How to remove yellowness from nails after polish. The best ways to whiten your nails at home How to whiten your toenails after polish

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Have you recently discovered yellow nails on your hands and are looking for ways to get rid of yellow nails? Don't rush to use varnish to cover up an unpleasant color. In some cases, yellowness on the nails can “tell” about serious diseases, so you first need to find the cause of the yellowing of the nails.

If you are healthy, then they will help you deal with the yellowness of your fingernails or toenails. traditional methods home nail whitening.

Yellow fingernails: causes of yellow nails – when to see a doctor?

In addition to external factors (use of varnish of dubious quality, household chemicals, etc.) affecting the condition and color of nails, yellowed nails can be a consequence of internal diseases human body.

If your fingernails turn yellow, then your body may have:

  • liver, lung or kidney problems;
  • disruption of the endocrine (hormonal) and cardiovascular systems;
  • metabolic problems caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements.

Smoking, long-term medication use, nail fungus – also causes of yellow fingernails.

In addition, there is a rare disease called yellow nail syndrome " The first sign of the disease is a change in the color of the nails to yellow, then lymphedema forms in various parts of the body. With this disease, nails almost completely stop growing. Yellow nail syndrome in its advanced state takes a very long time to treat.

Yellow nails are just the “tip of the iceberg” - a small part of some big problem. And, if you don’t pay attention to this “first bell,” then yellowing of the nail will be followed by yellowing. thickening and change in shape . Then the nail will peel off , which will subsequently lead to complete destruction nail plate.

To make sure that with internal organs Everything is fine, or confirm your guesses about the alleged disease, you need to:

  • undergo a fluorographic examination;
  • pass general analysis blood;
  • visit an endocrinologist.

7 effective ways to get rid of yellow nails and whiten nails at home

Once you are sure that yellow nails are not the result of a serious illness and your health is in order, you can remove yellowness from your nails using home whitening.

But first:

  • change detergents wear gloves on others or when using them;
  • quit smoking (at least for a short time) and see how not only the color of your nails, but also your skin in general changes;
  • temporarily eliminate nail polishes.

After this, for a speedy and active recovery healthy color nails, you can use traditional methods of nail whitening.

Home remedies for removing yellow nails:

  • Rubbing your nails with lemon juice
    The most popular, proven and effective method. Lemon juice contains many vitamins and minerals.

    Rubbing the nail plates with lemon juice daily (3-4 times a day) will help get rid of the yellow color of the nails and saturate them with useful substances.

  • Chamomile decoction
    As you know, chamomile is a good antiseptic. Baths made from a decoction of chamomile flowers, which contain essential oils and vitamins, will bring your yellow nails to their normal natural state.

    Why you need to brew chamomile infusion: pour boiling water (250 ml) over a couple of tablespoons of flowers and leave for half an hour. Then dilute with water (0.5 liters) and hold your hands in the resulting broth for 20 minutes.
  • Salt baths
    Baths using sea salt and adding various essential oils ( tea tree, bergamot, sandalwood, eucalyptus) in addition to whitening will restore lost strength to nails.

  • Nail mask
    To whiten your nails at home using a mask, you will need: grapefruit seed extract (purchased at the pharmacy), olive or sunflower oil.

    Add five drops of grapefruit seed extract to one tablespoon of oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your nails approximately 3-4 times a day.
  • Paste
    It is possible to remove yellowness from nails using 2 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. The result should be a paste-like mixture, which must be applied to the nails and left for about five minutes.

    This is an effective, but not particularly gentle method. Therefore, it should be used very rarely in special cases, when you urgently need to remove yellowness from your nails - and there is absolutely no time for long masks and baths.
  • Berries
    Cranberries, red, black currants, in chemical composition which include pectin substances, organic acids and vitamins, have disinfectant effect and whitening effect. The big advantage of these berries is that berries that were frozen do not lose their properties after defrosting.

    Mash fresh or defrosted berries with a fork until smooth and apply the paste to your nails. Leave the crushed berries on your nails for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • Whitening serums
    If you don't want to bother with cooking various masks, pastes and decoctions, you can simply purchase a whitening serum, a ready-made whitening mask, special pencils or whitening tablets that contain citric acid, chamomile and rosemary extracts and promote recovery natural color nails

    The market offers a fairly large selection of drugs and nail whitening products, but it is best to purchase them in pharmacies or stores specializing in cosmetics.
  • Poor condition of nails is a signal that tells you information about the state of the body , warning: something is wrong.

    Therefore, before masking yellow fingernails with external influences, you need to heal the body from the inside: saturate with vitamins and minerals .

I've been painting my nails for the last year. There are quite a lot of pros and cons to this. But for myself I have identified the advantages. Bright colors of varnish, durability up to one month, plus an excellent master and my friend, which is also important.

My opinion is proper nutrition, consumption of vitamins. Well, be sure to take care of your health, then your nails will always be in excellent condition. What if appearance nails you don't like, then you can quickly whiten your nails at home. And there is nothing complicated about it.

Causes of yellow nails

Nails reflect our inner health, as well as human habits. And all problems must be looked for inside the body. For example, yellowness of nails is caused by a lack of zinc, iron, lack of vitamins, diabetes mellitus, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, etc.

Smoking is one of the factors causing yellow nails. If you smoke then ideal option"quit smoking." Well, this doesn’t always work out, so you have to resort to bleaching your nails.

Your nails turn yellow because you constantly paint them with nail polish. And due to lack of oxygen, nails may acquire a yellowish tint.

Also, using low-quality and cheap nail polish can lead to yellow nails. And to remove nail polish, it is better to choose nail polish remover without acetone.

Plus, taking antibiotics or other medications can lead to the appearance of yellowness on the nails. It is very important not to lose sight of this either.

Yellow or even brown coating on your nails can be a sign of nail fungus. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist. In general, if your nails are yellow, it is better to consult a specialist. You may need to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests.

If you need to whiten your nails urgently or very quickly. Let's just say, put them in order. Then you can use lemon. This is a proven nail whitening product. I think there is a lemon in every refrigerator. At least I always have it. And if not, then almost every store has lemons in stock.

An effective way to whiten nails with lemon

This method of whitening nails was recommended to me by a manicurist. She is delighted with the properties of lemon. Plus, lemon not only whitens the nail plate, but also heals and strengthens nails.

The most important thing is not to use lemon frequently, as it can dry out the nail plate. And if there are cracks, wounds or hangnails on your fingers, then it’s better to forget about whitening your nails using this method. Since lemon juice causes a burning sensation when it gets into wounds.

You can use a lemon bath to whiten your nails. Lemon is a cheap and accessible remedy. You can rub lemon juice into the nail plate. If you rub lemon juice into your nail plate, be sure to leave it on your nails for 5-7 minutes and then rinse your hands with water. You can also cut a lemon in half and soak your nails in the pulp for 5 minutes.

It seems to me that lemon is a very common nail whitening product that everyone knows about. And if you haven’t tried lemon, then be sure to try it, lemon whitens my nails very well.

Prepare a bath with sea salt and lemon juice. To do this, add a teaspoon of sea salt and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of warm water. Place your hands in this bath for 7-10 minutes.

Whitening nails with oil ( essential oil) and lemon

It is very important to lubricate your hands with nourishing cream after the procedure. Be sure to dry your hands with a towel after the bath and apply cream.

To a tablespoon of any vegetable oil(almond, olive, jojoba, etc.) add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Take any oil that you have at home; you don’t need to buy it specially.

Rub the oil and lemon into the nail plate and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse your hands with warm water. You can add a drop to the base oil essential oil lemon or grapefruit and apply oil to your nails.

Baking soda for whitening the nail plate

In cosmetology, baking soda has proven itself to be an excellent tool for whitening nails. Baths are mainly prepared with soda. Add a teaspoon to a glass of warm water baking soda, dissolve it in water and dip your nails into the solution.

The procedure lasts from 7 to 10 minutes. And for effectiveness, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the bath. All means are good for whitening nails, the main thing is that there is no harm. Therefore, you should do everything correctly, taking into account all contraindications.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to lighten nails

To whiten nails, you can prepare a paste consisting of soda and hydrogen peroxide (3%). Mix soda and peroxide until it becomes a paste. The paste is applied to the nails for 5-7 minutes, after which the hands are rinsed with water.

You can use a toothbrush to clean your nails with peroxide and baking soda. It is very important to do everything carefully; instead of using a brush, you can apply baking soda and peroxide to a cotton pad.

After the first procedure, the nails become noticeably lighter. And if a little yellowness remains on the nails, then the procedure should be repeated again. If necessary, do three procedures.

Vinegar for brightening nails

To whiten nails quickly, you need to use apple cider vinegar, but if not, you can use the usual 9%. This remedy is not suitable for wounds, hangnails and cracks on the fingers.

You need to prepare a bath from vinegar and water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of water and dip your fingertips in the water for 3-5 minutes. These are approximate proportions, you can take a couple of glasses of water, for example. One is usually enough for me. If you feel a burning sensation or discomfort, stop the procedure and wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Vinegar actually makes your nails noticeably lighter. I have tested this tool in practice many times. But I still don’t recommend getting carried away with vinegar baths.

Whiten nails with toothpaste

Toothpaste should be white. After all, now the choice of toothpastes is very large, there are green, blue, etc. colors. Squeeze some paste into a container and mix with baking soda.

You can apply this mixture to your nails using a regular toothbrush. You can take a special nail brush. Rub the paste with baking soda into the nail. And then rinse everything off with running water.

It is very important to remember that in case of cracks and wounds, you should not carry out the nail whitening procedure. I focus on this. Since when hit various means into the wounds will cause irritation, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.

If you don’t want to bother with baths and oils, you can buy whitening pencils. You can buy them at the pharmacy. They are also convenient for whitening nails at home.

To protect your nails, use a base coat and quality varnishes. Have 3-4 bottles of your favorite polishes rather than a box of cheap polishes.

It happens that your nails begin to peel and break, then you can already apply it here. Well, never forget about taking vitamins and minerals, as well as calcium. Taking calcium is important for strengthening teeth, nails, bone tissue, and the nervous system.

Of all the ways I can quickly whiten my nails at home, lemon and its juice help. It's really fast and effective. But bleaching is bleaching, and it’s worth paying attention to your health. Perhaps the reasons for yellow nails lie deeper and give you a signal about problems in the functioning of internal organs.

You can whiten your nails at home, and it does not require colossal efforts or significant financial investments - only desire and perseverance with a minimum expenditure of money and time. Whitening pencil or varnish against natural recipes, for a few days or for a long time - the choice is yours.

Yellow nails, of course, can be covered with several layers of varnish, so much so that no one will even guess about this small cosmetic problem. However, when there is no varnish...

No, you don’t have to go to the salon at all; you can whiten your nails at home, just like with cosmetics and using natural remedies.

Whiten nails at home - recipes

The best and most effective nail whitening products are, of course, natural ones, which, moreover, cost ridiculous money.

Soda and peroxide

Mix a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and two and a half tablespoons of baking soda in a ceramic bowl to form a homogeneous paste. Apply this paste with a cotton swab to the entire surface of the nail plate and under it.

Wait three minutes, rinse with warm water. Even if significant improvement is observed after the first application, the procedure must be repeated once a week for six to eight weeks.

Lemon is an excellent remedy for whitening not only skin, but also nails. And various natural additives only enhance its properties.

  • The easiest way to use: simply apply freshly squeezed lemon juice generously to your nails for five to seven minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Lemon bath: mix a quarter glass of lemon juice with a glass of warm water and one or two tablespoons of liquid soap, hold your fingertips in this water for about five minutes, wipe and apply moisturizer.
  • Lemon and soda: Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and two to three tablespoons of baking soda to form a smooth paste. Apply the paste over the entire surface of the nails and under their tips, leave it for 10-15 minutes, and wash off with warm water and soap.
  • Lemon and salt scrub: take lemon juice and salt in equal proportions, mix, rub over the entire surface of the brushes, paying special attention to the nails, leave for five minutes. Rinse off with warm water.


Whitening toothpaste can whiten not only your teeth, but also your nails. It must be applied to the nails and washed off with warm water after five minutes. The procedure can be repeated no more than once a week.

Sea salt

A bath with sea salt strengthens and whitens even sore nails. Add three tablespoons of sea salt to a glass and a half of warm water and hold with your fingers until the solution cools. Then simply rinse your hands with warm water.

You need to take 250 ml of warm water and mix it with a tablespoon of alcohol vinegar, then soak your nails in the bath for about eight minutes. Rinse your hands with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Nail whitening – pencil and varnishes

You can quickly and easily (but not for long) eliminate yellowness by simply painting it over, for which a whitening nail pencil is suitable.

Such pencils are intended mainly for creating the famous french manicure and, in principle, they only visually hide yellow nails. It is recommended to use this pencil on the inner surface of the nail at night.

There are special whitening nail polishes that are very effective, especially those that contain titanium oxide. It is used like regular varnish, covering the entire surface of the nail plate.

But still: yellow nails - what is the reason?

Yellow nails are unpleasant, unsightly and unhealthy. In general, only “no”. At the same time, the nail whitening process is absolutely safe for health: gentle components easily whiten without harming the nail plate.

However, the choice of bleaching method should depend on the cause of yellowness. Common causes include heredity, smoking, the effects of taking medications or illness, such as anemia and vitamin deficiencies; a severe case is fungal infections, in which the nail acquires an unpleasant brown color and even an odor.

However, the most common problem leading to yellowing of the nail plate can be either oxygen starvation, when the nail cannot “breathe” under the varnish, or the consequences of prolonged exposure to varnish ingredients, both pigments and formaldehyde, which, according to experts, poisons nails and makes them turn yellow.

Therefore, do not forget to apply the base layer at the very beginning of the manicure.

Healthy and well-groomed nails – business card every representative of the fair half of humanity. However, in the absence of proper care and under the influence of many factors, the nail plate tends to fade and turn yellow, which, to put it mildly, does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing. Such a nuisance can happen, say, due to the frequent use of varnishes, due to abuse bad habits, after prolonged gardening work on the ground or due to health problems. However, you can restore the lost beauty of your nails using simple means. traditional medicine. And in this article we will dwell in detail on how to whiten nails at home.

How to whiten your nails: 10 simple ways

Baking soda

Many people have heard that baking soda can whiten yellowed teeth. This is indeed true. However, it is better not to do this, because the abrasive substances that are part of the powder can severely scratch the enamel. But with manicure everything is much simpler. Using baking soda, you can whiten your nails at home quickly and efficiently. Just take a toothbrush, wet it, then dip it in a container of powder and start cleaning the nail plate. Two to three sessions will be enough to notice the result.

It is recommended to take a warm soda bath once or twice a week. Pour boiled water into a cup and add 10 grams of soda. A quarter of an hour for such water procedures will be quite enough. Soda baths not only cleanse and restore shine and white color to nails, but also make them stronger and stronger.

Lemon juice

How to whiten nails at home using the juice of everyone's favorite sour fruit? Yes, very simple! Wipe them daily with a soft swab soaked in lemon. By the way, you can drop a small amount of any oil into it. Then your manicure will not only return the lost whiteness, but also stop breaking off and peeling. And do not rush to wash your hands immediately after the procedure - let the juice absorb thoroughly.

To whiten nails, it is also recommended to use baths with lemon and sea salt. And to prevent the skin of your hands from drying out, after such manipulations, do not forget to use a moisturizer. And remember that if there is damage or wounds on the skin in the nail area, then you should temporarily abandon this method.


Salt baths can also be used as an independent remedy to give your manicure a healthy look. Ideally, it is better to use sea salt, but if you don’t have it, then regular salt will work too. Dissolve 20 grams of salt in 200 ml of warm water and immerse your hands in the solution for a quarter of an hour. It is advisable to repeat such manipulations at least twice a week.

Table vinegar

Is it possible to clean your hands of stubborn dirt after working on the ground, and how to whiten your nails after gardening? To begin, soak your hands in a concentrated soap solution for 20 minutes. And then use the regular dining room or apple cider vinegar. It, like lemon, contains acid, which has a whitening and cleansing effect. Dilute it in water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the nail plate. And again, please note that if there are hangnails or wounds on your nails, you will have to choose a more gentle method for cleaning your nails.


Toothpaste can be used not only for its intended purpose. It can also whiten your fingernails and toenails. It is important to take only white paste (it is better if it has a whitening effect); colored ones will not work. Take a soft bristle brush, apply some toothpaste to it and rub it thoroughly into your nails. And for a better effect, you can mix the paste with regular soda and treat the damaged nail plates with this mixture.

Hydrogen peroxide

Need to whiten your nails at home quickly? Hydrogen peroxide will ideally cope with this task. Combine 2 tablespoons of soda and 1 spoon of peroxide, and treat the nail plates with this healing composition for several minutes. And finally, rinse your hands with water and lemon (10 ml of juice per 200 ml of water). With the help of such simple manipulations, you can get your manicure in order in just one day.


A mixture of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide also helps whiten nails after polish and other factors. You will need to combine these two components in a ratio of 1:5 and spread the resulting product on the nail plates. After 5 minutes, the composition can be washed off.


Shredded raw potatoes - simple, affordable and effective remedy for whitening yellowed and dull nails. This method of getting a manicure in order was known back in the days of Tsarist Rus' and was actively used. To whiten your toenails and fingernails, just apply the mixture to them for half an hour. But since it is not easy to hold it on your nails, because with any movement it will fall, it is better to put your entire hand in a bowl of grated potatoes.

Don't feel like washing, peeling and grating potatoes? No problem! Potato starch also copes well with this task. Dissolve it in warm milk to form something like a thick cream and place your fingers in it for about 25 minutes. Then rinse and use nourishing cream. By the way, if there is damage to the skin, then vinegar, lemon, and soda can cause pain. Potatoes, on the contrary, will have a calming effect and will not cause discomfort.


You can whiten your nails at home with the help of another everyone’s favorite vegetable – cucumber. As with potatoes, grate the aromatic cucumber and place your hands in the resulting refreshing pulp for 25 minutes. This bath will not cause allergies, but, on the contrary, will soothe and moisturize the skin of your hands.


We have already talked more than once about amazing properties this unpretentious indoor plant. But it turns out that it not only has an anti-inflammatory effect and heals wounds, but also brightens yellowed nail plates. Take a leaf, divide it in half and apply it to each nail. By the way, along with the brightening effect, you will receive a pleasant bonus - aloe juice also promotes rapid nail growth.

The color of the nail plate is one of the indicators of a person’s health status. So, their yellowing may indicate a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body, lung and liver diseases, fungus, etc. But in the first place is still the impact of external factors, such as smoking, constantly wearing nail polish, which leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the plate, and the use of low-quality coatings or nail polish removers. Given such a variety of reasons, it is better to consult a specialist, and if no disease is identified, then you can safely begin procedures for whitening and restoring healthy nail color.

How and how to lighten nails: effective ways

Lightening your nail plates yourself at home is not a difficult task at all, especially if the reason for this state of affairs is clearly known. You can use one of the popular masks or baths, and after a few procedures the natural appearance of your hands will only please your eyes.

Soda and hydrogen peroxide solution

An effective solution can be prepared from simple ingredients - regular baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.

To create it, you need to take the components in the following proportions: two tablespoons of bulk and a tablespoon of liquid ingredients, mix in a non-metallic container to form a paste and apply to the plates on your hands for a couple of minutes. It is advisable to apply as carefully as possible, without touching the skin. The composition is washed off with warm water, and to achieve a better effect, you can rub your nails a little with a soft brush.

Lemon will help whiten yellow nails

Lemon juice not only helps to effectively whiten plates, but also, because it contains a large number of vitamins and useful components. You can simply rub fresh juice into your nails, leaving it for 5 minutes and then rinsing off completely, or you can put your nails directly into the pulp of a piece of lemon for 5 minutes.

This method should be used with caution: you should not carry out the event too often, as you can dry out the nail plate; you should also refuse to use it if you have hangnails, wounds and other damage to the skin - acids will cause strong discomfort when you hit them.

A toothpaste mask will get rid of yellow discoloration

Surprisingly, toothpaste is an excellent assistant not only for whitening teeth, but also for whitening nail plates. The product can be used in pure form, simply rubbing in small quantities for 10 minutes daily, or you can prepare it based on effective mask. For the last method you will need additional ingredients: a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and one spoon of baking soda. Additional components are mixed together, and when they stop foaming, add a couple of small spoons of the paste itself. After applying it to your fingers for a third of an hour, remove the composition with warm water and moisturize your hands with a nourishing cream.

How to whiten nails after red polish

Despite all the beauty of red nail polish, the process of removing it involves a large number difficulties. Completely removing it from hard-to-reach places is not an easy task; the tips of the nails especially suffer, because bright varnish gets stuck under the free edge and it is very difficult to remove it mechanically.

To remove varnish normally when painting, apply a base underneath it, and during the process, first apply a disk soaked in acetone for a few seconds, and only then make movements away from you. A bath of citric acid will help lighten the residue.

Citric acid baths

To prepare an effective whitening composition, you need to mix citric acid crystals and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. The resulting slurry is applied to the nail plates and left for 5 minutes, after which you need to immerse your hands in warm water with a few drops of lemon juice for a few minutes. After a quarter of an hour after the procedure, you can clean your nails with a brush and polish them with a soft file.

Salt baths will cleanse your nails of dirt.

A bath with added salt will help not only whiten your nails well, but also wash them after gardening or another event when clogged particles of dirt simply cannot be washed out with soap.

To prepare the composition, just dilute a tablespoon of the salt component in a glass of warm water (can be used as usual, food product, and cosmetic marine). The liquid is enriched with a small amount of lemon juice and your fingers are dipped into it for a quarter of an hour. After this time, it is better not to wash off the composition immediately, but to wait about an hour. A noticeable whitening effect will be achieved after just a couple of procedures performed every other day.

Store-bought nail whitening products

Given the prevalence of the problem in question, it is not at all surprising that in the store you can find products designed to solve it. Offers exist from all leading cosmetic companies, including Avon, Faberlic, Oriflame, etc. Let's consider the most popular options.

Whitening Nail Pencil

Whitening pencils are usually made from chalk or white clay, they are very easy to use and in addition to coloring the free part of the nail, they allow you to clean it from dirt and dust. There are such products in the offerings from the Yves Rocher company (whitening pencil for French manicure), dr. rescue SOS from Maybelline, THE ONE from Oriflame, etc. It’s not difficult to figure out how to use the product – you just need to swipe it under your nail, and this is very convenient when you need to quickly fix your manicure.

Lacquer from MaybellineDr. Rescue

This varnish is a product that acts as both a base coat for manicure and a product for correcting the color of the nail plate on the hands or feet. Available in a volume of 7 ml in a standard glass bottle and is a cloudy white enamel. The base dries quickly, gives your nails a well-groomed and healthy looking and holds up well in terms of durability. It can also be used as the only coating for nails, simply creating the effect of a natural, well-groomed manicure.