Cute stories about animal friendship. This is friendship! Completely different animals that got along with each other Stories about friendship between animals and people

These amazing stories are excerpts from Lisa Rogak’s book “One Big happy family", in which she talked about 50 cases when between different types animals formed a strong friendship. We have chosen the most touching

Translation for – Svetlana Gogol

These amazing stories are excerpts from Lisa Rogak's book One Big Happy Family, in which she told about 50 cases where strong friendships arose between different species of animals. We have selected the most touching ones:

Labrador and duckling

Dennis the duckling was found by a labrador named Fred and his owner. Dennis had lost his mother, was covered in dirt and generally looked very unwell. Fred immediately began to lick him, took him under his protection, and now the two are practically inseparable.

Squirrel and cat family

The baby squirrel was found on the street by children walking with their mother. It is not known what happened to him, only he was very small and abandoned. Without outside help, he would definitely have died.

The woman brought him home, but the baby refused to eat. And then her husband suggested placing the cub, who was named Chestnut, with the kittens - their cat had just lambed.

Fortunately, Chestnut fits in perfectly with the cat company and now feels like a full member of a large family.


When this goat was born, her mother abandoned her, and the owner had to feed her from a nipple. But, to everyone’s surprise, paternal feelings awoke in the owner’s boxer, who began to lick the newborn and generally took her under his care and protection. Now these two are inseparable, they even sleep in an embrace.

Spaniel and kids

A spaniel named Jess adopted several orphaned kids at once. And he actually bottle feeds them, this is not a staged photo. Master

Jessa says she taught him to hold a bottle on purpose so that he could take on some of the baby feeding responsibilities. And the spaniel does a great job.

Border collie and Vietnamese potbellied pig cubs

In 1997, the piglets ended up in a veterinary clinic because their mother abandoned them. A collie named Mack lived at the clinic. As soon as he saw the piglets, he immediately began to lick them and actually replaced their mother.


This owl had not been able to have offspring for many years and became completely sad. One day, one of the employees of the Bird Breeding Center planted a goose egg on her.

In such a situation, most birds would ignore or break another's egg. But here it turned out differently: the egg was accepted as one’s own and the warmest family relationship then developed with the hatched baby.

German shorthaired pointer and owlet

When the owlet arrived at the Birds of Prey Breeding Center, he was only four weeks old. One day, due to an oversight by the staff, the owlet came face to face with the German shorthaired pointer, Kiera, who belonged to the founder of the Center, Karen Andriunas.

A hunting dog and a bird of prey - such a meeting did not seem to promise anything good. However, to everyone's amazement, the owlet and the dog fell in love at first sight.

Great Dane and fawn

A fawn abandoned by its mother was brought to the Wildlife Rescue Center very small and dying. The baby received the warmest welcome a Great Dane named Rocky, owned by the son of one of the Center’s employees.

Rocky began to care for the fawn as if it were his own. The fawn recovered and the two became best friends.

Shepherd-Doberman cross and badger

In fact, two dogs played an important role in the life of this badger. One found him, small, abandoned, hungry, and took him to his owners. People handed the baby over to the staff of the Wild Animal Rescue Center. Then another dog, named Murray, noticed the badger and also began to take care of him.

Rhodesian Ridgeback/Pointer and Llama

Another happy adoption story. After a mother llama refused to feed her newborn cub, the baby was given to a dog named Rosie, who had recently given birth to her puppies. Rosie turned out to be an extremely caring mother to both her children and her adopted llama.

Boxer and pig

The piglet was found abandoned by its mother and dying about an hour after birth. The owners began to nurse the baby. A boxer named Susie also got involved in this case on her own initiative, taking the piglet under her wing. When the pig grew up, the relationship only became stronger - the friends run and play together all day long.

Chimpanzees and puppies

Many chimpanzees behave indifferently or even aggressively towards smaller animals. Anna is a completely different matter. She lives in one of the small zoos and raises several puppies, whom she treats with surprisingly kindness and tenderness.


A chicken named Mabel injured her paw and her owners took her into the house where a Rottweiler lived with her puppies at that time. The hen watched carefully and with great interest as the dog cared for its offspring.

As soon as the last one left, the hen immediately replaced her, taking the puppies “under her wing.” Thus a new happy family was born.

PointerAndbaby kangaroo

This story took place in the Australian state of Victoria. Pointer Rex was walking with his owner when he came across a dead female kangaroo.

The owner took the dog home, but Rex soon escaped and returned to the place where the animal died. It turned out that the dead female had a cub in her pouch. Rex carefully took it out and carried it to the people.

The dog and the kangaroo became inseparable friends - until the baby kangaroo grew up and had to be released into the reserve.

Labrador and pygmy hippopotamus

Labrador Lisha lives in the Center wildlife in South Africa. When an orphaned pygmy hippopotamus was admitted to the Center, Lisha immediately volunteered to become his “birth mother.”

It must be said that Lisha has real maternal talent: over the 10 years of her life, she raised more than 30 cubs of animals of various breeds.

AkitaAndlion cub

In 1998, at the Glasgow Zoo (Scotland), an unbreakable friendship arose between an Akita dog named Koneko and a lion cub named Sam.

Chihuahua and marmoset

Several marmoset monkeys have appeared in one of the small zoos in Latin America. They did not get along very well with each other, and it was decided to resettle the youngest and weakest of them.

Then this marmoset met a Chihuahua named Sam and recognized him as her “mother.” The dog carried the monkey on its back almost all day long.

When the marmoset grew up a little, it became too heavy for Sam Another dog, a golden retriever, took on this responsibility.

Nature works in such a way that the strong often offend the weak, and predators eat herbivores.

Larger animals survive by destroying smaller ones, but calm and quiet creatures often suffer from more aggressive ones.

And yet, even in such harsh rules there are exceptions!

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The editors of Moore TV have prepared for you unusual stories about friendship between animals that are simply impossible to believe! But, nevertheless, it exists!

Bubbles and Bella

A touching meeting between an elephant named Bubbles and a black Labrador named Bella took place at Myrtle Beach Safari. Both “girls” turned out to be orphans, and each has their own sad story.

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Bubbles had parents, but hunters for elephant tusks killed her entire family, and only this poor thing miraculously managed to escape death. As for Bella, her owners abandoned her when she was still a puppy, and the orphan was left alone in this world.

But ever since the dog got her friend Bubbles, she doesn’t know what sadness is. What unites them love of water, and they frolic there with pleasure.

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Usually the game takes place in a funny way: the Labrador climbs on the head of his friend, and she holds a ball in her trunk. Then the elephant throws the toy, and Bella happily rushes to catch it! Just look how much fun these two friends are having!

Milo and Bondigger

Even more surprising is the friendship between a dachshund named Milo and the huge lion Bondigger. It would seem that these two have nothing in common, but they have become real friends!

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Leo was born with a bone metabolism disorder and his motor abilities are limited. As if sensing that his friend was sick, Milo took on the “responsibilities” of brushing the lion’s teeth and generally supports his friend in his “dog” way.

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In turn, the predator shares food with it and doesn't even mind when other dogs join in for dinner. You can observe such a unique friendship at one of the Oklahoma zoos.

Shere Khan, Baloo and Leo

If you've been through a lot of life's challenges with someone, you realize that people who have gone through the same thing as you become incredibly close. This is exactly what happened to three pupils of the Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary in the USA.

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It would seem, what does the bear Baloo have in common with the lion Leo and the tiger Shere Khan? Precisely that they knew the pain and suffering that befell them. Fate decreed that all three ended up in the greedy hands of a drug dealer, who used them for his own purposes.

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The health of the pets was of little concern to the owner, so when the animals were taken away, it turned out that the bear surgery required. Fortunately, today they are all healthy and happy, and no one can separate them!

Manny and Candy

The friendship between a wild boar and a dog began when little Manny ended up in a German family. The baby was abandoned, but people took pity on him and brought him home.

When he was introduced to a dog named Candy who lived there, no one expected that they would become such friends.

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Incredible, but true: the dog and the pig began to play together, run and have fun. The owner said that little Manny even began to imitate his friend - in moments he tried to bark like a real dog!

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Just look at this cute couple of pranksters - aren't they cute?

Tork and Shrek

When baby Shrek was born, her owl mother found herself in a stressful situation. The result was aggressive behavior birds, so the owlet had to be urgently taken away from the raging “parent”, until she ate the baby!

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Shrek ended up in the house of a hunter named John Picton. The man was very afraid of the reaction of his pet, a dog named Tork, but his fears were in vain!

The dog, who was just a puppy, happily accepted the little owl as a friend, and from then on they became strong friends!

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Even when Tork grew up, he remained the same good friend, who always protects his winged girlfriend!

Tinny and Sniffer

The Disney cartoon “The Fox and the Hound” was filmed about the friendship between a fox and a dog. But it turns out that communication between these two animals is quite possible in real life!

At least this is proven by the photographs of Torgeir Berg, who managed to film his dog Tinny along with the wild fox named Sniffer.

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The couple walked peacefully, played and felt quite comfortable. The friends met in one of the Norwegian forests and instantly hit it off.

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Thorgeir says that after this incident he began to treat foxes completely differently and even wrote a book, “The Fox and the Dog,” where he told about the adventures of two wonderful friends.

Bea and Wilma

When a 10-year-old female ostrich named Wilma befriended three-year-old giraffe Bea, no one could understand what the two had in common except long neck.

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They say that friends are very peaceful, but only until one of them is offended. Vilma is especially trying in this regard - just let someone try to touch her friend, and the bird will show what ostriches are worth!

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Well, we hope that you liked the unusual stories about the friendship of such different animals!

Surprisingly, friendship is also a familiar concept for animals. They, just like us, are ready to help and support each other in hard times.

Sometimes nature gives us wonderful examples, showing that differences between animals in their habitat and lifestyle, habits and temperament do not at all interfere with the building of true friendship.

Now we know for sure: animals really know how and are ready to be friends, capable of mutual assistance and support, without asking for anything in return. They easily find each other common language, regardless of such striking differences from each other.

There are many examples of this in our wonderful world. We are pleased to offer you a selection of the most touching of them.

These two lived together under the same roof for a long time. As a result, such different creatures became strong friends. Now the bird prefers to spend the whole day with its furry friend. And the dog happily took on the role of the crow’s protector. Their owner even designed a restraint device for the dog's back so that the friends could be comfortable together.

Fawn and lynx.

One day, this couple found themselves together in one common cage. It so happened that after a terrible forest fire, the shelter did not have the required number of cells. Despite their differences, the animals somehow immediately became friends and helped each other out, pressing their bodies closely together.

Dog and tiger cub.

The dog in the photo is the pet of one of the employees of a national park in China; She often visits the tiger cubs and happily spends time with them, caring for and playing with the babies. I wonder what will change when the cubs become adult predators.

Monkey and kitten.

This unusual gorilla communicates with his “teachers” in sign language. One day she told them that she wanted to receive a kitten as a gift for her birthday. They decided to fulfill her request, and the gorilla showered the defenseless baby with amazing tenderness, love and care.

Lioness and antelope cub.

The lioness did not eat the antelope cub, but decided to take him under her care. This female was once abandoned by her own pack, so this friendship came in handy for her. Interesting fact: Several times the lioness tried to lead this cub to other antelopes, but they always ran away.

Could it have occurred to you that a toad would help a mouse, and a dog or cat would play with great pleasure and become close friends with wild cats, monkeys or cattle?

> Tales about Friendship and about Friendship

This section presents a collection of fairy tales about Friendship in Russian. Happy reading!

  • The cat met the mouse and sang to her so much about her great love and friendship that the mouse finally agreed to live with her in the same house and start a common household. “Yes, we should prepare supplies for winter, otherwise we’ll starve,” said the cat. - You, mouse, can’t walk everywhere. ...

  • By the kitchen window, in the sun, Polkan and Barbos were lying down, warming themselves. Even at the gate in front of the courtyard, it would be more appropriate for them to guard the house; But they had already eaten enough - And polite dogs, moreover, do not bark at anyone during the day - So the two of them set off to talk about all sorts of things: about their dog service, About the bad, about the good and, finally...

  • Once a jackal was prowling in the jungle, and lo and behold, a peacock was standing in a clearing, so important, his tail spread, his head swaying from side to side. The jackal looked at him and thought: “What beautiful birds, these peacocks, how much beauty they have, how much grace and conceit! I wish I could become like that, but how? Let me talk...

    One day a crane drank water from a swamp. A frog came out of the swamp and said: “Brother crane, let’s fraternize.” “Listen, frog,” the crane answers, “I’m afraid nothing will come of this friendship.” “Why?” asks the frog. - Because you live under water, and I fly under the clouds. Neither am I to visit you...

    Once upon a time there was a Shah. And he had his only and beloved son, and his name was Melik. One day Melik was riding along the seashore and suddenly saw: the groom and Kechal Mamed (the hero of Azerbaijani fairy tales, smart, resourceful) were arguing about something, using their fists. Melik galloped up, separated the disputants and asked: “What is this...

  • One day my brother and I were sitting in our room in the winter and looking out the window at the yard. And in the yard, by the fence, crows and jackdaws were digging in the garbage. Suddenly we see that some kind of bird has flown to them, completely black, with a blue tint, and a large, white nose. What a wonder: it’s a rook! Where did he come from in winter? We look, a rook walks through the trash heap among...

  • A bull, a ram, a pig, a cat and a rooster decided to live in the forest. It’s good in the forest in the summer, at ease! The bull and ram have plenty of grass, the cat catches mice, the rooster picks berries and pecks at worms, the pig digs roots and acorns under the trees. Only bad things could happen to friends if it rained. So the summer passed, late autumn came...

    Once upon a time there lived a man. Every day he went to the forest, collected dead wood, put it on a donkey and took it to the market to sell. The man was very angry and greedy. He loaded the donkey so much that its entire back was rubbed until it bled. The poor beast dreamed of getting rid of its owner. One day a man, as usual, was collecting...

    One padishah kept a white falcon for hunting and loved it very much and took care of it. One day, a falcon flew away and landed on the roof of an old woman’s house. She immediately caught him and began to look at him. It seemed to her that the falcon’s beak was crooked, and she said: “Ah, ah, poor thing!” How will you peck grain with such a beak? I took it...

  • The mistress of the house screamed heart-rendingly, pressed herself against the wall and tried to crawl along the ceiling. A nasty gray mouse suddenly appeared right next to her slippers! The badger flew out of the corner at full speed, skidded at the turn, its claws scraped on the parquet floor, it hit the wall hard and meowed loudly, perhaps in pain...

  • Andryushka had many friends in the yard. Some even went to school, but he had never had such a little friend before. This new friend Vadik knew a few words and slept in a stroller most of the time. And yet he was true friend. When he saw Andryusha, he shouted from afar: “Ah-ah!” All, ...

  • It was a cold winter. The Yellow Gazelle was driving along a snow-covered road. She was bringing gifts to children New Year. A cold wind was blowing, but it was warm in Gazelle, she was happily driving along the road, listening to the radio and singing songs about the blue carriage, a smile and the New Year. On the way, Gazelle remembered warm summer, a friend's dacha...

  • The fox and the crane became friends. So the fox decided to treat the crane, and went to invite him to visit her: “Come, kumanek, come, dear!” I'll treat you. The crane went to the banquet. And the fox cooked semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. She served it and treated it to her: “Eat, my dear little kumanek,” she cooked it herself. Crane...

    One day a man was driving home from the market. And the road lay through a dense, impenetrable forest. There is no living soul to be seen anywhere. Night overtook him on the road. It's dark - you can't help but poke your eyes out. Can't see anything! He decided to stop and spend the night. He lit a fire, tangled the horse and let him graze. And he sat down near the fire, frying lard on...

    There lived an old man. He lived so-so, not richly. And he had an old dog. Grandfather drove her out of the yard. The dog went into the forest and looked - and there was a wolf sitting there. The wolf says: “Come to me, we will live in friendship!” And the dog went to live with the wolf. One day they were lying in the den, and they wanted to eat. “Go,” says the wolf, ...

  • Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening. “If I were a queen,” says one girl, “I would prepare a feast for the whole baptized world.” “If I were a queen,” says her sister, “I would weave canvases for the whole world alone.” “If I were a queen,” said the third sister, “I would give birth to the father-king...

  • Dedication For you, the soul of my queen, Beauty, for you alone from times past, fables, In golden hours of leisure, Under the whisper of chatty antiquity, I wrote with a faithful hand; Please accept my playful work! Without demanding anyone's praise, I am already happy with the sweet hope that a maiden with trembling love will look, perhaps...

  • Vorobey Vorobeich and Ersh Ershovich lived in great friendship. Every day in the summer, Sparrow Vorobeich flew to the river and shouted: “Hey, brother, hello!.. How are you?” “It’s okay, we live small,” answered Ersh Ershovich. - Come visit me. For me, brother, it’s good in deep places... The water is quiet, all kinds of water...

  • Have you ever seen an ancient, antique wardrobe, blackened by time and decorated with carved curls and leaves? Such a closet - my great-grandmother's inheritance - stood in the living room. It was all covered with carvings - roses, tulips and the most intricate curlicues. Between them peeked out deer heads with branched...

  • Once upon a time there lived a donkey. His master was a greedy and cruel man. The donkey suffered from him. They used to go into the forest for firewood. The owner rides a donkey all the way, and then he will load it with such armfuls of firewood that even two donkeys, let alone one, cannot lift, and even lift it along the way and...

    This is what people say and retell from generation to generation. Once upon a time there lived a peasant named Bozhin. He lived with his family, neither small nor large. He himself, his wife, and two children - daughter Bosilka and son Silyan. Father and mother doted on their son. The sweetest piece is given to him. They themselves get up at dawn to wake up their son...

    One day the vizier sent for Nasreddin and ordered him to come to his fortress. Nasreddin, barely alive from fear, went to the vizier, reasoning with himself along the way: “Why did he call me, righteous God?” What will happen to me? Someone must have reported me! Oh-oh-oh! This was not enough yet! What if he's going to...

    This was back in the bad old days. The old dog Polkan served his rich owner all his life: he guarded the yard and ran along the street with the owner’s children. It used to be that Polkan’s kids would start pulling at Polkan’s tail: it hurt Polkan, but Polkan endured it. He knows that little guys are stupid. Polkan served until old age...

    Ustin Karmelyuk lived his life gloriously. It is glorious that he never once bowed down to untruth, nor did he submit to power or wealth. In prisons his lords rotted him, branded him with hot irons, beat him with batogs, but could not break him. Karmelyuk stood for the common people and did not want anything for himself. What he took from the rich, he gave everything to the poor. ...

    Sararuma, an evil spirit, lit such a fire on the earth that only one person managed to survive, and only because he guessed to climb into the hole and at the same time take with him food for several days. To know whether the fire was over or not yet, from time to time he stuck a twig out of his hole and held it for several minutes...

    The jaguar had a plot of land, but it was all covered with nettles and other weeds. And since the jaguar himself was not able to clear it, he gathered different animals and said to them: “Whoever scatters all the nettles for me without scratching himself, I will give a bull in payment.” The monkey was the first to offer his services, began...

    Somehow it turned out to be an unlucky year in the fishing village. Since autumn, the fish did not go well in the nets - by spring the pantries were empty. For fishermen, fish is like bread for peasants. There is no fish - the whole village is starving. The fishermen all got together and began to hold council. What to do, what to do? It’s not time to go to sea, stay at home...

    There lived an old man in the world, and he had an only son named Frikk, frail and sick, unfit for any work. He was not very tall, so they called him Frikk Korotysh. There wasn't much food at home, and the old man went to look for somewhere to place his son - as a shepherd or on parcels. No one will hire him...

  • The sun will rise at dawn. The meadows and forests will be illuminated, the children will go out for a walk, because there are miracles around them. Everything that happens nearby is happening for the first time, only once. Listen guys to this little story. There was a Lantern at the edge of the park. It turned on in the evenings and illuminated the path along which passers-by walked until the morning. Alone...

  • Once the Wolf was driving through the forest in his truck. As usual, he was very hungry and angry. For several days now he had not come across a single hare, or even a mouse of any kind. Suddenly he looks - a Bunny is walking along the forest road. The Wolf was happy. “Well, finally,” he thought, “now I’ll eat.” The wolf drove up...

  • In one garage, among various cars such as ZIL, MAZ, GAZ, tractors and bulldozers, there was a BELAZ car. It was the largest among other cars. Some cars barely reached the middle of the huge wheels. And the sound of the engine was the loudest. When she appeared in this garage, then all the other cars...

  • Once upon a time there was a small car. It had a small hood, small wheels, small lights, small doors. And the driver is also small. His name was Validi. One summer morning the car set off on its usual errands. She drove on her side of the road without breaking the rules. The sun was shining. ...

  • Once upon a time there was a crane machine in the world. Beautiful, yellow! It was not a simple crane machine, but a real transformer. It easily turned into any type of crane. Every morning she went out to do important things. Seeing an accident on the road, the crane truck became a tow truck. She was picking up a broken car with her...

  • Brothers In one automobile city, in a large garage on Skorostnaya Street, there lived cars. Mom, dad and two sons - Bipka and Bibishka. Bipka is already three years old. He loved to roll toy cars in his back, which meant he was a tow truck. And Bibishka recently turned only one...

  • Once we met in the sky a light white Cloud and a gloomy Cloud. - Good morning! - Cloud exclaimed joyfully when they met and opened her arms. Cloud nodded and burst into tears. - Oh! – Cloud was surprised and shook off the splashes. - Why are you crying?

  • One day early in the morning, when the sun was still gilding the forest clearing with its light, the mottled Blackbird was jumping from leaf to leaf and drinking dew. Suddenly one drop rolled from the top blade of grass and fell on Drozd’s head. Thrush shook himself off, and Droplet laughed and jumped onto a nearby flower bud. The droplet spun and smiled, looking at the blackbird.

08.09.2017, 09:42 1.6k

Who's yours best friend? Many may say that this is a pet, but few can boast of friendship with exotic animals or tell a touching story about rescue. Here are nine stories from people and animals that will make you thank your pet for having him.

The penguin travels thousands of miles every year to meet its savior.

Joao Pereira de Souza, a seventy-one-year-old retired widower, discovered a Magellanic penguin from Patagonia on a beach near his home in Brazil in March 2011. The penguin washed ashore, covered in oil and fighting for its life.

De Souza washed the penguin, fed it and nursed it back to health before releasing it. However, the bird did not want to leave its savior. The man gave the rescued penguin the name Jin-Jin.

The penguin goes on a sea voyage for several days, sometimes months, but always returns. “I have never seen an animal that was so attached to a person. I let him go where he wants, but he always comes back to me,” Souza says. The friends spend eight months of the year together, walking on the beach and swimming. Most often, Jin-Jin follows the man wherever he goes. Now the penguin is called the mascot of a Brazilian village.

Little girl receives gifts from ravens

One eight-year-old girl periodically receives various trinkets as gifts - not from her parents or friends, but from the crows living in her garden.

Little Seattle resident Gabi Mann feeds the ravens that visit her home, and in return they bring her souvenirs. The girl already has a collection of more than a hundred beads, buttons, pieces of iron, plastic parts and construction foam - all of this was given to her by her feathered friends.

Her strange relationship with birds began in 2011 when four-year-old Gaby accidentally dropped her food. The crows flew into her house and began to fight for the piece left for her. When the girl went to school, she started feeding the birds her lunch. Since then, the crows gather every day near Gabi's house and wait for her from school.

The girl keeps all her bird souvenirs in neatly labeled boxes.

Leo remembers the two men who saved him

In 1969, John Randall and Ace Berg bought a fifteen-pound lion cub from the Harrods department store. Friends raised Christian in their London home, but after a year the lion cub became too big to continue keeping. Randall and Berg knew they couldn't keep Christian at home, but they didn't know what to do with him.

The men turned to conservationist George Adamson. With his help, Christian was sent to Africa, where he was released.

A few years later, Randall and Berg decided to visit Christian. They were told that the chances of finding him were minimal, and the likelihood that the lion would recognize his former owners was even less. However, shortly after the men arrived in Africa, Christian appeared near Adamson's camp. Just look at this touching reunion of friends!

Animal rights activist raised zoo-born gorilla as his own son

In 2014, a documentary was released about English conservationist Damian Aspinall, who was reunited with a gorilla he raised. His organization, The Aspinall Foundation, cares for gorillas and other animals and then returns them to their natural habitat. One day Damian decided to visit Kwibi, one of the gorillas he released five years ago. Kwibi was born in a zoo in England, but was released into the protected jungles of Gabon. Since then, the male gorilla managed to create his own family.

Aspinall's greatest fear was that Quibi would not recognize him, but his fears were in vain.

A dog saved the health of a diabetic man

A dog from a shelter is remembered by its workers for having an incredible impact on one man’s failing health.

Five years ago, Eric O'Gray weighed one hundred and fifty-four kilograms and suffered from high pressure, high cholesterol, and second-degree diabetes. His expenses on medicines amounted to more than a thousand dollars a month. The nutritionist advised Eric to get a dog. A man approached the Humane Society in Silicon Valley and told the staff, “I want a middle-aged, obese dog so we can have something in common.”

That day Eric went home with Petey, the dog who had helped him get back to his health and back to active life and socialize. “There was an unbreakable bond between us—I’ve never had anything like it with a human or any other animal,” says O’Gray.

With Petey's help, the man lost about sixty kilograms, and the dog himself lost eleven. Eric has changed in everything and has become much more confident.

Petey challenged O'Grey, who had lost faith in himself. "He always looked at me as if I were the most great man on the planet. I decided to be the person he imagines when he sees me.” In the summer of 2015, Eric ran his first marathon. Soon after, Petey was diagnosed with cancer and passed away.

O'Gray has since adopted another dog, but still thanks Petey for saving his life. “Every day I get up with the intention of becoming a better person. Petey has completely changed me. Now I’m thinking: who really saved whom?”

Friendship between a little girl and a duck

Many children go to the park to see the ducks, but five-year-old Kylie Brown does the opposite: she takes her duck Snowflake for a walk so she can admire the park.

The duck swims in the pond and then returns at Kylie's call. Snowflake considers the girl to be her mother, and she is not the only one who thinks so. By unknown reason The duckling quickly got used to Kylie and began to follow her everywhere. In the summer he goes with her to the beach, in the winter he goes downhill with her. Ducky has been with Kylie to soccer games, sleepovers, and even trick-or-treating on Halloween.

"I'm his mom," Kylie says. When she is told that Snowflake is not really her child, she categorically disagrees.

“Cat therapy” saved a girl from loneliness

The first night after Arabella Carter-Johnson adopted Tula from the shelter, the fluffy kitten slept in the arms of six-year-old Iris Grace Halmshaw. Iris, who has autism, relaxed next to Tula while petting her, and the kitten didn’t even object when Iris touched her tail.

It seems like Tula knows what Iris needs. She adapts to the girl's behavior, and therefore has become her best companion. If Iris begins to act restless in the car, Tula sits on her lap and calms the girl down. If Iris experiences any difficulties during the day or wakes up at night, Tula entertains her until the girl comes to her senses.

Before Tula came into the family's life, Carter-Johnson and her husband, Peter-John Halmshaw, went through "dark times" trying to get Iris back into an active life after her diagnosis. Iris's form of autism manifests itself in sleep disturbances, obsessive behavior, avoidance of eye contact, and refusal to play with parents or other children. Iris feels extremely uncomfortable around strangers.

Soon after appearing in Tula’s house, Iris began talking to her. She said “sit down” and the cat obeyed. The girl led Tula around the house, saying “further.” The cat never judged Iris or mocked her - and this is exactly what the girl expects from every child or adult with whom she interacts. So Iris talks to Tula and gives her instructions. In addition to speech therapy, Tula also studies the girl’s movements when she plays or draws, repeats them and thereby encourages Iris.

“It’s really exciting to see this,” Carter-Johnson says. - “We are her parents and educators. It’s good to know that she has a little friend who is so different from us.”

A woman considers an alligator to be her family

The trained alligator "Rambo", who understands sign language and can ride an ATV, is now forced to say goodbye to his owner: he has grown to 182 centimeters and can no longer live in her house.

Mary Thorne took in Rambo eleven years ago. In March 2016, she told Florida Fish and Wildlife that in order to continue keeping the fifteen-year-old reptile, she needed to increase her property by at least two and a half acres, otherwise the animal would have to be given to a sanctuary.

Thorne says Rambo watches TV "lying on the dogs" and claims the alligator is so cute that children adore him and carry his picture with them everywhere. Mary believes that if Rambo starts living the life of a normal crocodile, he will die within a few weeks.

Thorne talks about his bond with his pet: “He’s like a son to me. He is my family."

A boy and his best friend the python

Warn Sambat from Cambodia boasts a unique friendship: his best buddy is a python named Chomreun.

The length of Chomreun is about five meters, and its weight reaches almost one hundred kilograms. Python became part of the Sambat family when Warne was only three months old. The boy's parents are not afraid of his attachment to the reptile; moreover, they believe that Chomreun brings them good luck - however, the python eats ten kilograms of chicken every week, which cannot but affect the family's financial condition. They recently decided to let Chomreun go, but Warne continues to visit his old friend regularly.

It is believed that animals do not experience the same emotions as humans - but judging by these stories, they are capable of being thousands of times more grateful and compassionate than any member of the human race