Basic rules of skin care. Proper facial skin care at a young and mature age - what are the differences? Tips for facial care at home

The most exposed and unprotected part of our body is the skin. It is she who daily faces the influence of various external factors, such as climatic conditions, dust, air pollution and anthropogenic load.

The term “skin care” has its own special meaning for each person. Therefore, to clearly understand skin care tips, it is very important to know its features and functions. This knowledge will help you take care of your body correctly.

Each layer of skin performs important functions and interacts with others. Human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Let's move on to detailed description to understand all the nuances of the structure of the skin.

  • Epidermis. Consists of five layers of cells. This layer of skin contains melanins - pigments various colors, which appear during tanning. In other words, they color living tissues of the human body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Dermis. Consists of connective tissue. In the dermis are blood vessels, receptors, nerve endings, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair follicles.
  • Hypodermis (subcutaneous fat layer). The main task of hypodermal cells is the accumulation of nutrients for the full functioning of the body of each of us.

Sweat glands remove excess fluid accumulation from the body. The sebaceous glands protect the surface of the skin by secreting oil. It is this that allows the skin to be softer and protected from cracking and drying out.

The most common skin problems arise due to blocks and congestion in the above processes.

Facial skin care

Skin health directly depends on the lifestyle we lead. You will always look great if you take care of your nutrition, become more active and learn to have a positive attitude towards all life's ups and downs. Frequent experiences and stress lead to increased skin aging.

One should also not forget about regular body skin care - this is a necessary measure when living in a metropolis.

The main causes of skin problems

  • Chlorinated water;
  • Electromagnetic radiation;
  • Exhaust gases;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Stress;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Poor nutrition.

Excess sebaceous fat, dust, dead cells and regular use of foundation lead to various skin diseases, so it is necessary to take care of the complete and proper cleansing of the skin in a timely manner. Just one diet and healthy image life will not provide young and healthy skin if you don’t take care of it.

The changing climate brings many skin problems. At normal temperature and humidity, the condition of the skin is close to ideal, however, at the first temperature fluctuations we observe the opposite. During the hot season, the skin changes color, often dries out and, as a result, wrinkles appear. Frosty winds and low temperatures lead to roughening of the skin, which cannot be called a pleasant phenomenon for humans. Any weather troubles are the main cause of early aging.

Imagine if already problematic skin receives improper care. Poorly selected cosmetics (cream, lotion, scrub, makeup remover) will sooner or later lead to serious problems that cannot be dealt with on your own.

So as not to look for a way out later difficult situation, it is better now to do everything possible to avoid unnecessary problems.

Skin types

  • Dry;
  • Fat;
  • Combined.

Skin care depends on its type and condition. Of course, the real lucky ones are those who have normal skin– elastic, matte, smooth and elastic. The pores on such skin are practically invisible, which makes it even more attractive. However, everyone needs to take care of their skin health.

Women of any age need to get into the habit of removing makeup the first time there is no need for it, otherwise there is a huge risk of ruining their facial skin. Even the highest quality cosmetics negatively affect her health.

Skin care products: how to wash your face properly

What's the first skin care product you know? Many people mistakenly assume that this is something from their cosmetic bag. In reality, it is nothing more than ordinary water. Pure water maintains the beauty and health of the skin in the best possible way.

When washing, we cleanse the skin of excess fat, dust, dirt and a mass of microbes. In turn, the cleansed pores of the face and body breathe better and perceive nutrients. With the right water temperature, blood circulation in the skin improves.

It is better to use natural mineral or distilled water for washing. You can also filter the water from your tap, removing harmful salts and various impurities that adversely affect your skin. River water is also suitable for this procedure (provided that it has undergone heat treatment).

If you wash your face with tap water, your skin will become rough, dry and irritated. In this case, you may also encounter the problem of severe peeling of the epidermis.

Soaps, lotions and decoctions for washing the skin

Is it necessary to use soap during morning and evening washes? Experts in the field of cosmetology assure that soap should be used no more than once a day (in the evening), and only for those with oily skin type. Other skin types can dry out and become inflamed even when washed with gentle cosmetic soap.

To completely cleanse your facial skin, you can use special emulsions, lotions and liquid creams. Herbal infusions and unrefined oils(olive, peach, flaxseed, etc.).

Try to get rid of the habit of drying your face too thoroughly with a towel, because the skin stretches easily, and you risk getting wrinkles ahead of time.

Before going outside, you need to use an effective protective cream. IN summer time In the summer it should be tonic and light, and in winter it should be more oily.

Remember to protect yourself from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays while spending long periods outside or at the beach. Use special tanning products, wear sunglasses and hats, and try to be in the shade as often as possible.

Skin care, homemade face masks

The use of nourishing and restorative face masks is a must to maintain good skin condition.

Face masks can be made yourself or purchased from cosmetic departments. The folk recipe is so diverse that anyone can choose the right skin care product for themselves.

Rules for applying a mask to the skin

  1. Wash your hands with soap and wash your face thoroughly;
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin with a special plastic cosmetic spatula;
  3. Keep your eyelid skin intact. There is no need to use a mask in this area;
  4. After applying the product, give yourself a short rest. Relax and do not make unnecessary movements. Try not to be distracted by other activities or talk;
  5. Remove the remnants of the mask using a moistened cotton pad;
  6. Remove the mask carefully. Remember not to stretch the skin.

Facial skin care at home

If your skin is too flabby and lifeless, you need to arm yourself with cosmetics that will help tone it. Normal skin condition is impossible without proper nutrition. Include dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and eggs in your diet. This menu will improve nutrition and blood circulation of the skin.

Homemade face masks should consist of egg yolks, natural juices, fruit pulp and yeast.

Advice: To receive maximum effect It's better to consult a specialist. Regular massage courses in a beauty salon will help quickly restore problematic skin, making it smooth and attractive.

Cosmetics for face and body skin care

Nowadays, many cosmetics manufacturers offer their customers natural and environmentally friendly products for body skin care. So, you can purchase gels and scrubs, creams and lotions that are healthy for your skin.

Before you start caring for your body skin with cosmetics, it is necessary to carry out all morning procedures. In other words, your body must be prepared. Start with morning exercises, then take a contrast shower and cleanse your skin of dead cells with a scrub. These manipulations will improve blood flow and allow the skin to breathe.


A high-quality scrub will help to completely cleanse the body of impurities and dead skin flakes. It should be applied to a damp body and smoothly rubbed in a circle. It is scrubs that can rejuvenate and brighten the skin, but they should be used in moderation. Those with dry skin should not scrub their skin more than once a week. To safely care for oily skin, peeling twice a day is acceptable.

Shower gel

Gels provide a good effect in cleansing the skin. They not only remove dirt, but also moisturize the areas to which the product is applied. Gels are especially popular among consumers due to the aromatherapy effect, which allows them to fully relax during water treatments. An individually selected aroma will help you calm down and improve your mood. Natural skin care gels have a more persistent scent, thereby ensuring proper freshness and comfort.


The final touch will be the use of cosmetic milk or skin cream. These products are applied to the body with massaging movements. They should be rubbed in gently and carefully. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. Any manipulations during the procedure should give you pleasant sensations, so there is no need for haste and carelessness in this matter. Good cream for the body will make the skin smooth, velvety, toned and soft.

There is a wide range of cosmetic products to combat obvious skin problems (cellulite, early aging, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, age spots). Creams and lotions with natural ingredients The composition will help restore the skin to its former beauty and youth.

Home skin care: peelings and baths

Natural peelings and baths are some of the most available ways whole body skin care. Baths can be taken with homemade fruit juices, herbal plants, green tea, essential oils, starch, bran and other useful additives.

To prepare an effective natural scrub, use honey, milk, sugar, oatmeal, sea salt, moderately hard fruits and vegetable oils. The main thing is that you are not allergic to any of the components of the product.

Rely on your imagination, experiment, and don't be afraid to try something new. Every girl, with a little patience, will find a suitable scrub recipe for herself, which will become an indispensable skin care product. Choose pleasant aromas, high-quality ingredients and the right proportions, and then your body will regain its former energy, beauty and youth. At the same time, your mood will always be at its best!

Makeup beautifies a woman and makes her brighter, but even the most correct and flawless makeup cannot hide skin imperfections. And in order for the skin to have healthy looking, it must be properly and carefully looked after. The most important indicator of beauty is grooming, and only proper daily skin care will help you always look well-groomed.

And on well-groomed skin, makeup looks different. Our step-by-step instructions will teach you how to properly care for your skin in order to always look flawless.

Step one. Determining your skin type

In order to take proper care of your facial skin, first of all you should know your skin type in order to select suitable cosmetic products. After all, if you have oily facial skin, then you cannot over-nourish it, and if it is dry, then it should not be should be over-dried with various masks and tonics. You can determine your skin type yourself.

Dry skin very delicate and thin, at a young age she is very beautiful, no pimples, blackheads or enlarged pores. But with age, dry skin increasingly lacks moisture and nutrition, and without this, it quickly fades. Dry skin is often sensitive and prone to flaking and irritation.

Oily skin strikingly different from dry. It is denser, rougher, with enlarged pores. But the big advantage of oily skin is that it itself produces a protective film, and, therefore, such skin is better protected than others from harmful influences environment. Oily skin, unlike dry skin, ages much more slowly, but due to excessive sebum secretion, acne and pimples often appear on oily skin, and enlarged pores do not look aesthetically pleasing. But if you properly care for such skin, it can acquire a clear and clean appearance.

Combination skin at first glance it seems normal, which is not far from the truth. The middle area of ​​the face with combination skin is oilier than the rest of the face. The cheeks may even be prone to dryness.

Normal skin It is quite rare in adults. It is even, smooth, soft and elastic, like a child's.

Step two. Learn how to properly take care of your skin every day

Having decided on your skin type, it is advisable to buy care products specifically for your skin type. It is advisable not to purchase products from the “for all types” series. Perhaps such products are of good quality, but in order for your skin to receive exactly what it needs, skin care products must be selected correctly. The basic facial skin care products are the same - makeup remover (you can’t wash your face with soap, as it contains alkali and disrupts the natural balance of the skin), toner, day and night cream, eye cream, and scrubs.

Creams should be divided into day and night, because they have completely different purposes and functions. Day cream forms a protective film on the skin; it should protect our skin from harmful environmental influences, but night cream should be more active, because at night our skin is more susceptible to care products. So the night cream should contain many useful substances and vitamins. Now we will talk about caring for each skin type separately.

Dry skin care program

To cleanse dry skin, it is advisable to use rich milk. It is enough to use it once a day, in the evening. In the morning, it is enough to rinse your face with water. A facial toner for dry skin should not contain alcohol. It should be a soft lotion with herbal and moisturizing substances. You can make your own tonic.

Softening toner for dry skin:
Brew one tablespoon of green tea with hot mineral water, add linden (flowers), let it brew for two hours, strain and put in the refrigerator. Green tea is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, while linden flowers have soothing and softening properties.

Creams for dry skin, in addition to moisturizing substances, must also contain nourishing substances, because carefor dry skin includes active nutrition and hydration. Day cream must contain factors that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Night cream must be nourishing and restorative.
You should start using eye cream when the first wrinkles appear.
You should not overuse exfoliating products. Instead of a scrub, it is advisable to purchase gommage. This is a gentler exfoliant designed to sensitive skin. It should be used once a week.
Nourishing and moisturizing masks can be done two to three times a week. It would be good to alternate ready-made purchased masks with homemade ones. Sour cream, honey, olive oil well suited for such masks.

Oily skin care program

Cleansing is the foundation care for oily skin, because the problem with oily skin is shine and excessive sebum production. A cleansing gel with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory additives is a good choice. You should wash your face with this gel both in the morning and in the evening. Onic for oily skin should also be used. The toner should contain alcohol and anti-inflammatory and pore-tightening substances. You can prepare the tonic yourself:

Cleansing toner for oily skin:

Brew one tablespoon of calendula with hot mineral water (one glass), let it brew, strain, add a teaspoon of vodka and lemon juice. Keep refrigerated.

Eye cream should be used when the first wrinkles appear, because the skin under the eyes is four times thinner than skin face, and even with oily skin, the skin of the eyelids remains dry and unprotected. A scrub for oily skin is a must; it should be used two to three times a week.
Cleansing and anti-inflammatory masks should also be used two to three times a week. For homemade masks, masks made from dry yeast are good for oily skin; they contain B vitamins, which are very beneficial for oily skin. Dilute the yeast with hydrogen peroxide to a paste, apply this mask for 20 minutes.

Combination skin care program

It is best to cleanse combination skin with preparations that are washed off with water. If the T-zone is too oily, then you should use cleansers both morning and evening. And if not, then a thorough evening cleansing will be enough. The tonic can only be used for the middle part of the face, where there is excess sebum and oily shine. You can prepare the tonic yourself:

Tonic for combination skin faces:
Brew hot green tea (tbsp) into glasses mineral water and add lemon juice there. Green tea will give your skin essential vitamins, and lemon - to narrow pores where necessary.

It is advisable to purchase creams specifically for combination skin; they contain a lot of moisture, but not too much fat. And if, for example, the skin of the T-zone is too oily, and the cheeks and neck are prone to dryness, then it is best to purchase two different creams for these areas.
Eye cream for any skin type is used when the first wrinkles appear, approximately this happens after 25 years.
For combination skin, exfoliate twice a week.
For such skin, it is best to do it separately on different areas of the face. Where nutrition is required, nourish, and where not required, moisturize.

Step three. Additional skin care rules

You have learned how to properly care for your skin, but in addition to this, there are also general and equally important rules for skin care. It is advisable to read and remember them carefully.

Five important additional tips:

Never go to bed without removing your makeup from your face.

Even if you use very expensive and good cosmetics, skin care must be correct. At night, the skin should be clean. And don't forget to apply restorative cream at night. Day face cream must contain filters that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, this will protect the skin from premature aging. And in order to take care of yourself correctly and in a timely manner, create your personal

You should not use bioactive creams and anti-wrinkle creams unless absolutely necessary. There is a cream for every age. Active creams should be used only after forty years. Our skin, starting to receive active and strong substances, ceases to produce necessary and useful substances itself. She just gets used to the fact that these substances are given to her anyway. Consequently, you will constantly need to use increasingly stronger and more active creams. Good cosmetic companies make creams that are specifically suitable not only for skin type, but also for age. On such creams it is written right away what age they are intended for. Day moisturizing cream is best applied to dry skin, and night nourishing cream is best applied to damp skin.

Use natural vegetables, fruits and berries for facial care as often as possible.

Try to get enough sleep. It would be good to train yourself to go to bed early and get up early. Don’t forget to periodically take vitamin complexes; a lack of vitamins and minerals has a very negative effect on the condition of your skin and hair. We hope that our step-by-step instructions will help you learn how to care for your skin. Take care of your skin and it will thank you!

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To remain the most charming and attractive for a long time, you need to make a lot of effort - regularly visit a cosmetologist and carefully care for your skin at home. After all, she needs proper “nutrition,” exercise, and drinking regimen.

What menu does our skin need, how to care for it in the morning, afternoon and evening, experts told the site - Gulnara Akhmetova, head of the Clean Line Institute, Yana Drobysheva, cosmetologist at the Linline clinic, laser therapist, specialist in injection techniques, cosmetologist at the Doctorplastic clinic Irina Ivanova.

Skin care in the morning

Skin care in the morning

Simple rules with which to start the morning work for the benefit of our skin's health. Therefore, as soon as you wake up, follow the following program.

Start with fitness

Your parents probably advised you to start your morning with exercise. And they were right, exercise in the morning not only helps us wake up, but also our skin.

“Sports activities improve blood circulation, complexion, sleep, mood, promote weight loss, keep the body in good shape, strengthen the immune system, and optimize the functioning of all body systems. All of the above, in turn, also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin,” says Gulnara Akhmetova, head of the Clean Line Institute.

The most important thing: you need to do exercises in the right environment. “Charging should be carried out in loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement and in a ventilated area,” notes Yana Drobysheva, cosmetologist at the Linline clinic, laser therapist, specialist in injection techniques.

Drink some water

You've probably heard and read more than once that when you wake up, you should drink a glass of water, and there is a rational grain in this advice.

“As you know, water makes up 65-70% of an adult’s body weight. The amount of water that the body loses through the natural processes of sweating and transepidermal evaporation (evaporation of water by the skin) must be replenished to maintain the composition of the internal environment that ensures optimal functioning of the skin and the entire body as a whole. Therefore, you need to drink water, including in the morning: immediately after getting up, it will be useful to drink 1-2 glasses of water. This will allow you to “start” the digestive system after a night’s rest, improve your appetite and help the body naturally cleanse itself of toxins and waste products. Saturation with moisture allows the cells of the body, including the skin, to perform their duties in optimal mode“, says Gulnara Akhmetova.

It is important to maintain a drinking regime throughout the day to maintain skin hydration balance.

“The skin is well hydrated when the whole body as a whole does not experience a lack of moisture. And for this you need to drink at least two liters of non-carbonated clean water per day,” advises Yana Drobysheva.

Cleanse your skin

Skin care in the morning

Some people think that you can neglect the procedure of cleansing your skin in the morning. After all, there is no makeup or dirt on your face, which means you just need to rinse your face with water. But this is a big mistake that can harm the health of the dermis.

“In the morning, the skin must be cleansed of the secretion products of the sebaceous glands (sebum), dust, and remnants of night care products that have accumulated overnight. These substances can block skin pores and affect the appearance of blackheads,” says Gulnara Akhmetova. Therefore, in the morning, the cleansing and skin care ritual should be divided into three stages.


“The fact that you don’t need to remove makeup in the morning allows you to make the morning cleansing procedure a little less thorough than in the evening: it will be enough to use a familiar cleanser selected in accordance with the type and needs of the skin, for example, a foaming gel for washing, if the skin can classified as normal, combination or oily type, or with a gentle foam cleanser in case of dry and sensitive skin,” advises Gulnara.


“After cleansing, you should use a suitable toner, which will not only complete the cleansing procedure, but also prepare the skin for further beauty manipulations. The tonic lotion gives the skin a sufficient amount of moisture, which is then “fixed” in it by the day cream,” notes Gulnara.


After toner, apply a moisturizer to your skin to help prepare it for makeup.

“For dry and sensitive skin, choose creams with nourishing, soothing ingredients ( vegetable oils, bisabolol), for normal skin – with moisturizing and refreshing ingredients (allantoin, aloe vera extract), for oily and combination skin – with absorbent and sebum-regulating ingredients (kaolin, plant extracts, etc.),” recommends Gulnara.

By the way, it is in the morning that you should use products containing vitamins.

“In the morning, the skin absorbs vitamin C perfectly,” says cosmetologist at the Doctorplastic clinic Irina Ivanova.

As for textures, when preparing for makeup, it is best to use products with light textures - gels, emulsions, fluids.

“They are quickly absorbed without a trace and do not crease after applying foundation,” says Yana Drobysheva.

Experts also do not rule out that instead of day cream you can use fashionable foundations“two in one” with care function.

« An alternative to day cream can be BB cream, which not only exhibits caring properties, but also allows you to adjust skin tone and hide cosmetic imperfections, thereby eliminating the need to apply “heavier” foundation,” notes Gulnara Akhmetova.

Your assistants:

Beauty assistants

  1. Moisturizing facial toner "Angelica" and fluid "Immortelle" L'Occitane
  2. Hydrating cranberry toner June Jacobs
  3. Moisturizing protective day cream Pulanna
  4. Anti-aging transformative care "Magic care" Garnier
  5. Day cream "Instant Hydration" Olay Anti-Wrinkle
  6. Cream for daily use Fillerina
  7. Lifting cream that gives radiance to the skin Declaré Age Control Lifting Beautifier

Beauty assistants

  1. A refreshing cleansing toner Bright Touch Lumene
  2. Moisturizing serum 24 hours "Sea Source" Thalgo
  3. Moisturizing gel for washing (25+) Face Wash Gel Noni Care
  4. Moisturizing day cream Cell Dynamic Day Performance SPF 20 NuBo
  5. Moisturizing cream that preserves youthful skin Youthful Moisture Cream Day And Night Ioma
  6. Cream “Self-rejuvenation 26+” “Black Pearl»
  7. Cleansing foam-gel for face “Chamomile and lingonberry” Green Mama

Skin care during the day

Skin care during the day

Don't leave your skin unattended during the day. After all, she constantly needs care.

Wash your hands often

Do not touch your face or touch up your makeup with dirty hands; this habit is one of the main causes of inflammation on the skin.

“It is better to touch your face with your hands as little as possible, or wash them before touching. Hands are constantly in contact with many surfaces that may contain contaminants or pathogens; they easily transfer from the hands to the skin of the face. And decorative cosmetics, which are present in excess on the skin, create a favorable environment for their reproduction and further development of inflammation,” says Yana Drobysheva.

Be careful with makeup

“During the day, many women like to powder or touch up their makeup, generously applying layer after layer of powder or foundation. You can't do that. If you need to correct makeup flaws, it is better to wash your face and “draw” everything from scratch. Because “multi-layer” makeup clogs pores. If you notice an oily sheen on your face or if you have excessive sweating, use mattifying wipes. They are thin, look like parchment, quickly absorb sweat and sebum, and do not spoil makeup,” notes Yana.

Do not apply medicated creams or skin care creams over makeup

Skin care during the day

“For example, when treating rashes, medications are often prescribed that need to be applied several times a day. You can't do this on top decorative cosmetics. First you need to wash your face, then apply the product, let it absorb and then “restore” your makeup,” says Yana.

Use skin moisturizers

During the day, our skin does a lot of work and requires additional hydration, especially if you are in a room where air conditioning or heating devices are running. “You can refresh your skin with thermal water. This is one of the few products that can be applied over makeup,” advises Yana Drobysheva.

If you want to provide your skin with long-term hydration using a skin care product, choose creams with special marks. “Such products contain notes: “moisturizes for 24 hours,” says Gulnara Akhmetova.

Your assistants:

Our face is a mirror that reflects all stages of your life journey. Wrinkles indicate how much you were nervous, smiled, worried, or even cried. Gray, unkempt skin - about problems with internal organs, illnesses, long stays in closed spaces, the presence of addictions and addictions. Therefore, it is important not only to take care of your facial skin by doing masks, peelings, deep cleansing and operations, but also to take care of your health in general.

Facial skin care as a means to restore youth and beauty

Healthy, beautiful, glowing skin is real. It can be acquired not only through thread lifting, operations or unreasonably expensive miracle creams. Regularly applying moisturizer to the skin of the face and neck nourishes it. Your skin will be under the protective film of the cream, and most harmful microorganisms and dust will not be able to enter the pores. Therefore, accustom yourself to hydration.

It is important to remember that if you constantly apply makeup before going to work, you should have a makeup base in your makeup bag. The cream creases, causing the powder to fall off and the foundation to look washed out on the face. Buy a quality foundation. It is better to buy an expensive care product and protect your skin from the effects of cosmetics than to save money and think about how to stop aging.

Youthful skin depends on your pace of life and attitude towards health. Exercise, walks on fresh air, an optimistic attitude will add shine and beauty to you.

Remember, it is easier to care for dry or oily skin. After all, dry skin needs hydration, and oily skin needs nourishment and cleansing of pores. Problem skin causes a lot of inconvenience - this includes the selection of cosmetics, cleansers, and scrubs.

Considering the influence of the external environment, the problem healthy eating and relaxation, most women have sensitive facial skin. Rash, allergic reactions, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation aggravate the situation. Today we will talk about how to care for sensitive skin.

The first rule of care

Cleansing your face and washing your face are the most important secrets healthy skin. When caring for sensitive facial skin, it is worth choosing tonics and cleansing milk based on natural ingredients. They carefully envelop the face, cleansing it of impurities. Avoid using soap as it dries out your skin. In the morning, it is enough to apply a tonic to cleanse your face of secretions and wash with warm water. In the evening, be sure to remove any remaining makeup with tampons and sponges, wash your face and apply moisturizer at night.

Hot water has a negative effect on capillaries, and cold water causes hypothermia. Under the age of 30, the consequences of improper care for sensitive skin are not so noticeable, but the older you get, the more mistakes become obvious.

Second rule

Make it a habit to use scrubs every 5 days. You can even start a tradition of applying a scrub to your face every Saturday to remove dead skin cells. You can buy an exfoliator at the store or make your own. For example, mix two tablespoons of ground coffee with one tablespoon of honey, add a few drops essential oil lavender or orange and apply to face for 4-5 minutes. However, be sure to do a small test - apply a small amount of the product to your neck or hand to check for allergic reactions. Ron Berg insists that those who skip the peeling procedure and do not use scrubs suffer from clogged pores. It's one thing to remove the top layer of dirt while washing. But we must not forget about deep cleansing. He says that men have it much better than us women. We don't shave every morning. A razor and shaving gels remove dead skin particles and cleanse pores.
You can contact specialists to carry out chemical cleaning. There are some that need to be done once a year, once every few years, and even a couple of times throughout your life. This is the deepest cleansing of pores, restoration of tissue functions and a healthy glow.

Third rule

Once you have learned how to properly wash and cleanse your skin, it is also important to moisturize it. There are enough creams that need to be used during the day or applied at night, nourishing the skin with microelements and vitamins. You should buy products from trusted manufacturers so as not to harm your face even more. Avoid applying such creams to the skin around the eyes, because the skin there is very thin and susceptible to external irritants.

It is worth moisturizing your facial skin several times a day - morning, afternoon and evening, as an option. If you can use a moisturizer at work, use it. Don't forget about the neck area.

Fourth rule

Beware of the sun! In any form and in any weather. Exposure to ultraviolet rays causes irritation to sensitive facial skin. Even in winter, rashes, red spots, moles and pronounced freckles may appear on the face.

Women over thirty especially need to take care of their skin so as not to provoke the appearance of age spots and development of wrinkles. Applying sunscreen to your face not only protects from sun exposure, but also moisturizes it.

Fifth rule

Don't be afraid to use folk remedies. Naturally, within reasonable limits. For example, many women do the following. A regular chicken egg is broken and the whites are separated from the yolks. The protein is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes. The skin tightens and begins to tingle a lot. Rinse off any residue and apply moisturizer. After half an hour, apply the yolk for 10-15 minutes. Rinse again with warm water and moisturize. The skin becomes soft, tender, like a child's. This procedure can be repeated once a week.

Or applying sour cream helps protect the skin from irritation and moisturize the pores. It is advisable to use natural milk to prepare the product or buy it not in supermarkets, but in the market. This way you will be confident in the quality of your mask and the absence of GMOs.

Natural remedies are much better than the most expensive creams. But you should always test and check the effect of this or that miracle - cream or mask on your body. The skin of the face is the most delicate and sensitive. She is constantly exposed to wind, frost, heat, breathes street dust and suffers from improper care.

We hope the above rules will help you protect your skin and make it healthy.

Systematic care of the skin of the body and hands will help maintain its elasticity, smoothness, and avoid the appearance of unsightly stretch marks, wrinkles or age spots. It is necessary to apply nourishing cream, use special products, massage, simple exercises. Light peeling using homemade masks will protect it from dryness, flaking, and give it a radiant appearance. Tender, elastic and tightened skin the whole body emphasizes the youth, healthy appearance and beauty of any woman. It is very important to care for it correctly, use various means, and do special exercises.

Caring for the skin of the arms, neck, chest, abdomen and thighs should be systematic; only daily care will give long-awaited results, allowing you to enjoy its radiance, smoothness and silkiness.

There are several important rules, which any woman needs to follow strictly. They relate to skin hygiene, keeping it clean, using various means and performing gymnastics.

Here are a few important advice body care to maintain skin elasticity and maintain its smoothness:

  • every day you need to cleanse your skin by taking a shower using gels, scrubs, foams suitable for your skin type;
  • you need to perform the massage yourself, stroking, kneading or pinching certain areas of the body;
  • The cream should be applied morning and evening, keeping an eye on its expiration date and composition;
  • to maintain elasticity, you need to perform special exercises that help get rid of cellulite and sagging skin;
  • the daily menu should include protein foods, vegetable and fruit dishes, meat or fish, and cereals;
  • Bath procedures, swimming, sports, and walks have a good effect.

Skin care should begin with morning exercises, a contrast shower, not forgetting the use of nourishing cream and milk.

Dry skin should not be washed with soap; for oily skin, you need to buy an exfoliating scrub with clay. It is better to apply and wash off the gel with a massage glove, then rub the entire body with a thick terry towel.

How to decorate your hands beautiful manicure, you can read in this article. And you will read how to pluck eyebrows with minimal skin irritation.

The biggest nuisance well-groomed women at any time of the year brings dry skin to back side palms reddened by frost, fingers roughened from gardening with calluses and cracks. Proper care for dry hand skin helps to avoid these annoying manifestations, soften it, moisturize it and give a gentle touch.

The complex of caring measures must necessarily include:

  1. Proper washing, cleansing from impurities.
  2. Massage of wrists, palms, fingers.
  3. Applying a rich or nourishing cream, moisturizing.

  • while washing your palms with soap or gel, you should do a light massage, stroking the skin with gentle movements;
  • You can apply the cream only after the skin has completely dried so that it is better absorbed;
  • in cold weather you need to wear gloves and lubricate your palms with protective cream;
  • It is not recommended to keep your hands in the water for a long time;
  • the cream should be fatty, nourishing or moisturizing, day and night.

Rules for caring for the skin of the neck and chest

Caring for the skin of the body in such delicate, delicate areas as the neck and chest requires compliance with certain rules. Here are the most basic ones:

  • It is necessary to massage with warm palms, but stretching, pinching and strongly kneading the skin is prohibited;
  • when washing in the shower, only gel should be used; exfoliating scrubs and breast peels should not be used;
  • Be sure to gently dry your neck and chest terry towel, then you need to apply a rich moisturizing or nourishing cream, milk;
  • massage movements should be stroking, the shower should be contrasting;
  • once a week you can make a moisturizing mask using store-bought products or natural recipes from herbs, products, oils;
  • You must wear a comfortable bra and avoid tight, tight clothing and tight collars.

The skin on your stomach is not as delicate as on your face or chest. It is more elastic and can stretch greatly during pregnancy. Because of this, many women develop stretch marks, sagging, and scars. Abdominal skin care should be performed according to the following rules:

  • severe weight loss or gain leads to skin stretching and sagging; it is necessary to monitor your body weight and lose weight gradually;
  • pregnant ladies need to use special creams, wears a bandage, belt;
  • in the shower you need to massage the abdomen using scrubs, herbal ointments, masks with clay, sea salt, honey;
  • massage movements should be painless, pinching, rubbing, stroking should be clockwise, gathering the skin into folds;
  • anti-cellulite or drainage gels help warm the skin and remove excess fluid from cells;
  • you need to take a contrast shower, apply stretch mark cream, rub your stomach with a hard towel or massage mitt or brush.

Rules for caring for the skin of the thighs and buttocks

The rules for caring for body skin on the hips, buttocks and lower back are no different from general recommendations. It is necessary to use special hygiene and care products and massage. Here are a few useful tips for those who want to have smooth thighs and firm, toned buttocks:

  • it is necessary to use anti-cellulite creams with a warming or cooling effect;
  • you should take a contrast shower, alternating the water temperature and its pressure;
  • massage should be done with strong movements, using pinching, rubbing, clapping;
  • You can’t suddenly gain weight or lose weight, or sit for a long time without moving;
  • You can’t do without exercises for the hips and buttocks - they must be performed daily;
  • You should drink a lot of clean water, play sports, ride a bike, swim, dance.

Foot and heel care

Smooth heels and feet look aesthetically pleasing and allow you to wear open shoes and feel free to walk barefoot. Caring for your heels involves exfoliating, softening, and keeping them clean. Every evening you need to apply a moisturizing or softening cream to your feet, do massage baths with herbs and sea salt.

To ensure that your heels always remain smooth, do not crack or hurt, you need to:

  • clean them with pumice very carefully, it is not advisable to do this often;
  • do not forget to wash your feet daily with warm water;
  • apply a rich nourishing cream every day, use an anti-sweating spray;
  • wear only clean, dry shoes and socks, avoid contamination;
  • If corns or calluses appear, you cannot cut them off, as the wound may become infected.

All these fairly simple body skin care procedures must be performed systematically. Even if your arms or thighs look smooth and your stomach is toned, you don’t need to give up massage, contrast showers and scrubs. The effect of care must be constantly maintained so that it remains elastic, silky, and very soft to the touch.