What do you call a person who does everything perfectly and on time? People who love order: features, characteristics, ways to overcome mania What do they call a person who completely

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Simple and amazing stories of real heroes. Everyone should know their names.

History knows a huge number of people who performed outstanding deeds and discoveries, but at the same time went unnoticed.

website believes that many of them deserve fame and wide recognition. This article collects the stories of seven such heroes - they are all different, but each of them made life on planet Earth a little - or even a lot - better and happier.

Story from Konstantin Paustovsky

“It was the spring of 1912, before the exams, a meeting was organized in the garden. All the high school students in our class were called to it, except the Jews. The Jews were not supposed to know anything about this meeting.

At the meeting, it was decided that the best students from Russians and Poles should get a B in the exams in at least one subject, so as not to receive a gold medal. We decided to give all the gold medals to the Jews. Without these medals they were not accepted into the university.

We swore to keep this decision secret. To the credit of our class, we did not let it slip either then or later, when we were already university students. Now I am breaking this oath, because almost none of my comrades from the gymnasium are alive. Most of them died during the great wars my generation experienced. Only a few people survived."

A world without nuclear war

September 26, 1983 Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov was on duty at Serpukhov-15, a secret bunker near Moscow, and was busy monitoring the Soviet Union's satellite system. Shortly after midnight, one of the satellites signaled to Moscow that the United States was launching 5 ballistic missiles at Russia. All responsibility at this moment fell on the forty-four-year-old lieutenant colonel: he needed to make a decision on how to respond to this signal.

The alarm came at a difficult time, relations between the USSR and America were strained, but Petrov decided that it was false and refused to take any retaliatory measures. Thus, he prevented a possible nuclear disaster - the signal actually turned out to be false.

Vasily Arkhipov, an officer in the Russian Navy, also once made a decision that saved the world. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo. The Soviet submarine B-59 was surrounded near Cuba by eleven American destroyers and the aircraft carrier Randolph. Despite the fact that this took place in international waters, the Americans used depth charges against the boat to force it to rise to the surface.

The submarine commander, Valentin Savitsky, prepared to launch a retaliatory atomic torpedo. However, the senior officer on board Arkhipov showed restraint, paid attention to the signals from the American ships and stopped Savitsky. The signal “Stop the provocation” was sent from the boat, after which the American military forces were withdrawn and the situation was somewhat defused.

The Man with the Golden Arm

At thirteen, Australian James Harrison underwent major breast surgery and urgently needed about 13 liters of donor blood. After the operation he was in the hospital for three months. Realizing that donated blood saved his life, he made a promise to start donating blood as soon as he turned 18 years old.

As soon as Harrison reached the age required to donate blood, he immediately went to the Red Cross blood donation center. It was there that it turned out that his blood was unique in its own way, since its plasma contained special antibodies, thanks to which it was possible to prevent Rh conflict between a pregnant mother and her fetus. Without these antibodies, Rh conflict leads to a minimum of anemia and jaundice of the child, and a maximum of stillbirth.

When James was told what exactly was found in his blood, he asked only one question. He asked how often you can donate blood.
Since then, every three weeks, James Harrison comes to a medical center near his home and donates exactly 400 milliliters of blood. To date, he has already donated approximately 377 liters of blood.
Over the 56 years since his first donation, he has donated blood and its components almost 1,000 times and saved about 2,000,000 children and their young mothers.

Polish Schindler

Eugene Lazowski was a Polish doctor who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Thanks to the discovery of his friend, Dr. Stanislav Matulewicz, Lazowski simulated an outbreak of typhus, a dangerous infectious disease. Matulevich discovered that a healthy person could be inoculated with certain bacteria, and then the test results for typhus would be positive, and the person himself would not experience any manifestations of the disease.

The Germans were afraid of typhus because it was highly contagious. At a time when Jews infected with typhus were routinely executed, Lazowski vaccinated the non-Jewish population in the neighborhoods surrounding the ghetto, near the town of Rozwadov. He knew that the Germans would be forced to refuse to approach the Jewish settlements, and they ended up simply quarantining the area. This saved approximately 8,000 Polish Jews from certain death in concentration camps.

The scientist who saved millions of lives

American biologist Maurice Ralph Hilleman created 36 vaccines during his life - more than any other scientist in the world. Of the fourteen vaccines that are now used everywhere, he invented 8, including measles, meningitis, chickenpox, hepatitis A and B.

In addition, Hilleman was the first person to determine how the influenza virus mutates. Almost single-handedly, he worked to create a vaccine that prevented the 1957 Asian flu outbreak from becoming a repeat of the 1918 Spanish pandemic, which killed 20 million people worldwide.

Immortal Cell Donor

African American Henrietta Lacks died of cancer in 1951 at the age of thirty-one. However, she became the donor of cellular material that allowed Dr. George Otto Gay to create history's first immortal line of human cells, known as the HeLa line. “Immortality” meant that these cells did not die after several divisions, which means they could be used for many medical experiments and research.

In 1954, a strain of HeLa cells was used by Jonas Sock to develop a vaccine against polio. In 1955, HeLa became the first human cells to be successfully cloned. The demand for these cells grew rapidly. They were put into mass production and sent to scientists around the world to study cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and other diseases. Scientists are now growing about 20 tons of Henrietta cells, and there are almost 11,000 patents related to them.

Inventor of the seat belt

July 10, 1962 Volvo Corporation employee Nils Bohlin Patented his invention - a three-point seat belt. It was the same system that is still used in cars today: it took Bohlin just under a year to create it, and it was first introduced on Volvo cars in 1959.

The corporation made the seat belt design free to other automakers, and it soon became a worldwide standard. According to recent studies, Bolin's invention saved about a million lives during its existence.

Unique classification of psychotypes: 10 difficult people to avoid communicating with

“Surround yourself with good people. People who will be honest with you and will never ignore your interests.” - Derek Jeter, MLB player, 5-time Gold Glove Award winner.

“Think carefully before you go to the bad side: if you are too weak to succumb to this temptation, most likely you will not have the strength to go back,” Victoria Addino, American writer and entrepreneur.

“Stop allowing people who do so little for you to control your thoughts, feelings and emotions,” Will Smith, American actor.

Your life is an exclusive event. It depends only on you who will participate in it.

A study conducted by researchers at Harvard and Cambridge Universities found that being with a positive person increases your likelihood of being an optimist by 11%, while being with a sad person doubles your chances of being considered a bore.

You can make every effort to be surrounded by good people, communication with whom will give strength and motivate for new endeavors. But you can also do nothing, dooming yourself to live with energy vampires who consider it their duty to convince a person that he is an empty place.

This may sound cruel, but it's true. After all, along the way, each of us has met a person who made us feel awkward. Such people not only hurt others, they infect them with their negativity.

To avoid similar situations in the future, you must admit to yourself that not all of your friends and acquaintances have a positive influence on your life and find the strength to say goodbye to them. Some people sincerely empathize with your problems, support and console you, others strive to benefit for themselves. It's hard not to notice the difference, isn't it?

10 people you should avoid talking to

So, to make your life easier and simpler, Isaiah Hankel, the author of this classification, advises you to stop communicating with the following types of people.

1. Chicken Little

Chicken Little is a person who can easily convince you that your idea is not worth a damn. When you tell Chicken Little that you want to try something new, he gives you a ton of reasons why you shouldn't.

When you share with him the results of your own creativity - you let him read a few chapters of a new novel, show him a picture drawn the day before - Tsypa explains why what you created is not worthy of the attention of a wide audience.

Chicken people never offer solutions to problems or ask the right questions, but they are masters at predicting impending failure.

2. Heavy hand

A heavy hand is a person who uses force and blackmail to control the actions of others. Such a person does not care about you, he is interested in what you can do for him.

As a rule, a Heavy Hand occupies a high position and is distinguished by an extraordinary mind. Most often, such characters can be found among public figures, directors, mentors and politicians. Their main weapon is the feelings of guilt and fear experienced by the people around them.

3. Tricky

You are very unlucky if your immediate boss is a jerk, because such people are simply impossible to please. They elevate themselves to the rank of the Almighty and think that they have the right to decide the destinies of other people.

However, Zadavaka is no different from ordinary person: it does not have unique mental abilities and does not know what came first - the chicken or the egg.

Use the Asshole as a motivator, but don't waste time trying to please him.

4. Drama Queen

Isaiah Hankel talks about this type of person like this:

“A few years ago I dated a Drama Queen. She constantly dragged me into completely meaningless arguments that flared up over some trifle. It all started with a small reproach thrown at me by her. Usually I was able to ignore him, but she never stopped there: she whined until I started arguing with her.

She always had a reason for sadness: she complained that she had nothing to wear, that there was only news on TV, that I did not pay enough attention to her, that on the street bad weather. I tried not to react to her scenes, but I kept giving up.

To be honest, deep down I kind of enjoyed these exchanges. Her presentations provided me with an additional opportunity to solve problems. Of course, they were meaningless, and the time allocated for solving them was wasted.”

The drama queen can be either a girl or a guy - it doesn't matter. Don't let them drag you into the performances. Instead, cut them out of your life and finally stop wasting time on solving non-existent problems. :)

5. Drainage

As soon as the drain man opens his mouth, you feel like you just ran a marathon. Everything about this person - the sound of his voice, mannerisms, gestures, facial expressions - has a negative impact on the energy balance of the interlocutor.

In the morning you can be sure that today will be an unusually successful day, but after meeting the drainage man you will want to jump out of the window.

Most people tolerate Drains because they feel pity for such persons and sincerely hope to charge them with their positive energy. But the thing is that Drains will never give up their role, because they like to be pitied and given a lot of attention.

6. Elmer

Elmers are boring, ruthless, annoying people causing others to suffer. They can be compared to thick, sticky glue that is almost impossible to get rid of.

Imagine a person who repeats day after day that he cannot live without you. He claims that he is ready to do anything to keep you close, but despite this, he hurts you again and again.

The Elmers are narcissistic martyrs who don't care at all about what happens in other people's lives. Don't expect them to ever ask how you are doing, because your problems don't bother them.

Perhaps, none of the types of this classification can compete with Elmer in the skill of poisoning the lives of others. So if you know Elmers, try to avoid talking to them. :)

7. Landslide

Isaiah Hankel talks about this type of person like this:

“Just imagine: in high school we had a professor who, at over 50 years old, was not ashamed to drink with his students and organized parties for them. The funny thing is that he was constantly trying to convince the other teachers to relax a little and have fun. It was a pitiful sight."

It is very difficult for landslides to adapt to the conditions dictated by life. These are cool high school students who spend their whole lives hanging on their parents’ necks and spend their free evenings in a bar near their home. Such people need a lot of time to come to terms with inevitable changes. Sometimes it takes a lifetime.

8. Princess

If the Drama Queen had a child, it would be a Princess. :)

Princesses act as if there is no one better and more beautiful than them. When Princesses make mistakes, they rant about injustice and look for someone to blame. They are constantly surprised by something and feel ashamed of other people's inappropriate behavior.

The whole point is that thoughts, actions and their entire existence are green melancholy. If you think that there is not enough color in your life, think about whether there are any Princesses among your friends.

9. Fraudster

Fraudsters are carriers of various ideas and projects that supposedly should save humanity. All you need is the time and money necessary to implement these stupid ideas. In return, you receive a 100% guarantee of the profitability of the above-mentioned projects and a promise that they will take care of everything themselves.

When you ask questions, Scammers smile, convince you that everything will be fine, and advise you to trust the laws of the Universe. These people manipulate feelings of guilt and duty to get what they want. They will call you narcissistic if you fight for your own happiness, and noble if you agree to sacrifice it for the “well-being of other people.”

10. Manipulator

Isaiah Hankel says the following about this type of person:

“I had a friend in college who could easily talk me into skydiving. He spoke very quickly, was full of ideas and knew how to make me feel important. But in the end I realized that this only happened when it was beneficial to him.

He always kept me from doing things that would improve my life and pushed me to take risks that could ruin it. That was until I stopped communicating with him.”

Getting rid of manipulators is not easy, since such people have many positive qualities: They are charismatic, energetic, creative and, most importantly, sociable. However, Manipulators use them only to prevent you from moving forward.

To spot a Manipulator, try to focus on his words, not his actions. Once you realize who is using you to achieve their own goals, say goodbye to this person.

7 types of people you should be friends with

The second step on the path to a successful, fulfilling life is communication with positive people. However, figuring out who can make your life better is not so easy. Sometimes the best people for this role are people who frankly annoy you. To establish contact with them, you need to change your attitude towards these individuals and, as they say, accept them for who they are.

1. Stoic

The first type of person to communicate with is called a “stoic”. Talking about this psychotype, Isaiah Hankel recalls his close friend, whom he met at wrestling classes:

“One of my friends in college was a real nerd. One got the feeling that he was never surprised or happy at anything. In general, he could not be called an enthusiast. But he also never worried or panicked. All my attempts to get him angry - so that he showed at least some emotion - ended unsuccessfully: he remained restrained, calm and collected.

As he later explained to me, this was his main advantage. When he fought, he won. No matter how strong his opponent was, he always won. My friend was a Stoic."

Stoics have perfect control over their emotions. They control them so well that they sometimes give the impression of rude robotic people, somewhat similar to the Snooty people from the previous classification.

Stoics focus their attention on events within their control: attention, attitude, and the next action they intend to take. Feel free to invite Stoics into your life, because communication with them will allow you to understand what an active life position is.

2. Mastermind

A mastermind is a person who knows everyone, and everyone knows him. :)

Masterminds are best suited to be organizers whose job is to bring people together and channel their energy in the right direction.

It is very easy to confuse an Inspirer with a Manipulator, since he is also charismatic and, as it may seem at first glance, overly sociable. However, the goals set for the Manipulator and the Inspirer are radically different from each other: the Manipulator pursues selfish goals, and the Inspirer seeks to satisfy the interests of the majority.

Pay special attention to this person's actions (not words!): Inspirers create, and Manipulators chatter.

3. Inquisitor

Inquisitors ask about everything. When you have a great idea, want to take a huge risk, or are making Napoleonic plans, Inquisitors have doubts, raise objections and consider possible scenarios.

It is very easy to hate the Inquisitor, but it is simply impossible to do without such a character. No matter what you want to achieve, you will need reliable, disinterested Inquisitors to show you the right path. :)

A lot of people, fired up by some big idea, stop accepting constructive criticism. If someone tries to give advice that could help them, they bury their head in the sand and hope for the best. Don't become one of these people. Instead, consider how communicating with the Inquisitor can benefit you: unlike Chicken Little, he does not have an irrational fear of what you tell him, but gives advice that contributes to your success.

4. Aristocrat

It is very easy to confuse an Aristocrat with a Princess. But despite the fact that each of them has exceptional manners, Princesses behave arrogantly, and Aristocrats behave reservedly and affably. Princesses present themselves in a favorable light, taking advantage of the lower position of others, while Aristocrats ignore this factor in order to destroy possible barriers to communication.

5. "Loser"

Isaiah Hankel talks about this type of people:

“In college, physics classes were attended by what seemed to me then to be a spineless guy. He was very withdrawn and constantly said something out of place. But his scores were very high, and our professor really liked the ideas he described.

Later I found out that this guy was developing computer programs, started his own business and is now thinking about how to make his first million. Yes, now I regret a little that I didn’t become friends with him then.” :)

“Losers” are people who may not seem to fit into your company. They are very clumsy and often make others feel awkward. But at the same time, it is those who were once considered “Losers” who decide to do absolutely incredible things and achieve success.

This is because they don’t take the time to learn how to not stand out from the crowd and meet imaginary standards.

6. Gladiator

Gladiators are proactive, competitive people who love to cope with various difficulties and constantly challenge themselves. What is the result? Communication with Gladiators is avoided.

The thing is that most people are afraid to get into conflict situations, preferring the boring course of life to any changes. Gladiators, in turn, love to compete with other people, because they are confident that competition is the main engine of progress.

Don't confuse the Gladiator with the Heavy Hand: The Heavy Hand oppresses those around you, killing their initiative, while the Gladiator leads the way, motivating them to work. Instead of being shy about Gladiators, invite them into your life: they will push you in the right direction and help you use your full potential.

7. Golden child

Surely there is a person in your life who enjoys universal love. Perhaps this is a work colleague to whom all employees and bosses flock to listen to his point of view on some issue or just to chat. Or maybe it's your friend (or each other), whose appearance eliminates the need to illuminate the room.

Such people attract others with their energy, simplicity and friendliness. From the outside it seems as if life is throwing them from one hot spot to another. But this is only from the outside...

In fact, every Golden Child has a lot of troubles behind him, overcoming which he ended up where he is now. Most likely, over the course of many years, the Golden Child made far-sighted decisions regarding not only his work, but also the people who surrounded him.

Don't try to compete with the Golden Child. Instead, try to become the Golden Child by cutting out the people in your life who are holding you back.

Remember: your life is an exclusive event!

Toxic people drive you crazy with their irrational behavior. Don't be fooled by this, their behavior really goes beyond common sense. So why would you allow your emotions to respond to them and drag yourself into this nonsense?

Toxic people defy logic. Some are happy in ignorance of their negative impact on others, while others seem to enjoy destroying and hurting people.

It is important to learn how to interact with different people, but communicating with a truly toxic person will never justify the time and energy spent on him, it will only drain you. Toxic people constantly create unnecessary complications, conflicts and, worst of all, stress around themselves.

People can inspire or drain, so choose your companions wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

A recent study conducted at the German University. Friedrich Schiller showed how serious is the topic? toxicity in interaction.

It has been found that exposure to factors causing severe negative emotions- for example, those that you experience when communicating with toxic people - provoked the respondents’ brains to a strong stress reaction.

Whether it's negativity, cruelty, victim syndrome, or just plain insanity, toxic people create a state of stress in you that should be avoided at all costs.

Scientists have long discovered that stress has long-lasting negative effects on the brain. Even a few days of stress reduces neuronal activity in the hippocampus, an important part of the brain responsible for reasoning and memory.

Weeks of stress cause permanent damage to brain cells, but months of stress can destroy them. Toxic people don't just spoil your mood, interacting with them has a bad effect on your brain function.

The ability to manage your emotions and stress resistance directly affect productivity.

TalentSmart conducted a study involving over a million people. It turned out that 90% of the best workers had a high ability to manage their emotions in stressful situations, which allowed them to remain calm and in control. One of their greatest talents is the ability to recognize toxic people and keep them at bay.

It is said that a person is shaped by the five people he spends the most time with. If you allow even one toxic person in this five, you will very soon find out how much he or she is hindering your development. You can't distance yourself from toxic people without recognizing them first.. The trick is to differentiate really toxic people from simply annoying or difficult to communicate.

10 Types of Toxic Energy Vampires, from which you need to stay away so as not to become like that yourself.

1. Gossip

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Gossipers enjoy other people's misfortunes. It may seem fun at first to discuss someone's missteps in their personal or professional life, but over time it becomes boring, disgusting, and offensive to others. There are too many more positive things in life, and too much to learn from interesting people, to waste your time talking about other people's failures.

2. Temperamental

Some people have absolutely no control over their emotions. They lash out and pour out their feelings on you, believing that you are the cause of all their troubles. Temperamental people are difficult to throw out of life, because their inability to control their emotions causes pity. At a critical moment, such people will simply dump all their negativity on you, so you should avoid them at all costs.

3. Victim

Victims are difficult to recognize because you initially empathize with their problems. But with time comes the understanding that they have all the time “ difficult moment" Victims are actively avoided any personal liability, inflating any small obstacle in its path to the size of an insurmountable obstacle.

They don't see life's challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Instead, they see every adversity as a final ending. There is an old saying: “ Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a personal choice.” She perfectly conveys the meaning of the toxicity of victims who choose suffering every time.

4. Self-obsessed

Self-obsessed people spoil the mood by keeping an impassive distance from other people. Usually you can recognize such people by the feeling of loneliness in their company. This happens because, in their opinion, it is pointless for them to truly be in contact with someone. For them, you are nothing more than a tool to increase self-esteem.

5. Envious

According to envious people, the neighbor's grass is always greener. Even when something very good happens to an envious person, he does not get any pleasure from it.

The reason is that envious people constantly compare themselves and their successes with other people, while a feeling of satisfaction should be sought within themselves.

Plus, let's be honest: there will always be someone in the world who can do a better job than you if you look hard enough. Too often communicating with envious people dangerous because they teach to devalue their successes.

6. Manipulator

Manipulators extract time and energy from you under the guise of friendship. It can be difficult with these cunning people because they manipulate friendships. They know what you like, what makes you happy, what makes you laugh, but the trick is that they use this information for their own purposes. The manipulator always needs something from you. If you look back at relationships with them, they always take something and never or very rarely give themselves. They will do anything to win you over, just so they can take advantage of you later.

7. Dementor

In her series of books about Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling described certain evil creatures called “dementors” who sucked out souls, thus making people just empty bodily shells.

When a Dementor approaches, it becomes dark, cold, and people may experience their worst memories. Rowling said that she wrote dementors based on very negative people - those who, with their mere presence, suck the life force out of those around them.

Dementors exhaust people by imposing their negativity and pessimism on everyone they meet. For them, the glass is always half empty, and they can ruin even the most favorable situation by filling it with their fears and anxieties.

Research conducted by the University of Notre Dame has shown that students who live with pessimistic neighbors become more prone to negative thinking and even depression.

8. Spoiled

There are toxic people who initially harbor bad intentions, enjoying other people's pain and misfortune. They either want to hurt you or get something from you, otherwise they are not interested in you.

The good news is that such people can be quickly recognized in order to quickly exclude them from your social circle.

9. Critic

Critics will tell you right away what is good and what is bad. They have a habit of taking something you really like and making you feel terrible about it. Instead of appreciating and learning from those who are different, critical people look down on others. Critics suppress your desire to be a passionate, expressive person, so it is better not to communicate with them and remain yourself.

10. Arrogant

Arrogant people are a waste of time because they see a challenge in everything you do.

Arrogance is a false confidence that usually masks enormous self-doubt. Research at the University of Akron has shown that arrogance is associated with a host of problems at work.

Arrogant people are often poor performers, less likely to agree, and have more problems cognitive perception than the average person.

How to protect yourself by recognizing them:

Toxic people drive you crazy with their irrational behavior. Don't be fooled by this, their behavior really goes beyond common sense.

So why would you allow your emotions to respond to them and drag yourself into this nonsense?

The more irrational and inadequate a person is, the easier it should be for you to escape his traps. Don't try to beat them at their own game.. Distance yourself from them emotionally and treat interaction with them like a science project(or as if you were their therapist, if you prefer). You don't have to react to their emotional chaos, just consider the facts.

Not getting emotionally involved requires awareness. You can't force someone to stop provoking you if you don't see it happening. You may find yourself in a situation where you need gather your strength and choose the best next course of action for you. This is normal, don't be afraid to give yourself more time to do this.

Many people feel that because they work or live with someone else, they have no control over the chaos.

Nothing of the kind.

By recognizing a toxic person, you can understand and predict his behavior.

This will help you think logically about when and where you will have to deal with them, and when you can avoid them.

It is possible to set clear boundaries, but this must be done consciously and proactively. If you leave things to chance, you will constantly be drawn into difficult conversations.

If you set boundaries and decide when and where you will interact with the difficult person, you can control much of the chaos. The only thing is you need to stand firm and maintain your boundaries, when they want to break them, what to expect. published

In psychology there are a huge number of concepts that describe a wide variety of manias inherent in humans. Some people love to throw things around the apartment, while others will be happy to wash dishes until they shine all day long and make sure that there is not a single speck of dust in the house.

If we talk about what a person who loves order in everything is called, then in this case you can most often hear the words “neat”, “neat-spitting”, “pedant”, “neatist” and many others. As a rule, others make fun of such individuals, without even suspecting that some people have such an obsession for a reason.

General information

There are people who love order, but do not show much fanaticism. In this case there is no reason to worry. Who would blame a housewife for wanting her household to feel comfortable? It's another matter if things go to extremes. Mania for cleanliness and order is often caused by neuroses and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish a pedant from a person obsessed with an obsession.

If we're talking about about a certain type of personality, then such a pedant will be careful in everything. Sometimes such people are even considered petty, since they like to concentrate on even the most insignificant nuances both in communicating with others and in life.

People who have to have everything perfect are highly demanding. Such perfectionists are not easy to live with. To try to change the situation, you need to understand the nature of such mania (if it really causes so much inconvenience).

Perfectionist complex

Psychologists have long determined that the thirst for order and the desire to achieve the ideal in everything are very often found in the same person. People who love everything ideal live every day as some kind of test or challenge. Often in their aspirations they reach the point of absurdity. For example, such a person simply will not be able to carry on a conversation if he notices that one of the paintings on the wall is hanging crooked by several millimeters.

Often, in their desire to make the world around them ideal, such people begin to strive for 100% of everything. If they hang laundry, it must be at an equal distance from each other. Books will be arranged by color scheme or size. They often exhibit obsessions with cleanliness. Moreover, those around him get the impression that very soon the premises of such a pedant will literally become sterile.


Often people who love order too much are actually trying to hide from their own fears. When they clean the apartment or mop the floors until they shine, they begin to feel that they are able to control something. Therefore, only cleaning allows them to relax.

Most often, those who grew up in difficult conditions suffer from such mania. For example, if a child throughout his childhood saw his parents drinking alcohol, or his father and mother were forced to survive from penny to penny, then the child involuntarily realized that he could not correct the situation. Such helplessness gave rise to such dependence in him.

Chronic stress

If a person is forced to work in a job that requires maximum attention and nervous tension, then putting things in order can become a kind of outlet. Cleaning helps take your mind off things. When a person does something with his hands, he calms down faster.

Therefore, if the desire to restore order is especially acute at the end of a hard day, then you need to think about changing jobs or finding a way to relax. Often, chronic stress can also be associated with a loved one. In this case, you should think about your relationship.

Desire to be good

If a person who loves order was not very loved by his parents, then it is possible that adult life he is simply trying to win the warm feelings of others in such a unique way. The religiosity of some families should not be discounted. Purification rites often figure in the world's largest beliefs. Therefore, this automatically means that one who believes must monitor the purity of his soul and everything that surrounds him. This means order in the head and in the house.


As a rule, housewives most often suffer from this. If a woman does not work and is forced to play the role of keeper of the hearth, then she often feels resentful that all her work goes unnoticed. To draw attention to the fact that she spends no less time and effort on making the house cozy, a lady may unconsciously begin to reach the point of absurdity.

It is important for any housewife that her husband and children respect her and consider her. If this does not happen, then such a woman will begin to perfect her assigned role in order to prove that she has no equal in housework.

What's wrong with that

Many people associate a person who likes everything to be perfect with a positive personality. But you need to understand that if we are talking about dissatisfied people, then most often they are, on the contrary, embittered. By focusing on the fact that they have been underestimated, they can over time completely lose their sense of empathy and kindness.

Often people who love order unwittingly block their humanity, turning into a kind of robots or fanatics. It becomes difficult to communicate with them.

In addition, ideal order is the enemy of everything creative. If a person is never late for anything, is always dressed to the nines, and has a hair on his hair, then he is most likely incapable of fantasizing or dreaming. People around you become bored with such people.

People who love order are forced to spend most of their time cleaning. They don't know how to enjoy life. Such obsession over time deprives all joy. Similar people they stop thinking about loved ones and concentrate only on their mania. Therefore, you should not turn a blind eye to such problems. You need to understand how to get rid of such mania.


The most effective way is to seek help from a specialist. Mania for order, as a rule, appears against the background of psychological problems. Only a specialist will be able to find the exact cause of such an obsessive state and propose a treatment program.

Cognitive behavioral therapy shows good results. Thanks to it, the specialist is able to slightly correct the characteristics of the consciousness of a person for whom everything should be perfect, and aim him at other, more important things. The main goal of such treatment is to change the way of thinking, habits or entire lifestyle.

If this does not help or the patient wants to take the path of least resistance, then hypnosis can be used. In a state of deep sleep, the patient is instilled with the necessary key points.

Both methods are popular. But it is important that the procedures are carried out exclusively by a professional.

How to get rid of mania on your own

Most often, a person just needs to relax and not think about problems or anything else for a while. Aromatherapy is the best way to help with this. A few drops of oil are enough to be applied to a special candle - and a calming smell will spread throughout the apartment.

Preference should be given to lavender-based formulations. This aroma has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Also, the smell of this oil will help overcome insomnia.

You can also buy orange oil. Its aroma helps improve your mood. Additionally, it helps restore strength and recharge your batteries.

Some people use bergamot oil. The smell of this composition stimulates the production of the so-called happiness hormone. The person becomes calmer. Signs of severe nervous tension disappear.

You can also give preference to mint. It has excellent aromatic properties. Its aroma calms and relieves depression.

Is it better to be a slob?

If the desire for cleanliness is a mental problem, then can people who litter their apartments and live like in a barn really boast nerves of steel? Of course not. In everything you need to know when to stop. Any behavior taken to the point of absurdity can easily develop into mania. Therefore, we need to find a balance.

You need to find time for yourself, your loved ones and loved ones. You shouldn’t get nervous over trifles and allow yourself to become nervous. But this does not mean that you should start the house. If the paintings hang unevenly but the apartment is clean, then no one will accuse the owner of being unclean. But constant chaos can bring into life not less problems than any addiction.

Life is designed to constantly learn something. For example, new words with which you can describe people who interfere with your life. Why is this necessary? You can say them to their face without fear of getting punched in the face. And just for .


Meaning: a person who flaunts his imaginary virtues.

A little about the origin: The root of the word, as you might guess, is French. "Fanfaron" is translated as "brave in words", "boastful", "boastful", "braggart". Also, the Spanish “fanfarron” and the Arabic “farfar” are added to the forerunners of the word, which means “talkative”, “frivolous”.

In life: the translation speaks for itself. Your comrades who claim that they will sign for you at any time of the day or night, but then technically shirk responsibility when this moment comes. Such people, from the emptiness and stupidity of their own existence, begin to exaggerate their own achievements, or even even invent fables about their coolness. They are unable to find decent work in big city and, returning, they invent fables (so as not to damage their reputation) about the fact that they are almost being hunted by bandits. And they came to their homeland only to lie low. This is not an exaggeration, but a story from a former classmate.

Sometimes fanfare develops into egotism. The difference between egotism is that a person himself begins to believe in his greatly exaggerated capabilities.


Meaning: a person who likes to conduct lengthy discussions of a predominantly moralizing nature, without having any experience behind him.

In life: those same armchair philosophers and loser relatives who assert themselves through endless advice.


Meaning: a person who constantly asks questions of the interlocutor. Sometimes in order to gain more time to think.
In any case, it’s annoying when you are constantly asked questions during a conversation.


Meaning: a person with a narrow philistine circle and sanctimonious behavior.

A little about the origin: the history of this word goes back to biblical times, and did not always carry a negative character. For example, once upon a time, tall, powerful people were called philistines, by analogy with the Philistine Goliath. So be careful with this word: a citizen may think that you are calling him a mighty hero. Then this nickname stuck to the musketeers - the idols of girls' dreams of the 17th century. But one day one of the philistines (that is, the musketeers) shot and killed a student in a drunken brawl. A trial took place, after which the enlightened German students began to despise the hitherto glorious philistines with particular cynicism. WITH light hand The enlightened jokesters became a philistine, a strong but limited, self-satisfied man, the antithesis of an enlightened man.

In life: your life is full of them. This is often quite successful people, they can even be called individuals, but they will with particular cruelty vilify everything that they do not understand and that is alien to them. Yesterday they reviled Russian rap because the crowd compared it to stomach products, but today they love it because everyone started it. It's not because he has his own opinions that he believes in these ideals. But a philistine will never understand subjects that are alien to him. He's like someone who starts turning over pieces from the chessboard and making shit.


Meaning: the desire to appear smarter by using rare words.

In life: in fact, this is what you will be doing if you follow the call in this article. What is typical is that in ordinary life we ​​ourselves are very annoyed by such people.


Meaning: gravitating towards something familiar, unresponsive to the new, backward.

In life: Perhaps these are your relatives who do not understand your aspirations and hobbies. Or friends who think there is nothing better group"Paints".


Meaning: despot, tyrant, ruling at his own discretion. In other words, your boss or supervisor.

A little about the origin: Historically, satraps were the name given to the rulers of an administrative district in Ancient Persia. They were involved in collecting taxes, maintaining the army and had more powers than a famous academician and hero leading one of the republics in one of the countries. At the same time, the bastards became so arrogant that they constantly rebelled against the Great Tsar.

In life: As a rule, the satraps were scolded, but whether they scold your boss is a big question. A tyrannical dog allows itself to communicate with you like an animal: it is rude, insolent, humiliating. Maybe he's just scum? Come on, he’d rather be scum, it’s clearer that way.


Meaning: a completely ignorant person, ignorant in any area.

In life: It’s not that they interfere with life, but sometimes they make you ask the pressing question: how can you not know such simple things?

Sardonic rakalia

Meaning: maliciously mocking, caustic, sarcastic.

A little about the origin: The Romans had an expression “risus sardonicus”, which translates as “sardonic laughter”. Now it is difficult to establish where the word “sardonic” came from, but linguists are inclined to assume that the island of Sardinia, where a very bitter-tasting herb grew, is to blame. Eat such grass, and your mood is as disgusting as the aroma of the armpits of dirty Gauls and Lombards.

With rakalia everything is much simpler. Translated from French, “racaille” is nothing more than “scoundrel” and “scoundrel.” Leskov also wrote in “Lefty”: “Oh, you, such a scoundrel, I thought, he still has doubts!”

In life: sardonic rakali are a dime a dozen. Perhaps you yourself are the same rakalia. How many of us are like this, caustic, sarcastic, vile? As the classic said, too much. With our barbs we spoil the mood and lead people who are unsure of themselves astray. This is despite the fact that we ourselves begin to behave like little girls of puberty, if suddenly some sardonic bastard begins to publicly mock our ideas and thoughts. What a delicious word it is - sardonic.


Meaning: self-adoration, self-worship.

In life: people who love themselves so much that during sexual intercourse they imagine their own face. There is more to it than narcissism.