Where to meet a good girl. Where do they find girls? Where can you find a good girl? Where to find the girl of your dreams? Parties and themed events

It doesn't matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing the fishing spots and showing basic male initiative, you can set any goals. The experience of experienced men and my constructive advice will help you. Spend a little time to find out the answer to the question that every second man asks - where to meet a girl. Happy reading!

Dating statistics

Three life hacks for dating

All women do this

Where to meet for sex

Selection of a dating site

Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl

The question “where to meet” is heard almost more often than the topical “how”. In fact, there are no right places and no fail-safe phrases for dating. But there is a theory of probability and common sense practice, according to which a club, a cafe and a street are not best places for dating.

Where you don't need to meet girls

Most guys are sure that the club, cafe and street are fishing spots. To this I will say - banal, boring and ineffective.

  • To meet a girl on the street, you need balls, and yet the street has low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things - it is difficult to take a person out of context and focus on themselves.
  • In a cafe, people eat or meet on business. Believe me, a rare girl will like it when a suitor from nowhere looks into her plate or mouth. And... Such an awkward moment, who should pay the bill.
  • Nightclub- the place is good. Its owners did their best for you - they caught up with the girls and made them drunk. However, the competition will be fierce, investments will be above average, and the chances of a long-term relationship will be almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of a successful hunt - where it is easier to meet a girl.

TOP 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists call the most profitable places for dating: transport, library, fitness room, supermarket and the sea.

  • Transport. Convenient from the point of view of enclosed space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing is to quickly and accurately take the number. Her stop could be next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it’s not so.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). Psychologically mature girls come here who are ready for serious relationship, and to flirt without obligations. The main thing is that these girls (praise their intelligence) quickly indicate where the wind is blowing from and where. As long as your IQ doesn't let you down.
  • Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing, etc.). You already have something in common. This generality, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked, sweating body, is an excellent springboard for unbridled communication. In the end, it’s just nice to know that your chosen one is watching her figure. By the way, if you like a girl, but have questions about her figure, remember, she is on the path to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, so take advantage of this little feminine weakness. Check the calorie content of the product, ask about the nuances of preparation. Don't forget to pick up your phone for some more nutrition advice.
  • Sea. The situation itself encourages one to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here - sun, sand and flirting. And you get what you see, not a pig in a poke. The flaws are obvious. No makeup or oversized clothes.

I remind you where I met the girl - meet her there. Don’t wait for the beauty to enter the transport, shop or buy a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating should be calibrated with an eye on the goal. It’s clear that you shouldn’t hunt for family-type young ladies in a club, and you shouldn’t look for a girl to get away with in a museum. Although in life anything happens, and in the still waters there are devils. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So, where to meet a girl for a serious relationship?

Dating statistics

Let's turn to the statistics on dating with the finale in the registry office (“Without statistics, it’s not life at all, but some kind of hard labor,” the film “Office Romance”).

  • 27% of married people met in public places such as parks, cafes and cinemas (a small percentage belong to clubs);
  • 21% got married through work - as colleagues or having met through professional activities;
  • 17% of spouses had known each other since school or student years, and some even, as they say, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about each other’s existence through friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of close people.

The rest met in other circumstances. We draw the following conclusion: you can basically meet your “soul mate” anywhere except the sofa (if you’re holding a laptop in your hands, that’s a different matter).

Three life hacks for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities girls value most in a man? Start getting acquainted with this.

  • Girls love care. If you help carry packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car, or simply open the door and let you go ahead, consider that an acquaintance has taken place.
  • Girls love confident people. Confidence equals sexiness. But being confident doesn’t mean jumping into your pants right away. This means getting into a state of drive before dating begins and getting maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, giving compliments is an art. And don’t turn it into an arthouse like this: “You’re so beautiful that I’m ready to crawl 15 kilometers on broken glass just to jerk off in your shadow.”

For the night: where to meet a girl for sex

All women do this

Everyone appreciates good sex. Many people prefer to meet in the “no obligation” format, and girls are no exception. Each has its own reasons. Some people want to try themselves in the role of a sophisticated vamp who changes men like gloves. The other is simply yearning without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. Third... Listen, what difference does it make to you? Just write it down in your subcortex: women want it, and more than you think. And many of them prefer one-time sex. Question - where can I find one?

Where to meet for sex

It’s not difficult for a professional pick-up artist to take a girl to bed even from the library. The rest go to a club or to dating sites for pleasure. The efficiency is high both there and there. For a list of the best dating sites, follow the link. And don't be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic ones: don’t waste time on Mamba, when there is a “black” one, if you like it rough, and so on. Let's talk about online dating in more detail, since it is this method of gender communication that is becoming a leader today.

Girls living online: where to meet people on the Internet

It doesn't matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that dating by correspondence existed during her youth. Well, today everyone hangs out on the Internet - they work, communicate and, of course, get to know each other.

Benefits of online dating

  • You can get acquainted and communicate without interrupting your current affairs. Very convenient in conditions of total time shortage.
  • The choice is unlimited - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • A godsend for introverts - people who are “inside themselves” and who can’t be dragged into public places with either a carrot or a stick.
  • It's easy to take the first step. If sometimes you don’t have enough balls to approach a girl on the street, on the Internet you can make contact by putting two fingers on the keyboard.
  • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think about your words. IN real life we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If until now the Internet has been a place for you to download music or watch pornography, it’s time to expand your horizons.

Social networks as a dating resource

Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. An account on a social network is a sea of ​​“hooks” that can easily turn into openers. Any photo, video or even like can be used to your advantage. And don't forget to clean up your page. Remove posts about women being fools and other incriminating evidence. Your account should be exemplary.

Pitfalls of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to meet people. Grab some popcorn, choose a dating site, and see for yourself. But don't count on easy pickings and 100% returns, because...

  • Lots of competitors. The Internet underestimates the value of a guy and overstates the importance of a girl. Even the “ugly ones” receive a stack of offers a day. In order not to get lost in the masses, introduce yourself to the public with the most the best side. How to fill out a profile for a guy to impress a girl, we said - click and read.
  • Lots of virtual machines. A large number of women of different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and assert themselves without personal contact. Some are married, some are afraid, and some have nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. Therefore, don’t talk too much. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation towards a real meeting.
  • Lots of illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication primarily with a virtual image. This is how the brain works: having a minimum of information, it figures out the rest. Therefore, see the point above. Take communication to another level as quickly as possible.

I'm not even talking about scammers, fools, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who will definitely meet on your way. But the one who walks will master the road. Go!

About light bulbs: the secret of Thomas Edison's success

I repeat it like a mantra: where you like a girl, there is a place to meet her. A street, a concert hall, a dating site - it is not the place that determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even a pickup guru. Take it as a fact - they will reject you. And this is not a reason to return to your comfort zone. This is an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.

What do light bulbs have to do with it? It is said that Thomas Edison performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the incandescent electric light bulb. The great scientist perceived every failure as an experience that moves him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to persistent and persistent assault. Good luck!

We invite you to watch a video related to the topic of the article:

Invite your girlfriend to do something fun. This will allow you to indirectly express your interest. Offer some fun and ask what she thinks about it. If she is interested, then offer to meet. If not, suggest another activity that matches her hobbies. If you refuse again, just don’t force yourself.

  • For example, say: “There's a cup final this weekend. Do you want to go?"
  • Another option: “Haven’t bowled in so long. And you?"

Warning: Remember that hints can lead to misunderstandings. The girl may decide that you are simply offering to meet as friends.

  • Ask a girl out on a date , if you are not decisive. A direct approach is the surest option, but there is always a chance of being rejected. Tell the girl that you are interested in her and ask her to meet.

    • Say, “I think we have a lot in common. I would like to invite you on a date. How about dinner on Friday?"
  • Be attentive on a date to make the girl feel special. A date is your chance to make a good impression on her. Be polite and attentive. How to show your interest:

    • put your phone aside;
    • ask different questions;
    • look the girl in the eyes when she speaks;
    • take an interest in the girl’s affairs and life;
    • give compliments.
  • At the end of the date, ask to meet again. Show that you had a great time and don't give up new meeting. After the date, text the girl or call her and tell her again that you enjoyed the meeting.

    • Say, “I would like to meet you again.”
    • If you wish, you can ask about a new date later. For example, write the next day after the meeting and arrange a second date.
    • If you are already an adult, it is better to wait a few days.
  • Give your girl time to develop your relationship. The amount of time depends on your age and employment. Post and interact on social media every day. Plan regular dates and get-togethers, even if you see each other at school all the time. Always try to sit next to a girl during a class or event.

    • It is advisable to go on several dates or chat for a while before asking a girl to date. Be patient and don't rush the girl.
    • Conversations, correspondence and meetings will help you get closer and interest the girl.
  • Invite the girl to meet in person when you are ready. Go to a private place and tell her that you really like her. Then ask if she would agree to date you.

    • Say: “I feel very good with you, and I would like to ask directly. Will you agree to be my girlfriend?
  • Hello, dear editors!
    Let me tell you a little about myself before I ask the question. I am 22 years old, a part-time student, I work as a sales consultant, in my free time I am interested in fitness, I love cinema, good books and spend time outdoors or with family.

    I had girls, 7 ladies, I dated the last one for 2 years, I wanted to get married, but, alas, I turned out to be just a man, and not an ideal prince with a bag of money, so I made a man’s decision to leave her. But I ran into a problem.

    The problem is the following: all 95% of the advice on where exactly to look for a girl does not work in principle. That is, not dating sites, because there is only darkness going on there, or in general in the area where I live there are few girls, and I live in a city of a million people. Either, no matter how funny it is, there are no places to meet someone somewhere. I also went to supermarkets, but what was the point? Everyone is always busy, there was not a single suitable situation. It’s also unrealistic to go to the cinema - everyone comes in groups, so it will be awkward to approach, let’s say. In the fitness center there are only sweaty men, also looking for girls)))) So, in general, a stalemate.

    Honestly, I’m already starting to think that fate is laughing at me on purpose. But here’s the funny thing: no matter who I meet, let’s say I finally find someone at university, it will definitely be with a guy. And if without, then some kind of scary one.

    So the questions are: 1) What should I do? 2) Am I cursed?))) 3) Maybe it’s the area where I live and the fact that the infrastructure is not developed? Then if this is so, then just accept it and move to a bigger city?


    Yes, move to Tokyo or Delhi. If you can’t find a woman in a city of a million, then you need to look for her in a city of ten million. Excellent logic. I advise you not to waste time and go straight to Shanghai - a mega-village, glorified even in the “Green Elephant”, with a population of 24,256,800 people. If you don’t find a charming Buryat girl there, then I’m afraid that your mind has entered into a battle with your own “I”, and you are looking in the wrong place. You don’t need someone who will understand like a sister and love like a mother, but someone who will protect and understand without words.

    But seriously, here's a story for you. When I worked as a huntsman, Arkady Ukupnik, Kim Jong-un, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Justin Bieber and I went fishing. It was bitterly cold, snowmobiles wouldn’t start, cars refused to start, complaining that they weren’t paid enough. It was impossible to dissuade the celebs, since they complained that they rarely got together anyway. But they have so much in common: none of them took part in the recording of the song “Closing the Circle.”

    We went dog sledding to the lake. It was in Alaska, near the village of Bishkek, it took a very long time to travel – 3.14 km. From the outside it seems that this is not much, but when a blizzard is raging around, and your mouth is pulled into a chicken ass from the cold, every meter seems like endless wandering through the circles of hell. Only vodka, friendly adventurism and the song “Simsim, open up” saved us from despair.

    However, Kim, unaccustomed to such cold weather, grew a huge icicle, which broke off and killed the leading dog. The dogs started a scandal and said that they would go further only if this dog Kim himself ran in the sled. The proud Korean character did not allow the leader to get down on all fours, and then the dogs freaked out and ran away to lick eggs and smoke Bond with a button while no one was looking. We went to the lake on foot. Of course, we were covered in snow. Then Solzhenitsyn, with the power of thought, turned into a huge tent in which we took refuge from the cold.

    Justin began to cry that he would die young, leaving no offspring. Because, like you, I couldn’t find the woman of my dreams: neither at concerts, nor in the dressing room, nor in multimillion-dollar Los Angeles. And then Arkady said a brilliant phrase: “Ustin, you’re too picky. You're looking for a certain type of woman. good women, beautiful. But alas, most of them are already taken.” Then Belmondo rode up on Sarah Jessica Parker and saved us, but it doesn’t matter. Listen to Arkady's words.

    You just have inflated criteria based on your sexual experience. You are looking for someone specific, based first of all on appearance, and only then on character traits. So it turns out that for you there are two types of girls: those you like, and everyone else. On the one hand, this is very good - it means that you are not an omnivorous scavenger, but an esthete who is looking for something specific. Alas, your idea of ​​the ideal coincides with the ideas of others, and therefore all the good maidens are already busy with someone else.

    So it's not about the city, but about your tastes. In this case, there are two options left: either lower the criteria and rush at everything, be it crooked and oblique, or continue to look. In the first case, in order to cross the boundaries of taste, you need to convince yourself that you are not Alain Delon, so it’s time to stop showing off and agree to everything. And in the second case it is more difficult. There is no point in sending you links to, about that, because you can do it. But we'll throw it in just in case.

    We can recommend that you look for girls through social networks. The fact is that people voluntarily post all the information about themselves, and it won’t be difficult to find a girl with common tastes and without a man. . Hope it helps. These are not dating sites where desperate and dick-starved individuals create their half-decent profiles. Here you go out hunting and follow the trail left by the victim. It's like picking up scattered panties and stockings on the way to bed. The main thing is to turn on your charm in the “Irresistible scoundrel” mode, so that she has no chance left, to be interesting and intriguing, like a vampire, so that she herself wants to get to know you better.

    There is, of course, another option. You're either boring or uninteresting, and girls just avoid you. At 20, your infantile enthusiasm could still charm others your age, but girls develop faster than us: they want a man with serious intentions and a salary, and not a young man who only needs sex and a fighting girlfriend. By the way, this is the second reason why the girls you like dynamite you. In general, getting a woman to like you is not as easy as they say. The easiest way to spread her legs is to sit her on your neck, so you should never overestimate your wretchedness.

    So there are two options here: either look for younger girls who have not yet understood what life is like as an adult, or improve yourself to such an extent that you don’t give them a chance. This is, of course, more difficult, but in general, it will never be a bad idea to improve your charm, eloquence and communication skills. There is a third option - to get yourself a mature lover, hungry for youthful agility, but this is not an acquired taste.

    There's probably no point in reminding you that you can find a girl even when taking out the trash. You looked for them everywhere, I’m sure you even visited unusual places for this. It’s just that very often we come across the same one by chance, and not during a targeted search. Of course, it would be easier to diversify the criteria, and it may well turn out that there is already a girl next to you who dreams of you. But this is unlikely to bring happiness, because, as popular wisdom says, if something floats into your hands, then don’t flatter yourself - most likely it won’t sink. Therefore, look for and do not avoid the opportunity to meet any pretty girl. Suddenly it's the same one.

    Probably every guy dreams of taking and finding in just one hour good girl for relationships. It would be great if you weren’t alone in bed today. But the reality is that few succeed. And you will have to try to achieve such a goal. Where to find a girl in 1 hour? The question is very complex, but you can try something and be satisfied with the result in most cases.

    What's the difficulty?

    One hour is really very little. First, let's decide on the place where you will look for a girl. What kind of place is this supposed to be?
    1. There should be tens, hundreds, thousands of girls here (it all depends on the size of your city).
    2. Girls should not be distracted by any other activities. They should not rush, they should be willing to communicate.
    3. They should consider you as their boyfriend.
    4. Each of them should be ready to start a relationship right now.
    The description is very complex, and most likely not a single place that comes to mind fits it. What immediately comes to mind? Several potential places where you, in theory, usually meet girls. Read my article - the best places to meet a girl.

    • Street. Surely this is the first thing that came to your mind. But this is not a place where you can find a girl in 1 hour. Of course, you can say that your friend succeeded, but let’s not consider isolated cases. Why is this place not suitable for us? The fact is that although there are a lot of girls here, they are all in a hurry to run errands, go somewhere, they are not in the mood for making acquaintances, and therefore you have little chance.
    • Exhibitions, galleries, public spaces. Again, they are not suitable, since the girls here are not busy looking for a man for a relationship.
    • Clubs. Another place that might come to your mind. But it is not suitable for you either. The fact is that girls who come to clubs view guys as those who want a one-night stand. They don't consider clubs as a place to meet men. That is, they immediately accept you as a person who is not suitable for a permanent partner, and this is a significant disadvantage. And even if you find a girl here in one hour, she is unlikely to be a worthwhile specimen, and you will regret your choice.
    • Social media. They are also not a place where you will find a girl in 1 hour. Why do girls visit social media? To watch a video, scroll through your feed, upload new photos and have a good time. Again, they are not in the mood to meet men, and therefore for such short term you won't find a girl here.
    And so, it seems like we have looked at all the available options for dating places, but there is still one interesting place that completely fits our description. These are dating sites. Don’t rush to splutter and close the article. Then you will understand what's what.

    Contradictions in choice

    Just now you most likely thought that this was nonsense, that it didn’t work. But when the right approach Dozens of girls will write to you a day, and you will choose someone for a relationship.
    Many people really dislike dating sites, and this is quite fair. Indeed, the girls are sitting here in large quantities and are engaged in looking for men for relationships.

    But why do many guys leave the idea of ​​dating sites at the development stage? There are several objective reasons.

    1. Think about it, what kind of girls are sitting here? Those who have problems meeting people in real life. Therefore, such girls either have an unremarkable appearance or have serious character problems that no normal guy would agree to tolerate.
    2. Many dating sites require payment for their services. This could be payment for unlimited messages or access to any information. This is a significant drawback, since a person does not have to pay for the opportunity to meet representatives of the opposite sex.
    3. Most men (namely 90%) are dissatisfied with the results they received on a dating site.
    What does this all mean? You must be among the 10% of those who are satisfied! And not because you demand little, but because you always get the desired result.

    Now let’s talk about why a dating site is suitable for you in your circumstances. What problem conditions did you set when you typed the query into a search engine or simply opened this article? You asked where to find a girl in 1 hour. That's why there is only one answer, and it requires certain resources. Yes, you may have to spend money and time on your profile, but you can do it in just 1 hour and not spend that night alone.

    Let's get down to implementation

    In total, you are faced with two tasks. First, you need to get on a dating site. Secondly, you must present information about yourself so that every girl considers you as the best candidate for the role of her boyfriend. I wrote in more detail earlier about how to meet a guy on dating sites. Let's deal with the first problem. Everything here is extremely simple. Getting on dating sites is very easy. You type a query into a search engine and see a ton of options. Then you register, get acquainted with the size of the audience regarding your city and make a decision about payment. You can use several sites at once to improve your results, but it will cost you more.

    Now to the implementation of the second task. Now it seems incredibly complicated, but everything is much simpler than you think. Let's go with you from the opposite direction. You go to a dating site and see in front of you a lot of girls who write in their profiles approximately the following things: “I’m looking for a responsible, loyal, handsome man for long-term relationships." And after the tenth reading, you will no longer be interested in reading the profile, so you quickly scroll through it and concentrate only on the photographs. And then you make a decision whether to write or not, to date or not.

    And then you see a questionnaire with a completely different content: “Hi, I don’t like long correspondence. If I like your photos, you can safely make an appointment with me, and I will come to it on the same day. I'm not one of those who will delay for long.

    If you're really great, if you make a good impression on me, then be ready to take me to the bedroom and you'll have the best sex of your life that you'll want to repeat again and again." If you find such a profile, you will write to such a girl without wasting a minute. What's the point? You can do the same! All this can be used in reverse side.

    Now you need to design your profile in such a way that it attracts girls. Absolutely everyone should like you and therefore become their choice. You need to reach a state where girls themselves start writing to you. This technique combines some of the principles of Internet marketing. We can say that you will promote yourself as some especially valuable commodity on the market of relations between a man and a woman.

    What profiles do men usually find on dating sites? They write openly about their merits, boldly show off their property in photographs, and so on. They try to attract attention with their merits, but do not highlight the main thing. A man must be truly original to please a girl.

    Therefore, the photos you fill your profile with must be the best. There is no need to show off your property. Your appearance is your main trump card. And this includes emotionality, some interesting activities, funny situations, and so on.

    The text of the questionnaire itself should become a container of specifics and a clear reflection of the essence. You must clearly and accurately reflect text with similar content to the one given above. You must let the girl know that you did not come here to chat, but to find your soulmate. Don’t smear vanilla snot all over your monitor, you need clear text without a single extra word.

    Your choice of girl should be based on common sense. You don’t need to immediately demand a meeting from everyone who writes to you. Look at the photos, if it's fake, no dates. If a girl comes to you worse than in the photo, turn around and don’t waste time. This is the only way you will become one of the 10% of men who are satisfied with the results on dating sites.

    In conclusion

    Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a girl in 1 hour the first time. A lot depends on your individual characteristics. That's why experiment with the text and note positive or negative changes in dating. Gradually you will come to that golden mean, which will bring you dozens of girls a day. Try it and you will succeed!

    Think about what you imagine yourself to be like future girlfriend. In addition to her appearance, it is important to focus on her interests and hobbies. It's good if they match yours. Guided by this, you can choose suitable places to look for a girl. For example, if you are interested in sports and attend gym, tennis club, swimming pool or other sports facility, you can try to find your soulmate there. Girls involved in sports often need help. You can give advice on how to properly perform this or that exercise, help remove a heavy barbell from its mounts, or simply compliment the girl you like about her good figure. All this will not go unnoticed by her.

    If you study or work, you can try to chat with your classmate or employee you like and set up a date. Try to behave casually, do not hesitate to approach the girl and start a conversation with her. Remember that it is determination, and not appearance, that is valued by the fair sex in the first place.

    Try to meet a girl in one of the vacation spots. Nightclubs are especially good for this. Most people visit them specifically for new acquaintances and meetings. Approach the girl you like and offer to buy her a drink or dance with you. Restaurants and cafes are also suitable places to meet people. Notice if there is a girl sitting alone at one of the tables or bar counters, and invite her to join you. Even if she's sitting at a table with friends, you can get to know the whole group and then focus on a specific girl.

    Internet dating

    Register on one or more dating sites if you are hesitant to meet a girl in other places. Add a few of your most successful photos, fill in information about yourself and your appearance, write your ideal girl. After that, you can start searching for the profile of a girl who suits you or just wait until someone writes to you. In the same way, you can try to find a girl through social networks. Write a personal message to the one you like, introduce yourself and subsequently offer to meet and chat in a more romantic setting.