How to properly meet a girl? Advice from a psychologist. How to meet a girl on the street Where not to start a correspondence: the most common mistakes

Let me guess. Are you one of those girls who are tired of looking for their betrothed in nightclubs and cafes? Have you decided to meet guys on social networks and the Internet?

Are you tired of blind dates arranged by friends/relatives who are concerned about your fate? What if I offer you to find your soulmate without leaving home?

Yes, you got it right - I mean online dating.

Of course, you may be skeptical about this idea. But in fact, this is a very good alternative to the classic methods of meeting a man for a relationship.

Online dating is good!

What could be better than a comfortable evening in your favorite chair with a laptop and a cup of coffee, during which you can have time to “meet” dozens and even hundreds of potential candidates for the role of your boyfriend?

Agree, in real life it would take much more time for such a number of dates.

Still in doubt? But in our time, online dating makes up a significant share (20-25%) of all acquaintances, which ultimately lead to marriage or a serious relationship.

Moreover, oddly enough, it is not only young people who are doing this. Middle-aged and even elderly people increasingly prefer to make acquaintances and “test the waters” remotely.

Online dating: where to start?

To meet a man online you will need a bit of courage, as well as the ability to analyze information and plan your actions.

It’s also not so easy for a man to start dating a girl on the Internet. I also recommend adopting the following 11 tips that will help you make the “right” acquaintances in virtual reality and bring them to...

  1. Decide how you want to find candidates for dating

Some dating sites offer potentially suitable men for you, selected by comparing profiles. This is the simplest method, although not very reliable, since the selection is made by software algorithms as a result of cold calculation.

If you prefer to choose for yourself, you should register on sites that provide this opportunity.

  1. Are you ready to spend money on dating?

There are both free sites for virtual dating on the Internet, as well as with all sorts of paid subscriptions with additional functions such as displaying your profile in top places.

“Serious” paid sites, as a rule, are distinguished by the fact that wealthy men predominate among their users. You're not looking, are you?

But the costs of using their services can range from the level of pocket money to “the salary is not enough for this.”

Therefore, you should immediately decide whether you can allocate some funds to find love online or whether you will be content with free options (by the way, there are also sites where everything is free for girls and paid for for men).

  1. Don't ignore small projects

Of course, the easiest way is to register on the most popular and well-known dating sites. But their problem usually lies in the oversaturation of people wanting to find their soulmate and fake accounts. Your profile will simply get lost there.

Therefore, you can also take a closer look at a couple of “players” on a smaller scale, but made with soul.

  1. If you want to meet someone, create a convincing but honest profile

No matter how tempting it may be, when filling out a profile on the site, you should not lie about your job, social status, appearance, etc.

The main thing is to learn how to behave correctly during online communication and make the right choice.

With faith in you and your success,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Read the top materials on my blog:

Meeting a girl is always a very exciting and difficult moment for any man of any age. Therefore, in order to overcome this stage of relationships, many guys resort to online dating services, since meeting a girl on the Internet is much easier than in real life, however, there are also subtleties that should be taken into account and today’s article will be about them.

Where to start meeting a girl on the Internet?

It is better to start any acquaintance, no matter whether it is virtual or real, with a sign of attention, a compliment or a gift. If you want to meet a beautiful girl on a dating site, you must immediately come to terms with the fact that you will have much more competitors than usual, so you must somehow stand out from this gray mass. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do, if only you had money. Many services provide the opportunity to make a gift in the form of a virtual toy or flowers, which will subsequently be placed on the page with the girl’s profile. For special gifts, there is even the opportunity to give VIP status on the site, which allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of a girl’s profile (decorate your page, be invisible, hide age, etc.).

We agree that a gift requires money, which is not always available in sufficient quantities, but we are now talking about your potential future. Don't you already feel sorry for 1-5 dollars?! In addition, if you met in real life, you would most likely invite her to a cafe, restaurant, buy flowers, etc., which would cost much more than a harmless gift.

From all that has been said above, let us sum up the first conclusion: you should start meeting a girl on the Internet with a virtual compliment - flowers, VIP status, a soft toy, etc. In any case, the girl will like such a gift, she will pay attention to you, understand the fact that you really liked her, and you will be able to take the next step.

What to write to a girl when meeting online?

Now let's move on to the main thing and one might even say the final step on the path to acquaintance. Since your future joint relationships will depend on him: will they be friendly, loving, or absent altogether.

There are several rules that will include advice on what you can write to a girl and what you can’t:

  • Never reveal the whole truth about the purpose of your acquaintance with her. The answer should always be the same: “First of all, I’m looking for a girlfriend, and then how fate will turn out...”. Even if you want to marry her, want children from her and live together until the end of your days, do not write this. Some will understand this as a joke, others will perceive it as childish and frivolous. And of course, you don’t need to write about sex if you are looking for a girlfriend for an intimate relationship. Yes, you are being deceitful, but only in this case will you be able to win the girl.

  • Start the conversation by complimenting her. Appreciate the beauty of her hair, eyes, waist, long legs, flat tummy, etc. But just don’t resort to vulgarity - you don’t need to point out her breasts, buttocks or thighs at the first message. This needs to be mentioned, but not now!

  • Don’t rush to get her phone number or make an appointment, 80% will refuse right away. You must interest her first, and only then invite her to a cafe.

  • Be careful with punctuation and expressions. Your turns of phrase and mistakes will tell you a lot about you. Excessive “literariness” will show your pedantry, seriousness and may even scare off the girl a little. Keep it simple, build your sentences more concisely.

  • Ask questions more often, talk less about yourself, unless she asks for it herself.

  • Call her by name more often; it captivates any person when he sees or hears his beautiful name.

  • Before asking questions, study her profile and ask questions based on it. This way, you will have topics for conversation: hobbies, work, life principles, taste preferences, etc.

  • If you feel that your supply of ideas is running out, end the conversation (just name an important reason) and offer to continue it in a cafe over a cup of coffee.

  • Be sincere in your conversation, but present any fact beautifully. Even if you are an ordinary salesperson in a store, call yourself a consultant in the field of trade. Let there be a mystery in you.

  • If she asked you about having a car that you don't have. Walk out of the situation proudly: “I’m still saving up for a car... I don’t want to waste money on the cheap auto industry!” If you are ashamed of the brand of the car (Tavria), then answer that for you a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

  • Don't pause in conversation! Try to ask her as many questions as possible, and as soon as you see that a certain topic arouses her interest, develop it by asking leading questions and telling your own stories or news read.

  • Keep it simple! Don't memorize certain phrases or sentences; your speech should be natural but interesting.

If you can’t think of topics to talk about, then read our article:

Everyone knows how important it is to make a first impression. If you want to make new friends without seeming like a weirdo, you need to learn how to show interest in people without being overly eager or even desperate to meet people. If you want to learn how to make friends without looking weird, the following tips are for you.


The Right Attitude

  1. Live in the moment. The first thing you should do is stop worrying about what people think of you and just start enjoying the new conversation. Forget about your expectations and fears, let the conversation flow naturally and organically. Learn to focus on other people so you don't lose track of the conversation and follow the line of discussion.

    • When you approach a new person, don't ask yourself, “What do I look like? What does my voice sound like? Instead, ask yourself: “What would this person want to talk about? What are his interests?
    • Try to be one step ahead by thinking about what to say next, instead of replaying in your head that stupid thing you just (or even five minutes ago) accidentally said.
  2. Stop being insecure and constantly seeking the approval of others . The need for emotional support is a precursor to obsession, which is not normal. Such people are unbalanced and unstable, since their happiness depends too much on someone else. If you feel like you'll be crushed if the person doesn't want to be your friend or partner in the relationship, it's time to stop, be patient, and take stock of yourself.

    • If you are really attracted to a new acquaintance, do not rush to immediately say: “I like you!” - or: “You’re just super!”, if you don’t want to overdo it with the manifestation of positive vibes.
    • Don't ask for a person's phone number in the middle of a conversation or as soon as a spark has flown between you. It's better to wait until the end - it will look more natural.
    • If you want the person to be your friend, you might say something like, “We could watch that new movie together,” or, “I'd like to take that yoga class you were talking about.” Try to choose a neutral activity so you don't seem too obsessed. Don't immediately invite someone to go on a long bike ride, attend a family dinner with you, or help you pick out underwear at the store.
    • Try not to sound weird or desperate, and avoid phrases like “I don’t have many friends, it would be great to hang out with you!”
  3. Stay confident. You may doubt yourself, but being confident will help other people feel that you are worth talking to. Exude confidence before you even walk into a room with strangers, and reinforce it when you talk. Just smile, talk about your favorite things, show others that you are happy with yourself, where you are and what you are doing.

    • Body language will help you maintain confidence. Straighten your shoulders, maintain eye contact, don't make fidgety movements with your arms, and don't look at the floor.
    • Don't check your reflection in mirrors or reflective surfaces - people may see that you're nervous.
    • When you introduce yourself, speak clearly and loudly so that you can be heard.
  4. Radiate positive energy. However, don't try to look too inspired. Smile and laugh from time to time, don't stand around with a weird grin on your face and don't laugh at things that aren't funny. Talk about what you enjoy doing, your hobbies, what makes you happy. There is no need to mention taxidermy or the fact that you are constantly on VKontakte.

    • If you talk about a long-term hatred of a certain teacher, colleague, celebrity, etc., you will definitely look repulsive.
    • Don't nod or agree with everything the other person says, shaking your head like a dog every five seconds. Just say: “Exactly!” - or: “I know what you mean!” It looks more natural.

    Maintaining a pleasant conversation

    1. Learn to make small talk . They will help you get to know the person better, and will also lead you smoothly to more serious topics and more personal relationships. Talking about the weather or the classes you're taking can steer the conversation toward your interests or favorite memories of a certain time of year.

      • To conduct small talk, you need to put the interests of the interlocutor above your own. In other words, your task is to become interested in a person, not to interest him.
      • Ask the other person a few basic questions about what courses he's taking, whether he has siblings or a pet, where he's going on vacation, or what his plans are for the future.
      • Learn to respond. For example, if a person complains about rainy weather, ask what they prefer to do when it's sunny outside.
      • Listen carefully. Once you know certain details, you can continue the conversation or take it in a different direction.
    2. Don't go overboard with details. Awkward silence creates an uncomfortable atmosphere, as does incessant chatter about your mom, your cat, or your bug collection. The key to a good conversation is the ability to find something in common in a relaxed manner. For example, there is a big difference between asking, “Have you ever held a tarantula?” - and: “Have you ever felt the little hairy legs of a tarantula tickle your palm?” Yes, the last question sounds very poetic, but too intimate for a first conversation.

      • Learn to start and continue conversations in a positive and relaxed manner.
      • Once again, it's worth remembering that you shouldn't get hung up on your unique interests and hobbies unless the other person shares them or bombards you with questions. If you were asked a couple of questions, this does not mean that the interlocutor is interested. It may just be an act of politeness, so don't take over the conversation with your enthusiasm.
      • When you first meet, it is much more important to listen to what they say to you than to talk about yourself.
    3. Find common interests. Try to find out what you might have in common - even if it's a stretch. For example, if you are from the same city, talk about your favorite summer vacation spots or favorite sports teams. If you both study at the same school, you may have common lectures.

      • Don't look for commonalities in too obvious a manner. For example, you shouldn't ask a person to immediately name the top 10 of his favorite TV shows or music groups.
      • Finding something in common is quite easy. For example, if you're in a bar, you might like the same type of beer that they serve.
      • It's advisable to look for something in common in a positive sense, but you can also bond over a shared hatred of Justin Bieber or your history teacher.
    4. Give appropriate compliments. During the conversation, you can casually compliment your interlocutor. For example: “I love your shell earrings!” - or: “Wow, you’re just an expert in cars!” However, compliments like: “You have the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen,” or “You have amazing legs!” - may be misinterpreted.

      • Don't overuse compliments. This is just a courtesy. No, no, during a conversation, make compliments about only one specific trait or characteristic of a person, so as not to seem strange.

    Respecting boundaries

    1. Start slowly. Think of relationships as a kind of video game. You start with an easy level, over time you learn by moving to more difficult levels and achieve a satisfactory result. When you meet a person, you are on the first level, and until you pass it, do not jump to the second. People with oddities usually tend to start at level 15.

      • You can base the conversation on more personal topics, but you should start with something simple and harmless, for example, talking about the weather or your favorite music.
      • Don't talk about your loneliness, depression or nervous breakdowns if you've had them - you'll definitely seem weird.
    2. Don't stare at the person. A long, gaze is practiced only by lovers. This can be done if the person is probably in a romantic mood, but even in this case it is easy to make a mistake. Look the person in the eye during a conversation, occasionally looking at other objects.

      • Make sure you don't have a habit of staring at someone's body parts (chest, arms, shoes, whatever), regardless of curiosity or admiration. You don't want the person to feel like they're under a microscope.
    3. Don't ask too many personal questions. What does this mean? It depends on a lot. The best thing to do is to pay attention to other conversations. Pay attention to what topics people are comfortable with when meeting for the first time. Do not touch on topics such as romantic relationships, politics, religion, illness, murder, death, and so on.

      • If you're talking about what it's like to be single, it's appropriate to ask, "Are you seeing anyone?" But don’t ask: “Have you met the love of your life yet?” - or: “Did you have a painful breakup?”
      • Maintain balance when questioning. If you ask too many questions without giving the other person a chance to ask something back, you may seem strange. Even if you don't ask anything personal.
    4. Don't make inappropriate invitations. Do not invite someone you just met to your home or to any private or even intimidating place, such as a basement, abandoned barn, cabin in the woods, or the like. This kind of invitation can only be made to those people who completely trust you. At the first meeting, only someone strange can agree.

      • If you want to invite someone somewhere, choose a public place where there are a lot of other people.
      • An invitation may also be inappropriate if it is associated with a private event. For example, you shouldn’t invite a girl you just met to your friend’s wedding.
    5. Watch your body language. Despite the fact that weirdness is defined differently for each person, and the transition to a new level is established differently for each person, there are several universal rules of body language:

      • For example, if someone constantly looks into the distance, towards the exit, or turns around, this is most likely a signal that the person wants to end the conversation. This may take practice and attention at first, but over time you will be able to read body language on a subconscious level.
      • You can put someone off if your own body language makes you feel awkward or uncomfortable. For example, you lean too close to a person or splutter when talking.
      • Don't touch someone you just met. Try to avoid touching the other person's hair or hand unless you feel that he will definitely like it and create intimacy.

Courage is a quality that has helped many girls who have it. After all, men are sometimes so shy and indecisive. Of course, no one would like to impose themselves on someone, or even worse, to be rejected, so we have prepared proven ways to unobtrusively meet the man of your dreams.

The common opinion that a girl should not be the first to meet someone has long gone into oblivion, but the saying about a lying stone under which water does not flow remains relevant to this day. But what if you would be happy to take the initiative, but you just don’t know where to start? We found out how to meet a man without it being intrusive or stupid from psychologists and sexologists at the Secrets Center for Family and Sexuality Education.

Ask for help

What do men like more than women? Perhaps just the feeling that these women need them and are important. To make a man feel important, even in the life of a complete stranger, just ask him for help. You can’t get goods from the top shelf in a store or are afraid to cross the road on a busy street - a decent man will not refuse a woman such insignificant details. And even more so in getting to know each other.

Help him

Although men don’t like to admit that sometimes they also need someone’s shoulder or hand, but this, without exaggeration, is exactly the case. You can offer him shelter under your umbrella from the rain or help him collect papers that have been scattered by the wind. The man will definitely rush to express his gratitude. Here's a reason to exchange phone numbers!

Treat him to coffee

Or tea. Or dessert. This step is good if a man appears every morning at your favorite coffee shop, whom you have had your eye on for a very long time. And if you did, you probably already know what drinks he prefers. Next time you can come earlier than usual and order something he likes in addition to your coffee and pleasantly surprise him. After such a hit on the bull's eye, a conversation will definitely begin.

Choose the right first words

All these pickup techniques are from the category “Does your mother need a daughter-in-law?” - this is the last century and an option more likely for a series on a federal channel than for real life. Neutral phrases or light compliments that will not confuse either you or the man will help you start dating. If you are still at a loss in search of the right phrase, try simply telling the man that you like him and would not mind getting to know him.

Find common interests

The ideal option is to take couples dance lessons or join a club to learn English. It is much easier for people with similar interests to find a common language or start communicating, because they already know at least one thing about each other - passion for the chosen hobby.

Create a situation in which the man himself wants to get to know you

Men, as you know, are hunters and much more like to pursue a woman themselves. But in order for a man to take the initiative, you need to let him know that it will not be in vain. Therefore, if you see a man you want to meet, let him know that you yourself are not against it. All it takes is a little coquetry. And who, if not women, knows how to shoot with their eyes and seduce without doing anything?

Just start the conversation first

Imagine this situation: you are having lunch in a cafe, traveling by train, sitting in the park, and opposite is a handsome man, the likes of whom the world has never seen, charming and sexy. But if he is in no hurry to talk to you, why should you miss the opportunity? In such situations, it is better to start with simple flirting without words to understand whether a man is interested in you. You can look at each other and smile at each other endlessly, the main thing is not to miss the moment when someone joins him at lunch or the train takes him to the desired station.

Ask him to take your photo

Usually photographing women is a complete torture for men, unless, of course, they are professional photographers and you are not posing topless. But, keeping you at gunpoint with the camera, he will most likely have time to appreciate all your charms: your figure, your hair, and your eyes. And after that you can move on to getting acquainted.

While you're stuck in traffic

There is no need to waste precious minutes stuck in a huge traffic jam while you are driving on business. Especially when your “neighbor” in the traffic jam is a handsome and also bored man. Plus, flashing your headlights at him is a whole new level of flirting.

Approach him on the street

This method may seem tedious and ancient - indeed, you will not, like a cat, catch men like mice. But if you suddenly see an attractive guy somewhere in the city, then why not try to approach him right on the street? In fact, courage takes over cities, and a man who has met a girl at least once will highly appreciate such a step on the part of a representative of the fair sex. For such acquaintances, it is better to choose weekends and afternoons, when no one is in a hurry and everyone is in the mood for relaxation and rest.

Can you meet people in the elevator too?

It’s not possible, but it’s necessary. Especially when every morning you, in the same group, overcome the silent, tension-filled path from one floor to another. If you don’t know how to start a conversation, ask the man to press the button with the desired floor for you - this will start a conversation. Well, then act according to the circumstances.

Meet on the Internet

This, of course, is not the most reliable method - anyone can hide behind an avatar on social networks - but at the same time the least energy-consuming. Writing messages emotionally is easier than immediately answering a question asked in real life. On social networks you have time to think about your answer and not blurt out something stupid in a fit of embarrassment. In addition, there is now a huge range of online dating apps that are designed specifically for those who crave communication.