Angel paper craft. How to make an angel out of paper

Angels were considered, so all kinds of souvenirs with their symbols have always been and will be the most relevant and pleasant gift for this bright holiday. And, if this gift is also made with your own hands, then it will become truly priceless!

In the old days, on winter evenings, it was customary to carve angels; everyone had their own secrets for making them.

Let's get to know some of them.

The most popular is, perhaps, Favorsky’s angel. Ingenious, like everything simple and simple, like everything ingenious.

Angels of the artist Favorsky (from writing paper)

The wonderful Russian artist Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky came up with a surprisingly easy and elegant way of making a three-dimensional angel from ordinary writing paper at the beginning of the 20th century. From a piece of paper folded in half, cut out an outline according to the diagram

The easiest way is to depict this outline not with a single line, but in detail: first, with a simple pencil, draw half of the head, then surround it with a halo, draw half of the dress, and only then complete the wing. It is advisable to erase the excess line (at the border of the dress and the wing) with an eraser; After that, cut out a figure from paper. You can decorate the angel's dress using the openwork design of the hem of the dress and symmetrically cut out small images on the fold of the figure. The varied shape of the wings and the openwork pattern of the costume will make each angel original and unique.

The next stage of work is the most exciting. Open the finished figurine, pull the upper part of the halo forward - your angel will have hands folded in prayer

Fix the folds on the “shoulders” and folded “palms”, and your paper angel is ready. The cuts on the wings and hem can be made voluminous by twisting paper strips onto a pencil

Favorsky's Angel combines the lightness and purity of the material, the possibilities of creative exploration, plastic grace and unconditional simplicity of execution.

It will be a wonderful amulet gift and will bring into your home hopes for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires in the New Year.

Templates for Christmas Angels

And a few more templates for Christmas Angels made from plain writing paper. A little paper angel can become the guardian angel of your home.

1. You will need a sheet of thick paper. Transfer the image from the drawing onto paper. The dotted line is the line along which you need to bend the sheet in half for symmetry when cutting out the shape.

You can imagine the image or leave it as is. Carefully cut out the angel and bend its arms along the marked dotted line. Thread the needle and pull the thread through the wings (this place is indicated by a dot). It’s good if the thread between the wings is threaded through a small piece of cocktail straw. - We'll get a flying angel. All that remains is to hang the little guardian angel higher.

2. And here is a pattern of a traditional Waldorf angel from paper,

which you can decorate your homes for Christmas.

3. You can make angels like this from ordinary paper; they are cut out according to the principle of a snowflake, that is, an outline is applied to the paper folded in half and cut out; if necessary, some details are folded back.

4. Glowing Angel made of golden paper or foil:

Cut along solid lines. Dotted line - fold lines (do not cut!). We attach the stars to the wire.

Angel and tabletop tree made of paper and cardboard

To make such an angel you need to cut out 2 truncated cones. This will be an angel's dress. Cut out the head and draw the face as shown in the picture. Join 2 sheets together to make a halo. Next, glue 2 rectangles and cut out sleeves for the angel from them. Glue your hands to them (use the same paper as for the face).

Make wings. They must be double-sided. Collect an angel figurine. Thread a thread through the halo and you will get a wonderful Christmas tree toy.

For a tabletop Christmas tree, you can use cardboard.

1. Cut out 2 blanks in the shape of a Christmas tree. In one, make a cut from the top to the middle, in the second - from the base to the middle.

In ancient Greek there is a word "angelos". The concept of “angel” is derived from it. The Greek term means "messenger". That is, the winged spirit is the one who conveys the will of the Gods. So, in the story of the Nativity, the angels told the wise men not to return to Herod.

The priestesses knew where the baby Jesus was, and they prophesied to the king that the end of his reign would come with the birth of the Savior. Therefore, the Magi, as well as Joseph, Mary and the baby, went to Egypt. Since then, Christians have worshiped angels.

One way to give thanks is to place winged figures on Christmas trees. The holiday is already around the corner. It's time to find out exactly how to make Christmas angels. If you take it as a material, the process will be quick and simple.

How to make an angel out of paper

How to make an angel out of paper - video, which can be divided into several categories. The first includes samples that require scissors to make. These are the simplest and fastest options for making angels. You can create separate ones, or tie them into garlands. Let's start with the chain of winged creatures. They seem to be holding hands, symbolizing the unity of the forces of good.

This is just a preparation. There is room for imagination. The garland can also be cut out of thin cardboard or colored paper. It doesn't have to be left untouched. How about covering it with paint, or spraying glitter? The atmosphere of a fairy tale and purity will be supported by glued rhinestones. The outline of the angels can also be different.

Individual figures of God's messengers can be flat or three-dimensional. A middle option is also possible. It requires corrugated paper. Sheets from stores are usually thin and have a small zigzag. For Christmas crafts you need thick paper with large folds. So, we take ordinary sheets and create the corrugation ourselves. The nuances of the process will be explained in the following video “ How to make a Christmas angel out of paper»:

Now let's figure it out how to make a three-dimensional angel out of paper in the full sense of the word. A pattern will be required. Even a child can draw it. To make the figure hold its shape better, use thick paper. A sheet of A-4 format is enough. Scissors, as always, are the main thing in the process. So let's get started.

If you don’t have time to draw the outline of a winged creature, you can use a ready-made template. It is not difficult to find on the Internet. All you need is a printer to print the sample. Next, we draw along the contour, and the issue is resolved, how to make an angel out of paper. Templates The most popular ones are listed below:

In question, how to make a paper angel with your own hands Origami lessons stand out. The technique cannot be called simple, and it takes a lot of time to create one figure. Therefore, we will pay special attention to Japanese technology.

How to make an angel from origami paper

To create origami, you need precision, patience, and spatial thinking. All this relates to the sphere of the mind that controls the angels. This is the opinion of Evagrius. This ascetic monk lived in the 4th century. It is the concept of Evagrius that is recognized as fundamental by Christianity. The man said that the human essence is threefold.

The lower part causes thirst for carnal pleasures, hunger. The medial substance is responsible for emotions, promoting pride and anger. The third part is rational. It is she who brings a person closer to God and the world of angels. So origami, where you need to turn off your emotions and forget about hunger, delving into creativity, perfectly matches the spirit of Christmas.

The photos are inspiring. The time has come make a paper angel for the New Year or Christmas. In Russia the first holiday is celebrated on a grand scale. In Europe and America, Christmas is considered the main holiday, honoring the traditions of Christianity. In Japan, as a rule, Buddhism is practiced. But this does not prevent you from using the work of the masters of the country of the Ascendant and creating origami angels. Training video below.

Origami figures are stable, dense, and voluminous. Such angels can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the festive table, fireplace, in general. Wings are also used in the decoration of premises as the main attribute of heavenly spirits. The accessory can be hung on the wall, or worn on yourself. The last option is good in the case of a themed, costume party.

How to make angel wings from paper

Make your own angel wings from paper easier than it seems. Firstly, the object is quite large. There is no need to painstakingly cut and fold the smallest parts. Secondly, you only need paper, glue or tape, a pencil and scissors. Everyone has this toolkit. How to apply it? Watch the training video:

Sonya Star shared her method of making angel wings. But, there are plenty of other options. A certain Max Lenova refrains from commenting and offers a rather dark video. But the young man’s creation is so beautiful that it is worth attention even in this form.

Paper can only be the basis for the wings. Feathers, for example, are also made from fabric. It is also possible to use non-standard sheets. Wings made from newspapers or tracing paper look unusual and elegant. In order not to be unfounded, below are examples of works with a “zest”.

Now, it remains not to forget about the Christmas stars and images of Jesus. During early Christianity, by the way, he was considered one of the angels. Christ lost this status only in the year 325. Then the Council of Nicea was held, convened by the Emperor of Rome, Constantine 1st.

At the meeting it was established that Jesus has the same nature as God, which means he cannot be an angel. However, this does not demean the role of heavenly spirits, but only changes the public's view of Christ. He is considered the savior of humanity. This means that Christmas is a holiday of salvation, kindness and purity of thoughts.

If you want to create a festive Christmas atmosphere in your home, then I suggest you decorate your window beautifully and festively. Surprise your loved ones and friends by making an original Christmas window for Christmas, which will definitely not leave your family, friends and neighbors indifferent.
After all, looking at a beautiful Christmas window, your soul will always be joyful and warm. Templates for windows can be different, but since Christmas is coming soon, we’ll look at some beautiful Christmas angels that you can make with your own hands from paper. I think if you have the desire and a little free time, you will definitely make and decorate the window very beautifully, I don’t even doubt it.
I will upload angel ideas for you and you can choose them as you wish. Some stencils can be used as garlands.
Decorate your home and create a Christmas atmosphere in it.

The story of the Nativity of Christ.

The Nativity of Jesus Christ is celebrated differently in different churches; in Russia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. This is one of the most important holidays for Christians. The name “Jesus” means “Savior”, “Christ” means “Anointed One”, i.e. Jesus Christ is God's Anointed, the King of Heaven and earth, the Prophet and Savior of human souls. The Nativity of Christ marks a new era - the transition from paganism to Christianity, because for the forgiveness of the sins of all people, Jesus Christ came to earth, suffered like an ordinary person, and died on the Cross.

The Mother of God - Virgin Mary, together with her husband Joseph, lived in the Jewish city of Nazareth. After the Annunciation - the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel of the good news about the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ - the Roman Emperor Augustus, who conquered Judea, decided to conduct a population census, which every resident of Judea had to take in the city of his birth.
Therefore, Mary and Joseph went to their homeland - to the city of Bethlehem, located somewhere 15 km from the capital of Judea - Jerusalem. The path was quite difficult, however, on the evening of January 6, Mary and Joseph reached Bethlehem, which was crowded with people wishing to take the census. All the hotels were occupied; out of despair, the Virgin Mary and Joseph decided to spend the night in a country cave, in which sheep usually slept at night. But that night the cave was empty, to the delight of the travelers.
It was in this very cave that the Savior, Jesus Christ, was born from Mary. The difficult life path of Jesus began not in a royal mansion or even in a house, but in an ordinary cave, on hard straw, which clearly characterizes the sacrificial life of Jesus Christ for the sake of saving us mere mortals, sinful people.

In that country there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly a large army of heaven appeared with the Angel, glorifying God and crying: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!
When the Angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said to each other: let's go to Bethlehem and see what happened there, which the Lord told us about. And they hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in a manger. When they saw it, they told about what had been announced to them about this Child. And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary kept all these words, writing them in her heart.

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and said, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?” For we saw His star in the east and sewed it to worship Him. And behold, the star that they saw in the east walked before them, when it finally came and stood over the place where the Child was. Seeing the star, they rejoiced with very great joy, and, entering, they saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and, falling, they worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
When they departed, behold, the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and says: get up, take the Child and His Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him. He got up, took the Child and His Mother by night and went to Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod.

This is the Christmas story that happened many years ago in Bethlehem.

Look what beautiful windows our craftswomen Anya Dovgailo and Yagodki made

A Bird flew out of the heart!

From the gentle wings the light shone!

In diamond dust, on the pages,

Heavenly Angel slept sweetly

And the Angel dreamed of open spaces!

Boundless stars, endless Light!

And mountains rose into the sky!

Goodness and light!... From the hearts!

We use ready-made angel figurines as a design element in a preschool educational institution; it will also be nice to give such a gift to mom and dad, grandparents, for example, for Easter or Christmas.

The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​​​modeling angels can be used to make other figures. For example, the heroes of a tabletop puppet (or finger) theater for children.

In order to complete such a craft, you will need: white (and colored) A4 paper, pencils or markers, a glue stick, scissors, as well as a good mood and your imagination!

Step 1. Take a sheet of white paper or cardboard. Let's draw the outline of the future figure on it. So that later the figure can stand, when drawing the bottom arc line, it is better to use a compass.

Step 2. Then we carefully cut along the line (photo 2), and make additional cuts to fold the figure (photo 3).

Step 4. Now you can start working on the decorative elements. You can decorate the angels with hearts or flowers, or you can show your imagination and use foil, elements using the quilling technique, voluminous flowers, cut out pieces of pictures from magazines, or ordinary small stickers.

Step 5. We glue decorations onto the figures of our angels.

Step 6. Now you can design the face. We used colored pencils and markers.

Step 7 Now you can arrange an exhibition.

Paper crafts have always been very popular among children and adults. Availability and low cost of materials, ease of production that is understandable even for small children, as well as a huge variety of types of crafts on various topics. We all remember very well the various airplanes and boats, bombs and flowers of the carefree kindergarten and school life.

It’s hard to even imagine a holiday for which there won’t be some paper decorations. New Year with its snowflakes and garlands, birthday with voluminous inscriptions, caps and pipes, Easter and Christmas with festive napkins, stars and applications.

But among all the immense variety of paper crafts, there is one unique creation suitable for almost all holidays and celebrations. This is an angel who brings joy and peace.

Everyone's favorites

Everyone likes angels, everyone loves angels. They are always welcome both on the New Year tree and when decorating a room for a birthday celebration. There is nothing to think about Easter and Christmas. Here, as they say, God himself commanded.

Even on weekdays, you see, a charming angel floating carefree under a chandelier or cornice will add tenderness and warmth to your everyday life and make you smile once again.

There are a huge number of varieties of these cute heavenly creatures. Just look at photos of paper angels on the Internet. The number of them can make your head spin.

Huge variety: from angels of very complex designs, the production of which takes several hours, or even days, and requires a master class, to very simple little angels that can be made in a few minutes.

How to make an angel out of paper with your own hands?

First of all, you need to decide what kind of angel you will make. It’s probably not worth starting with complex crafts that require special skills. It’s better to start with simple, but very cute angels.

To cut out a simple angel from paper you don’t need a lot of experience and knowledge. Just take a sheet of thick paper and draw a cute angel on it. Cut it out and decorate it. Glue a loop of string or ribbon at the top of the craft. Voila! The adorable creation is ready!

In order for the angel to delight you for more than one season, it is better, of course, to make it out of thick paper or stick it on cardboard.

Materials you may need for making:

  • thick paper (whatman paper, cardboard);
  • scissors;
  • paints, pencils;
  • multi-colored glitters;
  • glue (pencil);
  • a beautiful ribbon or lace.

Volumetric angels

The next most difficult ones are voluminous paper angels. When making them, you already need to show some ingenuity. Here, there will probably already be a clear sequence of actions, the implementation of which is necessary to obtain the result.

First of all, you will need to print out a paper angel stencil on a printer or draw it by hand directly on the sheet that you are going to use. Then, carrying out strictly sequential actions, such as cutting, bending, folding, gluing, you will ultimately give the angel the necessary three-dimensional shape.

In the end, all that remains is to decorate the angel at your discretion and carefully glue a loop of lace or ribbon to it.

To make such angels you will need:

  • template, stencil crafts;
  • scissors;
  • thick paper, whatman paper (or any paper you like);
  • a beautiful ribbon or cord for hanging;
  • paints, pencils, crayons;
  • multi-colored glitters;
  • tape (transparent and colored, with pictures).

As mentioned earlier, there are many more ways and options to make an angel craft. There are complex and cumbersome designs that combine many paper elements and parts, requiring extraordinary knowledge and skill from their creator. We have already looked at two simple types of crafts that even a child can handle.

In any case, whatever type of paper angel craft you choose, it is guaranteed to be a wonderful time spent. Fantastic opportunities will open up for you to decorate your personal angel as your heart dictates.

The main thing to remember is that you are not just making a craft, you are creating an angel. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to challenge your vision of the image, unless he is the one who saw a living angel with his own eyes or is one himself.

Photo of paper angels