What can you write a comment? Comments to the photo

Any under the photo beautiful girl There are always a lot of enthusiastic comments on social networks. Guys and adult men especially try to convey their admiration. Nice words sometimes they confuse and surprise, but do not leave you indifferent. But what if natural modesty or imagination does not allow you to leave a great comment under your favorite photo?

Our large selection offers a wide variety of comments under the girl’s photo for use. None of them will go unnoticed. And some will be able to hook you in such a way that they won’t let her forget about you for a long time. A successful comment on a girl’s photo is a great chance to continue communicating with her in the future. Then her sweet smile will delight you more often. After all, it’s impossible not to smile when flattering words are addressed to you!

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Every photo you have is a demonstration of model data and a charming smile! You can’t take your eyes off, you can’t take your feet away!

You know how to surprise! On each new photo you're getting better and better.

So cute... This look suits you, although all the others are amazing too!

Gorgeous! A combination of elegance and outrageousness.

Very good) I would give a lot for such a smile.

* * *

Lovely! Does your mother need a son-in-law? Or are you a fan? I will rate every photo of yours an A.

Simply super-beautiful! A delight for the eyes, a joy for us, an irritant for envious people.

Being so beautiful is dangerous for men's health.

To cheer up, just look at your photo.

It’s a crime to have a smile like that and not show it off all the time! Correct yourself in every photo.

What eyes! What a figure! The goddesses nervously smoke on Olympus, jealous of your beauty.

* * *

I always get excited when I look at your photos. You are perfect!

Girlfriend, if I were a man, I would fall in love one hundred percent! You are gorgeous from every angle.

From your charms, even the photographs turn out extraordinary, as if they were taken by a brilliant photographer.

You get better with every shot. Do you want to become a fashion model?))

It's so nice to watch you grow up and get better every year. Or rather, even with every photo!

You don't have a single uninteresting photo. You are special in each one, but stunningly beautiful everywhere!

There are oceans in your extraordinary eyes. In this photo they are raging and beckoning brave swimmers to test their strength in rowing with obstacles!

Watching you even in photographs is my most enjoyable pastime. Make me happy more often))

Your beauty makes my heart beat loudly and sink into my heels, and the butterflies in my stomach just take ritual flights, going crazy from the signals of my brain))

Do you have at least one photo where you are not so beautiful? If you say yes, I still won’t believe it.

It seems to me that you are wonderful no matter what you are wearing or what environment you are in!

The place where you are is beautiful. You decorate reality with yourself. Continue this good work.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy your beauty))

God, with unheard of generosity, has given you all the best external characteristics. Be proud, value yourself))

I saw them shining gems– your shine is a hundred times brighter!

The magnetism of this photo is so strong that I am ready to rush and cuddle with you this minute!

Your beauty is hellish and heavenly at the same time. You are a sinful Eve and a passionate devil. In your eyes, fire and ice cannot divide leadership.

From such a delicious crumb, drool drips onto the keyboard, and the monitor sweats with lust))

Beautiful comment on a girl's photo

I want to be in the same frame with you. You decorate everything and everyone around you.

Let's take a photo together? So that I can then brag that I have a photo with a future star!

You are so extraordinary and beautiful in this photo that I want to address you as “goddess.”

This photo just begs to be framed and hung on the wall for daily admiration))

I’ll copy your photo, okay?! I want to see your smile all the time from the screen of my monitor...

Has someone already told you that your photography is art? I'm sure that's true.

In this article you will find options for comments and captions for VKontakte photos.

Beautiful words on social networks for photographs of children, daughters, sons: words, text

Sometimes signing your photos on social networks with simple words “my daughter” or “my son” can be quite boring. It’s much more pleasant to include necessary and important words or beautiful quotes that will create a mood and inspire reflection. In this way, the photograph itself will become more meaningful and valuable.

What can be used as a signature:

  • Personal philosophical thoughts
  • Memories
  • Emotional stories
  • Words and statements of famous people
  • Movie quotes
  • Book excerpts

Beautiful quotes for photographs of children, girls, boys on social networks: words, text

Of course, each child is individual and good in his own way. For his parents, he is the most special and the best. By exhibiting his photograph in social media, parents, of course, are proud of their child. It is very easy to convey this note of mood by making an accurate and very sensitive caption for photos.

Beautiful comments on photographs of children, girls, boys on social networks: words, text

Even if you don't include photos of your children, you can always comment on someone's posted photo, showing a good side of yourself and leaving a mark on your friend's page. Choose the most beautiful and wise sayings, which can “awaken” emotions and make a positive imprint.

Beautiful words in social networks for photographs of girls and women: words, text

A beautiful photograph of a woman cannot be ignored. She causes a mass positive emotions and forces any social network user to react in some way: like it or leave a personal comment. To ensure that your words do not go unnoticed, you should choose the most effective and beautiful quote, or a personal emotional statement.

Beautiful quotes for photographs of girls and women on social networks: words, text

If you can’t find the words on your own or are lost in thought, you should leave quotes or aphorisms from famous personalities in the comments to the photos.

Beautiful comments on photographs of girls and women on social networks: words, text

Well-chosen words or quotes will definitely decorate every photo posted on social networks. If you want to please a person or just make him feel good, don’t miss the opportunity to leave your “special” comment.

Beautiful words in social networks for photographs of boys and men: words, text

Even men are pleased when women react to their photos. Don't miss the opportunity and make a small surprise to the “strong half of humanity” by leaving a couple of gentle and very precise words about their superiority.

Beautiful quotes for photos of guys and men: words, text

If it’s difficult to “gather your thoughts in a pile” and write something worthwhile under a photo, you can always use a famous quote or statement from a famous person.

Beautiful comments on photos of guys and men on social networks: words, text

Comments under photos are always an indicator of how beautiful the photo is and how much people like it. Therefore, do not be lazy to leave your comment under the photo of a man you know or just like.

Beautiful words on social networks for wedding photos: words, text

Of course it's impossible to leave wedding photo without any signature. People who will view it must definitely feel the moment and only the right words can help in this. These could be personal impressions, poems or famous quotes about happy love.

Beautiful quotes for wedding photos: words, text

If you notice that one of your friends on social networks has posted a wedding photo, be sure to leave your congratulatory comment under the photo. It should contain the most beautiful words, convey all your admiration and joy for the fact that two people tied the knot.

Beautiful comments for wedding photos on social networks: words, text

The comment under the photo can be in the form of prose or a poem, the main thing is that it must be congratulatory. You can also notice how beautiful the couple is in the photo and wish them happiness.

Beautiful words on social networks for family photos: words, text

A family photo always brings joy. There are tons of famous quotes about love and family left by famous people, which are ideal for captioning a photo posted on a social network.

Beautiful quotes for family photos: words, text

Sometimes, quotes will express the mood of a photograph much more clearly than words. Try to choose beautiful aphorisms.

Beautiful comments for family photos on social networks: words, text

Don't forget to comment on the photos of your loved ones and good friends on social networks. You will please them and be able to show how much you care. As a comment, choose a well-known phrase or aphorism.

Beautiful quotes for photos of friends and girlfriends: words, text

Friendship is one of the most important values ​​in life. She must be valued and respected, she must not be forgotten. You can show how much you need friendship with your comment or caption under the photo.

Beautiful comments to photos of friends and girlfriends on social networks: words, text

How many people - so many opinions, different points of view and comments. To be appreciated for your wisdom and sensuality, choose the most sensual words to leave a comment under a friend’s photo.

It “came to me” that it is equally important to be able to correctly comment on girls’ photos!

After all, how many bummers happen in this field every day!

Here's a recent example, one of my readers couldn't find a place for himself because he made the mistake of leaving a terribly jerky comment on a girl's photo:

In general, I wrote her a message without adding. We corresponded and communicated well, in the end I got a phone number and made an appointment) During the meeting I used all your tricks and a little of mine, kinesthetic skills starting with little, and then more and more, at that moment we were sitting in a cafe) she liked everything) then I took her I took her home, and there I really sucked her) she liked it) I decided not to fuck her because... I liked her very much, this hasn’t happened for a long time) then I came home and wrote a STUPID message in the comments to her photo:

It was a pleasure spending time with you. I won’t forget our kiss and I want to kiss your lips every day and every hour and touch your hands......

And the next day I called her, but she didn’t pick up... I wrote to her that I wanted to meet, she said that she couldn’t meet...

It's all about significance!

But all that was needed was not to overestimate the girl’s importance!

Yeah, it's all about fucking significance. You like this girl, you want to grab her as soon as possible, and if she also shows signs of sympathy, then that’s it - the guy completely loses his head, forgetting about one simple rule, which I will talk about below. And then the guy tries to resort to, but this cannot be done right away.

But first, I will protect you from using various compliments, which are simply teeming with comments on photographs of attractive girls. Never, remember, never use enthusiastic comments that you can’t wait to write yourself or find somewhere on the Internet. I recently looked - a lot of sites offer options for such comments, but think for yourself, do they really need your result? No, they just need traffic, so among their comments there are absolutely disgusting options like:

  • Beauty, come to me and give me happiness, how cool you are, the fire burns inside.
  • Have you decided to seduce the entire male half of your contact))?
  • Expressive eyes... sensual lips... curly locks... in general, extremely attractive!

And here you are, dear reader, golden rule How to properly comment on photos of girls:

Let's go from the other side

If you want to comment on a girl’s photo, then use a joke instead of a compliment! Right down to the banter!

Only this will challenge the girl and make her pay attention to you. So if you want a girl to distinguish you from the many guys who write to her every day, learn to tease! And then it won’t be difficult for you.

This was the first reason to tease the girl in the comments. There is a second one - by using wit, you show the girl one of the attractive masculine qualities.

Digging deeper, you can understand that you are also meta-telling the girl that you have already done this with other girls before, and they perceived it as normal. Those. you have no reason to hide your sense of humor under ordinary compliments.

What is included in the concept of teasing? Friendly humor, irony, sarcasm, barbness, irony, self-irony.

What is not included is harsh banter, ridicule, mockery, ridicule and, ultimately, insult.

As you can see, in the first version, our humor carries a positive message and, therefore, a positive reaction is expected. If a girl, for some reason, decides to rudely respond to your joke, then let her go, goldfish. Why do you need a girl with inappropriate behavior?

The second option contains negativity. Negativity is a bad feeling, so your comment will either be deleted, or you will be added to the ban, or you will simply spoil the impression of yourself.

Examples of correct comments

Let's try to use our brains right now and come up with interesting captions for photos of girls?

Here, lot number one, a girl with a suitcase... What do you see? Cool smile? Playfulness? Forget it, dozens of guys before you have already seen and written about it.

Option one – play up the situation in the photo! For example, I commented like this:

“Who did she rob again?;) Listen, on Tuesday we are going to work again, we are taking the Central Bank, we need an assistant... By the way, what do you do better - drive a car or shoot back at the cops? »

Option two – pay attention to the little things!

“AYAY! Your hand with the Coke is sticking out of your back!”

Do you feel it? In any case, you will hook the girl, and she will want to justify herself and write a response to your caption for her photo.

The second option is a girl against the background of a cool car:

“Oh, so who’s stealing radios from wheelbarrows in our yard! Give it back to my neighbor immediately;) The old lady is sad!”

Notice how the “;)” emoticon changes the tone of the message from accusation to joke.

The third photo of the girl shows her new earrings:

“What are they whispering to you that is so indecent?”

The fourth photo is a girl with a pig with cow colors:

“So, what’s your baby’s name?;)”

Fifth photo - a girl on a bed with her legs spread:

“My heart feels that the invisible man broke down that evening;)”

The sixth photo of our hit parade is a girl in the forest, looking out for someone:

“Which intelligence school did you graduate from? Why without camouflage?

The seventh option is a girl with firewood (already funny):

“Oh, you opened a business? How much for firewood?;)"

And finally, I’ll show you the very line that, if you cross it, you can forever lose the girl’s sympathy. In the photo there is a girl with DUCKFACE:

Listen, I don’t know you, I just happened to see you on a friend’s page, but I can tell you that this is the most masterpiece duckface in the entire history of human development! Thousands of lips will repeat your name! A miraculous monument will be erected in your honor, and it will become the main attraction of your city, so that every passerby can admire the beauty of your lips. And in a few generations, your descendants will remember you as a messenger from heaven who led humanity to friendship with the galactic duck alliance! If legends are made about me, then you and I definitely need to seize power throughout the world

By the way, in my free book “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” I gave more examples of how to correctly comment on a girl’s photo in order to start getting to know her. Download this guide now - top right of this page!

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    The main stage in the development of relationships is communication. If you like a girl and want to win her over, beautiful compliments will be yours an indispensable assistant and a friend in winning her heart.

    However, shower the girl with a mountain kind words there is no need, since this may seem like pure flattery or intrusiveness. In this case, it is recommended to find the so-called golden mean.

    Reference! If you do not have refined vocabulary, then use poetry and prose. The ladies will be incredibly delighted with this!

    However, it is much better and more pleasant to learn how to compliment a girl from the bottom of your heart.

    How to say about beauty in your own words?

    Mature lady

    Before you write a compliment to the woman in the photo, you need to remember that the woman is an adult and experienced person.

    Compliments addressed to her should be “without excessive pretentiousness”:

    • "You look stunning!"
    • "I like your new hairstyle!"
    • “This dress suits you very well!” and so on.

    It is advisable to use spoken language with neutral but emotional words; the result will be much more effective.

    Important! Naturally, we must not forget about the stereotypes, preferences, and interests of women. If you know her well, then choose words and expressions in “her style.” In this case, your comment will not go unnoticed.

    Representatives of the stronger sex, including the most experienced ones, often withdraw into themselves at the sight of a charming lady, and therefore cannot connect even a couple of simple words.

    In this industry you need to have specific knowledge and practical skills. And learn a few quatrains about female beauty will never be superfluous!

    After all, in this way, at any appropriate moment, you can open your feelings to a woman, becoming in her eyes also a sweet romantic and a brave knight.

    To a young woman

    Most girls are very unusual, flirtatious, emotional, with their own flaws and whims.

    Important! The stereotypes of modern girls are somewhat different than those of mature ladies. Therefore, a slightly different approach to them is needed.

    Therefore, a guy, in order to write an unusual and original compliment to the girl in the photo, must use her tricks: “You can’t even imagine how much I like boys!”, “What a pussy!”, “What a mess?”, “What a neat cutie!” , “Beautiful bunny!” and the like.

    Important! Naturally, before writing such comments, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the meanings of jargon. After all, their incorrect use “at the wrong time and in the wrong place”, without any doubt, will entail a lot of negative consequences.

    And, of course, in order to write a truly exquisite compliment under a girl’s photo, you need to get to know her better, if you haven’t done so before.

    Despite the fact that obscene language has entered our lives and has become an integral part of society, it should not be used in comments:

    1. Firstly, it insults the honor and dignity of the individual.
    2. Secondly, in her eyes you will seem like an uncultured guy, which will certainly push her away from you.

    Watch the video in which the pickup artist tells how to properly compliment a girl:

    To a friend

    A friend is the girl with whom you spend a huge amount of time. You know her well, you know almost everything about each other. In other words, you are in the friend zone.

    Reference! There simply cannot be turning points when composing a compliment. But if this did happen, then you can write what you really think about her new photo.

    A tease or joke at her expense will not be superfluous, but, on the contrary, will add brightness and emotionality to your compliment.

    It is important to remember that you should not joke in a way that might hurt her feelings and might make her appear to her friends in a way that is not “as desired.” Therefore, before writing another comment, you should think about the consequences 7 times.

    Short phrase templates

    We present a list of ready-made compliments that are suitable for both girls and women:

    1. You are simply charming!
    2. You are my ideal!
    3. You are a goddess!
    4. I want to see your sweet smile always!
    5. You have a beautiful figure!
    6. You are a real treasure!
    7. You are a real beauty and just lovely!
    8. You are a gift to life, very beautiful and the best!
    9. Your beauty makes the sun shine!
    10. Today and always you look simply amazing!

    The video shows examples the right compliments girl or woman:

    We hope that our tips helped you get rid of shyness and now you can easily write a compliment to any representative of the fair sex and impress her.