What shoes are needed for hallux valgus? Orthopedic shoes after hallux valgus surgery Products for hallux valgus

A common orthopedic pathology is hallux valgus.

One could say that this is one of the punishments for humanity for walking upright, but since women suffer from it more often, orthopedic doctors suggest that uncomfortable shoes play a big role in the problem.

After all, representatives of the female half of humanity exhaust themselves with narrow, small shoes to look like Cinderella, or with high heels.

Severe foot deformities affect women also because their ligamentous apparatus is weaker than that of men.

The essence of the problem

Valgus deformity affects the lower limbs, partly develops in childhood and even infancy, when the child is allowed to get up too early.

The load on insufficiently strong muscles and ligaments contributes to pathologies.

Flat feet

The cause of the development of valgus flatfoot It is considered precisely the connivance of parents who allow the baby to stand on insufficiently strong legs.

Flat feet are a common cause contacting an orthopedic doctor, with this problem the arch of the foot decreases and its axis shifts.

Among the main reasons are the following:

  • congenital disorders;
  • excess weight;
  • valgus deformity of the ankle joint - the foot falls inward and the heel moves outward;
  • consequences of injury;
  • complication of other diseases.

Pathology of the first finger

The pathology is called hallux valgus. It leads to changes in the metatarsophalangeal joint.

The thumb falls on the base of the rest, violating their natural position.

This is exactly the problem that Women often turn to an orthopedist.

High heels lead to uneven load on the forefoot, deformation of the big toe joint develops, arthrosis, muscles and ligaments weaken.

Endocrine disorders, transverse flatfoot, genetic predisposition.

A growing bone appears at the site of deformation of the joint, the joint begins to ache, and the legs quickly get tired, even if you walk slowly.

Will safety shoes help?

Correction or treatment of hallux valgus deformities is complex and time consuming. The list of measures includes medications, physiotherapeutic treatment, massage or even surgery.

In parallel with these methods, one cannot discount the selection comfortable shoes, and strictly on the recommendations of an orthopedic doctor.

This will allow the foot to occupy physiological positions when walking. correct position, at which the pressure on it is distributed evenly.

If a woman has a planovalgus deformity, when choosing “clothes for legs” you need to take into account the criteria.

High-quality materials must be used in production to ensure normal ventilation.

Simultaneously with thermoregulation the sole in the front should be flexible, and the back should have a rigid instep support.

In case of plano-valgus deformity, it is better to choose shoes with a high and dense instep support, with a rigid, high heel, which should be 3 cm higher than the heel.

To unload the forefoot, there must be metatarsal pads, the density of which is close to the density of the tissues of the human foot.

This will create additional comfort when walking - shock loads will be evenly distributed and the transverse arch of the foot will be unloaded.

If the first toe is deformed, the heel should not exceed 4 cm, and shoes should be with a wide toe, made of soft leather, so as not to press down the growing bump.

Inside on the insole there should be anatomical arch support. In addition to convenience and practicality, such shoes should weigh little.

Often it is sewn to order or purchased in a specialized store. Of course, only with the help the right shoes do not cure the foot.

But at the beginning of the development of the disease, it will stop the deformation, and at any stage of the disease, it will eliminate pain when walking.

Review of manufacturers

For women, there is a large selection of shoes that correct hallux valgus. If it doesn’t stop, it at least slows down the development of the problem.

Externally, the models do not differ from ordinary ones, but inside they are designed using shock-absorbing rollers and instep supports.

You should know at least the main brands of shoes that produce them for the intended use, Understand the difference between preventive and orthopedic products.

Orthopedic shoes for women with hallux valgus deformity - therapeutic option, often custom-made to suit a specific disease of the foot or other area of ​​the leg.

Mass-produced models are aimed only at solving common problems, such as hallux valgus.

Preventive (anatomical, rational) products are an option designed to prevent the development of pathological abnormalities.

One of the manufacturers of orthopedic shoes - German company Berkemann. The company is popular in the global market and its production experience spans a century. The models produced are not therapeutic, but preventive.

For women from Germany, Berkman (Berkemann) is mainly clogs, flip-flops, sandals, and gladiator-style models.

For the winter, the company offers boots and shoes.

Domestic manufacturer Sursil-Orto, operating for more than 10 years, produces shoes for the prevention, rehabilitation, and treatment of foot pathologies.

High quality allowed us to bring the brand to the world market.

European brand Ortmann produces products that are not only of excellent quality, but also attractive in appearance.

Products from this manufacturer are intended for the treatment and prevention of foot deformities or flat feet, and there are even quality certificates confirming the therapeutic nature of the products.

Domestic center for designing specialized footwear Ortomoda has been present on the Russian market for more than 15 years.

They were the first in Russia to use high-precision 3D scanning for the production of orthopedic insoles.

The assortment includes shoes that are suitable for full feet, while at the same time they look elegant.

Betula Company is a lifesaver for women going to the beach. Finally, you can take off your correct shoes and put on these ordinary-looking flip-flops that protect your feet even at the resort.

The downside of these flip-flops is their high price, but therapeutic shoes have never claimed to be budget-friendly.

You only need to buy orthopedic shoes in person, in a calm environment, without rushing. It should be comfortable, so you need to take it responsibly when trying it on.

Summer and demi-season models you need to choose the exact size, and winter ones can be a little longer in length in case you want to wear a warm sock.

It is better to put on a pair of shoes completely - trying on only one leg will not be complete. More often than not, the feet vary slightly in size.

You need to walk in shoes, and not around the fitting room banquette, but with wide strides throughout the entire sales floor, while paying attention to how the sole behaves - whether it slips on the floor, whether it bends well when walking.

It is better, of course, not to let your feet develop hallux valgus.

But if trouble does happen, do not neglect the recommendations of the orthopedist and do not skimp on purchasing orthopedic shoes, because good health often starts from the feet.

Hallux valgus is considered one of the most common pathologies of the lower extremities. It can develop both in adulthood, especially in women after 30 years of age, and in children and adolescents. The causes of this pathology are very diverse. In particular, in women, the onset of the disease can be provoked by excess weight, trauma, endocrine pathologies, and there is also a genetic predisposition.

How does pathology manifest itself?

Unlike varus deformity, when the foot seems to turn inward at the ankle, with a valgus type of curvature, the middle part of the arch of the foot is flattened, and the toes and heel deviate outward, which leads to a change in the direction of the axis of the entire lower limb. This type of hallux valgus, in which the legs and feet take the shape of the letter X, is often found in children and adolescents; it is clearly defined even visually. Theoretically, it is believed that the disease is at initial stage, if in a standing position with the knees and feet as close as possible, the distance between the inner ankles is 4 cm. As the deformity progresses, this distance increases.

In adulthood, another type of hallux valgus is more typical, namely deformation of the big toe, on one or both legs. The well-known “bump” or “bone” is formed at the base of the big toe; it itself deviates towards the other toes, which, under this pressure, gradually bend and take on a hammer-like appearance.

This is what hallux valgus looks like:

The more severe the deformity, the more it affects the condition of the foot and the patient’s well-being. Gradually, it can be complicated by other pathologies of the lower extremities, and the main complaints presented by patients include pain in the feet, increased fatigue, and difficulties in choosing comfortable shoes.

Depending on the stage of pathology in children or adults, orthopedists and surgeons develop individual comprehensive treatment regimens. The complex includes massage, therapeutic exercises, some methods of physiotherapy and, according to indications, drug treatment; in the later stages of the disease, surgical correction of the feet is performed. But one of the main areas of treatment is orthopedic shoes for hallux valgus, especially in children and adolescence.

Purpose of special shoes for curvature of feet in children

When the baby begins to stand on his feet and walk, the still fragile bones and cartilages of the feet may begin to bend under the child’s weight. This will be facilitated by weak ligaments and muscles of the lower extremities, imperfect coordination, and frequent falls. It is not without reason that at the age of three years, X-shaped deformity is diagnosed by orthopedists in almost 30% of children. When diagnosing the disease, the doctor, of course, will prescribe therapy with the selection of special boots and shoes, but shoes can help earlier, even before the formation of the curvature.

Therefore, orthopedic shoes for hallux valgus in children play a dual role:

  • medicinal;
  • preventive.

To prevent deformation, it is important that shoes for a child are as comfortable and environmentally friendly as possible, match the size of the foot and are not bought “for growth.” It should have a dense and hard back, a small arch support and a heel. A child should not buy flip-flops or soft slippers that do not have a holding pad; it is better for home or kindergarten buy open sandals. As for outdoor shoes, they should be good at holding the baby’s feet and ankles in a physiological position.

If the deformation does begin, then purchasing orthopedic shoes becomes the most optimal method of therapy for the child. Not all children are able to calmly withstand multi-day courses of massage, therapeutic exercises, and physiotherapy, but everyday wearing of special boots or shoes does not make it difficult for them at all, and treatment is carried out in the most comfortable way for the little patient.

When choosing such shoes, you should pay attention that the highest quality models can only be purchased in specialized orthopedic stores and salons. On the regular market it is almost impossible to find therapeutic shoes, which, however, are often called “orthopedic”.

It is recommended to purchase children's shoes for the treatment of curvature of the feet in orthopedic salons

High-quality samples, which can simultaneously be used for other types of foot deformities in children, must have the following characteristics:

  • hard and high back;
  • high tops, especially for samples for autumn and winter;
  • closed and spacious toe;
  • stable small heel (no more than 1.5 cm);
  • individually selected instep support;
  • natural “breathable” materials;
  • dense but elastic sole;
  • Velcro is the preferred type of fastener.

The course of treatment with such shoes depends on the degree of hallux valgus and the rate of positive dynamics. As a rule, complete correction requires more than a year. It is important to remember that during the day it is necessary to take off your child’s shoes several times for 20-30 minutes so that the legs can rest.

Shoes for hallux valgus in women

The beginning of the formation of a characteristic hallux valgus “bump” on the legs of women is associated with weakening of the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the foot, as well as with deterioration of blood circulation in the lower extremities. A complex of predisposing factors leads to the fact that the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe becomes deformed and enlarged, and its axis rotates inside the foot. This is followed by curvature of the remaining toes, as well as other structural parts of the foot. The deformity can cause arthritis and arthrosis of the foot joints, chronic tendovaginitis and bursitis, and can significantly affect a woman’s well-being and even significantly reduce her quality of life.

The habit of wearing exactly these types of shoes can cause foot deformities in women.

Therefore, you should not delay contacting an orthopedist; this must be done at the first signs of curvature. It is at this stage that orthopedic shoes for women with hallux valgus will play a huge therapeutic role, but always in combination with massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Wearing special shoes should be long-term, continuing both in winter and summer. A woman should choose all pairs of shoes taking into account the deformation of the foot; they should not be high-heeled or too narrow and tight, impeding blood circulation in the legs.

All requirements for such shoes can be formulated as follows:

  • natural, unvarnished leather and textile elements;
  • heel 3-5 cm;
  • a solid heel with a height depending on the size of the foot, ending above the heel;
  • elastic non-slip sole;
  • the last should not be narrow, but not too spacious: the fingers should be in a natural position;
  • individually selected insole-support;
  • It is desirable to have metatarsal, or interdigital, pads, which reduce the load on all toes and additionally serve to prevent the formation of painful calluses and corns;
  • reliable and durable fasteners, usually Velcro or laces.

If all these rules are followed, then orthopedic shoes, which in most cases look stylish and elegant, slow down or completely stop the progression of deformity, protect against flat feet, normalize the blood supply to the foot, and reduce the load on the remaining joints of the lower extremities and on the spine. With constant wearing of orthopedic models, a woman will feel much better and more energetic; Leg pain and fatigue disappear, and quality of life improves.

When the first signs of deformation appear, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

In advanced cases, when the angle of curvature reaches 35 degrees or more, only surgical intervention can help the patient. But even after surgery to correct hallux valgus, orthopedic shoes are widely and effectively used as a means of rehabilitation.

How to choose orthopedic shoes wisely

It may take months or even years to correct or reduce hallux valgus. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase several pairs of special shoes for all seasons. And first of all, you need to know which manufacturers of these products, domestic and foreign, have proven themselves to be excellent. Here are some of them, whose designs of orthopedic shoes enjoy well-deserved popularity and trust among patients:

  • Orthomoda is a domestic manufacturer of shoes and therapeutic insoles, producing a comprehensive product line for winter, summer and autumn.
  • Sursil-Orto is also a domestic company that produces preventive and therapeutic models for all seasons and, in addition, shoes for recovery in postoperative period.
  • Berkemann is a very famous German brand, mainly represented by lightweight shoes for the summer months. Excellent clogs, flip-flops, sandals from natural materials meet all requirements for orthopedic samples.
  • Betula is also a German company that specializes in summer and beach styles.
  • Ortmann is a European brand whose models are used not only for hallux valgus, but also for other foot deformities.

All models from Orthomoda meet the requirements for orthopedic shoes

In addition to manufacturers of first-class orthopedic shoes for women, you need to know a few recommendations when choosing the optimal model for yourself. They are as follows:

  • try to buy in a shoe store or a special salon, and when buying in an online store, order several pairs to try on;
  • when trying on summer models, choose the exact size, and for winter and autumn - a little larger;
  • try on both feet, since many people have slightly different foot sizes;
  • take your time and walk around in your new shoes for a few minutes to feel the level of comfort.

If you follow these tips and purchase shoes from reputable manufacturing companies, the therapeutic effect will appear in the coming months. This will help the woman get rid of discomfort, pain and, in most cases, avoid surgical intervention.


​Degrees of Hallux valgus:​


​Narrow and tight shoes is completely excluded. Only wide-toed shoes are recommended for wearing.​

​Patients begin to walk 7-10 days after surgery​

​Surgical treatment​

Pathological anatomy

​When the first metatarsal bone deviates inward, the big toe does not follow the metatarsal bone, because during the second phase of the step, with each roll of the foot, it rests on the ground mainly with its inner edge and is pushed outward. The internal beveled side surface of the shoe toe also contributes to this.​

​Process of the operation​

Clinical picture

Hallux Valgus - treatment without surgery. Hallux valgus symptoms, causes, diagnosis and extent of the disease.

​The second group of reasons for the development of Hallux valgus are congenital deformities, foot injuries and a number of diseases in which there is a violation of the nervous regulation of the muscles of the lower leg and foot (for example, poliomyelitis).​


The skin over the “bone” is hyperemic and swollen (especially after a long walk)

Causes of Hallux valgus

​Conventional surgical approach, leaving postoperative scar

  • ​Polyurethane foam pad for correcting the position of the first finger.​
  • ​To reduce swelling, try to keep the operated limb in an elevated position and apply ice to the foot as recommended by your doctor. However, some foot swelling may persist for about another six months. After the bandage is removed, wear only a soft and comfortable one. sports shoes or leather shoes for several months until complete healing. Avoid wearing uncomfortable (even very fashionable) shoes, including high heels, until (at least) six months have passed.​
  • ​What to expect from the operation?​
  • ​use fairly loose shoes that do not squeeze your toes, with a small heel;​
  • Each degree is characterized by different clinical manifestations. In the first degree, tissue changes are minimal, and conservative treatment started on time is most effective. In the second degree, manifestations of moderate severity are observed. The third degree is a severe version of hallux valgus.​
  • ​rest after being in an upright position for a long time.​

​Another significant cause of the disease is wearing uncomfortable shoes. For women who prefer dress shoes with high heels, the load on the foot is unevenly distributed - it goes to its front part. As a result of this situation, the thumbs of the lower extremities become bent and arthrosis of the joints develops.​

Symptoms of Hallux Valgus

​Use special orthopedic shoes to eliminate excessive pressure on the area of ​​the first metatarsophalangeal joint.​

Degrees of Hallux Valgus

​The operation takes about one hour..​ ​Arthrodesis Arthrodesis is one of the most radical methods of treatment. It consists of removing the damaged articular surfaces, and then rigidly connecting the head of the proximal phalanx of the big toe and the first metatarsal bone to each other (using screws, wires, plates) until complete fusion occurs. Used to treat patients with severe bursitis, arthritis, when other treatments are ineffective.​
Here's what we know so far: According to some studies, wearing ill-fitting shoes has been shown to be a significant risk factor for developing Hallux Valgus. Reliable, but not the only one - after all, some people who do not deal with such shoes also experience toe deformities.​ ​Excessive physical activity;​
​The most effective treatment for hallux valgus is in the early stages of the disease. For minor problems, orthopedic shoes will help reduce clinical manifestations. The method of therapy is selected depending on the severity of pathological changes and the severity of the pain syndrome.​ For grades II and III Hallux valgus, the operations of choice are currently chevron osteotomy and Scarf osteotomy. In a chevron osteotomy, a small V-shaped fragment is removed in the distal part of the first metatarsal bone. With Scarf osteotomy, a Z-shaped incision (cut) is made almost throughout the entire length of the first metatarsal bone, and then the fragments are “shifted” in order to eliminate the angle between the first and the remaining metatarsal bones. The fragments are fixed with screws.
​2nd degree​ ​When the first toe is displaced outward by 20-30 degrees, constant pain in the foot and severe impairment of walking function is the only in an efficient way The treatment for hallux valgus is surgery. For cosmetic purposes, intervention may be performed on soft tissues in the area of ​​deformity (suturing a stretched joint capsule, tendon grafting). Most often, exostoses (“ossicles”) of the heads of the 1st metatarsal bones of the feet are removed. in various ways. In addition, surgical intervention can be performed with resection of part of the metatarsal bone or phalanx of the finger (osteotomy).​
​Halius Valgus​ ​After surgery - immobilization with a plaster boot for 4-5 weeks. Movements in the first metatarsophalangeal joints are allowed on the 5th day (a window is cut out in the cast). On the 15th day, the plaster boots are transformed into removable shoes. After removing the cast, walk in rubber cuffs with support for the arches or with bandaging of the forefoot in low shoes with laces. Wearing orthopedic shoes with support for the longitudinal and transverse arches is indicated for a year, later - wearing orthopedic insoles and rational shoes.​

The plantar aponeurosis in the forefoot is stretched and flabby. Tendons m.

Extensor hallucis longus, i.e. flexor hallucis longus together with displaced thumb, joint capsule, aponeurotic sheath and sesamoid bones, as well as m.

flexor hallucis brevis and both heads of m. adductor hallucis are displaced laterally, and m.

abductor hallucis - to the plantar side. In the head of the first metatarsal bone, phenomena of deforming osteoarthritis can be observed in the form of dystrophic changes in bone tissue and cartilage.

​​To prevent the development of infection, antibiotics are prescribed for several days after surgery, and analgesics are prescribed to reduce discomfort and pain. ​


  • ​Surgical removal of bone growths (resection of exostosis) The procedure does not radically eliminate the defect and its cause, in essence it is practically a “cosmetic” operation aimed at improving the quality of life (the foot takes on a more natural appearance, it does not rub against shoes, walking becomes less painful ).​
  • A study conducted by American podiatrists showed that 88% of women in the United States prefer to wear shoes that are obviously smaller than required, and 55% have problems with the first metatarsophalangeal joint (the joint at the base of the big toe). It is not surprising that women are nine times more likely to be affected by this pathology than men.​
  • ​Involutive processes;​
  • ​Anti-inflammatory drugs (hydrocortisone, diprospan, kenalog) and physiotherapy methods will help relieve pain and slow down inflammatory processes. But they can only provide temporary relief. Therefore, in most cases, conservative treatment is included in the complex of preoperative preparation.​

Symptoms and diagnosis

  • ​All surgical interventions are performed in a traumatology or orthopedic department. In the postoperative period, the patient is immediately allowed to put weight on his leg in a special orthosis. The stitches are removed after 10 days. Wearing the orthosis is mandatory for 6 weeks. During this period, it is recommended to keep the leg in an elevated position more often and avoid overload. Subsequently, you should wear wide shoes, perform a special complex of exercise therapy and perform self-massage of the arch of the foot using a tennis ball. ​
  • ​– the angle between the metatarsal bones is less than 18 degrees, the angle of deviation of the first toe is more than 25 degrees.​
  • ​Our orthopedists perform modern minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries to correct hallux valgus. The specific type and volume of surgical intervention is selected by an orthopedic traumatologist, taking into account the severity of the deformity, the presence of concomitant diseases and the wishes of the patient.​
  • - valgus deformity of the big toe, that is, deviation of the toe outward with the formation of a “bone” or “bump” in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint and the appearance of both cosmetic and orthopedic disorders. The disease occurs more often in women.

To correct and stabilize the first metatarsal bone, wedge resection and arthrodesis of the first metatarsal-wedge joint with osteosynthesis with a metal nail are also used (operations by G. A. Albrecht, S. F. Godunov, Ya. S. Yusevich).

  • ​Fig. 1. Bilateral hallux valgus (III degree). The thumb is located above the second finger and rotated inward.​
  • Possible complications after surgery to correct Hallux Valgus
  • Joint resection followed by arthroplasty The operation consists of removing damaged articular surfaces followed by replacing the joint with an artificial one. They are used mainly in relation to elderly patients with a history of surgical interventions on the foot for bursitis or arthritis of the big toe joint.​

Treatment of the disease Hallux Valgus

Etiology of hallux valgus

After 45-50 years, a person’s arch flattens, the metatarsal bones fan out, and the anterior section begins to rest on the heads of the bones. The disease is diagnosed in women several times more often than in the stronger sex. This is due to weaker ligaments, certain neurological disorders and individual preferences in choosing shoes.

Hallux valgus deformity of the foot and toes, treatment, symptoms and prevention

​disruptions in metabolic processes;​

Causes of the disease

​Hallux valgus cannot be eliminated without surgery. However, in the early stages of the disease in young patients, as well as for any degree of deformation in old age or old age, conservative therapy is recommended. The main goals of such therapy are to eliminate pain and prevent disease progression. Treatment is carried out in the emergency room. Patients are recommended:

Hallux valgus is a valgus deformity of the first toe in the metatarsophalangeal joint. Due to deformation, the finger deviates outward at an angle to the rest.

The disease is detected in women 10 times more often than in men. It is assumed that the reason for this difference is the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus in the fairer sex, as well as wearing uncomfortable narrow shoes with high heels.

The pathology is widespread and is detected in people of all ages. ​

Indications for surgery and treatment

The surgeon is able to diagnose the disease during an external examination of the foot, as well as after describing the patients’ symptoms. lately symptoms. To prescribe treatment, an X-ray examination will be ordered to determine the extent of bone tissue damage.

Surgical intervention is indicated for all degrees of hallux valgus. The bone tissue of an adult is formed, so it is impossible to reverse the process.

Children and adolescents will benefit from drug treatment using a corrective bandage, as well as wearing individually selected orthopedic shoes. A gel fixative, regular massage sessions and physical therapy can help get rid of the pathology within several months.

Currently, operations to remove hallux valgus are often universal - in addition to getting rid of the growth, the patient immediately undergoes concomitant corrections to the ligaments and joints of the foot. If possible, existing cosmetic defects are also corrected.

Complete correction of the situation, getting rid of the existing deformity is the responsibility of the doctor performing the surgery and the patient. The rehabilitation period is extremely important for the bone joints to heal properly.

People with joint hypermobility, which is often found in this pathology, have a fairly high risk of relapse. In this case, doctors closely monitor the patient during the recovery period.

Therapeutic exercises, wearing the right shoes and regular examinations by a specialist can guarantee complete elimination of the disease.

Successful completion of all stages of therapy will allow a person to return to an active lifestyle within 1 year. Those who return to sports prove it.

Hallux valgus is a common problem that medicine successfully copes with. Pathology needs proper, timely treatment. Surgical intervention is part of success; a lot of work must be done during the rehabilitation period by the person himself.

Seventh week after surgery

What is a minimally invasive surgery method and when is it used? It is considered the most gentle: during the intervention there is no provision for the use of screws to tie or secure the structural components of the foot. This method of treatment is characterized by minor mechanical damage to the skin and soft tissues, as well as a short rehabilitation period.

When hallux valgus of the first degree is detected, surgeons offer their patients this particular method of intervention in the absence of contraindications. An undesirable consequence of minimally invasive surgery may be a recurrence of the disease after a few years. This can be avoided by wearing orthopedic shoes and visiting the surgeon regularly.

The operation is carried out under the control of an electron-optical converter for better visibility of the damaged area. The surgeon makes a puncture on both sides of the thumb and opens the joint capsule. If necessary, some of the bones are filed down to restore the correct position of the finger joint.

The demonstrated skill of surgeons will be in vain if the patient does not adhere to the basic rules of postoperative treatment. High-quality rehabilitation after hallux valgus surgery is possible with close cooperation between doctors and the recovering person.

Bone tissue takes much longer to recover than the skin, so you should be patient for 4-6 months. Immediately after the intervention lower limb it is necessary to keep it elevated in the first days to avoid the development of an infectious process.

After a week, medical staff will allow you to step on your foot with a gradual increase in walking load. A prerequisite for proper recovery is the use of orthoses, external devices to relieve stress on the foot. The orthosis will also be required after the patient is discharged: without it you cannot step on the foot in full force for a month.

During the rehabilitation period, a person who is recovering may have severe swelling in their legs, which is typical in the postoperative period. Using ointments with anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties recommended by your doctor will help cope with this problem. Regular use of cold compresses helps combat swelling.

After diagnosing a patient with hallux valgus, consultations with an endocrinologist, phlebologist and neurologist will be required, as well as biochemical tests. Surgery will be postponed if the patient has the following pathologies:

The operation will be possible only after treatment of the underlying diseases. Individual intolerance is also a contraindication to surgery. medicines for anesthesia.

Hallux valgus can negatively affect a person’s lifestyle: long walks and travel are excluded, and playing a favorite sport causes excruciating pain. A thirty-minute operation will successfully solve this problem, restore the damaged joint, and avoid further complications.

Removal of deformed bone on thumb– a traumatic procedure that requires proper, complete rehabilitation. The operation is performed by a specialist in the surgery department.

The duration of rehabilitation depends on how correctly the surgical intervention was performed and how the patient follows the recommendations of the surgeon or orthopedist during the recovery period. In general, the process takes 2-3 months. In individual cases, up to 1 year is enough time for complete fusion of bones. Damaged ligaments and tendons are completely restored.

  1. On the first day after surgery, the patient is given complete rest.
  2. The load on the operated limb is completely eliminated.
  3. In the hospital, the patient is in a supine position, with the leg elevated. Provides prevention of bleeding, eliminates the possibility of developing infectious processes.
  4. The use of shock wave therapy involves the use of a limb brace.
  5. Reconstructive surgery involves articulating joint fragments with screws. Recovery is longer. A fixative is selected for the patient. A plaster boot is applied for up to 2 months in case of heavy operations, long-term recovery.

After discharge from the hospital, at home you should initially adhere to bed rest, limiting the load on the leg.

Some experts do not see the need for regular visits to the hospital before the stitches are removed for dressing, unless there is cause for concern. Others insist on regular checkups. In any case, you need to seek help if:

  • increased temperature, chills, fever;
  • there are numerous wound discharges on the bandage;
  • general condition worsens, pain increases, covering the sole and leg.

Choosing and wearing orthopedic shoes

Wearing orthopedic shoes after hallux valgus surgery is extremely important - one of the conditions for successful recovery and preventing a possible relapse. The patient must wear an orthosis for a month after surgery.

It is allowed to switch to orthopedic and then regular shoes after about 1-1.5 months.

When choosing models, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Flexibility, nose shape, loose fit. The foot should not be squeezed, especially the toes and metatarsal bones. There should be a moderate hold inside.
  2. The presence of a low heel is a prerequisite for a correctly selected orthopedic model. For women, it is recommended to select shoes with a heel of 4-5 cm, no higher. The optimal heel for men is 2-3 cm.
  3. Shoes must be of high quality, made from natural materials. The foot should be ventilated, eliminates the problem of constant rubbing, increased sweating.
  4. Orthopedic models include an instep support. The internal elevation will evenly distribute the load on the entire foot and toes. Will relieve discomfort while walking and pain.

Selecting the right model ensures successful completion rehabilitation period, eliminates the risk of relapse.

Wearing insoles

Orthopedic inserts make a great contribution to full recovery after surgery. Thanks to the insoles, it is possible to fix the correct condition of the foot bones. Allows you to partially or completely eliminate pain while walking. In individual cases, it is recommended to wear insoles around the clock.

The selection of suitable inserts is carried out by an orthopedist. There are framed and frameless types. The insoles used for treatment and prevention are different. Women may encounter an unpleasant problem during pregnancy; pregnant women need to select individual inserts.

Rehabilitation is the main stage for every patient. The Hallux valgus operation is considered not so complicated, but the foot requires special care after its completion. There are some features to keep in mind:

The Hallux valgus operation is a simple restoration of the foot, so rehabilitation after it does not last more than 2-3 months. Although experts remind that foot surgery in any case requires reducing the load on the legs. Otherwise, a relapse will occur that cannot be dealt with.

Begin to calmly and slowly perform exercises to increase range of motion in the first metatarsophalangeal joint (1 MTP joint). It is advisable that at first someone helps you (your relatives, friends or a rehabilitation doctor). Take your thumb at the base, as close to 1 MCP as possible. Do not confuse 1 MTP joint with the interphalangeal joint, which is located in the middle of the finger closer to the base of the nail.

Gently bend your finger upward until you feel resistance and mild discomfort appears. Hold your finger in this position for 10 seconds.

Repeat this 3 times. Then bend your finger down in the same way.

Hold it in this position for 10 seconds. Do 3 reps.

Perform these exercises 3-4 times a day for 3 and 4 weeks after surgery, gradually increasing the range of motion in 1 MTP joint.

During this period of time, continue to perform the same exercises as in previous weeks. Just increase the frequency of exercise to 7-8 times a day. And use more force to bend your finger. Increase it daily, all the time, bending your finger until you feel slight discomfort.

In addition, you can also use stretching exercises and passive movements of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

Grab your foot with one hand at the base of your first toe, with your big toe on top, and with your other hand, grab your big toe at the base as close to the knuckle as possible. First, pull your thumb as shown in Figure A.

Then, fixing the foot with the thumb of the first hand (Figure B), pull the thumb up with the other hand, without bending 1 finger (keep it straight). Hold your finger in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this procedure 3 times.

Perform a similar maneuver by pressing down on your thumb while keeping it straight, as shown in Figure C. Hold your thumb in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this procedure 3 times.

These exercises should be performed 6-8 times a day in addition to exercises to increase the range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

From the seventh week after surgery, begin performing weight-bearing exercises on the operated limb.

It is very important to remember that post-operative swelling can persist for up to 6 months or more after surgery for Hallux Valgus. Hence the possibility of wearing narrow and dress shoes may be limited.

Standing barefoot on the floor, you need to stand on your toes, with your thumb touching the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds (or as long as you can at first). Perform the exercises 5-6 times a day for 7-8 repetitions.

Walking up an incline to increase 1 MTP flexion and walking up stairs are also very good exercise to increase range of motion in the first toe.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

megan92 13 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) Well, I’ll duplicate it, it’s not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

Yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars

Editor's response 10 days ago

Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Okay then! Everything is fine - for sure, if payment is made upon receipt. Thanks a lot!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried it? traditional methods joint treatment? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing has been suffering from pain for many years...

Andrey A week ago

Which ones folk remedies I didn't try, nothing helped, it only got worse...

Ekaterina A week ago

I tried drinking a decoction of bay leaves, it didn’t do any good, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods - complete nonsense!!

Maria 5 days ago

I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient

  • In simple terms, it is a sideways deviation of the big toe accompanied by protrusion of the first metatarsal. The popular name for hallux valgus is “bone”.

    The causes of hallux valgus can be:

    • Transverse flatfoot
    • Weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot
    • Neurological disorders
    • Congenital deformities

    Uncomfortable shoes make the situation worse.

    Three factors that negatively affect foot health:

    1. Heel height (increases pressure on the forefoot and can cause transverse flat feet).
    2. Narrow toe shoes (prevents the toes from taking a physiological position, increases the load on the joint apparatus of the foot. In combination with high heels, it leads to disruption of the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot and leads to inflammation of the joint capsule - bursitis).
    3. Shoes that are small in size (compress the toes and lead to disturbances in the shock-absorbing function of the foot and problems with the joint apparatus of the foot)

    Incorrect placement and angle of the big toe leads to premature wear of the main joint, damage to the cartilage and a significant increase in the size of the bone growth on the foot.

    At Hallux valgus The severity of the foot deformity is determined by the angles: between the I and II metatarsal bones and between the metatarsal bone and the main phalanx of the big toe.

    Grade I: intermetatarsal angle 5-20º, metatarsophalangeal angle 10-40º;

    Grade II: intermetatarsal angle 20-30º, metatarsophalangeal angle 40-70º;

    Grade III: intermetatarsal angle >30º, metatarsophalangeal angle >70º.

    To diagnose Hallux Valgus and determine the degree of deformity, you will need to consult an orthopedist, traumatologist and neurologist.

    At I degree Interventions on soft tissues will be effective to restore the function of the foot muscles. When diagnosing grade 1 hallux valgus, Silver (severation of the adductor tendon), McBride (relocation of the adductor tendon), Shede (one of the above options in combination with exostectomy and removal of tissue of the periarticular bursa) are prescribed.

    In grades II and III, more complex surgical interventions are performed, affecting bone structures or combined operations on soft tissues and bones. Chevron osteotomy (removal of a V-shaped section of bone with restoration of the axis) or Scarf osteotomy (the bone is divided into several sections with their reposition and subsequent fastening with metal screws). In case of very severe damage to the joint, arthrodesis (creation of ankylosis) or installation of an artificial prosthesis is indicated.

    After the operation, long-term (several weeks) wearing of a special orthosis or plaster cast is required; it is strongly recommended to reduce the load on the foot.

    After the cast/orthosis is removed, the patient should wear custom-designed orthopedic shoes and use inserts/insoles to shape the arch of the foot and prevent recurrence of the deformity. To restore the supporting function of the foot, physical therapy sessions and a course of physiotherapy are required.
    In case of bilateral damage, it is recommended to perform operations alternately on both feet with an interval of several months.

    The use of orthopedic abduction splints is indicated for the conservative treatment of hallux valgus or for postoperative recovery. They gradually correct the position of the finger, thereby eliminating pain and discomfort. The night brace is not intended to be worn while walking; it is used either during sleep or at rest.

    You should start using it for several hours, gradually increasing the time you wear the abduction splint for hallux valgus.

    There are varus and valgus types of deformity, in which the shape of the joints looks radically opposite. With the varus variant, the patient’s legs resemble the letter O, and with the valgus variant, they resemble the letter X. Both types of disease have common and different symptoms and are accompanied by painful sensations in the patient. A common type of foot deformity, hallux valgus, requires the selection of special orthopedic shoes.

    This disease is a curvature of the phalanx of the first finger, a change in the remaining fingers. Externally, the disease looks like flattening of the feet and their displacement towards each other. A curvature resembling the letter X appears in part of the ankle, and the heel rests on the inside. Shoes for hallux valgus in adults must be specialized and are often made to order.

    Shoes for hallux valgus should be purchased from a specialized store. Properly chosen shoes or boots significantly simplify the life of a patient suffering from this disease. Orthopedic insoles create additional comfort for sore feet. Orthopedic shoes for the problem of hallux valgus are selected when the doctor conducts an in-person examination of the patient and makes his recommendations.

    Women are most often affected by the disease. Specialized shoes have a number of effective characteristics:

    • helps eliminate pain and discomfort while walking;
    • the process of changes in the thumb is suspended;
    • prevention of calluses, corns;
    • swelling and fatigue subside;
    • there is a rational distribution of the load. This is especially true for girls who are overweight.

    In addition to the above indicators, the orthopedic pair reduces the load on the spine, knees, and reduces tension in the calves. Shoes made from natural materials promote good heat transfer and prevent the appearance of fungus.

    Currently, prevention of the disease is possible if you wear a specialized pair. Any orthopedic salon will offer a large assortment of boots, boots, and sandals with a special insole. If it is necessary to wear a special sample for treatment and rehabilitation purposes, it is much more effective to make a custom-made model for individual characteristics patient's feet.

    What shoes are needed for hallux valgus feet?

    If a patient is diagnosed with phase 1 planovalgus foot, there are several options in selecting the necessary shoes. It should have an instep support, a high back that helps hide the ankle joint. Standard insoles are selected, but in a specialized salon.

    In phase 2 of the disease, a supinated pair with a high back that covers the ankle is selected. It is possible to purchase a standard version of orthopedic insoles. Often, the podiatrist will recommend purchasing custom-made samples.

    In phase 3, a pair is selected with an arch support and a high back that hides the ankle. It can be sandals, moccasins or sneakers. It is recommended to make insoles to order in a specialized center. The salon can select special silicone inserts that help correct the alignment of the toes.

    Specialized shoes will help in the initial stages to prevent the development of the disease. It is necessary for adults with a predisposition to flat feet of the transverse arch of the foot. It is useful for those who have weak muscles, ligaments of the musculoskeletal system, and is used in addition to therapeutic and preventive measures (physical therapy and massage).

    If there is severe pathology, you should contact specialists in the manufacture of specialized shoes. Many experts believe that custom-made shoes significantly relieve pain for people with a protruding bunion on the big toe.

    Products with soft or high sole. During an exacerbation or treatment of the disease, you should not wear sneakers or tight shoes that cannot be ventilated. Disturbing samples should be avoided. The size and shape must fit the patient perfectly. You should avoid options with too low a sole. This will lead to uneven distribution of weight, the entire load will be on the heel, which will lead to the progression of the disease.

    Special shoes must meet certain international standards. It should be made of hypoallergenic materials, the paint should not fade or stain the skin. The top of the product is made of genuine leather, and the sole is elastic. Needed inside orthopedic insoles made of leather. The heel of any pair should clearly fix the heel, and the toe should be wide for comfortable movement of the patient.

    It is worth paying attention to thermoregulation and the absence of moisture during wear. To avoid pain, a soft, valgus bedding is used.

    Rules for choosing and wearing

    Long walking leads to the fact that the leg experiences the main load, creating the effect of some softening. When the foot is deformed, it causes an improper load on the spine and joints. Activates significant, dangerous changes in the human body.

    A number of rules that should be followed if flatfoot or planovalgus variant of the disease is diagnosed:

    1. You cannot buy shoes with flat soles.
    2. The height of the heel should not exceed 1 centimeter.
    3. The elevation of the shoe should occur from the middle of the foot.
    4. It is worth choosing environmentally friendly materials.
    5. The size must match the patient's foot.
    6. New shoes should not cause discomfort.

    At the first stage of the disease, it is worth choosing options with stable, low heels. This will help ensure that the foot is in the anatomically correct position. No need to buy wedges or platform sandals. These variations make it difficult to flex the foot and increase the load. A good alternative would be a leather pair of sandals. Make sure that the sole is flexible and that the heel supports the shin.

    If they appear discomfort, it is better to replace a leather product with suede or nubuck. These materials are much softer and allow more air to pass through. Correction for stage 1 disease is possible if the shoes are chosen correctly.

    When a patient has stage 2 of this disease, the deformity and finger with a bone are noticeable during a visual examination by a doctor. There is a load when walking, patients experience pain in the ankle area. Specialized shoes are required to correct foot valgus at this stage. It is important for people involved in active sports to select anatomical insoles in an orthopedic salon. They provide a comfortable position and relieve stress from the feet.

    It is worth paying attention that the toe is loose and the back of the leg has good support. A properly selected model will help stabilize the disease, including for home use. Large quantity salons offer orthopedic shoes. You can buy it at a Sursil brand store, where competent specialists will help you choose the right pair.

    When a patient has stage 2 of the disease, he must adhere to the following rules:

    • choose models with a tight back;
    • the sock should be round or square;
    • it is worth using orthopedic inserts;
    • choose lace-up models to better control the girth of the lower leg and foot;
    • purchase special finger tabs.

    Stage 3 disease is characterized by the fact that the pathology has pronounced changes. An adult experiences severe pain, difficulties in movement. Reducing physical activity and prohibiting sports activities increase joint pain. Severe curvature of the foot and toes leads to the appearance of corns. The third degree of the disease is characterized by a significant deviation of the heel to the outside. Specialized shoes plus therapeutic correction will help reduce pain. The pathology requires specialized, immediate treatment from a specialist.

    Treatment prognosis and possible complications

    In the third stage of the disease, wearing sports models is strictly prohibited. If the patient continues to wear the wrong pair, there is a risk of disc displacement in the spine. Even the bone in the skeletal structure will be subject to deformation. Treatment is carried out after conducting the necessary diagnostic studies and establishing a diagnosis. The last stage involves only surgical treatment methods. Surgery gives a chance to eliminate pain, and the foot can return to its previous appearance. If the initial stage of the disease is diagnosed, the patient will benefit from conservative treatment. This involves wearing orthopedic shoes and insoles. Such orthopedic devices can correct minor curvatures and eliminate pain.

    Physical therapy and gymnastics will help the patient in the rehabilitation process if he has previously had surgery. Therapeutic massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are a good addition to complex therapy. Any recommendation or instruction from the orthopedist must be strictly followed. In case of late application medical care Serious consequences in the form of joint deformation are possible.