Solarium while breastfeeding: is it possible to visit, the effect on lactation. Is it possible for nursing mothers to sunbathe? Is it possible to sunbathe during lactation?

Her future physical and mental health and ability to have more children depends on how smoothly the young mother’s recovery period after childbirth proceeds. No wonder it lasts for 40 days and is shrouded in many popular beliefs. We will help you get through it without complications: we will answer the most pressing questions of postpartum women.

1. When can you stand up after childbirth?

Already 2 hours after birth, if there was no significant blood loss and general anesthesia (short-term anesthesia) was not performed. But you need to do this slowly, listening to your feelings. If you feel very dizzy, you should give yourself a little more time and lie down or sleep. On the first day, in order to avoid a painful fall to the floor, it is better not to stand up to your full height right away, but first to “roll” off the edge of the bed onto half-bent legs and after a minute or two slowly straighten up.

After a cesarean section, you must wait for the doctor's permission.

If the next day after giving birth in a vertical position of the body you feel very dizzy, your eyes turn black, your ears are ringing and waves of weakness roll in, you must definitely tell the doctor about this during your rounds.

2. When can you shower after giving birth?

On the very first day, as soon as you feel that you have rested after childbirth and are able to walk to the shower. Important conditions: the water should be warm, not hot, your feet should not slide on the tiles. That is, there should be an anti-slip mat on the floor and in the shower stall, or rubber slippers should be put on your feet. You can take a hygienic shower as many times a day as you like. But do not overdo it with soap, so as not to dry out the skin and provoke the appearance of acne.

3. When can you eat after giving birth?

If general anesthesia was not used during childbirth and when suturing ruptures, then it is possible immediately after transfer to the postpartum ward. This usually happens after 2 hours. But if you really want to eat, then you don’t have to endure it: mommy experienced enormous physical and emotional stress, depleting her energy resources to the limit. The resulting hunger is a signal of a lack of glucose. If reserves are not replenished, a severe hypoglycemic state may quickly develop. Tell the midwife or nurse supervising the birthing mother and get a cup of sweet tea or candy. Stock up on lollipops, marmalade, white marshmallows or a bun for this occasion, placing them in the bag on top. It’s better not to take risks with chocolate: after all, you need to breastfeed the baby.

4. When can you take a bath after giving birth?

It is better to wait 6 weeks until the uterus shrinks to its minimum size after the wound in it has completely healed at the place where the placenta was separated. There may be microbes in tap water that, if they get on a wound, can cause or maintain existing inflammation. The same applies to the seams at the site of perineal tears. The best option is to visit your gynecologist in the second month after giving birth and wait for his permission.

5. When after childbirth you can swim in the pool and open waters

Since the water in a lake or river is polluted many times more than tap water, the conditions are harsher:

  • at least 6 weeks must pass;
  • not that there should be no vaginal discharge;
  • be sure to visit a gynecologist the day before to make sure that the uterus has completely contracted and there are no signs of inflammation;
  • the water must be heated to 22 degrees or more;
  • Bathing should be short to avoid freezing.

6. When can you sit down after childbirth?

If there are no external ruptures of the perineum and divergence of the symphysis pubis - as soon as the desire and need arises. For stitches on the perineum, it is recommended to stand or lie down for the first week, from the second week to sit on one buttock, and after 3 weeks to sit completely. It is advisable to see your gynecologist the day before to assess the consistency of the resulting stitches.

7. When can you sunbathe after childbirth?

Hormones that regulate and support lactation are powerful stimulants. Therefore, exposure to excess ultraviolet radiation on the skin can cause an increase in the size of existing moles and the appearance of new age spots. And no one can say for sure at what point this process will become uncontrollable, when the birthmark transforms into an evil melanoma tumor. Therefore, for the entire period of breastfeeding, it is better not to remember about tanning in the open sun or in a solarium. And if you start, you need to use sunscreen and carefully cover your chest.

8. When can you return to sports after childbirth?

If you didn’t forget about physical education during pregnancy, then you can continue it even the next day if you have the desire and strength. After being discharged from the maternity hospital, you can practice a special aerobics complex for those who gave birth at home. The pace, duration and frequency of classes must be adjusted according to your own condition. An important condition: it should not hurt. With full-fledged sports training, you will have to wait from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the type of sport, and be sure to see a doctor first.

9. When to expect your period after giving birth

As soon as the hormonal storm caused by childbirth subsides in the body, the normal cycle will begin to restore. As a rule, 1-3 months are enough for regular periods to be restored. This happens if the mother does not breastfeed. With natural feeding, the onset of the resumption of menstruation can be delayed by up to a year.

10. When can you have sex after giving birth?

If there are no ruptures in the soft tissue of the perineum, and there is one at hand - when a MUTUAL desire arises. Doctors advise not to rush, to give the new mother at least 3 weeks to recover. The stretched tissues of the vagina are still little sensitive, and therefore the partner will not feel anything, and the spouse expects strong disappointment instead of pleasure. Often, in order to achieve the desired release, he will have to become very active, which can then cause uterine bleeding in the mother.

Healing of sutured ruptures takes 6 or more weeks. Previously, sexual intercourse, even the most gentle one, will cause pain in the mother and can cause persistent vaginismus, in which insertion of the penis is impossible due to strong, uncontrollable spasm of the vaginal muscles.

11. When can you get pregnant again after childbirth?

Once the first mature egg appears, nothing can prevent its fertilization. With artificial feeding, this occurs after about a month. Whether it will be able to implant into the uterus and develop further depends on whether the cleansing of the place where the placenta fell off is complete, whether the inflammation has subsided, and whether the lochia has stopped. That is, by the end of the postpartum period, a new pregnancy is possible, even without menstruation. Confirmation - children of the same age are not a rare phenomenon.

12. When can an intrauterine device be inserted after childbirth?

It is possible in the delivery room, but there is a risk that it will fall out at the moment of strong contraction of the uterus. Therefore you have to wait 6 weeks. After a cesarean section, the period of healing of the scar and subsidence of inflammation in it lasts 6-8 months. placed no earlier than six months later, and only after a gynecological examination and ultrasound monitoring of the condition of the uterus.

13. When can you start taking hormonal contraceptives after childbirth?

Even if you are a fan, you should not disrupt the natural hormonal status for the first 6 weeks to allow the body to recover normally. Further, in the absence of contraindications, you can start taking gestagen-containing low-dose pills if you are breastfeeding, or combination drugs if you are bottle-feeding.

Summer is approaching, and we are already starting to plan our vacation at sea. Breastfeeding mothers are especially sensitive to their health, and the question of the possibility of tanning also becomes urgent. As you know, for women during lactation there are not a large number of categorical prohibitions - only reasonable restrictions. Likewise, in the question of whether a nursing mother can sunbathe, it is important to adhere to measures and listen to reason.

Contents of the article:
  • The effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin

    The human body is designed in such a way that we need sunlight. Under the influence of UV rays, vitamin D is produced, which promotes the absorption of calcium and plays an important role in the functioning of our body. In the cold months of the year, from a lack of sunlight, our skin becomes pale and prone to diseases, and our mood changes for the worse. In addition, moderate sunbathing is also beneficial for the baby.

    However, overexposing your skin to UV rays has the opposite effect. Firstly, under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the protective function of the skin is activated and it becomes thicker. Secondly, skin damaged by rays begins to age prematurely. Such unnatural aging is characterized by the appearance of spider veins and age spots. Thirdly, ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the growth of dividing cells, which can contribute to the development of skin cancer.

    Tanning rules for nursing mothers

    Is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe? It is possible, but subject to strict adherence to the following tanning rules:

    • During breastfeeding, a woman's breasts are the most sensitive, so it should not be exposed to UV rays; it is necessary to cover the breast area. Simply put, topless tanning is contraindicated during this period.
    • During breastfeeding, all recovery processes intensify. Therefore, if moles or birthmarks are exposed to sunlight, they will increase significantly in size.
    • Be sure to use sunscreen with at least 25 PF protection, but do not apply it to the chest area so that the child does not accidentally taste the remaining cream. Carefully study the composition of the cream; it should be applied half an hour before going out into the sun. Do not forget that the strong smell of the cream may repel the baby, and he may refuse to breastfeed.
    • Increase your time in the sun gradually. It is advisable to sunbathe during the safest hours: before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m.
    • Drink plenty of fluids while in the sun to reduce the risk of skin dehydration.

    Rules for tanning in a solarium for a nursing mother

    Can a nursing mother sunbathe in a solarium? Here, the opinions of doctors differ: some consider this procedure inapplicable during lactation, others view it more favorably, subject to a number of restrictions. Of course, if there is no urgent need to visit a solarium, you should abandon this idea. However, if you decide to sunbathe in a solarium, then remember the following rules:

    • Please check the cleanliness of the cabin before visiting.
    • Start sunbathing for a minimum number of minutes (2-3) and observe how you feel.
    • Cover the chest area as much as possible; it is better to sunbathe in a bra, since the skin here is highly sensitive during this period.
    • Do not forget that any cosmetic product for tanning in a solarium can cause an allergic reaction, so take its choice seriously.

    If after one or another method of tanning you feel that you have overdone it, take a break and provide your skin with peace and coolness.

    Is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe - conclusions

    As we found out earlier, uncontrolled tanning is harmful to any person. However, ultraviolet radiation does not have any additional effect on the lactation process itself. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what is more important for a child: a beautiful mother or a healthy mother? And what is more important to you?

    And if you still decide that you will sunbathe, then it is better to do it naturally, taking short-term sunbathing with your baby at “safe” times. Be healthy!

    Pregnancy becomes a difficult test for women, because under the influence of hormones, the body gains extra pounds, and the skin becomes covered with pigment spots. Therefore, after the birth of a baby, young mothers strive to get back into shape as quickly as possible so that the reflection in the mirror pleases the eye. Visiting the solarium and sunbathing are becoming mandatory items in the recovery program for mothers who crave a tanned body. For those who have stopped breastfeeding, this task will be within their power. However, not everything is so simple for women supporting lactation.

    How tanning affects the body

    A tanned body is the personification of health and a successful life. This is why the beaches of the southern seas are never deserted. However, there have been debates around sunbathing for many years - to what extent the benefits of such procedures are greater than the harm.

    To prevent tanning from causing harm, you need to take precautions

    So, the positive aspects for the body during exposure to the sun will be:

    • strengthening the immune system, increasing physical and mental activity - subject to sunbathing for no more than half an hour;
    • acceleration of metabolism, rapid absorption of ascorbic acid, vitamins E and D - as a result, prevention of rickets and strengthening of bone tissue;
    • assistance in the production of “happiness hormones” - endorphin and serotonin, which improves mood and relieves nervous tension;
    • improvement of skin condition, relief of neurodermatitis, eczema, certain forms of psoriasis;
    • obstacle in the development of allergic reactions.

    In addition, sunlight, penetrating 0.01 cm into the skin, destroys pathogenic microflora and viruses, enriches tissues with oxygen, and also thins the blood and reduces cholesterol levels in it.

    Moderate sun exposure does not harm breast milk. Therefore, a nursing mother can safely stock up on vitamin D and fight the signs of postpartum depression while basking in the sun.

    At the same time, it’s worth finding out about your phototype so as not to get burned and get the maximum benefit from tanning.

    Table: types of skin phototypes

    Skin phototypeCelticScandinavianCentral EuropeanMediterraneanAsiaticAfrican
    Natural skin colorVery light, milky white, porcelain skin, often with frecklesLight, white skin, few or no frecklesDark skin with olive undertones, no frecklesDark skin with a light brown tintSkin dark brown or yellow, without frecklesDark brown or blue-black skin tone
    Consequences of radiationPractically does not sunbathe, burns often occurThe tan is weak and constantly burnsTans quickly, with an even shade, burns after being in the sun for more than half an hourThe tan goes on well, develops quickly, burns are rareA dark tan fades quickly, but there is a high risk of hyperpigmentationDark tan, no burns, possible hyperpigmentation

    When exposed to the scorching rays of the sun for a long time without proper protection, ultraviolet radiation can cause damage to health:

    • sunburn leads to dry skin and, as a result, accelerates the aging process;
    • frequent burning triggers the process of degeneration of epidermal cells up to malignant neoplasms;
    • staying in the sun for more than an hour reduces the body's protective functions;
    • excessive sunbathing negatively affects the nervous system, leading to overexcitation or, conversely, depression;
    • due to overheating of the skin, dehydration begins and mineral salts are removed from the body.

    And for women who support natural feeding, excessive sunbathing is fraught with increased pigmentation. In addition, ultraviolet radiation negatively affects cell division processes. Which can subsequently cause breast cancer in a nursing mother.

    Now we are at the sea, I sunbathe only before 12 and after 16. But the sun still gets hotter every day. The swimsuit does not completely cover the breasts.

    In addition to the fact that the sun's rays can cause negative reactions in a healthy body, ultraviolet radiation also aggravates various types of diseases. Therefore, doctors categorically prohibit sunbathing with the following ailments:

    • dysplastic nevi;
    • gestational stage of diabetes mellitus;
    • malignant tumors;
    • connective tissue diseases;
    • tuberculosis (except for bone tuberculosis);
    • high blood pressure;
    • heart disease.

    Also, exposure to the open sun is prohibited for those who are undergoing antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, or taking photosensitizers (drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to light).

    You should be wary of the desire to get a bronze skin tone if you have the following diseases:

    • lupus erythematosus;
    • neurasthenia;
    • tachycardia;
    • dermatosis.

    In addition, those who have relatives with melanoma or other forms of cancer should carefully monitor their time spent in the sun.

    Video: the benefits and harms of tanning

    Is it possible to go to a solarium during lactation?

    A solarium helps give your skin a tanned look even in the cold season. The accessibility of the procedure has made this type of service very popular among women. And nursing mothers who find the strength to take care of their appearance are no exception.

    A solarium will be safe only if sanitary standards are observed.

    However, in addition to the benefits of going to a solarium to get a portion of vitamin D, you need to know about the negative aspects of such a cosmetic procedure:

    • due to the intense impact on the skin, artificial UV rays penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, which is fraught with early aging;
    • additional activation of growth hormones stimulates the appearance of excessive pigmentation, especially during hormonal changes during breastfeeding;
    • since the effect of radiation is directed to all parts of the body simultaneously, there is a high risk of cancer (including breast cancer);
    • due to dehydration, milk production in a nursing mother may decrease briefly;
    • If the cabin is not properly processed, you can get a skin disease, and lamps that have expired can cause burns all over your body.

    Therefore, a nursing mother should make the decision about whether to go to a solarium or not after carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

    It has been proven that ultraviolet radiation is a risk factor for the development of a very dangerous malignant skin tumor - melanoma. Therefore, UV irradiation is not carried out on pregnant women, as was previously done in winter. Now sit down and think about how much you need a tan color in winter, when no one can see your exposed areas of the body? If you think that this way you will increase the amount of vitamin D you produce, then I can assure you that it is enough to expose your face or palms to the direct rays of the sun and stand there for several minutes - the daily dose of vitamin D is provided. I do not recommend solariums not only to pregnant women and nursing mothers, but to all women in general.

    Berezovskaya E.P., doctor at Clinicoma, obstetrician-gynecologist

    In addition, in order to avoid negative consequences such as allergies or contracting various types of infections, you should consult a doctor.

    Scientists have found that visiting a solarium more than 10 times a year increases the likelihood of melanoma (a malignant tumor of pigment cells) by 7 times.

    Visiting a solarium during lactation is contraindicated for women:

    • for tuberculosis;
    • with bronchial asthma;
    • those suffering from gynecological diseases;
    • for kidney diseases;
    • with nervous system disorders.

    It is not advisable to undergo such a cosmetic procedure during hormonal therapy or when using oral contraceptives, after taking diuretics or blood pressure-lowering medications.

    In my opinion, neither UVB nor UVA tanning beds can replace solar radiation. The biological effectiveness of UVB is much greater than that of UVA, and the nature of the biological effect of natural UV radiation is mainly determined by its UVB component. It causes tanning, stimulates the synthesis of vitamin B and has a healing effect in some skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis and psoriasis. In case of overdose, burns, premature aging and skin cancer, as well as immune suppression are possible. UVB solariums imitate this side of the action of solar radiation, but they practically lack visible and infrared radiation, which have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. UVA radiation has a predominantly cosmetic effect. It does not stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D, does not have a therapeutic effect, but can enhance the negative effects of exposure to UVB radiation. The tan it causes is not permanent and protects the skin from overexposure much weaker than natural.

    Andrey Strzhizhovsky,
    Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialist in the biological effects of ultraviolet radiation

    Thus, there is no clear prohibition on the part of doctors from visiting a solarium while breastfeeding. However, it is worth remembering precautions and using such a controversial cosmetic service in moderation.

    Video: solarium: benefit or harm

    How to sunbathe properly for a nursing mother

    If during lactation a woman decides to give her skin a tanned tint, then this can be done in two ways - by sunbathing or visiting a solarium. In each of these cases, you should protect yourself and carefully prepare for the procedure.

    During lactation, exposure to open sun should be strictly limited.

    So, when being in the fresh air during the summer heat, a nursing mother needs to remember the following rules:

    • do not go out into the sun from 10 to 16 hours of the day;
    • use hypoallergenic sunscreens with protection 25–40 units;
    • Do not treat your breasts with protective agents; it is better to hide the mammary glands under clothing;
    • even when sunbathing in the morning and evening hours, limit the time of sunbathing to 30–40 minutes;
    • Before going outside, it is better not to use soap to wash your face, so as not to dry out your skin again;
    • avoid direct sunlight, use umbrellas or awnings more often;
    • It is mandatory to wear hats;
    • after a tanning session, apply moisturizing and nourishing creams, serums or masks to the skin;
    • drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration;
    • constantly move to avoid getting burned;
    • Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating.

    I sunbathed while breastfeeding, well, in a swimsuit, of course, not topless.

    JuliaDaughter of Andrey, Vyksa–37243054/

    If a woman chooses a solarium, she should take care in advance of protective cosmetics for her skin while in the booth. In addition, it is important to consider the following:

    • do not use cosmetics and perfumes before the procedure;
    • an hour before the session, take a shower without soap and gels;
    • cover all moles on the body with adhesive tape or stickers;
    • prevent UV radiation from reaching the breasts, because the mammary glands are especially sensitive to external influences during lactation;
    • limit the duration of the session to a maximum of five minutes;
    • use anti-burn products that are hypoallergenic and safe for children;
    • after leaving the cabin, if possible, immediately take a shower, thoroughly washing off all protective cosmetics;
    • and before entering, make sure with the staff that the equipment is safe and in good working order, because too old and newly installed lamps are harmful to health.

    And so that lactation does not suffer, you need to stock up on herbal tea or drinking still water. And drink the prepared liquid at the end of the session right in the salon, without waiting for you to return home.

    In my opinion, a woman’s desire to maintain beauty and a well-groomed appearance after childbirth is quite natural. However, we should not forget about the possible risks that accompany a number of procedures. These include sunbathing and visiting a solarium. The latter is even prohibited in some countries (Brazil, Australia, California and Vermont in the USA). Therefore, I think it’s best to wait for sunny summer days. And get a dose of vitamin D just by walking with your baby in the park or in your garden. And in the midday heat, you can keep your child busy playing in the shade of trees or on the terrace. The main thing is to drink plenty of clean water and cover your head with a Panama hat.

    Video: rules of conduct in the heat from Komarovsky

    A tanned body is every woman's dream. And after giving birth, young mothers want to feel like beauties again and enjoy the reflection in the mirror. Some are looking forward to a trip to the seaside or a summer vacation in the countryside. Others rush to sign up for a solarium. The main thing for each of these girls is to remember moderation and caution when exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation. And although sun rays and lamps do not pose a direct threat to breastfeeding, there is a risk of unpleasant consequences. The most harmless of them will be increased pigmentation, and the most dangerous is melanoma, or skin cancer.

    The birth of a child in a family is not only a great joy, but also a concern, especially for women.

    “What is possible and what is not?” - a question that always worries mothers, because they are the ones who have to sacrifice a lot for the health of their babies. Tell me, are there more prohibitions than permissions? Not at all! Moms can do everything, but little by little!

    The long-awaited summer... I really want to warm myself up under the warm rays of the sun! But is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe?

    It is possible and even necessary. The main thing is to know when to stop!

    Safe tanning rules for nursing mothers

    1. First of all, avoid open sun.

    A woman's body during lactation is very sensitive; direct exposure to sunlight can cause spots on the skin and the growth of cancer cells.

    Get a great tan even in the shade.

    This applies to both relaxing on the beach and daily walks with your child. But there is no need to completely hide from the sun's rays. They nourish your skin, and therefore the baby’s body, with vitamin D, which is so necessary for normal development and functioning. Therefore, sunbathing will not harm the baby.

    1. The best time for tanning is morning and evening hours. The period from 10.00 to 17.00 is an enemy for a woman who is breastfeeding.
    2. Important! Mothers who have many moles or birthmarks are at risk during breastfeeding. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, they can increase in size and cause certain diseases.
    3. Use sunscreen lotions and creams, but be careful.

    To protect the child from poisoning, it is not recommended to apply them to the chest area.

    Women always want to look great, and tanning helps with just that. You can be outwardly beautiful in any weather and at any time of the year if you are a regular client of the solarium. But is it worth visiting a solarium for a nursing mother? We talked about it in our separate article. Be sure to read it.

    An unnatural tan is more uniform, but less beneficial.

    Unlike open sunlight, ultraviolet radiation in a solarium penetrates deep into the skin, which can cause a number of unwanted problems and serious diseases. During breastfeeding, physical changes occur in a woman's body that put her at risk.

    Therefore, it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium, although there is no categorical prohibition.

    If you still decide to try a solarium, follow a few tips.

    Every person is obliged to know the rules of hygiene and be clean, and nursing mothers should be especially attentive to such things. Before starting solar treatments, check the cleanliness of the cabin, and be sure to take a shower afterwards.

    The most delicate area of ​​a nursing mother is the breast. Protect it from ultraviolet rays. “Nude tanning” is out of the question!

    Don't overdo it with sunbathing. For the first time, 2-4 minutes is enough.

    Although the sun does not affect the lactation process, the child, first of all, needs a healthy mother, and not a beautiful one.

    Is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe? - Can.

    After all, motherhood is the most beautiful thing in this world!

    All women want to look good, this does not depend on age or marital status. Solarium is an excellent procedure for those who are naturally endowed with very pale skin. But visiting a solarium while breastfeeding raises many questions. Is it good for new mothers?

    Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for visiting a solarium; it does not have a direct effect on lactation. A young mother can either visit a salon for a professional procedure or use a mini-solarium at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

    Before visiting a solarium, you should consult a therapist, especially if you have chronic diseases. The fact is that contraindications to tanning in a solarium are:

    • a large number of moles;
    • gynecological diseases and postpartum complications;
    • oncology;
    • diseases of the mammary glands;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • asthma;
    • kidney disease;
    • taking hormones and medications to lower blood pressure.

    Visiting a solarium under these conditions can lead to complications. The doctor will tell you whether the procedure can be performed in your specific situation. We must not forget that immediately after a caesarean section you cannot go to the solarium. It is necessary to wait until the stitches are removed, the scar is completely healed, and the crusts come off. Only after this (with the permission of the doctor) can you create a tan.

    The benefits of solarium during breastfeeding

    Visiting a tanning salon while breastfeeding can be beneficial. First of all, vitamin D is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In the warm season, when we often sunbathe and wear open clothes, the body usually has enough of this substance, but with the onset of autumn and winter the situation changes for the worse. Meanwhile, vitamin D is very important for the body: it is involved in the absorption of calcium and supports the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Vitamin D ensures the normal development of the child’s musculoskeletal system.

    Ultraviolet rays also enhance the production of endorphins - joy hormones. Young mothers are often tired and feel depressed, so healthy emotions are very important at this time. Women go to the solarium to look better, so satisfaction from the procedure will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Do not forget that a mother’s good mood is the key to normal lactation. Some women even notice that their milk supply has increased after the procedure.

    Harm from the procedure

    A visit to a solarium may not have a very good effect on the body of a young mother. The hormonal background during lactation differs from the hormonal background of a woman during normal times, this can also affect the result of the procedure. Pigment spots and new moles appear on the body of some women, while old ones increase in size.

    If low-quality or old lamps were used in the solarium, the visitor may experience burns and the risk of cancer increases. If a nursing mother sunbathes under such lamps, changes may begin in her mammary glands.

    During the procedure, the body loses a lot of moisture. It is necessary for normal lactation, so after visiting a solarium, a woman may experience a decrease in milk supply.

    Rules for visiting a solarium for nursing mothers

    To make your visit to the solarium as safe as possible, follow a few rules:

    • All large moles need to be covered with special stickers; they should be issued by the salon. If after the procedure any moles have increased in size, be sure to consult a dermatologist or oncologist;
    • nipples must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The best option is to go to the solarium in a tight bra;
    • Before the procedure, drink half a liter of water, and after it - another 300 ml. This is necessary so that lactation does not stop due to lack of water;
    • Use sunscreen designed specifically for tanning beds. Choose a product without a strong odor, and after the procedure, rinse off the residue thoroughly so that the baby does not refuse to latch on to the breast;
    • After solarium, apply moisturizer to your skin to restore water balance;
    • you need to stay in the cabin for no more than 5 minutes;
    • Before visiting the solarium, ask the administration how long ago the lamps were changed. The organization must provide documentation of replacement and inspection of lamps. If they burn for more than 1000 hours, then it is unsafe to be under them.