Tips on how to make a guy chase you. How to make a guy chase you

The world of gender is fiercely competitive. The song about “9 guys and 10 girls” is still relevant today. In order not to be left without destiny and not to “fiddle with the handkerchief in your hands,” you need to take the bull by the horns and. The only problem is that women want to be looked after, but not to run after men. This is understandable - since ancient times it has been the custom that men would seek a woman’s hand, and women, in turn, would only turn up their noses. What to do? It's simple - with the help of psychology and little tricks you can attract male attention to your person and make a man run after you. will tell you how to do this.



You must become the best and unattainable for a man. As you know, competition is in the blood of men, so create conditions under which you will communicate not only with the object of your adoration. In addition, you must be able to present yourself correctly - having noticed an attractive man, try with all your might to attract his attention not to yourself (wink at him, smile, ask for help, say hello, ask what time it is or where the public transport stop is). Don't forget to be flirty, but do not overdo it so that a man does not have doubts about your morality. To make him run after you, show that you are worthy of his attention, and that he will have to put in a lot of time and effort.


There are plenty of stupid lap dogs with whom there is nothing to talk about except about and who have read nothing else. This is not enough for men. They often pay attention to their inner world and spiritual enrichment. So, read books, watch the news, play sports, get rich vocabulary, watch your manners and behavior. A woman must interest a man, then he will not feel sorry for his time with you, and he will run after you.


Men love like-minded people of the opposite sex, so they are drawn to women with similar interests. So he will see a kindred spirit in you, begin to look for meetings and gradually begin to run after you. Maybe you support the same football, hockey (or any other) team as him. Maybe you like to skateboard, ski, snowboard, rollerblade? Or do you adore billiards or bowling? Or maybe you are a fan of postmodern artists or hard rock? Shared hobbies unite, and having realized what a cool woman you are, a man will be interested in spending time with you and will not mind spending time running after you.


Men love with their eyes, so it is important to always be on parade, well-groomed, neat and just a sex bomb. Dress beautifully and stylishly, just not provocatively (leopard print leggings and a floral sweater are not beautiful!), choose a pleasant perfume, apply moderate makeup, nails and hair. It is clear that a man is more likely to pay attention to a girl with chips than a gray mouse with overgrown roots and a dirty head. No matter what anyone says, appearance plays a big role.


For a man to start chasing you, don’t be intrusive and too attached to him. Show that you are interested in a man, show sympathy, meet, go for walks, communicate, but... don't forget about life outside of it. Do not forget about the life that was before the man - communicate with girlfriends, friends, do not give up hobbies, work and do not adapt to all his hobbies, etc. Men are owners by nature, they do not like to share women with anything or anyone, therefore, in order to spend time with you more often, they will run around and look after you.


No matter what, remain yourself, maintain (or develop) your traits real woman. Don't be too jealous or scandalous for no reason, strict, arrogant and daring. Show care, attention, tenderness and affection. Don't be smart and don't get irritated over trifles. Leave some of your secrets unrevealed, but slowly introduce a man into your life. When a man thinks he knows everything about you, surprise him with some skill. This will make him admire you even more and will not allow his interest to fade.

All representatives of the fair sex want to feel the most desirable and beautiful. However, men are in no hurry to throw around chivalrous deeds and compliments.

Therefore, women, using their cunning, ingenuity and seductiveness, are ready to do a lot to win the attention of the guy they like. At the same time, he must remain convinced that your favorable disposition towards him is still his merit. But the approach to every man cannot be universal and standard. Let's figure out how to make a guy run after you. So, let's develop a flexible plan of action that encourages the chosen one to come to your doorstep.

There are many beautiful, charming and well-read girls, but you are the only one so unique! Maintain your uniqueness in every possible way so that the young man can spot you among this variety of smart girls and beauties.

There are a few more in this article useful tips about: how to dress, what to say, how to behave correctly.

Stage 2. Make contact

He noticed you. Now a lot depends on the first conversation. How to talk to him for the first time?

  1. Communication that evokes sympathy. A beautiful face and a charming figure can hold his gaze, but communication is indispensable. Silly giggles or incorrect language will scare anyone away. Read more and train your sweet voice to get this guy!
  2. Relevance. No need to delay young man, if he is in a hurry, or distract him from an important matter. In addition, it is advisable that there are no acquaintances nearby who could interfere. Don’t spoil the conversation with platitudes like “hi, how are you.” An ideal conversation lasts about 15 minutes. Then it starts to get annoying. Talk for the first time about hobbies or a good movie. You already found out what he likes at the first stage, right? He will be pleasantly surprised if your interests turn out to be common. But he will be disappointed if he finds out that on your part they were contrived only to lure him into your net!
  3. A slight understatement. Don't reveal all your trump cards in the first minutes. It is much more interesting to quickly return to an unfinished book than to quickly read it and put it on the shelf. Save the fun stuff for the next time.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Stage 3. Further developments

You left a trail of mystery and a pleasant impression. How to make a guy chase you? Representatives of the stronger sex value more and longer trophies that have been won for a long time and not without effort.

  1. Alluring inaccessibility. From a psychological point of view: the more effort a man spends in order to achieve a woman, the more he will appreciate her. You should not run to him at the first call, abandoning everything. Think a little before agreeing to a meeting and... refuse! A man should seek your favor and look forward to a date. He will be surprised by your “no”, but will soon try again. However, coldness and aloofness should be in moderation, otherwise his enthusiasm may quickly dry up.
  2. Diversity. You are a multifaceted person. Today you are in a hurry somewhere in everyday jeans with a tight ponytail on your head, tomorrow you are dancing in a cocktail dress at a party, and the day after tomorrow you are cutely flirting all in lace, twirling a curl on your finger.
  3. Self-improvement. It is one thing to arouse interest, and quite another to maintain it constantly. You're not just beautiful doll, but also a wonderful conversationalist, a reliable friend. Be interested in the world around you, read more and meet friends.

Some more useful tips from the motor girls in this video:

If you have firmly decided that this is your man, then try to adhere to some rules on the first date:
  1. smile - everyone likes it and causes sympathy;
  2. don’t be smart, otherwise he may not want to build a serious relationship;
  3. be weaker - it’s more pleasant for a man to be needed than to contemplate your omnipotence;
  4. praise him - kind word it’s nice for a cat, and even more so for a man;
  5. know how to listen - he needs not just a beauty nearby, but also a life partner;
  6. trust - don’t look for tricks in words and don’t demand full reporting, men value their freedom very much;
  7. value yourself - your quick dissolution in your chosen one will quickly get boring, you are an independent person - remember this.

If everything went well, then most likely your chosen one is already head over heels in love with you.

What kind of women do men chase? This is what we are talking about.

If you want to learn how to flirt with young people correctly, be sure to follow.

Do you want? It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. A few proven tips will help.

Stage 5. What to do next?

It's time to admit that you don't want this man to become your stalker. Your true goal is to be happy with him. Improvise and have a sense of proportion in everything. The talent to manipulate men thanks to their beauty, cunning and intuition lurks in everyone. You need to learn to open it. Become a man's faithful companion in life. Then he will not want to run away anywhere and will be ready to faithfully follow on your heels.

It’s rare for anyone to find their soulmate ready-made. The situation “I made him out of what was there” is more common. It's great if you still believe in love at first sight. But it’s not a fact that your next relationship will start this way. Things could be different. According to you. Choose a way to make the guy you like run after you. The testing period will allow you to objectively evaluate the candidate for your heart and “fine-tune” him to the ideal. Arrange a game of catch-up with your chosen one according to your rules. You'll definitely like it. Listen to our advice on how to properly organize a courtship marathon.

Emphasize your sexuality and work on your appearance

For centuries, men have loved with their eyes wide open. Modern boyfriends are also myopic in terms of perception female beauty. How to make a guy chase you? Highlight your strengths close up. Let's place the accents correctly:

  1. Show your class. An elastic butt or gorgeous breasts – your sexuality is sure to have some detail that was done “perfectly” by nature. Make the most of your chance. Emphasize what is possible in yourself, and those who are needed will be drawn to you. Choose form-fitting fabric and a mini cut for the bottom, a flattering neckline and seductive buttons for the top, or a sensual zipper along the entire length of the beautiful silhouette. For a guy, you will be associated with precisely this successful bright spot in your appearance: “How beautiful is that girl in a tight skirt!”, “I couldn’t take my eyes off the neckline on her blouse!” or “I wish I could pull that nice clasp at the back.”
  2. Retouch the picture. He is unlikely to be able to love you for who you are now. The abundance of gloss and the accessibility of Photoshop make our men believe in the existence of unearthly beauty. You yourself know about your shortcomings: for example, an indefinite eye color, thin and expressionless lips, an offensive lack of a wasp waist, legs that don’t fit your ears. These are the “hot spots” that attract the male gaze. Fight for the right to be yourself. We'll fix everything. Colored lenses, lip filler, a sheath dress, and high-waisted trousers will help you hide problem areas.
  3. Leave the ranks of the corps de ballet. The corporate spirit is indestructible. Admit it: it is the collective mind that brings you to the same boutique fashionable clothes? As a result, all female part your friendly team merges into one whole for your chosen one from afar. It's time to leave the cozy incubator. Attracting attention to yourself is what you have to do to get a guy to chase you. Don't be afraid to become a dude! He will definitely appreciate your courage and original taste.
  4. Make yourself an idol. We need information about the preferences of the hero of the future novel. Photos and comments on your knight’s personal VK page will help you do the only thing right choice between images a la Lady Gaga or Angelina Jolie. If intelligence reports nothing, experiment. Borrow a couple of signature tricks from catwalk and Instagram stars: neckline shape, hair styling, makeup colors. A professional stylist will help you bring your look to perfection.

Inaccessibility and unpredictability

Representatives of the stronger sex rush in pursuit only of the one who quickly runs away. The real risk of missing your chance adds excitement (keep in mind this simple rule even if the task is to make ex-boyfriend run after you). Your “yes” for any reason must be earned. Otherwise, the hunting season for the gentleman will quickly end, and he will lose all interest in his prey. Don't give a head start to a persistent pursuer:

  1. Stay untouchable. You determine the boundaries of what is permitted. Not all at once. Foreplay should continue as long as it brings you pleasure. Don't let yourself be persuaded into intimacy ahead of schedule.
  2. Change the concept. He calls you in the evenings exactly at 19.05 and stubbornly asks you on a date to the same cafe. Let him not build illusions ahead of time. No stability. Call him in the morning and make an appointment at the city embankment. And be late! Let him learn to wait patiently: the happiness of a shared feeling will be a worthy reward for him.
  3. Lift the veil of secrecy. Stir up your gentleman's curiosity! This is a really working psychological technique on how to make a guy run after you. Interested in your past? Give information in small doses. Let him look forward to the next attack of your frankness.

Tips for communicating with guys

To have pleasant communication with the opposite sex, you will have to master another language – male. The alphabet is the same, but you will have to use it differently:

  1. Turn it off feminine logic. Stick to the topic of conversation without dragging the man into the labyrinths of lyrical digressions. He will immediately lose the guiding thread of the conversation, and at the same time, interest in you as an interlocutor.
  2. Ask him a question. Let him feel like the center of attention. Get ready for detailed retellings of the plots of the films you watched and the epic levels you completed. computer games. He is a mediocre storyteller. But he won’t learn about this from you. Clarify the details, find out his position: give the person the opportunity to speak out.
  3. Fill the pause. Men often press the brake pedal in dialogue. They need time to select the right word or plot. The pause puts them in an awkward position, which he will not forgive you for. Keep a couple of jokes in stock to relieve tension.
  4. Turn down the volume. He hears you very well, much better than your girlfriend. A quiet voice is more arousing than a loud voice.
  5. Don't walk away from the conversation. Dotting the i's is the ultimate goal of any male interlocutor. It is dangerous to let him go unsatisfied. “Maybe”, “in different ways”, “I don’t know how to say” - women’s evasive answers scare off straightforward gentlemen.

According to historians, Cleopatra’s unearthly beauty is an invention of modern filmmakers. The fact that she conquered men's hearts... with her enchanting voice is indisputable.

Flirt correctly

Flirting is the art of building harmonious relationships, and in your masterly execution it should look like:

  1. Romantic. Be an inaccessible princess that a suitor can only dream of. Your gait, posture, manners – everything is at the level of palace etiquette and makes you stand out from the crowd of nondescript housewives.
  2. Fabulous. Become his firebird. Fulfill your cherished desires. One at a time - as you perform feats. No advances.
  3. Easily. A dull life is the lot of spouses with silver experience. You are still far from this. He should not shoulder the burden of your problems ahead of time. Let him just carry you in his arms for his pleasure.
  4. Incendiary. Arrive on a date as if it were a holiday. In an appropriate weekend outfit and fresh makeup. Come up with a variety of occasions: a clay modeling master class, a selfie on a new bench in a city park, the opening of a coffee shop in the next block. Give your gentleman your sunny mood and radiant smiles. Avoid dating if you are experiencing seasonal depression.
  5. Boldly. Don’t disperse your entire army of fans during the trial period for your new boyfriend. Casting continues! Let him prove himself in conditions of healthy competition. Who said it would be easy?
  6. Ephemeral. Don't voice your plans for your future together. Let him feel the thrill of the moment. Leave the likelihood of your common tomorrow to your own discretion. Inspire him that the first kiss may be the last if you are disappointed.

Admire the guy

He was tired of waiting. All men are the same: each considers himself irresistible, unique and invincible. Your flattery is not only appropriate, but also expected by the recipient. Give your novel a boost by admiring out loud:

  1. His athletic build:
    • “What pumped up biceps you have! How long can you hold me in your arms?"
    • “Can I touch my abs? How do you manage to be in such stunning shape?”
  2. His signature style:
    • “I’ve never seen anyone have a sweatshirt like this. Fits perfectly"
    • “These jeans on you are just the bomb!”
    • “Great tan! I love these chocolate ones!”
    • “You are so fashionable! Just every girl’s dream!”
  3. His wit:
    • “You definitely won’t get bored. You're awesome!"
    • “You know how to cheer up. Thank you for cheering me up!”
    • “Cool joke! Tell me again!”
  4. His everyday heroism:
    • “Looks great with a drill. Can I take a photo as a souvenir?"
    • “It’s so good that you can do everything. This is such a rarity these days."
    • “Thank you for helping out with the wiring. Got it done so quickly. “Husbands for an hour” are just relaxing.”

You set the tone for the bouquet period. Let it be festive and bright, with spicy notes of subtle flirtation! It doesn't matter how long the man of your dreams will chase you. The main thing is to catch it at the right moment and keep it at the height of your expectations.

Often during consultations, clients ask me, “I like him so much, but why did he start hiding from me? Why doesn’t he court me and run after me like he did during our first meetings?” And such questions are the most common.

So, how can you make a man run after you? The first thing that comes to mind is to stop running after him yourself. A man wants to be a hunter of a woman, and not a victim running away from her. This is a life axiom.

But why, despite all the simplicity and apparent obviousness, is this obviousness so difficult to assimilate? Many people think that “Here is a man who seems to be looking with interest. Only he is shy. You just need to help him and that’s it, take the initiative yourself.” It very, very rarely happens that a shy man runs after a woman all day long, staring at her, but does nothing. And then a small initiative in communication on weather topics, etc. may be acceptable. No more.

But often girls who have problems with men make mistakes even in such cases. It seems to them that the man is already in love and they need to start a conversation with him, or even show more initiative.

In this article I will give examples when the hunt for men is weakly expressed and not very obvious. Of course, such examples when a woman shows a lot of initiative when meeting someone (not a little flirting with the eyes is acceptable, but “Let’s get to know each other” and “Give me your phone number”), sex on the first evening - this is completely overkill. That is, those examples when a woman writes and writes to a man, and he almost openly sends, then blocks her WhatsApp number and her phone, I will not consider in detail. Obviously, such blunders usually quickly lead to the relationship fading away or, at best, to occasional sex.

So, examples where the hunt for men is not very pronounced. But it is there and not small. And in such cases, men often complain (real example) “It’s kind of boring with such a woman. She constantly takes initiative in everything. Constantly calls and sends messages. Trying very hard to please. He showers me with gifts, constantly cooks delicious food, has sex almost 3 times a day. I'm bored. I want to be a hunter, I want to pursue her. And here they started hunting me. There is a desire to run away from her.”

Example 1. The desire to dot the I’s.

A very common example is when girls start hunting men. Let's say there were several meetings.

Maybe it was just a few meetings.

Maybe the meetings ended in sex.

And perhaps even the meetings ended with the man disappearing and not calling for quite some time. (a week or more)

The woman not only has a desire to dot the I’s, but also to tell him that since he doesn’t call, she will leave him.

Understand that this is all a pretty rough hunt for men.

Look, let’s say there were several meetings and the girl wants to get the man to say what kind of relationship they have now after they had sex. Does he love her or not? What are their prospects?

But talking about relationships after 3-4 meetings, talking about love, some plans for the future is nonsense for a man. Yes, if everything develops normally, then after a while all this will of course arise. But on at the moment He has nothing that can be said in words.

And the woman begins to hunt the man. “Tell me, what is our relationship now? Tell me, what are your plans now? We're a couple now, aren't we?

Or even more rude.

- Why did you look at this girl?

- When will you introduce me to...?

And now let's put ourselves in the man's place. He has some slight sympathy for the woman. And this woman comes to him and begins to demand and demand from him.

Is this really required, you may ask? This is a common question!

Of course not. A girl demands from a man a declaration of love in one form or another when he only has sympathy. In a rough version, the girl demands that the man become unambiguously monogamous (even at the flirting level), which usually happens with men after 1-2 months of regular meetings. (and not with everyone) A man does not want and is not ready to promise or say such a thing to a girl.

Of course, under the influence of a little hysteria, the threat of deprivation of sex, etc., a man can promise anything.

But this doesn't really change anything. This was a hunt for a man. This is exactly the moment when a girl runs after a man demanding that he promise and do something. And it’s not a chair or a lock on the door. And she demands to say words of love when he doesn’t love her yet. And this irritates the man very much.

A powerful attack with a predictable result, of course.

And the result is always worse for the relationship. How much worse and what such an error will lead to depends on several factors. It may even lead to separation at the same moment.

The second option for attack and hunting is to sort things out if the man doesn’t call.

Here is a girl who met a man several times.

Maybe everything went well.

Maybe the man wasn't very interested.

Maybe something else. It's not that important.

And then the man disappeared. He doesn’t call, doesn’t write, doesn’t come. (In this case, I am writing about the initial stages of the relationship, and not about the husband)

What strategy is correct for the girl in this case?

Of course, just mind your own business. If there is someone else to date, then date someone else. If not, then do other things.

After all, why doesn’t the man call?

It is possible that he did not light up strongly enough from the first meetings.

It is possible that he is very busy at the moment, but does not believe that he should report to the girl, since the relationship, in his opinion, is practically at zero. There might be something else.

But the point is that he doesn’t really need a girl yet.

Perhaps, when he has been alone for some time, he will return and the relationship will begin to develop according to the classical pattern. But at this stage there is nothing yet.

It is clear that if a man has practically forgotten about a girl, then a call demanding to sort things out is a woman’s hunt for a man. And this also irritates the man very much.

It may very well be that in this case, the man was not ready to care for the girl, but would agree to some kind of ersatz relationship. This is when the girl runs after him. This is when you don't have to move at all. This is even if by some miracle it comes to marriage, then lie on the sofa and wait for the wife to cook everything, clean, buy flowers for herself, support the man, etc., and he deigns to eat it all, listen to words of gratitude from his wife for what he ate, etc.

If the relationship is stuck at some indeterminate phase, then if the girl is not offended (and it is usually unclear what to be offended about) and does not start actively hunting and running after the man, they can start again at any moment. A girl accidentally meets a “missing” gentleman after a few months, and he may begin to court her.

The gentleman may get bored in a month and begin to take the initiative again. I have seen a couple of dozen such cases in my life. (Of course, a single gentleman can disappear forever. But usually a girl has at least a dozen such “missing” gentlemen in her life. And 2-3 of them easily appear again.)

But if a girl attacked a man and said: “Why don’t you call? You're a man, you have to pursue me"or even that: "I'm leaving you because you're an asshole", then that’s it, you can give up the prospect of a relationship with this man.

The main thing is to understand that calling a disappeared gentleman with a request to sort things out, with a demand to sort things out, with telling him everything you think about him and leaving him, is a common attack and a hunt for a man. It is meaningless and useless. You could say she's stupid.

I think that girls themselves often do this to their gentlemen. They don’t like one of the men, and they start not answering calls, saying that they are “busy and can’t come,” they simply disappear from his life and don’t call.

It is clear that the gentleman can show some kind of persistence and then to a certain extent.

But the same behavior on the part of a girl (persistence in sorting things out when the gentleman has disappeared) is a real hunt for a man. That is, in fact, extremely ineffective behavior, meaningless and even stupid.

Stop doing this and you will immediately be able to communicate with men a little better, or maybe not a little.

Example 2.

The man's phone rang (a message arrived). He looked at the message or talked to someone. You might even be wondering what he was talking about. It is possible that they were even talking about you. But for now the man is silent.

What are your actions?

You just gently ask the man: “Who called?” “What did you say?”

Did you ask?

And now it’s no longer the man who is the hunter, but you. It was you who started the hunt for the man.

For example, they called him and told him some important news. Or not very important, it doesn’t matter.

But for now he is silent, gathering his thoughts. “Cleans his gun”, “climbs onto his horse” to run to hunt.

And before he has time to do this, the woman is already running after him. She needs something from the man, and not the man from her.

Do you feel the difference between these two approaches?

If even in theory this is not clear to you, then your understanding of men is at a very, very low level. These are two different approaches. And the result of their use is heaven and earth. I recommend you read the book .

In the first approach, when you constantly need something from a man, you are a hunter. You seek a man, seek his attention, and not he you and your attention.

In the second approach, when a man needs much more and more often something from you, this is mainly male hunting. In this case, the man is running after you. He seeks you, he seeks your attention, your interest. And that's right.

What to do if a man doesn’t want to talk about who called him on the phone or sent him a message? Time passes and he says nothing.

This suggests that for a man, you are most likely not yet the woman he loves, or, alternatively, you have already tormented him with your hunt. That is, with your questions, in relation to this situation.

And then what to do? Nothing. Just don’t ask, except perhaps in exceptional cases, when the conversation is clearly about something very important or directly concerns you.

Or maybe, when the man leaves, look at the phone and look at the messages?

Never do this.

You will immediately fall in the eyes of a man by at least 3 points on a 10-point scale, or even more. If the relationship is not yet very strong, then it is possible immediately, or in the near future, that the relationship will deteriorate and break up. If you have been dating for a long time, marriage and children, then it will also be bad.

It will be worse even if the man does not know that you spied on his messages. If he finds out, then gradually passwords will be set everywhere, other SIM cards, phones, codes will appear, he will go outside to make a call, etc., even if the man has no problems in front of you.

So, two examples in the article. I think that these examples make it better clear what it is like to hunt men on the part of women. Try to avoid behaviors such as hunting if possible. And then men will run after you. Sometimes men are of much better quality than they are now. Sometimes just a relationship with an existing man will be much better. I recommend reading my first book on this topic.

The main thing is to understand general principle, and don't get attached just to these examples.
In the second part I will describe a few more examples of how a woman pushes away with her behavior worthy men or spoils the relationship with the existing one.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

In response to the question of how to make a man run after you, psychology gives women many recommendations, following which you can attract the attention of any man.

Signs of a man falling in love

The behavior of a man in love has some peculiarities. They often boil down to the following:

  • in the presence of the girl he likes, he begins to be more active, wanting to attract her attention;
  • tries in every possible way to show care, participation, asks about her preferences, tastes, etc.;
  • looks for reasons to be alone with a woman more often or spend as much time together with her as possible, regularly calls or writes messages;
  • tries to establish eye contact;
  • in company he tries to be close, supports the woman in her judgments or views;
  • unconsciously copies the gestures or facial expressions of the person they like.

Heart affection should not be confused with sexual desire. If a man wants an intimate relationship with a woman, he looks at her appraisingly, his gaze remains cold. Behavior can be cheeky or, conversely, tense. A man remains indifferent to a woman’s emotions, her experiences, and desires. He is not interested in her beliefs. He expresses himself in such a way as to arouse sexual interest in the chosen one.

Sexual attraction cannot serve as the basis for long-term, strong relationships.

How to become desirable and unique?

You can make a guy run after you with the help of proven tips.

1 - Be beautiful

For a man, a woman's appearance is of great importance. First he looks at external data, and only then at the girl’s inner world. To remain attractive, you need to take care of yourself. This does not mean that you need to spend all your free time in beauty salons: you need to pay more attention to hygiene, use cosmetics. The main thing is to like yourself, emphasizing your strengths and skillfully hiding your shortcomings.

2 - Be different from others

There are many beautiful women around. In order to attract the attention of the man you like, you need to stand out among other girls. There is no need to strive to follow the established canons of beauty. You need to emphasize your individuality.

3 - Watch your step

Shoes on high heels are not always the key to success in attracting a man. In order for him to pay attention and notice the beauty and elegance of the legs, it is necessary to have a light, graceful gait. By controlling her body and moving beautifully, a woman will be able to charm any man she likes.

4 - Smile

Young people like it when a girl smiles. It is more pleasant and easier to communicate with such a person. This is important for relationships that must bear positive emotions. In addition, a cheerful, optimistic person shares energy with others, good mood. Many people want to see their chosen one positive.