How to make a girl have plump lips. Ways to quickly make lips plump at home

Make lips plump This is the dream of almost every woman, especially those with thin lips. This is quite real. There are many in various ways. Helps visually increase lip plumpness correct makeup. You can also give preference to exercises that will help you achieve what you want without surgery.

Important! Of course, you can give preference to visiting a cosmetologist who will offer injections or injections. This will help make your lips plump forever, but the price is quite high. It is precisely how much such a procedure costs that scares off clients. This is not necessary, because everything can be done at home.

Exercises to keep your lips plump

Exercises to make your lips plump will help girls achieve what they want. Plump lips look very flirty and sensual. And most importantly, exercises help eliminate the need for injections hyaluronic acid or Botox. You can achieve visible results if you do it daily for one and a half months. It is recommended to follow all advice exactly.

It is enough to do just seven simple exercises.

  1. You need to take air into your mouth so that your cheeks puff out. Lips need to be pushed forward. You need to press your palms on your cheeks, trying to resist. The exercise should be done for three minutes. After this, you should take a 30-second break and repeat the exercise five more times.
  2. You need to open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue as much as possible and stretch out your lips like a tube. In this position you need to freeze for 40 seconds and then relax. The exercise is repeated 12 times.
  3. You need to take air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Then you need to imagine that there is a ball in your mouth. Start rolling it over your cheeks, moving it behind your upper and lower lips. The exercise must be performed for 10 minutes.
  4. You need to take air into your mouth and then exhale it sharply so that your lips are slightly parted. The exercise must be repeated 50 times.
  5. It is necessary to close your lips and clench your teeth tightly. You should feel tension in the jaw area. Now you need to push your lower lip forward, then your upper lip, then your lips close into pipes. In this position, you need to move your lips up, down, right and left. The exercise must be performed for 15 minutes.
  6. Every day you need to whistle for 15 minutes. If you don’t have the skills to whistle or you just don’t want to do it, you can release air from your mouth only by imitating a whistle.
  7. If there is a young man, it is recommended to kiss him more often. The maximum effect can be achieved if the man slightly bites his lips.

With the help of exercises, you can achieve plump lips at home and maintain the result for a long time. This method allows you to avoid using cosmetics.

Makeup at home

Makeup at home can easily help to visually enlarge your lips using lipstick, gloss and pencil. Your lips will quickly become plump and red (you can take lipstick of any other color depending on your own preferences) if you use this algorithm:

  1. It is necessary to outline the lips with a pencil, stepping back from the edges no more than two millimeters. This will not make your makeup look vulgar, but will significantly enlarge your lips visually.
  2. The strip between the pencil outline and the lips needs to be shaded.
  3. On the lower lip you should make several vertical stripes using a brown pencil. Then the stripes should be slightly shaded.
  4. You need to apply a suitable light lipstick to your lips; either glossy or matte will do. It is not recommended to use dark lipsticks as they will make your lips appear thinner and smaller.
  5. The center of the lower lip can be covered with gloss. A small strip three millimeters wide is enough. This will add additional volume.

To make your lips visually fuller, you should always outline the contour, even if you plan to apply only transparent gloss. It is recommended to give preference to a neutral, discreet color or nude pencil. This will also prevent the glitter from bleeding. As a result of makeup, you can make your lips appear fuller and more beautiful.

Massage as the best helper

Massage, as the best assistant, will help you enlarge your lips at home. If you massage regularly, you will be able to increase blood flow and permanently increase the volume of your lips. You need to do massage before applying cosmetics. In this case, the skin of the face and hands should be clean.

The most effective types of massage include:

  1. Using your fingers. It is necessary to make patting movements on the surface of the lips with clean fingers. Next, light pinching is performed, and finally, stroking is done. It is recommended to massage your lips twice a day.
  2. A toothbrush. Preference should be given to the one with soft fibers, since the skin of the lips is very delicate and can be easily injured. Before starting the massage, the brush should be soaked in oil (peach or olive), perform the procedure, and then blot your lips.
  3. Ice cubes. Ice from ordinary water or juices, decoctions of healthy herbs in frozen form are suitable. You need to move the ice cube over your lips until the ice melts. It is recommended to do this over some container.
  4. Contrast massage. It is performed with a sponge, toothbrush or sponge. You also need to prepare two containers of water, one with hot water and the other with cold water. You can add a pinch of baking soda to each bowl. The massage device must be alternately moistened in hot and cold water, massaging your lips for 15-30 seconds.

Plump lips with masks

Plump lips can be achieved easily with the help of masks; the effect is achieved quickly, but it is short-lived. That is why the mask is suitable for use immediately before a special event. If desired, several masks can be combined with each other to achieve the desired result. The most common mask recipes can be found in the table, which lists the ingredients and application features.

Mask name


Features of application


1 ampoule of vitamin A, 1 ampoule of vitamin E, 4 grams of gelatin, half of one lemon, 5 ml of apricot oil

First you need to anoint your lips with vitamin A, and then with vitamin E. Now you need to squeeze the juice out of the lemon (you will need 10 ml), pour gelatin over it and add a little apricot oil (you can replace it with a small amount of peach oil). The mixture should be infused for 15 minutes. At this time, rub your lips with lemon zest. After 15 minutes, the mixture will swell and should be applied to the lips. Place cling film on top of the mask. Leave this mask on your lips for an hour..


15 grams honey, 10 grams cane sugar, 6 grams potato starch, 30 grams Vaseline, 6 ml olive oil, 5 ml grapefruit juice

You need to mix grapefruit juice, olive oil and potato starch. Add 10 ml of water to the mixture (it should be hot). At the same time, you need to mix Vaseline, honey and sugar. The mixture should be placed in the microwave for 20 seconds until the mixture becomes liquid. Now all components can be mixed together until smooth.

The mask should be applied to the lips while it is still warm. After half an hour, you can wash off the product, cover your lips with balm and blot with a napkin.


10 grams mustard (dry), 10 grams Vaseline, 7 ml lemon juice, 5 ml burdock oil, 15 grams of honey

Vaseline and honey need to be mixed and heated in the microwave for 20 seconds to obtain a liquid consistency. At the same time, you need to mix lemon juice and mustard. The mixture must be infused for 10 seconds. After this, the two compositions can be mixed together and applied to the lips. Cover them with cling film on top and leave for 20 minutes. If the product does not sting, you can hold it on a little longer.

The result will be not only increased lip plumpness, but also a distinct contour.

30 grams of honey, 15 grams of gelatin, 10 grams of glycerin, 5 ml of apple cider vinegar

All components must be mixed together and melted in a water bath. The product should be infused for 30 minutes. After this, the mask can be applied to the lips.

It is recommended to perform the exercise for 15 minutes (while the mask is in effect) - stretch your lips forward with a tube and return to their original position. After the specified time, the composition must be removed using paper napkin. Lips should be wiped with cosmetic ice (melissa ice is useful) and then gently pinched.


20 grams of sour cream (fat content must be more than 25%), 10 grams of honey, 15 grams of full-fat cottage cheese, 20 ml of lemon juice, 4 drops essential oil rosemary

You need to mix lemon juice with honey and heat the mixture in the microwave until the mixture becomes liquid. You need to add essential oil, cottage cheese, sour cream to the composition. After thorough mixing, the mask can be applied to the lips. It is necessary to leave the product for one hour, and then you can wash it off.

15 grams of oatmeal (they should be medium ground), 20 ml of olive oil, 5 grams of dry mustard, 10 grams of butter, 10 grams of coffee grounds

You need to mix coffee grounds, dry mustard and oatmeal with boiling water in a volume of 30 ml. The mixture should be infused for 25 minutes, after which it should be heated and butter should be added to it. The mixture must be mixed well until smooth. You need to smear your lips with olive oil, and pour the rest into the mixture and mix until smooth.

Now the composition is ready, it needs to be applied to the lips and left for 50 minutes. After this, you need to massage your lips with the mask for 10 minutes. Remove excess with ice water or a hard cloth.


15 grams of ground chili pepper, 30 ml of grape oil, 20 grams of honey, 15 grams of petroleum jelly, 20 grams of rice flour, 10 grams of lanolin, 15 grams of glycerin, 3 ml of olive oil

Pepper, flour and honey need to be mixed together. Then grape oil is added to the mixture and the product is heated in the microwave for 20 seconds. While the mass is still warm, you need to add Vaseline, lanolin, glycerin and immediately mix well. You may need to warm up the composition a little again.

The product should be applied to the lips while it is hot (of course, it should not be scalding). You need to leave the product on your lips for half an hour. The mask will sting. If it can no longer be tolerated, you need to remove the product with hot water or a hard cloth. Next, apply olive oil to your lips.


20 ml liquid menthol, 25 grams fresh mint, 10 grams dry instant coffee, 15 ml corn oil

You need to chop the mint. The easiest way to do this is with a blender. You should get a porridge, to which you need to add liquid menthol and oil. The composition must be thoroughly mixed so that it is homogeneous, and then add coffee to it and mix again. You need to cover your lips with this product, cover them with cling film and leave the mask on for one hour. The mask will be cold and will sting a little. After an hour, you need to wash off the mask and wipe your lips with ice for 15 minutes.


1 radish, 10 ml lemon juice, 1 clove garlic, three-quarters of a small cucumber, 10 ml burdock oil

Garlic should be crushed using a crusher or press, cucumber and radish should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with garlic. The mass needs to be warmed up a little in the microwave and oil and juice added to the mixture. The composition must be mixed well and applied to the lips, the mask must be kept for 40 minutes.

Attention! There will be no garlic smell as the lemon juice will suppress it.


15 grams of cosmetic wax (beeswax), 4 drops of peach oil, 7 grams of gelatin, 15 grams of cocoa powder, 20 grams of pickled ginger

You need to mix cocoa and gelatin, pour the mixture with hot water in a volume of 30 ml. Add peach oil to the mixture, mix and let stand for 25 minutes. At this time, you need to grind the ginger (the easiest way is to use a blender), melt the wax in the microwave and add all the components of the mask to it.

The product should be applied to the lips and massaged. You can perform exercises, for example, stretching your lips with a tube.

Remember! If any discomfort, you shouldn't tolerate it. You need to wash off the product immediately. Acceptable sensations are burning and slight tingling, but not pain.

Useful devices for lip augmentation

Useful devices for lip augmentation will be quite effective. One of them is a simulator that will help make your lips plump. For example, you can choose the product “Full Lip” (translated as “plump lips”). This device is shaped like a pacifier. You need to take the exercise machine into your mouth and start training. You need to inhale air into yourself to create a vacuum, this will lead to protrusion of your lips forward. The result is visible and effective, it lasts approximately 6 hours.

At home, without purchasing any equipment, you can use the temperature difference method. It will help restore blood flow. To do this, you need to moisten a towel or napkin in hot water and apply it to your lips. After 30 seconds, you need to remove the textiles. You should rub your lips for a minute with a piece of cosmetic ice(for example, from chamomile or lemon balm). Both actions must be repeated for 15-20 minutes. Done, your lips have become plumper.

If you need to quickly increase the plumpness of your lips, it is recommended to combine methods. For example, in addition to a daily set of exercises, before an important event you can do one or more masks, as well as a contrast massage. You can also make your lips look fuller with makeup, but this will only be a visual effect. In any case, lip augmentation is achieved by moisturizing them, exfoliating dry skin, and stimulating blood circulation.

The fashion for sensual, voluminous lips has persisted for a long time. Some are lucky: they are like this by nature, others try to achieve the effect through plastic surgery.

In the second case, there are many risks. An allergic reaction to anesthesia or implant is possible. In addition, the result does not always meet expectations, and the cost of the operation is quite high. But it is not at all necessary to go to the surgeon.

There are many ways to effectively but safely add volume to this part of the face. By following our tips, you can make your lips plump at home, and in the shortest possible time.

In this article:


Let's start with a massage. It takes a little time, but is a fairly effective means towards our goal. This should be done with a soft toothbrush or just your fingers. The brush must first be doused with boiling water.

Make circular movements for 30-40 seconds, then moisturize your lips with baby cream or hygienic lipstick. Do not press too hard to avoid microtraumas on delicate skin. By performing this massage regularly, you cause vasodilation, improving blood flow to the soft tissues. This causes obvious swelling and the contours of the lips become brighter.

Soft peeling

Exfoliation involves exposing the area of ​​the body in need of renewal to tiny solid particles. This improves blood circulation, exfoliates old skin cells, and stimulates the growth of new ones. Since we decided to do without a visit to a cosmetologist, it means that we will perform peeling with home remedies.

Honey peeling

Surely you have honey at home that, after standing for some time, has become candied. This is a natural cosmetic product that is optimal for peeling.

It's extremely easy to use: dial no large number honey and massage onto lips. Continue until you feel them slightly swollen. The remaining honey can be washed off with warm water.

If you don’t have candied honey, take regular honey, add granulated sugar to it and mix. Use it also as a scrub.

Honey, coffee and butter

To achieve maximum effect you can create a more complex composition. Take candied honey, a little ground coffee, a few drops (can be replaced with). Stir and rub onto lips in circular motions for about 2-3 minutes. Then remove the excess with a damp cotton pad.

You can do this procedure every day, and to achieve the best result you should combine it with other methods, which will be discussed later.

Masks that increase lip volume

In addition to exfoliation, there are a number of folk recipes masks that can be made literally from improvised materials. If you don’t have something at hand, you can easily find the components at the nearest pharmacy or supermarket.

Vaseline mask with cinnamon

It is easy to prepare and pleasant to use thanks to its spicy aroma. You will need 1 teaspoon of Vaseline, a few drops of cinnamon oil (or half a spoon of this spice powder).

After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the composition to your lips several times a day. The product has a warming effect, which will help you get closer to your intended goal.

Mask with nicotinic acid

To prepare it, crush 1-2 tablets of nicotinic acid, mix the powder with Vaseline. The mask can be applied after a massage, It is enough to keep it for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The resulting effect will please you.

mint juice

Squeeze 2-3 drops of juice from the fresh leaves of the plant and massage your lips with your fingers or a cotton swab soaked in the juice. Peppermint extract increases blood flow, making them noticeably plumper.

Red pepper with honey

You will need 1 teaspoon of honey, ½ spoon of ground red pepper, a few drops or olive oil. Mix everything and Apply on lips for 3-5 minutes. Then wipe your lips with a damp cotton pad.


Preparing the mask requires some effort, but the result will not be long in coming. You will need small metal utensils.

Mix 15 gr. sugar with the same volumes of Vaseline and honey. Add a few drops of lemon, pour in 8 g. glycerin. While actively stirring, heat the mixture over low heat for 3-4 minutes.

Then let it cool down a bit, apply a thick layer for 10-12 minutes, then remove the mask and rinse your lips with cold water.

Masks with vitamins

Vitamin E in ampoules. Apply it to your lips several times a day. Aevit capsules are also suitable. You need to rub its contents into your lips, while performing a light massage. Add oil vitamins, A and E, drop by drop to any recipes described above.

A simple ice cube will help quickly increase blood flow and add volume to your lips.

Swipe it several times across your upper lip, then along your lower lip. After which you can use a warming balm with cinnamon or another moisturizer.


The peculiarity of this method is that you can use it as soon as you have a free minute.

Gymnastics should be done regularly, without missing classes. So we repeat to ourselves: “I want plump lips” and don’t be lazy!

List of tasks:

  • Take a mouthful of air and clench your lips tightly, making movements with them as if chewing.
  • Purse your lips as if you want to kiss someone, pull them forward. Press them with your index and middle fingers at the same time so that resistance occurs. Do 5 sets of 30 seconds.
  • Pull your lips forward, as if whistling, and make circular movements with them. First 20 times clockwise, then counterclockwise. Take a break, then repeat.
  • Smile, press your lips to the surface of your teeth. Hold them in this position for 15 seconds, after which you can relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • For the next exercise, use both hands. Index and thumbs Gently pursing your lips, pull them forward slightly. Repeat several times. This exercise also helps improve blood flow.
  • We depict a fish. The lips are tense, stretched forward in an “O” shape. We open and close them, without relaxing, 10-20 times. After a short rest, we repeat the task.
  • Pull your lips forward, try to move them, depicting an infinity sign.
  • Knead your lips with your teeth, lightly biting for 1-2 minutes. This will give instant results.

If you are wondering: how can you make your upper lip plumper, then we have prepared a very simple recommendation for you. When performing exercises, focus on it: knead it longer during the massage, apply ice, use peeling more actively. This way you can achieve an increase in volumes where necessary. Besides, You can make your lips look bigger using makeup.

Artistic whistling is an excellent way to strengthen muscles.

You can simply whistle your favorite tune while doing household chores. This will lift your spirits and help you achieve lip volume faster.

Special makeup

Decorative cosmetics are an excellent help in the task of lip augmentation. After all, while at work, it is impossible to do a mask or massage, but you want to look your best! This is where proper makeup comes to the rescue.

Follow these rules to help you apply makeup to your lips so that they appear plump:

  • When choosing gloss, look for an option with menthol. Liquid lipsticks that contain it are designed specifically to add volume. After applying the gloss, a slight tingling sensation is felt, which soon goes away. This means that the blood vessels dilate, the remedy “works”, and the effect will not take long to appear.
  • Apply foundation before using lipstick and gloss.
  • Use lip liner. It should match their color.

How to draw a contour correctly: draw a line with a pencil from the middle of the upper lip to the corners, slightly going beyond the edges. Then also trace the bottom one. Use lipstick, and then gloss in a natural shade.

The color of the contour should blend with the tone of the lipstick, so that our little trick doesn’t catch your eye. Don't try to widen your lips too much with makeup. It will look unnatural and even vulgar.

  • To make your lips look plump, apply a little highlighter on the outside of their contour and blend it. You can use a white cosmetic pencil for the same purpose. This way you will create some optical effect: against a light background, your lips will stand out more and appear larger.

Volume is added by light shades of lipsticks. The dark ones, on the contrary, hide it.

Choose options with sparkles and gloss effect, achieving the task. Matte lipsticks are not for you.

We use a plumper

To achieve a significant increase in volume in a few minutes, you can use a plumper - a device specially designed for this. The principle of operation is as follows: placing it on your lips, draw in air through your mouth. Due to the vacuum formed inside the device, there is an active flow of blood to the tissues.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times in a row, the effect lasts about one hour. One of the disadvantages is the mark that remains around the mouth after using the plumper. However, you can disguise it with foundation.

Now you know that you can make your lips plump without visiting a cosmetologist or surgeon. It is enough to devote a few minutes to exercise, massage, exfoliate regularly and moisturize well. And also, do not forget about the opportunities that the use of decorative cosmetics provides us.

Useful video

Big lips without Botox.

Appetizing lips with a “bow” are sensual and attractive. However, not everyone has been blessed by nature with such a gift. If you often think about how to make your lips plump at home, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists and surgeons, without injections or surgery, this article is for you. Let's learn how to make lips plump ourselves and without harm to health.

Hello friends! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today I’m talking about an all-season phenomenon - the eternal fashion for plump lips. It doesn’t matter if you dream of such things, but by nature you have a different type. How to add volume to your lips with makeup, which ones to use at home cosmetics and exercises for lip augmentation - read the answers to these and other questions further in the article.

How to make lips plump at home: the basics

Why are women attracted to plump lips? As psychologists say, others associate them with a woman’s relaxation, sensuality and gentleness.

Of course, the shape and volume of the lips depend, first of all, on genetics. But everything can be corrected. Excellent blood circulation, saturation of tissues with blood and oxygen, hydration - that’s what we need.

You've probably noticed that chapped lips look plumper - inflammation increases blood flow. No, a cold is not one of the ways to enlarge your lips.

And what methods will naturally improve blood circulation and help in the fight for volume:

  1. Competent care. The skin of the lips is very delicate and is more exposed to external aggressors than other parts of the face: high or low temperature, ultraviolet radiation, wind, dry air - these factors disrupt the nutrition of the upper layers of the skin of the lips, constrict blood vessels, and accelerate cell death. Therefore, our lips need constant protection, regular cleansing, moisturizing and deep nourishment with both homemade and store-bought cosmetics.
  2. Massage. Along with exercise, it eliminates blood stagnation, helps remove toxins and nourish all lip tissues with oxygen. You can perform a massage while applying care products, as well as with improvised means: a toothbrush, a towel. Or they often use vacuum massage using plumpers or a glass.
  3. Proper nutrition. With a lack of protein, healthy fats and vitamins, lips dry out, become shriveled, and lose color. The skin around the mouth becomes flabby and wrinkled, which also visually steals volume from the lips.
  4. Exercises. Lips are muscles, and under the influence of proper loads, cellular nutrition and oxygen supply improve in them. There is a special set of exercises for the face, and it works like any fitness: what is weakened is tightened, what is needed is increased, what is unnecessary is removed. The natural result is tone and a healthy increase in volume. And as a bonus - improved color.

So, the goal has been set. Now let's look at the points in more detail.

Homemade cosmetics for lip augmentation

All homemade cosmetics recipes for adding volume to lips are based on the same thing: exfoliating dead skin, moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the lips and around them.

Natural scrubs effectively cleanse and stimulate blood circulation:

  • Coffee scrub-mask: mix a third of a teaspoon of natural ground coffee, 1 teaspoon each of sugar and olive oil, 3-5 drops of mint oil. Apply to lips for 5 minutes, massage with the same mixture and rinse.
  • Honey: add to 1 tsp. candied honey 2 drops of oil grape seeds and orange, massage the skin well and wash off.
  • With cinnamon: add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a teaspoon of oil (olive, wheat germ or just glycerin).
  • With cocoa: mix natural cocoa powder (half a teaspoon) with a teaspoon of mint oil. You can add a little sugar.

And masks nourish and moisturize:

  • Citrus: take 1 tsp. lemon juice (orange, grapefruit), lemon zest and almond oil, squeeze a couple of capsules of vitamins A and E into it (you can take Aevit). Apply the mixture to your lips for half an hour, cover with cling film on top. Before rinsing, massage your lips with the same mixture.
  • Starch: mix 1 tsp. potato starch, olive oil, glycerin and honey, heat in a water bath, stirring constantly, so that it is warm, but not hot. Now you need to crush a couple of Aevit capsules into the mixture. Apply a warm mask to your lips for half an hour.
  • Mustard: you need 1 tsp. mustard powder, 2 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. Mix lemon juice and olive oil, apply to lips and cover with cling film. Keep for 15 minutes to half an hour. A burning sensation is a sign that it’s time to wash it off.
  • Pepper: mix 2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. ground chili pepper, add half a teaspoon of flour. Heat the mixture in a water bath until almost hot, mix a teaspoon of glycerin into the hot mixture. We apply it to the lips like this, almost hot, and leave it on the lips for 15 minutes to half an hour. It should sting a little, but not too much. If it doesn't sting, add more pepper.

In the morning, you can wipe your lips with ice cubes. To do this, you can freeze a mixture of oils (rose, grape, mint) with liquid menthol. More good option– contrast rubbing of lips: alternate ice and warm, almost hot water. Or soak cotton pads in hot water and apply them to your lips as a compress between wiping with ice.

After masks, scrubs and compresses, apply a moisturizing balm or special serums to your lips to increase lip volume.

Adding volume to lips with massage

Daily lip massage increases the effectiveness of cosmetic products. How it can be done:

  • A toothbrush. You will need a soft brush; you can take one that has already served its intended purpose. Using gentle circular movements, massage your lips from the middle to the corners. You can alternately dip the brush in hot and cold water.
  • With your fingers. The point here is massage oils. What oils can be used for enlargement: mint, menthol, almond, avocado, cinnamon, mustard. Relax your lips, lubricate your fingertips with oil and rub your lips with light pressure, again in a circular motion from the center to the corners.
  • Vacuum. There are special plumpers - vacuum suction cups. Some people use a glass or jars, but not only the lips are caught in this way, and after this vacuum massage There may be an unsightly rim around the mouth. In general, it is believed that a vacuum harms the lips - they enlarge due to swelling, and blood circulation in the tissues of the mouth muscles is impaired. It's fast, but harmful.

After the massage, it would be ideal to apply a mask - all the nutrients from it will be better absorbed.

Gymnastics that enlarges lips

Regular exercise is what “pumps up” the lip muscles for a long time. Or even forever, if gymnastics is an integral part of your life philosophy. What exercises can you do:

  1. Whistling. Pull your lips out and whistle something funny for about 3 minutes.
  2. Wolf howl. The starting position is the same. Only now we carefully depict a wolf and draw out the letter “y”. And if you pretend to howl at the moon, stretching your face towards the ceiling, then the neck muscles will also tighten.
  3. Fish. We again stretch out the lips with a tube and try to smile in this position.
  4. Blowing out a candle. Pull your lips so they are relaxed and blow as if you were blowing out a candle.
  5. Vacuum. Opening your mouth slightly, forcefully pull your lips inward.

And of course, don’t forget that many problems can be avoided by doing anti-aging facial exercises. I recommend my set of exercises. It needs to be done every day, for five or ten minutes. I tried all the techniques given in it on myself and vouch for the results.

This is a daily fitness program for the facial muscles that solves several problems at once:

  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Refreshes complexion;
  • Eliminates age spots, redness, inflammation, bruises under the eyes;
  • Smoothes out wrinkles;
  • Tightens the oval of the face;
  • Removes double chin, sagging cheeks and eyelids;
  • Tightens pores, fights acne and blackheads;
  • Naturally enlarges lips.

The course is designed for 5-10 minutes every day, and noticeable results appear within 2 weeks.

Makeup for visual lip enlargement

With the help of cosmetics you can create miracles, even complete transformation. And even slightly adjust the shape and volume - even more so.

How can you paint your lips to make them look plump?

  • Outline the contour with a pencil half a tone darker than the lipstick, retreating 1 mm from the natural edge;
  • Use a white pencil to outline the upper lip, and then shade and apply foundation, and then gloss;
  • Use a highlighter or white pencil to paint the center of your lips and blend the line, and apply gloss on top.

There are many videos that clearly show such makeup tricks.

That’s probably all she said about how to make your lips plump at home.

Modern medicine offers a large number of tools and manipulations aimed at correcting and enlarging lips. However, not all representatives of the fair sex can afford to resort to the services of plastic surgery. If you prefer naturalness and do not accept surgical intervention, try lip augmentation yourself.

The most in an accessible way making sponges voluminous is proper care. It is very important that special cosmetics that enrich the skin are used for daily procedures nutrients. There is no need to buy creams, lotions and balms; you can prepare them yourself from natural ingredients.

Masks for lip augmentation

Masks will help you get plump lips without surgery.

  • Honey mask. Mix one teaspoon each of honey, shea butter and rose oil. Add a few drops of lemon. Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin. It is better to do the procedure at night. The result of using the mask is smooth, elastic lips.
  • Cayenne pepper mask. A couple of drops of any essential oil with a warming effect, half a spoon of Vaseline, 8 crushed tablets of nicotinic acid and a third of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. The mixture is applied for exactly a minute and washed off. Thanks to the ability of hot pepper to activate capillary blood circulation, after using the mask, your lips will become plump and increase in volume.
  • Peppermint mask. The principle of operation of this product is similar to the pepper mask. Peppermint oil increases blood circulation in the tissues of the lips, increasing their volume and creating a seductive volume.

How to do beautiful lips plumper with heat and cold? Use a simple technique: alternately apply ice and heat to the surface of your lips. This unique and easy method activates blood circulation in the tissues and gives a seductively plump smile. To enhance the effect, the procedure can be combined with a light massage. You can surprise others with lush lips.

How often can you make masks?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of masks. Homemade masks are good because they are prepared using: natural ingredients. However, it is important to take into account the fact that masks and massage are contraindicated if they occur:

  • damage (scratches, scars, cuts);
  • inflammation, including herpetic rashes;
  • allergic reactions.

You can apply masks three times a week, as well as on the eve of an important event.

Using cosmetics

You can visually make your smile more voluminous without resorting to massage or masks. You can make your lips plump using cosmetics. Your “weapons” in the fight for a seductive smile will be a contour pencil, lipstick and gloss. It is important to remember that the shade of the pencil should match the tone of the lipstick as much as possible.. If you use a pencil of a darker shade, you can get the opposite effect - a vulgar smile of small volume.

There are several tricks that can be used to make even thin lips appear larger. Before applying lipstick, outline the contour of your upper lip with a white cosmetic pencil and apply a foundation that matches your skin tone as closely as possible. Next, apply lipstick or gloss. The effect of this simple technique is truly amazing! By the way, stars often use this trick to make their upper lip plumper.

It should be noted that when choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to lipstick and gloss light shades with a glossy or satin effect, also use special enlarging agents or plummers. With their help you can make your natural lips look sexier and fuller.

Gymnastics for lips

You can make your lips visually plump not only with the help of cosmetics. The effect of increased volume can also be achieved with the help of special exercises.. Of course, this method is not so fast-acting, but its effectiveness lasts much longer. There is a simple but effective set of exercises with which you can achieve lasting effect increasing lip volume.

Set of exercises

To make your lips lush and beautiful, here are a few exercises for them:

  1. Open your mouth a little, stick out your tongue as much as possible and count to five.
  2. Take in more air into your cheeks and close your mouth tightly. Try to make chewing movements while moving your lips in all directions.
  3. Stretch your lips out like a tube, open your mouth slightly, and then close your lips as tightly as possible.
  4. Puff out your cheeks strongly, gradually release the air in short bursts, so that vibration is felt at the moment of exhalation.
  5. Whistling your favorite song for five minutes every day.

According to reviews, to make your lips plump at home, you need to perform each exercise 10-15 times daily for 3-4 weeks. When performing gymnastics, it is very important not to stretch the skin around the mouth, so as not to get additional wrinkles along with the increased volume..

Worried about having thin lips? Forget about this problem! Today it is quite simple to become the owner of a seductive smile without surgery. Just use our tips on how to make plump lips at home without much effort!

Many will certainly agree that plump lips look attractive, sexy and beautiful, but not all girls are blessed with just such lips.

What to do if you don’t want to turn to a surgeon for help, but the dream of plump lips doesn’t leave you alone?

Before moving on to the detailed methods and homemade recipes for lip enlargement, remember one thing important thing: the skin on the lips is very sensitive, delicate and thin, and internal blood circulation is responsible for the volume of the lips.

Sometimes chapped lips swell and seem to be burning, because due to inflammation, blood flow increases.

A similar effect, but without negative symptoms and consequences, can be achieved by certain means that increase blood flow. You just need to use them regularly.

How to make lips plumper? Achieve desired results you will be able to through:

  • moisturizing lips;
  • exfoliation of dry skin;
  • stimulating blood circulation;
  • as well as performing special exercises.

How to make lips plump at home, recipes

The first method is one of the simplest, since you do not have to purchase various expensive creams or carry out expensive cosmetic procedures.

In order not only to enlarge your lips, but also to preserve their beauty and youth for a long time, remember the four main stages of care: the skin of your lips needs to be protected, moisturized, nourished and cared for the skin around them.

And to make them juicy, plump and beautiful, try every evening, before going to bed, to gently massage the skin of your lips with a regular toothbrush, sitting in front of the mirror.

This way, old cells will be exfoliated in a timely manner, blood flow will increase, and the lips will be able to be sufficiently saturated with the nutrients they need.

Natural mask-scrub

This mask has a very positive effect on blood flow, enhancing it, in addition exfoliating dead epidermal cells, nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the lips.

Take a little honey (necessarily candied), add half a teaspoon of olive oil and 3 drops of essential oil (preferably mint). Don't forget to add a pinch of ground coffee.

Mix all ingredients and apply the scrub to your lips. Leave the scrub on your lips for 10 minutes, then massage them with the same mixture and rinse it off. After the procedure, you will notice that your lips have become softer, softer, and look more voluminous.

Balm with cinnamon

If you use cinnamon (in the form of essential oil or in powder form), you can also give your lips the desired volume, because cinnamon has a warming property, and in addition, stimulates internal blood circulation.

You will need a teaspoon of Vaseline and 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil (or half a teaspoon of powder). Mix and apply this balm to your lips as needed.

A lip mask with red pepper is no less effective.

Just mix a teaspoon of ground pepper and honey, then pour in half a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil (for example, peach) and mix.

The mask is applied to the lips in a thick layer for 20-60 minutes (depending on how long you are willing to endure), then removed with a cotton pad soaked in water.

Use a menthol compress for plump lips

It is prepared as follows: mix a teaspoon of menthol oil and a pinch of cocoa powder. The mixture should be applied to the lips, cover with something and walk like this for 20 minutes, after which rinse off the product with water.

Most likely, you will feel a chill and a slight tingling sensation on your lips - do not be alarmed, because you are dealing with menthol. When you remove and wash off the compress, you will notice that your lips have actually become larger.

Lip augmentation with cosmetics

Let's move away from masks and miracle scrubs and move on to other home remedies that will help make your lips plump.

  • How to apply lipstick to make them appear plump? Surely you have a regular cosmetic pencil in your purse. With this very pencil you need to outline the contours, giving the lips the desired shape. The most important thing here is not to overdo it, because if you deviate too much from your natural line, you risk visually worsening their appearance and turning into something like a circus clown. You are only allowed to slightly violate the natural boundaries, but you need to use a pencil of a color that matches the tone of the lipstick you have chosen or is slightly darker than this color.

If you decide to use a pencil that contrasts noticeably with the color of your lipstick, be prepared to visually reduce the volume of your lips.

  • Take advantage of another simple technique, which is often used by makeup artists and even world stars. It will help make your lips look plump. Use a white cosmetic pencil: draw a line over it upper lip so that it follows your lip contour. Now blend the resulting line.

Lip exercises

  1. So, the first exercise for plumping lips. You need to stretch out your lips like you are planning to pronounce the letter “O”. Round your mouth as much as you can. Then fix your lips in this position for 5 seconds, after which you can relax them. This exercise is repeated 6 to 10 times.
  2. Now we pronounce the letter “U”, while tensing our muscles as much as possible. After this, relax and rest for five seconds, but no longer. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Stick your tongue out slightly and purse your lips. You should hold the same position for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the exercise again. It is recommended to repeat this exercise every morning, and better yet in the evening, but spend no more than 15 minutes on it, otherwise the corners of your lips may droop. Of course, drooping corners are not fatal, but there is nothing good here either.
  4. To conclude this kind of gymnastics to increase the volume of your lips, perform the last exercise. Try to make an infinity sign or the number eight with your lips.