The structure of labor activity. The structure of labor activity Stages of planning the labor process of preschoolers

Labor activity(t-d) is a broad concept that generalizes different types of labor, consisting of different labor processes. labor process- a kind of unit t-d, in the structure of which all components of t-d-i are clearly represented: the purpose of labor, material and labor equipment; a set of human labor actions to transform materials with the help of tools; the achieved result of labor that satisfies the needs of a person as the realization of a goal; labor motives. To master t-activity is, first of all, to master the labor process, its components in unity, connections. Goal setting. A prerequisite for the emergence of this element is purposeful actions that appear in the objective activity of the child at an early age. dosh. age, the child begins to associate his actions with the result, which contributes to the emergence of purposeful effective actions. But the target setting in labor is unstable at first. Its development proceeds from the acceptance of the goal of labor proposed by adults to the independent setting of the goal; from close goals (for example, watering plants) to remote ones in time (for example, growing flowers, etc.), the conditions for the emergence and development of a goal in labor are its accessibility to the understanding of the child (why this should be done, what result to get), visual presentation of the expected result in the form of a drawing, design, closeness of the result in time, feasibility of achieving it.For a more distant goal, it is necessary to highlight intermediate ones: plant seeds, water so that shoots appear, then buds, etc.

The ability to accept, and then independently set the goal of work, develops better if the child receives a result that is significant for him or for loved ones, which can be used in the game or to satisfy other needs, Result- main component t-d . The social orientation of the result of labor, which is already realized by cf. dosh. age, allows you to form an understanding of the need for work for others, cultivates respect for the result of labor and the working person. The isolation of the result of labor occurs in children at the age of 3, subject to the teaching influence of an adult. Mastering labor skills and abilities- one of the very significant components of the labor process and factors in the formation of the labor activity of a preschooler. No matter how interested the child is in the goal of labor, no matter how attracted to the result of labor, but if he does not master labor actions, then he will never achieve a result. Mastering labor skills and abilities makes the labor process accessible, feasible and joyful. At the same time, the level of mastery of labor skills and abilities by children affects the formation of such a personal quality as independence, and in an effort to help younger, peers. Any labor process includes a series of sequential labor actions, the use of a variety of materials, tools in a certain sequence. Its consistent implementation requires the ability to plan t-activities. Skills plan the work process(to determine the goal, in accordance with it, select material, select and organize equipment, determine the order of labor actions, etc.) depends on how clear and differentiated children's knowledge is about the structure of a particular labor process and its organization by adults. At the beginning, the planning of the t-d is carried out entirely by the educator: he explains the goal, selects the tools, arranges, shows or recalls the sequence of t-actions. As they master t-d and the labor process as a whole, the children themselves move on to elementary planning. It goes through a series of stages. At first, children, having found out the purpose of work, immediately strive to fulfill it, without planning anything, therefore their activity is chaotic. The task of the educator is to organize the planning of activities in accordance with the purpose of the work, and if the work is collective, to agree on interaction. Then the ability to independently plan and organize work is formed: before starting work, the child selects the tools, prepares the workplace and decides what and in what sequence he will do. The most difficult is the planning by children (6-7 years old) of collective work: the distribution of labor activities or responsibilities in a subgroup.

Participation in work, achievement of the result and its use change the attitude of children to work , labor motives, what the child works for. The productivity of work is already in the children of doshas. age depends on what motives formulated by adults direct their activities. Social motives of labor as the most valuable ones arise already in the doshas. age. For ml. dosh. characteristic is the interest in the external side of the activity: to labor actions, to the tools of labor, then to the result. Children already ml. and avg. dosh. of age, starting to be guided by social motives, they try to express them in speech, explaining their labor motives by the desire to do what is necessary for others: “wash the cups so that it is pleasant for children to drink from clean cups and not get sick.” But for children of this age, a strong incentive to work is also the attitude of an adult to certain actions. Elders increasingly explain their motivation to work as a desire to do something useful for others. Thus, the mastery of so-called processes, their components in unity is the beginning of the formation of the labor activity of children. T. processes gradually develop into types of labor.

In our time, a generalized image of a person who meets the requirements of the twenty-first century has already emerged in the public mind. This is a physically healthy, educated creative person, capable of purposeful social work, building one's own life, sphere of habitation and communication, in accordance with fundamental moral principles. Therefore, the problem of educating independence in kindergarten at the present stage of society's life is of particular relevance and significance.

The first manifestations of independence in children's activities are seen as early as preschool age. Every healthy child strives, within the limits of his still small possibilities, for some independence from adults in everyday practical life. The foundation of independence is laid at the border of early and preschool age, further development of independence as a personal quality during preschool childhood is associated with the development of the main activities: games, domestic work, design, artistic and educational activities. Each type of children's activity has a peculiar effect on the development of activity and initiative, the search for adequate ways of self-expression in activities, the development of methods of self-control, the development of the volitional aspect of independence, etc.

In the practice of preschool education, a special place is given to the problem of independence of a preschooler in everyday work. Independence is brought up when children fulfill the duties of serving themselves and loved ones; the level of independence is associated with the development of the social experience of labor activity, the possibility for the child to manifest a subjective position in labor. The independence of children unfolds from independence of a reproductive nature to independence with elements of creativity, with a steady increase in the role of children's consciousness, self-control and self-esteem in the implementation of activities.

1. Features of labor activity in preschool age.

The main task of the labor education of preschool children is the formation of the correct attitude towards work. It can be successfully solved only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics of this activity in comparison with the game, classes, on the basis of taking into account the age characteristics of the child.

Forming industriousness in children, it is necessary to teach them to set goals, find ways to achieve it, and get a result that matches the goal.

The goal for the child is first set by the teacher. In the upbringing of children of younger preschool age, the teacher usually encounters procedural actions characteristic of this age, in some cases they can also take place in children 4-5 years old.

The desire of the child to do something on his own is an important factor in the development of his personality.

The goal set for the child by the teacher should be calculated on the possibility of its implementation. Therefore, when forming the purposeful activity of children, it is necessary to avoid work beyond their strength.

In the work of young children, there must be a place for more distant goals. We should not follow the path of involving only those children who already know how to work, it is necessary to involve in work those children who still do not know how to work, they must be taught what they do not yet know how to do.

In the formation of purposeful activity in the development of the ability and desire to work, motives, causing the labor activity of children, their desire to achieve a high result of work.

In the labor activity of the child, his own creative activity is of great importance: thinking about the upcoming activity, selecting the necessary materials, tools, overcoming known difficulties in achieving the intended result.

Preliminary planning of work is most often carried out by the teacher. It should be borne in mind that it should not take more time than the labor process itself.

Elementary planning can also be performed by children 5-7 years old. The ability to plan work is most successfully formed in the labor process. In the classroom, the plan is most often proposed by the teacher, since here the main task is to teach the child what he still does not know how to do.

In order to teach a child to plan his activities, you need to give him an example. It is important to exercise the child in preliminary reflection on their activities. Children are asked questions: “Think about how you will do it, where will you start? What instrument will you use first? How much material do you need?

Children should be placed in the conditions of the need to pre-think about the process of activity.

Summing up the results at the end of the work has a certain impact on children. “Look, children, how we washed toys cleanly, worked all together, together, quickly did everything,” says the teacher.

The ability to correctly evaluate the result of labor, to compare their achievements with the achievements of others, develops in children in the course of accumulating experience in comparing and analyzing the results of activities.

When raising children's interest in work, it is very important to remember that high-quality results should be achieved from children gradually, in accordance with their strengths and skills.

2. Forms of organization of work of children.

The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms: in the form of assignments, duties, and collective labor activity.

Orders- these are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual capabilities, experience, and educational tasks.

Orders can be short-term or long-term, individual or general, simple (containing one simple specific action) or more complex, including a whole chain of sequential actions.

The fulfillment of labor assignments contributes to the formation in children of interest in work, a sense of responsibility for the task assigned. The child must concentrate, show strong-willed effort to bring the matter to the end and inform the teacher about the fulfillment of the assignment.

In the younger groups, the instructions are individual, specific and simple, contain one or two actions (lay out spoons on the table, bring a watering can, remove dresses from the doll for washing, etc.). Such elementary tasks include children in activities aimed at the benefit of the team, in conditions when they are not yet able to organize work on their own initiative.

In the middle group, the teacher instructs the children to wash doll clothes on their own, wash toys, sweep paths, and shovel sand into a pile. These tasks are more complex, because they contain not only several actions, but also elements of self-organization (prepare a place for work, determine its sequence, etc.).

In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of labor in which children have insufficiently developed skills, or when they are being taught new skills. Individual instructions are also given to children who need additional training or especially careful control (when the child is inattentive, often distracted), i.e. if necessary, individualize the methods of influence.

In the preparatory school group, when performing general assignments, children must show the necessary skills of self-organization, and therefore the teacher is more demanding of them, moving from explanation to control, reminder.

Duty roster- a form of organization of the work of children, which implies the obligatory performance by the child of work aimed at serving the team. Children are alternately included in different types of duty, which ensures their systematic participation in labor. The appointment and change of attendants occurs daily. Duties are of great educational value. They put the child in the conditions of mandatory performance of certain tasks necessary for the team. This allows children to educate responsibility to the team, caring, as well as understanding the need for their work for everyone.

In the younger group, in the process of completing assignments, the children acquired the skills necessary for setting the table, and became more independent when doing work. This allows in the middle group at the beginning of the year to introduce canteen duty. There is one attendant at each table daily. In the second half of the year, duties are introduced to prepare for classes. In the older groups, duty is introduced in the corner of nature. The attendants change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of duty.

The most complex form of organizing the work of children is collective labor. It is widely used in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, when skills become more stable, and the results of work are of practical and social significance. Children already have sufficient experience of participating in different types of duty, in performing various assignments. The increased opportunities allow the teacher to solve more complex tasks of labor education: he teaches children to agree on the upcoming work, work at the right pace, and complete the task within a certain time. In the older group, the educator uses such a form of uniting children as common work, when children receive a common task for all and when a general result is summed up at the end of the work.

Unlike the work of adults, the labor activity of a preschooler does not create an objectively significant product, but is of great importance for his mental development. This is due primarily to the fact that the preparation of the child for future work begins long before her participation in socially useful work. The mental qualities of a person necessary for this activity are formed under the influence of living conditions and upbringing.

Labor activity is aimed at creating socially useful products - material and spiritual values ​​necessary for mankind.

The forms of labor activity of a preschooler are diverse: self-service, performing the duties of a duty officer, errands for adults, caring for indoor plants and animals, working in a kindergarten, making products from paper, cardboard, wood, fabric, etc.

At preschool age, labor activity is just beginning to take shape, so adults play a particularly important role in its organization and direction. They should interest the child in this activity, explain its significance, direct and correct actions, and evaluate the results optimistically. It is important for the educator to organize the joint work of the group, to find a place in it for the realization of the efforts of each child, to help master rational methods of interaction, to form in oneself the ability to work for the common good, the ability to complete and perform the assigned work as best as possible.

Due to the insufficient attention of an adult in the process of labor activity of a preschooler, motivation may change, and he will work not in the interests of the team, but for the sake of pleasure from the labor process, its results, for example, from a toy made for himself. This means that the labor process in itself does not yet ensure the preservation of a social motive, it must be supported by an assessment of the child's achievements, focusing her attention on the importance of a common cause, and the like. Without this, the labor activity of a preschooler, especially at the initial stages of its formation, will not differ in any way from his usual productive activity.

During preschool childhood, the initial forms of labor activity form the prerequisites for the development of various types of children's activities (primarily productive and play), the arbitrariness of his behavior, the purposefulness of actions, the introduction of planning elements, mastery of labor skills and abilities. Thanks to this, the formation of labor activity proper, the introduction of social motives in it, takes place.

Formation of psychological prerequisites for the labor activity of a preschooler

At preschool age, it is necessary to form the psychological prerequisites for future work activity. These prerequisites are:

a) the ability to act expediently, in accordance with the circumstances and requirements of other people;

b) the development of voluntary hand movements, consistent with some of the physical and functional features of the objects used;

c) the ability to earlier present the results of their actions, plan the sequence of their implementation;

d) various motor skills.

Already in the first year of life, an intensive formation of voluntary movements of the hand takes place, the foundations for the coordinated work of the hand and eye are laid, and effective actions appear. The child's mastery of speech creates the prerequisites for the verbal regulation of her actions, the development in her of the ability to subordinate her behavior to the requirements of those who surround her.

By the beginning of preschool age, children master relatively developed actions that are productive in nature. Then comes the transition from productive to productive actions. The kid is already trying not only to use the finished object, but also to turn it, he develops the ability to imagine the results of his actions, plan their sequence, the desire to achieve a specific result.

Labor activity presupposes the presence of certain practical skills (for example, the ability to use the simplest tools), familiarization with the properties of materials. It requires the development of intellectual qualities (the ability to plan one's actions and foresee their results), a certain level of development of freedom (a steady desire to achieve a goal, get a conceived product, the ability to subordinate behavior to set goals).

In productive activities (pictorial, constructive) there is a general development of voluntary actions, the formation of various motor skills. Self-service, visual activity, making products from a variety of materials require certain skills related to the appropriate use of household items and simple tools. Thanks to this, according to P. Galperin, the formation of "gun operations" takes place - specifically human skills, which consist in the ability to subordinate the movements of the hand to the logic of the "tool" movement. Mastering them is extremely important for preparing the child for future work.

A special role in the formation of labor activity belongs to the game, in which the motives of future socially useful activity are formed and manifested. Enriching the child with impressions, encouraging her to play, adults orient him to socially useful work, contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards it. In the game, the child reflects the working life of adults, learns to build relationships, learns some labor operations. Taking into account the specific signs of labor of preschool children. Boulogne noted that at this age it is difficult to distinguish between it and the game, the child does not see much difference between them, because the highest form of labor (creative work), like the game, includes an element of enjoying the process of activity "Therefore, while playing, the child prepares to creative work.

Observation of plot-role-playing games on everyday, production topics gives grounds for conclusions about the attitude of children to work, about what they consider to be the main ones in it, what relationships they reflect. The game as the leading activity of a preschooler helps to form a positive attitude towards work, its social motivation, and moral relations. In games, the child learns the features of relationships, the motives of work, the qualities of people, if all this is a natural element of the game, and is not imposed from the outside.

For example, a positive attitude towards self-service work, according to Ya. Nevzerovich, overcomes the following stages:

1) the child's understanding of the significance of the work proposed to her for the team, while at the same time being unable to start and finish the job. she needs systematic control of the educator and the children's team. Under the influence of reminders, praise, condemnation, the child begins to learn the proper system of behavior;

2) implementation of self-service without external control. This occurs only during duty and within the child's immediate duties;

3) self-initiative performance of work that the child previously performed only during duty, efforts to help others. At this stage, there is an internal need for activity;

4) organization of activities based on the awareness of their duties as a duty officer, without external control. The child no longer needs to be constantly reminded of her duty, to reinforce her efforts with praise or condemnation;

b) the transfer of the child's experience of relating to people and duties to other conditions, other areas of activity (classes, games). In the new conditions, she also brings the matter to the end, helps others, and cheers for the high-quality implementation of the common cause. Thus, the experience formed in one type of activity becomes the basis of the child's behavior in another type of activity.

Not every child in the development of self-service labor necessarily and with the same speed overcomes all stages. In this area, there are significant individual differences, which depend on the child's attitude to work duties.

The workforce is constantly evolving. The formation of each of its constituent components (skills, goal setting, motivation, work planning, result achievement and evaluation) has its own characteristics.

· Target.

Children of younger preschool age cannot independently set a goal in work, because. they do not know how to keep the whole process and result in memory. The actions of the children are non-purposeful, but a procedural result (watered the flowers, started again; laid out the spoons, began to lay out the second one). Awareness of the purpose of one's actions and its connection with the result is formed gradually. At this stage, a huge role belongs to an adult, he sets a goal for the children and helps to realize it.

Older preschoolers in their usual working conditions independently set a goal (in self-service, cleaning).

Older preschoolers themselves set a goal, performing daily duties, but they do this only in familiar situations (in self-service, cleaning). They can also be aware of distant goals (growing crops). But such goals are set by an adult. To prevent distant goals from being so difficult for children, it is necessary to set intermediate goals.

When conditions change, they should be prompted what to do. The ability of children to independently set a goal develops most successfully in those types of labor where, as a result, a material result is obtained.

· Motives. When shaping the skills of work activity, it is important not only what and how the child does, but also for what. The motives of children can be different: to receive a positive assessment from an adult; assert oneself; to benefit others (social motives are formed only with the right attitude of adults, “they tell”). All of the above motives can be in children of different ages:

In younger preschoolers, interest in the external side of labor is more pronounced (attractive actions, tools and material, results);

For older people, motives of a social nature are becoming increasingly important, which manifest themselves as a desire to do something useful to loved ones. But only by the age of 5-7 they can formulate motives.

· Planning. An important component of labor, which includes the organization of labor, execution, control, evaluation of individual stages and the result as a whole.

Child junior preschool age does not plan their activities.

Work planning senior preschoolers is specific and has a number of features:

They plan only the process of performing the work, not including the organization (what to prepare for work, what materials to take, where to put, etc.);

They outline only the main stages of work, but not the ways of execution;

They do not plan to monitor and evaluate their work;

Verbal planning lags behind practical planning.

It is necessary to teach children to plan, thanks to this, the ability to act economically, rationally, and to foresee the result is formed. The role of adults at different age stages is different here: an adult plans work with children himself - attracts them to joint planning - teaches them to plan independently.

· The process itself. Children of younger preschool age are attracted by the process itself, they gradually master labor activities under the guidance of an adult (show). Older children work out labor skills in activities, cultivate perseverance, the need to do things beautifully and accurately. Able to learn labor actions without direct demonstration, but by verbal explanation.

· The result of labor. Younger preschoolers are not yet able to independently see and evaluate the result of their work. This is done by the educator at the end of the labor process, more often this is expressed in a positive assessment.

In older preschool age, the attitude to work changes, they are interested in the practical result (before starting work, they are interested in why it is needed, to whom the result is intended). The evaluative attitude to the result of labor also changes: evaluation criteria are formed, its categorical and unmotivated nature is overcome, although it is easier for a child to evaluate the work of a peer than his own, but an adult is just as important. The social orientation of the result of labor, which is realized by middle age, makes it possible to form an understanding of the need for labor for others and to cultivate respect for the working person.

Thus, labor activity is characteristic of preschool children, but has its own characteristics.

Types of work of preschool children

self service,

Household work (socially useful work)

Labor in nature

Manual labor.

Self service- this is the work of the child, directed by him to serve himself (dressing - undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures).

Self-service work is of great educational importance, because. it is vital, aimed at meeting the daily personal needs of children. Its daily implementation accustoms children to systematic work, to the understanding that everyone has work duties, a negative attitude towards laziness and idleness is brought up.


Labor education of preschoolers begins with this type of labor;

teaches children to be independent, to overcome difficulties, equips them with skills;

Its vital necessity is obvious, aimed at meeting the daily personal needs of the child;

Accustoms to systematic work; children begin to understand that everyone has work responsibilities related to their daily life needs; a negative attitude towards idleness and laziness is brought up;

Children for the first time establish certain relations with the people around them, realize their duties towards them; learn the value of taking care of themselves and acquire the ability to effectively take care of their loved ones; strive to be useful (to help), not to burden others (to perform actions on their own);

Complements the internal culture of the child: he strives to be useful, not to burden others, helps them manage on their own in big and small; always requires certain physical and mental efforts, which are the more noticeable in the activity of the child, the younger he is and the less he knows the skills of independent dressing, washing, eating.

Asc. Group The content of self-service work (tasks from the program) Methods of work on the formation of self-service skills Cultural and hygienic skills. Improve cultural and hygienic skills, form the simplest behavioral skills while eating, washing. Teach children to take care of their appearance; learn how to use soap correctly, wash hands, face, ears gently; dry yourself after washing, hang a towel in place, use a comb and a handkerchief. To form elementary table behavior skills: the ability to properly use a tablespoon and teaspoon, fork, napkin; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full. Self-service. To teach children how to dress and undress themselves in a certain sequence (putting on and taking off clothes, unbuttoning and fastening buttons, folding, hanging clothes, etc.). To cultivate neatness skills, the ability to notice a mess in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from adults Visual methods: Showing the execution of each element of the activity and their sequence. Observation of the actions of an adult. Examination of illustrations, models. Viewing filmstrips, cartoons Verbal methods: Explanations of the actions of an adult during the show. Detailed verbal explanation without showing. General or individual reminder. Control and evaluation of children's activities (younger gr. - educator, seniors - children) Reading fiction. Practical, game methods: Surprise moments. Doll games. Exercises in performing self-care skills. The use of special games and manuals for teaching children how to fasten buttons, lace up.
Avg. gr. Cultural and hygienic skills. Continue to educate children in neatness, the habit of monitoring their appearance. Cultivate the habit of self-washing, washing hands with soap before eating, as they get dirty, after using the toilet. To consolidate the ability to use a comb, handkerchief; when coughing and sneezing, turn away, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief. Improve the skills of careful eating: the ability to take food little by little, chew well, eat silently, use cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin, rinse your mouth after eating. Self-service. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently. Teach neatly fold and hang clothes, with the help of an adult, put them in order (clean, dry). Cultivate the desire to be neat, tidy. Teach yourself to prepare your workplace and clean it up after you finish drawing, sculpting, appliqué (wash jars, brushes, wipe the table, etc.)
St. gr. Cultural and hygienic skills. To form in children the habit of following the cleanliness of the body, neatness of clothes, hairstyles; brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your hands as needed. keep nails clean Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing. Strengthen the ability to notice and independently eliminate the disorder in your appearance. Improve the culture of food: the ability to properly use cutlery (fork, knife); eat neatly, silently, maintaining the correct posture at the table; to ask, to thank. Self-service. To consolidate the ability to quickly, neatly dress and undress, keep order in your closet (lay out clothes in certain places), make your bed neatly. To cultivate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, to learn to independently lay out the materials prepared by the teacher for classes, clean them up, wash brushes, paint sockets, a palette, wipe tables
Preparation gr. Cultural and hygienic skills. Cultivate the habit of washing your face quickly and correctly, drying yourself dry using an individual towel, brushing your teeth properly, rinsing your mouth after eating, using a handkerchief and a comb. Strengthen children's ability to carefully use cutlery; behave properly at the table; to ask, to thank. To consolidate the ability to monitor the cleanliness of clothes and shoes, to notice and eliminate disorder in one's appearance, to tactfully inform a friend about the need to correct something in a suit, hairstyle. Self-service. To consolidate the ability to independently and quickly dress and undress, put clothes in the closet, put shoes in place, dry wet things if necessary, take care of shoes (wash, wipe, clean). To consolidate the ability to independently, quickly and accurately clean up the bed after sleep. To consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and manuals for the lesson, without a reminder to clean up your workplace.

labor in nature- this is a special type of labor, the content of which is caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, etc.

Labor in nature is of great educational importance:

1. The child develops cognitive interests (observation of the growth and development of a plant, the characteristics of some plants and animals, experiments with inanimate nature), the beginnings of an ecological culture are formed.

2. Moral qualities are formed (care for living objects, responsibility, patience, endurance)

3. Makes it possible to bring joy to other people (treat grown fruits, give flowers), i.e. promotes moral development.

4. There is an active development of all structural components of labor activity (motive, goal, organization, planning, performance of actions, result).

Labor in nature has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

The result of this labor can be a material product (vegetables grown by the child, a tree planted by him, etc.). This brings child labor closer to the productive labor of adults.

Labor in nature most often has a delayed result: seeds were sown and only after a while were they able to observe the result in the form of seedlings, and then fruits. This feature helps to cultivate endurance, patience.

Caring for animals, growing plants, the child always deals with living objects. Therefore, special care, careful attitude, responsibility are needed. The absence of these factors can lead to the death of the living.

Labor in nature makes it possible to simultaneously develop cognitive interests. Children observe the growth and development of living objects, learn about the characteristics of some plants and animals, experiment, learning about inanimate nature.

This type of work gives children the opportunity to bring joy to other people (treat grown fruits, give flowers).

Thus, labor in nature contributes not only to labor education, but also to moral, aesthetic, mental, and physical development.

Younger age.

Raise the desire to participate in caring for plants and animals in the corner of nature and on the site: with the help of an adult, feed fish, birds, water indoor plants, plants in the beds, plant onions, pick vegetables, clear paths from snow, clean snow from benches.

Middle group.

Encourage children to take care of plants and animals; water the plants, feed the fish, wash the drinkers, pour water into them, put food in the feeders (with the participation of the educator).

In the spring, summer and autumn periods, involve children in feasible work in the garden and in the flower garden (sowing seeds, watering, harvesting); in winter - to clear the snow.

Involve children in the work of growing greens for food for birds in the winter; to feed wintering birds.

To form a desire to help the educator put in order the equipment used in work (clean, dry, take it to the designated place). Respect for the work of adults.

Senior group.

labor in nature. Encourage the desire to carry out various tasks related to the care of animals and plants in a corner of nature; duties of a duty officer in a corner of nature (watering indoor plants, loosening the soil, etc.).

To involve children in helping adults and doing feasible work in nature: in the fall - to harvest vegetables in the garden, collect seeds, transplant flowering plants from the ground into a corner of nature; in winter - for raking snow to tree trunks and shrubs, growing green food for birds and animals (inhabitants of a corner of nature), planting root crops, and creating figures and buildings from snow; in spring - for sowing seeds of vegetables, flowers, planting seedlings; in summer - for loosening the soil, watering beds and flower beds

Lydia Novoselova
Components of work activity

Labor activity is a holistic process consisting of certain components. About becoming labor activity in preschool children can be judged by the presence of these component(Fig. 12). Labor activity obeys a certain logic, is separated from a certain sequence, and in accordance with it, specific tasks are set and solved. And if in labor activity there are no Components, means, work as an independent activity has not yet taken shape.

Components of work activity:

3. Funds

4. Result

Motive is the reason that motivates labor activity, or point of interest. It is the motives that determine the level of awareness of the work performed, for the sake of what and for whom it is performed.

I type of motivation (solving the toy problem)

This type of motivation is called game motivation, it is built according to the following scheme:

1. You tell that a toy has a problem, a problem and needs help. And kind and skillful children, of course, will help the toy.

2. You ask the children if they are willing to help. It is important to hear consent - this is the readiness for labor activity.

3. You invite children to teach them how to do it.

4. During work, it is desirable that each child has his own ward, whom he helps.

5. You use these toys to evaluate your child's work.

6. After work, let the children play with their characters for whom they did this work.

II type of motivation (communication motivation)

It is built on the desire of the child to feel his importance in the conditions of helping an adult.

1. You tell the children what you are going to do, it will be difficult for you alone, then you offer to take part in this business.

2. Give everyone a feasible task, show how to do it. During activities Express your gratitude to your children.

3. At the end activities talk about that came to the result through joint efforts.

III type of motivation (personal interest)

The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the following scheme.

1. You show the children an object, praise its merits and ask if the children would like to have the same.

2. After waiting for an affirmative answer, convince them that they can do it themselves, show how to do it.

3. The thing made is at the complete disposal of the child.

A goal is something to strive for. Work children is organized by an adult, and the goal gives a certain direction child's activities, organizes it into a result labor. The smaller the children, the more active the adult in setting goals.

Sometimes a child can also set a goal, and if it is unbearable, then the child will not see the result of his own goal. labor and lose interest in activities. Therefore, an adult must control the goal and choose feasible tasks for children.

The ability to set a goal independently is gradually formed on the basis of the child's achievement of the goals that the teacher sets first. The adult teaches the child where he can take the initiative.

Means are the means by which the goal is achieved and the result is achieved. The means include skills and abilities, the ability to plan work and self-control.

Skills and abilities are the most important means for achieving the set goal, the implementation of the most activities. With the formation of skills, the number of necessary exercises decreases, and the accuracy of performing actions increases. Adult instruction has a great influence on the process of developing skills. Observations show that the process of mastering skills is mechanical and acquires an emotional coloring if the child is set to activities. Mood determines motive activities.

The means include the ability to plan your own activity. “The higher the ability to plan one's work, the more consciously, purposefully, rationally, more accurately and efficiently they act, the more opportunities for creativity and initiative. In the absence of planning, the child takes the path of trial and error, wastes energy aimlessly, and the result often does not satisfy him.

Planning is a complex process associated with analysis, generalized ideas, and the ability to anticipate future work. It is not easy for preschool children to master these skills. This is taught individually. With the acquisition of experience in individual planning, collective planning changes qualitatively. labor.

The ability to control oneself, that is, self-control, is closely related to the ability to plan work. “Self-control is a conscious assessment and regulation of one’s actions and behavior in terms of the goal set and the existing rules when performing labor assignments».

Self-control provides the process of managing one's own behavior and determines the level of the child's voluntary behavior in the process. labor activity. The development of voluntary behavior forms in the child such qualities as initiative, creativity, self-regulation.

The result is an indicator of the completion of the work. For young children, it is not the result that matters, but the activity carried out with an adult. In order for the result to become significant, in the evaluation process it is necessary to note not only the quality of what has been done, but also the process of work itself, the measure of the application of forces.

The result is a factor that helps to educate children's interest in labor.

Older preschoolers care about the result labor. Therefore, an adult should be careful in evaluating the result. labor, because sometimes a child tries, and the result he gets is not what he would like to get.

Labor activity complex in content and during the period of its formation, not all structural components reveal themselves.