Costume jewelry and jewelry made from natural stones. Types of cutting of precious stones What are the types of cutting of stones

Only masters of jewelry will see the future brilliance and beauty in a cloudy piece of mineral just mined in a mine. In order to present its splendor, to reveal its beauty, the gemstone is cut. There are more than 250 types of cuts; the type is chosen based on the size of the mineral, its purity (the presence of inclusions and defects) and the shape of the jewelry itself that the stone will be crowned with. Now we will take a closer look at the main (classical) types of wedge cuts.

The circle, or classic diamond cut, is perhaps the most common of all those existing today. The round cut is the default cut for diamonds; it is often used for scatterings of identical small stones on one piece of jewelry. It is symmetrical, polishes well and has maximum light transmittance - that is, it allows the stone to shine especially brightly in the light. There are many variations of the round cut, but the classic brilliant cut has 57 facets.

Oval - a type of round cut - in lately is the most popular shape for center stones on engagement rings. The oval cut, in contrast to the round one, is relatively young - if the “round” cut has been cut since the end of the 17th century, the “oval” appeared only in the 60s of the 20th century. Among other varieties of round cuts, one can distinguish a rose, in which the stone does not have an upper platform, but has a top of converging edges, as well as two three-dimensional shapes - a ball and a bead. They differ in that the ball has triangular faces, while the bead has quadrangular faces.

The pear cut has a more complex shape than the circle. It resembles less a pear than a drop - in classic version with a large platform on top, which allows light to play on the edges of the stone: on one side the stone is rounded, on the other it ends in a spike. With their sharp corners facing up, “pears” are hung on necklaces, earrings, and worn as pendants. In addition to the classic pear-shaped shape with a platform, similar types of cuts include briolette and drop. The teardrop cut has fewer facets and those adjacent to the sharp tenon are more elongated than the rest.

The marquise cut gives the gemstone a grain shape with two pointed corners. If the stone is central to the decoration, it is placed vertically, and several marquises can be placed horizontally next to each other, or form simple ornaments. Typically, the length of a stone cut in this way is approximately twice its width, which allows it to be used in long, airy design jewelry: earrings, pendants, bracelets... A variation of the “marquise” is the “shuttle” cut - it has slightly fewer edges and the upper platform is narrower, but the shape is so similar that it is easy to confuse them.

And finally, the heart cut also has two corners, but only one of them is convex. The heart shape embodied in the gemstone is particularly popular as a symbol of love and passion. The heart is one of the most complex and expensive types of cutting, but it allows you to mask the defects of the stone. The length and width of the classic “heart” should be the same, but there are exceptions - if the stone comes across a particularly long one.

The minimum number of corners, an abundance of edges and roundness of varying degrees - these are characteristic features most wedge-shaped cuts.

Gemstones in their natural form without cutting rarely look attractive.

Processing methods precious stones give them an original shape and a unique glow.

The value of minerals is given not only by the size, number of carats, rare colors, but also by the types of cuts.

In jewelry, there are several techniques for cutting stones, each of which is designed to highlight the natural beauty of the gem. It doesn’t matter what technique is used (cutting hard stone, grinding softer minerals), the main thing is to show the mineral in all its attractiveness.

Stone cutting is performed in order to:

  • make one shine in the light;
  • give a shape that will match the style of the product.

Cabochon cut type

This technology has been known since ancient times, when ancestors simply cut off all excess from the stone, giving it a rounded shape and a certain shine. Thus, “Cabochon” is the processing of stone without emphasizing the edges, that is, polishing.

This method of cutting precious stones is still used today. It is perfect for minerals that do not transmit light.

Since light rays do not penetrate into the stone, its light can be emphasized by grinding, when the ray is reflected from the surface.

used for semi-precious stones, opaque as well as translucent, such as turquoise, malachite, pink quartz, amethyst, charoite.

“Cabochon” looks especially impressive on minerals that have a star-like glow. For example, on rubies or sapphires cut in this way, which have this effect to the greatest extent, a star of six rays flashes.

Typically, a Cabochon is made with a convex front side and a flat back side. There is a double cut, when all the planes are convex. Particularly attractive chrysoberyl, processed using the “Cabochon” technology, giving it a stripe in the middle of the stone ( we're talking about about "Cat's Eye")

In the jewelry dictionary you can find the term “facet” (“facet”). This word means "edge". Facets are applied to the mineral so that light rays hitting the surface of the stone are refracted with the effect of internal radiance.

Faceted (beveled) cutting method

The method is applicable for transparent minerals. It has several common and recognizable types (diamond, wedge, stepped, mixed)

"Rose" treatment

Some jewelers consider it a type of diamond cut. Stones cut in this way resemble a drop lying on a flat surface. The mineral is polished with edges in the form of triangles or diamonds. It comes in several types:

  • Dutch rose;
  • Portuguese;
  • Antwerp with 12 sides;
  • a rose with a crown that can have from 12 to 24 facets.

The technology was widely used in the mid-16th century and is found in antique jewelry. Modern jewelers practically do not use it.

The rose cut makes the diamond look like a bud of this flower, hence the name of the same name. If a gem has 12 facets, it is called “rose d’Anvers”; if there are more facets, it is called “crowned rose”. There is a double rose, when the top and bottom of the stone are processed equally.

Rose cut stones have a weaker play of light beam than diamond cut stones. Therefore, with identical initial data, stones with diamond processing are much more expensive than with “Rose”, by about 80%.

According to professional astrologers, a cut sapphire, ruby, diamond or topaz is systematic information about the interaction of our planet with the stars. There are many types of gemstone cuts known, each of which demonstrates different properties of the mineral, offering assistance, challenges and rewards to their owners. The processed gem expands human consciousness, revealing sources of knowledge that were previously impossible to notice.

cad cutting in Siemens nx 8.5. Video

Diamond cut

The diamond type of processing of precious stones was invented in Holland in the 17th century. It allows you to show the diamond in the most favorable light. The cut consists of two polyhedral pyramids that are connected by their bases. The pyramid below is complete, and above it is truncated. The truncated top is made in the form of a polygonal table.

1. Bottom view
2. Main edges of the bottom
3. Kaletta (enlarged)
4. Bottom wedges
5. Side view
6. Girdle (enlarged)
7. Top view
8. Paired top wedges
9. Crown (top)
10. Pavilion (bottom)
11. Main edges of the top
12. Playground
13. Star edges (single top wedges)

For small stones, the number of faces can be 17. This is the minimum number of faces. The most common ratio is 57, where there are 24 faces in the pavilion and 33 faces on top.

Large minerals can have 240 facets when cut. This cutting method is usually used for diamonds. This allows the stone to show its “play” and glow in all its splendor.

Eight cut

A stone processed using this technology has, in addition to the platform, 8 edges in the upper and lower parts. “Eight” is used for processing small minerals that cannot be fully cut.

Step diamond

This type of gemstone cut is used for diamonds in the shape of a square, rectangle or trapezoid. The edges processed in such forms are made parallel to the strip separating the top and bottom of the mineral - rundite. Although this technique does not reveal the radiance of the stone as much as possible; it clearly shows the degree of transparency of the mineral.

1. “Rectangle” (“baguette”) step cut (13 sides)

2. “Rectangle” (“baguette”) step cut (21 sides)

3. “Trapezoidal baguette” with step cut

Type of processing "Trapezoid"

Used for large jewelry. A faceted gem has 20+ facets.

This type of treatment is rare. It is a square with a wider base. The top and bottom of the stone are parallel to each other, and the side faces are located with the upper corners inward. In a trapezoid, there are more faces at the bottom than at the top. It is used for large, clean specimens, as it reveals all defects.

"Trapezoid" is used not only for diamonds. Cutting is used for processing other natural precious stones, as well as cubic zirconia and zirconium.

The “Trapezoid” variety is a crescent cut. The lower edges have an acute angle and at the same time protrude. Its edges are straight on one side and curved on the other. The processing method may be available to experienced jewelers.

Astrologers include cuts formed by angles of 90° and 45° (“Care”, “Table”, “Eight”) as intense types of processing.

Fancy cut

In this way, stones are cut for various complex inserts. These can be inserts in the shape of a heart, a drop of water, a complex inflorescence, or a coat of arms. Cutting is performed using a combined method with wedges, with various types of facets.

The most commonly used cut is the diamond cut, which is made in the form of its various modifications, using different shapes, but the number of faces and their location in relation to each other does not change. This only emphasizes the beauty of the mineral.

Round classic

1. Bottom of the Diamond - Pavilion
2. 24 faces
3. 1 spike
4. 8 main edges of the bottom
5. 16 bottom wedges
6. The thickness of the girdle in a wide area is 0.7%
7. Girdle
8. Thickness of the girdle in a thin place
9. Diamond top - Crown
10. 33 faces
11. 16 paired top wedges
12. 8 main edges of the top
13. 8 single top wedges (star edges)
14. 1 platform

Used for any jewelry, has 57, 33 or 17 facets.

Opportunities for cutting stones appeared after the advent of the diamond saw, which made it possible to process minerals of the highest hardness.

Smaller stones may have 17 or 33 facets. Larger ones are cut with 57 facets. This allows you to emphasize their sparkle and increases the lifespan of the stone, as it protects it from possible damage.

With circular processing, a large, almost half, loss of mineral weight occurs.

A mineral cut in a tense way indicates a person’s conflict with environment, directing him on the path to eliminating the causes of his own dissonance. Therefore, such a diamond or topaz forces its owner to persistently work on himself (suppresses, squeezes and forces a person to obey natural law, change internally, transform his personality). The owner of the mineral will not be able to enjoy life until he discovers new facets in his own soul and makes them shine.

Oval cut

Used to make rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants, necklaces. The stones can have 57 faces.

The type of processing has been known since 1960. An oval cut diamond has wedges of considerable size. The shape is oblong. The oval shows his play well in the light. An oval-cut gem in a ring visually lengthens your fingers and makes them more graceful.


Cut with 55 facets. They are used to make rings, earrings, and pendants.

The name "Marquis" comes from the Marquise of Pompadour, a famous favorite of the French monarch. The shape of the mineral resembles a boat with pointed ends. A marquise cut gem looks great in finger rings, but is prone to chipping in vulnerable areas.

Gems processed in a stressful way are useful for emotionally unstable people with poor self-control, sickness, and those suffering from osteoporosis.

"Pear or Drop"

Used in rings, pendants, necklaces. Pear-cut stones have 55, 56 or 71 facets.

The cutting technique combines the Oval and Marquise cuts. The processed mineral has the shape of a tear. The delicate appearance of the Pear should be especially carefully protected with the help of a frame. The shape is very elegant and looks great in the products. Note that the largest diamond in the scepter of the Queen of Britain was made using this technique.


Used for stones in earrings and pendants, it has 57 or 58 facets.

The technology resembles the “Pear” treatment, but with a forked upper end. It looks romantic and very unusual. The wings from the heart are the most vulnerable, so the length and width of the stone should be in a ratio of 1 to 1.


Stones cut using the cushion technique have the shape of a square or rectangle with rounded bevels. Thanks to this polishing, candlelit minerals acquire a special charm, which is why they are called candlelit.

Since the edges when processing Cushion are quite large, the mineral itself suggests purity and quality, because it is difficult to hide imperfections. The processed gem must have at least four prongs in order to be secured in the setting.

Harmonious cuts are formed by angles of 15°, 30°, 60°, 120° by analogy with planetary sextiles and trigons (“Rose”, “Baguette”).

Checkerboard cut

A fancy version of a step cut. Most often used for semi-precious stones. The surface of the mineral is evenly covered with numerous square-shaped facets.

Mixed cut diamonds

Processing allows you to preserve the original weight of the mineral to the maximum and involves step cutting, which allows you to reveal the optical properties of the mineral, demonstrating its “game”. Grinding technology was born in the 60s of the twentieth century.


Used in various jewelry. Has 49, 65, 68, 76 or another number of facets.

The stones take the shape of a rectangle or square and are distinguished by a magnificent play of light.

During processing, the mineral loses less weight than with a classical cut, but it also costs slightly less than a classically cut diamond.

“Princess” has been known since the mid-twentieth century and is very popular.

But such a rectangular cut needs protection from the setting, since the right angles of the stone are characterized by increased fragility.

It looks especially impressive if the gem is transparent and light in color.

A harmonious method of processing helps the owner of the stone to relax and forget about problems and grievances. Minerals in harmonious cuts open a person’s eyes, helping him to see the joy and beauty of life.


Minerals processed by this method have 65, 70 or another number of facets.

The method is used for processing stones in products such as pendants, earrings or rings.

The technique is somewhat similar to the Princess and Emerald cut.

It is used for large stones with good clarity, rich color scheme and transparency.

When cut, the mineral takes the shape of a square or rectangular octagon, with the corners ground off. Products with such a faceted stone have a weighty and slightly rough appearance, which is very suitable for men.

On your hand, a ring with a radiant cut stone will appear massive and visually shorten your finger.

A mineral cut using the Briolette method has 56 or 84 facets.

Jewelers use it for elongated jewelry, such as drop earrings or pendants.

The processing method is used for stones with a non-standard configuration.

After cutting, the mineral takes on the shape of a drop, and its faces become triangular or diamond-shaped.

The word "briolette" is translated from French as "dried plum from the town of Brignoles." The edges of the stone are wide at the base, and become increasingly narrower towards the top. Previously, this cutting method was used for insertion into a bride's ring or pendant.

Pivot table

Cut type Variety Description
Cabochon(Has a regular round or oval shape, resembles a “lollipop”) Simple Flat base, convex top edge
Double convex The upper and lower edges are convex, the bends are directed in opposite directions from each other
Convex-concave The base and top surface are curved in one direction (convex)
Rose(Top edges are inclined, base is flat) Dutch (Amsterdam) rose Has 24 triangular faces. The height of the facet pyramid is equal to half the diameter of the stone.
Half Dutch rose Similar cut with 12 facets
Double Dutch Rose 73 faces
Portuguese rose 241 edges. Two rows of rhombic and three rows of triangular bevels are applied on the upper and lower surfaces of the mineral
Cross rose Quad faces
Antwerp rose 13 facets, features a low facet pyramid
Diamond(It has a round shape, consists of two pyramids located opposite each other, the upper one is truncated) Semi-diamond Has 17 facets
Diamond full The number of facets can vary from 57 to 240
Stepped(wide top surface and varying number of flat edges) Emerald step Has an octagon shape, used for emeralds
staircase The facets are arranged in parallel, their number in the upper part is less than in the lower part
Baguette Quadrangular shape. Volume area on top, few side bevels
Wedge Each face is divided into several wedges
Mixed(contains brilliant and step cut in a variety of combinations) It has a teardrop shape with elongated, intersecting edges.
Princess Rectangular plate with deep notches
Half cabochon The upper surface of the stone is round, and the lower surface is faceted in the shape of a truncated cone.
Radiant Octagonal shape with chamfered corners
Fantasy(can have all shapes of bevels, including distorted and asymmetrical, used for the manufacture of non-standard inserts) Heart Heart-shaped shape formed by numerous small wedge-shaped edges
Drop Elongated teardrop shape
Marquis Has the shape of an ellipse, pointed on both sides

The considered classification of types of cutting of precious and semi-precious stones is incomplete. By combining triangles, squares, rectangles and polyhedra, you can create an endless variety of options.

It all depends on the imagination and talent of the jeweler. The mineral tells the master the future cut. There are a huge number of fancy cuts that are designed to emphasize the individuality and beauty of the gem. Currently, jewelers are not only improving their skills, but also coming up with new ways to cut precious stones.


It is preferable to cut stones for female zodiac signs in cabochons, because the facet reveals masculine qualities and suggests masculine expansive energy and activity.

FIRE - brilliant or step cut, rounded or oval cabochon with an untreated hidden part of the mineral.

EARTH - cabochon in the shape of an oval (except for Virgo). The hidden part of the gem must be processed.

AIR - trapezoid or Dutch rose cut, cabochon with untreated hidden part of the stone.

WATER is a round “pyramid” cabochon with a faceted hidden part in the shape of a circle.

Types of gemstone cutting on video

Most precious and semi-precious stones require additional processing to fully reveal their beauty, brilliance and color. The processing of any mineral includes several stages and depends on the type of gem, its condition, the sketch of the future product and the skill of the jeweler. The main preparatory operations before installing the insert into the jewelry are sawing and cutting the stones, as well as grinding and polishing.

Basic methods of processing gems

This is the most ancient and famous method of cutting precious and semi-precious stones. The result is a spherical jewelry insert. Processing a stone with a cabochon allows you to hide its natural defects.

In this case, the processing of precious stones involves applying facets in the form of geometric shapes to the surface.

The cutter gives the mineral the shape of two truncated pyramids connected at the bases. The stone has a round outline and 57 or 58 facets. This processing is the most popular and expensive due to large losses in weight and volume of the feedstock. If it is necessary to preserve the weight of the gem, a cushion cut with rounded corners is used.

The precious insert has a flat base and a pattern on the top formed by triangular edges. The most famous types of cuts: Dutch, Antwerp, half-Dutch, cross, double Dutch, ball, briolette.

Fantasy. The number of faces is 80, they are arranged in 4 rows at different angles. This cut of gemstones has several varieties:

  • ladder - the gem takes the shape of a truncated pyramid with trapezoidal side faces;
  • oval - oval shape and wedge-shaped edges;
  • star-shaped - triangular faces in the center of the stone form a star;
  • awning - boat shape and wedge edges;
  • pear - the side edges are made in the form of wedges, the stone has the shape of a drop;
  • princess - a square or rectangular mineral, with a wedge cut and sharp corners;
  • emerald - a rectangular mineral processed by step cutting, the corners are truncated, the base has the shape of an octagon (octagon);
  • radiant - the base is made in the form of an octagon, the edges are in the form of wedges;
  • Asscher - a variation of the emerald cut, the square-shaped stone has a larger number of steps;
  • heart - the contour of the base is made in the shape of a heart with wedge-shaped edges.

Mixed. The connection of flat and concave-convex edges in stone.

Trilliantovaya or triangular. The cut stone has the shape of a triangle, the edges are made in the form of wedges.

The rectangular mineral is cut with a step cut. They make trapezoidal and square baguettes, and very rarely an octagon.

Choosing a method

Cabochon cutting is used in most cases for opaque or translucent minerals with a pronounced surface color. This treatment allows you to hide numerous gem defects or foreign inclusions that cannot be removed.

The round brilliant cut is used for gemstones with strong light dispersion: diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires. For large gemstones, a pear or oval cut is often used. The radiant cut diamond is used for large fancy colored diamonds. “Trilliant” inserts are made as an addition to the main large stone, so small and medium-sized gems are processed using this method.

Features of stones with different cuts

Cabochon-cut stones have the ability to concentrate light. They are often used to decorate objects for religious and mystical purposes.

Diamond cutting can only be done by an experienced jeweler, since all edges and edges must be made with precise observance of all proportions. In this case, the scattering of light rays and sparkle will be maximum.

Transparent precious inserts with an elongated shape often take on a “bow tie”. This is the optical effect of darkening in the center of the mineral perpendicular to its elongated part. This phenomenon reduces the cost of jewelry. A ring with a pear-cut, marquise-cut, or oval-shaped stone visually lengthens the fingers, and earrings with such inserts make round face oval.

A gem after the Princess cut must be carefully secured at the corners to prevent them from chipping. Emerald processing makes the mineral “open”, so color defects, cracks and chips are visible on it even with the naked eye. Baguette-shaped stones also require careful inspection to detect damage and natural imperfections.

Step cutting is used for transparent and translucent jewelry stones with uneven coloring. The cutter can emphasize the main color or turn the gem into a “chameleon”, changing its color depending on the viewing angle and lighting.

Working with diamonds

Before starting work on refining a diamond, the jeweler evaluates the initial parameters: size, shape, clarity, presence of cracks or opacities. After this, a decision is made on the use of the mineral. You can make a large diamond of low quality or several small ones with ideal characteristics. Unfortunately, you have to sacrifice one of the jewelry quality parameters of diamonds: weight, color, cut or clarity.

The next stage is sawing or splitting the crystal. Now this procedure is performed using a laser or a special diamond-coated saw. If it is necessary to obtain two diamonds from a workpiece, sawing is carried out. For larger quantities of stones, the base mineral is split along the lines of the crystal lattice. If you plan to get an octagon-shaped diamond, the workpiece is cut down top part. It is possible to split the diamond in half.

On a grinding wheel, the diamond is given a round, oval or fancy (“boat”, octagon, square) shape. A girdle appears on it - a thin “belt” separating the upper part of the stone from the lower. In the girdle zone, the diamond has the largest diameter. Then, facets are applied in a certain sequence, bringing their number to the classic 58. If other types of cutting are used, there may be more facets.

The final stage is polishing. It is carried out in several stages using diamond powder. After this, the finished diamond is inserted into the jewelry and fixed.

Jewelers are skilled craftsmen who can see a beautiful gemstone in a cloudy shard of mineral and give it a magnificent shape. The types of classical gemstone cutting used today by many stone craftsmen include three main types of cutting - cabochon, circle and bevel - which, in turn, are divided into 250 varieties. The specific type of processing is selected by the jeweler depending on certain factors: the size and type of the mineral, its purity, hardness, optical properties and the skills of the master himself.

Below is a list of types of stones used by craftsmen around the world.


The most ancient type of cutting of precious stones, in which the mineral is given a convex shape without facets. Typically, this type of processing is used for cutting opaque or translucent inserts and minerals with a “cat’s eye” effect. The quality of polishing and grinding of the stone plays a huge role, since the main requirement for cabochons is a perfectly smooth surface.


Circle - classic cut of precious stones. Species in other ways appeared much later than her. The round cut was first invented in the 1900s. It was during this time that diamond saws were invented, which gave jewelers the ability to work with diamonds and use them to process other diamonds, turning them into diamonds.

The round cut of stones and its types, which vary depending on the number of facets, help create unique and original jewelry. The optimal type is considered to be a 57 facet cut - it gives the diamonds shine and shows all the beauty and play of light in their facets. This cut is most valued when repurchasing stones. Small stones are processed into 33 facets or 17 facets.

A large loss in stone weight is a characteristic feature of this type of cut. Processing the mineral takes about 50% of the original mass.


Types of gemstone cuts include one of the varieties of round cutting - oval. Jewelers use it mainly for round nuggets. The oval cut first appeared only in the 1960s.


Despite such an unusual name, stones processed in this way look more like a drop. The side bevels are made in the form of wedges, the upper platform is smooth, which ensures the play of light. Both medium and large stones are processed in this way. Pear is divided into such types of cuts of jewelry stones as briolette and drop.


This type of gemstone processing was named after the Marquise de Pompadour, the favorite of King Louis XV. The world-famous beauty's flirtatious smile was immortalized in an oval-cut jewel with elongated, pointed tips. The shape of stones processed in this way is more like a boat.

Marquise-cut stones are very fragile: their elongated tips can easily be broken, so such jewelry is worn very carefully.


Types of step-type gemstone cuts include rectangular cutting - baguette. Essentially, it is an indicator of quality, since it shows both the pros and cons of the stone. In inserts of this shape, internal defects or cutting errors can be seen with the naked eye. For this reason, when choosing such jewelry, it is advisable to pay attention to the quality of stone processing.


Characteristic of a “princess” unusual game light in stone, but at the same time it is made in a square or rectangular shape. First appeared in 1960-1970. The cost of such a stone is less, since during cutting it practically does not lose weight. Diamonds are cut into princess shapes for decoration wedding rings. When placing a stone in a setting, try to close right angles, since they are the most fragile.


Types of step-type gemstone cuts include octagonal cutting. The most popular is the emerald cut, which protects minerals from chips and damage, showing off the purity and shade of the stone.


This type of cut is a rectangle with cut corners and large bevels. It is used mainly for processing large stones of ideal purity, since it is impossible to hide the flaws of a nugget behind a large number of edges. It does not play with light as much as the round or princess cut, but it is significantly superior to them in brightness and power of refracted flashes.


The most spectacular cut of precious stones. The shape resembles a triangle with wedges. Depending on the design finished decoration, the characteristics of the gem and the imagination and skill of the jeweler can change the number of facets and the shape of the stone, which is the advantage of a trillion. This type of cut was first invented in Amsterdam, and today it is the most popular in the world.


Complex and expensive types of gemstone cuts include this type - the heart. It is used only in the manufacture of exclusive jewelry. The beauty of a stone heart depends on the skill of the jeweler, so when choosing such products, they first look at the evenness of the contour.


Often this type of cutting of precious stones is called antique, or antique. Jewelers resort to it in cases where it is necessary to preserve the original appearance of the mineral. For example, almost all diamonds were cut in this form.


Externally, a stone that has been given such a cut looks like a square or rectangle with cut corners. Radiant combines the features of such cuts as "emerald" and "princess". Jewelers use it for minerals that must be shown in all their glory: the play of light, color, purity, transparency and size of the stone are demonstrated with this treatment. This cut has a more masculine and brutal character, so it is often chosen to create men’s jewelry. Visually, such products shorten the phalanges of the fingers.


Square types of gemstone cuts include the Asscher variety. It is similar in many ways to Emerald, but has more facets. This cut was invented in 1902 in Belgium by the stone master brothers Ascher, and it became most popular in the 1930s. Depending on the size of the stone, the number of faces changes. Art Deco style products are made with stones cut in this form.

Why are gemstones processed?

Cut - machining semi-precious and precious gems, carried out with the aim of giving the stones the desired shape and structures that allow the full expression of the characteristics of the material. During the processing process, regular geometric surfaces are formed on the surface of the stone, which fold into the desired shape.

The cut creates a play of light that demonstrates optimal perception of brilliance and color palette gems. Large quantity The edges and their arrangement guarantee an iridescent lighting effect. The formation and arrangement of bevels and surfaces repeatedly refracts and reflects light rays focused by the stone. Color tints give the constituent shades of the spectrum into which refracted rays are divided.

Cutting technology and the processing of precious and semi-precious stones with its help involves two main elements: the type of edges and the external shape of the stone. There are many types and forms of cutting gemstones today, but the process of giving the gem the desired shape is very labor-intensive and time-consuming. The minimum number of facets is 30, and in complex shapes it can reach 240. Moreover, each of them must be made at a perfectly correct angle and with a flat surface.

Excluding the play of light in the stone, the cut must meet several criteria. This:

  • Sanding the material.
  • Minimum weight lost.
  • Manifestation of form and color.
  • The stone matches the entire decoration in color, shape, style.

Depending on the type of stone, its size and the purpose of the finished jewelry, the jeweler selects a specific cut shape. Some types of stones - for example, emeralds and diamonds - have their own cut shapes, while others use any type.

Give any decoration a noble and attractive look appearance Can cutting gemstones. Types and methods of processing gems have been invented and improved over the centuries, and each of them has its own characteristic features. Without cutting, any, even the most expensive, will seem like a trinket. Only in the hands of a real master jeweler does a gem get a second life and delight people with its beauty, grace and uniqueness.