictures of their daughter. Dad's eastern roots and mom's charming smile combined perfectly in this charming baby. Five-year-old Sonya is not intimidated by cameras and poses well. Therefore, there is a high probability that the daughter will follow in the footsteps of the star mother.

Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

Bullying in Ukraine

Loud statements were made against the Ukrainian singer. Many claimed that she had betrayed her homeland and was openly touring Russia with concerts. Singer Anastasia Prikhodko spoke sharply not only towards Ani Lorak, but also her fans. Despite the betrayal of Ukraine, they continue to applaud her creativity.

“The harassment that is happening now is part of the political game,” the singer believes.

Ani Lorak

By clarifying their relationship, politicians are setting people up for negativity. But Ani Lorak’s songs and creativity will always serve Ukraine. “I made my choice to bring love to people through music. This has always been and will be my choice: to serve people with my creativity,” says Ani.

Politicians are trying to use different situations from Ani Lorak’s personal life, biography and photos, but this will remain only on their conscience. She will always remain with her people. The singer believes that we are all “connected” by family and historical ties.

“Soon these terrible days will end, and all people will forget about the suffering caused during the cruel games”! – says Ani Lorak.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak now

Ani Lorak demonstrates her creativity on world stages. She performs in:

  • England;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Hungary;
  • Poland;
  • Turkey.

Ani Lorak sings on stage

Her immediate plans are to conquer the European and world public. Undoubtedly, the wide profile of her music and charming voice will help her achieve this goal.

In the last video, which they recorded together with the famous producer Alan Badoev, the singer had to change her image. Ani Lorak has turned into a femme fatale.

She “tried on” 5 bright images:

  1. Bright red lips;
  2. Red boots;
  3. Transparent dress;
  4. Short jacket;
  5. Black lacquer coat.

Ani Lorak

It’s interesting that viewers criticized the new video – “New Ex”. Viewers noticed that it was very similar to Tina Karol’s video for the song “I Will Not Stop” and accused the singer of plagiarism. Did Alan Badoev really “borrow” someone else’s idea and thereby frame Lorak?!

After intense filming of the video and the New Year's concert, the singer decided to relax with her husband and daughter. Lorak shared a photo from the heat of Mexico on Instagram. On the beach, the singer showed off her black bikini, which clearly showed off her flat tummy.

Ani Lorak on vacation in Mexico

Lorak is sunbathing and preparing for the upcoming concerts and the main event of the year in the “Diva” show. Let's hope that the rested and tanned Ani Lorak will continue to delight the viewers' eyes not only with her gorgeous photos, but also with new creative discoveries.

The personal life of Ani Lorak has been under close media attention for many years. This is not surprising, Lorak is one of the most beautiful pop stars in the post-Soviet space. She does not advertise her personal life, but still some details from the singer’s life can be learned from the photo on the girl’s Instagram.

Ani Lorak's husband - Murat Nalchadzhioglu

They met in 2005 in Turkey. The singer came to Antalya on vacation and settled in one of the best hotel complexes, and Murat worked as its general manager.

As Lorak once stated, at the first meeting he behaved simply impudently. He offered to come to the restaurant in the evening, listen to the musicians, and when Lorak refused, he said that soon she would sing only for him alone. A few days later, the hotel owner arranged a dinner party for Lorak, where she met Murat again.

The singer later said: “Some kind of unreal attraction arose between us, we couldn’t help but look at each other.”

The future spouses began to actively communicate. But the problem was that Lorak worked and lived in Ukraine, and Murat in Turkey. He flew to her for the weekend, they spent their vacation together. But this was not the relationship they both wanted to have. Then Murat decided to move the business to Ukraine, and in August 2009 the couple got married. The marriage was registered in one of the Kyiv registry offices. It was a simple ceremony. They decided to have a gorgeous wedding in Turkey, Murat’s homeland.

In 2016, there were active rumors in the press about the divorce of Murat and Ani. The star herself confirmed that they really had difficult times. But there was no divorce and there never will be. Now the couple has found mutual understanding.

Lorak and Yuri Thales

Ani Lorak's first producer was Yuri Thales. It was he who fully discovered the talent of the young 13-year-old star. It is known that they were connected not only by business relations.

Lorak and Thalesa lived in a civil marriage for 10 years.

In one interview, the singer said: “I am very grateful to Yuri - he taught me a lot, including how to use cutlery during meals. I really felt the warmest tender feelings for him, but this love was childish and fragile.”

Yuri Thalesa – former producer of Ani

The couple broke up on the initiative of Ani Lorak. Thales gave a number of interviews in which he did not speak very flatteringly about his former lover. It is known that now they do not maintain relationships and do not communicate even at social events.

Photo of daughter Ani Lorak

In June 2011, Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu had a daughter, whom they named Sofia. The birth took place in one of the Kyiv maternity hospitals. The girl's godfather was singer Philip Kirkorov.

Sofia is growing up like a princess. She loves to play with dolls and dress up in beautiful dresses. Dad and aunt, Murat’s sister, spend a lot of time with her. It is known that the girl did not go to school this year. As Ani Lorak said: “Let her childhood last as long as possible!”

The singer shared revelations about her husband: “He is just a wonderful dad, he always finds time to communicate with his daughter. They play together and go for walks. They often fool around and discuss new cartoons.”

Ani Lorak now

The real name of the pop singer is Carolina Kuek. In March 2017, she celebrated her 39th birthday. The star continues to work actively: touring, writing new songs, filming videos. She doesn’t forget to find time for her family. There are a lot of photos on Instagram from family walks and vacations, trips to the cinema and the zoo.

Ani Lorak is a famous, talented and beloved singer. Her songs are played on the country's main radio stations, and her videos are broadcast on all music channels. In addition to touring and filming in various projects, Carolina will soon present a new concert program “Diva”.

She captivates with her beauty, charm and talent, becoming popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, and her many fans follow not only her work, but also her personal life, and they would be interested to know if she is married and who Ani Lorak's husband? Yes, the singer has been happy with her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu, for more than nine years, and seven of them have been legally married.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

The personal life of Ani Lorak developed differently, and it was not always only cloudless days. The parents of Carolina Kuek, this is the singer’s real name, separated even before her birth, so her mother, who had two more sons in her arms, and then a third was born in a new marriage, sent her older children to a boarding school.

In the photo - Ani Lorak and Yuri Thalesa

Mom, father and grandmothers did not spoil the girl with their attention, and Ani constantly felt lonely and unwanted, and her main dream was to quickly get out of the boarding school. In the seventh grade, she took her documents and transferred to a regular school, but this did not make her life better - Caroline constantly heard ridicule and endured bullying - her peers openly laughed at the poorly dressed “fatherless girl”.

Anya’s parents devoted themselves to creative professions - her mother was a radio announcer, and her father was a journalist, a penchant for creativity manifested itself in her - she loved and knew how to sing and from early childhood took part in various competitions, and at fourteen her professional career began.

The talented young singer was noticed by producer Yuri Thales and did everything possible to turn Ani into a real star. As often happens, a mutual feeling arose between the producer and the young singer, despite the significant age difference of seventeen years, Yuri divorced his wife, and soon they began to live together.

It was Thales who suggested Caroline’s stage name, inverting her real name - this is how Ani Lorak turned out. However, this civil marriage did not last long, and the reason for the separation from her first husband was Ani Lorak’s new love. She openly admitted to Yuri that she had fallen in love, but Thales decided not to immediately put an end to their relationship, they continued to work together, and Ani suffered from new love.

Her lover was a wealthy, famous and wealthy man, but married, and, assuring Lorak that he would soon divorce his wife and everything would be fine with them, he was in fact in no hurry to change anything in his biography and leave the family. Tired of enduring this uncertainty, Ani broke up with him and returned to Thales, but it was no longer possible to restore what was between them before, and they broke up completely. And after several years of loneliness, the singer met her true love.

Who is Ani Lorak's husband?

Ani met Murat while on vacation in Turkey. He was an employee of the hotel, one of the owners of the tour operator “Turtess Travel”, where the singer stayed, and fell in love with her at first sight, and soon Lorak reciprocated his feelings. After several days spent together, they had to break up, but they continued to communicate on the phone until Ani realized that this romance would lead nowhere - after all, she and Murat are from different countries, speak different languages, and there is no point in continuing the relationship. So they would have parted forever if a year later the singer had not flown to the same hotel to shoot a video, and from this meeting their beautiful romance began.

In the photo - Ani Lorak with her husband

Murat Nalchadzhioglu arranged romantic weekends for Ani, gave flowers and gifts, and in 2006 he moved to Ukraine. This fairy tale lasted all three years until Ani finally agreed to become his wife - she delayed this moment because she was afraid that the stamp in the passport would ruin their relationship, but this did not happen, and after Murat proposed to her, she decided to marry him. They played two weddings - one in Kyiv, the other in Turkey.

In the photo - the wedding of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Murat Nalchadzhioglu: biography

Many people are interested in the question - how old is Murat Nalchadzhioglu? The singer’s husband is almost her age - he was born on June 12, 1977 and is a year older than his wife. His biography is somewhat similar to the biography of Anya herself - Murat also began an independent life early, at the age of fourteen he began to earn money so that after the death of his father he could help his mother raise three sisters. After moving to Ukraine and marrying Ani Lorak, Murat turned from an average entrepreneur into a successful businessman and continues to develop his business - he owns several restaurants in Kyiv, manages entertainment clubs and is not going to stop there.

Children of the singer and her husband

Children of Ani Lorak - this has always been the ultimate dream of the singer and her husband, because for complete happiness their family only needed a happy child’s laughter. On June 9, 2011, the daughter of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu, Sofia, was born. Having decided to have a child, the couple worried about how the birth would go, because by that time Anya was thirty-three years old, and she was afraid that various complications might arise.

Fortunately, everything went well, and soon photos of the singer’s daughter appeared online. A year after Sofia was born, they baptized her in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became her godfather.

Ani Lorak successfully combines career and motherhood, and her husband helps her with this. The singer says that her husband is a wonderful dad - he always walks with his daughter, plays with her, sings songs to Sofia, and her daughter adores him. Ani calls her family an island of happiness, and considers it a real gift of fate.

Rumors about Ani Lorak's divorce from her husband

Ani knows that star marriages are not characterized by strength and constancy, but she knows well how to avoid this and tries to do everything so that their family exists forever. However, she and Murat also had to go through certain difficulties in their relationship, and rumors often appeared in the media that Ani Lorak’s husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu was divorcing her. They talked about this especially often when Murat moved from Turkey to Kyiv, and then everyone disapproved of the singer marrying a Turk.

In the photo - Ani and Murat with their daughter Sofia

The singer’s lifestyle also caused some tension in the relationship at the beginning of her married life - Ani often toured and therefore was very rarely at home, which is why one day Murat doubted whether she needed him at all. Fortunately, they managed to survive society's disapproval and some problems in their relationship, and now the couple are still happy together.

Murat Nalchadzhioglu learned Russian for the sake of his wife, although it was not easy for him, and now they communicate in Russian in the family. Ani tries not to lose her attractiveness in the eyes of her husband and does not allow herself to look unkempt at home. Lorak is sure that a woman should be a source of tenderness, love and warmth, and then her man will never stop liking her. They often have to be far from each other, but even in such moments, Ani and Murat try to always be in touch and remind each other of their love.