What color is gold: a precious palette. What determines the color of different gold alloys? What color is gold?

Learning colors in English is usually not particularly difficult due to the clarity of the material being studied. In this article we will introduce you to what the primary colors are called in English with translation into Russian. Not all English language learners are familiar with English transcription, so we will teach you how to name colors in English with Russian pronunciation.

So, there are a huge number of colors and shades in the world. And not every one of them can be called in one word even in our native language, not to mention a foreign one. And in order not to have a shortage of words denoting colors in English, it is not necessary to study all possible color options. It will be enough to know a couple of dozen basic names that are most often used in speech.

Names of flowers in English

Here are the ten primary colors that children are first introduced to when learning English.

Yellow - yellow (Yelou) [ˈjeləʊ ]

Green - green (green) [ɡriːn]

Blue - blue, blue (blue) [bluː]

Brown - brown [braʊn]

White - white (white) [waɪt]

Red - red (ed) [red]

Orange - orange (Orange) [ˈɒrɪndʒ ]

Pink - pink (pink) [pɪŋk]

Gray - gray (gray) [ɡreɪ]

Black - black (black) [blæk]

Pronouncing colors in English for children is usually not very difficult; most colors are denoted by monosyllabic words and are easy to remember.

After you have mastered the first ten colors in English, you can add ten more colors to your vocabulary that you can often encounter in different situations.

Beige - beige (baize) [beɪʒ]

Golden - golden, golden (Golden) [ˈɡəʊldən]

Emerald - emerald (Emerald) [ˈemərəld]

Coral - coral (koral) [ˈkɒrəl]

Copper - copper (kopa) [ˈkɒpə]

Olive - olive (Oliv) [ˈɒlɪv]

Purple - violet, purple (ash) [ˈpɜːpəl]

Silver - silver, silvery (silva) [ˈsɪlvə]

Lilac - lilac (lAilak) [ˈlaɪlək]

Khaki - khaki (kAki) [ˈkɑːki]

Thus, now you know the basic colors in English with transcription in Russian. There are twenty words in total, with which you can easily name the color of any item you need.

In addition to the name of the color, sometimes you need to name the shade. The names of shades can be indicated by adding certain adjectives to the main color. For example: bright, dark, light, etc. They will allow you to convey the color saturation of the described phenomenon or object. Here are words that will help you more accurately indicate the desired color.

Light- light (light) [laɪt]

Dark- dark (dak) [dɑːk]

Bright- bright (bright) [braɪt]

Dull- dim (dal) [dʌl]

Pale- pale (pale) [peɪl]

After you have learned the names of all the colors in English, for better memorization and further training, you can try to name familiar objects in English, adding the name of the color to them. For example, a red sofa, a white refrigerator, light green walls, dark blue socks.

You also need to know how to correctly ask in English what color this or that object is. To do this, use the construction What color? (what color). For example:

What is this?- What is this? (wat from zis?) [‘wɒt ɪz ðɪs]

This is a flower.- This is a flower. (zis from e flAua) [‘ðɪs ɪz ə ˈflaʊə]

What color is it?-What color is it? (uot kala from it) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ɪt]

It is yellow.- It's yellow. (it from Yelou) [ɪtɪz ˈjeləʊ]

Learning colors in English in a playful way

If you are learning the names of colors in English with children, then you can come up with many fun game exercises. Starting from playing with pencils - asking what color the pencil you are holding is, and vice versa, so that the child asks the question.

One of the variants of such a game is “Guess”. One participant hides a pencil behind his back, and the second tries to guess what color the pencil is. This game uses the following structures:

- Is it...(color name)? - Is he...(color name)?

- Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)- Yes. (No)

For example:

The participant holds behind his back (a blue pencil)

Then asks the second player a question:

What color is the pencil?- What color is the pencil? (uot kala from ze pensil) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ðə ˈpensl]

The second player begins to guess:

Is it red?- Is it red? (from it ed.) [ɪz ɪt red]

First participant:

No, it isn't.

Is it yellow?- Is it yellow? (from it Yelou) [ɪz ɪt ˈjeləʊ]

No, it isn't.- No. (now, it iznt) [‘nəʊ ɪt ‘ɪznt]

Is it blue?- Is it blue? (from it blue) [ɪz ɪt bluː]

Yes, it is.- Yes. (es it from) [ˈjes it ‘iz]

Your questions on a walk or when putting away toys - “What color is this?” will also help children remember colors in English well. The more memory exercises you do, the faster and more lasting the effect will be.

So, as you can see, remembering the names of flowers in English will not be difficult for either adults or children. Now you can go further in learning English. And most importantly, do not forget to return to the words you have learned from time to time and use them in combination with newly learned ones.

Color memorization exercise

To consolidate the result, right now, you can take the online exercise. We wish you success!

Complete the sentence with the missing word (color name)

Complete the sentences with the correct combinations of words

Make a proposal

    Colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like .

    Healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit.

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Anyone imagines gold as a yellow metal, but this is not entirely true. Metal particles found in nature most often have a greenish-gray tint, so only a specialist can recognize them as precious metal. The processed metal of 999 purity, from which bank bullion is made, has a rich yellow color and a pronounced shine. Jewelry craftsmen do not use the precious metal itself to make jewelry, but its alloys with various ligatures. Depending on the composition of the ligature, the color of gold may vary. This feature is used by jewelers to create unusual and exclusive jewelry that embody fashionable design solutions.

What shades are there?

In addition to the standard yellow color, pink and white gold are popular among buyers. The pink color is obtained by adding copper to the alloy. By increasing the proportion of copper in the alloy of the metal alloy, the master can obtain a pink tint, red or even orange. What specific shade you get depends on the alloy sample and the amount of copper added. When choosing jewelry, you should remember that pink metal can only be 750 or 585. The standard ratio of components in a 750 grade alloy is as follows: 75% aurum, 9% silver and 16% copper.

An orange or reddish color is typical for low-grade gold 375 markings. The components of the alloy are also silver and copper. To obtain an orange tint, the proportion of silver is increased, and for red, the proportion of copper is increased. The reddish tint corresponds to the color of old gold; most products of the Soviet 583 standard are characterized by a red tint.

Rose gold jewelry is considered a symbol of love and looks very romantic. Rings and pendants are most often made from material of this color, which are very popular among lovers who choose a gift for their soulmate.

The white color of gold is no less popular among clients of jewelry stores. Even in the photo, products made from light alloy look sophisticated and elegant. The white alloy is usually 750 fine, the remainder of which is divided between palladium and silver. When choosing white gold jewelry, you need to make sure that the alloy contains palladium. Unscrupulous manufacturers replace it with cheaper nickel, which can cause an allergic reaction on the skin when wearing the product.

The white metal is popular because its shade is similar to the steely white color of platinum. The light alloy is ideally combined with diamonds, since such a setting allows you to fully reveal the brilliance of the stones, further illuminating it. According to stylists, jewelry made from white aurum alloy is suitable for any look, regardless of the type of appearance, and is considered more versatile than yellow metal.

What color can gold still be if other components are added to the alloy? Alloys of gold with certain chemical elements are called metallides. Such compounds are characterized by unusual beautiful shades, fragility and low ductility. These materials are rarely used to create entire pieces of jewelry; they are usually used as inserts or exotic stones.

When combining aurum with potassium, you can achieve an olive tint to the alloy. Jewelry with such a green surface color is rare and has a fairly high cost due to its beauty.

You can also get gold with a greenish tint using silver, which is added in small quantities. As its proportion in the alloy increases, the metal acquires a yellowish-green tint, then yellow-white and completely white.

The metallic substance, which contains indium in addition to aurum, is characterized by a blue tint. Many experts consider blue gold to be a myth, since only the Argentine master Antiniassi, who left his secret of the composition of the ligature undisclosed, was able to reproduce the alloy with such a shade.

The blue color of gold is obtained by adding iron and chromium to the alloy. Like other metallic materials, the material is fragile, so it is only good as inserts in products from traditional options. According to experts, when choosing jewelry with blue gold, you should pay attention to the location of the inserts: they should come into contact with the skin as little as possible when worn. This requirement is due to the fact that the blue alloy quickly oxidizes when in constant contact with the skin.

A violet-colored alloy is obtained by combining aurum with aluminum or potassium. It owes its birth to the creative curiosity of jewelry makers. The first jewelry made of purple metal was created in Ancient Egypt, but the Egyptian recipe has not been preserved to this day. Modern masters have reproduced the composition of the compound anew.

Very dark shades

Dark shades of precious metals: brown and black are becoming increasingly popular. What determines the color of gold in this case? To obtain these shades, chemical methods are used to process the finished product.

Brown gold has recently become extremely fashionable, although previously, due to its hardness, it was used mainly to create cases for watch movements. As a standard, it has either a 585 or 750 grade with a high copper content in the rest of the alloy. The brown color is obtained not by adding cuprum to the ligature, but by repeated chemical processing of the jewelry. The material acquires a brown tint after several special procedures.

Brown gold is most often combined with a pink alloy - this is how jewelry craftsmen create spectacular jewelry, typical for precious collections of the autumn-winter seasons. A combination of alloys of different colors is used quite often. Combinations of golden yellow, pink and white alloys also look unusual.

In terms of stone compatibility, white diamonds are best suited to brown gold. Very often in new collections you can find a combination of a dark shade of precious metal not only with jewelry alloys and precious stones, but also with materials of a completely different nature. These include wood, leather and fabrics. The unusual shade of the precious metal allows you to create jewelry that is equally unusual in design.

Black gold is distinguished by its special sophistication and charm, but its color is also obtained through special processing. To give your decoration shades of the black-gray spectrum, you can use several techniques. If the color is achieved through galvanic processing, then the process can produce a shade ranging from light gray to deep black. What color the gold will turn out depends on the degree of processing and the features of the technological process.

Other methods of producing fashionable black gold include coating the jewelry with a layer of rhodium or amorphous carbon. Instead of rhodium, the master can use ruthenium; the result of the work is a product that has a peculiar black coating. To obtain a black tint, they also resort to the preparation of a special alloy of 750 fineness of the precious metal, the alloy of which also includes cobalt and chromium. To obtain a dark surface, the compound is oxidized at high temperatures.

The most advantageous option is the combination of black gold with precious compounds of other shades, and among the stones, black diamonds are considered the ideal complement to such jewelry, which not only do not fade against a dark background, but also reveal the full depth of their color. It is acceptable to use white diamonds, rubies and sapphires.

The quality of a metal does not depend in any way on its color. Many people prefer white gold to the usual yellow alloy, justifying their choice with a higher purity. In practice, 750 standard precious metal can have a white, yellow or pink tint.

The reddish tint is very often characterized as the color of old gold or the cheapest gold - this is another misconception. Light reddish pink tints are also characteristic of high gold standards, if the alloy contains copper in the alloy.

The cost of jewelry is influenced not by its color, but by the marking of the sample and the complexity of the craftsman’s work. The more complex the technological process of making a product and obtaining a beautiful shade, or the more difficult it is to implement the designer’s idea, the higher the price the decoration will have.

Gold is the favorite metal of many people, as incredibly beautiful jewelry is made from it: chains, rings, bracelets, earrings, watches, cufflinks and much more. Most people associate this metal with the sun because it has a similar color. But if you look at several pieces of jewelry, you can see that the color of the gold from which they are made can be different - with a pinkish, white, red and even green tint. This leads to the idea that there are different types of gold, when in fact this is not the case. What determines the color of gold?

The color of gold products depending on the added ligature

Composition of gold alloys

In nature, gold as a metal has a rich yellow color. As for the jewelry industry, gold in its pure form has never been used to make jewelry, since it is ductile, which makes it unstable to deformation. However, this problem can be solved by adding other metals to the gold alloy, which give it the necessary resistance to negative factors. Impurities of other metals are called alloys, which determine what color gold is.

To estimate the pure gold content of an alloy, a measure such as fineness is used. It demonstrates the number of grams of precious metal contained in a kilogram of alloy. For example, 585 hallmark (the most common in the jewelry market) means that a kilogram of the alloy contains at least 585 grams of gold, while 415 grams are impurities, that is, alloy.

In jewelry practice, solar metal is combined with the following impurities:

  • copper;
  • silver;
  • palladium;
  • platinum;
  • zinc;
  • cadmium.

The presence of a ligature in a gold alloy determines its shade, which is what jewelers use. Playing with metal shades allows you to create masterpiece jewelry that is in high demand among buyers.

Shades of gold

Types of metal

The shades of gold are impressive in their diversity and they depend on which metal predominates in the composition of the alloy:

  1. Red gold: This is an alloy that has a purity of 375, that is, the lowest in the metric gold standard system. The red tint is achieved by adding a large amount of copper to the alloy (approximately 600 grams per 1 kilogram). A small part of the alloy (25 grams) is silver. A gold alloy with a purity of 375 was popular in the USSR, but over time this metal was replaced by a high-fineness analogue with a purity of 585. This alloy is considered the most popular among buyers.
  2. Orange: this is the same gold with a purity of 375, but with a different composition of the alloy. To obtain metal with this tint, a smaller amount of copper and a larger amount of silver are added to the alloy.
  3. White: has a purity of 585 or 750. It is gold combined with platinum, nickel, silver or palladium. It is this composition of the alloy that makes the metal look like silver. White gold has been considered trendy for years in a row, as it not only adds elegance to products, but also emphasizes the splendor of precious stones.
  4. Pink: This is produced by a special combination of silver and copper, which lightens the red color of the copper to a soft pink. Rose gold adds delicacy and sophistication to jewelry made from it. Also, such gold emphasizes the beauty of precious stones. Rings and pendants are made from this alloy.
  5. Yellow gold: this is a metal with a purity of 750 - high-grade gold from which luxury jewelry is made. The alloy has a rich yellow tint due to the large amount of gold in the alloy (at least 750 grams per kilogram). The ligature in this alloy is represented by copper and silver, taken in equal proportions. Jewelry made from yellow aurum looks expensive, but they require careful handling - the predominance of pure gold in the alloy makes them fragile and prone to deformation.
  6. Brown: this gold has a high standard (585 or 750). The unusual shade of the metal is explained by the large amount of copper in the alloy. The impurities also include nickel and manganese. The metal undergoes a thorough chemical treatment to obtain a brown color due to the formation of a brown film. The advantage of brown gold is not only its exquisite appearance, but also its incredible strength.
  7. Green: the alloy is obtained by adding an alloy consisting of silver, zinc, cadmium and rubidium to gold, which gives the metal a greenish tint. This alloy is called electrum. Despite its attractive appearance, green gold is not suitable for making solid jewelry, such as rings, because it is very fragile. In the jewelry industry, metal with a green tint is used as a raw material for the manufacture of decorative inserts in jewelry.
  8. Blue: This metal looks very unusual. It is obtained by adding chromium and iron to the alloy. The disadvantage of this gold is its fragility and tendency to oxidize when exposed to air. For this reason, such gold is used only in the production of inserts in jewelry, and such inserts should in no case come into contact with the skin when worn constantly - the gold will quickly oxidize.
  9. Purple: This color of gold is obtained by combining it with potassium or aluminum. Nowadays, this metal is only gaining its popularity among admirers of gold jewelry.
  10. Grey: Much like white gold alloy. Gray gold contains nickel, zinc and silver.
  11. Black: This metal has indescribable beauty and a corresponding price, since obtaining the perfect black color of gold is a difficult task. This alloy is also produced by coating high-grade gold with rhodium or ruthenium. High-grade black gold is obtained due to its oxidation under high temperature (annealing).

When purchasing gold items, you should be careful, especially if it concerns jewelry made from metal of an unusual shade (it is “colored” gold that is counterfeited in most cases). It is recommended to buy gold in a jewelry store that has been present on the jewelry market for a long time, or directly from the manufacturer. You should also pay attention to the hallmark, name tag and label. A genuine gold product has a perfect appearance. To protect yourself from buying a fake, you should refrain from purchasing jewelry from private individuals who do not have any documentation for their goods.

Table (palette) of colors html gives you the opportunity to independently choose the tone you need. The color value is displayed in three formats: Hex, RGB and HSV.

  • Hex consists of three two-character values ​​in the hexadecimal number system. For example: #ff00b3, where the first pair of numbers is red, the second is green, and the third is blue.
  • RGB (RedGreenBlue) has the form "200,100,255", indicating the amount of the corresponding tone (red, green, blue) in the resulting color.
  • HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value - tone, saturation, value) is a color model in which the coordinates are:
    • Hue - color tone, can vary from 0° to 360°.
    • Saturation - saturation, varies from 0-100 or 0-1. The higher this parameter, the “purer” the color, which is why this parameter is sometimes called color purity. And the closer this parameter is to zero, the closer the color is to neutral gray.
    • Value (color value) - sets the brightness, the value can also vary between 0-100 or 0-1.

Enter color code: GO

List of colors with names

The table lists the English color names (which can be used as values) supported by all browsers and their hexadecimal values. All colors listed are “safe”, meaning they will appear the same in all browsers.

Color name HEX Color
Medium Blue#0000CD
Midnight Blue#191970
Royal Blue#4169E1
Cadet Blue#5F9EA0
Slate Blue#6A5ACD
Slate Gray#708090
Sky Blue#87CEEB
Dark Khaki#BDB76B
Blanched Almond#FFEBCD

When it comes to gold, many people immediately imagine a sunny metal. But the interesting thing is that it can have a more interesting and unusual coloring. Today we will talk about all the colors of gold that are used in modern jewelry production.

Yellow gold

Yellow gold ring from Tiffany & Co.

Gold of a bright yellow color is considered classic. Such a beautiful rich shade is obtained by melting the precious metal with silver and copper. This is because pure gold is very soft and brittle, and must be mixed with other metals. And the brightness of yellow gold depends entirely on the addition of silver. The more of it in the finished product, the brighter the gold shines.

More on the topic

5 myths about gold - fairy tales invented by us

White gold

Jewelry houses are increasingly turning their attention to white gold. It combines perfectly with diamonds and, emphasizing the beauty of precious stones. It is obtained by mixing yellow gold with palladium and platinum.

Until 2000, nickel was actively used to create a white tint, but then it was discovered that it causes allergic reactions in many. Therefore, its use in precious alloys was stopped.

Red gold

Red gold was very popular in Russia in the 19th century. This metal is obtained when pure gold is mixed with copper and zinc. And the higher the copper content, the richer the shade. For the sake of decorative effect, palladium is sometimes added to red gold to give it a slightly brown tint.

Rose gold

Pink gold looks very elegant and impressive. For these qualities, he was loved by jewelry designers who create wedding jewelry collections. Today, it is rose gold jewelry that sets the trend in jewelry fashion.

The result is a delicate pink color thanks to the synthesis of gold, silver and copper. There is very little silver in this alloy; it is added to soften the shade and give the finished product a pleasant shine.

More on the topic

Yellow jewelry stones: 11 shades of sunny color

Brown gold

Chocolate gold appeared on the jewelry market not so long ago. According to one version, its creator is the famous jeweler Fawaz Gruosi, founder of the brand, who often experiments with shapes, materials and colors of jewelry. The jeweler does not disclose his technology for obtaining this shade.

It is only known that brown gold is obtained by alloying red and pink gold of various samples. Then it is treated thermally and chemically, gradually oxidizing until the coveted brown color appears on its surface. Experts express the opinion that nickel, manganese, iron and copper help achieve this effect.

Black gold

Perhaps the most mysterious alloy is black gold. To make such metal requires a lot of resources, and the process of obtaining black gold is very complex. It can be obtained in several ways, but the most popular is the method of alloying pure gold with chromium and colbate. The resulting material is then oxidized and processed at high temperatures (700 to 950 degrees Celsius).

Green gold

Green gold is an incredibly beautiful metal, but not all of its variations are safe for health. The classic version is made from gold, copper and silver. The higher the silver content, the more delicate olive color the finished product acquires. To give gold a rich green color, cadmium, potassium and zinc are used.

True, such products are characterized by increased fragility and can cause severe allergic reactions. So green gold is often used by craftsmen to create masterpieces of the highest jewelry art, which are usually admired at professional exhibitions.

Purple gold

Violet gold is often called purple or amethyst for its interesting lavender hue. True, it is not used as an independent metal from which jewelry is made. He is the most fragile of all. Therefore, it is used as decorative inserts in jewelry, and it is obtained by mixing gold and aluminum.

Blue and blue gold

Blue color has remained one of the favorites in the jewelry world for several seasons in a row. This could not but affect the color of gold. Blue and light blue metal is rarely used in the jewelry industry and is not easy to obtain.

It is believed that the beautiful azure color is created by mixing gold with indium. And the saturation of the shade depends on the amount of admixture of the latter. There is also a technology where indium is applied on top of gold and subjected to heat treatment. In this way, the substances mix and a stable blue or blue tint is formed on the product.