A jealous man who cuts off his wife's hands will escape severe punishment. A jealous man who cuts off his wife's hands will escape severe punishment. Whoever cut off his hand

A crime monstrous in its cruelty occurred today on December 11 in Serpukhov near Moscow. A jealous husband cut off his wife's hand on one hand and crushed the fingers on the other.

The man who cut off his wife's hands has been detained. A criminal case has been opened against him for “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm,” and he faces up to 10 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony.

Let us recall that on December 11, at about 10.30 in Serpukhov near Moscow, a 25-year-old man took his wife into the forest, where, presumably, he first broke her fingers and then chopped off both hands with an ax. After that, he brought the injured Margarita to the 71st Moscow Hospital named after Zhadkevich, where he explained that he did not want the woman to die, but only wanted to make her crippled. At the hospital, the 26-year-old victim underwent emergency surgery, but her right arm could not be saved.

The couple has been married since 2005, they have two children together - 3 and 4 years old, who are at the moment are with relatives. The suspect worked as the head of the marketing department of one of the Serpukhov newspapers. The reason for this inappropriate behavior was jealousy, because of which he had already forced the woman to take a lie detector test, which was not enough for him. The couple filed for divorce, but the man suspected his wife of cheating. The victim's mother believes that he developed paranoia due to jealousy.

Dmitry Grachev, who cut off his wife's hands, was given 14 years

A resident of the Moscow region, Dmitry Grachev, who cut off his wife Margarita's hands, was sentenced to 14 years in prison. The court has just announced such a verdict, the press service of the regional Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee reported.

Grachev was found guilty under three articles of the Criminal Code: 111 (“Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm”), 119 (“Threat of murder”) and 126 (“Kidnapping”). He will spend the next 14 years in a maximum security colony. In addition, Grachev is obliged to compensate his ex-wife for moral damages in the amount of 2.3 million rubles. The verdict has not yet entered into force; the parties to the trial have 10 days to appeal it.

During the trial, terrible details of the crime were revealed. As it turned out, Grachev had long been jealous of his wife and began to prepare reprisals. He bought tourniquets, a bandage with iodine, clamps and an ax in advance. He put all this in the trunk of his car. And on December 11, Grachev forcibly put his wife into a car and drove her into the forest. And there, in a deserted place, he cut off the girl’s hands on both hands. Fortunately, Moscow surgeons managed to sew on one hand. Margarita now has a prosthesis on her second arm - it was installed in Germany, money was collected by the residents of Serpukhov during charity events.

The Investigative Committee noted that the investigation of another criminal case initiated in connection with the attack on Margarita Gracheva is currently ongoing. The girl, as it turned out, had long complained to the police about her husband’s threats. However, the local police officer did not find “corpus delicti.” Immediately after this, Grachev carried out his threats. As soon as this became known, the district police officer was fired, and a case was opened against him under Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Negligence”.

The hearing on the case of Dmitry Grachev, who cut off the hands of his wife Margarita out of jealousy, began in Serpukhov. The victim is present at the hearing. Grachev said that he suspected his wife of cheating and even tested her with a polygraph, the 360 ​​correspondent reported.

Dmitry Grachev made an acquittal speech addressed to himself. According to him, his wife cheated with a colleague named Alexander.

“I moved away from her after I found out about the lies. Quarrels began. I did not use physical force. When I found out about the correspondence, she was scared. In all cases, children were used during meetings with Alexander. Like, we were with the children. I couldn’t check this,” he said.

Nevertheless, Dmitry believed that everything could be fixed. He admitted that their relationship was constantly changing. They sometimes communicated, sometimes they didn’t.

“All the facts screamed that she was deceiving. But until recently I believed that there was no betrayal and everything could be fixed,” the defendant added.

The man admitted that in the fall of 2017, at the time of another breakdown, he began to follow Margarita.

I was like a madman, like one possessed by the evil one. I stood near the entrance and thought if he came to her now, I would catch him red-handed

Dmitry Grachev.
He also said that one day he saw a possible lover in a cafe. Dmitry approached him to talk. During that meeting, Gracheva’s husband asked Alexander if he was corresponding with Margarita. Alexander answered in the affirmative.

Later, Dmitry, in order to confirm his suspicions, decided to test his wife with a polygraph. According to him, she gave incorrect answers to several questions. “I asked why she did that. Margarita replied that she wanted to check whether the polygraph was working correctly,” the defendant noted.

Last December, Dmitry Grachev took his wife to the forest, where he chopped off her hands with an ax. After that, he took her to the hospital. Doctors managed to save only the girl’s left hand. Later, the investigation established that Grachev had planned the reprisal against his wife in advance.

The district police officer was fired, because of whose inaction the jealous man cut off his wife’s hands

His immediate superior no longer works for the internal affairs bodies either.

A district police officer from Serpukhov near Moscow was fired because he did not respond to a woman’s complaints about her own husband, because of whose jealousy she subsequently lost her hands. Tatyana Petrova, head of the press service of the GUMVD for the Moscow Region, reported this to TASS.

“By order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, the local police commissioner of the Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Serpukhovskoe”, as a result of whose inaction, serious harm was caused to the health of a local resident, was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies for negative reasons. In addition, his immediate superior was fired, and the managers and officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were brought to strict disciplinary liability,” she said.

The media wrote that the woman had previously complained to the police about her husband’s threats, but the local police officer responded to her statement only 18 days later and limited himself to a preventive conversation.

Earlier it was reported that a message was received from the hospital to the police duty station that a 25-year-old woman was delivered to the emergency room without both hands. Her husband came to the police and confessed that he, having become jealous of his wife, took her to the forest near the village of Skrylya, where he cut off her hands, and then took her to the city hospital for treatment. medical care. A criminal case was opened, the jealous man was arrested, and he faces up to 15 years in prison.

Woman whose hands were cut off by her husband: I don’t want my children to have a negative attitude towards him

Journalists visited Margarita, a resident of Serpukhov near Moscow, who had been severely injured by her husband, in the hospital, congratulated her on the upcoming holidays and asked about her well-being. She told them what she already had Christmas mood- She feels fine and wants to leave the hospital as soon as possible to join the children.

Margarita clarified that her children still think that she had an accident. She told them she would have an arm “like a robot.”

“For now, I don’t want to involve them in this so that there is some kind of negative attitude towards dad. Still, he remains their father,” she said.

She also answered a question from journalists about what advice she could give to women who have also experienced domestic violence, and whether she would like to use her fame to help these women.

“My fame is not very good. If I won an Olympic medal, it would be more pleasant,” noted, in particular, Margarita.

According to her, she would rather see the sentences for such crimes tightened.

Let us remind you that this shocking crime occurred on December 11 in Serpukhov. The husband took his 25-year-old wife, the mother of his two children, whom he was tormenting with groundless jealousy, to the forest and there he began to mutilate her. He cut off her hands with an ax, saying: “ You won't be able to pet your children anymore.". Doctors were able to sew one hand on her, Margarita underwent a complex operation.

Friends of a resident of the Moscow region, whose hands were cut off by her husband, spoke about her condition

In the VKontakte community, which is run by friends of a resident of the Moscow region mutilated by her husband, they talked about her condition.

“News from Rita: the fingers are moving, and today they planned to remove the stitches from the leg and arm. Feels good,” said the post published the day before.

One of the posts below also reveals that her children visited her for the first time three days ago.

Let us remind you that this shocking crime occurred on December 11 in Serpukhov. The husband took his 26-year-old wife, the mother of his two children, to the forest and there he chopped off one of her hands with an ax and crushed the second, and also wounded her in the thigh. At the same time, the monster, who tormented his wife with groundless jealousy and threats, himself took her to the hospital and surrendered to the police.

Doctors managed to reattach one of the woman’s hands - a complex operation that lasted several hours. And in order to use the second hand, you will need a prosthesis.

Mother of a girl whose husband cut off her hands: he lulled our vigilance

Margarita Gracheva from the Moscow region, whose hand was chopped off by her jealous husband, moved thumb sewn hand.

The girl’s mother spoke about this on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to Inna Sheikina, her daughter is experiencing very hard the nightmare that happened to her. Let us remember that Margarita was crippled by her own husband. In the forest, he cut off her hands. As the girl’s mother assures, the son-in-law carefully prepared for this terrible crime.

“He planned everything,” the woman is convinced. “That’s why I was very polite for the last week, didn’t threaten or be rude. His good behavior lulled our vigilance. He took the children, although there was already an ax and tourniquets in the trunk, then he took Margarita into the forest.”

Let us remember that on December 11, Dmitry Grachev became jealous of his wife Margarita, accusing her of treason. To get her to confess to infidelity, the man took his wife to the forest and chopped off her hands with an ax. After that, he brought the bloodied woman to the hospital and surrendered to the police.

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The couple has been married since 2005, they have two children together - 3 and 4 years old, who are currently with relatives.

The suspect worked as the head of the marketing department of one of the Serpukhov newspapers. The reason for this inappropriate behavior was jealousy, because of which he had already forced the woman to take a lie detector test, which was not enough for him.

Some time ago, the couple filed for divorce, but the man suspected his wife of cheating. The victim's mother believes that he developed paranoia due to jealousy.

A Serpukhov resident who cut off his wife’s hands abused animals as a child

A resident of Serpukhov near Moscow, Dmitry Grachev, who cut off his wife Margarita’s hands out of jealousy, was an extremely difficult teenager. Together with his friends, he bullied cats, and in high school he was expelled from school. This was reported by the Komsomolskaya Pravda website.

A neighbor of Dmitry’s mother told reporters that in his youth he hung out with bad company.

Dima and I grew up in the same yard. His company was not good. The cats were tortured. Stoned to death and watched as animals died in agony


A former friend of the jealous man said that Dmitry was expelled from school due to regular fights. He decided to finish his studies at night school. Margarita’s younger brother Ilya Sheikin added that Grachev “knew how to present himself.” And all this time married couple seemed happy. It is noteworthy that not so long ago Dmitry received higher education and became a certified family psychologist.

As the Dni.ru website clarified, there were no drugs or alcohol in Grachev’s blood at the time of the crime. He will soon be sent for a forensic psychiatric examination. Psychiatrist Alexander Fedorovich is confident that in the end the man will be recognized as sane.

Dmitry Grachev was jealous of his wife Margarita and accused her of treason. To get a confession from her, Grachev took his wife to the forest and chopped off her hands with an ax. After that, he brought his wife to the hospital and surrendered to law enforcement officers. Earlier it became known that a local police officer from Serpukhov would be checked after an incident with a 25-year-old girl.

The psychologist who cut off his wife's hands was expelled from school for fighting as a child

At the same time, the psychiatrist is confident that 26-year-old Dmitry Grachev will be recognized as sane

The story about a hand being cut off due to jealousy is creepy. Beyond. Let us remind you that 26-year-old Dmitry Grachev from Serpukhov near Moscow tortured his own wife for two hours. The mother of his two sons wanted to file for divorce. And he tried to find out why Rita suddenly decided to leave. And he cut off her finger by finger with an ax, hitting her hands with the butt, as if making a chop out of them. And then he cut off both... The doctors managed to reattach only one arm to Rita, the left one. The whole world is now collecting a prosthesis for the right one.

The main question that still torments everyone: how could an outwardly calm guy one day take an ax and use it to mutilate the woman with whom he lived for seven years?

We were able to communicate with some of Dmitry Grachev’s acquaintances.


It turned out that Dima Grachev grew up without a dad. His parents divorced when he was very young. And then my father was imprisoned for murder. Dmitry Grachev Sr. served more than 10 years. He left and returned to Serpukhov just a few months ago.

“Dima and I grew up in the same yard,” says a neighbor, she lives in the same house as Grachev’s mother. - His company was not good. The cats were tortured. They stoned and watched as the animals died in agony.

Another detail was shared by Grachev’s former friend:

— Dima was expelled from school in high school. For bad behavior- he still had the same character. He fought often. He finished his studies at evening school.

And such a guy ended up marrying a smart, excellent student, a girl from an intelligent family!

— Dima always knew how to present himself. And from the outside they really looked like a happy family,” says younger brother Rita Ilya Sheikin.

— Was your family not embarrassed that his father was in prison for murder?

- Well, his father essentially did not participate in his upbringing...

Let us remember that after his marriage to Rita, Dmitry received a higher education (he studied by correspondence) with a degree in family psychologist.

Many were amazed by how Grachev behaved in court when he was brought in for arrest.

A completely calm face. No trace sleepless night, tears, repentance. Iron!

Or sick?


The police checked the version that Grachev could have attacked his wife under the influence of drugs. Well, how else can you explain that he tormented her for two hours? However, our police sources report that no traces of alcohol or drugs were found in the man’s blood. He was never registered with a psychiatrist.

In the near future, Dmitry Grachev will be sent for a psychiatric examination. Maybe he went crazy a long time ago, but no one noticed it?

“You know, I’m sure that Grachev will eventually be recognized as sane,” says psychiatrist Alexander Fedorovich.

- How is this? Could a healthy person do this?

“Such cruelty is a manifestation of some kind of mental problems, which still have not reached the level of a real psychiatric illness.

Let's trace the development of the situation. First scandals, then a torn passport, then a knife to the throat, and a month later an attack with an ax. It's hard to believe, but he is, one might say, healthy. For me, as a specialist, this case is very similar to the story when an electrician shot nine people in the Tver region. I spoke with the only survivor. There, too, everything did not happen instantly. He did not immediately kill everyone “in a state of passion.” Opened fire. Then he walked around the area, looking for those hiding. He forced someone to kneel at gunpoint and ask for forgiveness. Someone - to dig their own grave. But in the end he pulled the trigger anyway. It was extended over time. He was obsessed with revenge. As a result, the examination found the killer sane.

Grachev's cruelty is his attempt to show his dominance. It intensified due to his impunity and the defenselessness of the victim. After all, after the story with the knife, in the end he had nothing. Of course, Grachev did not become like this right away. The prerequisites most likely lie in childhood. This is deep genetic (while talking to us, the expert did not yet know that Grachev’s father was imprisoned for murder, and Dmitry himself tortured cats as a child. - Author).

— The main question that worries everyone now. How to recognize a person like Grachev? After all, until recently, even those closest to him could not imagine what he was capable of.

- I'm afraid you won't recognize it. I repeat: this person’s actions had an escalation and development. If we translate everything into the plane of the husband-wife relationship, the whole question is what line the other side draws. Families are different. For some, raising the tone during a conversation or shouting is already an emergency. And in some families, excuse me, the husband beats his wife unconscious every week, but she considers this normal. The question is how willing the other party is to feel like a victim.


Can the sadist be released?

In the comments on the website kp.ru, many write: a criminal may have a real way to avoid prison. If he is declared insane, he will be sent for compulsory treatment. And there he can make a dramatic recovery, “recover” from a psychiatric illness and be quietly released. Really?

“Alas, this is so,” says lawyer Alexander Karabanov. — The law stipulates that only a person declared sane can be brought to criminal liability. During compulsory treatment, psychiatrists make a new conclusion every six months. If a person suddenly recovers and no longer poses a threat to society, he can indeed be released and transferred to outpatient treatment. However, the sentence cannot be reviewed. Because at the time the crime was committed, the defendant was declared insane.


What to do if your husband threatens

Alena Sadikova, director of the Kitezh crisis center for women victims of violence, spoke about this on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.

— There are a lot of stories when a husband attacks a woman who decided to leave him. They happen beyond the bounds. One woman was pushed from the second floor by her husband. She broke her legs, but remained alive. Another was deliberately hit in the stomach several times - and the child was born dead. According to our experience, among the men who beat their wives are doctors, lawyers, and business owners. That is, domestic violence is not marginal stories at all.

Many women call and tell me how this happens: I said that I was leaving, and he threatened me, the children, or even took some kind of active action. We have a manual for working with such women. It is clear that the advice is conditional, because situations are different. But the first point: if you decide to leave your husband, do not tell him about your plans. Not for him, not for friends, not even for loved ones, if you are not sure of them.

Second, try to find people who can protect you if necessary. It often happens that women first go to a safe place or crisis center, and only then tell their husbands. Divorce can be completed through a lawyer, remotely. Unfortunately, the girl from Serpukhov made a mistake by believing her husband and getting into his car.

A resident of the Moscow region, whose hands were cut off by her husband, is afraid to meet him in court

A resident of the Moscow region, Margarita Gracheva, whose hands were chopped off by her jealous husband, began to recover after the operation. The hospital reported this. However, doctors are still cautious in their forecasts. So what is the victim's condition now? And was it possible to interrogate her?

- I don’t know, is he moving around me? Pointing! Yes, it is moving!

This video, published in the support group of Margarita Gracheva in one of social networks, gaining views and admiring comments. Users write: they are happy and cry at the same time - from happiness. Without exaggeration, the whole country is following the fate of the girl, who was brutally mutilated by her own husband. Relatives report: Rita is still holding up high temperature, her hands hurt a lot, but she began to move her fingers and smile. Thanks everyone for their support.

- Thank you all, I love you all. Come visit with flowers.

Margarita Gracheva’s sons: 4-year-old Dima and 3-year-old Danil came with balloons. The boys were allowed into the ward for the first time. The children, of course, are not told that their father sent their mother to the hospital.

- Get well soon. We love you very much again too. Don't have any more accidents.

Ahead lies a long recovery, during which pain cannot be avoided, doctors say. The work of doctors at the Moscow City Clinical Hospital named after Zhadkevich is called nothing less than a miracle. During the nine-hour operation, microsurgeons were able to assemble Margarita’s hand piece by piece.

A crime that was shocking in its cruelty took place in Serpukhov near Moscow. According to the investigation, Margarita’s husband, Dmitry Grachev, became jealous of the girl. He took her to the forest, tortured her for a long time, and then monotonously chopped off the victim’s hands with an ax. The monster himself took his wife to the hospital and surrendered to law enforcement agencies.

At the moment, Dmitry Grachev is settling into a cell in the pre-trial detention center. Arrested by court order. But even isolation from society does not calm his victim. These shots were filmed immediately after a complex operation. Margarita admitted: she is afraid.

“I’m afraid that he will find me and beat me.”

Happy couple beautiful parents. They were considered ideal spouses. Until recently. The victim’s mother, Inna Sheikina, told the “Duty Unit” film crew that not long ago her son-in-law changed dramatically. He behaved aggressively towards Rita.

“The last week he was very kind, kind and nothing foreshadowed. We took the children to the garden, he brought her to me for a minute, she took the bag, then he took her into the forest and began to chop her with an ax. He apparently cut off a finger, and he also cut off her thigh, but the bone was not damaged,” the woman said.

No matter how scary it is for Margarita Gracheva to remember that day, she will have to. After all, she will soon have to communicate with investigators. And, perhaps, when he recovers completely, he will start visiting court hearings, in which she will again meet face to face with the once beloved man who caused her serious injuries.

A friend of a woman whose husband cut off her hands told what could have led to the crime

Ekaterina Morozova, a friend of Margarita, a resident of the Moscow region, who was mutilated by her husband and cut off her hands, told what could have led to this terrible crime. Ekaterina Morozova called Dmitry a terrible person.

“Probably no one has an answer to this question,”- said Ekaterina when the journalist asked her about possible reasons what happened. – “What could have led... Probably his wildly developed imagination. He came up with a story for himself, he believed in it. And, accordingly, I think that he himself led to everything. The fact that he is abnormal - it seems to me that this became clear to everyone a long time ago. normal person He will never even think about such a thing, nor even do such a thing.”

She emphasized that there was no betrayal.

According to her, she doesn’t know if this is true, but people wrote that he was looking for acid a week before and that he said about plans to buy tourniquets. At work, to the words: “Enough for you, Dima, divorce like a real man,” he replied: “You will soon hear from me.” But then no one took it seriously.

A woman whose husband cut off her hands in the Moscow region recorded a video message

A woman whose hands were cut off by her husband in the Moscow region recorded a video message from the hospital thanking the people who supported her.

“Hello everyone, I love you all, thank you. I miss. Come visit with flowers,”- Margarita said, smiling.

It was previously reported that she began to smile and that she was able to move a finger on her reattached hand.

The wife of the “Moscow Othello” moved the finger of her sewn hand

A resident of Serpukhov, Margarita Gracheva, had her hands chopped off by her jealous husband. The woman underwent a complex, hours-long operation, which, as is now clear, was successful.

Margarita Gracheva moved a finger of her hand, which Moscow surgeons literally pieced together for her. A video demonstrating the results of the operation was posted on VKontakte by relatives of a resident of Serpukhov, who became notorious throughout Russia after she became crippled due to the fault of her jealous husband.

Photos of a girl from the Moscow region whose hands were cut off by her own husband have been published

The mother of 26-year-old Margarita, whose hands were cut off by her husband, spoke about her condition.

“Temperature 38.5, arms hurt, but smiles, hip is better”, - told reporters REN TV woman.

Let us remind you that this shocking incident occurred in Serpukhov near Moscow. The man, threatening the mother of his children and preventing attempts at divorce, took the girl to the forest. There he broke her fingers and then cut off her hands. After that, he took his victim to the hospital, telling her to wait for him after his release. The monster surrendered to law enforcement officers.

The police managed to find the severed left hand in the forest, and the doctors managed to reattach it. The girl survived a difficult operation. The second brush could not be sewn on. Presumably, the mother of two small children will have to live with a prosthesis.

The monster who cut off his wife’s hands “explained” his motives in an SMS to relatives

The man who cut off his wife’s hands in the Moscow region “explained” his strange motives in an SMS to his relatives.

As she told reporters REN TV The mother of the victim, a monster who tormented his wife with groundless jealousy, sent several relatives an SMS message with the text: “Sorry, I can’t live when I’m being deceived.”

The mother of the 26-year-old victim also said that he made strange hints to his colleagues at work. According to her, she was told on social networks that he told them: “You’ll hear about me soon, I’ll almost become famous in a week.”

Let us remind you that this shocking incident occurred in the town of Serpukhov near Moscow at the beginning of the week. A man who threatened the mother of his children and prevented her from trying to divorce him took her to the forest. There he broke and chopped off one of her fingers, then cut off her hands. After that, the monster took her to the hospital and told her to wait for him after his release. The sadist surrendered to the police.

The police, on the urgent recommendation of doctors, found a severed left hand in the forest, and the doctors managed to reattach it. The woman, who is the mother of two small children, underwent a complex operation. It was not possible to sew on a second hand - presumably, the woman who suffered from such inhuman cruelty will now use a prosthesis.

Malakhov decided to help the girl who lost her arms

The presenter intends to raise funds for 26-year-old Margarita, who was seriously injured by her husband

Popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, during the release of the “Live Broadcast” program, came up with another social initiative. In the Rossiya 1 studio, the showman announced that he intends to help a 26-year-old resident of Serpukhov near Moscow, who was cruelly crippled by a jealous husband.

It is known that on December 11, Russian Dmitry Grachev took his wife Margarita to the forest and there he began to torture her, forcing her to confess to treason. As a result, the man crushed his wife’s fingers and then chopped off her hands with an ax. Later, he himself brought the victim to the hospital and confessed to everything. However, doctors managed to save only left hand Margarita, this was not possible with the right one, and now the patient needs a high-tech prosthesis.

Malakhov said that the rehabilitation of the 26-year-old Russian woman will cost a lot of money. In this regard, the presenter initiated a fundraiser to help Margarita so that she could buy herself a prosthesis.

It is worth noting that while the victim is in the hospital, her husband is in custody awaiting trial. A criminal case has been opened against him under the article “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm” and he faces 15 years in prison. It is reported that the couple raised two sons, who are currently being cared for by their grandmother.

By the way, this is not the first such incident in the Grachev family. As it turned out, the jealous Dmitry had previously taken his missus to the forest, where he threatened her with a knife. However, at that time it all ended there. Frightened Margarita, however, contacted the police and decided to file for divorce. Law enforcement officers only had an educational conversation with the man and released him.

The mother of the woman whose husband cut off his hands in the Moscow region spoke in more detail about the terrible crime that occurred.

Let us remind you that this incident occurred on December 12. The man took his wife into the forest, whom he tormented with groundless jealousy, threats and who wanted to divorce him, and chopped off her hands with an ax. After that, the monster himself took the victim to the hospital. Doctors managed to sew on one of the woman’s hands, and the sadist was detained.

“He calculated everything,” the victim's mother said. - At work they even say that he said: “You will hear about me soon, I will almost become famous in a week. Well, plus I heard some details from her. Now I’m lying in the room with her, she’s telling me. He bought eight tourniquets, an axe, he prepared, he calculated everything. He sent an SMS to his family: “Sorry, I can’t live when I’m being deceived.” When he drove her away, he tied her hands with tourniquets and dragged her to a tree stump. At first he simply broke and chopped off one finger at a time, then he cut off the hands. When she tried to crawl away, he cut with an ax to stop her from crawling - hence the thigh wound.”

The mother noted that the monster did not want to kill the woman, but to leave her crippled for life.

“But, since he wanted her to survive and remain crippled, he threw her into the car and on the way kindly asked: “Didn’t you die there?” He shouted at the doctors to move and left. Then he surrendered to the police and admitted that it was his fault. Lawyers say that he thought of everything here too,” said the unhappy mother.

According to the woman's mother, her daughter's hip has healed. The condition of the sewn left hand will be known on the seventh day (today is the fourth). The victim also needs psychological help due to fear.

The woman’s mother expressed fears that the monster would be given a short sentence or would be released on parole. She's also worried that he'll only be charged with causing bodily harm, even though he's also guilty of kidnapping.

The mother of a woman whose hands were chopped off by her husband with an ax in the Moscow region said that he promised to return from prison and finish his job.

According to her, the man said this when he struck the unfortunate woman with an ax. He stated that he would return and told her to wait for him - “so that she would not cheat with anyone.”

The victim's mother is afraid that the sadist will only be charged with causing bodily harm, although he also kidnapped her daughter.

Let us remind you that this terrible crime occurred this week in Serpukhov. A man tricked his 26-year-old wife, the mother of his two young sons, into his car and drove her to the forest. There he tortured her, crushed one of her hands with an ax, and completely cut off the second. At the same time, the monster himself took her to the hospital and surrendered to the police. Sadist who harassed his wife pathological jealousy, stated that he committed a crime so that the children would remain with him after the divorce.

The Serpukhov police will investigate a complaint from a woman who claims that the local police officer did not take proper measures when she contacted her, which is why she lost her hands. The regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs informed about this.

The leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region announced that in connection with Margarita Gracheva’s statement about the inaction of the district police officer from Serpukhov, an inspection will be carried out. The agency intends to give a legal assessment of the actions of the law enforcement officer. The police also intend to check how objectively the facts in this case were presented in various media.

Before this, information appeared in the media that in the Moscow region a man took his wife into the forest and cut off her hands due to suspicion of infidelity. Doctors managed to find and sew on one of the woman’s hands. The victim, Margarita Gracheva, said that she had previously contacted the local police officer about the beatings and threats, but he did not properly respond to the statement.

A woman told for the first time why her husband cut off her hands in the Moscow region

New details of a shocking story from the Moscow region, where a madman cut off his wife’s hands with an ax. We have exclusive footage at our disposal. After several complex operations, Margarita Gracheva was transferred from intensive care to a ward. The girl is still under the close attention of doctors. A REN TV correspondent managed to talk to the victim. It’s hard for her to speak, and even harder to remember.

“I filed for divorce,” this is how the woman explained the motive for the terrible crime that her husband committed.

The girl admitted: her husband was jealous of her work colleague. I read the correspondence and, obviously, after that I began to hatch a plan for revenge.

The day before, the monster took the unfortunate woman into the forest and there he gave vent to his cruelty. He pulled his wife out of the car, grabbed an ax and began to torture her. After the execution, the sadist came to his senses and took the poor man to the hospital himself. She was conscious all this time.

Doctors were unable to save one hand, they assembled the second in parts, but they don’t give a 100% guarantee whether it will take root. The victim's husband came to the police and confessed. He's already arrested.

A court in the Moscow region arrested a man who cut off his wife's hands

The Serpukhov City Court of the Moscow Region arrested a man who, out of jealousy, cut off both hands of his wife, Moscow Regional Court press secretary Natalya Osipova told RIA Novosti.

“In relation to Dmitry Grachev, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of 2 months, that is, until February 10, 2018 inclusive,” Osipova said.

The accused confessed that he, having become jealous of his wife, took her to a forest area near the village of Skrylya, where he cut off her hands, and then took her to the city hospital for medical care.

Grachev was charged under Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm.” The maximum penalty under this article is up to 15 years in prison.

The details of the family conflict have become known, the monstrous ending of which has been discussed by the whole country since yesterday. Before cutting off his wife’s hands, the jealous husband, as it turned out, gave her a polygraph test. By the way, many knew that Margarita Gracheva was in danger.

During interrogation, the suspect said that he was jealous of his wife. The doctors managed the almost impossible: within ten hours they restored the patient’s hands. The hand may be able to be saved.

Inna Sheikina, mother of Margarita Gracheva: “I chopped off my fingers, then I used an ax to chop up both hands, then I just chopped off my hands. His left hand was missing, and then, when he was already detained, they found his left hand. We were lucky that it was cold, and they looked and decided that there was 1%.”

Their history family life It started out surprisingly well. Meanwhile, according to relatives, at home at the Grachev family everything was far from rosy. The husband was constantly jealous of Margarita, beat her, things reached the point of absurdity. A week ago, he took her to Moscow and forced her to take a polygraph test. He never told anyone the results of the lie detector test.

Ilya Sheikin, Margarita Gracheva’s brother: “He has been threatening since September, he was pursuing what he would take to the forest. He beat her, the children saw it. And Danila approached his father and said - dad needs to be handed over to the police. And he had an obsession that Danila was a spoiled child and not his own.”

IN lately the matter was heading towards divorce - Margarita insisted on this. The husband lived separately. Relatives say that he recently took his wife to that very place in the forest and threatened him with a knife, then she managed to calm him down. The woman tried to resolve the issue through the police, wrote statements about the beatings, but it never went beyond a preventative conversation with the local police officer.

Ekaterina Morozova, friend of Margarita Gracheva: “He took her and threatened to stab her so that she would admit that she had some kind of relationship. She was very scared at that moment.”

Perhaps this time the enraged jealous man could have been stopped. Before torturing his wife in the forest, he warned that he was planning revenge. He sent an SMS to his family, in which he wrote that he could not live when he was being deceived. However, even the suspect’s mother did not pay attention to her son’s strange behavior.

Dmitry Grachev has already been arrested. Judging by the interrogation footage, he spoke calmly and indifferently about what happened. Although he assured that he repented. He went to the police himself and confessed to everything.

Dmitry's father was recently released from prison. Since then, according to friends, he has repeatedly threatened his wife with violence and insisted that he was not afraid of prison. The victim's relatives are sure that this was the criminal's intention - not to kill, but to make her suffer. All my life.

“Rita spoiled him with her love,” say friends of the Grachev couple from Serpukhov near Moscow, whose family history ended the day before in a bloody tragedy. KP shares comments from those familiar with the situation in the family.

Friends believe that due to excessive guardianship and care, husband Dmitry became selfish and capricious, became more and more distant from the family, lost interest in the children, but at the same time demanded the same, and perhaps even more, care and attention.

“For example, Dima decided to get a higher education. I entered the correspondence department and studied to become a psychologist. So Rita wrote coursework and dissertations instead of him!” say family friends.

At the same time, everyone I know has only positive impressions and comments about Rita, but people clearly don’t like Dmitry. And it seems that the negative opinion about him was not at all because of the tragedy that occurred; the negativity had been accumulating for a long time.

According to friends, Dmitry liked to present himself as a “star” and show off.

“All these photos on social networks, where he is with the kids and Rita, and Dima looks like such a loving father, are for show. Have you seen the photo where he bathes in an ice hole on Epiphany? He went there for the sake of a beautiful shot. And then I was sick for a week,” say those familiar with the family’s life.

People also note that Dmitry, who works as a forklift driver in a warehouse, earned much less than his wife, an employee of a local newspaper.

Finally, the girl’s patience could not stand it and she decided to file for divorce, which she informed her husband about. As a result, he beat Margarita. She reported to the police, but the district police officer only had an explanatory conversation with her stern husband. As a result, the couple began to live separately, but Dmitry periodically visited the children. On one of these days a tragedy occurred.

The man took his wife into the forest, beat him, crushed her hands with an ax and cut off one of them. However, then he took the woman to the hospital, and then the police detained him at home - the man did not even think about hiding.

Doctors managed to reattach the severed hand to the girl.

The mother of a woman whose hands were cut off by her husband spoke about the reason for the incident

The mother of a 26-year-old resident of the Moscow region, whose husband chopped off her hands with an ax, said that recently her daughter Margarita had not lived with him. According to the woman, her daughter was planning to divorce her husband.

“The initiative came from my daughter. At first he didn’t react at all, then he tore up her passport and beat her. I cut my coat. Emotions flowed through him,” the victim’s mother told REN TV. She also said that in a fit of jealousy, the man put a knife to her daughter’s throat, demanding to confess to treason. “After that I filed a report,” the woman’s mother added about this terrible crime.

The couple's children - two boys - are currently with the mother of the injured woman, the Serpukhovskie Vesti newspaper reports.

Video of the interrogation of a man who cut off his wife's hands in the Moscow region

Earlier it became known that in the Moscow region a man took his wife into the forest and cut off her hands with an ax. The incident occurred in Serpukhov. The victim underwent surgery, during which they managed to reattach the severed arm. The police have already opened a criminal case against the monster.

During interrogation, he stated that he repented of what he had done. However, when asked why he was detained, he refused to talk.

The incident occurred on December 11. The man, jealous of his 25-year-old wife, took her to a forest near the village of Skrylya. There he cut off her hands. After that, he himself took her to the hospital.

Doctors managed to reattach the hands severed by her husband to a young mother from Serpukhov

After a multi-hour operation, Moscow doctors managed to return both hands to a 25-year-old Serpukhov resident.

A wild incident occurred in the city of Serpukhov the day before. The jealous husband took his young wife into the forest, where, after much torture, he chopped off both of her hands with an ax, turning her limbs into a bloody mess.

The initial diagnosis after such injuries was unequivocal - amputation. But the doctors managed to do the incredible - sew one of the severed hands back. A “miracle” was performed in the microsurgery department of 71 Moscow Hospital named after Zhadkevich.

But the miracles didn't end there. The police were able to find the left arm amputee in the forest. And the doctors, after a ten-hour operation, managed to sew it on too.

Now doctors hope that Margarita Gracheva’s hands will take root. The woman faces long-term rehabilitation. A criminal case has been initiated against the monster husband.

Police had to search in the forest for the left hand of a woman whose hands were chopped off by her husband.

The night before, the capital's court arrested a man who cut off his wife's hands out of jealousy. Moscow surgeons managed to perform a miracle - they literally pieced together the hands of 25-year-old Margarita.

A happy family - but only at first glance. The problems began when Dmitry read an SMS from a certain man in Margarita’s phone. Since then, scenes of jealousy have been repeated constantly. The girl filed for divorce, but they continued to communicate.

IN last days This communication also stopped. We met only when it was necessary to take the children to kindergarten. During one of these trips, the car unexpectedly turned into the forest. The young man took out an ax and attacked Margarita. Only the left hand was cut into 6 parts.

Further, he says, as if in a fog: but Dmitry himself brought Margarita to the hospital. She was conscious all this time. The police immediately rushed to the scene of the terrible massacre. First, they found the right hand and immediately sent it to the clinic. To find all the parts of the left hand, it was necessary to conduct an investigative experiment. Dmitry was brought to the forest, and he remembered his actions second by second. The limb was preserved only due to the cold winter weather.

Dmitry Grachev was arrested in the Serpukhov court. He was never able to explain his action, but he fully admits his guilt. The children, boys three and four years old, are now being looked after by their grandmother. She didn’t tell the kids anything, although they always ask where their mother is.

Margarita Gracheva is still in intensive care, but tomorrow she should be transferred to the general ward. Now, according to doctors, everything depends on the patient’s willpower, but the operation is called successful.

Whose hands were cut off by her jealous husband in December 2017, she returned home from a St. Petersburg clinic, where she was working on a reattached hand. Margarita met with Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists and told how her rehabilitation is going and how the investigation into the case of her husband and the local police officer, who ignored the first statement of threats, is progressing.

“If I get nervous or start to panic, my hand won’t listen to me.”

Gracheva spent a month in St. Petersburg. The stitches on the left arm, which doctors managed to save, are being tightened. After the operation, Rita could not feel her hand, and now she can distinguish between heat and cold and even move her fingers. True, it’s still not possible to clench your hand into a fist. Gracheva has several more operations ahead.

Instead of a right hand, Gracheva has a prosthesis. German doctors made two prostheses for Rita, but one had to be sent for warranty repairs because one of his fingers had failed.

The second prosthesis, which Margarita now uses, has only a grasping function. However, they are also not easy to learn to manage.

“I clench and unclench my fingers like any other person: the signal comes from the brain,” explains Rita. - The prosthesis is attached to the muscles with sensors. The brain sends signals to the muscles, and the prosthesis reads them and controls the fingers. But if I get nervous or start to panic, my hand doesn’t listen to me. Learning to control it also requires effort,” admitted Gracheva.

“I’m still just getting used to home life, because we’ve been on the road for a very long time. “I’m learning to do a lot again: cooking, ironing, cleaning, taking the children to kindergarten, picking them up, going to the store,” says Rita. - Now I can iron again. I can wash the floors at home. Cook something, fry something. The taste is the same as before all this. But outwardly it looks worse.”

“A man proposed to me for marriage”

Margarita admitted that she is recognized on the street not only in her native Serpukhov, but also in St. Petersburg.

“I was surprised that they recognized me in St. Petersburg. There was a case when I was walking down the street, a car stopped on the side of the road, a man jumped out of it and ran up to me. He said that he admired me, that I was courageous,” Gracheva shared.

The girl says that people write to her a lot on social networks. Women ask for advice, and men ask for dates.

“One man wrote to my mother, who through her proposed his hand in marriage to me. But I’m not going to get married yet,” says Rita. - Now all my strength is focused on restoring my left hand. And then I’ll think about organizing my personal life.”

"I don't want to be a burden to anyone"

Margarita’s mother went to work, now the girl manages the housework alone, and also takes care of her two children. Margarita admits that she also wants to work, but until rehabilitation is completed she cannot afford it.

“I definitely want to work! I'm suffering at home. But for now it’s difficult to say how much I’ll recover and what I’ll be able to do - whether I’ll be able to type on a computer and answer calls, for example. I don’t want to be a burden for someone, to be given concessions. I don’t want to work somewhere out of pity. I have to be useful,” says Gracheva.

“The police are shielding themselves”

While Margarita is recovering, investigators continue to work on two criminal cases at once. The first was filed against Gracheva’s husband Dmitry, who did all this horror to her: he took her into the forest and there, with an ax, he methodically chopped off her fingers, and then her hands.

Dmitry's trial will take place within the next month. Previously, the court refused to deprive Grachev of parental rights, which, according to the prosecution, could serve as a mitigating circumstance when sentencing, Anews wrote.

The second criminal case was opened against the district police officer, who was negligent in his attitude to Margarita’s first statement about threats from her husband. Margarita is preparing for a confrontation with the local police officer.

“The police are now protecting themselves,” Rita said about the progress of the investigation. - As we learned, they backdated the documents: supposedly the local police officer called me on November 13, two days after my ex-husband threatened me. But I still have a confrontation ahead with this district police officer.”

25-year-old resident of Serpukhov Margarita Gracheva, whose husband chopped off both hands, received two bionic prostheses in Germany: one more fragile and functional, suitable for working on a computer, and the second simpler, which only uses the thumb and index fingers. Woman reported about this on the social network VKontakte.

“Many thanks to everyone who helped me adapt to my new life! Although, this is only the beginning of the journey, you need to get used to the prostheses and learn how to control them! Have a bright and memorable spring everyone!”

Margarita Gracheva

Margarita and her mother Inna Sheikina spent almost a month in the city of Duderstadt, where there is an orthopedic factory for the production of prosthetics. In Russia, such devices are made from German parts, so the family decided to directly contact local specialists.

Gracheva collected money for rehabilitation - almost 6 million rubles - on social networks.

Grachev’s rehabilitation course will take place in St. Petersburg. In Germany, a woman was given devices to restore her left arm, which doctors were able to sew back after the tragedy. Sheikina told Komsomolskaya Pravda that in Russia they weren’t even told about such things.

“For example, they gave me two orthoses - these are devices that support bandages for working with the fingers of the sewn left hand. The nerves to the fingers have not yet grown, the fingers curl, but if the muscles are not used for a long time, they can completely atrophy and cannot be restored.

But most importantly, German specialists began performing electrical stimulation of Rita’s left arm. Electrodes are connected to it. Doctors explain: in fact, the muscles do not care where the signal comes from - from the head or from the electrodes. In any case, they react to impulses, this makes them work, they do not die. This is how the sewn hand “remembers” its functions. This is very important thing. You can rent such a device from them at home.”

Inna Sheikina

Before receiving prosthetics, Gracheva was completely dependent on her mother: she learned to type on a tablet with her elbow, but could not change clothes or eat without outside help. The woman told her two young sons that she had been in an accident and explained that now she would “have arms like a robot.”

On December 11, 2017, Margarita’s husband Dmitry Grachev took her into the forest, tied her hands with tourniquets and chopped off her fingers and hands for more than an hour. A month before, he put a knife to his wife’s throat in the car, began threatening her and demanding that she confess to cheating on her. The next day, the woman contacted the local police officer, but three weeks later they called her back and offered to withdraw her application. Gracheva refused, and her husband was summoned for an educational conversation. Three days after the refusal to initiate a case, the woman lost her arms.

In January, the couple divorced, Margarita filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband for deprivation of parental rights. Now Dmitry Grachev is under arrest, a criminal case has been opened against him under the article “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm.”

The man who cut off his wife's hands planned the crime in advance. Nevertheless, he will avoid the maximum punishment, lawyers suggest.


“He did not take his wife away to kill her. Murder with extreme cruelty - that would have meant up to 20 years in prison. He has now been charged under the article “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm with the use of objects used as weapons.” Maximum punishment under her – up to ten years. But there are several decisive factors that will most likely shorten this term, and the court will not be able to give him the maximum,” said lawyer Igor Sarychev.

He recalled that Grachev brought his wife to the hospital after the execution. Secondly, immediately after this he came to the police himself - this is a confession. And during the arrest, the criminal stated that he repented. Another mitigating circumstance is that Grachev has not been previously convicted.

As lawyer Alexander Karabanov, who worked as an investigator for many years, noted, Grachev’s behavior in jurisprudence is called “active repentance of the accused.” “This is when the criminal provides medical assistance to the victim or takes him to a medical institution. The court will have to take this factor into account. This will certainly affect the sentence. Of course, the very method of committing the crime will be taken into account - with particular cruelty. But it can be assumed that the final punishment for this the crime will be in the form of imprisonment for a term of five to six years,” Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Karabanov.

Dmitry Grachev was jealous of his wife Margarita and accused him of treason. To achieve a confession, Grachev took her to the forest and chopped off her hands with an ax. He then took his wife to the hospital and surrendered to the police. Rita Gracheva survived, but doctors were only able to reattach her left arm.

The abuse lasted about two hours. Then Grachev himself took his wife to the hospital and surrendered to the police.

The doctors managed to do the impossible - to sew on one of the victim’s hands.

How Margarita lives now, why she doesn’t hold a grudge against her ex-husband, and what messages Dmitry sends her from the pre-trial detention center - in the MK material.

- Rita, after what you experienced, do you have to learn to live again with such serious injuries?

I have always believed that the most important thing is when everyone is alive and well. All these problems - I was fired from my job, my salary was reduced - are trifles. Therefore, the main thing is that I am alive. And I can smile. By the way, this is the first question that everyone asks me: “How can you smile after what happened?”

- And what do you answer?

- Surprisingly, you recovered from the shock very quickly. Did psychologists help you cope with depression?

No, I didn't really have much stress. I can't even remember if I cried after the whole nightmare. Although no, I’m lying, I did shed a tear once. But not because she felt sorry for herself or held a grudge against her husband - there was no anger at him. There were tears for another reason. I really wanted to go to the child's matinee in kindergarten, but it didn’t work out. This is why I cried. She didn't shed another tear. Now I only think about my hands, about the need to recover.

- Doctors managed to save one hand. Will she make a full recovery?

The arm will not recover 100 percent - that’s what my attending physician says. But it will still be my hand, with it I can hug children and feel them. Now I live with my mother, she has cats that look at me strangely and don’t understand why I can’t pet them. I hope I can soon.

- How sensitive will the hand be?

It all depends on how well I develop it. Doctors say that 50 percent of success depends on the operation, and 50 percent on the person himself. In reality, you can restore your hand by 70 percent - I can play and grab something with it. But you won’t be able to distinguish a two-ruble coin from a ruble in your pocket.

- Second hand - will it be a prosthesis?

Yes, when the swelling of the arm goes away completely, we will make a prosthesis.

You talk about everything so calmly. You don’t even feel angry at your ex-spouse. Didn't they really wish him the worst in their hearts?

No, I didn’t wish him anything even in my heart. For me, the highest punishment is for him to understand what he has done, to live and suffer with it all his life. I still can’t believe that he could do this. This doesn't happen. Moreover, he knew that I still had children. Our children. We were going to celebrate the child's birthday in three days. He understood that without my hands I couldn’t do anything - cook food for them, dress them. You can’t imagine how much I want to read books now and cuddle my children. Even when my mother feeds me ice cream, it doesn’t seem so tasty when you eat it yourself. Nonsense, you might think, but in reality everything has changed a lot. For example, you want to scratch, but you wake up at night and cannot scratch. All these inconveniences manifest themselves in the little things. But I still try to live somehow. I hope to develop my hand in the future.

- If you had the opportunity to say something now ex-husband, what words would you choose?

I wouldn't tell him anything. I would have remained silent. I have no words for him. I try to forget this story and tune in to the positive. I focus on health. I would never communicate with him or his relatives at the moment.

- Did his parents apologize to you?

They were invited to talk shows. They said something else on camera in support of me. But that's all. I never saw or heard them again.

- They didn’t call, weren’t interested in your health?

No, there was not a single call from them. They are now telling everyone that it was my own fault and that I brought him down.

-Are they protecting their son?

Yes, that is their position.

- Dmitry himself didn’t give you any messages from the pre-trial detention center?

He sent notes through his friends. They brought them to my mother.

- Asks for forgiveness?

He writes, forgive me, wait for me, if you don’t wait, I will kill you.

- So he seriously hopes for the continuation of your marriage?

Yes. He also asks to pick up the divorce application. We were only divorced the other day, on January 9th. So he writes: “Take the application, wait for me and forgive me.”

- It turns out he didn’t understand anything?

Or he does it on purpose so that he will be recognized as sick. Although it seems to me that he really thinks that he just punished me, and now we will have happy family. But I don’t understand how he imagines this?

- Sooner or later he will be released. Are you afraid that he will come to you?

This is what I fear most. His threats are real. He had previously threatened to pour acid on me and cripple me. He promised to go all the way. He kept his word. But I don’t have any protection here. I heard that abroad there are some special bracelets that control that people do not come within a certain distance of you. We don't have that.

- You should at least go to another city.

Many people advise.

- You and Dmitry lived together for many years. They gave birth to children. He wasn't always like this, was he?

He had attacks of aggression from time to time, but not often. There had never been any beatings before. The peak came when I filed for divorce.

“You could never imagine that he could cripple you?”

Even in my worst nightmare I couldn’t imagine this. When people ask me why you got into a car with a man who previously threatened you with a knife, I answer: he is the father of my children. I wanted to get an adequate divorce, in a civilized manner. I didn’t want our relationship with him to affect the children. I always believed that children should have a father. And lately he has behaved appropriately, dropping off the children at kindergarten. We talked a lot about school, about clubs.

- So he lulled your vigilance?

I realized this later. He thought through everything down to the smallest detail. That day he took me to my mother, I took my suitcase - we were going to go to Kostroma with the children. I also wanted to put my suitcase in the trunk, but he didn’t allow me. Of course, there were instruments of torture there - an ax and tourniquets.

- He cut off your fingers and hands for two hours?

About an hour and a half, as I understand it.

- Did you scream, call for help?

He took me so far from residential areas that screaming was useless. Running away is also impossible. He immediately bandaged my hands; I would have been far from convincing.

- Is it true that he filmed all his actions and sent photos to friends?

I don't know about photographs. But he sent messages to all his family and friends. He wrote to his relatives: “I did everything, I can’t live in a lie, God knows, I didn’t want to.”

- Do you think he was not himself at that moment?

No, he was absolutely calm. When he cut off my hands, he took me to the hospital. On the way, he kept repeating: “What adrenaline,” and he said this with delight.

- That is, the realization did not come to him even on the way to the hospital that you could die?

Once he felt my pulse and checked that I was not dead. And all the way he repeated that I should wait for him from prison, otherwise he would cut off the hands of my loved ones.

-Did you feel pain when he cut off your hands? Were you conscious?

I felt everything, unfortunately. I remember at that moment I dreamed of losing consciousness. I was also thinking, why don’t I lose consciousness? When he raised the ax, I closed my eyes and didn’t look at it all. At some point I started to slide off the stump, then he cut my leg - there were stitches there too. I still don't understand how this could happen. I lived with him for so many years. This is some kind of Middle Ages, something unthinkable, unreal, it doesn’t happen like that.

- How did it occur to him to do something like this?

I think he read about this method of torture. He acted clearly. He even tied tourniquets around my hands in certain places so that I wouldn’t die from blood loss.

- He didn't think of killing you?

This time he clearly didn’t want to kill. Another thing that’s strange to me is why he didn’t stop. Why did you do everything to the end? Did you fully realize your intention?

- Do you admit that he has gone crazy?

There was no psychiatric examination yet. But clearly, after everything that had happened, he was pleased with himself, he had no doubt that he had done the right thing.

- What did you tell the children about your hands?

She said she was in an accident. They are still small, they understand little. The psychologist advised them not to tell them anything about what happened yet.

- They asked: “Where is dad?”

They asked once. I replied that he was at work. They didn't ask again. In addition, my husband and I have been living separately for a long time; the children are used to dad being away from home all the time.

- Did Dmitry raise his hand against children?


-Have you ever experienced fear of your spouse before?

No, I was not afraid of him, he behaved adequately. When there was already talk about divorce, he began to say: “Don’t you understand, you’re mine. When I married you, I realized that this was love for life.” And only when I started talking about divorce, he began to have attacks of jealousy. I admit that it was then that some mental deviations occurred in his head.

- Maybe the genes affected. His father served time for murder, didn't he?


- Joint family photos have you already thrown it away?

- Are you going to apply for disability now?

Will. I'm currently on sick leave.

- Do you pay for the operations yourself?

In Moscow they did everything for me for free. But we don’t have free rehabilitation.

- Will rehabilitation be expensive?

I don’t know for sure yet. When the special knitting needles are removed from my hands, I will find out everything.

- Do you often return to that nightmare? Don't you dream about this horror at night?

I erased this episode from my life. I try not to remember at all. So there was a lot of negativity. I only think about health. Thousands of people support me. And nothing will change from unnecessary worries. I'll hold on. And learn to live again.