Balance, stability and maintaining posture. Equilibrium

Body balance - state of stable body position in space.

While standing, i.e. in a vertical position of the body, the resultant of all forces directed to the general center of gravity (GC) of the body is located at the level of the second sacral vertebra and is projected onto the central portion of the support area (sole of the feet). Any change in vertical position caused by movement of the head, torso or limbs leads to a shift in the GCP. Saving body balance under such conditions, it is achieved by a reflex contraction of the postural muscles, i.e. muscles that ensure maintaining posture.

With the help of specific postural reflexes, the moving body mass is balanced in conditions when the central gravity is transferred from one leg to the other, and movements when walking and running. Using balancing movements, as well as adjusting support forces, a person is able to maintain balance at the moment; when the center of gravity of his body goes beyond the support area, as, for example, a runner at the moment of start. The biomechanical feature of movements during walking, running, cycling, and rope walking is that when they are performed, the supporting surface is brought under the projection of the center of gravity.

Another group of postural reflexes consists of protective movements that allow you to maintain balance when horizontal or rotational forces act on the body. Inclinations of the support area are accompanied by compensatory changes in posture, covering all muscles of the body. Normally, restoration of lost balance is achieved with the help of automated righting reflexes involved in the implementation of complex voluntary movements.

Contraction of the antigravity muscles can be caused by afferent impulses coming from the tactile receptors of the sole of the foot, the retinal receptors and the vestibular apparatus. In a standing position, these afferent systems have a stabilizing effect on the fluctuations of the central nervous system due to the activation of the supporting muscles along the a- and g-efferent pathways. Mechanisms for regulating the excitability threshold of proprioceptors ensure plastic adaptation of muscles to various motor acts. Visual and vestibular postural reflexes play a particularly important role in the formation of anticipatory motor commands when walking on uneven surfaces (ascent, descent). In pathological cases, optomotor postural reflexes compensate for the loss of proprioceptive afferentation; under normal conditions, vision mediates the interaction of systems of postural balance and orientation in near space.

Central regulation body balance, as suggested, is provided by a hierarchically constructed functional system that integrates multimodal afferentation, using generalized parameters, which apparently include the position of the body in space. The activity of this “tracking” system, which registers the difference between the real and the given position, determines the current and advanced regulation of the postural components of voluntary motor acts.

The afferent pathways of postural reflexes pass through the thalamus, and the efferent centers are located in the basal ganglia, when damaged (for example, with parkinsonism), loss of postural reflexes occurs. The bulbar and spinal centers of extensor (including extensor) reflexes normally experience an inhibitory centrifugal influence. Therefore, when the anatomical integrity of the pyramidal tracts is violated, spastic paralysis. A disorder of postural reflexes does not exclude the possibility of coordinating voluntary movements due to the psychomotor system of regulation of motor acts. To assess various physiological and biomechanical characteristics, cyclogrammetric recording of movements and recording of electrical activity of body muscles are used (see. Electromyography).

Bibliography: Batuev A.S. and Tairov O.P. Brain and organization of movements, L., 1978; Gurfinkel V.S. and others. Stabilization of the position of the body is the main task of postural regulation, Physiol. person, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 400, 1981.

  • 48. Formations of the auxiliary apparatus of muscles (fascia, fascial ligaments, fibrous and osteo-fibrous canals, synovial sheaths, mucous bursae, sesamoid bones, blocks) and their functions.
  • 49. Abdominal muscles: topography, origin, attachment and functions.
  • 50. Muscles of inspiration. Muscles of exhalation.
  • 52. Neck muscles: topography, origin, attachment and functions.
  • 53. Muscles that flex the spine.
  • 54. Muscles that extend the spine.
  • 55. Muscles of the anterior surface of the forearm: origin, attachment and functions.
  • 56. Muscles of the posterior surface of the forearm: origin, attachment and functions.
  • 57. Muscles that produce forward and backward movements of the upper limb girdle.
  • 58. Muscles that produce up and down movements of the upper limb girdle.
  • 59. Muscles that flex and extend the shoulder.
  • 60. Muscles that abduct and adduct the shoulder.
  • 61. Muscles that supinate and pronate the shoulder.
  • 62. Muscles that flex (main) and extend the forearm.
  • 63. Muscles that supinate and pronate the forearm.
  • 64. Muscles that flex and extend the hand and fingers.
  • 65. Muscles that abduct and adduct the hand.
  • 66. Thigh muscles: topography and functions.
  • 67. Muscles that flex and extend the hip.
  • 68. Muscles that abduct and adduct the thigh.
  • 69. Muscles that supinate and pronate the thigh.
  • 70. Muscles of the lower leg: topography and functions.
  • 71. Muscles that flex and extend the lower leg.
  • 72. Muscles that supinate and pronate the lower leg.
  • 73. Muscles that flex and extend the foot.
  • 74. Muscles that abduct and adduct the foot.
  • 75. Muscles supinating and pronating the foot.
  • 76. Muscles that hold the arches of the foot.
  • 77. General center of gravity of the body: age, gender and individual characteristics of its location.
  • 78. Types of balance: angle of stability, conditions for maintaining body balance.
  • 79. Anatomical characteristics of anthropometric, quiet and tense body position.
  • 80. Hanging on straight arms: anatomical characteristics, features of the external respiration mechanism.
  • 81. General characteristics of walking.
  • 82. Anatomical characteristics of 1, 2 and 3 phases of a double step.
  • 83. Anatomical characteristics of the 4th, 5th and 6th phases of the double step.
  • 84. Standing long jump: phases, muscle work.
  • 85. Anatomical characteristics of a backflip.
  • 78. Types of balance: angle of stability, conditions for maintaining body balance.

    In physical exercises, a person often needs to maintain a stationary body position, for example, initial positions (starting), final positions (fixing the barbell after lifting it), intermediate positions (resting at an angle on the rings). In all such cases, the human body as a biomechanical system is in balance. Bodies connected to the person maintaining the position (for example, a barbell, a partner in acrobatics) can also be in balance. To maintain body position, a person must be in balance. The position of the body is determined by its posture, its orientation and location in space, as well as its relationship to support. Consequently, to maintain body position, a person needs to fix his posture and not allow applied forces to change his posture and move his body from a given place in any direction or cause it to rotate relative to the support.

    Forces balanced while maintaining position

    The forces of gravity, ground reaction, weight and muscular traction of a partner or opponent and others are applied to the biomechanical system, which can be both disturbing and balancing forces, depending on the position of the body parts relative to their support.

    In all cases, when a person maintains a position, a variable system of bodies (not an absolutely rigid body or a material point) is in equilibrium.

    In class conditions physical exercise while maintaining position, the forces of gravity of his body and the weight of other bodies are most often applied to the human body, as well as the support reaction forces that prevent free fall. Without the participation of muscle traction, only passive positions are maintained (for example, lying on the floor, on the water).

    In active positions, the system of mutually movable bodies (body links), due to muscle tension, seems to harden and becomes similar to a single solid body; Human muscles, through their static work, ensure the preservation of both posture and position in space. This means that in active positions, to maintain balance, internal forces of muscle traction are added to the external forces.

    All external forces are divided into disturbing (overturning, deflecting), which are aimed at changing body position, and balancing, which balance the action of disturbing forces. Muscular traction forces most often serve as balancing forces. But under certain conditions they can also be disturbing forces, that is, aimed at changing both the posture and location of the body in space.

    Conditions for equilibrium of a system of bodies

    For the balance of the human body (system of bodies), it is necessary that the main vector and the main moment of external forces be equal to zero, and all internal forces ensure the preservation of the pose (shape of the system).

    If the main vector and the main moment are zero, the body will not move or rotate, its linear and angular accelerations are zero. For a system of bodies, these conditions are also necessary, but no longer sufficient. The balance of the human body as a system of bodies also requires maintaining body posture. When the muscles are strong enough and a person knows how to use their strength, he will stay in a very difficult position. A less strong person cannot maintain such a position, although balance is possible based on the location and magnitude of external forces. Different people have their own limiting poses that they are still able to maintain.

    Types of rigid body equilibrium

    The type of equilibrium of a solid body is determined by the action of gravity in the case of an arbitrarily small deviation: a) indifferent equilibrium - the action of gravity does not change; b) stable - it always returns the body to its previous position (a moment of stability arises); c) unstable - the action of gravity always causes the body to tip over (a moment of capsizing occurs); d) limited-stable - before the potential barrier, the position of the body is restored (a moment of stability occurs), after which the body tips over (a moment of overturning occurs).

    In solid mechanics, there are three types of equilibrium: indifferent, stable and unstable. These species differ in the behavior of the body, slightly deviating from a balanced position. When the human body completely maintains its posture (“solidification”), the laws of rigid body equilibrium apply to it.

    Indifferent Equilibrium characterized by the fact that, despite any deviations, balance is maintained. A ball, cylinder, circular cone on a horizontal plane (lower support) can be rotated in any way you like, and they will remain at rest. The line of action of gravity (G) in such a body (line of gravity) always passes through the fulcrum and coincides with the line of action of the support reaction force (R); they balance each other. In sports technology, indifferent equilibrium is practically never encountered either on land or in water.

    Stable balance characterized by a return to the previous position with any deviation. It is stable for arbitrarily small deviations for two reasons; a) the center of gravity of the body rises higher (h), a reserve of potential energy is created in the gravitational field; b) the line of gravity (G) does not pass through the support, a shoulder of gravity appears (d) and a moment of gravity arises (moment of stability Must = Gd), returning the body (with a decrease in potential energy) to its previous position. This type of balance occurs in humans with upper support. For example, a gymnast hanging on the rings; arm hanging freely at the shoulder joint. The force of gravity of the body itself returns the body to its previous position.

    Unstable equilibrium characterized by the fact that no matter how small a deviation causes an even greater deviation and the body itself cannot return to its previous position. This is the position with lower support, when the body has a point or line (body edge) of support. When the body deviates: a) the center of gravity drops below (- h), the potential energy in the gravitational field decreases; b) the line of gravity (G) with the deviation of the body moves away from the fulcrum, the shoulder (d) and the moment of gravity increase (tipping moment Mopr. = Gd); he deviates the body further and further from its previous position. An unstable balance in nature is practically impossible to achieve.

    In physical exercises, another type of balance most often occurs when there is a support area located below (lower support). With a slight deviation of the body, its center of gravity rises (+ h) and a moment of stability appears (Must = Gd). There are signs of a stable equilibrium; the moment of gravity of the body will return it to its previous position. But this continues only when deflected to certain limits, until the line of gravity reaches the edge of the support area. In this position, conditions of unstable equilibrium already arise: with further deviation the body tips over; at the slightest deviation in the opposite direction, it returns to its previous position. The boundary of the support area corresponds to the top of the “potential barrier” (maximum potential energy). Within the limits between opposite barriers (“potential hole”), a limited-stable equilibrium occurs in all directions.

    The stability of an object is characterized by its ability, counteracting imbalance, to maintain position. There are static indicators of stability as the ability to resist imbalance and dynamic indicators as the ability to restore balance.

    Static indicator of stability of a solid body serves (in limited-stable equilibrium) as the stability coefficient. It is equal to the ratio of the limiting moment of stability to the overturning moment. When the stability coefficient of a body at rest is equal to unity or greater than it, there is no overturning. If it is less than one, equilibrium cannot be maintained. However, the resistance of only these two mechanical factors (two moments of force) for a system of bodies, if it can change configuration, does not exhaust the actual picture. Consequently, the stability coefficient of a body and a fixed system of bodies characterizes static stability as the ability to resist imbalance. In humans, when determining stability, one must also always take into account the active resistance of muscle traction and readiness for resistance.

    Dynamic indicator of stability of a solid body serves as the stability angle. This is the angle formed by the line of action of gravity and the straight line connecting the center of gravity with the corresponding edge of the support area. The physical meaning of the angle of stability is that it is equal to the angle of rotation through which the body must be turned to begin to tip over. The angle of stability shows the extent to which equilibrium is still restored. It characterizes the degree of dynamic stability: if the angle is larger, then the stability is greater. This indicator is convenient for comparing the degree of stability of one body in different directions (if the area of ​​support is not a circle and the line of gravity does not pass through its center).

    The sum of two stability angles in one plane is considered as the equilibrium angle in this plane. It characterizes the margin of stability in a given plane, i.e., it determines the range of movements of the center of gravity before a possible tipping in one direction or another (for example, for a slalomist when skiing, a gymnast on a balance beam, a wrestler in a stand-up position).

    In the case of equilibrium of a biomechanical system, significant clarifications must be taken into account to apply dynamic stability indicators.

    Firstly, the area of ​​effective human support does not always coincide with the surface of the support. In a person, as in a solid body, the surface of support is limited by lines connecting the extreme points of support (or the outer edges of several areas of support). But in humans, the boundary of the area of ​​effective support is often located inside the contour of the support, since soft tissues (barefoot feet) or weak links (end phalanges of the fingers in a handstand on the floor) cannot balance the load. Therefore, the tipping line shifts inward from the edge of the supporting surface, the area of ​​effective support is less than the area of ​​the supporting surface.

    Secondly, a person never deviates his whole body relative to the line of overturning (like a cube), but moves relative to the axes of any joints without completely maintaining his posture (for example, when standing, there is movement in the ankle joints).

    Thirdly, when approaching the boundary position, it often becomes difficult to maintain the posture and not just the overturning of the “hardened body” around the overturning line occurs, but a change in posture with a fall. This is significantly different from the deflection and overturning of a rigid body around the overturning edge (tilting).

    Thus, the angles of stability in a limited-stable equilibrium characterize dynamic stability as the ability to restore equilibrium. When determining the stability of the human body, it is also necessary to take into account the boundaries of the effective support area, the reliability of maintaining the posture up to the boundary position of the body, and the actual tipping line.

    Instructions for completing theoretical and methodological tasks

    Quests are presented in the form of incomplete statements that may be either true or false when completed.

    The statements are presented in:

    • closed form, that is, with proposed completion options. When completing these tasks, you must choose the correct completion from 4 proposed options. Among them there are both correct and incorrect endings, as well as statements that partially correspond to the meaning. Only one thing is correct - the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the statement. The selected options are marked by crossing out the corresponding square in the answer form: “a”. "b", "c", or "d";
    • open form, that is, without proposed completion options. When completing this task, you must independently choose a word that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Write the chosen word in the appropriate line of the answer form.

    Records must be legible.

    Read the tasks and suggested answer options carefully. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks instead of completing them by guessing. This will save time for other tasks. You can later return to the missed task.

    Be careful when making notes on your answer sheet. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

    Each correct answer is worth 1 point.


    Closed form assignments

    1. The first All-Russian Olympiad was held in…

    A. ... Nizhny Novgorod in 1907
    b. ...Kyiv in 1913
    V. ...Riga in 1914
    ...All-Russian Olympiads are not held

    Answer: b

    2. The supreme body of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) is...

    A. ...ROC Bureau
    b. ...Executive Committee
    V. …Council of Species Federations
    ...Olympic Assembly

    Answer: G

    3. The main achievement of the First World Youth Games under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee, held in Moscow in July 1988, was that...

    and...their medals went to 68 countries around the world
    b. ...162 sets of awards were awarded at the games
    V. ..young Russian athletes won 124 medals
    ... the program of the games included competitions in 15 Olympic sports

    Answer: A

    4. Theoretical material of the academic subject “Physical Education” in a comprehensive school includes...

    A. …fundamental knowledge of a general theoretical nature
    b. ...instructional and methodological knowledge
    V. …knowledge about the rules for performing motor actions
    g. ...all of the above

    Answer: G

    5. Specific subject of training in the process physical education are...

    A. …exercise
    b. …facts, concepts, terms
    V. ..regularities of biomechanics
    d..motor actions

    Answer: G

    6. The ultimate goal of acquiring knowledge in the field of physical education is...

    and….awareness of the need for physical improvement
    b….forming readiness to use training samples
    d..mastering physical exercises
    d..applying them in practice

    Answer: G

    7. The specificity of physical education in relation to other types of education is...

    A. …creating conditions for processes to take place physical development person
    b. …learning motor actions and education physical qualities
    V. …increasing human physical performance
    g. …health promotion and disease prevention

    Answer: b

    8. The need to improve the physical capabilities of the human community has historically determined the formation...

    A. …exercise
    b. …physical education
    V. …physical culture
    ...types of sports

    Answer: V

    9. Motor activity that stimulates the physical development of a person is designated as...

    A. …improvement
    b. …physical culture
    V. …exercise
    g. ...physical education

    Answer: V

    10. “Continuity” of physical education is characterized by...

    A. …alternating activities of different directions
    b. …by the interaction of exercise effects
    V. ...a combination of physical exercises
    g. ...lack of rest intervals

    Answer: b

    11. The healing effect of physical education is achieved as a result...

    A. …ensuring full physical development
    b. ...hardening and physiotherapeutic procedures
    V. …formation of motor skills
    g. ...improving physique

    Answer: A

    12. The form of physical exercise is represented by...

    A. …physiological and other changes in the body
    b. ...kinematic characteristics
    V. …internal and external structure
    g. ...content

    Answer: V

    13. It is advisable to combine speed exercises with exercises “for...

    A. ...coordination"
    b. ...strength"
    V. …endurance"
    g. ...flexibility"

    Answer: G

    14. The basis of motor abilities is...

    A. ...methods of teaching and education
    b. …functional capabilities of the body
    V. …strength, speed, endurance and flexibility

    Answer: G

    15. The basis for improving coordination abilities are methods...

    A. ...development of physical qualities
    b. …learning motor actions
    V. ...strictly regulated exercises
    d. ...use of contrasting and converging tasks

    Answer: b

    16. The applied orientation of physical education is emphasized in the concept...

    A. ... "physical training"
    b. ... "physical culture"
    V. ... "physical perfection"
    G. …. "physical education"

    Answer: A

    17. The values ​​created in the field of physical culture are not...

    A. ...physical
    b. ...intelligent
    V. ...national
    g. ...material

    Answer: V

    18. Basic physical education is most fully represented in...

    A. …professionally applied physical culture
    b. ...the education system
    V. ...adaptive physical education school physical education

    Answer: b

    19. A healthy lifestyle is forms and methods of life aimed at...

    A. …development of physical qualities of people
    b. …optimization physical condition
    V. …preparation for professional activity
    g. ...maintaining high performance of people

    Answer: b

    20. A healthy lifestyle is...

    A. … fulfillment of social, professional and biological functions by a person
    b. ... “personal core”, which is the motivation for behavior
    V. …activities to achieve a healthy lifestyle
    g. ... an incentive to healthy image life

    Answer: V

    21. Functional changes in the body, recorded at the end of physical exercise, are usually referred to as...

    A. effect
    b. …fatigue
    V. ...under-recovery
    g. ...operational status

    Answer: A

    22. Leading exercises used in the process of physical education are mainly aimed at…

    A. …change in operational status
    b. …formation of motor skills
    V. …improving motor skills
    d. ...achieving a certain level of development

    Answer: b

    23. To improve speed abilities, exercises are ineffective...

    A. …helping to reduce body weight
    b. …combined in the form of circuit training
    V. …helping to increase frequency of movement
    d. ...improving coordination abilities

    Answer: A

    24. At the stage of improving motor actions, methods are predominantly used...

    A. ...standard-variable exercise
    b. …standard-repetition exercise
    V. …holistic-analytical impact
    g. ...selective and conjugate influence

    Answer: G

    25. The basis of the methodology for teaching motor actions is to ensure...

    A. …cyclicity of exercises
    b. ...age adequacy of the load
    V. …availability and individualization of the proposed tasks
    d. ...gradually increasing the force of impact

    Answer: V

    26. The basis of the methodology for developing physical qualities is to ensure...

    A. ...age adequacy of the load
    b. …cyclicity of exercises
    V. …gradually increasing the impact force
    d. ...availability and individualization of the proposed tasks

    Answer: V

    27. When cultivating absolute strength, the most popular method is...

    A. … repeated efforts
    b. ...variable exercise
    V. …circuit training
    g. ... electrical stimulation

    Answer: A

    28. Magnitude physical activity is a derivative of...

    A. ...the number of repetitions of exercises and their duration
    b. …speed, tempo and power of movements
    V. ...its concentration over time
    g. ...its volume and intensity

    Answer: G

    29. The number of repetitions at the stage of initial learning of movements...

    A. ...usually approaching a re-maximum
    b. ...should cause noticeable fatigue
    V. …stimulates increased energy consumption
    g. ...relatively small

    Answer: G

    30. Strength abilities themselves are characterized by...

    A. ...the ratio of absolute strength to body weight
    b. …the duration of the phases of tension and relaxation
    V. ...the amount of maximum effort in an activity
    g. an impulse of force

    Answer: A

    31. People who systematically engage in physical exercise in combination with the use of the healing powers of nature are distinguished by... resilience.

    A. ...phagocytic...
    V. ...non-specific...
    g. ...bactericidal...

    Answer: V

    32. The factor that primarily determines the manifestation of special endurance is the level of development...

    A. …speed-strength abilities
    b. …personal and mental qualities
    V. …functional efficiency
    g. ...anaerobic capacity

    Answer: G

    Open-ended tasks

    Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet

    33. The system of measurements and research in anthropology of linear dimensions and other physical characteristics of the human body (height, mass, density, circumference, etc.) is designated as ...

    Answer: Anthropometry

    34. Maintaining the balance of the body by changing the position of its individual links is designated as...

    Answer: Balancing (balancing)

    35. The science of the manifestations of health, the patterns and mechanisms of its formation, preservation and strengthening is designated as...

    Answer: Valeology

    36. The red respiratory pigment of erythrocytes, which is involved in the transfer of oxygen from the respiratory organs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the respiratory organs, is designated as ...

    Answer: Hemoglobin

    37. Initial stage a game of chess and checkers, during which the opponents develop pieces (checkers) from the original position so as to give the desired character to the further course of the game, is designated as ...

    Answer: Debut

    38. All types of wrestling, boxing, fencing, characterized by contact confrontation between two opponents in a battle or duel regulated by the rules of the competition, are designated as ...

    Answer: Martial arts

    39. Organic substances that are part of biological membranes, forming an energy reserve, creating protective and thermal insulation covers, performing hormonal functions, participating in the mechanism of muscle contractions, are designated as ...

    Answer: Fats (lipids)

    40. The passage of a distance by a group of athletes selected from the total number of participants by drawing lots or according to preliminary data and starting at the same time is designated as ...

    Answer: Race

    Body balance - state of stable body position in space.

    While standing, i.e. in a vertical position of the body, the resultant of all forces directed to the general center of gravity (GC) of the body is located at the level of the second sacral vertebra and is projected onto the central portion of the support area (sole of the feet). Any change in the vertical position caused by movement of the head, torso or limbs leads to a shift in the GCP. Preservation of R. t. in such conditions is achieved by a reflex contraction of the postural muscles, i.e. muscles that ensure maintaining posture.

    With the help of specific postural reflexes, the moving body mass is balanced in conditions when the central gravity is transferred from one leg to the other, and movements when walking and running. Using balancing movements, as well as adjusting support forces, a person is able to maintain balance at the moment; when the center of gravity of his body goes beyond the support area, as, for example, a runner at the moment of start. The biomechanical feature of movements during walking, running, cycling, and rope walking is that when they are performed, the supporting surface is brought under the projection of the center of gravity.

    Another group of postural reflexes consists of protective movements that allow you to maintain balance when horizontal or rotational forces act on the body. Inclinations of the support area are accompanied by compensatory changes in posture, covering all muscles of the body. Normally, restoration of lost balance is achieved with the help of automated righting reflexes involved in the implementation of complex voluntary movements .

    Contraction of antigravity muscles can be caused by afferent impulses,

    coming from the tactile receptors of the sole of the foot, the receptors of the retina and the vestibular apparatus. In a standing position, these afferent systems have a stabilizing effect on the fluctuations of the central nervous system due to the activation of the supporting muscles along the a- and g-efferent pathways. Mechanisms for regulating the excitability threshold of proprioceptors ensure plastic adaptation of muscles to various motor acts. Visual and vestibular postural reflexes play a particularly important role in the formation of anticipatory motor commands when walking on uneven surfaces (ascent, descent). In pathological cases, optomotor postural reflexes compensate for the loss of proprioceptive afferentation; under normal conditions, vision mediates the interaction of systems of postural balance and orientation in near space.

    The central regulation of R. t. is assumed to be ensured by a hierarchically constructed functional system that integrates multimodal afferentation using generalized parameters, which apparently include the position of the body in space. The activity of this “tracking” system, which registers the difference between the real and the given position, determines the current and advanced regulation of the postural components of voluntary motor acts.

    The afferent pathways of postural reflexes pass through the thalamus, and the efferent centers are located in the basal ganglia, when damaged (for example, with e), loss of postural reflexes occurs. The bulbar and spinal centers of extensor (including extensor) reflexes normally experience an inhibitory centrifugal influence.

    Therefore, when the anatomical integrity of the pyramidal tracts is violated, spastic

    We are amazed at the exceptional ability of gymnasts to maintain balance in the most risky positions. Remember, for example, tightrope walkers on a swinging rope. Many of them perform acrobatic tricks, turning over in the air, and then returning to the rope again, while maintaining their balance.

    Admiring the art of gymnasts, acrobats, tightrope walkers, and figure skating masters, we do not think about the fact that the ability to maintain a certain pose while performing any movement is not only characteristic of athletes and circus performers. Every practically healthy person possesses it to a certain extent. If the function of the organs that ensure balance is sharply disrupted, the person cannot walk, he is forced only to lie down.

    Our body is affected by various physical factors. The most important of them is the force of attraction of the Earth or gravity. Therefore, controlling balance and performing any movement are mainly subordinated to overcoming this force.

    The human locomotor system has more than 200 bones. From a mechanical point of view, it is a system of various levers, the balance of which, and therefore the balance of the entire body, is possible when the sum of the moments of forces acting on it relative to the axis of rotation is equal to zero. If the equality of the moments of forces is violated, then the system of levers begins to rotate in the direction of the force whose moment is greater, and the person loses balance.

    The main regulators of balance are the muscular and vestibular apparatus. However, without the participation of the senses, the balance regulation system becomes unstable. Try, for example, standing on your toes and closing your eyes, and you will feel that turning off your vision leads to instability of your balance.

    Regulation of postures and movements in everyday life is carried out reflexively - automatically. As you know, all our organs and tissues have sensitive nerve endings - receptors. The main regulators of balance are muscle and vestibular receptors.

    Stretching and contracting muscle fibers irritate muscle receptors. And changes in the position of the head and the entire body in space are sensitively captured by the receptors of the vestibular apparatus, located in the area of ​​the inner ear. From the receptors, excitation is transmitted along nerve fibers to the central nervous system. Signals constantly entering the brain bring information about changes in the position of our body. The cerebral cortex processes it and immediately sends impulses to reverse direction- to the muscles that restore the balance of the body. Without such excitations, says I.P. Pavlov, “the movement cannot be performed, because it is not regulated at each moment. In this case, a person can say to himself that he does not feel his movements at every moment and therefore cannot control them.” A similar phenomenon can be observed, for example, in a state of weightlessness, when information from muscle receptors and the vestibular apparatus stops and a person does not feel the balance of his body. Therefore, he has to visually navigate in relation to the objects around him.

    Balance is a dynamic process: in any position, the human body does not remain absolutely motionless. We seem to lose our balance for a moment and restore it again. Running, walking and other actions, even standing in one place, require constant effort to maintain body balance in the desired position. This is a familiar and invisible process for us. But as soon as we stumble while walking or running, we make so-called safety movements: we jump, thereby resisting the force of inertia, we deflect the body, as if bringing the center of gravity under the fulcrum, falling, we put our hand in, etc. In the subway, take a closer look at the people who get on and off the escalator: for greater stability, they move, figuratively speaking, with a “duck walk,” with their legs spread wide apart and with frequent movements transferring the weight of their body from one leg to the other.

    Another example. To maintain balance in place when the vehicle suddenly stops, the passenger involuntarily leans in the direction opposite to the direction of movement.

    Who hasn’t had to watch a person walking next to you slip and fall clumsily without even making an attempt to stand up? What would an athlete with a fairly developed sense of balance do? He will instantly determine the direction and speed of his body's deviation in order to immediately restore it, making several deft movements, and thereby avoid falling.

    The higher the training, the easier a person adapts his movements and body position to changing conditions. The optimal level of development of the ability to control body balance allows us to perform various household and industrial movements most clearly and economically.

    A good athlete never complains of dizziness and discomfort while riding on attractions, swings, traveling by transport. And for physically “retarded” people this is sometimes a real scourge. Often they have to refuse to travel by air or sea. This is explained by the fact that an insufficiently trained vestibular apparatus, under the influence of changing speed, jerking, rocking, comes into a state of irritation: the pulse quickens, nausea appears, dizziness - the state of health worsens. Weak vestibular stability may also be congenital. However - and this has been proven by practice - in any case, the vestibular apparatus can be trained. Of course, before you start training, you should definitely consult your doctor to see if there are any contraindications to training.

    It is recommended to perform various gymnastic elements (somersaults, turns, coups) and special, so-called rotational exercises: circular movements of the head, turns in place in a circle (turning the entire body and stepping from foot to foot). You should start with 6-8 rotational exercises, and then gradually increase the number of repetitions by 1-2 movements every week. It is advisable to study for 3-4 months. It is during this period that with systematic training that the vestibular apparatus can be developed quite well.

    Swinging on a swing is a good way to develop the vestibular apparatus. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to swing, even if it is unpleasant for you. At first, swing with a small amplitude, then gradually swing more and more. The vestibular apparatus develops very well when jumping on a trampoline. As a rule, systematic training will make “ seasickness” retreat.

    High stability of the vestibular system is inherent in gymnasts, acrobats, pilots and astronauts. This is to a large extent a consequence of regular training and systematic training on special simulators.

    If you're wondering how well you can balance, try the exercises below. This will be a kind of test of your vestibular apparatus.

    For someone who overcomes the entire complex, the balance function deserves an excellent rating. Those who can complete the first ten exercises or less need to develop the vestibular apparatus. If desired, these simple exercises can be included in your training complex. Start with the first two; Having mastered them, move on to the next, more complex ones. When performing exercises, try to maintain balance as long as possible.

    Heels and toes together, hands on waist, eyes closed. We stand in this position for 20-30 seconds.
    Feet on the same line (right in front of left or vice versa), hands on the belt; We stand in this position for 20-30 seconds.
    The same, but with eyes closed; stand for 15-20 seconds.
    Feet together, hands on the belt, rise on your toes; stand for 15-20 seconds.
    The same, but with eyes closed; stand for 10-15 seconds.
    Hands on the belt, bend your left leg, lifting it off the floor, rise on the toe of your right leg; stand for 15-20 seconds. Same with the other leg.
    Then we do the same, but with our eyes closed.
    Standing on your toes (feet together), bend your torso forward 5-8 times until horizontal position(pendulum-like movements); one tilt per second.
    The same, but with eyes closed.
    Feet on the same line (right in front of the left or vice versa), hands on the belt, perform 8-10 body bends to the left and to the right (pendulum-like movements); one tilt per second.
    Same thing, but with eyes closed
    Standing on your toes (feet together), tilt your head as far back as possible; hold this position for 15-20 seconds.
    The same, but with your eyes closed, stand for 10-15 seconds.
    Standing on your toes, perform 8-10 springing movements with your head left and right; one movement per second
    Standing on the toe of your right foot, hands on your belt; perform 8-10 swing movements with the straight left leg back and forth (with full range of motion). Same with the other leg.
    Standing on your toes, perform 10-12 quick tilts of your head back and forth.
    Rise on the toe of your right leg, bend your left leg, lifting it off the floor, tilt your head back as far as possible, close your eyes; stand for 10-15 seconds. Same with the other leg.