Anna Sharkunova. SHOW-BIZ

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“We haven’t decided what to call it yet, I need to look at it better,” Anya admitted to us. – My son’s height is 52 cm, weight 3280 g. And long dark hair like a rock star! You can braid your hair! And the eyes are dark - I was even confused at first. Although later I remembered: they told me that I, too, had dark hair at birth - but then it changed. That's how it happens, right?

From the very beginning of my pregnancy, I said that I wanted to give birth myself. True, I can’t say that the doctors were happy about this. Like, you know, you are already 32 years old, and this is your first child, there may be complications. And the baby was in no particular hurry: there was no hot water in the maternity hospital for two weeks, so he apparently decided to wait so that his mother would not suffer. But I'm glad everything is fine.

- How did you choose the maternity hospital?

I live in this city and, as an interested person, I know where it’s good and where it’s even better. Therefore, I knew that the second maternity hospital was well equipped and the staff there were wonderful. Moreover, I live nearby. So I just went to the antenatal clinic at my place of residence and they assigned me. I am very grateful to all the doctors for their attentive attitude and their concern. I felt this during pregnancy and childbirth.

- Has your worldview changed since the birth of your child?

Certainly! The emptiness that was bothering me closed. Even my attitude towards work during pregnancy changed. Now I know again why I live. To be honest, for a long time I didn’t understand what the meaning of my life was - you work, you relax, what’s next? By the way, I performed until I was 9 months pregnant, for which I received scoldings from my husband - they say, stop, why do you need this.

My future husband went to France to meet me

- Since you remembered your husband, tell me about him. How long have you been married?

Not as long ago as I would like. We got married quietly without noise one July day, but there was no wedding. And I really want her to be beautiful. I had to work for luxury weddings, where there are already children, they also had a lot of fun with their parents. Why not, we'll do it later. Everyone postponed the wedding because they could not decide on the format: with or without an accordion, for themselves or for relatives, to leave somewhere or to invite everyone in Minsk.

- How did you meet your future husband?

It was a long time ago, almost 10 years ago! It was in France at the “Battle of the Cities” - a project filmed by the ONT channel. As it turned out, Lesha had long wanted to meet me, and came under the guise that he dreamed of going to Formula 1 with his friends.

- How did he find out that you were filming in France?

I don’t know this legend completely; there is a lot about it that is unknown to me. Larisa Gribaleva informed Lesha about my location; they knew each other. It's probably no coincidence that we live in the same hotel. I know that Leshka tried to pay extra to be placed closer to the artists. But at some point something went wrong, the hotel staff mixed everything up, and instead of me they accommodated not Lesha, but his friend. Who then complained to my future husband that I was walking around the room in heels and stomping loudly. But in the end, Lesha and I still met. I remember how he sat in the stands with us and treated us to strawberries. Lesha seemed so cute to me that I even took a photo of him that day and then thought about him.

- Does he not like publicity?

Doesn't like it at all! Even before this interview, he and I discussed - so, will I be a single mother, or will we still admit that I have one? (laughs - auto).

- Do you quarrel sometimes? You have a creative and very difficult character.

Well, how do you translate what you mean! Well, he doesn’t have a great character either! Yes, things were very difficult for us. Over the 9 years of our relationship, we broke up several times - and I no longer believed that we would get back together. I really wanted our relationship to develop, but Alexey thought for a long time. This is a very important step for him; he is too careful. Although, maybe for me it’s even better in the end!

- What does he do?

He is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain.

- Is this your husband’s first child?

Yes. We've wanted it for a long time. I've talked about this many times already.

I am a beggar mother

- Well, since Larisa Gribaleva became your guardian angel, maybe she gave a master class on motherhood?

She was one of the first to find out about my pregnancy, “fired up” me at the antenatal clinic and immediately congratulated me. Well, now they give me a lot of advice from all sides. Both the necessary and the unnecessary are filled with fear. I try to minimize the influence of such advisers on me.

There are two theories: one, that a child should be given maximum independence from childhood. And the second is that, on the contrary, you need to coo with him. Moms are fighting all over the internet forums over which theory is correct.

I have a very bad attitude towards forums. We don’t see who writes these tips! The husband of one of my friends, in order to prove to her that you don’t need to listen to other people’s advice, registered on one such forum and began to invent all sorts of nonsense. And, the funny thing is, he had followers who tested all this on their children. But I have a lot of friends with children who I can always ask for advice.

- Who will take care of the baby? Will grandmothers help?

Let me first understand how long this will take and what motherhood is like. For now I want everything myself - but who knows whether I will have time to do everything. How will my schedule change, will I be able to organize my life.

- Surely you were offered children's clothes by friends whose sons have already grown up?

I am a beggar mother, I take everything (laughs - auto). Lesha even swears at me. But why should I buy an envelope for one time if they give it to me - and it is amazing, very beautiful? Of course I took it. I won’t tell you what else they gave me, so that Lesha doesn’t know. I didn’t take diapers (laughs – author). Well, swings, cocoon mattress. How nice it is to have real and generous friends! And we bought a stroller - although we were also tempted to borrow from friends. Just kidding (laughs - author).

Lips and breasts – all yours!

Yes? I missed it! Why did Facebook show this to everyone but me? Everyone is so psychic... I’ve really grown up! Ah, I know why she decided that! During the filming of the video, I posted a photo online where everything close up. Anya commented: “Oh, your breasts have grown!” To which I laughed it off - they say, yes, it’s fresh. She probably took it literally. But she has such a style. And people who know Anya know very well when to take her seriously and when not to.

- So there were operations?

Well, of course not! When a woman is pregnant, her lips swell slightly. Well, everything is clear with breasts... Nobody does plastic surgery during pregnancy. I'm not the child's enemy! And if I had done my lips earlier, they would have already “blown away”. Oh, this is an eternal topic... I love all sorts of progressive things and do not exclude the possibility that in the future I might make some kind of “update”. But I am sure that I will have the courage not to deny it when answering such questions.

- You probably filmed the “Pregnant” clip as a memory?

Yes, I decided to capture myself in this state. I hope it happens again for me, but it won’t be exactly the same as the first time. I felt that this was a good message, a parting message for my baby. I really love this song - “We will be the first,” which Maxim Aleinikov and Volodya Kubyshkin wrote for me at one time. I wanted to sing it Belarusian language and in a completely new arrangement. Many thanks to Valentin Boyko for such a beautiful and sensual language adaptation! How are we used to it? If the song is in Belarusian language, it means beads and cornflowers.

From the original version of the song, with which German and I once participated in the Eurovision selection, all that remains is, in fact, only a reminder. But I’m lucky that the authors of the song are adequate people. The only thing is that Max Aleinikov called and said: “My chorus, of course, is better” (laughs - auto). I love those I work with!

Misha Bychenok, director of MediaCube, helped a lot during the pre-production stage. Filmed by director Anya Gert and cameraman Vitya Oskirko. I think it turned out very tender. Friends say that when the climax comes in the video, it is difficult to hold back the tears. And I sincerely wanted to show our Minsk – its beauty and atmosphere.

- Are you going to return to the stage soon?

I really want to go to the “Song of the Year” in Molodechno on June 23. But if I still feel uncomfortable, then I won’t rush. I don’t want to break up and show everyone how great I am, I’m already back in action. You need to enjoy everything. Especially at my age (laughs - auto).

- How about Eurovision?

But next year I’ll try! If before I categorically didn’t want to, now I don’t deny it.

- Well, do you want more children?

Anya Sharkunova will try to return to the stage on June 23, during the recording of “Song of the Year”. Photo: Dmitry RUDENKO

ANYA SHARKUNOVA - WE WILL BE FIRST // Premiere of the video, 2017. WE WILL BE FIRST - the Belarusian version of Anya Sharkunova's hit "We will be the first". But it is thanks to this video that a new facet of understanding the song is revealed. Pre...

My son's height is 52 cm, weight 3280 g. And long dark hair like a rock star! You can braid your hair! - Anna shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda.


The boy has not yet been given a name.

Anna said that the baby was in no particular hurry to be born.

There was no hot water in the maternity hospital for two weeks, so he apparently decided to wait so that his mother would not suffer,” the singer laughs.

The singer speaks carefully about the father of her child.

We got married quietly without noise one July day, but there was no wedding,” the singer said.

Photo by Dmitry Rudenko, Komsomolskaya Pravda

It is known that Sharkunova’s husband is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain. In an interview with TUT.BY, the singer told the details of their romantic acquaintance.

“- And at what period did you meet your future husband?

Ten years ago, when everything was just beginning for me on stage. I was completely fine - well, so it seemed to me. In general, I didn’t think about anything, because the first successes had just happened... Yes, everything was great in general!

We lived in Minsk, but met in Nice, at the “Battle of the Cities” show (something like the “Great Race” with Nagiyev. - Editor’s note), where there were tests with these scary bulls.

Lyosha (Anya’s husband’s name is Alexey, he is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain) says that he noticed me a long time ago and specially came to Nice during filming to meet me. Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the legend is beautiful!

From the very beginning, Lyosha’s plan went downhill, because his friend was placed in the room next to me, and Lyosha himself was far away, in some barn. (Laughs.)

But we have a mutual friend Larisa Gribaleva, and - I think it couldn’t have happened without her - we still ended up in common company.

I don’t remember now what we talked about, whether we talked at all. But I remember for sure: when Lyosha came to the arena to cheer for us, for some reason I took a photo of him. For what? I’ve never done this before... And, you can say, I fell in love with this photo.

And then we said goodbye at the airport. Lyosha asked me for my phone number - and I immediately gave it to him. And I made my first mistake - I had to drag out the intrigue.

And he still jokingly reproaches: “Are you just handing out phones to everyone right away?” (Laughs.)

He didn’t call me - he’s not a man, he’s a rock! - three weeks. And when I called, I offered to meet after “Song of the Year.” And I agreed again immediately. At night I moved from producer Volodya Kubyshkin’s car to Lyosha’s car on some country road...

Volodya also asked: “Are you sure?” "I'm sure!" - I answer. Without any fear or second thought: what if she was some kind of maniac? I was twenty-three years old, the wind was in my head.

In short, I made mistake after mistake... Maybe that’s why Lyosha tested me for 10 years?

- Why do you think these are mistakes?

Well, because, probably, a decent woman by generally accepted standards cannot immediately give her a phone number, she cannot change into a car at night with an unfamiliar man. It turns out that I behaved, in Lyosha’s opinion, frivolously. So he thought: the girl is an artist, nothing serious...

He never told me about this, but when I analyze it, I understand it. And indeed there was a lot of eccentricity in me, I was such a fluttering butterfly... Not a wife - a girl.

Probably, this required these 10 years, during which we either separated or found each other again. So that I can grow up and grow up.

Although then it seemed different to me: I thought that he was testing me. That 10 years is too long to decide whether I’m good enough for him...

- Were you offended?

I was offended, that’s why we broke up. Sometimes we didn’t talk or see each other for a long time, for eight months. I didn’t leave so that he would return me, but for good.

Because relations should develop, but ours stood still. And I really wanted Lyosha to understand himself, make a choice, and finally understand: am I the woman he needs.

Probably, even then I felt that the problem was with me too...”

However, everything worked out. And now Anna is a happy wife and mother. By the way, until the ninth month Sharkunova danced and sang on stage.

True, on the last one before maternity leave At work, I felt that I wasn’t feeling well—my stomach was squeezing, as if my boy was offended by me. And I didn’t go on stage again until I gave birth,” the singer said.

Anna Sharkunova is a popular Belarusian performer who managed to win the love of a large audience with her compositions. She became especially famous for songs such as “Heart of a Beauty,” “Farewell, My Last Love,” and “White Leaf.” Her loyal admirers are interested in the following questions: who is Anna Sharkunova’s husband, does she have children, how is Anna Sharkunova’s personal life, etc.

Personal life of Anna Sharkunova

As you know, Anna Sharkunova’s personal life has been arranged for a very long time. The artist has a husband, whose name is Alexey. They met in Nice, at the “Battle of the Cities” project. According to the performer herself, her husband constantly insists that he noticed her long before he met, so he ended up in Nice precisely for the sake of meeting her.

“To be honest, I don’t even remember how we ended up in the same company, how we started communicating, what we talked about on the first date. But everything turned out so well for us... Now I am very happy, glad that this man is next to me. Sometimes it seems to me that if I had not met Lesha, I would still be alone,” admits Anna.

As you know, Anna Sharkunova and her lover already have a child. According to the lovers themselves, they are happy that they have a new addition to their family. Now they rightfully have the opportunity to call themselves a full-fledged family.

"Now I rich woman! I have two beloved men - a son and a husband,” Sharkunova noted.

Biography of Anna Sharkunova

The biography of Anna Sharkunova began in the city of Pinsk on October 14, 1984. As a child, she sang in the school choir. It is also known that Anna completed her piano studies at a music school. In 2007 she became a graduate of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank.

In 2005, Anna received her first fame. She took part in the musical project “Star Stagecoach”. As part of this project, she met producer Vladimir Kubyshkin, with whom she later began collaborating. In 2006, she won the television competition “Song of the Year”. In 2008, she went on tour for the first time in populated areas of Belarus.

The celebrity’s debut album was “Heart of a Beauty.” It is no secret that Vladimir Kubyshkin became the producer of this project, since at the time of the album’s release he was already actively collaborating with the singer. Currently, the artist continues to develop her creative career, recording new compositions and discs.

When we started, they told my producer: “What are you doing? Why do you need this? So, they say, there are thirty-two or thirty-five blondes in show business, where are you and Anka going?

Yes, we have a lot of blondes on stage. Simply because we live in Belarus. We are like this in our national image: bright, with blue eyes... If we lived in Brazil, all the stars would be short-legged, with big butts and dark hair.

In general, I always wanted to be a redhead. But to do this, you need to go for a risky experiment: paint yourself. To which my producer immediately says: “Where? Let everyone at least first remember that you are white! We really confuse people who have been working on stage for thirty years. The Belarusian public, for example, still barely distinguishes between Inna Afanasyeva and Irina Dorofeeva. At first, when I appeared somewhere, they often reacted like this: “Oh, Vera Karetnikova! Give me an autograph! Or like this: “Are these your songs?!” We thought that Valeria was singing all this!”

And singing blondes are not all the same. Firstly, we have them of different ages. Not only can we not compete with Inna Afanasyeva, but we are in different guises. She is the official singer. Another rank.

Secondly, each blonde on stage has her own goals. Someone wants to work for a couple of years and find themselves good husband. Some people live for music. And someone just plays it. Everyone chooses their own. I would have gotten married a long time ago - four times. And it would be covered in chocolate. But I'm so bored. They tell me: “Oh, we need to look for a man who will pay for everything!” Where's the love? I would agree to change the scene to love. But in order to really grow wings, you have to flutter and be beautiful for someone! And not “So: annual budget, apartment, car... Everything is mine! Let’s take it, wrap it up!”

In itself, a blonde on stage is neither bad nor good. The main thing is music. I'm not ashamed of my songs. Moreover, I am proud of them. Some turned out more, some less. But my songs work well, people know and love them. An artist must be a person. Whether she's blonde or not is a secondary matter. I have a very good producer who knows what to do. But if I had been a bad artist, nothing would have happened. You can write a song, send it to the radio, promote it, but you can’t make it love! And my project is profitable. And there are no special sponsors. We have to earn money to invest in songs. And if you don't do a good job, you won't be invited back.

It is not enough for us to know our own worth. I would really like to be in demand. You can put a huge price tag on it, but no one here will buy it. Here they want us: “Please come, it’s not difficult for you. And perform... for free!” It's not difficult for me. But everyone has to earn money. I started doing live concerts, gathered a team - all this is very expensive and terribly unprofitable. I have a ballet company, a sound engineer, a director, a press attaché - and everyone needs to eat! It is possible, of course, without ballet. Maybe then we shouldn’t sew dresses or write songs?

As a result, we get 75% corresponding - “She loved me, but I forgot her, ta-ta-ra-ra-ra-ra” and “Yamaha” as an accompaniment. The radio airwaves are filled with just something. Night is just a holiday of some kind of Belarusian song. I really want this mandatory 75% of Belarusian music to be abolished. This percentage of song garbage will immediately disappear! And the motivation to sit, strain, and write good songs will appear. And struggle - when you need to prove something to someone - too. Now what to prove with Eurovision? "Slavic Bazaar"?

I'm starting to feel quietly depressed. Because I want to develop. But here it is very difficult to do this. What is most frustrating in our situation? The fact that it is difficult to break out, and then even more difficult to develop. So as not to die of boredom. And you can earn this much money here - and no more. We are trying to get to Kyiv, to Moscow... And there are not thirty-three blondes, but thirty-three billion blondes! And everyone stands in line with wads of money and the desire to sing. Russian music TV at night is a mass of expensive clips without purpose or meaning. Output - zero. But they still film and want to sing. At Moscow corporate events there is usually one headliner, and the rest is such nonsense! All sorts of squirrel arrows there. And all these girls are trying to work. Not even under the “minus” - under the full soundtrack! And they get more than ours best group. And it's terrible.

By and large, the point is not that our artists are bad - in fact, there is decent material! And the fact is that you can’t afford a ballet, a live band, or go to Moscow or Kyiv to do something with sound. Because if our star does this, she will go on stage in bast shoes. Because she doesn’t even have enough for a dress. Beauty costs money. It's a huge job to be well-groomed and well-dressed. What kind of stars are there if there is no money?! Without investment in creativity there will be no development.

But for some reason we love everyone except our own. It’s simply phenomenal: the tape recorder is playing, people are dancing to someone else’s three chords and rejoicing! And a man comes out to sing - “Come on, our zorka! Our artists are too accessible. They are too close - not in heaven, but nearby.

In general, our show business is simply brilliant. But I still want to work.

MINSK, July 28 – Sputnik. Almost every person likes to count other people's money, and even more so if it belongs to celebrities.

Belarusian artists don’t even need to be asked to report on the budget. They themselves are happy to let the public in on their everyday life, where there are Porsche convertibles and expensive houses.

In May, singer Uzari, going on tour, posted a photo collage on his Instagram showing a Jaguar XJ. Congratulations from fans poured in in the comments, saying, well done, guy, you have a good car. The artist did not write any refutations.

Jaguar XJ is a luxury model. In used condition in Belarus it costs about 19 thousand dollars, but a new one is much more expensive.

Judging by the photo, Yuzari previously drove a Ford.

Elena Grishanova also loves expensive cars. Only the singer made her choice in the direction of a Porsche convertible.

And Lucia Gerashchenko has her own Porsche.

Posted by LUCIY GERASCHENKO (@luciastarcom) Nov 30, 2016 at 11:49 PST

The presenter also likes to show off her jewelry. The pendant, presumably, has diamonds.

Posted by LUCIY GERASCHENKO (@luciastarcom) Jul 20, 2016 at 9:42 PDT

The country house of Alexander Solodukha often becomes the subject of media publications. A large two-story cottage is “packed” with expensive furniture and appliances. However, they social networks the singer doesn't brag.

Alena Lanskaya in several photos on Instagram appeared in a mink coat.

And Anna Sharkunova is often photographed against the backdrop of a home interior.

Posted by Anna Sharkunova (@anasharky) Apr 2, 2017 at 12:46 pm PDT

Anna's husband Alexey is far from a poor man. He is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain. On June 14, the couple had their first child, a boy.

The singer also likes to photograph the impressive hotel rooms where she stays outside of Belarus.