Paper cacti are colorful and evergreen. DIY corrugated paper cactus

How to quickly and easily make paper cacti in pots that can be used as props for children's games, interior decor, props for creative photo shoots, and even as decorative storage boxes useful little things, - you will learn about this in detail from this master class.

I would like to note right away that it is quite possible to make such cacti together with children. It’s not difficult at all, especially since ready-made templates simplify the work as much as possible. Although, having mastered the principle, you can come up with and implement your own cactus designs.

Required materials and tools:

office paper (for printing templates);

dense colored paper or colored cardboard;

corrugated cardboard (3 mm thick) and micro-corrugated cardboard (1.5 mm thick);

standard (or stationery) knife or scissors;

scoring tool (e.g. compass, non-writing rod ballpoint pen etc.);

glue stick;

hot glue gun.

Download templates for making paper cacti (4 options) and flower pots below.

  • Hand cut templates:
  • Templates for plotter (DXF, SVG, Studio3):

Paper flower pot

Making a flower pot is very simple. You need to cut out only 4 parts from thick colored paper.

I very successfully found terracotta-colored pastel paper, and the pots will look like ceramics.

If, like me, you cut out parts on a cutting plotter, then across the arc parts (at one edge) you will see dashed slots, as for fold lines. But this is not for bending, but simply a border along which you need to align the second edge of the part when gluing.

If you are cutting by hand, simply use the tip of your knife to make a couple of marks along the blue dashed line.

We bend the teeth along the bottom edge of the large part of the pot inward and glue the side edges of the part. To do this, lubricate with a glue stick the edge where the gluing border is marked, along the front side. And connect the edges.

Lubricate the second part of the bottom completely with glue and glue it to the outside of the pot.

Before gluing the strips, use a ruler to make a few pencil marks along the center line of one of the strips.

Then apply glue to just the bottom half of the strip and cover the pot with it, aligning the top edge of the pot with the pencil marks on the strip.

At the same time, connect the first end of the strip to the seam on the wall of the pot.

Lubricate the other end of the strip with glue along the entire width.

Lubricate the second strip with glue along the entire inner surface. Align the end with the seam on the first strip and tape around.

Such a two-layer bezel will look more prominent.

Our flower pot is ready. It turned out about 8 cm in height and in upper diameter.

Now let's prepare the cacti for planting in pots.

Paper cacti

There are many options for making a cactus out of paper. Our template kit will help you make 4 varieties of cute cacti.

Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing principle using one of the options as an example.

Cut out all the details of the cactus from thick colored paper (or colored cardboard).

When cutting by hand, first punch the pieces along the fold lines.

When using a plotter, the fold lines will already be cut.

We bend all the spines outward, and also bend the parts along the fold lines.

Glue the cactus parts together in pairs (use a glue stick), as shown in the photo. We do not glue the lower valves and spines together.

And then we glue all the blanks, aligning the edges. We insert the cactus shoot part into the corresponding slot.

By the way, if you use only parts without a shoot, you will get an additional version of a paper cactus.

From thick black, gray or brown paper, cut out 2 circles of the base of the cactus.

We insert the cactus valves into the holes of the circle.

We bend and glue the valves.

Glue the second circle of the base.

Place the cactus in the pot. The base will lie on the edge of the wall of the pot and lock into place.

As you can see, the “earth” base and the cactus itself form a kind of lid, and it’s removable. And the rather spacious space of the pot can be used to store all sorts of necessary little things: toys and “secrets” or some materials for creativity, for example.

The versatility of our paper cacti is obvious!

The next version of a paper cactus. The principle of its manufacture is similar, only here it uses not 6, but 4 parts.

But here there is a fundamentally different manufacturing method and a completely different design of the cactus. We will need not only paper, but also corrugated cardboard.

We cut out 2 sets of parts using templates from colored paper. If the surface of the paper is different on different sides, do not forget to mirror the second set.

In addition, using the same templates, we cut out parts from micro-corrugated cardboard 1.5 mm thick.

For the base of the cactus, you need to cut out 3 parts: from corrugated cardboard 3 mm thick, from micro-corrugated cardboard 1.5 mm thick and from paper.

We cover the cardboard parts of the cactus with paper on both sides.

We glue the base in this order: on top - a paper part, then - a cardboard part 1.5 mm thick and a part 3 mm thick.

We collect the cactus and insert it into the base. There is no need to glue at this stage.

As usual, we place the cactus in a pot.

Since a cactus made of paper and cardboard is quite heavy, it is recommended to store something inside the pot for the stability of the entire structure. And if you have nothing to store, just put/glue/pour something inside as ballast.

Flowers for cacti made of paper

Since our cacti are still blooming, we’ll make a few simple paper flowers.

Using templates, cut out 3 parts from colored paper. Using scissors, round off the petals. And then with our fingers we collect the petals of each part “in a pile”, closer to the center.

We glue the parts with hot glue, assembling the flower according to the matryoshka principle.

Then, using a heat gun, we attach the flower to the top of the cactus.

Fringed flowers using the quilling technique on cacti will look no less interesting. Other design options are possible - use your imagination!

That's it! Our paper cacti in pots are ready and pleasing to the eye.

As we found out, they can perform not only various decorative and gaming functions, but also quite utilitarian ones. How exactly to use them is up to you!

And if you love not only paper flowers, but also real potted flowers, take a look at the Megaflowers online store and give yourself or a loved one a nice gift.

I wish you exciting creativity and the implementation of new ideas!

See you again in KARTONKINO!

Volume applique"Blooming Cactus" - original creative work, which can be done at home with children or in an applied arts club. Junior schoolchildren also make this application in technology lessons.

For the applique you will need quite a bit of double-sided colored paper in green and red. The pot can be cut out of gray or brown paper in any shape. The cactus itself consists of three-dimensional parts that need to be prepared in advance.

First of all, we cut out parts for the cactus in the shape of leaves from green paper. Each piece will consist of two leaves. Based on this, we calculate their total number (in our work we needed 12 leaves).

Cut out small flowers from red paper.

We decided to make them in the shape of stars, and from the leftovers we cut small spikes with sharp tips, which we glued to each leaf. Perhaps this work is the most difficult, and the help of an adult will not hurt here.

We glue three-dimensional parts from the finished leaves. Lubricate the very middle of the leaf with glue and glue the second one into it. After our parts have dried, we straighten them, giving them volume, and begin gluing the applique parts onto the base of the work.

After we brought it to you, you simply cannot have any doubt that you also need one at home. And not even alone. Good news - you don’t have to run to the flower shop: a real cactus can be replaced with cardboard. We collected 15 cool ideas how to make a cactus with your own hands.

We already told you, it's time to talk about plants. Try making these cute three-dimensional cacti from paper and cardboard with your children. These paper cacti will decorate any interior. Also this is a great or grandma's favorite.

15 ideas on how to make a cactus from paper and cardboard with your own hands

If you don't know how to make cacti out of paper or cardboard with your own hands, you can download and print a template for cactus parts from the link. All you have to do is cut them out, fold them and glue them together. Even a child can handle this!

How to make a paper cactus with your own hands (Video)

You can get even more pleasure from working on this paper craft if, in addition to cacti, you also try to make interesting pots for them. Flowerpots can be made from ordinary tin cans by simply painting them or covering them with multi-colored tape. In addition to the fact that you will have new pots for paper cacti, you will also teach your children, which means they will also be careful about nature.

I suggest decorating your desktop or windowsill with paper cacti - it’s beautiful, green, and requires no watering! So, are you ready to make an unpretentious green friend? =) Then go ahead!

You will need:

  • double-sided cardboard (paper) of various shades of green,
  • paints,
  • scissors,
  • glue gun or PVA,
  • pencil,
  • ruler,
  • small pot or tall tin can,
  • stones.

1. Using a ruler and pencil, draw the contours of a cactus on green paper. Note: corners must be rounded.

2. Using paint two shades lighter than the cardboard base, draw vertical lines.

3. When the paint is completely dry, cut out the details of the cactus.

4. Make a deep cut in the center of the main part.

5. Insert the rectangular piece inside the main one, secure with a drop of glue. Here's a 3D effect for you!

The cactus is ready! Can be placed in a pot with stones.

But if you don’t draw very well, and your relationship with drawing is strained, I suggest ready-made paper cactus diagrams. Just print out the pieces, color them to your liking and cut them out - that's all!

When coloring cacti, do whatever you want: waves or stripes, dotted lines or needles, crosses or chevrons (signs similar to the English letter “V”, rotated in a variety of ways). Or maybe it will be dots or stars? Don't hesitate - give free rein to your imagination!

Secure the manufactured cacti with natural or decorative stones. An excellent alternative to a pot would be a regular tin can, wrapped in a bright paper strip.

Wait, something is missing... Ah-ah-ah, perhaps flowers? Making them is very easy! Take a small piece corrugated paper and squeeze it into a ball of intricate shape or roll it up like an accordion - the flower is ready, all that remains is to glue it.

A simpler option is a small fancy piece cut out of cardboard of your favorite color, inserted into a barely noticeable cut in the top of the cactus (see illustration). By the way, the next photo shows cacti painted with a sponge - this is in case you don’t have green cardboard on hand.

Master class "Funny cactus" made of corrugated paper.

]A master class on making a “Jolly Cactus” from corrugated paper using the cutting method is intended for middle and older children, teachers, educators and teachers of additional education.

Master class "Cheerful cactus" made from corrugated paper using the cutting method with step-by-step photos.

Purpose: Decoration for participation in exhibitions of handmade crafts can be given as a gift.
Target: Making a cactus from corrugated paper using the cutting method.
-Teach children the techniques and methods of making a cactus, using the trimming method;
-improve skills in working with corrugated paper;
-develop logical thinking, strong-willed qualities, and the ability to finish a job;
-bring up creativity children.

Hello cactus! Dear feisty one,
My funny green hedgehog!
Cute thorn
Why are you living like hell?
For what reason
Are there too many thorns on you?
Isn't it because in the desert
Did everyone want to eat you?
And a donkey with a stupid face
I wanted to eat you
And the camel, the two-humped sage,
With a hanging lip.
From resentment, from fear
You're overgrown with thorns
And now enemy and friend
You sting your nose indiscriminately.
Don't stab me, don't!
Let me touch with your hand.
Oddly enough, I'm very happy
I'm communicating with you.
I won't touch the untouchable
I want to hug you
And little by little thorns
They will become leaves again.
Nora Yanovskaya
For work we need the following materials:

- corrugated paper of the desired colors (your choice)
-ballpoint pen refill
-eyes (sold in craft departments)
Let's start our work by making a small pot (I used 2 pieces of plasticine) and a base for the future cactus of the chosen shape. The cactus can be round or flattened (also 2 pieces of plasticine)

Then we make blanks from corrugated paper, without unfolding the paper roll, (in different colors of your choice), we cut a strip 1-1.5 cm wide

We get stripes like this

Now, cut these strips into squares

For a flower on a cactus, we choose yellow corrugated paper and cut strips 1.5 cm wide and 3-3.5 cm long, fold the strips in half and cut out the petals of the intended shape

All the blanks are ready, you can start making the craft, we begin to decorate the pot - we wrap it with a flagellum twisted from a strip of corrugated paper.

These are the flagella I got

We start wrapping the pot from the bottom

The base for the cactus needs to be well strengthened with a toothpick.

Based on the base for the cactus, we select a place for attaching the eyes, but first, we attach the eyes to small balls of plasticine, so that later the eyes will be at the level of the spines. And on top, in the place where the flower will be located, we attach a flattened ball.

for trimming we will need squares of green corrugated paper and the refill of a ballpoint pen. We place the stick in the middle of the square, closing its corner to corner, crumple the paper around the stick, twirling it between our fingers to form a tube.

Without removing the tube from the rod, we stick it into the plasticine, starting from the bottom

We perform trimming from the bottom up

Now let's start making a flower on a cactus, to do this we put the rod on the petal, 2/3 of its length and twist it into a tube

We stick a rod with a petal at the very bottom edge of the disk.

We stick all the petals around the circle of the disk, and fill the middle with tubes of yellow squares.

And we fill the very middle of the flower with tubes of orange squares.

It remains to add a little expressiveness to our cactus (nose and mouth) and our cheerful cactus is ready.