How to meet the brightest girl in a nightclub. Club dating

At the club, girls are determined that guys will come up to them and get to know each other. The club is a great place to practice your social skills and meet beautiful girls.

Dating in the club always opens up a lot of advanced awareness for me to grow. The following 11 realizations will help you understand how to properly meet a girl in a club and improve your results.

1. Feel the thread of the conversation, have a sense of control

  1. You have to feel your condition and feel the girl.
  2. There must be an understanding: there is loud music here– you should not pay attention to conversations and focus on words. And in that place it’s quiet, where we can get to know each other very well.
  3. You have to notice when you're talking to nothing.
  4. Feel when loud music makes your words unnecessary.
  5. You can say a lot more through a look than with words..

These 5 points will make communication easier for you and help you understand how to better meet a girl in a club and not waste your energy.

2. Calibrate according to the girl’s condition, trust empathy

Read her condition from a girl's face

Look carefully at the girl’s face, her facial expressions, her eyes. So I can always determine what I can already do this with a girl now, but it’s still too early.

From her face I can read what emotional level the girl is on. Thanks to this, I can determine whether I can right now suck this girl without words.

If I read on a girl's face slight discomfort, which means she is not yet used to the club. This means she will react badly if I quickly start hugging her. Then I'm in no hurry. This fine calibration must always be there.

Feeling of empathy

The feeling of empathy is when I feel what the girl feels. It develops on its own when you do a lot of approaches.

Don't put too much pressure on her

If I feel that a girl is freezing, scared because of me, I say sentences that turn off the pressure between us and relieve tension from the girl.

For example: " Oh, sorry, I'm too arrogant. It happens to me».

With these words you let her know:

  • what you adequate person and you have a healthy emotional system;
  • you don't want to scare her or hurt her.

Such proposals definitely need to be said. Then she relaxes and feels safe around you.

Video with an example of my approach

My acquaintance with two beauties in the next video.

3. Meet unfamiliar mixed groups

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just talking to girls. Approach groups of girls and guys.

Many guys smile at me when I easily meet girls from his company. Just determine in advance who exactly from his company is the guy’s girlfriend.

No need to fight with guys! The guy might be a great person and you might become friends. Next, he will introduce you to his girlfriends. Having found out who you are, the guy will help you get closer to the girls from his company.

4. Talk to guys: make the game easier for yourself

Talk to strangers. Many guys come to the club to meet only girls. Don't limit yourself, talk to men. WITH you can find any of them common language . He might even become in the future an excellent partner for going to the club together.

A guy you don't know can help you

So you made friends with a guy at a club. Then you can always find it and you can dance and jump on the dance floor together. Can be done respite,talk about your topics.

One day I had a conversation with one interesting guy. He bought me juice himself, and then we made approaches together and met girls. He was very good with the girls and also came to the club alone, like me!

5. Give her a quick hug and dance

Dancing and quick hugs give you the opportunity to instantly bond with a girl. Quick hugs you jump over all these trivial questions: "What is your name?". It’s as if you’ve known her for five years.

This method gives you an understanding of how to quickly meet a girl. Thus, you easily get close to her and suck her in.

Dancing with a girlan important key to rapprochement! It is in dancing that you feel each other, touch each other and get excited. While dancing you feel her pleasant figure, waist, and hips. It is in dance that attraction and passion for a girl are quickly created. Girls also love close hugs and quick intimacy.

Keys for dancing with a girl in a club

  • Dance with a girl so that you have fun first of all. Do everything for your own pleasure, so that YOU get pleasure. Know that everything will be ok!
  • Be completely in the moment. Don't look around, don't look at the people around you, completely immerse yourself in the dance with her. Let happy music pass through you. Enjoy the process. Focus only on yourself and on dancing with the girl.

Video “How to dance with her and quickly get close on the dance floor”

You don't have to be a dance master. All variations of dancing with a girl on the dance floor and pickup in the club, watch in this video:

6. Understand that words on loud dance floors only ruin everything.

Give minimal importance to words

On a loud dance floor, you don’t need to ask the girl where she works or anything. People come to the club to relax and escape from the daily routine of life.

In general, you pay minimal attention to words. Loud music everywhere.

The words on the dance floor will simply be a sign and a fact of acceptance of your intimacy. It's like a small formality between you, don't attach much importance to it. Focus on your condition. Non-verbal language plays a major role.

Non-verbal: gaze and smile

In non-verbal communication, gaze is very important! Your look should fully correspond to your good condition.

Glance is the most attractive tool. The way you look at a girl and your gaze can say much more than simple words.

You must have an inner smile. Natural smile from within. It attracts and gives people warm emotions.

Example of my approach

So I'm on the dance floor saw beautiful girl . I tell her: “Let’s go dance,” or I take her hand without words. I lead, put my arm around the girl’s waist and we dive into the dance, huddling close to each other. I don't even know her name, who she is. I just chose it.

On at the moment I'm filming my video from the club with interesting clips.

You can cite a lot good videos examples of dating in a club and club seduction. Over the entire period of practice, enough of them accumulate.

7. Kissing tricks: an instant, quick feeling of the right to a passionate kiss

I won't focus on this here. You can read more about kissing in the articles at the link below.

If you met the one, how to spend time with her

So, you found that very girl in the club that you really like. You're doing great.

You should always know how to spend time with her. And you will never get lost and procrastinate, you will know what to do. The girl will feel your confidence and will trust you more.

Put all these realizations into practice.

I told you some of my tips on how to meet a girl in a nightclub in an original way.

You can get even more secrets and advanced material in my live programs and individual training!

The club differs from other places, such as the street, cafes and shops, due to its special atmosphere. People come to it to experience new emotions, which means they are ready to make new acquaintances. All that remains is to use it correctly.

Many guys have already failed more than once in this “arena” of dancing and entertainment. This all happens due to ignorance of how to behave correctly. Experienced seducers got a lot of troubles before they came up with the rules for dating in clubs.


Seduction in a club begins not with the first words, but from the moment you enter there. The girls watch everyone who comes in very carefully and immediately evaluate their sexual attractiveness.

There will be quite a lot of guys in the club who can compete with you in your appearance. Therefore, you should not rely only on him (as in any other type of dating). Just remember the rule: your clothes should be clean and moderately fashionable.

To attract attention, it will be good if you wear one bright piece of clothing. For example, an unusual shirt

Smile when you walk inside the club. A smile is an indicator of your confidence and relaxation. By entering the club with a serious face, you show that you are loaded with something and are initially not confident in your success in finding a girl for the next night.

Since you came to the club to relax and seduce, then later short time you can have a drink A little alcohol. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will no longer have time for girls.

How to attract attention

Be active, show that you feel good (even if you came to the club alone). You can smile and/or wink at the girl you like. When you drink alcohol, raise your glass up as if you were clinking glasses with her. In those moments when the music is playing loudly and you do not have the opportunity to approach it right now, such nonverbal signs of attention will be very useful.

Your posture should convey confidence. Example: one hand should hold a glass of alcohol, and thumb the other hand should be in your pocket (so that the hand is near the pocket, but not inside).

What to talk about

Don't talk to a girl about trivial topics. People came here to relax and have fun. The atmosphere of the club does not give you the right to ask a girl where she studies. Trivial questions are what will immediately kill your attractiveness (especially on the club’s territory).

It’s better to start a conversation “according to the situation”. Draw a small conclusion about her based on your feelings about her appearance or behavior. Tell a couple of stories from your life or the lives of your friends about an interesting pastime at the club.

Remember also that loud music is not only a hindrance to conversation. This good reason start touching the girl. Those. say something in her ear, while lightly hugging her waist. And in this case, you will have every moral right to immediately move on to this level of touching.

Those. you approach her, put your arm around her waist and whisper your first phrase in her ear. The main thing is to do it confidently.

Unshakable truths

Don't you dare look at the dance floor alone (exception: when you and a girl are talking about some kind of dancing and, as it were, at the same time watching people dancing). Looking at him, you create the impression of a loser, and your attractiveness decreases with terrible force.

You can attract attention by dancing only if you you really know how to do this. Otherwise, you will only spoil the impression of yourself and rely in vain on your not very strong point. Train yourself to dance. A girl might ask you to dance, and then this skill will come in handy.

Don't pay attention to just one girl. The ideal communication in case of seduction in a club would be dosed interest. This means that you communicate with a girl for a while, and then go to your friends or to another girl. At the same time, you don’t pick up the phone right away. Those. this is such a small “closer-further” within the framework of one night communication. During the time that you are not around, she will have time to miss you. And the next time you go to her, she will want to communicate with you.

Be relaxed! Don't tense up for no reason. If you have any internal tension (fears, barriers to communication), then relieve them with another small portion of alcohol. You can go to the restroom for 5 minutes, wash and freshen up.

Remember that the club is a place actions. And you won’t achieve success by “propping up walls.” Acting according to the above rules, your acquaintance can develop into a very pleasant continuation in your home.

Dating and pickup in nightclubs are qualitatively different from dating on the street, in a cafe, at school or work, because girls and guys initially come to clubs for new impressions and emotions. That is why the club can be called an ideal place to practice communication skills with the opposite sex. We will tell the male readers how to meet a girl in a nightclub.

Task 1. Present yourself correctly from the very beginning

It is necessary to attract the attention of the fair sex not at the moment of communication, but immediately after appearing in the club. The female sex is distinguished by an attentiveness unattainable for men, and many girls constantly watch everyone who enters, instantly assessing his attractiveness.

No one can compete with other guys in the club in everything, but the “minimum program” should be followed - clothes should be absolutely clean and more or less fashionable. It is enough to wear one thing that catches your eye - for example, an unusual bright shirt.

When entering an establishment, it is better to smile, even if there is no particular reason for it.

A smile is subconsciously perceived as a symbol of confidence and carefreeness.

Task 2. Be able to feel and control the conversation

You should understand that if any sounds are drowned out by music, at this moment it is better not to yell in the girl’s ear or move away from the dance floor to a secluded corner, after which she will be able to focus on what you are telling her. When a conversation does begin, it is not recommended to ask your interlocutor what she does or where she studies - people do not visit clubs in order to be bored with routine things there. You need to approach the conversation creatively: no banal topics!

The power of a glance cannot be underestimated - sometimes it can express more than verbally. Pick-up artists managed to write entire treatises on non-verbal speech, i.e. the ability to convey information by timbre and intonation of voice, facial expressions, gaze, gestures and body position.

Task 3. Read body language and facial expressions, use empathy

The guy should watch the girl’s facial expression, her eyes. This allows you to correctly determine her attitude towards him, her emotional level and, therefore, understand whether he can hug or kiss her, or whether this should be postponed. If discomfort is visible on a girl’s face, perhaps she has not had time to get used to the situation.

What is empathy? Empathy - this is how this psychological term can be described in one word.

A specific example: a guy feels that the girl he likes is cautious with him and is somewhat afraid. This tension can be relieved by saying something relaxing and with a bit of humor, for example: “Don’t worry about it, I always get too brazen in clubs.” These kinds of phrases will make her understand that he is adequate and does not intend to cause her any harm.

Task 4. Don’t put an end to mixed groups of boys and girls

In most cases, the club is visited not alone or even in pairs, but by more or less large groups. You cannot immediately reject such potential acquaintances just because these people came together. After meeting a whole group of people, a guy can make a lot of male friends and next time go in search of adventures with them. Moreover, they will probably offer to meet the rest of the ladies. And in order not to put yourself in an awkward position by making advances towards someone else’s girlfriend, it’s enough to observe a little of the relationships within the company.

Task 5. Learn to be permissive and not be afraid to be arrogant

Even if in reality all these affirmations are far from true, an insecure or inexperienced guy should fix the following attitudes in his mind:

  1. This is his club, and he is the boss here.
  2. There is no need to deny yourself anything.
  3. The whole party is based on it.
  4. If he likes the girl, he will achieve her.
  5. Everyone present is incredibly happy to see him and eager to get to know him.

You can learn how to become more self-confident in the following video:

Task 6. Be principled

Having received an undeserved turn from the gate from an arrogant or rude girl, the best tactic would be to demonstratively approach another. And since the desire to be in the center of attention (especially male attention) is inherent in almost all ladies, a girl who “dismissed” a guy will probably regret her behavior afterwards, or even feel a pang of jealousy.

Task 7. Don’t worry about refusals and failures

If communication with the girl you like has not started, and she refuses to dance, you should not immediately look for the problem in yourself. There are dozens of reasons for such a refusal that are beyond a guy’s control:

  1. She is tired of the constant “tackles” and does not get to know anyone.
  2. She came with a guy.
  3. Her friends are nearby, which constrains and confuses her.
  4. The guy and the girl are now “on different waves” and in different emotional state, why they cannot understand each other correctly.
  5. She just can’t hear him because of the roar of the music.

Task 8. Come up, hug and take you to the dance floor

This tactic helps you get over the long and tedious initial stage of getting to know all the banal “What’s your name?” and “Did you come here alone?” Dancing together makes two strangers feel as if they have been friends for years.

It is in dance that after accidental or intentional touching, attraction to each other can develop. There is no need to be afraid of a scandal - in clubs the vast majority of girls like to get closer without further ado.

The meeting was a success. What's next?

Some guys are at a loss after meeting successfully at the next club, and don’t know how to spend the evening with a girl. Here are some ready-made “recipes” and tips for spending time together:

  1. Take me to the dance floor. In addition to the fact that this is the most obvious option, it is also a way to impress a girl with your dancing skills (if the guy has taken several club dancing lessons in advance).
  2. Take a walk around the club grounds. The main thing is that the navigator should be a man, so that the girl does not feel the responsibility for entertainment has been transferred to her.
  3. Visit a karaoke room with her.
  4. Immediately after you have managed to meet a girl at a club, it is better to isolate her from the friends with whom she came, so that they do not interfere with the rapprochement. Afterwards, on the contrary, introduce yourself and chat.
  5. Introduce the lady to your friends. To strengthen the connection with her, a guy can even tell his friends that this is his girlfriend. It is unlikely that she will begin to object out loud.

Alternative to club dating

We advise extremely shy people who are still not ready to meet people in crowded clubs to try their hand at dating sites. This method has a number of impressive advantages:

  1. All information is at your fingertips. Possible in as soon as possible find exactly the one you like both as a person and in appearance, without spending days, weeks and months extracting information from dozens of girls.
  2. Relative anonymity and “invisibility”. You can end a boring conversation or acquaintance at any time.
  3. More sincerity. As Cicero used to say, epistula non erubescit - writing does not blush. Those. On the Internet, people, as a rule, can quickly and more honestly write about themselves what “in real life” only close friends know about.
  4. The most suitable contingent. EVERYONE wants to meet on specialized sites, which cannot be said even about such free places like nightclubs.

Absolutely any young man can approach and meet a girl in the club, since the very atmosphere of the establishment contributes to this. To increase his chances of success, a guy should:

  • present yourself beautifully;
  • choose the right moment and place for conversation;
  • observe the non-verbal signals of the interlocutor;
  • don’t be afraid to meet big companies;
  • do not doubt your abilities even one iota;
  • have a sense of pride and not indulge arrogant girls;
  • don’t worry about “failures”;
  • try the “hug and take to the dance floor” tactic.

Dating in nightclubs can often be unpleasant. Girls are looking for guys for one night, ask to buy drinks and are ready for a relationship without a long-term acquaintance. Is it possible to meet a girl in a nightclub who will be a great match for you? Of course yes! True, she will have to be identified right away!

How to choose a good girl in a nightclub?

The clubs are very popular different people: from ordinary girls who came to dance to people who consider themselves socialites. Among them there are those who can attract, intrigue and turn out to be very interesting personalities.

What does a decent girl look like?

She will stand out in a nightclub. Fashionistas and dummies dress like a carbon copy: so as to look ultra-fashionable. As a result, among a hundred girls, 90 will be dressed the same: the same Louboutins, short skirt or leggings, blouses or T-shirts with sparkles. They are accompanied by huge earrings, massive bracelets and flashy makeup, coupled with gel nails and false eyelashes.

The girl's outfit is too revealing speaks either simply of bad taste, or that she came to the club with a specific goal - to hook someone up and spend a tasty and interesting evening!

Dressed discreetly, dances not provocatively
Interesting girls meet in clubs! Look for those who stand out from the crowd appearance, they dance little and not provocatively. Partying for them is just a way to unwind. They do not pursue any goals and do not beg while sitting at the bar or ask for acquaintances. In short, they literally stand out from the crowd!

She stands aside
Unlike most girls in a nightclub, the one who is really worthy of attention will probably stand on the sidelines or just sit at a table. She came to the club in the company of girlfriends, but she was not very interested here. I must say that many people hunt for bored girls in the club!

She doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't use her phone
Yes, but she doesn't dance yet! What can an interesting girl do in a nightclub? She watches other visitors to the club, chats with her friends, chews something. But you definitely won’t see alcohol in her hands!

How does she react to attempts to get acquainted?

If you're wondering how to choose the right girl, then I simply have to know how worthy girls behave. The guys are convinced that girls are never bored at the club, and therefore they believe that it will be easy to meet each other. In fact, independent girls are rude, slightly self-confident and categorically refuse treats, believing that this will make them obligated. Be persistent. Try to interest her, joke and entertain her. She might be interested in you!

Phone number? Of course, you can try to ask him, but it’s not a fact that she will leave him! Write down your number for her. Maybe she'll call! If you know her friends, ask her first and last name. Find your favorite beauty in social networks it will be easy! If you find her, go to a dating site, check if she is really as good as she seems.

Those guys who know how to meet people in a club always leave with girls.

Because a club is a place where girls come not to dance (as you can often hear from them), but to find a lover for one or several nights. This means that leaving there without a girl is throwing money away, spending large sums on admission and alcohol.

If you are used to leaving the club without a meal, then this article will help you finally get the ball rolling. And then, having gained a minimum amount of experience, you can easily meet almost any girl in the club.

First, you must understand that →

They scan you as soon as you enter

Even if it seems to you that the girls are communicating with their friends or doing something, don’t believe it.

Their main focus is where the club itself begins. Every guy that walks in undergoes careful analysis on confidence, positivity and success with the opposite sex (yes, girls in the club can easily determine this just by looking at you).

Immediately upon entering, pretend that you are waving to someone inside the club (the girls probably won’t understand who exactly you were waving to, so all you can do is make it natural). This is necessary in order to immediately create the image of a sought-after, sexually attractive man.

It is important to smile at the very beginning. Those who walk with a serious, confused or scared expression on their face show their insecurity and failure in life.

The look at girls should be very confident. It is important to look directly into the eyes and smile (at least a little). Don't hold your gaze for too long, but don't look away until she does it first.

Under no circumstances look at them or their charms with a hungry gaze. Otherwise, you will immediately set the whole seduction course in the wrong direction.

And try to start communicating with everyone around you when you enter the club. After all →

Short communications are the key to success in the club

If you want to really successfully meet real beauties in a club, you must create the image of a guy in demand among women.

What can be done for this?

There is a very simple way - to arrange short communications (a few phrases are enough) with other beauties.

Of course you won't be the one you're talking to. And this is not necessary. But everyone who watches you (and believe me, dozens of girls are watching you, you just don’t notice it) will get the impression that you are really very cool if so many girls are talking to you.

During such . Even when they openly reject you. Don't be afraid to look weird in front of that girl who doesn't want to talk to you. After all, your task is to show everyone around you that communication is going well.

You shouldn't approach the girls you want to meet right away.

There are two reasons for this:

  1. There is a certain point of qualification that she is interested in you. Until this moment, acquaintance will contain some difficulties. And short communications with other girls help to interest your “victim”.
  2. Your potential “victims” should doubt their own attractiveness to you. When the thought begins to eat them up: “Why does he approach others and not me?”, consider that the job is done.

And the more such communications you do, the more people who are already interested in you will appear. This means that you can continue to communicate with them if the main “candidates” refuse you.

Moreover, you should not focus on just one girl. The club is a dynamic system: 5 minutes ago you were having an interesting conversation with a girl, and now she is kissing another guy. Therefore, it is stupid to focus on one that may not give you. Each of the girls with whom you communicate normally should receive about the same amount of attention from you as the others.

This way you will increase your chances of seducing at least someone and reduce all possible risks.

Don't look there!

The enchanted glances of guys directed at the dance floor always reveal their unluckiness. Because successful and confident men, who are constantly surrounded by female attention, do not look at the dance floor. They communicate with beauties and have fun.

You should do the same. As soon as you become “dumb” and start looking at people dancing, consider that you have lost. At least your chances are greatly reduced.

The easiest way

This method is not only about how to meet people in a club. Thanks to him, you can seduce a girl that same night. And save a lot of effort and time.

You must walk around the club, casually touching the girls. And watch the reaction of each of them. If a girl doesn't jump away from you, it means seducing her. If she is openly “led” by you, then in the second round you can start communicating with her.

The advantage of this method is that you have a reason to touch a girl(move aside to pass). And immediately determine who you need to spend time on and who you shouldn’t spend time on at all. After all, sometimes a girl keeps up the conversation simply “out of politeness.” And only her reaction to your touch shows the presence or absence of interest.

Knowing these simple tips, you can easily meet people in the club. And take the girls from there straight to their home. Implement these tips on your next club night, and you will see for yourself that girls are really ready for sex within two hours of meeting you.