The child depends a lot. Correspondent: The Education of Einstein

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is preserving the health of children in the process of education and training. A healthy lifestyle begins to develop already in kindergarten. Close cooperation between kindergarten and family and, namely, the unification of common goals, interests and activities is necessary in terms of the development of harmonious and healthy child. It is the family that largely determines the attitude of children towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to actively involve parents in the physical education of their children. And systematic, comprehensive pedagogical education of parents within the framework of close cooperation between kindergarten and family should become a good tradition.



“The health and happiness of our children

depends a lot on the production

physical education in kindergarten and at home.”

N.M. Amosov.

Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is preserving the health of children in the process of education and training. A healthy lifestyle begins to develop already in kindergarten. Close cooperation between kindergarten and family and, namely, the unification of common goals, interests and activities is necessary in terms of the development of a harmonious and healthy child. It is the family that largely determines children’s attitude towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to actively involve parents in the physical education of their children. And systematic, comprehensive pedagogical education of parents within the framework of close cooperation between kindergarten and family should become a good tradition.

The following tasks are highlighted physical education child, I will read to you, and you read how they should be implemented in the family and kindergarten. (slide 2)

1. Provide conditions for the child’s comfortable adaptation to kindergarten.

2. Develop an individual health development program.

3.Create conditions for physical and psychological comfort in a preschool organization.

4. Cultivate the habit of cleanliness and develop hygienic skills.

5. Prevent visual impairment.

6. To prevent poor posture and flat feet.

7. Support the need for spontaneous motor activity, create conditions for “Muscular joy”.

The joint work of the kindergarten with the family should be based on certain principles that determine its content, organization and methodology. (Pay attention to slide 3)

Unity of goals and tasks of raising a healthy child in kindergarten and family;

Individual approach to each child and family;

Systematic and consistent work throughout the entire period of the child’s stay in kindergarten;

Mutual trust and mutual assistance between teachers and parents.

Introduction of new forms and methods of working with children.

Only through close interaction with parents can the child’s full physical development be ensured, his health maintained and strengthened, and the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle developed.

Interaction with parents on the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of children is carried out in the following areas. (slide 4)

1. Educational.What can we include here?

Visual campaigning (stands, reminders, moving folders), interviews, questionnaires, tests, conversations, meetings with specialists, information sheets about hardening and improving the child’s health at home, individual consultations, round tables, discussions, introducing parents to the latest literature, placement information on the preschool educational institution website.

2. Cultural and leisuredirection includes: open days, joint holidays and entertainment, organization of question and answer evenings.

3. Psychophysical. Physical education, entertainment with the participation of parents, sports competitions, open events for physical education and health work with frequently ill children, trainings, seminars and workshops.

Now let's see if you know proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle. (Slide 5,6,7,8)

It is possible to form and maintain parents’ interest in children’s health, positive motivation for physical education, hardening procedures, adherence to daily routines and proper nutrition through innovative forms of work.

Morning exercises with the family (slide 9).

It is useful to start the day with exercise. And if your beloved mom and dad are nearby, then it’s also a holiday, a lot positive emotions! This form of work not only helps physical development child and strengthening his health, but also establishing trusting, good relationships between parents and children

Production of non-standard aids for the physical education corner. (slide 10)

Allows parents, together with their children, to make attributes for a physical education corner (health track, dry rain, massage slippers, attributes for the “Hit the Target” exercise, massage gloves, tunnel, etc.

Corner " Physical culture"(slide 11)

Information booklets.(slide 12)

In which information is provided for parents about the content of physical education and recreational work in preschool educational institutions, in particular during the day. Informs: - what basic movements children learned, outdoor games, recreational exercises, finger gymnastics, exercises for the eyes and legs, breathing exercises.

Master class. Non-standard physical education equipment for preschoolers at home. (slide 13)

Target: teaching children to throw far away at home, develop manual dexterity, and develop an interest in sports.

"The ABCs of a healthy lifestyle."

Another innovative form of working with parents was the computer video library “ABC of a Healthy Lifestyle.”

The purpose of which is to use informal ways of interaction with parents, involving them in the life of the children's community.

Hardening. (slide 14)

Tasty and healthy. Useful properties honey (slide 15)

Didactic games. Fiction. (slide 16)

Also, to attract attention to your health, you can play didactic games. Reading for teachers methodological literature about a healthy lifestyle.

Parent meetings. (slide 17)

During academic year non-traditional parent meetings with parents, where lectures for parents are easily combined with joint play activities between an adult and a child, which contribute to the acquisition of partnership experience.

Working with the adaptation group “Play, baby!” (slide 18)

Main Feature adaptation group consists in the fact that the child does not experience separation from his mother and spends several hours a day doing things that are attractive to him, first with his mother, and then independently in a group of peers. Joint activities for mothers and babies allow you to spend quality time.

One of the innovative forms of work for kindergartens and families is interviewing. (slide 19)

Master class on physical development, “Gymnastics for two.” (slide 20)

All exercises are simple, accessible to parents and children. “Stretchers”, “Pumps”, “Monkeys”, “Fish”, “Bridge”, “Friendly legs”. In the final part of the exercise for the prevention of flat feet; walking along the paths.

Implementation of tasks in the family

Implementation of tasks in the family

1. Serve as an emotional support for the child. Provide teachers with assistance in establishing a normal life for the child in kindergarten. Give him the opportunity to gradually get used to new conditions. Answer all the teachers’ questions about the child as thoroughly and accurately as possible. Think about what favorite things, toys, books the baby will take with him to the kindergarten group.

Find out as much as possible about the child’s characteristics in advance. Provide him with emotional support. Promote gradual adaptation to kindergarten

2. Provide complete information about the child’s health status.

Coordinate the work of medical and psychological services of the preschool organization with teachers.

3. Follow the sleep and nutrition schedule at home and the diet adopted in kindergarten.

Maintain a rational sleep pattern, nutrition, and diet. Develop rituals for holding special moments.

4. At home, maintain the habits developed in kindergarten. Praise the child for showing independence and performing hygiene procedures correctly.

Teach children to wash themselves, wash their feet before bed in the summer, monitor the condition of their hands, wash their hands after a walk, use the toilet and toilet paper, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after eating, properly use personal items - comb, towel, handkerchief.

5. Create conditions for proper lighting in those places where the child draws and looks through books. To teach a preschooler to control his posture at the table.

Include eye relaxation exercises in your gymnastics routine after waking up.

Carry out diagnostics of the condition of the feet and posture of children. Enter physical therapy according to indications. Provide parents with sets of exercises for their child. Watch children's shoes and posture at the table.

7. Maintain a walking routine. Allow your child to move freely during walks. Introduce a family tradition of playing sports, introduce the child to skiing, skating, sports games, swimming.

Create conditions for spontaneous physical activity in groups and on the territory of the kindergarten. Carry out physical education classes, five-minute motor exercises after intense intellectual stress during the day.

Non-standard aids for a physical education corner



Target: distance throwing training
- develop the eye,
- develop manual dexterity,
- develop coordination of movements,
- to form a positive attitude towards participation in direct educational activities;
- develop interest in sports.

Target: stimulate development in childrenphysical qualities.

Tasks: Muscle development shoulder girdle, development of agility, strength, endurance.


Target: stimulating and improving the development of motor abilities and physical qualities in children through the use of non-standard equipment.

"Corrective tracks"

Target: foot massage and arch strengthening


Develop a sense of balance;

Help prevent flat feet;

Practice walking with the correct turn of the foot;

Formation of posture.

"Roll the ball"

Target: develop breathing, lung capacity.

Learn to direct the air stream, regulate the force of exhalation;

"Massage slippers"

Target: improve blood flow in tissues,

promote muscle relaxation.


Target : develop in children the ability to coordinate their movements, develop fine motor skills hands, cultivate self-control.

"Massage mittens"

Target: improve blood flow in tissues, promote muscle relaxation.

"Multi-colored stumps"

Target: Develop stability during movements and in a static position, coordination of movements.

"Dry Rain"

Target: regulation of the child’s emotional states.


Target : develops coordination of movements, dexterity, courage, the ability to climb on all fours, leaning on the palms and knees in a confined space and navigate in it.

Family leisure is one of the main indicators of family well-being. From an early age we are instilled with the idea that family is a social institution, and every person should have one. Each family has its own holidays, dreams, traditions, aspirations, spiritual and material values. That is, these are the criteria that help the family feel that they are one inseparable team. The more time you spend with your family, the better you understand each other. Active and educational time with your family should be planned in advance.

Many people make a list of those activities that they associate with the concept of family leisure. Often such events include family picnics, family hikes, as well as excursions, exhibitions, themed lectures and dinners, board games, visiting theaters, etc.

A visit to the theater will not leave either children or adults indifferent. If, after all, your family approves of visiting cinemas, then it is best to choose to watch family comedies or a funny cartoon. Also good option for children's entertainment there is a circus, a dolphinarium, a water park, an amusement park or a hippodrome. Family is our fortress, where they will always understand us and help us in difficult moment. The main, and perhaps the main, criterion in organizing family leisure is that no one in the family gets bored. All family members should feel comfortable and cozy.

The health of a child largely depends on its embryonic development and the health of the mother. Today, research institutes are conducting research to determine the causes of the birth of children with physical defects and mental disorders. Scientists have found that even minor exposure to ionizing radiation by a pregnant woman can cause defects in a newborn baby. Also on intrauterine development And child health are influenced by viruses, microorganisms, and poor nutrition of the mother. During pregnancy, you should not self-medicate, take antibiotics, or anticoagulants. WHO statistics over the past four years indicate that eight thousand cases side effects medications are associated with genetic factors. Therefore, before using drugs, it is necessary to study in detail the mechanism of their action. In addition to birth defects, which are caused by the action of exogenous factors on the embryo, there are many more genetic diseases.

A child's intelligence largely depends on diet in early childhood, scientists have found. To caring parents It’s worth protecting your baby from sweets, chips and soda, giving preference to vegetables, fruits and milk, writes Alexey Bondarev in issue 36 of the magazine Correspondent dated September 14, 2012.

Sergei Medvedev, a former resident of Kiev and now a resident of New York, believes that the excessive concern of modern Americans with the problem of proper nutrition often goes beyond boundaries common sense. Everyone is into dieting, he says, from skinny Korean immigrants to plump Mexican supermarket cashiers. And in most cases without much effect.

“Healthy food in America is significantly more expensive than all kinds of snacks and fast food,” explains Medvedev. “Hamburgers, pizza, French fries and chips will hit your pocket significantly less than a normal lunch with soup, decently cooked lean meat, vegetable salad, and fruit dessert.”

According to Medvedev, he, like most people in the United States, had never thought before that all this talk about proper nutrition directly concern not only adults, most of whom are already sporting extra pounds, but also children. And very small ones. And the worst thing, he notes, is that in the case of small children we're talking about not just about excess weight.

Hamburgers, pizza, French fries and chips will hit your pocket significantly less than a normal lunch with soup, decently cooked lean meat, vegetable salad, fruit dessert

In the last few months, the American media has been actively discussing the results of studies according to which the nutrition of children in the first year or two after birth significantly affects their mental development. In particular, this influence is confirmed by IQ tests conducted at the age of eight or nine years.

Medvedev says he might never have known about this because he usually skims the science and health page of his favorite newspaper to quickly get to the sports section.

He was introduced to the latest advances in nutrition by his schoolteacher when he discussed his daughters' progress with her and was surprised at the difference in IQ test results between the eldest and the youngest.

The teacher suggested that he eldest daughter, who had slightly higher scores, ate more fruit and fewer chips in infancy. And she suggested that the puzzled father read an article in the local newspaper, which described a study explaining the relationship between intellectual development child and consumption of so-called junk food in early childhood.

This term means everything that, in principle, is not worth eating, but everyone eats because it makes life easier, Medvedev explains. Chips and French fries, frozen pizza, ready-made sandwiches, street hamburgers, chocolate bars, supposedly diet soda drinks - this is not a complete list of products that have become the basis of the modern diet.

“And, sadly, we often feed our little children these “magical” delicacies,” Medvedev complains.

The nutrition of children in the first year or two after birth significantly affects their mental development

It turns out that the cost of such a mistake can be much higher than the spoiled figure of a child. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by a group of Australian scientists from the University of Adelaide. They found that children who ate a healthy diet from early early age, already by the age of eight or nine years have on average higher IQ scores than their peers who eat junk. Australian scientists took a fairly simple formula as the basis for their research. They monitored more than 7,000 children, recording their eating patterns at six months, one and a half, two years, and then their IQ levels at eight years.

According to Professor Lisa Smithers, who led the experiment, the nutrition of the children observed by scientists can be divided into several groups - breast-feeding, traditional and modern kitchen, ready-made food for children and junk food. Most parents combine two or more food groups for their child in one way or another.

Scientists have long known that the food we eat can influence brain function. “The diet determines how much the body receives nutrients, necessary for the development of brain tissue in the first two years of a child’s life, says Smithers. “And the purpose of our study was to determine what effect this has on the IQ of children.”

It seems obvious that healthy food should stimulate brain development, and unhealthy food should lead to the opposite effect, but the results obtained surprised even scientists.

“We found that children who were breastfed first and then fed a healthy diet of foods such as cheeses, legumes, fruits and vegetables before the age of two had an average IQ score two points higher by the age of eight. than the average for that age,” says Smithers.

Children who eat a healthy diet from a very young age have, on average, higher IQ scores than their junk-eating peers by age eight or nine.

At the same time, the specialist notes, children who at the age of one or two received biscuits, chocolate, sweet drinks, chips, French fries, etc., by the age of eight, most of them had IQ scores two points below the average for this age.

Scientists' conclusions regarding ready-made baby food were not so clear-cut. “We found that these foods have a negative effect on children if they are consumed around six months of age,” explains Smithers. “At the same time, the same products at the age of one and a half years no longer have such a negative effect.”

At first glance, a difference of a couple of points on IQ tests does not seem critical, Smithers says, but the findings are quite telling. She interprets the research results quite unambiguously. Of course, a child's intellectual abilities are determined by his genetic heritage. However, the period up to two years, when he is gradually weaned from the bottle and mother's breast and gets used to eating at a common table, also plays a significant role in the formation mental abilities, so parents must provide for the child proper diet, Smithers concludes.

A smart alternative

Smithers and her colleagues are not nutritionists and do not presume to name the ideal diet for raising little Einsteins. But the materials of their work allow us to determine key points, which should not be forgotten when creating a diet for a child under two years of age.

According to American physician Fred Larson, this is the first large-scale work that has provided actual evidence of the previously speculative connection between a child’s nutrition and his intellectual growth. This makes it possible to “cement” some key concepts about the correct baby food, states the doctor.

Little Einstein's diet has yet to be worked out in detail, but some postulates are already obvious.

Children eat many times a day, and at least five meals should include fresh vegetables and fruits

Children eat many times a day, and at least five meals should include fresh vegetables and fruits. This way the child will receive the necessary carbohydrates. The source of protein should be lean meat, eggs and nuts, which the child will eat daily during at least one of the meals.

Baby food should not be fried. It is preferable to steam or boil it. Instead of store-bought juices and carbonated drinks with high sugar content, you should give your baby plain water or milk.

And most importantly, Smithers notes, include as little junk food in your child's diet as possible. The last recommendation is one of the most difficult to implement. Fast food and snacks are popular not only because of their availability and cheapness, but also because their taste is addictive.

Scientists believe that parents can resort to some techniques to protect their child from the influence of junk food.

For example, it is better to start sitting your child down as early as possible. common table so that he can see what his parents eat and eat with them. In this case, you should, as far as possible, avoid putting pressure on the child.

“When you force your baby to eat something, even a very healthy one, you are simultaneously instilling in him a dislike for that food,” Larson says. “After this he will love chocolate and hot dogs even more.”

Instead of store-bought juices and carbonated drinks with high sugar content, you should give your baby plain water or milk.

It is very important that parents themselves eat healthy food, the doctor states. “It's hard to get a child to eat vegetables with lean chops and still water, while parents eat fatty steak and chips and drink soda,” Larson explains.

Psychologist Ian Steele also advises observing a certain frequency in feeding the child, and between meals not giving him anything other than water. Thus, the baby has time to get hungry, and it is easier to persuade him to eat healthier, but less impressive food.

But in life there are often situations when it is not possible to sit down at the table and eat a two- or three-course meal. In such cases (on walks, on trips) you cannot do without snacks. And here parents need to be especially careful.

You can introduce such harmful foods into the general diet, but only in combination with healthy ones, so as not to expose the child to temptation.

Instead of forcing healthy foods on your child (which often leads to him refusing to eat them), it is better to give him a choice of several dishes, each of which will be healthy.

A very effective method, according to psychologists, is the creation of artificial diversity. Instead of forcing healthy foods on your child (which often leads to him refusing to eat them), it is better to give him a choice of several dishes, each of which will be healthy. This way, he will be able to decide for himself what to eat and will not feel pressured, and therefore resist.

Alternative to traditional harmful products, according to scientists, it is not difficult to find. Instead of store-bought juices, which children love so much and which are stuffed with sugar and various chemical additives, it is better to prepare fruit juice yourself.

Instead of donuts and sweets, you can buy whole wheat crackers and spread them with peanut butter. Most sweets can be successfully replaced with fresh or dried fruit. Natural low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit can be an excellent substitute for unhealthy snacks.

“The problem of healthy eating for a child has little to do with the psychology and preferences of the child himself,” states Steele. - After all, all this is still just being formed at the age of two or three years. The main problem is precisely the psychology of parents and their reluctance to complicate their lives by figuring out how to feed their baby healthy food.”

What can parents do to better development your child?

Much depends on the parents.

Dear readers! The world around a child largely depends on his parents, and they can stimulate the development of their baby.

And here’s the most interesting and paradoxical thing. In order to create ideal environmental conditions for your baby and help him grow and develop, you do not need to go out of your way and make any extra efforts.

One of the biggest secrets of raising children is to spend time with your child - fun and as much as possible. This is the best and most optimal way to help your baby grow emotionally and physically.

Many parents think that for the proper development of a child, it is imperative to purchase special games and toys, which often cost a lot of money. Yes, toys are, of course, necessary, but parents must remember that it is more important to engage with the child every day and give him enough time and attention.

Of course, it’s easier to buy your child this or that toy, or better yet, a lot of toys. Place the child alone with them, and go about your own business. Many parents use cartoons for this. But such games and viewings will not particularly stimulate the child’s development. Parents should show the child how to play with this or that toy, and play at least for a while together. And you need to watch cartoons with your child, discussing everything you see.

What else can parents use to help their child develop correctly and comprehensively?

  • The most important thing is love and attention. Give your baby plenty of them. Regardless of the child's age, talk to him, hug him, and listen carefully to what he tells you. These are the most important actions that can show the baby his significance and importance.
  • Communicate with your child, talk, sing, play, eat together, read.
  • Read to your child as much as possible. According to studies, children to whom their parents often read books have a more extensive vocabulary than children to whom they were not read. Through reading, a child learns more about the world in which he lives.
  • Familiarize yourself with some rules of behavior for children, basic educational principles, and teach your child how to behave correctly.
  • Having a child behave well and offering the child a reward for it will do wonders.
  • Find pleasure in everyday, ordinary activities that you can do with your child. This way you will study together with your child and pay attention to him while shopping or hanging laundry, and thereby contribute to the development of the baby.

For example, your child can hand you laundry and count how many things are hung, or you can leave him on the sofa watching cartoons while you are busy with chores. In what case do you think the child’s development will move forward faster?

  • Take your child into the kitchen and cook food with him. Cooking and eating together with your baby not only strengthens the relationship, but also teaches the child to take care of their loved ones. By enjoying cooking and dining together, a family can teach a child family traditions and correct healthy eating, which the child will adhere to throughout his life.

By the way, another reason for delayed development of children is insufficient and unbalanced nutrition. This mainly applies to children living in poor countries.

Dear parents, site readers! Take care of your children from birth, give them enough attention, give them love, care and affection! And believe me, your child’s life path will become brighter and more joyful!

Elena Medvedeva.

Parents often make mistakes in their attitude to the “bad” behavior of their children - some completely ignore aggressive behavior, believing that with age “it will go away on its own,” while others, on the contrary, use unjustifiably harsh punishments. How to respond to aggression? What to do if your “ideal” baby suddenly begins to hit the cat, offend other children, bite and disobey?

As the child grows up, the reasons for it also change. aggressive behavior. Therefore, parents need to consider age characteristics their children and, in accordance with them, react to certain manifestations of aggression. However, there are some general provisions that apply to all age groups. So, how can you properly respond to your child’s aggressive attacks in order to help him cope with negative emotions?

First of all, control your behavior. Avoid conflicts, rude shouting, and especially do not use physical force under any circumstances. If you yourself scream, break dishes, kick the cat and spank your child, then be prepared for the child to behave the same way towards you, peers, pets, etc.

The system of requirements for the child must be understandable, clear, and consistent. It is incorrect to evaluate the same action depending on your mood (for example, yesterday you severely punished a child for hitting a dog, but today you did not pay attention to it). The internal stability of the baby and the formation of his picture of the world depend on the sequence of your requirements.

The word “impossible” should be used in exceptional cases when the child’s behavior threatens his life and health (for example, he touches the wires, reaches for a hot frying pan, climbs onto the windowsill, takes a knife, etc.). In this case, you should be firm and quick to react. Say “No!” loudly and clearly. or “You can’t!” and stop the baby. If necessary, hold his hand or pick him up and hold him tightly to you. Only in this case will the child learn this word and react to it, even if expressing dissatisfaction. If prohibitions are heard every minute for any reason or without, then the baby, on the one hand, stops “hearing” them, and on the other, he is constantly irritated and angry with you, since you constantly interfere with the achievement of his goals.

Never respond to your child’s aggressive attacks in kind.(if he bites or hits you, and you repeat his action to show how unpleasant it is for you, in fact, you will tacitly confirm that it is possible to do this and will only reinforce this behavior in him). If he offended you, move away from him, deprive him of communication for a while (but not for long). If he hits the kid on the playground, take him home. In this way, the child will learn that he is deprived of interesting activities and communication if he fights, bites, etc. and will gradually give up such manifestations of aggression.

Punishment for an aggressive act must follow immediately. At the same time, you should not give lectures or moralizing (the child simply will not hear or perceive them). It is also wrong to deprive a child of your attention, communication or games for a long time, especially since you should not delay punishment (for example, during a walk there was a fight due to the child’s fault, and you scolded him at home 3 hours later), since children very quickly forget what caused it. everything happened, and they perceive the punishment as injustice.

Provide your child with opportunities for intense physical activity.: let him run, jump, sing loudly, clap his hands, beat the drum, etc. It is known, for example, that running, team and competitive games contribute to the greatest release of aggression.

Encourage your child's cognitive activity- restrictions on independence and initiative provoke aggressive reactions in the child.

Leave your child enough time for games, walks, and communication. Heavy workload (circles, sections, all kinds of activities) leads to overstrain of the nervous system and serves as the basis for protest aggressive behavior.

Warn in advance situations that can make you and your loved ones angry and angry. If you know that your husband values ​​​​his new radio equipment, you should not let your child play with the remote control and headphones. Place limiters on all drawers and doors if the “mountain” of all kinds of things and objects in the middle of the room causes you horror and indignation, etc.

If you are irritated and easily upset, you should not start joint games with the baby. Give yourself time to calm down a little and come to your senses. Do not pick up a child in this state - children easily become infected emotional state their parents.

If you are tired, sad, upset, share your condition with your child. Tell him: “I need to calm down a little,” “I’m very tired at work, I’ll come to my senses soon and we’ll play.” If you are silently worried and nervous, the child may think that you are angry with him (children tend to take a lot of things personally). If you feel that you are angry and upset, give yourself time to recover, do something that gives you pleasure - drink tea, take a warm bath, listen to your favorite music, etc. Remember that the condition of your child largely depends on your condition .

Try to prevent situations in advance in which a child may show aggression. For example, if you know that after your long absence during the day, your baby greets you with fists, screams and whims, prepare him in advance for your departure. To help your child cope with fears and anxiety associated with separation and your absence, warn him that you will be leaving soon, tell him where and why, what you will do there and when you will return. This will calm the baby. If you have to go to the doctor, kindergarten, prepare your child for these events: tell him about what will happen there, play with him “doctor” (let him “treat” you, “give an injection”, “check your teeth”) or “educator” (“feed” everyone bears and dolls for lunch, put them to bed, read a book to them, “play” with them), etc.
Thus, it is always important to remember that the behavior and emotional well-being of a child largely depends on the internal state of the parents, their reaction to his actions, the system of demands and punishments, consistency and stability in the approach to education. Think about this every time your baby behaves aggressively!

Text: our partner, information portal for current and future mothers