Children's club Montessori development.

Every child is unique and has enormous potential. The task of parents is to help reveal the child’s abilities. One of the most effective systems education, which allows for the comprehensive development of the child, is considered.

IN recent years More and more kindergartens are working according to the Montessori method. What are its advantages?

The Italian teacher, scientist and psychologist Maria Montessori gained worldwide fame at the beginning of the twentieth century after creating her educational system for young children. To this day, her pedagogy has many supporters around the world.

The essence of the method is individual approach to every child. Not teaching, but observing a child who independently performs certain exercises in a special play environment.

The teacher does not teach, but helps to coordinate independent activity child, thereby pushing him towards self-education. The technology of developmental education in kindergarten using the Montessori method stimulates the child’s self-development.

The main task of the teacher is to create a special developmental environment (or Montessori environment) in which the child will acquire new skills and abilities. That's why kindergarten working according to the Montessori system, as a rule, has several zones in which the baby develops different abilities. At the same time, each element of the Montessori environment performs its own specific task. Let's consider the main components of the system.

Montessori environment zones

The following zoning can be distinguished:

  1. Real life. Mastering vital skills. Develops large and fine motor skills, teaches the child to focus attention on a specific task. Helps the child acquire the skills of independent drawing, coloring, etc.
  2. Sensory development - exploration of the surrounding space, mastery of color, shape and other properties of objects.
  3. Mental (mathematical, geographical, natural science, etc.) development helps develop logic, memory and perseverance.
  4. Movement exercises. Performing a variety of physical exercise promotes the development of attention, balance and coordination of movements.

The number of zones in a kindergarten using the Montessori method varies depending on the objectives. There may also be music, dance or language areas.

Principles of the Montessori pedagogical program in kindergarten
  1. Creating a special environment with .
  2. Possibility of independent choice. Children choose the area and duration of classes themselves.
  3. Self-control and identification of errors by the child himself.
  4. Developing and following certain rules (clean up after yourself, move quietly around the classroom, etc.) helps gradually adapt to the rules of society and teaches order.
  5. Different ages helps students in the group develop a sense of mutual assistance, cooperation and responsibility.
  6. Lack of class-lesson system. There are no desks - only rugs or light chairs and tables.
  7. The child is an active participant in the process. Not the teacher, but the children help and teach each other. This helps develop independence and confidence in children.
Psychological approaches

There is no competition in Maria Montessori's kindergarten. The child is not compared with others, which allows him to develop positive self-esteem, confidence and self-sufficiency.

The child and his achievements are not evaluated. This helps to cultivate an independent, confident and objective personality.

Most often, teaching children using Montessori pedagogy can be found in a private kindergarten, which is reflected in the rather high cost of education. But the result is worth it.

A kindergarten working according to the Montessori method is an opportunity for a child to be himself. During the learning process, the child will be able to develop such qualities as independence, determination and independence, which will be indispensable in later adult life.

More and more parents are deciding to send their children to kindergarten using the Montessori system. . Maria Montessori - Italian Doctor of Science. This legendary woman devoted her entire life to observing children and creating techniques early development and creating conditions for their implementation. The success of her technique is a long-proven fact.

Many outstanding personalities of the 21st century (the founders of Google, Wikipedia, Nobel Prize laureates, British princes) were trained from an early age in the Montessori system. In this review we will talk about the features of early development using this method, consider best gardens Moscow.

What are the key features of Montessori kindergartens?

Maria Montessori was confident that the process of child development can be significantly accelerated by creating a suitable atmosphere for him. Classes are conducted in a playful way, children enjoy learning and try to see and correct their mistakes for themselves.

Various types of pressure, pushing, criticism and coercion, punishment and encouragement are strictly prohibited. The children decide for themselves what they want to do and determine the pace of their studies themselves. The role of the teacher is to understand what is interesting to the child, arouse interest, provide the necessary environment for classes and easily teach how to use this environment. In addition, Maria focuses on group exercises. They help you gain communication skills and adapt. Montessori groups in which children interact with each other are more effective than individual lessons with a teacher.

The environment and materials are the most important elements of the technique. The rooms in which children study are divided into several areas:

  • The area of ​​practical life.
  • Sensory development.
  • Areas of mental development (mathematics, geography, language, etc.).
  • Creative zones (dance, art, music, etc.).

Maria Montessori introduced the term Montessori materials in early childhood development methods. These are educational games, manuals, and other educational items. All didactic materials Maria developed it experimentally. Carefully checking the children's reactions, she rejected those items that did not arouse children's interest. Real gardens working according to the Montessori system use original teaching materials; without them, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect.

When choosing a Montessori garden, it is important to ensure that it is genuine. Teachers must have a suitable education; the surrounding environment tells a lot about the institution. Let's take a closer look at the 5 best Moscow Montessori gardens.

Montessori studio on Molodezhnaya

Address: Moscow, st. Elninskaya, 15/3

Montessori studio on Molodezhnaya was founded in 2009. It is among the schools recommended by the Montessori Foundation, the official representative of AMI (International Montessori Association). Training is conducted in two languages ​​(Russian/English).

The school’s mission is to lay the foundations for a child’s holistic, harmonious personality, capable of making independent, thoughtful decisions, becoming independent, free, disciplined and making a unique contribution to the world community.

Today, the school offers education for children from 0 to 12 years old, which meets the international standards of Montessori schools around the world.


  • Child-Parent Class/Parent-Infant Community— a program for parents with children from 2 to 14 months. Classes twice a week for two hours. It is possible to choose a convenient schedule. Cost 16000 rub. per month.
  • Toddler class/Toddler Community— program for children from 14 months to 3 years. Classes 5 days a week. Cost from 47,000 rub. up to 63800 rub. per month depending on the chosen program.
  • Class 3-6/Casa dei Bambini— program for children from 3 to 6 years old. Classes 5 days a week. Cost from 50,000 rub. up to 70,000 rub. per month depending on the chosen program.
  • Grade 6-12/Elementary— program for children from 6 to 12 years old. Classes 5 days a week. Cost 60,000 rub.


All program directors have international AMI diplomas in working with children of the appropriate age.

Open from July to August summer camp with a variety of programs led by Montessori teachers.


The school is located in the Western Administrative District of Moscow on the territory of a modern residential complex with its own walking areas. Spacious, bright classrooms are equipped with comfortable children's furniture and high-quality Montessori materials. The complex maintains a strict access control regime and provides 24-hour security of the territory.

You can get acquainted with all Montessori kindergartens in Moscow on the pages of our catalog:

Kindergarten based on the Montessori system “School of Cooperation”

Address: Maly Poluyaroslavsky lane, 1/8 building 2. The kindergarten is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​Moscow, surrounded by beautiful architectural complexes.

Operating hours, cost

The School of Cooperation garden is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00. The cost of stay is from 98 to 128 thousand rubles monthly. It includes a full range of services, including 5 meals a day and medical care.

Interior, security

The interior resembles a large theater, where all the rooms and corridors are cities fairy-tale heroes. On the territory of the establishment there are gazebos, exercise equipment, a swimming pool, an observatory and laboratory, playgrounds and sports grounds. Great attention is paid to safety:

  • water and air purification systems are installed in the garden,
  • furniture, equipment, finishing materials comply with SanPin standards,
  • The territory is under 24-hour security and a video surveillance system is installed.

The educational focus of the institution is learning English. A language environment has been created here, native English speakers work here. A separate development program is created for each child; psychologists and teachers regularly monitor the dynamics and adjust this program together with parents.

Each group has:

  • a room for communication between a child and his parents, group activities for children with their parents;
  • stage and theater area;
  • Montessori zones.

Distinctive Features

The Cooperation School pays great attention not only to the development and education of children, but also to health. For each child, a separate daily routine, additional classes and a choice of clubs are developed, and the load is distributed depending on the psychophysiological state. Qualified specialists have developed basic health programs. To implement them, massage and physiotherapy rooms, a salt room, and an office were equipped on the territory of the kindergarten. physical therapy. All children regularly receive oxygen cocktail. The basic training programs include individual and group sessions with a speech therapist.

The School of Cooperation pays special attention to healthy eating. The menu was developed by nutritionists of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, taking into account the age of the children, the calorie content of the dishes and includes only healthy dishes from fresh, high-quality products. The diet includes first and second courses, cereals, fruits, baked goods, meat and dairy products, and fish. For students with certain health problems (for example, food allergies), specialists create an individual menu.

Montessori Kindergarten Montessori Kid

Address: Michurinsky Prospekt, 39. The spacious three-meter windows of the building offer magnificent views of the 50th Anniversary of October Park and the Moscow State University clock tower on the other side.

Interior, security

The interior of the kindergarten was created by the joint efforts of talented designers, doctors and psychologists. Thus, individual lockers in the locker room are made in the shape of a house. All furniture is made of solid pine and complies with SanPin standards. Desks and chairs are height adjustable to suit the individual parameters of each child. In the rooms, under the laminate and tiles, a “warm floor” system is installed. Thanks to this, children can be creative and play on the floor even in the cold season. The building has a fire alarm system and 24-hour security.

There are seven zones in the groups: the zone of sensory development, creativity, physical development, mathematics, practical life, language learning and science. In the physical development area there are gladiator and Swedish walls, ropes, horizontal bars, a climbing wall, and the floors are covered with soft mats. All sports equipment is safe and has quality certificates.

The Montessori Toddler group operates for children aged 1.5 to 3 years. The goal of the program is to develop children’s independence and teach them all the necessary skills (changing clothes, maintaining cleanliness, cleaning up after themselves). In addition, teachers pay attention to the development fine motor skills hands, motor coordination, sensory skills. The group’s working hours are from 8.30 to 12.00, cost – 29,500 rubles. The trial lesson is free.

Children aged 3 to 6 years study in the Casa dei Bambini group with a psychologist and speech therapist; under the strict guidance of experienced teachers, they learn music, engage in creativity, and receive development in new disciplines: mathematics, history, languages, geography, natural history. The acquired skills will help you better master complex and advanced school subjects in the future. You can send your child to the Casa dei Bambini group for the whole day (from 8.30 to 17.00, the cost is 35 thousand rubles), or for a half day (from 8.30 to 14.00, the cost is 29,500 rubles). For beginners, an adaptation program is provided for a period of one month. Its cost is 25 thousand rubles, the trial lesson is free.

Distinctive Features

Every kindergarten student has a Montessori Kid diary. This is a special electronic application that allows parents to track all the baby’s progress. It updates photos daily, videos are posted, there is communication with teachers, administration and much more.

Montessori kindergarten HappyBee

Address: Ostrovnoy proezd, 12 k. 1. This is a beautiful and quiet place, without the bustle of the city. The territory of the kindergarten is well guarded.

Interior, security

In the center there are large rooms with high ceilings and spacious windows. The furniture is made of high-quality wood and corresponds to the height of the child. All teaching materials are safe, original, and have appropriate certificates.

Working hours, groups

HappyBee has 2 Montessori groups :

  • Toddler (age 18 months – 3 years). It is open daily from 9.00 to 17.00, 3 meals a day are provided;
  • Primary (age 2.5-6 years). Opening hours from 9.00 to 19.00, 4 meals a day.


HappyBee employs certified teachers and pays great attention to learning English. For this purpose, native English speakers were invited to join the center's team. Every month the kindergarten administration conducts family events and trainings, parents regularly receive photo reports on their children’s successes.

Montessori groups at the Rainbow Magic School

Rainbow Gardens are located at 50 Izmailovsky Boulevard (Casa De Bambini) and 61 3rd Parkovaya Street (Toddler Class). These are the only centers in the Eastern District of Moscow.

Groups, operating hours, cost

"Rainbow" enrolls children in 2 groups, depending on age:

  • Toddler class (from 1.2 to 3 years);
  • Garden “Casa De Bambini” (from 3–7 years).

In addition to the main classes, children can be enrolled in a temporary group (visiting three times a week from 8.00 to 13.30 or twice a week from 14.00 to 19.00), or a weekend group. Also, the Rainbow school separately conducts developmental programs, the duration of which is from 1 to 1.5 hours.

The cost of staying in the kindergarten depends on the chosen program, the schedule of visits and starts from 12 thousand rubles per month. For families with many children and low-income families discounts are provided. The price includes meals and excursions.

Raduga employs accredited teachers, the organization is part of the First International Montessori Union in the Russian Federation, and in 2012 it was recognized as the best Montessori institution in the Russian Federation.


By attending the Rainbow kindergarten, your child will receive a varied education. The room has many separate areas for music practice, ballroom dancing, mathematics, English with immersion in the English-speaking environment, knowledge of the artistic world. The center houses an art studio, culinary and pottery workshops, and an equestrian club. Twice a week children engage in therapeutic physical training.

Montessori kindergarten Montessori Bambini

Address: st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, house 11, building 2.


Tel.: 89166331062

Interior, security

All groups, without exception, are equipped in accordance with the recommendations of the great scientist and are divided into five main zones (practical, sensory development, space, mathematics and language corners), original didactic materials are used. The classrooms have created an environment that allows children to learn in a safe and psychologically comfortable atmosphere.

Groups, operating hours, cost

Groups are formed in accordance with sensitive periods.

  • from 7:00 to 19:00 the cost is 30,000 rubles.
  • from 7:00 to 12:00 Todller group cost 18,000 rubles.
  • from 7:00 to 13:00 group 3-6 years old


The center has an integration group that accepts children with Down syndrome. The kindergarten administration regularly conducts training seminars for parents on raising children. Topics for the seminar are suggested by the participants.