Decorations for the leader's birthday. Best birthday greetings to your boss

Coming up with a scenario for congratulating a colleague is not easy, and even more so if it’s a boss! Suggested option - boss's anniversary script "Yes, long live our boss!" designed for the birthday boy with humor. You can organize such a holiday in an office or cafe and it is designed for a friendly team, in which the birthday person - the boss is respected and appreciated and is ready to please him in honor of his birthday and have fun together. This program mainly contains comic congratulations, but, if desired, you can also add lyrical congratulations, beautiful toasts and presentation of gifts.

Script for congratulating the boss on his anniversary

Leading: Our hero of the day always motivates the staff, he always knows to whom and what to offer - a poke or a slap on the head... He skillfully maintains the corporate spirit. At his enterprise, in his team, there is a humane atmosphere - democracy. He will not be offended if someone calls him “Mr. Director” or “Mister”!

Game "Help a friend"

Leading: To warm up the atmosphere and team spirit, I suggest a warm-up. We carry out my commands!
We put our right hand on the shoulder of the right neighbor and say: “Dear neighbor, watch over me so that I don’t miss a single glass and don’t drink without toast.”
We put our left hand on the shoulder of the neighbor on the left and say: “Dear neighbor, make sure that I don’t eat a lot of salty and fried foods today.”
Then we place our right hand on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and say: “Dear neighbor, make sure that I don’t miss a single fiery dance.”
Left hand - on the knee of the neighbor on the left: “Dear neighbor, make sure that I don’t fight with anyone and return home safe and sound.”

Toast chant "Yes, long live our boss!"

(After each wish of the presenter, everyone shouts in unison: “Long live our Boss!”.)

Leading: What to give to your boss?
Everyone has psychosis - It’s better to say the wishes are all random!
We wish together that toxicosis does not torment you...
So that the “damned” leap year comes less often...
So that more than one hair does not fall out of your head...
More positivity and money...
So that there are no splinters on life's path...
So as not to work too hard...
To find answers to any question...
To have a powerful, generous and loud voice...
And so that luck kisses you passionately every day...
You are our everything! Our eternal brain!

Leading: And now we will find out which of our colleagues will actually give you what.
The presenter takes turns approaching his colleagues with a question about a gift for the hero of the day, while the presenter’s assistant plays a pre-prepared “musical cut” from fragments of songs that contain some kind of gift or wish.

For example:
1. “I will name the planet after your name” performed by S. Rotaru
2. “I will give you half the world” performed by gr. "Nepara".
3. “Mani-mani” performed by L. Minnelli.
4. “I’ll buy you a house” performed by gr. "Lowering."
5. “Black Boomer” performed by Seryoga.
6. “I’ll take you to the tundra” performed by Kola Belda.
7. “Tell me, tell me what you need!” performed by gr. "Balagan Limited".
8. “I will kiss your hands” performed by N. Baskov.
9. “Everything for you: sunrises and fogs” performed by Stas Mikhailov.
10. “If you want, I’ll sing for you” performed by gr. "Roots."

Alphabet game "The secret becomes clear"

(It is necessary to work out questions about the personality, life and habits of the hero of the day in advance.
Guests must answer them quickly, but the answer must begin only with the letter that the host points to. Questions must be asked in order, from “A” to “Z.” There should be 33 questions.)

1.What does the hero of the day keep in his left pocket?
2.What can’t the hero of the day imagine his life without?
3. Favorite interjection of the hero of the day in the early morning?
4.What melody does the hero of the day whistle in his soul?
5.What is the boss’s salary?
6.Who is the boss’s favorite?
7.What does the boss think about on Friday?
8.The reason why the boss was late for work?
9.What is the boss happy to receive on his birthday?
10.Who do fellow subordinates compare the boss to?
11.Who is hiding in the boss’s wardrobe?
12.What is the boss looking at from the balcony through binoculars?
13.Who is hiding under the name “Elephant” in the boss’s mobile phone?
14.Who goes to visit the boss in the morning?
15.Chef's favorite drink?
16.What dance will the boss be happy to dance today?
17.What musical instrument does the boss play best?
18.Whose photo is on the boss’s desk?
19.What is the chef’s favorite vacation spot?
20.Who does the boss remember late at night?

Comic congratulation "Roll of Honor"

(To do this, photographs of employees are glued to a sheet of whatman paper; it is advisable to turn them with their images inward. A dart is given to the hero of the day. After each question from the presenter, the hero of the day throws a dart at the photographs.)

Leading: Today, on such a significant day, even fate has submitted to you, ... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day). Who are you going to increase their salary from next month? Who are you sending on a business trip to the Maldives? Who are you letting go on maternity leave in September? Whose name would a new street in our city be named after? Who can you figure out with for three? Who would you invite to a nude beach? Whose portrait is hanging in your bedroom? Whose name would you name a remedy for the blues?

Comic congratulation "Foreign guests with gifts"

Leading: Highly respected guests from different parts of the globe could not miss such a celebration...

(Guests may be different, depending on the capabilities and acting skills of colleagues: Gypsy Baron, Turkish Sultan, Barack Obama, Napoleon, Oligarch, Gorbachev, Nicolas Sarkozy, etc. It is advisable to make musical cuts and prepare props for guests.)

Leading: We came to congratulate the hero of the day, All our friendly countries, The rich and famous, Alone and with their retinue.

Guest from Ukraine

Leading: From a neighboring power, There's definitely a hunk of lard under your arm, The rich president of Ukraine has arrived! Respect to you!

(The President of Ukraine can wear an orange cap and hold an iron pipe in his hands - a symbol of gasification - and a bottle of vodka. He comes out to a song performed by Verka Serduchka.)

Guest from Ukraine: Howdy, hero of the day, handsome lad, handsome specimen! I won’t cook for a long time, I’ll hand over the vodka and lard and leave!

Ig ra "Guess the melody"

Leading:- “Guess the Melody” program.

(The names of popular songs or dances are written on the cards in advance; the task of the guests who pulled out the cards is to play the specified melody on the chosen musical instrument (ratchet, tambourine, pipe, xylophone, rattle).
Examples of cards: “Dance of the little ducklings”, “Hymn”, “Tired toys are sleeping”, “Gypsy girl”. The chef’s task is to guess and dance to the tune played.)

Guest from America

Leading: From distant America, gentlemen, Barack Obama flew straight here.

(The president is wearing a black stocking and a cowboy hat, and he is holding chips and Coca-Cola in his hands. Bodyguards follow him.)

Guest from America: I almost brought the Statue of Liberty here - But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move it, well! Welcome and respect, super hero of the day! You awakened a fiery fire in me! (Gives chips, Coca-Cola and holds a competition.)

Competition "For the Chef"

Two or three colleagues have balls stuffed under their clothes.

Leading(explains):“Everyone in America is obese, now you will become real Americans!”

Participants' task: within a certain time, make the word “chef” out of matches on the floor.


Leading: Our boss is famous, famous,
He should be glorified and rewarded.
As a keepsake for posterity, we name him
Let's leave it on the marble. That's lucky!

(Ceramic tiles are purchased in advance and a star is glued onto them. The surname, first name and patronymic of the hero of the day are written on the star. The tile is presented to the hero of the day to the accompaniment of solemn music.)

Guest - Gypsy Baron

Leading: Long road, dusty road,
The gypsy camp arrived for the banquet.
The Baron decided to congratulate the boss brightly, with a beautiful song.
And may he live many more years!

(Baron congratulates and holds a competition)

Competition "Understand me in an anniversary way"

Guests are called and two teams are formed. Teams take turns pulling out cards with quotes from songs and using facial expressions and gestures to show the song.
Task: the opposing team has to guess the song, and the hero of the day has to sing it.
Song options: “Once upon a time there was a black cat around the corner, and the whole house hated the cat...” “And I want, and I want to run across the rooftops again, chasing pigeons...” “Lips like a bow, eyebrows like a house, looks like a little one, sleepy gnome...” “Don’t rub salt in my wound, don’t talk sobbingly...” “My finances sing romances...” “I’ll go out into the field with a horse at night...” “Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother. ..” “And they carry me away and carry me away into the ringing snowy distance...”

Guest from Turkey

Leading: From hot Turkey, hospitable Ankara,
The Sultan came with gifts from the bottom of his heart
Brought a harem, just look
They are ready to kiss the feet of the hero of the day!
Just call them!

Turkish Sultan: I give you my dearest,
Real dried fruits
To have a healthy life
Like men.
Understood? Do you hear? I also give you a basket,
It contains great vitamins:
There are bananas, oranges,
May the man be healthy!
And I also give it as a gift.
Sweet gingerbread, which means
Your colleagues will be happy
And they don’t need a whip!
Now let the harem go.
He'll dance for you, little pepper!
Hot and very passionate
Oh, oh, oh, it's flammable!

Master class "On the boss's carpet"

(Colleagues and subordinates of the hero of the day are invited to the harem. Oriental music is turned on. The next scene of this is designed for a very friendly team with a sense of humor. The participants wear beads and scarves.)

Leading: Early in the morning, early in the morning.
There's no point in playing hide and seek with your bosses,
We boldly stepped onto the carpet,
Subordinates, as if selected.
We stood together in front of the boss.
Bowed before your nose,
Smile, step forward,
Handles boldly on the side.
And let's sing all the songs,
Rotate your hips.
They smiled, wider, wider.
It's like we won an apartment.
Ask the boss to speak,
Hands extended in supplication.
We ask together, we ask passionately,
We connect the legs. Cool!
The boss's gaze is frightening,
Everyone is already retreating.
And then back again. We smiled.
Is the boss not happy? He beckons you with his finger menacingly.
Oh, it's intoxicating, so intoxicating,
It makes you tremble like a leaf,
His gaze clouds you so much!
You all rushed forward, Smiling!
Here, here. So my hips began to tremble,
The body was instantly frozen with fear.
Hands again for prayer,
In front, near the chest.
And spinning around itself.
You promise at this hour.
Always be obedient
Shouting loudly: “Yes! Yes! Yes!". P
turning around to leave,
It's like you've gained wings,
And with happiness your butt
We write the boss’s name at once!

Fireworks in honor of the hero of the day

Leading: In honor of our dear one's anniversary,
So kind today, just golden,
We prepared fireworks at the end of the banquet,
I invite everyone to take part in the relay.

(Two teams are organized and selected: a box, matches, a cord (several people), cannons and fireworks. The matches run to the box, strike its side, run to their team, transfer the charge with a kiss, which must travel along the entire cord to the cannon , the cannon should shout: “Bang!”, and the whole team: “Hurray!”.)

Leading: Our evening is coming to an end, we are happy to once again congratulate our beloved boss on his anniversary, and at the end - a phrase that everyone gathered here knows - “The boss is always right!”


Don’t think that the boss is angry, flammable,
Insidious, aggressive and terrible!
The boss doesn't shout, there's no doubt about it
He expresses his opinion convincingly!
The boss is punctual and tactful.
Do you sometimes think that he is forgetful?
The boss doesn't forget anything!
He just doesn’t clog his head with excess.
The boss is wise, friendly and welcoming,
Always smiles at everyone and is happy to listen
And he doesn’t take bribes, and that’s a joy,
He only accepts signs of gratitude.
The boss is talkative and attentive,
Plus he's very cute and attractive.
Doesn't collect gossip, there's no zeal in it,
He only listens carefully to your opinion.
He has no equal in kindness and understanding,
In decency, skill and education,
And he doesn’t like sycophants and sneaks,
Well, he rewards loyal workers!
The boss does not tolerate deception and betrayal,
There is no selfishness, evil and any acquisitiveness in him,
I’m very happy about someone else’s victory and success,
The boss rarely lies, he is a diplomat!

The boss’s birthday is always an extraordinary event for the team; I would like to congratulate you in a special way, not like last time. And if the boss is a woman, then a special approach is needed.

You should try to make congratulations on your anniversary to your female boss especially elegant and refined. After all, on this day the birthday girl wants to feel the attention and love, warmth and care of those around her, not only as a worthy leader, but also as a beautiful lady.

In a birthday greeting to a female leader, it is better to highlight her human qualities. It is better to speak about the professional merits of the hero of the day informally, unofficially, so that the holiday remains a holiday and does not become like a trade union meeting.

Both in prose and in poetry

Usually, one of the colleagues is assigned to prepare and deliver a welcoming speech from the team on the boss’s birthday. In this case, as an option, you can offer congratulations to your female boss in prose. In this version of the speech, there is more scope to express real feelings and sincere well-wishes. Below are some text options you can use. Of course, you need to address them by first and last name.

If you take one of the texts we offer as a sample, then we can recommend that you add the following to the congratulations from your colleagues that you will prepare for the “newborn”:

  • Wishes, because you know your boss well, her dreams and aspirations, her life priorities.
  • A reminder of some important, significant events that occurred in the team over the past year, to note the role of the boss in them.

It’s better to deliver your heartfelt speech without memorizing it in advance, but improvising, expressing everything in your own words, taking the examples given here only as a basis. Then the congratulatory speech will turn out to be more “lively” and heartfelt, heartfelt, from the heart.

Although your superiors are the “weaker” sex, even if this is not the head of your department, but the director of a large enterprise, do not forget that on this significant day you are congratulating a woman. On the day of her celebration, she wants to hear the kindest, most affectionate words and even poems written in her honor.

Try to emphasize the merits of the birthday girl in both guises - both as a representative of the fairer sex and as a leader. You can select suitable strings from the examples given here.

It is quite appropriate to celebrate the birth of a young, energetic and cheerful boss with a congratulation, which will contain a certain amount of jokes, correct humor.

Undoubtedly, when choosing such a tone for a birthday speech, one must take into account the nature of the relationships within the team, how open and friendly they are or, on the contrary, exclusively official. In the second case, jokes and humor will not be entirely appropriate. You can find cool congratulations to the boss on this page.

For a respectable businesswoman

On a woman's birthday, it is not customary to talk about the age of the birthday girl. This is appropriate in congratulating the boss on her anniversary, when she celebrates a round or simply significant date, if, for example, she turns fifty years old. In this case, as a rule, these are not just holiday wishes.

Here it is appropriate to talk about the merits of the hero of the day as a person and as a boss, to remind her of what has already been achieved and great prospects. You can choose such a congratulation on the 50th anniversary to a female boss from those given here.

A significant date for a woman is her 55th birthday. This is the age of maturity, when values ​​are revalued, when a lot of life experience has already been accumulated, competence in business has been achieved, and a career has been made. At this age, a woman’s family values ​​come first, although she still has a lot of strength and aspirations.

Congratulations on the 55th anniversary of a female boss can be very different - funny and serious, in prose and in poetry. It all depends on who they are addressed to. We provide interesting examples of such texts here.

Congratulating your boss on her anniversary, no matter how old she is, it is always a little exciting and responsible. After all, no matter what NN anniversary you congratulate your boss on, you want everything said to her to be remembered, to please, to warm her soul. This is especially important when a woman is already at an advanced age, when it’s time to congratulate the boss, for example, on her birthday.

Whether in prose or poetry, it is important to show sensitivity, sincerity, tact and, perhaps, a little humor. We provide some examples of beautiful congratulations to the leader on her 65th anniversary here.

We hope that our selection helped you solve the problem of congratulating your boss on her birthday. On our website you can find congratulatory texts for other special events and holidays. Author: Larisa Zaporozhchenko, sources:,,,,,,

As women, we welcome you
Happy birthday.
Our director is super, great,
An object to worship!
Always smart, dressed up,
With a charming smile,
Accept a compliment from the ladies:
You are the most respectable.
Let your great potential,
Talent and entrepreneurship
Will help all your dreams come true,
Moreover, strictly.
We have many reasons
For female recognition:
You are a model for all men,
An example to follow!

We are all a friendly team,
With smiles and positivity,
We hasten to tell the boss,
Now, we will congratulate you.
Our boss, our chief, our guide,
In the world of business and money,
When you and I are not in danger,
We neither default nor get fired.
Under your strict guidance,
Our work is easy and simple,
We work without stress,
In an atmosphere of respect.
So let the company prosper,
Receives orders quickly,
Income is growing by leaps and bounds,
Lucky in transactions and affairs.
Let it reign in your personal life,
Only love flavor
So that to your wife it’s like heaven on earth,
We were driving home from work.
May your health remain
Muscle strength increases
Let your nerves be of steel,
And the ideas are golden.

What do you look at the time?
Let the clock go back!
Admit it to everyone:
You are not sixty at all -
Age is not a hindrance

If you are young at heart!
Congratulations on your new milestone -
Happy anniversary to you! Good luck!
Happiness! Great joy!

Dear you are our boss,
Fair and straight
We congratulate you on the holiday,
And we stand behind you as a wall!

Our dear leader,
We want to congratulate you.
You are both our friend and our teacher.
We thank you for that.

Although sometimes you are strict,
We don't hold any grudge against you.
You and I are not enemies,
We do not wash the bones.

Let your business prosper,
Its fruits make me happy,
The team loves you
His captain.

may your dreams come true,
Beginnings boldly continue,
New ideas find their way to you,
And let it take a moment to relax!

Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let every new day become a real miracle,
We wish you many more warm words,
Because we love, appreciate, respect you!

Congratulations to the beloved director,
The most unique
Bright and gallant,
One with talents!
We wish you happiness more often,
And at lunchtime the lunches are sweeter,
Let the mood be fighting,
Well, we will follow you!

And today is your birthday.
We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that worries, sorrows, worries
They never stopped you from living.
So that luck smiles on you,
And great happiness to your home
Came more often, otherwise
We will bring him to you by force!
So that dreams and desires come true,
The rest is no longer a question.
And of course, for you to be with us,
Our comrade, colleague and boss.

Let it happen again and again -
Music, song, wine and love.
After all, birthday is a holiday of miracles:
Was and disappeared.

Let's have a drink now, leaving work,
Let there be raindrops behind the glass.
The main thing is that we always know now:
We have you.

You are our boss, comrade and specialist,
A loving husband and an exemplary father.
We wish you rainbow days, and continue to do so
Rainbow years.

Let him visit you once every half hour
Happiness, love and warmth are miracles,
Let fortune roll
Let's streak!

You are the boss of all places!
Simply - top class!
Even though you are strict sometimes,
We all love you!

Our entire friendly team
Happy Birthday!
Let enthusiasm and positivity
They won't leave you. Inspiration!

Success, peace and goodness!
Good luck, good health!
So that trouble does not know you!
And so that the will is strong!

We all want to congratulate you on this day,
Raising a glass to you,
We would like to wish that not a single shadow
Didn't fall on your way.

Let there be one positive in your life
Greets you with every dawn.
You are the best boss, we are your team,
And we are grateful for that.

There is no one more important to us than you,
Our boss is fair!
Proud in profile and full face,
Wise, strong, not arrogant.
Multiply everything a hundred times
What we have already achieved with difficulty.
Let your eyes burn with joy,
Be close and loved!

Be in charge, lead by example
You can do it very well, boss.
But on your birthday there are no measures
We wish you priceless joys:
Beloved family and friends,
Good health and happiness.
So that every day you can easily give
Lots of real success!

As always, store it with care.
There are beautiful features in my soul,
As before, give generously to everyone.
Fire of spiritual warmth.

Please accept our congratulations,
Health, happiness and goodness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have it!

Look at the world with pleasure
And sadness and trouble will recede.
Success, luck and luck
May they always accompany you!

For us, the director is an example,
We respect her deeply
And we hug in the same way,
After all, today we are celebrating a holiday -

Wonderful, bright birthday
With a cheerful, bright mood.
The problems of the past are still there,
We give joy to the director,

To see the sparkles in the eyes;
And angels in heaven
Let them send you health, happiness,
Love, good luck overnight!

Thoughts come and go. But the head remains...

Here the talent of the cameraman and director did more than the congratulators :-) That's it! These talents fell fast asleep in me.
This is exactly what we do for each hero of the day, interspersing it all with songs-remakes. Songs-alterations were always on the conscience of the future birthday girl, I don’t know how. Just words are boring.
I started thinking about writing some kind of fairy tale or even filming a movie (I’ll get points for innovation)))), but there is less and less time for technical innovations. X-day is December 12th. And yes - you definitely need a film, nothing else will count)))), because there was such an agreement))) Well, I already explained.

In general, for the fifth year now, we have been congratulating our men with films on February 23rd. And what haven’t we done? And they composed a fairy tale, and filmed the morning mail, and selected cartoons for everyone (with alterations), and just like that. I don't know what else to come up with. Among the unrealized ideas is to remake “In the House That Jack Built”, we have been trying on it for several years now, but have not mastered it. I definitely didn’t get along alone.

The worst thing is that I don’t have a general concept or idea. As a rule, if there is a thread, the beads simply string themselves. I'm rushing on and on, you can't stop me.

My heroine's name is Lola. The girl is nimble, she flies like a draft through the observatory, she was just here, when you turn around, she’s gone. Her hobby is making repairs. She has thoroughly studied this issue, and is not too lazy to pick out the entire wall if she sees that she has not created an ideal vertical line. She is a terrible idealist when it comes to repair work. The renovation of her house has been going on for 5 years now and there is no end in sight. For one of my birthdays, I asked my husband to buy her a drill and a jigsaw, which he is proficient with. She assembles furniture and cuts out shelving herself. There is a sense of humor. Favorite cities: Sevastopol and St. Petersburg. Recently I finally went to graduate from higher education (I left the 4th year at Moscow State University due to the birth of a child, I didn’t want to continue), now I’m finishing my 4th year at some St. Petersburg university, and again thinking about quitting.))) So in our observatory, she is the most a junior student, moreover, even younger than the incoming master's students, which is also a reason for banter. Married, two children, a son (22 years old) and a daughter (8 years old). My daughter and I went to music school together to study saxophone. Together, because the whole family is involved in this matter. The whole family played the saxophone. Dad plays with his daughter, and mom criticizes everyone. Criticism is her second hobby. She says to herself that Belinsky died in it (he died and smells bad, because criticism of her is sometimes too unmerciful - my personal loving opinion))). Don’t feed me bread, let me organize something. Plays bridge, plays well. In general, she is a woman of keen intelligence, very well-read, and in her presence I constantly feel complex because of my ignorance, both in literature and in music. I am also literate with a minus sign, and Lolka has innate literacy, so she is my personal editor and proofreader.)) Also my external memory, because I am sclerotic, and Lola has a superpower to remind me of the right things at the right time. Tatar by nationality, Orthodox by religion (if necessary, she pretends to be this or that: she eats pork and does not observe fasts)))), was born in Uzbekistan. He loves Crimean cabernet and Masandra wines, black coffee and chocolate. A smoker with great experience, her husband fights an unequal battle with this habit and always loses. Doesn't accept sports.

I deeply apologize for the verbiage. I'm not even asking you to help me. I take this opportunity to look for inspiration. Usually, out of simple conversations, an idea suddenly hatches. It’s somehow never inspired to discuss one on one with oneself

Work is an integral part of our lives, and relationships with colleagues significantly affect the mood of each person. A quiet working day in a friendly team will allow you to relax in the evening and think only about your loved ones. The most difficult thing is to build the right relationship with the manager, because the peace of mind of each employee directly depends on him. It is especially difficult for the team if you need to congratulate the boss on his birthday. No one wants to take on such responsibility alone, so congratulations are usually prepared by everyone together. This whole process can be divided into several stages.


Birthday options must be discussed with all employees in advance. You shouldn’t wait until the last week before the holiday; this could lead to an ill-conceived scenario and ruin the mood of the hero of the occasion.

First you need to decide how large the congratulations should be. Some people believe that it is better not to congratulate a leader who does not draw the attention of his subordinates to his date of birth and avoids conversations on this topic. In most cases, this opinion is wrong, and general silence can be regarded as simple disrespect. It is better to organize congratulations in any case, the main thing is to decide whether it will be a solemn event with a cheerful scenario or a modest wish from the entire team with a symbolic gift.

Congratulations from a strict boss

The type of congratulation depends on the specific team, the relationships within it and the role of the boss in the life of the employees. If the manager visits his subordinates extremely rarely, mainly to reprimand the wrongdoers, then, most likely, there is no need to prepare a magnificent holiday. The boss may not come to the office at all on his birthday. In this case, a small one and a postcard to the boss would be appropriate. His deputy can congratulate the manager on his birthday and hand over souvenirs prepared by the team.

If the boss is the soul of the company

If the boss is the soul of the company, participates in the life of each employee, and helps in personal matters, then his subordinates can organize a fun holiday with a scenario suitable for the occasion. If a manager shares his concerns with his subordinates, then they will certainly know how he plans to celebrate the special date. After all, the preparation of the script largely depends on the location of the event. Happy birthday can be organized in the office, some entertainment venue or outdoors. This point, as a rule, is determined by the leader himself.

Distribution of roles

Whatever the scenario for congratulating the boss, you need to discuss questions about who is responsible for what. It’s better to think about the actual scenario together. If among the employees there is a person who knows the manager better than others, freedom for creativity can be given to him. At the same time, the team should not distance itself from what is happening, because together they can come up with a very original scenario. When distributing responsibilities, you should take into account the abilities of each individual employee. An employee who performs and interacts with a large number of people on a daily basis will be better able to write birthday wishes for his boss than a mechanic who works in the same department.

Writing a script

Regardless of where the celebration takes place, the boss’s birthday scenario includes the following points:

Holiday in the office

If you know that the team will be in the office to congratulate the boss on his birthday, it is better to rely on surprise. This event is usually held at the end of the day. Employees can, coming to work in the morning, modestly congratulate their manager, without giving away anything about the upcoming surprise. It is better to take festive clothes with you, because the chic outfits of the employees will immediately expose the impending action. Office decoration needs to be prepared in advance, so all that remains is to hang the balloons and ribbons. Specialized celebration catering companies, whose specialists can be invited for a certain time, will help you set the table. They will deliver all the agreed upon dishes and set the table. At the end of the working day, under some pretext, you need to take the manager away from the room where the holiday will be, and when he returns, everything should be ready.

Event in a cafe or restaurant

If the celebration is planned in a cafe or restaurant, it is better to invite a professional host. You can organize competitions yourself, but in an unfamiliar environment this is quite difficult to do. And the atmosphere of the restaurant requires a larger-scale congratulations than, for example, fun in an office building. The main thing is, in conditions of general fun and a clear program of the presenter, do not forget to say kind words to your boss on his birthday.

Congratulations in nature

There is nothing better than barbecue and songs around the fire on a warm summer evening! If your boss is of the same opinion, feel free to organize an outing into nature. True, it is better to discuss this option with the manager in advance, because the trip requires a certain amount of time that he could devote to loved ones. After all, a birthday is a family holiday; there is no need to put the boss in front of an uncomfortable choice, which, most likely, will not be in favor of the team.

When celebrating your boss's birthday outdoors, you can arrange a team competition. If the action takes place at a camp site where there is another group of vacationers, you can invite them to participate in the entertainment. Such competitions will not only lift everyone’s spirits, but will also help the team unite in the fight against a common enemy.