Scenario of the quest game "Sunshine" for Children's Day. Scenario of the quest game “Sunshine” for Children’s Day Progress of the quest game

Saprykina Anna Vladimirovna
Scenario of the quest game "Sunshine" for Children's Day.

Quest game scenario« sun rays» on Children's Day.

Compiled by the teacher: Saprykina Anna Vladimirovna, senior group MB DOW "TsRR - kindergarten No. 154" City of Vladivostok.

Target: Create a joyful mood, create a desire to complete all tasks and achieve your cherished goal. Tasks: Develop children the ability to use hints to determine the direction of the route, develop coordination of movements, dexterity, eye, ability to calculate the force of a throw, general motor skills, logical thinking, colloquial speech. Continue to develop your musical ear and skill children move rhythmically during the final dance, continue to develop friendly relationships. Preliminary Job: conversations about summer, memorizing poems about summer, solving riddles, talking about what this holiday is dedicated to, looking at posters for the holiday, reading stories about friendship. Materials and benefits: clown costume, suit Sun, musical accompaniment – ​​song and backing track of the song "FRIENDSHIP" performed by the group "Barbariki", riddles, two containers, balloons small size 2 pieces for each child, soap bubbles, plastic plates, paper straws according to the number children, two ring throws, printed sunshine 2 pieces per child, stick, glue, papier-mâché cake, sweets.

Progress of the quest game:

The backing track of the song plays "FRIENDSHIP" performed by the group "Barbariki", children enter the group and are greeted by a leader in a clown costume.

Clown. Hello kids - girls and boys. Let's get acquainted, all my friends call me Clown... Jump- Jump, because I really like to jump and play like sunbeams, have fun until you drop and laugh loudly... Do you know why I came to you this sunny day?

Children. Yes! Because today is our holiday protection of all children.

Clown. That's right, and on a holiday, as you know, you need to have fun, play, joke and sing, treat your guests with all sorts of goodies, and I have prepared some goodies for you for the holiday Sun, but here’s the trouble….

The sun stayed on for a long time that I was a little tired, lay down to rest a little The sun is hiding behind the clouds:

Hides her legs, hides her arms,

Hides rays in pillows,

Hides her cheeks, hides her ears.

Hides his big head

And a golden hairstyle.

She pulled up the blanket and quietly dozed off.

Clown. Bye the sun jumped across the sky, sunbeams lost. We'll walk around the room solar Let's gather the bunnies together. We will be able to solve all the riddles, we will complete the tasks together and feel rested. Wait for the sun to visit.

Children go through the group and collect everything « sunbeams» and give it to Clown Jump-Skok. Children complete the first task « Sunshine in the palm of your hand» .

Small inflatable balloons are laid out throughout the group, 2-3 pieces per child; in the center of the group there are two empty containers (for collecting toys). Children are divided into two teams and collect inflatable balloons while listening to music. In this case, you must do the following rules: take only one ball at a time and carry it on open palms so that the ball does not fall during movement. The winning team is the one that fills their container first. And gets the right to be the first to start completing the next task.

Clown. Well done guys! You have collected everything « Suns» . And now we have the next competition “Guess what!”.

Children are also divided into two teams, and the teams are given riddles in turn. The winning team gets the right to be the first to begin the next task.

He looks kindly and good at people, but he doesn’t tell people to look at themselves. (Sun) .

I am always friendly with the light if sunshine in the window, I run along the wall from the mirror, from the puddle. (sunbeam)

A blue scarf, a scarlet bun, rolling around on the scarf, smiling at people. (sky and Sun)

It flutters and dances over the flower, waving its patterned fan. (butterfly)

A ball grew on a green fragile leg by the path. A little breeze rustled and scattered this ball. (dandelion)

What a wonderful beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way. You can't drive into them, you can't enter them. (rainbow)

A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (lightning)

The painted rocker hung over the river. (rainbow)

I walked barefoot by the fence and got scalded by green boiling water (nettle)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg, They weave boxes and baskets for me. (strawberry)

The gates rose - there was beauty for the whole world. (rainbow)

Who is this gardener - Watered the cherries and gooseberries, Watered the plums and flowers, Washed the herbs and flowers (Rain)

I don’t mind the warmth for you, I came from the south with the heat. It brought flowers, fishing, a ringing swarm of mosquitoes. Strawberries in a box and swimming in the river. (summer)

Clown. Well done guys, you completed this task. We'll play a little more and complete the next task "Show soap bubbles» .

On the tables there are shallow plates with liquid for soap bubbles. Children take paper tubes, dip them in the solution and try to blow the biggest bubble. The one whose bubble lasts the longest wins. The winner gets the right to be the first to complete the next task.

Clown. Sun, the sun comes out soon, our children Praise the sun soon. And now guys, we will play one very complex and very ancient game "Ring Throw".

Children are divided into two teams. You need to throw a ring on the rod of the game structure. The distance from which the throw is made is arbitrary, but the same for all participants. Each participant performs 2-3 throws from the same distance. The game takes place in 2 rounds. For each ring thrown, the team receives a point. The team wins, which adds up greatest number points for all rounds. An adult helps with scoring. And he arranges it so that FRIENDSHIP wins.

Clown. Well done! And then you showed yourself to be dexterous, but here’s something The sun is in no hurry to come to us. There is only one thing left for us to do with our own hands « Solar beacons» . And then The sun will see that we are really looking forward to it.

Children approach the tables on which the preparations are laid out « Sunny beacon» - printed sunshine(2 pieces per child, stick, glue. You need two stick the sun together, inserting a stick into the middle. "Beacon" ready.

Clown. Now guys, all come out for a fiery dance.

There's a song playing "FRIENDSHIP" from the group "BARBARIKS" children repeat all the movements after the Clown. While dancing, a girl in a suit enters the group « Sun» and hands the Clown a prepared surprise cake from papier-mâché, and there is a treat in it.

Publications on the topic:

Game-quest “Rays of Health” Game - quest “Rays of Health” Purpose: To teach children to understand and recognize the concept of a healthy person; clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of skills.

Integrated lesson on music education in the second junior group “Sunshine” Integrated lesson on music education in 2 younger group"Sunshine". Integration: Music, Cognition, Communication.

Summary of educational activities for modeling in the second group of early age “Sunshine!” Summary of GCD " Artistic creativity"Modeling" in group II early age"Sunshine!" Purpose of the lesson. Learn to roll out a ball.

Lesson notes for the first junior group “Sunshine” Tasks: Tasks in the area " cognitive development": - introduce children to changes in nature. - distinguish and name the color yellow. - develop.

Tasks of NOD o/o "Social and communicative development" Tasks: Teach children to communicate with each other, teach children to be friendly.

April 21, 2017 2514

Which banks have offered new loan programs for individuals for refinancing and consumer needs? Where will deposit rates fall again? Who attracted a loan from an Austrian bank for 30 million euros? And also technical work, reduction in the cost of cards and a solar quest from BPS-Sberbank with a vacation in Bali.

New loan “On the Shoulder” from Alfa-Bank

Alfa-Bank (Belarus) offered a loan for individuals "On the shoulder" with a rate 18% per annum.

The loan term is 12 months. The possible loan amount ranges from 100 to 1,500 rubles. A new loan product is issued without insurance and commissions, as well as without collateral or guarantors.

Additional requirements for the borrower:

Having at least one current account with Alfa-Bank using a debit card
- availability of the “Alfa-Chek” service of the “Standard” version connected to at least one card
- presence of a connected Alfa-Click or Alfa-Mobile service

BTA Bank introduced new loans for individuals

BTA Bank announced the launch of new loans for individuals for consumer needs and refinancing of loans in BTA Bank and other banks in Belarus: “Easy”, “Plan B” and “2 in 1”.

Credit "Easy" for consumer needs at 19% provides a loan term of up to 60 months.

The loan amount can be from 500 to 50,000 rubles and is provided by bank transfer by transfer cash to a current account being opened using a card.

Credit "Plan B" issued for refinancing loans (including refinancing loans of close relatives). The loan amount is from 500 to 50,000 rubles. Loan term - up to 60 months.

The method of providing a loan is by non-cash transfer of the required loan amount to the accounts of the banks where the loans were issued.

The rate is:

  • 18% per annum - in case of refinancing loans issued in Belarusian banks
  • 20% per annum - in case of refinancing of loans previously issued at BTA Bank

Credit "2 in 1" issued for consumer needs and for refinancing loans from banks in the country (including refinancing loans from close relatives).

Method of loan provision:

  • in a non-cash manner by transferring money to an account to be opened using a card
  • by bank transfer by transferring the required loan amount to the account of the banks where the loans were issued

The loan rate will be:

  • 18% per annum - when refinancing loans issued in banks of the Republic of Belarus and issuing an additional loan amount
  • 20% per annum - when refinancing loans previously issued at BTA Bank CJSC and issuing an additional loan amount

Paritetbank proposed a refinancing program involving the issuance of a Belkart-Premium Instant card. The loan is provided to repay part of the principal debt on overdrafts previously received from other banks (loans with a revolving credit line).

It is also possible to provide a portion of the loan that exceeds the amount of the principal debt on refinanced overdrafts.

Paritetbank reduced deposit rates

Paritetbank informed that from April 20, 2017, interest rates on deposits in US dollars, euros and Russian rubles for individuals have changed:

Idea Bank will change rates on existing deposits

Idea Bank informed clients about the change from May 19, 2017 in the interest rates on the following current deposits of individuals in Belarusian rubles:

For the following deposits for which the interest rate is higher than SR-2.5 percentage points:

  • “Super-Income”, issued from 10/12/2012 to 07/26/2013
  • “Secured Future”, issued on 08/13/2013
  • “Take everything from the Bank”, issued from 02/25/2016 to 03/31/2016
  • “Comfort 6”, issued from 04/30/2016 to 05/19/2016
  • “Confident 9”, issued from 03/16/2016 to 03/31/2016
  • “Confident 9 plus”, issued from 09/07/2016 to 10/26/2016
  • “Confident 12”, issued from 12/29/2015 to 06/02/2016
  • “Confident 12 plus”, issued from 06/01/2016 to 10/28/2016 with a fixed rate period of 3 and 6 months
  • “Confident 12 Prestige Plus”, issued from 09/15/2016 to 09/16/2016
  • “Confident 18 plus”, issued from 04/13/2016 to 10/20/2016
  • “Confident 24 plus”, issued from 04/13/2016 to 10/17/2016
  • “Special 6”, issued from 02/08/2016 to 06/06/2016
  • “Special 9”, issued from 12/24/2015 to 03/29/2016
  • “Special 9 plus”, issued from 09/03/2016 to 10/15/2016
  • “Special 12”, issued from 01/05/2016 to 06/16/2016
  • “Special 12 plus”, issued from 06/01/2016 to 10/29/2016
  • “Special 18 plus”, issued from 04/13/2016 to 10/17/2016
  • “Special 24 plus”, issued from 04/15/2016 to 10/25/2016
  • “Special Plus”, issued through SBDO for 9 months from 09/02/2016 to 10/30/2016
  • “Special Plus”, issued through SBDO for 12 months from 06/01/2016 to 10/29/2016
  • “Special”, issued through SBDO for 18 months from 03/07/2016 to 06/16/2016
  • “Special Plus”, issued through SBDO for 18 months from 04/13/2016 to 10/28/2016
  • “Special Plus”, issued through SBDO for 24 months from 04/13/2016 to 10/28/2016

From May 19, 2017, the interest rate is set at SR-4 percentage points.

All changes can be found on the Idea Bank website.

Bank Resolution informed that due to technical work on April 26, 2017. The bank's information kiosks will temporarily not work. Payments can only be made through remote banking systems (Internet Banking, Mobile Banking)
  • Zepter Bank will reduce tariffs for transactions with Visa Classic and Visa Gold bank payment cards. The changes will affect the cost of production and issuance of cards, re-issues upon expiration of the validity period, due to changes in the spelling of the first and/or last name, due to loss (theft), loss of the PIN code. Thus, the production and issuance of a Visa Classic for a validity period of 3 years will cost 20 rubles / 10 USD / 10 EUR, Visa Gold - 40 rubles / 20 USD / 20 EUR
  • Belarusbank reported that on 04/22/2017 in the period from 06:30 to 9:30 due to technological work being carried out by the Bank Processing Center, the operation of transferring from card to bank card within the accounts of one individual will be unavailable at information kiosks and ATMs of the bank, the Internet system banking, using M-banking services, Autopayment
  • Quest "Star"

    The legend of five stars...

    It was in those ancient times when the world was young. And it was spring - the time of starfall.

    The first star fell into the fire of a volcano, and the flames engulfed it to melt it, to change its essence; but, having changed the essence, it is difficult not to lose oneself. In the embrace of fire, scorched, she became black, but she did not want to forget about the icy expanses from where she was brought to the world of the wind Ea. In the flame it gained strength, because memory should not die.

    Centuries passed, and man found this star. He washed it and took it in his palms, and it sparkled brightly Star-Memory in his hands: just as Light is born from Darkness, so from soft coal it became a diamond - a stone that is harder than steel.

    The second star fell into the ocean waters. She sank deeper and deeper, becoming a tiny grain of sand, and fell between the doors of a shell hidden in the depths. She took pity on the star and dressed her in a thin, iridescent robe of mother-of-pearl. Time passed, and the star-grain of sand became more and more beautiful, and no one saw it. And so, years later, a man found a silent shell at the bottom of the sea and opened it. He went ashore and opened his palm, in which something small and hard lay. And responded to his touch with a gentle warm flicker star - Hope . She became a pearl.

    The third star was icy. But her love for the world awoke in her, and she wanted to become a part of it. The wind caught it on its wings, and the star became a cloud. The cloud rained down on the earth; drops of rain awakened the seeds of plants and herbs dormant in the ground, and star - love became their soul, their life.

    The fourth star lay on the man’s palm and a desire for wandering and adventure awoke in him. Man often looked at the stars and gradually began to hear and comprehend the songs of the stars, the earth and the sea, the wind and flowers. He walked, and the secrets of the world were revealed to him;epiphany star became his soul.

    Swift and bright was the flight of the fifth star. She fell to the ground - a fragment of heavenly iron; and there a man found her. He tempered her in fire and water and gave her an image. ANDaccomplishment star- harder than wood, stronger than stone - became a help to man in his labors: she helped him sow grain, create new things, write books. And in his hands she truly began to fulfill wishes.

    So you and I are, to some extent, “Stars”, since we are here, let’s try to reveal ourselves...

    Team building 7 teams, name


    1. Find... Find 3 stars
    2. Catch... Carry a tennis ball on skewers
    3. Guess...

    To equip the eye
    And be friends with the stars,
    To see the Milky Way
    Need a powerful...

    Telescope for hundreds of years
    Study the life of planets.
    He will tell us everything
    Smart uncle...

    An astronomer is a stargazer,
    He knows everything inside out!
    Only the stars are visible better
    The sky is full...

    A bird cannot reach the moon
    Fly and land on the moon,
    But he can do it
    Do it quickly...

    The rocket has a driver
    Zero gravity lover.
    In English: "astronaut"
    And in Russian...

    An astronaut sits in a rocket
    Cursing everything in the world -
    In orbit as luck would have it

    UFO flies to neighbor
    From the constellation Andromeda,
    It howls like a wolf out of boredom
    Evil green...
    The humanoid has lost its course,
    Lost in three planets,
    If there is no star map,
    Speed ​​won't help...

    Light flies the fastest
    Doesn't count kilometers.
    The Sun gives life to the planets,
    We are warm, tails are...

    The comet flew around,
    I looked at everything in the sky.
    He sees a hole in space -
    This is black...

    There is darkness in black holes
    She's busy with something dark.
    There he ended his flight

    Starship - steel bird,
    He runs faster than light.
    Learns in practice

    And the galaxies are flying
    In loose form as they wish.
    Very hefty
    This whole universe!

    1. Count...
    1. Touch...

    Twister sticky

    1. Connect...

    Collect the names of the constellations

    1. Write...

    Write your legend

    Final task:Answer the question:The most bright star in the sky?(Sirius)

    Summing up.

    To equip the eye
    And be friends with the stars,
    To see the Milky Way
    Need a powerful...

    Telescope for hundreds of years
    Study the life of planets.
    He will tell us everything
    Smart uncle...

    An astronomer is a stargazer,
    He knows everything inside out!
    Only the stars are visible better
    The sky is full...

    A bird cannot reach the moon
    Fly and land on the moon,
    But he can do it
    Do it quickly...

    The rocket has a driver
    Zero gravity lover.
    In English: "astronaut"
    And in Russian...

    An astronaut sits in a rocket
    Cursing everything in the world -
    In orbit as luck would have it

    UFO flies to neighbor
    From the constellation Andromeda,
    It howls like a wolf out of boredom
    Evil green...
    The humanoid has lost its course,
    Lost in three planets,
    If there is no star map,
    Speed ​​won't help...

    Light flies the fastest
    Doesn't count kilometers.
    The Sun gives life to the planets,
    We are warm, tails are...

    The comet flew around,
    I looked at everything in the sky.
    He sees a hole in space -
    This is black...

    There is darkness in black holes
    She's busy with something dark.
    There he ended his flight

    Starship - steel bird,
    He runs faster than light.
    Learns in practice

    And the galaxies are flying
    In loose form as they wish.
    Very hefty
    This whole universe!

    Name 5 constellations



















    Dining room
















































