How to dilute apple cider vinegar to rinse hair. Apple cider vinegar for hair: use, benefits and harm

Everyone knows that hair will be soft and silky after washing if you use conditioner or conditioner. Choosing a cosmetic product is a matter of taste and financial capabilities. But not everyone knows that store-bought formulas can easily be replaced with cheap ones. folk remedies– for example, apple cider vinegar.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair

Apple cider vinegar (do not confuse it with regular one - regular one is also used for cosmetic purposes, but does not bring much benefit) contains a wide range of useful microelements and vitamins. They will come in handy in the kitchen and in cosmetology.

Decades ago, apple cider vinegar was a staple for strengthening hair. Cheap, cheerful, and most importantly helps.

  • the acid background is normalized;
  • removes deposits from dust, dirt, conditioners and shampoos;
  • the scalp becomes healthier;
  • dandruff, seborrhea, itching disappear;
  • the color of dyed curls becomes brighter and more durable;
  • the strands acquire a pleasant silkiness and beautiful shine.

Apple cider vinegar

In addition, the product is as easy as possible to use, and the result after its use is visible immediately. Ideal - complete a course of procedures (at least 2-3 weeks), and you will forget about increased greasiness and lack of volume for a long time.

Apple cider vinegar is a great alternative to store-bought products. Although the latter help give your hair an attractive look, they are expensive and can cause itching, dandruff, and allergies.

Bleached hair

What else do such rinses provide? They help restore hair after bleaching, dyeing, curling, smooth out scales - and the strands again acquire a beautiful shine. Vinegar can also be added to masks to treat hair loss, accelerate growth, and moisturize.

Apple cider vinegar is a great choice for oily hair. To achieve a pronounced effect, complete a course of procedures.

Should I rinse my hair with water? If your hair is normal or dry, then yes, but if your hair is oily, then no. The main thing is to strictly follow (they will be discussed below) - if you overdo it, you risk getting a scalp burn.

Indications and contraindications

The cosmetic benefits of malic acetic acid have long been known, so rinsing with an aqueous solution is a well-known the folk way improve scalp health and make hair manageable. Are such rinses always useful? Practically, but you need to take into account contraindications and take precautions.

Apple cider vinegar contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, useful acids, has antiseptic effect. Therefore it solves the following problems:

  • dryness, fragility;
  • section;
  • hair loss;
  • dullness, lack of healthy shine;
  • increased fat content.

Every time after shampoo - and you will start washing your hair much less often. However, owners of dry and normal hair should be careful with this product. It is not contraindicated, but if used incorrectly it can cause harm.

Your hair will become strong, shiny, beautiful, and elastic if you regularly rinse with vinegar. Please note that the product is ideal for oily strands.

List of contraindications:

  1. You cannot use undiluted essence - this will dry out your hair or cause a skin burn.
  2. Buy high-quality apple cider vinegar - at best, dubious ones will have no effect, and at worst, you will simply harm yourself.
  3. Observe the proportions strictly.
  4. If there are wounds on the head (for example, from torn acne), you should refrain from using the rinse until they are completely healed.
  5. If you are allergic to the essence, you should look for another recipe - individual intolerance has not been canceled.

Do you know how to make apple essence yourself? This ideal option. No? Don't experiment and buy a quality store-bought one.

Features of preparation of compositions

The easiest way to use essence is to rinse your hair after washing with a solution containing it. Take 1 tablespoon for 1 liter of water. Possible daily use. Apple cider vinegar acidifies water and restores balance to the scalp. In addition, lemon juice is used for the same purposes (but is only suitable for blondes).

Lemon juice

To make an aqueous vinegar solution, take a small bowl or saucepan and pour water into the container. Then add vinegar. Everything can be used. After rinsing, a characteristic smell remains on the hair. It disappears quickly, so there is nothing to worry about, but if you want to speed up the process, add 1-2 drops of any ether to the rinse water.

After rinsing, a specific vinegar aroma usually remains on the hair, but it quickly disappears. However, apple cider vinegar smells quite nice.

Rinse your hair with water or immediately wrap it in a towel. It is advisable to dry your curls naturally. By the way, apple cider vinegar can be mixed with any herbal infusions and decoctions to obtain maximum effect. Choose the herb for depending on the color of the strands - for light curls the best choice would be chamomile or linden, and for dark curls oak, nettle, sage.

Herbal decoction

Hair rinse recipes

When making a rinse, focus on your hair color:

  1. To give dark strands a rich shade, take one liter of water, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and about 200 g of rosemary or other herb infusion. Rinse your hair after washing and rinse with water or leave as is.
  2. For light strands, make or linden, add 200 g of decoction (about one glass) to a liter of water, pour in a spoonful of vinegar.

– from water, essences and aromatic oils. It will be most convenient to pour it into a spray bottle and use it as needed. Take:

  • 7 drops of ylang-ylang and 18 sandalwood, if the hair is brittle and split;
  • 10 drops of mint, fir, lavender to accelerate growth;
  • 10 drops each of lemon, lavender and vanilla if you are concerned about dandruff and hair loss problems;
  • 13 immortelle, 2 lavender and 10 lemon balm to reduce oiliness.

Sandalwood oil

The composition must be stored strictly in the refrigerator and no more than a week or two (focus on the smell and appearance mixtures).

To rinse your hair, you can use either a simple solution of water and vinegar, or a solution with the addition of herbal decoctions and essential oils. Sprays are also made with the essence.

You can also directly rinse your hair with water. In this case, the product will have maximum effect and a pleasant light aroma.


For more details on rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar, watch the video below.


Apple cider vinegar contains large number vitamins and valuable microelements. With its help, it is easy to make a homemade hair rinse, which will be an excellent alternative to store-bought conditioners - inexpensive and effective. The main thing is to observe the proportions and before starting to use the essence, make sure that you are not allergic to it. You can use apple cider vinegar as follows: pure form(diluted only with water), and in combination with essential oils. The effect will be noticeable after the first procedures.

IN lately apple cider vinegar has become very popular. And this is not surprising. After all, it can be used in cooking, as a medicine, and as cosmetic product.

And the composition of apple cider vinegar prepared at home can only be envied. After all, it contains a lot of vitamins, acids, minerals and microelements that our body simply needs.

You can talk about it for a very long time beneficial properties ah apple cider vinegar, since it is a unique product of its kind.

But today I would like to dwell in more detail on the fact that apple cider vinegar is simply necessary for our hair. After all, many of us live at a crazy pace, experience constant stress, perhaps eat poorly, or have a bunch of chronic diseases. And all these factors negatively affect the condition of our hair.

Apple cider vinegar for hair is a panacea for all problems. It helps get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp, strengthens hair, makes it soft, shiny, silky and manageable.

Apple cider vinegar for hair: recipes

1. Rinse hair with apple cider vinegar

  • if you want your hair to be soft, silky and manageable:

1 tbsp. Dilute a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of warm boiled water and rinse your hair with this product immediately after washing. You can add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

You can also use this recipe: take 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar for 3 glasses of water.

  • to enhance color and add shine to dark hair:

For 1 liter of warm boiled water we take 1 glass of rosemary decoction and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Rinse clean hair with the resulting mixture.

  • for lightening and strengthening hair:

For 1 liter of water, take 1 glass of chamomile decoction, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and rinse your hair with the prepared solution.

2. Hair masks with apple cider vinegar

  • for oily hair:

Grate a few apples (depending on the length of your hair, you can take more or less) on a fine grater and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and rub it well into the roots. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

3. Apple cider vinegar for itchy scalp and hair loss

Mix 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar with 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled water. Wet the comb in the prepared solution and begin combing the hair until it becomes damp.

4. Apple cider vinegar hair compresses.

  • apple cider vinegar for dandruff:

Mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of water, heat slightly and apply Apply the resulting solution to dry hair, while massaging the scalp well. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for 1 hour. After this, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.

  • another anti-dandruff compress:

2 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of burdock leaves and put on fire. As soon as the water begins to boil away a little, remove from the stove and wait until the broth cools down. Then filter it and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar. Rub the finished compress thoroughly into the scalp and leave for 30 minutes. Then I wash my hair.

  • hair strengthening compress:

Dissolve 1 tbsp in one glass of hot water. spoon of honey and add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting solution to your hair and rub into the scalp. Wash off after 30 minutes. This is an excellent remedy for hair loss.

Apple cider vinegar for hair is the most effective remedy that can protect it from hair loss and dandruff, as well as soften it and make it healthy and shiny.

He recommends that after each wash with shampoo, even a very expensive one, you must rinse your hair with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar and water. This way you can eliminate all the harmful effects that one or another cosmetic product can have on your hair.

Why rinse your hair with vinegar, is it useful? Let's figure it out. Without exception, all industrial shampoos are created on an alkaline basis. Soap, which many people use to wash their hair lately, has the same base, fearing sulfates in liquid products for washing.

Alkali has a rather negative effect on the scalp.– causes flaking and dandruff. Natural vinegar is used to neutralize alkali. What else is it useful for?

  • Natural vinegar contains many vitamins, microelements and acids that hair needs.
  • Removes alkali residues after shampooing and can replace hair conditioner.
  • Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Reduces the amount of dandruff.
  • Leaves curls super soft and shiny – even after the first use.
  • Reduces itching.

Very helpful vinegar baths for colored hair. Rinsing your hair after coloring fixes the color, and with regular use, the frequency of coloring can be halved.

Composition and benefits of apple cider vinegar

Natural apple product is extremely beneficial for health. Traditional healers use it to treat a lot of diseases - from hypertension to obesity. Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial for hair, as it contains more than twenty beneficial substances, such as:

  1. Acids– lactic acid, vinegar and apple juice, which have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, reduce itching, and relieve dandruff.
  2. Vitamins E and A– the strongest antioxidants that prevent premature aging skin.
  3. Vitamin B1– it improves blood circulation, which in turn enhances nutrition of hair follicles, prevents premature hair loss, and makes curls healthier.
  4. Magnesium, calcium, silicon and iron, which strengthen the hair, smooth out the scales, making the curls smoother, flowing, and dense.

It is hair baths with natural apple product that provide the maximum healing and cosmetic effect for curls - thanks to the presence of vitamins and microelements that are not found in ordinary table vinegar.

Can I use a regular dining room?

Regular table vinegar will give a little - it will restore the acid balance of the scalp, will slightly soothe the itching and reduce the amount of dandruff.

If your hair has recently been dyed and you want to fix the color, but you don’t have an apple or natural wine product on hand, you can use a canteen. The main thing you need to pay attention to is that it must be clean and the foam must settle quickly when shaken.

It is worth paying attention to the expiration date. You need to dilute table vinegar a large number water than natural.

Is there any harm from such rinsing?

With a well-chosen and properly diluted product, the rinsing procedure for almost any hair type will only bring benefits. If you take too high a concentration, you can dry out your hair., they will become thin and weak, and the scalp will turn red and begin to peel off - that is, the effect of the procedure will be the opposite of what was expected.

Do not rinse your strands with vinegar directly on the day of hair coloring or perm. The procedure may have a different effect on dry, very thin curls - it may dry them out, so the concentration should be less and the procedure should be carried out less frequently - once every two weeks.

Important! Close your eyes while rinsing! Even diluted vinegar can cause severe burning and an allergic reaction if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes!


You should not carry out the procedure if:

  • there are open wounds on the scalp, cuts, abrasions, deep scratches;
  • hair was dyed or permed that day;
  • hair is too dry;
  • are allergic to acetic or malic acid.

In all other cases Rinsing with vinegar will only give a positive effect.

How to dilute the product correctly and in what proportions?

Let's consider how to dilute natural apple, wine or rice vinegar to rinse strands after washing. It is recommended that the proportions for rinsing curls after washing are as follows: half a glass of product per liter of prepared warm water.

Table vinegar, unlike natural ones, is synthesized artificially, and its acidity is much higher than that of apple or grape vinegar. To rinse your curls you need to slowly pour 1 tbsp. l. product in 1 liter of water, and then rinse your hair very thoroughly so that no unpleasant odor remains.

It is necessary to dilute vinegar carefully, being careful not to inhale the vapors. and make sure that the pure product does not come into contact with the skin, especially if there is damage to it - cuts or abrasions.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

  1. Prepare a basin, ladle and towel.
  2. Dilute vinegar depending on the type according to the instructions above.
  3. Wash your hair as usual, after combing your curls.
  4. Rinse your hair, scooping the solution with a ladle, for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse your head with cool water, dry your hair with a towel, and comb gently.
  6. Enjoy beautiful, healthy, flowing locks.

Home Recipes

To enhance the effect of using vinegar, it can be combined with herbal medicine, that is, dilute the product in a decoction of herbs.

To strengthen strands

Recipe with nettle leaves:

  • two liters of water;
  • a packet of nettles for tea;
  • half a glass of apple cider vinegar.

Brew nettles in a glass of boiling water, cool, squeeze, pour the resulting solution into warm water, carefully add vinegar.

Recipe with burdock roots:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 15 grams of burdock roots;
  • half a glass of apple product.

Grind the roots, pour a glass of hot water, boil in a water bath for 14-20 minutes. Leave the solution until it cools completely, dilute it in a liter of water, pour in the vinegar. Rinse your hair according to the instructions above.

Both recipes help strengthen curls, thicken the hair structure, accelerate growth, make hair shiny and smooth, and stop baldness.

To get rid of dandruff

Recipe with cabbage leaves:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 200 grams of chopped cabbage leaves;
  • a third of a glass of apple product.

Soak cabbage leaves in boiling water, let steep for 2-3 hours, strain. Add vinegar to the resulting infusion, stir, and rinse your hair. To get rid of dandruff you will need only three to four procedures.

Recipe with birch sap:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1/2 cup birch sap;
  • 2 tablespoons industrial vinegar.

Mix all the ingredients carefully, rinse your hair, and wrap your head in a towel for a couple of hours. This procedure can not only quickly get rid of dandruff, but also accelerates hair growth., compacts them, makes them very smooth.

For shine and hair growth

Let's take the following components:

  • chamomile – 20 grams;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar.

Brew chamomile with boiling water, cover the container with a lid, and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and dilute with warm water., carefully pour in a spoonful of vinegar.

This rinse is especially good for blondes, as it adds shine to the hair and makes it a tone lighter. In addition, the procedure strengthens the hair and makes it very dense and smooth.

How often can the procedure be done and when will the results appear?

The procedure can be carried out for oily hair - once a week, for dry and normal hair - once every two. The result will appear after the first use - the hair will become soft, flowing, shiny, smooth and silky in appearance.

After two or three procedures, dandruff will disappear, after a couple of months of regular procedures, hair will fall out much less, the scalp will become healthier, and gray hair will decrease.

Vinegar rinses can be done regularly, without interruptions, since in the absence of contraindications they have only a positive effect on the hair and scalp.

Thus, the use of natural apple or wine vinegar has the most positive effect on curls - it makes them smooth, healthy, shiny, helps reduce hair loss, treats the scalp from dandruff and relieves itching. Moreover, the procedure, with due precautions, has a minimum of contraindications and is suitable for hair of all types.

Useful video

Let's watch a video about using vinegar to rinse hair:

Not every woman can boast of the beautiful and well-groomed hair that Mother Nature bestowed. About How will apple cider vinegar help your hair? Today the site “Who is over 30” will tell you. Vinegar is a remedy that is unlikely to lose its relevance among women. And the reason for this is its effectiveness.

Apple cider vinegar - a treasure trove useful microelements, vitamins and minerals. Vinegar is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It helps with obesity, varicose veins, and also fights cellulite, stretch marks and facial skin problems.

Moreover, it is used both internally and externally.

But often what is passed off as apple cider vinegar in stores is regular table vinegar, not 100% fermented apple juice. This is the product that provides a set of useful properties. Therefore, to purchase a quality product, pay attention to the composition.

Using apple cider vinegar helps cope with itching and dandruff. In addition, it will make your hair strong, smooth and manageable! This product will help solve almost any hair and scalp problem.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

For oily hair, it is recommended to use apple cider vinegar 2 or more times a week, and for normal and dry hair, once a week is enough. Among the ways to use this “magic” product, the following have gained the greatest popularity:

Rinsing hair with apple cider vinegar.

Suitable for everyone who wants to make their hair soft, smooth and manageable. 2 most popular options Preparing the rinse aid:

1) add a third of a tablespoon of vinegar to 3 glasses of water;

2) add one tablespoon of vinegar and lemon juice to a liter of water.

You can add shine and rich color by using this recipe: mix a glass of rosemary decoction, a tablespoon of vinegar and a liter of water.

You can lighten and strengthen your hair with a similar recipe, replacing a glass of rosemary with a glass of chamomile infusion.

You should rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar immediately after washing your hair.

Hair mask: apple cider vinegar and water

Mix in equal quantities, heat and rub into hair roots. Leave for half an hour, wrapping your hair in a towel. This recipe will help with dandruff.

In order to strengthen your hair, dilute a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to the resulting solution. The mask should be rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes you can wash it off.

For damaged hair A mask of a tablespoon of olive or almond oil, two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is suitable. Apply the prepared mixture to your hair for an hour, then cover with a bag and wrap terry towel. You can add half a tablespoon of lemon juice to the solution - it helps strengthen your hair.

Combing your hair with apple cider vinegar

There is only one combing procedure - dip into the prepared solution. massage brush and comb 3-5 times a week before bed.

If you need to cope with hair loss or get rid of oily hair, take water and vinegar in a 50:50 ratio; if you need to deal with itching, take a teaspoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of water.

Important: when preparing solutions, use only warm and boiled water.

Apple cider vinegar for hair: reviews

  • After a hormonal imbalance I encountered a problem rapid hair contamination. I've tried everything! And then I read that the substances contained in apple cider vinegar improve the functioning of pores. I decided to try it and did not regret it! I mix vinegar with warm water and rub it into the scalp. After a week of use, the result is already noticeable. I recommend it to anyone who has encountered a similar problem! Violetta.
  • Apple cider vinegar for hair helped me! Now I make hair masks only using it. My favorite mask : with vinegar, water and honey. After the procedure, the hair is shiny, easy to comb and style. I also started washing my hair less often - vinegar works well against oily hair. Olga.
  • I often rinse my hair with apple cider vinegar after washing. It helps wash away shampoo residue, get rid of itching and fight hair loss. All in all, universal remedy. This is the recipe I use: half a liter of water, a third of a glass of apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops essential oil. I rinse with this solution without rinsing. Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar has now become a habit! The effect is excellent - you won’t regret it! Natalia.

Apple cider vinegar is a godsend for women who value effectiveness, ease of use and accessibility. Therefore, even if you use expensive shampoos, use apple cider vinegar for hair will multiply the benefits of their use. Do not neglect masks and rinses based on this miraculous product and the results will not take long to arrive!

For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

For a very long time, apple cider vinegar has been used not only in cooking. It is used both as a means for weight loss and for teeth whitening, but today we are interested in the question of how to use it for hair? In this article we will find out how it acts on curls and how it should be used correctly.

General Information About Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for hair, rinsing with it is considered especially effective procedure, has the following useful properties.

  1. Restores damaged curl structure.
  2. Eliminates split ends.
  3. Protects curls from the aggressive influence of various external factors.
  4. Prevents hair loss by strengthening hair follicles.
  5. Helps reduce the amount of fat produced by the sebaceous glands.
  6. Transforms hair from the outside. They become shiny and additional volume appears.
  7. Cleanses the epidermis of the head. Thanks to the use of this product, dandruff, itching and some skin diseases disappear.
  8. Improves metabolic processes occurring in cells.
  9. Makes curls soft and manageable. After using it, the hair combs better and the problem with styling disappears.

Indications for use

  1. Damaged curls. The reason for this may be exposure to aggressive compounds, household appliances and environment. In addition, they can lose their health due to poor diet, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. Either way, apple cider vinegar will help repair the damage.
  2. Trimming the ends of curls.
  3. Too much slow growth curls.
  4. Excessive hair loss.
  5. Lack of shine and volume.
  6. Difficulty combing curls and the impossibility of styling them into a hairstyle.
  7. Greasy curls.
  8. The presence of dandruff or seborrhea on the epidermis of the head.

Apple cider vinegar for hair rinse: helps solve the most common problems with curls, but always strictly follow the recipes and recommendations

Features of apple cider vinegar for rinsing hair

Cooking rules

In order to prepare an effective means for rinsing curls, you must follow the following preparation rules.

  1. Do not increase or decrease the quantity of products. In the first case, this can harm the curls and epidermis of the head, in the second, you will end up with an ineffective product.
  2. Do not use simple vinegar, much less essence. Otherwise, you may get severe burns.
  3. Use only the highest quality products.

Rules of application

Apple cider vinegar for hair, rinsing with it in particular, should be used taking into account these recommendations.

  1. Do not use this product if you have wounds on the epidermis of your head.
  2. Before using the product, perform an allergy test. To do this, apply the prepared mixture to a small area of ​​skin on the bend of the elbow and leave for half an hour. If during this time there appeared discomfort or any rashes, then this procedure is contraindicated for you.
  3. Carry out the rinsing procedure immediately after washing your hair.
  4. After you rinse, you should not rinse your hair.
  5. After the procedure, the hair should dry on its own, without using any devices to dry it.
  6. Do not use a hair dryer, straightener or other hair appliances for 12 hours.

Hair rinse recipes

Classic recipe


  1. Water - 1 liter.

Warm the water to room temperature and dissolve the vinegar in it. Use the product as directed.

Recipe with rosemary

  1. Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Rosemary decoction - 200 ml.
  3. Water - 1 liter.

Combine warm water, rosemary infusion and vinegar and stir. After this, treat all curls with this composition after washing them, washing them twice with shampoo. Note that this recipe can be used by girls with a dark shade of curls. This will have a positive effect on their color and shine.

Recipe with chamomile


  1. Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Chamomile decoction - 200 ml.
  3. Water - 1 liter.

Heat the water to room temperature and combine it with chamomile infusion and apple cider vinegar. Stir the composition and treat all curls with it, after washing them with shampoo. This product is suitable for curls light shades. It will improve the color of your curls and give them a beautiful shine.

Apple cider vinegar for hair rinse : can be used as one of the main components of the product together with other useful components

Recipe with linden


  1. Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Linden decoction - 200 ml.
  3. Water - 1 liter.

Mix all products and use the product as directed. Please note that this recipe is not suitable for dark hair, as it can lighten curls. Initially it will not be noticeable, but after repeated use the curls will become lighter.

You will find methods for preparing various decoctions in the article.

Recipe with lavender oil

  1. Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Lavender oil - 4 drops.
  3. Water - 1 liter.

Combine all components, stir and use as intended. This product will help you cope with all the above problems, and after the procedure, your curls will exude a pleasant aroma.

Recipe with lemon juice


  1. Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Water - 1 liter.

Heat the water, combine it with vinegar and lemon juice. Stir and rinse your hair with the mixture after you wash it. This recipe is not suitable for curls dark shades, as it brightens the strands.

Apple cider vinegar for hair, rinsing with its use should be carried out according to the rules indicated above, is effective means, which provides curls with complete care, supplying them with useful substances. Its regular use has a positive effect on the condition of the strands.