Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun during early and late pregnancy? Is tanning dangerous for pregnant women? Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium?

Pregnancy in the summer is a pleasure. Light clothes, lots of fruit, sun... Sun? Yes! All that remains is to choose sunscreen and adopt the rules of tanning during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women sunbathe?

Pregnant women should not sunbathe before getting a chocolate tan. A little bit at a time, in the shade of a tree, just enough to acquire a slight golden tint to your skin - please! The sun's rays stimulate synthesis, increase immunity and help produce serotonin - the “happiness hormone”. This is why in cloudy, rainy weather we are more susceptible to depression and bad mood. But you can’t be “charged with happiness” for long. The sun's rays are harsh on the skin, accelerating aging, causing burns and age spots during pregnancy. And, more seriously, skin diseases.

Can pregnant women swim?

Will it harm your health? expectant mother swimming? If this happens in a pool where the water quality is carefully checked, it will only bring benefits. After all, thanks to water procedures, you can relieve tension and fatigue, and avoid the appearance of edema.

Is it possible for pregnant women to swim in the sea, pond or river? This is where you have to be very careful. Such places, especially if they are popular with vacationers, contain many dangerous bacteria. And there is a risk of contracting an infectious disease.

But what if the summer sun just beckons you to sunbathe? Can pregnant women sunbathe and swim? Sunshine is a wonderful antidepressant. It speeds up metabolism and improves immunity. However, the expectant mother needs to sunbathe only at certain hours: from the morning until 11 a.m., and also after 5 p.m. You should not be in direct sunlight - there is a risk of sunstroke, heatstroke, and burns.

Tanning rules for pregnant women

    • Peak solar activity is 12-16 hours, at this time refrain from walking.
    • Some products enhance the effects of sunlight. These are carrots, apricots, melon, watermelon, spinach, tomatoes.
    • Peaches, grapes, and broccoli protect the skin from sun exposure.
    • When going on a summer promenade, choose loose clothes made from natural fabrics and be sure to have a wide-brimmed hat if you don’t want to get a scattering of age spots.
    • One-piece swimsuits for pregnant women are recommended for swimming and sunbathing. The delicate skin of a growing belly is very sensitive; overdrying by the sun can lead to the appearance of stretch marks.
To understand that “sunbathing” is already enough is simple: press your finger on the skin. If left white spot- it's time to go home.

Sunscreens during pregnancy and summer

  • For sun protection during pregnancy in the summer, choose quality products with a good reputation. You can buy a children's product (it is specifically designed for sensitive skin) or pharmacy brand cream.
  • Pay attention to the markings. SPF, sun protection factor, protects against sunburn. The higher it is, the more effective the protection. But this does not mean that a product with SPF 50+ will 100% protect your skin from sunburn.
  • Modern sunscreens protect the skin from two types of rays - A and B. Rays B give the skin a tan and cause burns. The usual SPF or UVB marking means that the product protects the skin from them. Type A rays are more dangerous and are the ones that damage the skin. Products that protect against them are labeled PPD or UVA.
  • Previously, you chose SPF based on your skin phototype. Sunscreen during pregnancy in the summer should have a factor higher than usual. For sunbathing on the beach 50+, for city walks 20-30. For the face - at least 15 or a regular moisturizer with SPF. Texture - any, from oil to spray. Ideally for oily skin- light milk or fluid, for dry skin - cream.
  • The product is applied 15-30 minutes before going out into the sun and renewed every two hours and after swimming.
Pigment spots, or chloasma of pregnant women, appear in 70% of expectant mothers.

Solarium during pregnancy

It is highly undesirable for pregnant women to sunbathe in a solarium! The radiation there is harsher, destroying skin cells. It can increase the production of certain hormones, such as testosterone. Hormonal imbalance, if not corrected in time, can jeopardize the entire pregnancy.

Almost every woman loves to sunbathe, but many pregnant women are interested in the question: “Is it possible to sunbathe during pregnancy?” The sun's rays bring a lot of pleasure, they can increase the amount of hemoglobin, under their influence the production of vitamin D occurs, they increase metabolism. Sunbathing can also relieve stress and give you a great mood.

Tanning is very useful for those girls who lack sunlight and warmth in everyday life. In addition, bright sunshine can help get rid of some diseases. But during pregnancy, you need to follow some rules that help you use it as intended. beneficial properties tanning and eliminate the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

How to sunbathe correctly during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women doubt whether it is possible to sunbathe while being in an “interesting” position? The answer to this question is positive, but provided that the woman sunbathes during the period when the sun is less active (before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m.), she should be in the shade during the day.

We must not forget that with high air humidity and high temperature air, heat stroke may occur. Pregnant women are under no circumstances recommended to sleep on the beach, even in cloudy weather.

Clouds cannot protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Also, pregnant women are not recommended to wear tight clothes, which can cause the body to overheat. It is a mistake to think that being in the water will save you from the scorching rays of the sun; during the day you can only hide from the heat indoors.

Pregnant women also need to use photoprotective creams that reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays. But not all creams are suitable for expectant mothers; read the ingredients carefully. Preference should be given to products that contain a minimum of fragrances, preservatives and dyes.

Consequences of tanning during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes. Quite often, a hormone is activated that affects pigmentation. As a result, pigment spots may appear on the skin of a pregnant woman; their size and number depend precisely on the time spent under the sun's rays.

Exposed areas of the body are most susceptible to pigmentation. The process of formation of pigment spots develops almost imperceptibly and, as a rule, the spots fade and disappear a few months after childbirth. In order to avoid the appearance of pigmentation, it is necessary to be in direct sunlight as little as possible, use protective creams and wear clothes that will protect from the sun. You can use photoprotective products in spring and summer, even in cloudy weather.

Is it possible to visit a solarium during pregnancy?

Another question that is of interest to many expectant mothers: “Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?” It is immediately worth noting that the effect of artificial tanning on pregnancy has not been studied by specialists. Many doctors advise pregnant women to avoid tanning in solariums.

Research shows that tanning in a solarium significantly increases the risk of skin cancer. In addition, pigment spots and burns may form, since during pregnancy a woman’s skin is more susceptible to external factors.

Before visiting a solarium, a pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist about this. Most doctors and scientists believe that artificial tanning does more harm than good, which is why women who are expecting a baby are advised to avoid tanning in solariums.

Is it possible for pregnant women to swim and sunbathe at sea?

A trip to the sea is worth talking about separately. We talked about how to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays above, but now let's talk about what you should be wary of while in the gentle sea waves?

Of course, swimming has a positive effect on the body. But there are certain contraindications for pregnant women, so you need to decide on the advisability of swimming during pregnancy together with your gynecologist.

Swimming in sea water has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman, because sea water is known for its healing properties. In addition, while swimming in the sea, you receive a gentle body massage. Pregnant women can swim and sunbathe at sea, taking the necessary precautions.

First of all, you should not swim in water if it is temperature below 20 degrees. It is recommended to refrain from swimming during the daytime to avoid sunburn. It is worth remembering that almost all pregnant women are susceptible to cramps, which is why you should not swim into the depths, but rather go swimming in the company of your husband.

You should pay close attention to the condition of the bottom in specific place. If the bottom is rocky, it is better to purchase special shoes to avoid injuries and cuts. You should not swim in places where jellyfish or poisonous fish live, otherwise your vacation may not bring joy, but trouble. When going to the sea, pregnant women should refrain from water activities.

Even if you don’t manage to swim, say, because of low water temperature or a strong storm, do not be upset, because sea air and the sound of the surf have a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman and have a restorative effect.

The long-awaited summer has arrived and the holiday season has begun. Finally, you can take a break from the cold and get a magnificent bronze tan while basking in the gentle rays of the sun. Everyone dreams of this. And future mothers waiting for the birth of their child are no exception.

Therefore, many women think about whether it is possible to sunbathe during pregnancy? Is this useful? What are the features at different stages of pregnancy? What are the rules and features of sunbathing during pregnancy?

All information about this is below!

Features of the effects of tanning on the body of a pregnant woman

For expectant mothers, the sun is an excellent source of vigor and energy. However, prolonged exposure to the sun is risky for pregnant women. The sun has a special effect on the body of pregnant women. Why shouldn't pregnant women sunbathe for a long time?

  • Firstly, prolonged tanning contributes to overheating of the entire body. The baby may suffer from this, because severe overheating can seriously impair the development of the brain of an unborn child. An increased dose of ultraviolet rays can harm the baby's nervous system.

  • Secondly, prolonged exposure to direct ultraviolet rays will lead to the destruction of folic acid. It will cause harm mentally and physical development child.
  • Thirdly, being in the sun for a long time can increase your blood pressure. Consequently, prolonged and excessive tanning during pregnancy can lead to uterine bleeding.

Before sunbathing, pregnant womenYou must consult your doctor! and only after his approval, sunbathe!

If there are contraindications and a doctor’s prohibition, sunbathing is strictly prohibited!

Contraindications to tanning and dangers to the body and fetus of a pregnant woman

Most experts say that tanning is contraindicated for pregnant women. They explain it this way:

  • dry hot air has a detrimental effect on well-being;
  • there is a possibility of becoming a victim of sunstroke;
  • while on the beach, you can injure your stomach, which will lead to infection;
  • in case of a huge crowd of people, it is possible to injure the stomach (for example, a flying ball);
  • sun rays pose a danger to a pregnant woman if she has many moles on her body

Although there are benefits to sunbathing, there is still some danger for both the baby and his mother:

  • Long-term exposure to sunlight may cause age spots to appear on a pregnant woman's body. They mainly appear on the face, back, hands, ears, and neck area. But not all pregnant women undergo pigmentation, but only those who have a predisposition. Experts advise such women to spend as little time in the sun as possible.

  • Pregnant women are not recommended to overheat their body, as this is very dangerous for the unborn child. Fever the mother’s body will negatively affect the development of the baby’s nervous system.
  • You can get sunburn. This mainly applies to women with fair skin.
  • Prolonged tanning during pregnancy can lead to dehydration.

Before visiting the beach, you should consult a doctor and follow all safety measures before sunbathing and on the beach itself.

Rules for tanning in the sun depending on the trimester

Conventionally, pregnancy consists of three trimesters. Consequently, for each of them, the tanning procedure during pregnancy has its own characteristics and its own rules.

First trimester

Is it possible to sunbathe on early stages pregnancy - that is, in the first trimester? In the early stages of pregnancy, you are allowed to freely enjoy the bright rays of the sun. Precautionary measures are not as strict as in the last stages of pregnancy:

  • It is recommended to reduce the time spent under ultraviolet rays. It's not worth the risk. The greatest solar activity is observed from 10.00 to 16.00. At this time, you can’t be on the beach at all.
  • At any stage of pregnancy, to protect yourself from the sun, you should cover your head with a scarf or hat.
  • The sun can speed up all processes occurring in the body. So there is a possibility of getting a seizure.
  • A tan “sticks” to a pregnant woman faster than to an ordinary woman. This is due to the accelerated production of hormones, so the skin color will be rich. But there is also a danger of getting burned.

Control your time in the sun and use protective creams.

Now you know whether you can sunbathe in the first trimester of pregnancy. But remember to be careful and take care of yourself on the beach!

Second trimester

Is it possible to sunbathe in the second trimester of pregnancy? You can, but you must follow the rules:

  • It is not advisable to stay in the open sun longer than expected. At this stage, there is a high probability of becoming covered with brown spots all over the body. The appearance of pigmentation occurs during periods of solar activity.
  • You should choose a shaded area for relaxation.

Even sitting in the shade, a pregnant woman can get a good tan.

  • You cannot sunbathe on sand and pebbles. It is better to sunbathe using a sun lounger.

If the street temperature exceeds 30°C, then it is better not to go to the beach at all.

Third trimester

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe? later- that is, in the third trimester? It is possible, but in the last stages of pregnancy, compliance with safety measures for exposure to the sun should be significantly strengthened. You cannot think that if the fetus is no longer small, then nothing threatens it. We need to be vigilant.

  • Before going to the beach, you shouldn't eat too much. Overeating will negatively affect the well-being of the expectant mother.
  • Another important detail is protecting the skin in the neck and abdomen from the sun.

When sunbathing, you should always cover your stomach.

  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. This will help avoid dehydration.
  • The body must be constantly cooled (showering or swimming in a pond).
  • It is prohibited to fall asleep on the beach. There is a chance of overheating and getting sunstroke.

General rules for safe tanning for pregnant women at all stages

How to sunbathe correctly and safely for pregnant women? You should monitor your health and follow the rules below:

1. You need to sunbathe only during safe hours! Staying on the beach or spending a long time in the open sun after 10 and before 16 is strictly prohibited!

2. It is better to be under the shade of trees or an umbrella; tanning in direct rays is prohibited. Here in .

3. Go out in the sun only with a hat! It is better if it is a hat with a wide brim that protects the head well.

4. You cannot stay in the sun for more than half an hour.

Long tanning during pregnancy is prohibited.

5. In the sun, drink a lot of plain, clean water! Dehydration is unacceptable.

6. Lie only on a sun lounger or hammock! You cannot lie on the sandy beach or pebbles.

7. Wear a swimsuit made from natural fabrics and cover your belly.

There are special swimsuits for pregnant women, give preference to them

8. Use only high-quality and safe sunscreens! More about this below.

Which sunscreen is suitable for a pregnant woman?

The best protection against sun rays for pregnant women remains the use of sunscreen. But which sunscreen is safe for pregnant women?

1. Choose a high-quality sunscreen with a good, natural composition. You should carefully study the components of the cream so as not to harm the child.

2. Expectant mothers are recommended to use a cream that contains components such as starch, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide. These components serve as a kind of shield from the effects of ultraviolet rays. As soon as the cream gets on the skin, a film immediately forms that can reflect ultraviolet radiation.

3. A quality sunscreen should contain natural ingredients: various herbal ingredients (e.g. aloe, green tea), various natural oils, vitamin E, C, minerals.

5. Don't forget to choose a cream based on your phototype. The following phototypes exist:

  • the first phototype is light-skinned and fair-haired women;
  • second phototype - women with skin slightly darker than the first type;
  • third phototype - dark-haired and dark-skinned women;
  • fourth phototype - very dark skin, dark hair.

In conclusion, we can draw a conclusion. Pregnant women are allowed to sunbathe. The main thing is to take all necessary precautions. Do not overexpose yourself to the open sun. If the pregnant woman is in good health and has no contraindications, then a beach holiday will only bring benefits.

Now you know whether you can sunbathe during pregnancy and how to do it correctly. Don't forget to follow the rules of safe tanning for pregnant women, listen to your body, and follow all doctor's recommendations!

The percentage of our compatriots who permanently live near the sea and enjoy unlimited sunny weather, sea bathing and other pleasures associated with the tropical climate is so small that one can understand the absolutely natural desire of all other residents of Russia and neighboring countries to join these joys at least for a while life. Moreover, if these are expectant mothers who need to gain weight before the decisive event. positive emotions and relax. Of course, pregnancy is not a disease and many paths are open to the brave traveler, but in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to remember several restrictions that will help keep you and your baby in good health and mood. It is easier to foresee and prevent possible problems than to deal with unpleasant consequences - this is the motto summer holiday by the warm sea should become a guide to action.

Medical contraindications for expectant mothers

Let's start with the most unpleasant, but only temporary limitation: under what diagnoses is it best for the expectant mother to stay at home under the supervision of doctors?

  • . If it is located low, then even a small load increases the risk of bleeding. An ultrasound scan will help determine whether you have such a problem.
  • pregnancy also clearly implies bed rest.
  • Toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (). The expectant mother appears on her legs, arms, face, blood pressure rises, and protein is detected in her urine. In this situation, you cannot go anywhere on vacation; you need to go to the maternity hospital for treatment.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease, allergic reactions. If during pregnancy your attending physician has identified such complications, then most likely he will recommend a vacation no further than 50-100 km from the city in which you live. An indispensable condition in this situation is the opportunity to periodically come for a consultation with a doctor, and, if necessary, gain access to emergency qualified medical care.

But if you have passed such difficulties, then, according to most doctors, the second trimester of pregnancy (14-27 weeks) is the optimal time for travel: morning sickness is behind you, your body has already become accustomed to the new state, you are full of energy.

Europe? Asia? Africa? Where to go when pregnant?

The problem of choice with today's variety of services offered by travel companies in your case should be limited to the following considerations.

Firstly, climate: if pregnancy proceeds normally, you can rest in any climate zone, although in the last trimester a sharp change in climate is still undesirable.

Secondly, air temperature in summer in your chosen country or region. In countries such as Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and India, already in May - June the air temperature exceeds 30°C. It is advisable for pregnant travelers to protect themselves from the heat. It is better to choose countries for your holiday where the summer air temperature is close to what you are used to, and you should not go there in the hottest months (that is, not in July or August). The conditions of the resorts in the Baltic countries, Croatia, Turkey, France, Spain, and Switzerland are good. However, there are also several preferred holiday destinations in Russia - primarily Crimea. The dry climate of this peninsula is much more favorable for pregnant women than, for example, the humid climate of the Caucasus.

Thirdly, what about the love of the exotic? It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether pregnant women can travel to exotic countries. This issue should be resolved individually, after consultation with a doctor. For example, a trip to Africa is fraught with the risk of contracting severe infectious diseases, therefore, all travelers must be vaccinated against yellow fever, and then take an antimalarial drug for preventive purposes. Naturally, pregnant women should not do either of these. The doctor decides on vaccination in each case individually. In the first trimester, it is also prohibited from all tropical infections, so as not to harm the health of the developing fetus. In addition, exotic countries (Cuba, Mexico, African countries, island states) are too far away, and the upcoming long flight (sometimes with a transfer) will be extremely tiring for anyone, not to mention the expectant mother.

Black? Red? Mediterranean? Which sea to choose for relaxation during pregnancy

Finally, the coveted sea or ocean is splashing invitingly at your feet and you are ready to surrender to the will of the waves. What should you remember about this?

It is very useful for pregnant women to swim, especially in sea water, saturated with salts and microelements that improve the health of the body. This natural hypertonic solution relaxes muscles very well, tones the nervous system, and helps with stress. In water, the expectant mother does not feel the weight of her own body; she relaxes and refreshes her body on a hot day. In addition, swimming is an excellent workout for the respiratory and muscular systems of the body, which will help prepare for childbirth. Swimming is very useful for varicose veins, as it maintains muscle tone. Therefore, swim for fun, but avoid overload, do not organize competitions, do not dive.

And more about exoticism. In the southern seas, there are often coral reefs right off the coast, around which colorful fish of extraordinary beauty frolic. Remember that you cannot step on coral (there are special slippers for this; you can buy them in advance in the store): if you step on coral with your bare feet, you will create problems for yourself for the rest of your vacation. The same can be said about “goldfish” and other representatives of marine fauna - you should not touch them under any circumstances, as they can be poisonous.

If the temperature of the sea water does not seem very high to you and you feel chills when entering the water, listen to your feelings and do not get overcooled - in this case, you should prefer a swimming pool to the sea, where the water temperature is much higher.

The sun is friend or foe? Sun protection for the expectant mother

It's no secret that in the summer the sun becomes more active. Solar activity reaches its peak in July-August and depends not only on the time of year, but also on the time of day. During periods of increased activity, sun rays can trigger the development of various undesirable processes in the body, especially in the skin. The main source of danger is ultraviolet radiation: UVA, UVB, UVC rays, which differ in wavelength and degree of influence on the human body and skin.

UVA rays are longer; it is believed that they penetrate the dermis (deep layer of skin), destroy cells, cause aging, skin cancer and cataracts. Shorter UVB rays primarily affect the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin). The impact of UVC rays is not taken into account, since they are almost completely reflected by the epidermis.

We hope that what has been said above is enough for the expectant mother, like any other sane person, to miss one of the traditional resort entertainments - the “Who is blacker?” competition. (options - “Who is the most chocolate?”, “Who is the most bronze?”). In addition to all of the above, a pregnant woman has additional reasons:

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun can contribute to the development of uterine bleeding due to a decrease in blood pressure and muscle tone.
  • The expectant mother runs the risk of quickly overheating in the sun and fainting, since heat exchange processes are changed and complicated during pregnancy.
  • Varicose veins progress under the influence of the sun lower limbs. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, blood flow in the veins is difficult, and if a pregnant woman is also in a hot climate, heat exchange processes are disrupted, blood pressure decreases and blood flow slows down, which contributes to the development of congestion in the veins and, accordingly, varicose veins. diseases.
  • If pigment spots associated with pregnancy appear on a woman’s face, they may increase in size. Pigmentation, which may appear after sunbathing in the early stages of pregnancy, does not go away for a long time (this is due to changes in hormonal levels).

On the other side, sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D in the body, which regulates the exchange of microelements: calcium, phosphorus, prevents the development of osteoporosis in the expectant mother and prevents the development of rickets in the unborn child. It is only important to wisely use its beneficial properties and neutralize harmful ones, observing the following safety rules. As before pregnancy, it is advisable to sunbathe before 10 o'clock in the morning and after 5 o'clock in the afternoon - during the period of inactive sun. However, expectant mothers need to take some additional precautions, such as using special sunscreens. Now the choice of all kinds of creams and oils is quite large. Let us recall only the general criteria for their selection. If you are going to use oils, then remember that oil makes the skin smooth and soft, but does not protect against burns. When using essential oils it is necessary to take into account the photosensitizing effect of some of them: oils of bitter orange, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, ginger, cinnamon bark. This action is based on the fact that the substances that make up essential oils accumulate in the skin and increase its sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. As a result, allergic dermatitis and inflammatory processes develop in areas of the skin exposed to solar radiation. But cumin and cedar oils can cause hyperpigmentation - darkening of the skin and the appearance of age spots. Therefore in sunny days It is better not to use products containing these oils or not to go outside for the next 2 hours after using them. If you are going to use sunscreen, it should have a protection level of at least 15 SPF, but the most suitable is 30 SPF (the protection level is always indicated on the packaging). Apply the cream 20 minutes before going out into the sun, and reapply every 2 hours.

Vegetables and fruits will provide good support for the body on sunny days. During this period, you especially need antioxidants that neutralize metabolic products and breakdown of substances, which increases at high temperatures. environment. They are especially abundant in carrots and tomatoes; they are also present in vegetable unrefined oils and chilled green tea.

In general, during the hot months of summer (July, August), expectant mothers need to spend as little time as possible in the sun. During the hot day, it is better to take air baths in the shade. In addition, do not forget to take water with you to the beach and replenish its supply in your body from time to time.

Bread, circuses and other joys of life

What trip would be complete without getting to know the local cuisine! But again, in your position, you should not forget about a sense of proportion. Eating a lot of food on a hot day will bring not so much pleasure as harm. Acceptable on a hot day general principle: Eat less high-calorie foods in the sun. Then the body will not have to waste energy on digesting food, which releases additional thermal energy what could become additional factor overheating. It would also be useful to remind you that the expectant mother should not overuse exotic dishes and spices, which can act as allergens or simply cause intestinal upset that is completely undesirable during rest.

When it comes to entertainment, there are several things to consider. First of all, plan your day: it is better to be in the open sun in the first half of the day no later than 12 o’clock, and in the second half no earlier than 17 o’clock. Long walking excursions, jeep safaris, mountain climbs and descents into canyons, as well as diving, will have to be postponed until the “non-pregnant” period of your life.

Take care of your wardrobe too. During sunny hours, light clothing in light colors with sleeves is the safest. It will protect you from burns, and if your clothes are made of natural materials- cotton or linen, then also from allergic reactions, which most often manifest themselves in the sun. Don't forget about the headdress. To avoid overheating, you should not wear tight-fitting clothes - they disrupt the natural cooling process of the skin and contribute to overheating.

Maria Lukashina
Head of the Department of Pregnancy Pathology, Family Planning and Reproduction Center

Thank you very much for the article. I myself am already at 20 weeks and next week I have to go to the sea. I didn’t know how to rest properly. I received all the answers I needed to my questions. Very grateful.

07/03/2008 12:40:39, Olenka 07/11/2006 12:09:07, Vasilisa

After reading such articles and having previously consulted with the doctor managing my second pregnancy, I went on vacation to Egypt in February 2006. with my husband and daughter. The result is that I lost my baby at 19/20 weeks. The doctor in Egypt and then all the doctors and all the medical staff I encountered while in the hospital (already here in Russia) said that I had committed a terrible stupidity and how could I dare to do such a thing. My categorical advice: Don't take risks.

03/21/2006 16:59:20, Tatyana

Thank you, I was racking my brains, my daughter has a jam day in March, she asks to go to Egypt with her husband and I have almost resigned myself to the idea that we will have to let them go together, but no, we will splash in the sea together. Then it will be 23 weeks already :-)

02/09/2006 10:05:42, Julia

Cool article!
I'm going on vacation, and my baby will be 16-17 weeks old. The tips are very valuable, but I found several shortcomings:
- Crimea is the territory of UKRAINE!!! Therefore, to say that Crimea is good place holidays in Russia are not allowed;
- The Sea of ​​Azov is located in an even more comfortable climatic zone than Crimea and the water is warmer, and vacations are much cheaper (not everyone can go to Turkey or Bulgaria)

06/16/2005 10:53:00, OlgaOO

Summer is very soon, the sun is starting to get hot, and many have already been able to bask in its beautiful rays.

It’s quite difficult to imagine summer without a tan.

That is why pregnant women also make their plans for the summer, wanting to sunbathe.

But before you lie down under the alluring rays, you need to find out whether this can be done?

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe: the pros and cons of tanning

Before answering this question, you need to consider the positive aspects of tanning:

1. Under the influence of the sun, vitamin D is produced, which prevents the development of rickets in an infant.

2. After a pregnant woman “takes” sunbathing, her mood noticeably improves.

3. If in ordinary life a woman spends little time in the sun, then sunbathing a little is okay. Warm rays increase and strengthen the immune system.

4. Sweating increases in the sun, and along with sweat, waste products leave the body.

The sun is the best source of energy and vigor for the expectant mother. That is why, after staying on the beach, women feel much better, and for many, toxicosis even disappears.

Ban on tanning

Many experts believe that sunbathing is contraindicated for pregnant women, and they have their own explanations for this:

1. Staying in dry air for a long time can have a negative impact on your well-being.

2. You can get sunstroke.

3. When you are on the beach, where there are large crowds of people, there is a possibility of injuring your stomach. For example, if someone is playing with a ball, it may fly off and hit a woman.

4. If the beach is not very clean, you can get hurt and get an infection in the wound. This will adversely affect both mother and baby.

Ultraviolet rays are also considered dangerous if a pregnant woman has many moles on her body. They can trigger the development of skin cancer.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe: rules of tanning

Pregnant women can sunbathe, but for this they need to follow a number of rules: important rules:

Experts allow women to sunbathe only in the morning, before 10 o’clock, and in the evening, after four. The rest of the time, the risk of getting sunstroke increases several times;

You can't spend a lot of time on the beach. At the moment of gestation, a woman's body begins to tan several times faster. Under no circumstances should you lie down and wait for your skin to finally acquire a golden color. It is better to visit the beach several times a week, but stay there for no more than two hours;

You must wear a headscarf or cap on your head, and glasses on your eyes;

You cannot lie on sand or pebbles, as in the sun they tend to heat up to 60 degrees. At this temperature, the body can get burns. A pregnant woman should lie down on a special bed, so that her head is slightly elevated;

Setting up a sun lounger right in the middle of the beach is, of course, not best option. That is why you should look for a place in the shade, for example under trees;

When going to the beach, you need to take still water with you. You should not drink cold drinks, as a sudden change in temperature can lead to a cold;

To prevent sunburn, buy sunscreen.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe: possible dangers

It is necessary to take into account the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s body does double work. A woman's skin requires more careful attention. Pigment spots may appear on the face and hands. In order to protect yourself from exposure to ultraviolet rays, you need to avoid tanning during the day and also avoid visiting solariums.

When the mother’s body overheats, there is a negative effect on the fetus. After all, a baby in the womb cannot independently regulate its body temperature, since its sweat glands have not yet formed. The most negative consequence, which can occur due to overheating - a malfunction of the baby’s nervous system.

Experts have long proven the relationship between tanning and the occurrence of skin cancer. Therefore, staying in the sun even ordinary people, not in position, it is impossible.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of contraindications for tanning, but, of course, you shouldn’t give it up completely. If you sunbathe correctly, then no harm will be done to the body.

Can I use self-tanning?

If mothers think about whether it is possible to be in the sun during pregnancy, then, unfortunately, they do not think about self-tanning and use it without any restrictions. All this can lead to serious, undesirable consequences. The thing is that after applying self-tanning, an effect is formed similar to the effect of dihydroxyacetone, which penetrates the skin through the blood. The placenta barrier is not an obstacle to this substance, so it can easily enter the fetal circulatory system.

If you overheat in the sun, you need to know what to do in order not to further harm yourself and the baby:

1. Hide from the sun, go to a cool room.

2. Lie down in horizontal position for 30-40 minutes.

3. Remove excess clothing.

4. Drink lightly salted water, this will help restore the balance of minerals in your body.

5. If after a few hours your condition does not improve, be sure to call ambulance.

Very hot weather, the body cannot always cope with its cooling on its own, and the body of a pregnant woman, even more so. Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of any parent; during this period you need to be more attentive to your body. Do not overexpose yourself to the sun, because your baby will be born very soon, and there will be no restrictions on sunbathing! So just be patient and wait.