Aching pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Development of internal organs

Week 38 may be the last week of your pregnancy, especially if you are not carrying your first child. Your baby is getting heavier and weighs about 3 kg, and his height reaches 48-50 centimeters. The baby is absolutely ready for birth. Mom always needs to be in touch with loved ones, because childbirth can begin at any time.

How many months?

When doctors talk about 38 obstetric week pregnancy, this means that 36 weeks have passed since conception, that is, exactly 9 months (about timing and calculation methods).

How the fetus develops at 38 weeks

Your baby is already completely ready for life outside the mother's womb. There are no drastic changes happening to him. The baby continues to gain a little weight and grow in length. And in his small body, work is being done to perfect the functioning of all systems and organs.

Internal changes

The placenta, which provides nutrition to the fetus, ages and becomes thinner. Reducing the amount of nutrients a child receives leads to inhibition of weight gain. Now the baby’s weight does not increase much, since the main part of all useful substances is spent on his vital functions. Little heart beats at intervals of 120–160 beats per minute.

At 38 weeks, the baby’s uterus becomes very crowded, so he pushes and moves less and less. But his coordination improves significantly, and the movements of his legs and arms are no longer chaotic. You should feel about ten shocks per day. The sucking and grasping reflexes are also well developed. The baby already has a strong grip, which can be seen immediately after birth. The child also hiccups less.

The fetal organs are in working condition. And the surface of the alveoli is already covered with pulmonary surfactant, which will help the baby take his first breath immediately after birth. The liver and pancreas continue to develop. And meconium has already accumulated in the intestines - feces formed as a result of the absorption of amniotic fluid.

If you are expecting a girl, then you should know that most often girls prefer to be born earlier than boys. Therefore, the girl’s mother should be even more prepared for childbirth this week.

External changes

It is no longer possible to distinguish a baby from a newborn. His pink skin is smooth to the touch as the fuzz has almost completely disappeared. And its head can be covered with hairs of quite a decent length. The original lubricant remained only in the folds of the body. Some children's nails already protrude beyond their fingertips. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the newborn’s body or face is slightly scratched.

During this period, the testicles of a male infant should be lowered into the scrotum.

Parents also need to know that the given indicators of fetal height and weight are approximate, since these parameters are highly dependent on hereditary data. If mom and dad are light in weight, then you shouldn’t expect the birth of a large baby.

If you are lucky enough to be carrying twins, then this week you will most likely need to be in the hospital. The likelihood of twins being born at 36 and 37 weeks is very high. However, if this has not happened yet, then contractions should be expected at the 38th week. The weight and height of babies during multiple pregnancies are, of course, less than those of ordinary children. But after birth they will quickly catch up.

Fetal position

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the tummy should have dropped, and the baby should lie head down, preparing for birth. This position of the fetus is called cephalic presentation. This is the norm. But the baby’s head is not always located in the lower part of the woman’s pelvis.

And if before this week there is a breech presentation of the fetus, then it is unlikely to turn over. But such a possibility exists, especially if the child’s weight is small. Therefore, if this problem arises, the mother should definitely try to do special exercises. Maybe the baby will “change his mind” and still position himself head down.

Condition of the expectant mother

This week the mood of the expectant mother is not so certain. On the one hand, she wants to give birth as quickly as possible in order to see the baby faster and be freed from constant discomfort, but on the other hand, the fear of the upcoming birth begins to overcome her. As a rule, women endure the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy quite hard, so the desire to give birth faster overcomes the fear of childbirth.

At this stage, most mothers are overcome by a feeling of fatigue. There is a feeling that the stomach is pulling, which should already go down. It’s difficult for mom to stay on her feet for a long time, it’s uncomfortable to sit, lie down and sleep. At the same time, many are visited by the desire to equip their “nest”, so they take on household chores and even repairs with triple strength. However, you should only take on work that is feasible for pregnant women.

The uterus is also preparing for childbirth. The height of the uterine fundus is about 35-38 cm, and from the navel it is located at a distance of 16-18 centimeters. The cervix becomes increasingly soft. If the stomach has already dropped, then it becomes easier for the woman to breathe, and heartburn goes away. But now the uterus puts even more pressure on the bladder, which leads to a frequent urge to urinate. The same applies to the gastrodigestive tract, so periodic diarrhea is a common occurrence for women pregnant at 38 weeks.

During this period, not only the baby gains less weight, but also the mother herself. And many women lose weight. The reason is preparation for childbirth and the release of the mucus plug. In general, the average weight gain throughout pregnancy should be about ten to fifteen kilograms. But women who don't watch their diet can gain a lot of weight, which leads to pain, swelling and fatigue.

  • Edema

Swelling is also characteristic of this period. It’s one thing when the swelling is small, which is normal for pregnancy. But it’s another matter when they arise suddenly and are accompanied by a jump in weight. In the latter case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of gestosis ().

  • Stretch marks

Doesn't make the expectant mother happy appearance. The enlarged uterus stretches the abdomen. The skin is in a tense state, which not only makes it constantly itchy, but can also become covered with stretch marks. Striae can appear in the abdomen, thighs and even mammary glands. They are grooves of a reddish color, which become lighter over time after childbirth.

Prevention of the appearance of stretch marks is the use of various vegetable oils. But sometimes these actions are powerless against stretch marks, since heredity plays an important role in this matter. Another cause of your concern may be your navel, which turns outward under the weight of your stomach. But there is no need to worry, because after the baby is born he will return to his original place.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

What portends the onset of labor

The thirty-eighth obstetric week from the beginning of pregnancy is the time when you should clearly know what the harbingers of labor are. So, the main signs that it’s time for you to go to the maternity hospital:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions;

These are training (false) contractions that prepare the uterus for the birth process. These contractions begin approximately two weeks before the baby is born. False contractions, reminiscent of contractions during menstruation, become more and more noticeable and cause constant discomfort in the lower abdomen.

If you're worried about the practice contractions causing you to miss the real ones when they start again, get up and walk around the room. Brektson-Hicks contractions should pass during movement. And if the intervals between contractions decrease and their intensity increases, then this may mean the onset of labor.

  • colostrum coming out of the breast;

This is a yellow liquid that will serve as nutrition for the newborn baby during the first few days. Small spots on your bra indicate that meeting your baby will happen very soon. Put your pretty but impractical bras aside. It is better to support heavy breasts with a cotton bra with strong straps. And to ensure that no traces of colostrum remain on the linen, you can use special linings.

  • changes in hormonal levels, increased joint mobility, spreading of the pelvic bones and a drooping stomach.

At week 38, your body is completely rebuilt and preparing for the birth of your son or daughter. At this time, you may be disturbed by poor sleep, false contractions, swelling, as well as a feeling that your stomach is hard and pulling down. Of course, not all expectant mothers experience these symptoms so acutely. Be that as it may, know that your baby will appear very soon, and new worries will take the place of these problems.

If you are not pregnant with your first child, be prepared for the sudden onset of labor. The birth of the second, third and subsequent children usually occurs more quickly and simply, but much more painful. However, this statement is not true in all cases.

What kind of pain bothers you at 38 weeks?

In addition to periodically occurring Braxton-Hicks contractions, a pregnant woman experiences a number of other pain sensations. Pain in the back and lower back has become commonplace. The feeling of a pulling down in the abdomen also makes a woman feel discomfort. Very often, especially in the evening, your legs begin to hurt from heavy loads.

Often this is accompanied by tingling in the arms and legs. This indicates poor circulation, which is normal in the last days of pregnancy. Various diseases are getting worse. A particularly striking example is varicose veins, which often begin to manifest themselves during pregnancy. Due to stress on blood vessels and poor nutrition, hemorrhoids can develop.

As a rule, the above pains cause insomnia and lack of sleep. All these far from pleasant sensations increase the woman’s desire to give birth as soon as possible. But the baby himself decides when to be born. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient, especially since there is very little left before his birth. If possible, alleviate pain using all possible and safe means. For example, you can take a walk before bed or ask someone close to you for a massage.


Normally, your discharge during this period should be the same as throughout the entire period of pregnancy. That is, they should be milky in color, uniform in structure and without a sharp, unpleasant odor. Discharge from the genital tract may vary slightly. If they turn green or bright yellow, seek medical help immediately. They may indicate a genital tract infection and the possibility of infection of the fetus.

If, in addition to normal discharge, you notice clear, yellowish or pinkish mucus with red streaks on your panties, do not be alarmed. This is the so-called mucus plug that covers the entrance to the cervix. It may begin to come out in parts about a couple of weeks before the baby is born, or it may come out right before birth.

A sign of the onset of labor is the breaking of water. Sometimes they flow away in a sudden stream, and sometimes they only begin to leak slowly. In any case, both situations mean that you urgently need to go to maternity hospital, since there is very little time left before giving birth.

If you notice blood on your underwear, consult a doctor immediately, especially if it scarlet color. Such discharge may be a consequence of placental abruption, which can greatly harm the baby.

Possible dangers

This period has its own risks, which the expectant mother should be aware of. One of the threats is placental abruption. Premature detachment can occur completely unexpectedly, even when a woman in the position feels excellent. Signs include pain in the abdomen and spotting. In such a situation, surgical intervention by a doctor is required.

Another dangerous condition is gestosis. This term refers to a disease characterized by a strong increase in blood pressure that threatens the fetus and mother. Its development can be understood by increased protein in the urine and high blood pressure. Preeclampsia can progress to eclampsia, in which loss of consciousness, convulsions and even respiratory arrest are possible. Another danger is fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation), the consequences of which can be avoided with timely diagnosis.

It is worth mentioning various types of infections. They require treatment under the strict supervision of a doctor. You should also be wary of fever, diarrhea, persistent nausea and vomiting. Be vigilant, because you are responsible not only for your condition, but also for the health of the little person who is inside you!

Sex at 38 weeks

This week, most couples, on their own initiative, prefer to leave their intimate life until better times. However, there are those for whom a woman’s “interesting position” does not prevent her from being active. sex life. And indeed, if there are no contraindications, you can have sex in positions where there is no pressure on the stomach.

But remember that sex can trigger labor. That is why sometimes doctors strongly recommend having sex to stimulate the birth process. Intimate relationships are prohibited if the pregnant woman experiences any complications, malpresentation or a caesarean section is planned. There is no point in taking risks if you suspect your partner is infected.

What examinations will need to be completed?

At the antenatal clinic you will pass general analysis urine, your blood pressure will be measured, the circumference of your abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus will be measured, and the size of your pelvis will be determined. The obstetrician-gynecologist will check whether there is swelling in your arms and legs, and see how the cervix is ​​preparing for childbirth. Ultrasound at this stage is prescribed only when necessary, for example, when it is necessary to exclude the possibility of entanglement in the umbilical cord.

Just like last week, you will need to undergo a cardiotocography. During the CTG procedure, the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions will be recorded. This examination shows whether there are any deviations in the baby’s development. It is this procedure that allows you to identify all possible undesirable conditions.

Among expectant mothers, there are many who are indicated for a caesarean section. The operation may be scheduled for this week. And if it is performed later, then you may be admitted to the hospital (a week or two before the operation). In any case, the baby is already able to fully exist outside your body, so there is no need to worry.

How does natural childbirth work?

Of course, if you are becoming a mother for the first time, you are already interested in how this process happens. Of course, every woman’s birth is unique. But everyone goes through the main stages:

  1. Cervical dilation, water breaking and regular contractions.
  2. Attempts, in which the woman in labor pushes and breathes, following the midwife's prompts, gives birth to a child.
  3. Attempts and release of the placenta, which includes the umbilical cord, membranes and placenta.

The woman who has given birth is examined by a doctor and, if necessary, stitches. Then born child they apply it to her chest, and they rest together.

  1. Enjoy the last days, and possibly hours, of your pregnancy. Very soon the baby will be next to you, but you will miss him inside. Try to think positive thoughts and fill your days with positive emotions. Try to surround yourself with close people who are ready to support you at the right time.
  2. Continue to communicate with your baby as if he was already born. Listen to calm music together, read to him, talk to him. If you haven't decided on your baby's name yet, now is the time to do so.
  3. The bag prepared for the trip to the maternity hospital should contain everything necessary for the woman in labor and the newborn baby. Put down children's things that will be useful for the first time, prepare the necessary documents.
  4. By the beginning of the 38th week, you should already be eating according to a special diet. Try to exclude sweets, flour, fried and too fatty foods. Eat foods high in calcium. Now the bulk of your diet should be fresh vegetables, fruits, lean fish and dairy products. You should avoid coffee and strong black tea. To reduce swelling, consume less salt.
  5. If you are still wearing a bandage, you need to remove it so that it does not interfere with the preparation of the baby for childbirth.
  6. Think about how you plan to get to the maternity hospital. Find out what you can take with you there and what you can’t. Find out what items and medications you may need.
  7. No matter how tired you are, take a walk in the fresh air. It's good if you do gymnastics for pregnant women.
  8. At home, finish the things you won't be able to do after your baby arrives. You can once again go through children's things and arrange the nursery.
  9. Take adequate time to rest. Surely, you have a favorite position in which you can easily relax. But it is better to avoid the “lying on your back” position.
  10. If your husband or other loved one is going to give birth with you, it’s time for him to undergo all the necessary tests.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is becoming more and more difficult, you are increasingly filled with the joy of the upcoming meeting with your little one. When the baby is in your arms, you will have the brightest and warmest memories of pregnancy!

Video guide: 38 weeks of pregnancy, what is happening, swelling in later stages, preparing for breastfeeding

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

The 38th week of pregnancy is the 9th month or 3rd trimester

The baby’s body is preparing for birth and the closer to childbirth, the more significant the changes in his body. The baby's skin becomes smooth, the fuzz disappears, and the formation of vernix lubrication stops. Every day the child’s weight continues to increase, but no more than 30 grams per day. After birth, the large intestine is cleared of dead cells that completely fill it. They are easily removed along with the first feces, sometimes this happens in the mother's womb; the dead cells are covered with mucus with a greenish tint. There is nothing wrong with this and there will be no harm to either the mother or the baby. At week 38, the baby's weight reaches approximately 3100 grams.

According to statistics, only 5% of women in labor carry the baby to term, as determined by doctors. In other cases, childbirth can occur much earlier, so the expectant mother should be ready to immediately go to the maternity hospital. The first signs of imminent labor are contractions. Contractions are usually accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. It is their appearance that is a harbinger of childbirth and requires prompt consultation with a doctor. In the last stages of pregnancy, the mother's belly begins to descend and deliver discomfort, comparable to electric shocks in the lower abdomen.

The 38th week of pregnancy is often the last and every woman should remember this. An interesting fact is that girls are most often born this week. Boys, on the other hand, prefer to remain in the womb until the very last day of the 40th week, and sometimes even more. If a woman is not expecting her first birth, then most likely the baby will appear at 38 weeks.

Only a small percentage of women in labor, about 5%, carry their second and subsequent babies to term. long term. Babies born at 38 weeks are not considered premature; such births can be described as absolutely healthy and completely natural. There is a birth plan that includes three stages. At the first stage, the walls of the uterus become as thin and elastic as possible precisely due to contractions. Only with such a uterus can a child be born.

The second stage is characterized by the appearance of attempts. At the third, final stage, the water breaks and, in fact, childbirth occurs. Typically towards the end of pregnancy expectant mother I have completed all the necessary tests, ultrasound and am completely confident in the health of my baby. Now all that remains is to wait for the baby to be born. But if there is a suspicion that the baby’s life is at risk, the attending physician may prescribe an ultrasound examination, which will show the baby’s development in the uterus and its position relative to the umbilical cord.

What happens to a baby at 38 weeks

At week 38, the baby’s body is fully prepared and formed, the baby is waiting to be born.

If pregnancy does not occur at 38 weeks and the baby lingers in the mother’s tummy until the end of the term, then there is nothing to expect except a slight increase in the baby’s weight.

Our baby already weighs 3 kg, and the length of his tiny body is 50 cm, which is much larger than in previous periods. The original lubricant has already disappeared, and the skin has become smooth, and the protective hairs have disappeared. The baby's skin turned pink. Meconium (original feces) is fully formed and, after birth, the baby will easily get rid of it.

But in rare cases, meconium may be passed before the baby is born. In this case, meconium will be released along with the broken waters, which will acquire a greenish color, and this will not harm the health of either the mother or the baby. In boys, at 38 weeks the final formation of the testicles occurs during the intrauterine period. The doctor must monitor correct formation testicles to prevent possible problems in the future.

How does the belly behave at 38 weeks?

At this stage, the expectant mother is looking forward to the birth of her child. The baby in recent weeks is relatively large compared to previous periods and causes great inconvenience to the woman.

The belly seems incredibly large, the woman’s weight increases, as a result of which the load on the legs increases, which causes frequent swelling of the legs. It is difficult for a woman to move, her stomach puts pressure on her internal organs, which makes breathing difficult and causes frequent urination. The skin of the abdomen becomes very stretched, itching and dry skin appear. Sleep also becomes restless.

And all trace of the neat navel has disappeared, because in its place now stands a stretched leather pouch. Do not worry about this, it will take a little time and your navel will again become as attractive as it was.

When the belly drops, it means that inside the baby is resting his head on the pelvic floor. The expectant mother feels a drooping belly and must understand that labor is beginning.

Photo of the belly at 38 weeks

What weight should you be at 38 weeks?

The weight of a pregnant woman should increase depending on the period. Pregnant women should monitor their weight, first of all, to protect themselves from all sorts of consequences. excess weight. Normally, a pregnant woman gains an average of 14 - 15 kg by 38 weeks, because the weight of a pregnant woman increases only due to the development of the baby inside her.

Feelings at 38 weeks of pregnancy

During pregnancy, the sensations are always the same, regardless of the gender of the unborn child. At 35 - 36 weeks, the mother can feel the baby’s activity and feel every movement. As the term increases, the baby's mobility decreases significantly, every week free space in the tummy it becomes less and less.

In the last stages, the baby is slow and makes slight pushes. In the later stages, the expectant mother should be attentive to the inhabitant of her tummy and monitor every barely noticeable movement of the baby. If a baby makes 10 rolls and kicks a day, then he can be described as healthy and healthy. active child. Otherwise, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If the baby does not move, then something may threaten his life and only a qualified person can help the baby medical care.

In the last stages, pregnant women are very tired and exhausted, because they are looking forward to the birth of their baby. Every movement of the expectant mother reminds that the long-awaited moment is about to come.

After the belly has “sank”, the expectant mother can literally breathe deeply. Now the internal organs are freed from the pressure of the uterus and heartburn with belching recedes, digestion is improved.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks

Pain at 38 weeks

The last weeks of pregnancy are quite painful compared to the previous ones, and pain during these periods is common. At 38 weeks, the birth canal begins to open. The ligaments become elastic, soft, and the joints become weaker and open. Due to the relatively large weight of the child, the center of gravity shifts. There is pain in the lumbar and sacral areas. If there is pain in the calves, this indicates a calcium deficiency in the mother's body.

Week 38 is also characterized by the appearance of contractions. But they are not Braxton Hicks contractions. Contraction of the uterus, which will stop if you change position or lie more comfortably. They are called false contractions. If, on the contrary, the pain intensifies, then it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

At 38 weeks, swelling is observed and this condition should not affect the woman’s general well-being. If the swelling has undesirable consequences, such as diarrhea, vomiting, or dizziness, then medical attention is needed, as these are symptoms of gestosis or, in other words, preeclampsia, which impairs proper blood circulation.

Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Discharge at 38 weeks is considered normal. Often the discharge is milky in color, homogeneous with a slight sour odor. At 38 weeks, due to the opening of the uterus, mucus is gradually released. If the mucus has blood in it or a pink tint, then labor will occur very soon. All this indicates the removal of the plug.

If the smell of the discharge bothers you, and it is green in color and has a cheesy consistency, or there is pus, then the situation requires an immediate solution. Most likely, this is an infection and should be treated immediately.

At 38 weeks you need to be vigilant and attentive. At longer periods, there is a possibility of placenta expulsion. This can be understood by the appearance of blood discharge and the more abundant the discharge, the more the placenta has moved away. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. The baby's life can be saved, but presentation is ruled out. If the discharge is not thick and opaque, then this means amniotic fluid has passed.

If such discharge appears, it means:

  • this is the beginning of labor, and the baby will soon be born;
  • Insufficiency of the membranes is manifested by the release of turbid fluid.

Childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Childbirth at the stage of this week can begin now, today or tomorrow, or it can “wait” for a month. All this is normal. A newborn (girl) is usually in a hurry to please her mother with her early birth. Do not leave the expectant mother alone for a long time, or at least provide her with a telephone connection. Childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy is considered full-term and timely.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

Sexual desire does not go away at 38 weeks. Sex can and should be had for a long period of time, because a pregnant woman will not only enjoy it, but it will also be useful for the baby: during sexual contact, blood circulation improves and the baby is definitely not in danger of oxygen starvation.

In addition, the hormone of joy is released, which will also have a good effect on a woman’s well-being. Another interesting feature of sex is the ability to bring the birth of a baby closer. During sex, the already lowered and very sensitive cervix is ​​stimulated and, with the help of orgasm, induce contractions of the uterus. So if you are tired of being pregnant, there is always a way out! But don’t rush into a decision; first, visit your doctor and consult with him.


  • if swelling appears in recent weeks, dizziness, unstable blood pressure, diarrhea - these are signs of preeclampsia;
  • labor is approaching if you feel pain in the lower abdomen, similar to electric shocks. This happens because the baby touches the nerve endings as it moves along the birth canal. Childbirth begins.

Carefully consider your diet - it should be well balanced, and most importantly rich in sources of calcium. Eat more cottage cheese, fish, and even chalk will be useful, then your bones will be strong.

Take vitamins and try to get more rest. Avoid resting on your back. Trouble less around the house, let your future dad look after you.

Twins pregnancy at 38 weeks

At this stage, the twins can no longer move as freely as before, since they have grown significantly and the intrauterine space has noticeably decreased. At 38 weeks, babies place enormous stress on the placenta, so most likely the mother is under close weekly medical supervision. The fluff that appeared on the children’s organs during development has now disappeared, and the appearance has improved.

Towards the end of the period, somewhere around 37-40 weeks, the babies are already fully formed, mature, their internal organs are preparing for the complex process of birth and adaptation to the new environment. Babies born at this stage are considered full-term, but weigh slightly less than those born in singleton pregnancies.

The digestive organs are more passable, the intestinal villi are formed and gradually begin to perform their peristaltic functions, moving meconium - original feces - into the lower channels. The microflora will begin to be filled with bacteria necessary for digestion only after the first breast milk or artificial supplementation.

The sucking apparatus is prepared to perform its function in the child's body. The process of absorption of food will begin immediately after birth, during feeding in the baby's mouth. Thanks to special rollers on the mucous membrane of the lips, the newborn has the ability to facilitate sucking.

By the end of pregnancy, babies weigh from 2.5 to 3.7 kg, height - from 47 to 55 cm, amniotic fluid are calculated in sizes from 1 to 2 liters. A long, difficult period of gestation has passed - and here it is, the long-awaited double miracle, replaced by pleasant chores - the best thing that can happen in a woman’s life!


When the calendar marks the 38th obstetric week of pregnancy, the discomfort caused by an enlarged uterus and the displacement of organs from their usual places reaches its apogee. In this regard, a woman may have problems falling asleep, which inevitably affects her well-being and mood. Painful sensations occur:

  • in the pelvis and pubic symphysis;
  • in the sacral area;
  • in the lower back;
  • V calf muscles Oh;
  • in my head.

About two weeks before giving birth, pain may intensify, especially in the pelvic area. Here there is an increase in the elasticity of the ligaments, which will allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. Be sure to talk to your doctor if the pain does not go away and only gets worse.


Discharge at the 38th week of pregnancy normally remains the same as before - whitish in color without a pungent odor. Except that by this time there may be a little more of them. This is explained by the fact that the cervical canal opens, and the cervix softens and shortens.

Watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

If a woman finds mucus with blood clots, then this may be a harbinger of an early birth - the passage of the plug.

If such suspicious discharge appears, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance doctor, who, after examination, will determine where to send the pregnant woman - to a maternity hospital or an antenatal clinic.


When compared with earlier stages of gestation, movements at the 38th week of pregnancy are felt by the mother much less frequently.

The decrease in the baby’s activity is due entirely objective reasons: There is no free space left in the uterus. The child sleeps almost all the time, sucking his finger.

During the waking cycle, the mother feels him tossing and turning, trying to stretch his muscles, or hiccupping. A mother needs to listen sensitively to her baby’s movements every day. If they occur very rarely or too often, you need to inform your gynecologist.

Complications at 38 weeks of pregnancy

If complications arise at the 38th week of pregnancy, the gynecologist decides what to do next: send the pregnant woman to the maternity hospital for emergency delivery or begin treatment in a hospital. The most common problem women face is late toxicosis. If the expectant mother feels sick all the time, has severe swelling and high blood pressure, then this may be gestosis. Need immediate medical attention.

In addition, complications of the 38th week include placental abruption, fetal hypoxia, multiple pregnancy, large fruit and immaturity of the birth canal.

Women who have had miscarriages in the past can also be hospitalized before giving birth.

Position of the baby in the uterus

By the 38th week, the fetus has already taken a head-down position, pressing ever more tightly against the pelvic bones. From the pressure exerted, the woman feels severe discomfort in the area of ​​the womb and sacrum. A gynecologist performs a weekly examination to determine the position of the baby in the womb. If it is not what is necessary for a safe and comfortable delivery - legs down or across the uterus, then the pregnant woman may be prescribed a cesarean section. This will help avoid complications during childbirth.

Necessary studies and analyzes

A pregnant woman should visit an antenatal clinic once a week. In addition to determining the position of the child, the doctor performs the following procedures:

  • listens to the baby's heart beat;
  • measures abdominal circumference, fundal height of the uterus;
  • records weight gain and blood pressure;
  • gives directions for urine and blood tests;
  • if necessary, conducts an examination on a gynecological chair (takes a smear for microflora, determines the degree of dilatation of the cervix).

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the exchange card should be constantly in the expectant mother’s bag, it must be carried with her everywhere. If labor suddenly begins and the woman is taken to the maternity hospital, this document will help obstetricians-gynecologists familiarize themselves with the course of pregnancy, find out all the indications and contraindications. The exchange card contains information about all ultrasound examinations, as well as about the triple test (hCG, estriol and AFP) - the most important screening that determines the presence or absence of genetic pathologies in the embryo.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks

An ultrasound examination is carried out at 38 weeks strictly according to the doctor’s direction. Usually, using this method, a gynecologist tries to clarify specific questions: what is the degree of maturity of the placenta, is there oxygen starvation or entanglement in the umbilical cord, what is the condition and quantity amniotic fluid. Depending on the results obtained from the ultrasound, the doctor gives his opinion on the state of health of the mother and child, as well as recommendations on choosing the option of delivery.

Congratulations, you carried your pregnancy to term due date, now the birth will be considered urgent, and the baby will be born full term. It is noted that girls are more often born at this stage, and boys are carried to term until 40 weeks. Now all your thoughts are occupied with the upcoming birth, meeting your baby and how it will go. During childbirth, it is important to focus on making the birth of the child easier, listen to doctors and follow all their instructions, try not to forget about proper breathing. Now the baby has already reached his maturity and any day now he will be asked to come into this world, which will be the beginning of childbirth.

Changes in the body at 38 weeks

A period of 38 weeks is the tenth obstetric month, or the end of the ninth calendar month; at this period, childbirth is completely natural, and you can expect it from day to day. The baby is ready for birth, he is mature and has gained enough weight to fully exist outside the mother’s belly. But for labor to begin, both the child and his mother must be fully prepared and a special level of hormones must be achieved. You should not try to speed up the approach of this process - everything should be in due time so that no complications arise.

Now the fetus is no longer gaining height and weight so actively, it has become very crowded in the uterus, and in recent weeks there has been a physiological decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid so that physiological oligohydramnios is formed. This is necessary so that during childbirth there is less chance of malpresentation and umbilical cord prolapse. But if the child is breech, then there is practically no chance of a revolution, and the issue of managing the birth is decided. Now everything should be ready for this event and the maternity hospital itself should be selected. Are you ready to meet your baby, and last days pregnancy brings a lot of discomfort to the mother. Now it is uncomfortable to move, walk, sleep, and the belly is at its maximum size. The skin on the abdomen is very stretched, it itches and dries very much. The navel has become stretched or even turned out, but after childbirth it will become normal. For convenience during childbirth, the fetal head is pressed tightly against the pelvic floor, causing the abdomen to lower. This is a signal of imminent labor, along with all other harbingers.

Fetal development at 38 weeks: weight, size and gender

The baby is ready for birth and labor can begin at any time; now his body weight is about 3100-3300 g, and his height is from 50 to 52 cm. Body weight increases by 30-50 grams daily. The child's skin is almost free of vernix, which can only remain in large folds, and the fluff (lanugo) has almost completely disappeared from the body. A lot of meconium, the original feces, has accumulated in the baby’s large intestine, which will be passed after birth. But if the fetus suffers in the womb, emptying can occur earlier, before birth, which leads to a greenish coloration of the water and the risk of intrauterine pneumonia.

In boys, at this time, the testicles have completely descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the large genitalia have completely covered the small ones. Doctors will check this at birth, determining the full-term and maturity of the baby. Now the child has become beautiful, he has become rounded and his cheeks have become plump, facial features have individuality and may be similar to the faces of his parents, the skin has become smooth and acquired a soft pink tint, quite long hairs have grown on the head, nails have grown longer than the fingertips, and the baby may be born with blue or dark eyes. Dark eyes Usually they don’t change color, but blue-eyed children can completely change it.

The child is still growing and there is very little space in the uterus for him; he barely fits in it, curled up and bringing his arms and legs to his tummy. It’s difficult for him to move now, and you need to carefully monitor the rhythm of the fetus’ movements; if the baby doesn’t make itself known for a long time, you need to immediately report this to the doctor. In general, there should be at least one obvious movement per hour, with periods of more or less activity. Now the child’s organs and systems are already formed and actively working, except for the lungs, which will begin to work with the child’s first independent breath. The nervous system is actively maturing, which will continue after birth; the baby has now formed all the reflexes necessary for independent life. In the next weeks, the baby will also grow and gain weight, waiting with the mother for an early birth.

Childbirth and precursors at 38 weeks

At this time, the birth is already considered urgent, and the baby is fully term; most often, girls, twins, or second and subsequent children are born at this time. Emerging warning signs will clearly let you know that labor is about to begin. From the beginning of their appearance, everything needs to be thoroughly checked - bags, documents, dowry. During this period, precursors are found in almost all women, but the degree of their severity is individual for everyone.

First of all, false contractions become more active - they become more noticeable and more frequent, although they are not regular and do not lead to dilatation of the cervix. If childbirth is imminent, the uterus begins to train more actively, contracting more often and more sensitively. At such moments, it is worth lying down to rest; usually training contractions subside, but if these are true contractions, they will increase in strength and pain, occur with regularity and do not go away after sleep and rest.

The imminent approach of childbirth may also be indicated by a stop in weight gain or its loss of 1-2 kg; this occurs due to the convergence of edema and a decrease in the pregnant woman’s appetite, a special physiological “cleansing” of the body. Loose stools, nausea, and even vomiting may occur. There should be no fever or signs of infection.

An increase in discharge may also occur with the gradual release of a mucus plug or the immediate release of a lump of pink or brownish mucus. This occurs due to the gradual preparation of the cervix and the opening of the internal pharynx, which leads to injury to small vessels, which gives color to the plug.

A lowering of the abdomen can also occur; this occurs due to the pressing of the fetal head to the area of ​​the exit from the pelvis. This leads to easier breathing and reduced heartburn and relief from constipation. But due to increased pressure on the bladder and rectum, trips to the toilet may become more frequent and pain in the sacrum, pelvis and groin may occur.

The warning signs may not be present for everyone or may not be as obvious, especially for women who are not giving birth to their first child.

The birth this week will be urgent, the baby will be fully term and will not require special monitoring if he is completely healthy. If the birth is natural, you can arrive at the maternity hospital with contractions or the discharge of amniotic fluid. If a cesarean section is planned, usually during this period hospitalization is carried out in the maternity hospital in preparation for surgical delivery. The onset of labor is marked by the discharge of amniotic fluid or regular uterine contractions, intensifying and at gradually shorter intervals.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Now the main feeling of the expectant mother is enormous fatigue and impatience to meet the baby soon, the mother is physically tired of carrying such a load - her body weight along with her stomach has increased by almost 15 kg, or even more. Now the woman feels that the child has become less mobile, his movements are felt more strongly, but less frequently, which is quite normal - the child has grown up, and he has become more cramped due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. Now his movements are felt like pushes, slight stretching or swaying. This is also useful for maintaining the correct position of the baby for childbirth, and the walls of the uterus tightly enveloping it on all sides. Despite all the unpleasant sensations, the movements of the fetus must be strictly monitored - from them the mother can determine its condition and whether the baby is experiencing discomfort. If the fetus is too active or inactive, you should immediately consult a doctor; this may be a sign of fetal hypoxia.

The expectant mother may now be overcome by insomnia, this arises due to anxiety about the future birth, as well as due to a large belly, with which it is uncomfortable to lie on her back or even on her side. There is a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain and inconvenience. As the body prepares for childbirth, nausea and vomiting may occur due to decreased appetite, as well as diarrhea. Although during this period, while the stomach has not yet dropped, constipation is also common, which is painful for the pregnant woman. It gradually becomes easier, after the stomach has dropped, breathing becomes easier, especially during exercise. Swelling gradually goes away, which can lead to weight loss. But if swelling only increases, spots appear before the eyes and headaches - immediately go to the hospital, this may be the beginning of preeclampsia.


Typically, discomfort and pain occur when the stomach drops; its head presses against the pelvic area, which puts pressure on the pelvic bones. This can lead to pain in the lower back, sacrum and tailbone, many women also experience pain between the legs and problems with movement, the gait becomes waddling, slow and careful. Compression of the femoral nerve may occur with pain in the hip, leg, and sacrum. Pain in the back and arms may also occur due to a shifted center of gravity and a large belly, which puts stress on the back. Wearing a special bandage can help relieve these pains. Cramps and pain in the calf muscles may occur due to problems with blood circulation and calcium deficiency. Headaches may occur, especially due to fear of childbirth and stress. Getting enough sleep and walking can help in this case.

Abdominal pain, especially accompanied by bleeding from the vagina, requires special attention. It is no less dangerous if the stomach constantly becomes stone - these may be signs of uterine tone and placental abruption. In this condition, you must immediately call emergency services and go to the maternity hospital.

It is worth paying attention to swelling if it not only does not go away, but also intensifies, while your health worsens and severe headaches and abdominal pain, diarrhea and mouth pain occur, blood pressure rises sharply - this is very dangerous and may be a sign of complications of gestosis, preeclampsia .


This week, the nature of the discharge may become different in comparison with previous weeks, the amount of discharge may become greater, and this is due to the active preparation of the birth canal for the upcoming birth. Normal vaginal discharge will be light or milky in color, uniform consistency and a very slight sour odor, although mucous discharge of a transparent or slightly pinkish, brownish color is now quite acceptable. This brown or pink discharge is part of the mucous plug from the cervix, which is shed as the cervix prepares for childbirth. However, the plug may come off at once in the form of a dense lump of mucus, this is also quite normal - you will soon be giving birth.

Bloody discharge, and especially scarlet or dark blood, which may indicate bleeding due to placental abruption, can be dangerous. In this condition and abdominal pain, you cannot hesitate for a minute, you must immediately go to the maternity hospital, otherwise the child may die in utero from hypoxia, and the woman from bleeding. No less dangerous at this time may be discharge of a yellow or greenish color, discharge with a sharp unpleasant smell, as well as crumbly, curdled or foamy discharge. This may be a genital infection that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible before birth, so as not to infect the baby with it while passing through the birth canal.

How to recognize leakage of amniotic fluid

You should immediately contact the maternity hospital if there is copious and watery discharge of a transparent or greenish color, with a sweetish odor. This could be amniotic fluid that leaks through defects in the amniotic sac. If the membranes rupture and odes leak, labor should take place within about 12-14 hours, otherwise there is a high risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus in the future. Leakage of water is possible due to aging of the membranes or violation of their integrity, with various health problems. A doctor can determine water leakage using a special test, or you can use a special test pad, which can be bought at a pharmacy. If the test is positive, they will begin to actively prepare you for a very early birth, most likely through stimulation.

Condition of the uterus at 38 obstetric weeks

Now the uterus has reached its maximum size, both in height and in volume, the baby is getting more and more cramped in it, and often the uterus is now becoming toned, tense and very dense. At the same time, the stomach hardens, it pulls and aches in the lower back, and then the discomfort goes away. At 38 weeks this is not scary and indicates the imminent onset of labor - the uterus is actively training and preparing for it. Unlike real contractions, during such training there is no regularity and dilation of the cervix.

Gradually, contractions become more regular and more painful, with a gradual shortening of the cervix and then its softening and opening so that the child can be born. If uterine tension bothers you greatly, your doctor may recommend taking papaverine or no-shpa. They relieve spasms and relax the walls of the uterus. Due to the relaxation of the internal pharynx in the area of ​​the cervix and its smoothing, the abdomen lowers with the head pressed to the outlet of the small pelvis.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

At this time, planned ultrasounds are no longer performed; the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound to resolve urgent issues during planning caesarean section or to resolve the issue of childbirth management. Usually, ultrasound is prescribed for previous studies to detect umbilical cord entanglement, as well as to determine the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta, its maturity and the location of the fetus in the uterus and cervix. An assessment of the development of the fetus, its estimated weight and growth, and clarification of the PDP according to ultrasound data are also carried out. It is important to determine the size of the head and chest of the fetus, the length of large bones.

Also, at 38 weeks, according to ultrasound data, the size of the cervix, its maturity and state of readiness for childbirth are determined.

Symptoms and signs of oligohydramnios

At the end of pregnancy, from about 37-38 weeks, physiological oligohydramnios develops, which is necessary for the fetus to take a stable position in the uterus and to avoid complications during childbirth. At the same time, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases slightly, which can be determined by ultrasound. But with a sharp and significant decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, complications may arise. The causes of oligohydramnios can be fetal malformations, developmental anomalies and certain diseases.

Symptoms and signs of polyhydramnios

Polyhydramnios usually occurs as a result diabetes mellitus, Rh conflict or certain diseases of the fetus or membranes. At the same time, the amount of amniotic fluid is sharply increased, which leads to overstretching of the uterus and abnormalities in labor. Weakness of labor, loss of umbilical cord loops, and much more may occur. Typically, polyhydramnios is diagnosed based on ultrasound results and examination of the abdomen, with weakening of the fetal heartbeat and difficulty in identifying parts of its body.

Colds and treatments

IN late dates During pregnancy, colds and acute respiratory viral infections can lead to the fact that childbirth will take place in the observation department. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have a fever, cough or runny nose. Viral infections lead to problems with the placenta and abnormalities during childbirth. It is important to find out from your doctor how to treat a cold during your period.

Mom's diet and weight

From the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother could gain from 12 to 15 kg, depending on her body type and appetite; this week the weight may remain the same or even decrease by 1-2 kg. This occurs due to swelling and preparation for childbirth. Appetite may now be reduced, you need to eat fractionally, in small portions and mainly light food. Preference should be given in nutrition fermented milk products and fresh vegetables and fruits. It is important to drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day, limiting it a little in the evening, so that you don’t have to go to the toilet so often at night.


If there are no contraindications, you can continue to have sex, although the woman’s libido is now reduced. As such, orgasm does not affect labor and the baby, and will not cause it if the woman’s body is not ready. But the components of the partner’s sperm can gradually prepare the cervix for childbirth. If you want this, have sex in a comfortable position and with shallow penetration, this will give you a charge of positive energy and increase the level of pleasure hormones. But if you are in doubt, it is worth discussing these issues with your doctor.

At the 38th week of obstetrics, an important period begins - the fetus is completely ready to be born, and the woman can begin labor at any time. Statistics show that girls are most often born at 38 weeks, while boys prefer to stay in the womb until 39 or 40 weeks. Here you will read about everything a future mother needs to know about how the birth of a baby occurs at 38 weeks of pregnancy. After all, it could happen this week long-awaited event, and the woman must be completely ready for it.

The difference between first and second births

Women carrying their first pregnancy usually go a little longer than those having repeat births. If this is already the 3rd or 4th child, then it is more likely that he will be born in the period from 37 to 38 weeks, regardless of his gender.

It has to do with preparedness. female body. Once having gone through the birth process, the body remembers the program, and with a second pregnancy everything happens a little faster. The cervix of multiparous women matures 20-30% faster than that of women preparing for childbirth for the first time. In more than 60% of patients, repeat childbirth is faster and less painful.

Second births often occur ahead of schedule

What happens at 38 weeks of pregnancy in a woman’s body?

At the 9th month of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body gradually begins to prepare for the upcoming event. Another 1-2 weeks before the birth process, a woman notices changes in her body, well-being, and behavior of the fetus. Let's look at what happens at 38 weeks of obstetrics.

Important! If any discomfort or abnormal sensations occur, the pregnant woman should go for a consultation with her supervising doctor.

How a woman feels at 38 weeks

It’s rare that a pregnant woman can say that she feels great or even good at 9 months. The fetus puts pressure on the pelvis, and the vessels are compressed under its weight lower limbs, legs swell, back hurts, constipation and frequent urination. And many other, not very pleasant things happen. But all this is a natural consequence of pregnancy and does not threaten the health of the woman and child. After childbirth, the body quickly recovers and everything returns to normal. The woman in labor feels better as soon as she comes to her senses.

Nature has it in such a way that women endure all the hardships of pregnancy quite tolerantly.

But at 37-38 weeks, it is not so much the physical but the psychological state of the expectant mother who is in labor that deteriorates. She experiences an increased feeling of excitement and anxiety, sleep may worsen, appetite may disappear, fatigue and weakness may increase. There are also frequent changes in mood.

The expectant mother should remember that worries before such an important event are a normal reaction. But still, you should not plunge into an anxious state, it negatively affects the nervous system and general well-being. You need to try to relax, surround yourself with positive emotions and tune in to the most favorable outcome.

Back pain may occur at 38 weeks


At week 38, the pregnant woman’s belly is large, tight and heavy. Some mothers are afraid that their navel turns outward (this does not always happen). There is no need to be afraid of this; after childbirth it will take its previous form. Stretch marks may appear on the body.

It is difficult for a woman to walk with such a belly, it is difficult to find a comfortable sitting position, and even lying down it is not always possible to quickly assume a comfortable position. All that remains is to reassure yourself that soon all the inconveniences will end.


Vaginal discharge in any healthy pregnant woman is present throughout pregnancy. They usually have a uniform consistency, a whitish tint and a familiar sour smell.

Many women develop thrush during pregnancy. It does not pose a risk to the health of the mother and child, although it can cause discomfort. Symptoms are relieved with medications prescribed by a doctor.

At 37-38 weeks, the cervix becomes thinner and loosens, which causes thick mucous discharge. They are also considered the norm. The shade of the discharge may vary from transparent to white.

Which discharges are not normal and require consultation with a doctor:

  • With a yellow or greenish tint.
  • With an unpleasant, pungent odor.
  • With admixtures of blood.
  • Too much discharge.

If liquid discharge appears, it is also necessary to undergo an urgent examination; they may indicate pathological leakage of amniotic fluid.

Fetal condition at 38 weeks

At this stage, the baby is already fully formed and absolutely ready for life outside the mother’s womb. The weight of the fetus already exceeds 3 kg, and its height is 48-52 cm. If childbirth does not occur at 38 weeks of pregnancy, then no changes other than body growth and weight gain will occur in the child’s body.

The baby has already completed the processes of bone formation, his skin has become smooth, and hairs have appeared on his head. Original feces - meconium - have already accumulated in the small intestines. Some babies are freed from it shortly before appearing in this world, and then the amniotic fluid becomes brown or green tint. In boys, at 38 weeks the testicles descend into the scrotum.

Fetal movement at 38 weeks may slow down and become less active. This happens to the baby if the birth is very close. The child feels that his exit outside is approaching, and also begins to prepare, conserving his strength. This instinct is inherent in nature itself.

Important! Shortly before birth, the baby's movements slow down, but do not stop completely. If fetal activity is not observed for too long, you should urgently see a doctor; the absence of movements may indicate hypoxia.

Harbingers of childbirth

At the beginning of the 9th month, a pregnant woman should begin to prepare for childbirth: prepare everything necessary for the maternity hospital, prepare psychologically, secure additional help (if suddenly your loved ones are not around, there should be other people you can call). Typically, birth signs appear 1-2 weeks before the event itself. Symptoms at 38 weeks do not yet indicate that labor is about to begin, but it is necessary to be prepared for them.

A drooping belly is one of the harbingers of imminent labor

Braxton contractions (false contractions)

Not all women feel Braxton Hicks contractions (false or training contractions) shortly before the start of childbearing. Although they happen to everyone, they are just not always clearly noticeable.

False contractions occur because the cervix softens, shortens and prepares to dilate. Muscular changes create spasms and contractions - these are what the pregnant woman feels like contractions. But they differ from real ones in that they are painless (there is only slight discomfort), irregular and short-lived. If false contractions are felt more and more often, labor is most likely close.


A few days before giving birth, pregnant women begin to feel increased pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and legs. Nagging pain in the abdominal area is a harbinger of labor at 38 weeks. Also, 5-7 days before an important event, a woman may feel headaches. They are associated with changes in pressure: the body understands that it is about to lose blood and thickens it. When too high blood pressure You must take medications prescribed by your doctor.

It is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to experience leg cramps at night. Usually they indicate prolapse of the fetus - the load on the lower part of the pelvis increases, blood flow in the legs worsens, hence the appearance of cramps.

Despite feeling unwell, pregnant women are recommended to walk more in the fresh air these days.

Headaches may become more frequent at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Other signs of impending labor

The following symptoms indicate that the fateful day is approaching:

  • Urination has noticeably increased. It is possible to lose weight up to 2-3 kg - the body removes excess fluid before childbirth.
  • Sensations in the sacrum of strong, cramping pain.
  • The mucus plug has come away from the cervix (may be accompanied by a small spot of blood).
  • Contractions began with decreasing intervals and increasing duration.

The appearance of contractions and any other signs at 38 weeks means that the pregnant woman should immediately be taken to the maternity ward.

How is childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy?

Natural childbirth, which begins at 38 weeks of pregnancy, occurs in three stages:

  1. Contractions (dilation of the cervix).
  2. The process of giving birth to a child (fetal expulsion).
  3. The release of the placenta.

How long each stage will last, and how well all stages will go, depends on the condition and health of the woman in labor. As a rule, at 38 weeks complications are very rare and are associated with individual pathologies of the woman or fetus.

In critical situations, when a woman in labor is in labor for too long and the cervix does not dilate completely, the baby may be born through an emergency caesarean section.

Is it possible to induce labor at 38 weeks?

Many women have a hard time nursing the last month and are happy to speed up the onset of labor. At 38 weeks, the body is completely ready for childbirth, and the baby is ready to meet its mother. A woman can independently stimulate the onset of labor in safe ways:

  • Moderate physical activity(gymnastics, long walks).
  • Sex without a condom. Male sperm contains prostaglandins that accelerate cervical ripening. Sex should be very careful.
  • Nipple massage. During active stimulation of the breasts and nipples during pregnancy, the hormone oxytocin is released into the blood, stimulating uterine contractions.

The expectant mother can go to the maternity hospital in advance and induce the onset of contractions through medication. Methods and medicines to induce labor are selected individually by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist.

In the absence of visible pathologies and any other reasons for artificially inducing labor, doctors still recommend trusting nature and waiting for the baby to be born on its own. If this does not happen at 38 weeks, you should wait a little longer, and a miracle will definitely happen.