Options for women's tattoos. Beautiful tattoos for girls

A beautiful tattoo for a girl is one of the best ways to express herself and decorate her body. Absolutely any design can be placed on a girl’s body, be it an image of a flower, an animal, an ornament or an inscription. There are many types of sketches: the choice depends only on your own preferences. The article presents a catalog of tattoos and their meaning for girls, as well as original examples with photographs.

Tattoos for girls on the body: the best places to apply the design

Mostly, women's tattoos are placed on the arms, wrists, thighs, back, ankles, forearms and shoulders. Recently, the idea of ​​a small tattoo behind the ear has been gaining popularity. The bravest girls get tattoos all over their bodies, but this option is an exception and is observed mainly in tribes.

Behind the ears

Ear tattoos are a new trend in tattoo art. Basically, small and simple tattoos in the style of minimalism or dotwork are applied to this place: flowers, arrows, patterns, etc. Many ladies are attracted by the fact that a small tattoo behind the ear can be easily hidden from prying eyes by letting their hair down. Look for interesting tattoo ideas for girls in the photo.

On the neck

On a graceful neck, a tattoo on girls always looks feminine and seductive. But due to the fact that there are protruding vertebrae on the neck, applying the design may cause some discomfort. This point should be taken into account by women with a low pain threshold.

On the collarbone

Small tattoos look great on the collarbone: patterns, floral motifs, inscriptions, birds, etc. You can find beautiful tattoos on a girl’s collarbone in the photo below.

On the hand and fingers

In the East, many women decorate the outer side of their palms with henna patterns. In Russia, this area for tattoos is not in particular demand, since the designs on it are associated with representatives of the criminal world.

However, finger tattoos, especially those applied on the inside, are, on the contrary, gaining popularity.
The best sketches are presented in the photo below.

On the wrist

Wrists are favorite places for tattoos for many girls. A small area is perfect for placing a symbol or a short phrase. See photos of elegant tattoos on girls below.

On the forearm and shoulder

These parts of the body provide scope for imagination when applying a tattoo, since their area is quite vast. For girls, these are one of the most famous places on the body, where they prefer to get tattoos on their bodies: any images and inscriptions look great on them.

Often, girls have sleeve tattoos on their arms made from all kinds of pictures and images. Popular themes include galaxy, steampunk, biomechanics and nature. Sleeves are the choice of brave women: not everyone can decide to wear them.

Unlike men, ladies choose colored tattoos made in styles using bright and rich shades: watercolor, new school, etc.

Tattoo patterns for girls on the arm are one of the most popular motifs all over the world.

On your back

The back is an alluring part of the female body, so various delicate and cute tattoos look gorgeous on it. Basically, images of flowers, birds, wings, a dream catcher and inscriptions are applied to this part of the body. A beautiful tattoo on the back allows a girl to stand out from the rest of the ladies in an original way.

Under the breast

Tattoos for girls under the breasts, as a rule, are a beautiful large pattern or ornament made in black. Small tattoos are less common.

On the ribs

Tattoos on the ribs of girls look very attractive. Basically, girls prefer to have small drawings or phrases printed on their sides, since the skin in this place has a minimal layer of fat and is close to the bones, therefore, it is highly sensitive.

On the stomach

The stomach is a sensitive place, so it is not particularly popular for tattooing among girls. Stomach tattoos are the choice of brave ladies who want to express their individuality in an original way.

On the hip

A tattoo on a girl’s thigh looks great when done in any style: from engraving to old school. In addition, the drawings allow you to successfully emphasize curves or hide figure flaws. Basically, flowers, animals and bows are applied to the thigh.

On the shin

Getting a tattoo on the shin is quite painful for many girls. Therefore, small tattoos are often applied to the lower leg: stars, letters and other small symbols.

Tattoo options for girls with designations

Let's look at a tattoo catalog with images that most women choose.

Rose tattoo. Red roses are a classic women's tattoo. These flowers are a symbol of sincere love, which is why many women prefer them as a tattoo. Another benefit of rose designs is that they can easily be combined with other images. Regarding the meaning of other flower colors: pink roses are considered a symbol of beauty and youth. White roses represent purity and innocent love and are also symbols of new beginnings and hope.

Delicate flower tattoos. Flowers are one of the most beautiful and exquisite creations of nature. They symbolize love, purity, innocence and attractiveness, making them the best choice for a women's tattoo design. The most popular floral patterns are lotus, daffodil, sunflower and sakura. Although each of the flowers has its own symbolic value, the overall appeal of floral motifs lies in the purity and femininity of the motifs.

Butterfly tattoo. Similar to floral designs, butterfly stencils are also one of the most popular tattoo design elements among girls. A woman wearing a colorful butterfly tattoo will definitely be the center of attraction wherever she goes.

Heart tattoos. The heart is a symbol of passion and sympathy, which is why it occupies an important place in women's tattoos. A heart-shaped tattoo can include a loved one's name or a meaningful phrase.

Zodiac sign. Some girls may prefer graphic tattoos that represent their zodiac sign. Such tattoos determine the general personality traits associated with the sign.

Bird tattoo. Basically, birds represent the freedom and independence that modern girls represent. But depending on the type of particular bird, the meaning can differ significantly: owls mean knowledge, swallows - devotion, eagles - independence, etc.

Animal tattoos. The most popular animals include foxes (cunning, adaptability), cats (mystery, intelligence), tigers (energy, passion), wolves (protection) and koi fish (luck).

Infinity symbol tattoo. Most women love this symbol because of its meaning. The infinity sign defines the concept of immensity and limitlessness.

Polynesian (Maori) tattoos are supposed to give strength to their wearers. Hence, tattoo designs are usually inked by people who want to become stronger. A Maori tattoo on a girl’s body means strength and endurance.

Contour tattoos for girls in the style of minimalism and graphics are at the peak of popularity. Many girls like these cool and neat tattoos due to their simplicity and originality.

Diamond tattoos. These precious stones symbolize not only luxury and preciousness, but immortality and permanence, and therefore are loved by many girls all over the world.

Phoenix tattoo. This mythical bird, which rises from its own ashes, is a symbol of the desire for immortality. A Phoenix tattoo gives a girl the strength and self-confidence necessary to start a new life after the drama she has experienced.

Cactus. This is a plant that is characterized by endurance. For this reason, a cactus tattoo is a symbol of amazing adaptability to the harshest living conditions. Such tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, especially among young women, as they symbolize their strength.

Dream catchers. These are beautiful talismans that are often decorated with beads and feathers. The dream catcher is designed to catch bad energies to ensure restful sleep. This motif has been in demand among women’s tattoos for several decades.

Beautiful tattoos for girls: photos of finished works

In fact, tattoo designs for girls are countless. The famous design elements used in women's designs are ribbons, bows, anchors, dragonflies, fairies, arrows, spiders, skulls, music, tattoos, koi fish, snakes, etc.

If a girl doesn’t want to put on a large picture, an alternative can be beautiful tattoos with a meaning in the form of an inscription. Phrases in the chosen language can be placed on any part of the body. Basically, quotes appear as the first tattoo for girls.

You will see fashionable tattoo options for girls in the photos below.

Wrist tattoos for girls have become incredibly popular lately. Beautiful ornaments, inscriptions, bracelets, floral motifs and images of fauna - what could be more beautiful and attractive? And if such a tattoo flaunts on a woman’s hand, it’s doubly sexy and piquant! The magnificence of this part of a girl’s body is extremely difficult to overestimate: since ancient times it has been glorified by artists, poets and musicians. In the 18th and 19th centuries, her “thinness” was a sign of belonging to blue blood, and owners of such forms were the object of persistent attention from men. So why don’t we return to the origins of this tradition and “point” society to our magnificent wrists? And an assistant in this matter will be... spectacular tattoos!

A little history

Decorating girls' wrists has a rich history. This “ritual” has long been part of the culture of many peoples. Women from ancient tribes often made various amulets from stones that their elders considered sacred. During the active search for new territories and opportunities, these decorations were the subject of exchange between the indigenous people and Europeans. Then they became almost a monetary measure; they could be given in exchange for spices, gold and precious stones. The desire to constantly decorate oneself is alive in modern ladies to this day. Only now, in addition to the usual costume jewelry and jewelry, you can see tattoos more and more often.

At the beginning of the development of this trend, ornaments imitating the sophisticated interlacing of bracelets were popular, while images of mighty and strong animals were welcomed in men's art. The application technique was simple and primitive - only one color was used, halftones and tones were not highlighted, and no one bothered with the contour at all.

Now the development of technological progress and creative abilities has pushed modern masters to constantly improve their techniques. Bright colors, semantic load, storyline - a real masterpiece can now show off on a girl’s wrist. 3D technologies are also being actively introduced, thanks to which the effect of volume and fullness is created.


A few decades ago, drawings on the body were a kind of symbol, now they are a way of self-expression. All feelings and emotions, hidden desires and secret thoughts - all this can be poured out into a small ornament. Girls generally tend to believe in the mystical principle, materialization and other unrealistic cosmic moments from the point of view of strict science. All of us, dear beauties, are simply confident that if a thought is written down and immortalized somewhere, it will definitely turn into something tangible. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that a tattoo on the wrist can become not only a stylish decoration, but also the basis of your principles, views, goals and desires.

Advice! Before you sign up for a salon, weigh the pros and cons, think carefully about all the nuances and make the only right decision. It is very important to understand the reasons for your impulse to get a tattoo - maybe it’s just a banal influence of fashion on your consciousness. And, by the way, do not forget to consult with your lover - such a change in your appearance must be agreed upon in order to avoid quarrels and scandals.

I must say that there are countless ideas for self-expression

  • Today's craftsmen can offer you ornaments in the form of bracelets, natural motifs, catchy phrases in Latin, English, Arabic, French, and even in the form of Japanese or Chinese characters.

  • In the catalog provided in the salon you will find images of insects, animals, birds and marine life.

  • Lovers of everything beautiful and sublime will definitely like the drawings representing notes, strings, guitars and other musical instruments.

  • Pictures with the names of countries and airplanes (a symbol of love of freedom) are suitable for beginners and experienced tourists.

  • Birds, butterflies, stars - here you need to pay attention not just to a beautiful picture, but also to the hidden meaning that lies in almost every sign.

  • People seeking to start a family can afford inscriptions such as “Family”, “Love”, children’s names or their dates of birth in the form of a barcode.

As you understand, this is not a complete list of what can be applied to your body, so you should not limit your choice to only these items. Now we will try to fully reveal the topic of current and popular tattoos, which are considered an absolute trend this year.

When every detail matters

Shapes, colors, the presence of contours, hidden meaning, decoration or expression of your own life position - only you will have to puzzle over all these questions. We can only tell you about the latest trends in this direction, which is what we will do right now.

  • Bracelets

A never-aging classic with a history that goes back decades. Such ornaments always look quite realistic, if, of course, an experienced craftsman who is able to clearly express the idea and do everything without defects had a hand in creating such a masterpiece.

When it comes to meaning, they are always different. This depends on the pattern you choose. It is worth noting that in different Internet sources there may be completely opposite statements on this matter, so before deciding on this or that ornament, consult with your master.

  • Ribbons, bows and other similar “cutes” will speak of your creativity, romanticism and sensitivity.

  • Swiss wristwatch- a sign of understanding the transience of time.
  • Natural motives- a symbol of nature and naturalness.
  • Feather- a distinctive feature of creators and creators.

  • High mountains– an ambiguous and meaningful bracelet. Some consider them a sign of freedom and the height of the human spirit, others - power and greatness.
  • tree branches, wrapped around the arm, speak of perseverance and the masculine, strong-willed character characteristic of a fragile woman.

  • Meaningful inscriptions

This method of application never goes out of style, although individuality is very important in this matter. On your wrist you can put the date of your first date with your beloved man, your wedding day, the birth of a child, names, thematic words that act as your life motto. Also, with the help of such inscriptions you can not only express your own “I”, but also motivate you to take certain actions. For example, if people lack dedication or perseverance, or, conversely, reliability. Choose phrases according to your mood and life credo that will serve as a source of inspiration and a reason for additional motivation.

  • Symbols and signs

This technique is surrounded by an aura of mystery, because it is full of hidden meaning, which one does not always want to talk about. Such tattoos are made, rather, for one’s loved one. These can be hieroglyphs, strict combinations of geometric shapes, mysterious patterns. It is extremely difficult for a stranger to determine at first glance what load all these signs carry. And if you decide to get such a tattoo, be prepared for numerous questions.

  • #Mymy

This hashtag began to be actively promoted several years ago by a famous TV presenter, who at that time was happy and loved. The story of her marriage, unfortunately, had a tragic ending, but the star tattoo remained on her skin, most likely forever.

We did not write this phrase by chance. It is this that most vividly and voluminously characterizes images for two, in our opinion. If you're in a romantic mood right now, your eyes are sparkling, and the butterflies in your stomach still can't calm down, a great (not trivial!) way to express your mutual feelings would be to go to the salon together. Such an ultra-original date will not only add even more passion and fulfillment to your relationship, but will also give you a lot of positive impressions.

Before you cross the threshold of the workshop, think together about what your relationship might represent. Maybe you are united by creativity, opposing views on life, passion, kindness, respect, or hope for a future together. A dandelion looks very impressive, the seeds of which scatter from one hand to the other. Also in great demand are images of wings, which, by the way, can be tattooed on the wrists of dearly adored girlfriends who are connected by years of warm and tender friendship.

  • Birds

In order to emphasize cheerfulness and optimism, you can “stuff” images of hummingbirds. They are considered a symbol of happiness and love. Couple lovebirds should always remind you of the loyalty and devotion of your other half. But whatever the bird you choose, the wings will always be a symbol of freedom, sky, air and flight of thought.

Your passion for the sea and the beach will be clearly expressed by seagulls. These representatives of the fauna constantly circle over the expanses of water and have the opportunity to fly where they want and bask as much as they like in the gentle waves of the warm ocean.

Advice! If a tattoo on your wrist is your first acquaintance with the world of art, it is better to give preference to small stars; they will not take up much space, and, if necessary, they can be easily hidden under a bracelet or watch. They symbolize success, good luck and the desire to achieve everything that is so necessary in the life of every person.

  • Infinity

An inverted eight is a sign of simplicity and genius. Many of the best minds on this planet have spent a lot of time unraveling the mystery of this symbol. This was the impetus for the development of his popularity. It’s as if with all his appearance he is shouting that it is impossible to comprehend the world - there will always be something that you have not yet seen or heard. Infinity can also serve as an expression of your love for your own child or spouse - it is endless like the universe, sublime and unquestioning.

Benefits of drawings on the hand

Well, we have listed the main directions in tattoo art, but you should not get hung up on these options. There are still a huge number of both decoration techniques and its themes. And if you are still at a crossroads and are thinking whether to do something or not, in the end we are ready to provide you with a few parting arguments in favor of a tattoo on the wrist:

  • Stylized ornaments and inscriptions attract the attention of others
  • A drawing can have a deep meaning.
  • If you choose some cute little animals, stars, hearts or flowers, this will serve as an additional source of your femininity and coquetry.
  • If desired, the “painting” can be hidden under a watch, bracelet or long sleeve.
  • With the help of a tattoo it is easy to hide scars, pigmentation or burns.

Don't be afraid to experiment, because they have many obvious advantages!

Tattoos for girls have long become a separate category of tattoo art and have only their inherent features and characteristics. Modern ideas and technologies in tattoo art have reached such heights that they allow girls to make truly unique and interesting images on the body that can highlight the beauty and elegance of the female figure. Having decided to get a tattoo, every representative of the fair half of humanity can effortlessly find something interesting and special for herself, and a professional tattoo artist will do the work carefully and accurately, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

The meaning and meaning of a tattoo

Every girl, planning to get a tattoo, should think about what meaning and meaning her body design will carry.

There are tattoos with purely decorative purposes; as a rule, they are applied for aesthetic pleasure and admiring glances from people around. These tattoo images are very imaginative, bright and beautiful. They can reflect a girl’s hobbies, character traits and habits, but do not carry a deep sacred meaning.

There are women's tattoos applied to protect against the evil eye and to strengthen one's own energy field, preventing others from disturbing the peace of mind with their unkind thoughts and desires. These are talisman tattoos, and just like for any amulet, you need to carefully consider their location on the body.

There are representatives of the fair sex for whom it is important to have motivation in life that would make them move forward, overcoming all fears and complexes. Tattoos with a deep philosophical idea, or tattoos with the names of very important and significant people in a girl’s life, any dates or associative words and symbols are perfect as a motivator.

Did you know? Among famous girls there are many lovers of tattoos. Pink, Rihanna, as well as domestic performers Nargiz Zakirova, Diana Arbenina, Zemfira can boast of a large number of body images.

Theme of tattoos for girls

Each girl has her own unique charm and, of course, wants to put something special on her body that reflects her inner world. Fortunately, there are plenty of topics in women’s tattoos.

  • Images of plants and animals are one of the most popular trends in women's tattoos. Refined and gentle representatives of the fair half of humanity want to emphasize their image with various flower arrangements and images of various cute animals (kittens, foxes, owls, rabbits, birds, butterflies).
  • Decorative abstract patterns have been very popular among girls in recent years. Refined and ornate lines are chosen for the design, in combination with elements of geometric and floral patterns; such tattoos look very impressive and original.
  • Tattoos for girls in the form of inscriptions are another popular trend. The inscription can be your favorite philosophical saying or life slogan, you can put the names of significant people in your life (child, parents, lover) or your own.
  • Symbolic images are a type of tattoo in which the image of any significant moments, objects, signs is applied in the form of symbols; such tattoos have a deep sacred meaning and are applied as amulets.

Color design and artistic design of tattoos

Having decided on the theme of the drawing, you should decide the next important point: what color scheme the tattoo will be made in. You can be guided by your own feelings or trust the professionalism of the artist in the tattoo parlor, who, due to experience and skill, will undoubtedly suggest the right decision.

As a rule, inscriptions and symbols are made in one color in order to focus attention only on the semantic load contained in the tattoo. Abstract and ornamental motifs can be made either in one color or using a full palette of shades. Recently, abstract tattoos for girls are often performed using the “dot work” technique, which allows the image to be bright and clear.

If we are talking about images of plants and animals, then most often the tattoo is applied in color. Using a deep palette of colors allows you to make the design expressive and noticeable on the girl’s body.

Plants are often applied to the skin using a realistic technique, as well as simulating oil or watercolor painting, which makes the tattoo original and unusual. Animals can be drawn in a realistic manner with effect, or be stylized. To apply images in the style of manga or comics, the “new school” technique is most often used, which originated relatively recently, but is increasingly gaining popularity.

In the 21st century, girls and women with tattoos are not a rarity, but a quite noticeable fashion trend. Today you can see a representative of the fair sex with an unusual pattern on her hips or a symbolic inscription on her neck anywhere - on the beach, in the gym or in a nightclub. Moreover, even office “prudes” are actively involved in the culture of body painting. And this culture is gaining momentum in popularity every day, its own directions are being formed. Actually, one of the global trends is women's tattoos.

Of course, tattoos cannot be roughly divided by gender, since the art of tattooing knows no such boundaries. However, there is also no point in denying the existence of traditionally female tattoos. Body painting on the female body has its own specificity, its own range of subjects and its own unique style. Even the master, when tattooing a woman’s body, approaches his work with particular delicacy, trying to turn the thigh, stomach or back of the next muse into a work of art. In addition, since women's skin has its own specifics compared to men's, the patterns on it also look slightly different.

Tattoos for girls are a special piquant decoration. Some fans of body painting prefer to paint entire pictures of their athletic bodies, but most ladies prefer small tattoos made in less visible places. For example, a barely noticeable tribal just above the buttocks can appeal even to those who are skeptical about women’s tattoos. What can we say about beautiful surprises for a narrow circle of people, made in the most unexpected places.

What really matters?

So, the girl decided to complement her image with a bright composition. She should follow a number of tips to ensure that her debut in body painting is successful and stunning:

  • Quality over size. If a roughly executed tattoo looks harmonious on a man’s body, then such a design can become a serious problem for a girl. A beauty and a low-quality army tattoo just don’t go together, no matter how you look at it.
  • The right place is half the success. A tattoo does not have to be shown to everyone around you, especially if your line of work involves live communication with people. It is much more interesting to show off a tattoo in an informal or even intimate setting. When a “good” girl suddenly turns out to be a fan of body painting, it looks especially stylish.
  • More grace. The female body is an ideal place for sophisticated compositions. It is the flawless, smooth female skin that will become an excellent “canvas” for the delicate work of a true master of sketches.

Ideas for experiments

Women's tattoos are, as a rule, beautiful works made in a romantic style. But even a brutal story on a woman’s body can be presented in a special way. We will offer several ideas that will help make the tattoo authentic, bright and at the same time a feminine and mysterious highlight of your body.

  • The hip area is an exclusively female place, as representatives of the stronger sex ignore such “locations”. At the same time, a girl who takes care of her figure can add some spice to her look by decorating her luxurious thighs with flowers, patterns, or even snakes or imitation sexy stockings.
  • This place is ideal for small, barely noticeable tattoos, which, nevertheless, can be an unusual addition to the image. The advantage of an ankle tattoo is that, if you wish, you can easily hide the composition from prying eyes, demonstrating this piquant feature of your body only in an informal setting.
  • More flowers - less skulls. Of course, if you decide to decorate yourself with traditionally masculine paintings, then you can do it elegantly and with ladylike style. But we still recommend turning to more peaceful subjects that are harmoniously combined with the female image.

Each tattoo is a reflection of a personality, which means that when choosing a design it is better to focus not so much on gender, but on your inner identity. At the same time, we should not forget that for a woman, a tattoo is, first of all, a decoration.

Tattoos, regardless of where they are applied, can be either boring or informative, original and individual. This especially applies to hand tattoos for girls, as well as any open tattoos. You will learn from this article what to do to make your body art decorate you and not depersonalize you.

At the height of fashion

Women's beautiful tattoos have a special meaning. Trees, flowers and other symbols of romance remain popular.

Beautiful designs on the hand can also be done with henna, then they can be changed depending on the mood or stage of life. A drawing is not always a talisman; it can simply reflect fashion trends.

  • Orchid

Women's tattoos in the shape of an orchid on the arm are the standard of tenderness and purely feminine beauty. The most popular are yellow, pink and red. Single flowers and small inflorescences are possible.

  • Rose

A beautiful tattoo symbolizing beauty and great love. It is large in size. Made in red, blue and black and white.

  • Lotus

The discreet symbol comes from Buddhism. Serves as the embodiment of harmony and peace. The dimensions of the design are small, and it is executed in black and white, although color variations are not excluded.

  • Star

A popular tattoo that has symbolized vitality and inspiration since ancient times. A sign of good luck and change of fate. Performed anywhere on the surface of the hand.

  • Tree

A symbol of growth, spiritual development and advancement. May be growing or mature.

  • Lily

A truly feminine symbol, vulnerable and rebellious, revered by men. Symbolizing power and unity, it is popular in France.

  • Butterfly

A symbol of lightness, simplicity and tenderness, true and rapid life. The most beautiful images combine different shades of colors and motifs. Black and white sketches are no less popular.

  • Ornament

It is possible to apply the ornament on the hand anywhere. A large pattern on the shoulder or forearm is relevant.

  • Crown

The crown has symbolized power and the royal family since the distant times of the Middle Ages. Tattoos in the shape of a crown are a rare option that suits powerful and purposeful individuals endowed with authority.

As a tattoo on the hand for girls, the crown can be made with irony or pathos. The choice of style depends on the character and age of the girl, as well as her outlook on life.

  • Animals

Recently, tattoos depicting animals have become common:

  • A panther is incomparable to a cat, since it has great strength and majesty. The panther lacks fear and pity, but it shows care and tenderness towards its relatives. Often the image shows a grin.
  • The lizard is popular in Indonesia and Oceania. She is a keeper of secrets and is not dangerous, but you need to be careful with her.
  • Deer is a complex symbol responsible for wanderings and travel. A joyful symbol associated with love and tranquility.
  • The fox is a sign of temptation. Applied by the strongest and most confident people. Can be depicted sleeping, in the process of a graceful jump, or during the hunt. This tattoo is used only by women.
  • The snake symbolizes fear, deceit, trouble and danger, but is invariably respected by everyone. He bites and kills extremely quickly, because he has a cold mind and cold blood.

However, many girls prefer simpler tattoos:

  • heart - as an unchanging symbol of love, harmony, feelings, emotions and romance;
  • clover - as a symbol of goodness and tranquility, executed in the form of individual petals or a small flower with an addition in the form of leaves;
  • geometric symbols - do not carry meaning and are small in size, intertwined with each other.

Playing with color

Colored arm tattoos for girls are popular and filled with positivity and originate from Japan, where natural dyes have been used since the 18th century. The basis for the sketches were pictures of nature, holidays and everyday life.

In the 19th–20th centuries. colored tattoos have gained popularity in Europe. The initial motives were associated with the East. Subsequently, on the hands of young fashionistas one could increasingly see images of fish, tigers, flowers, fish, etc. Permanent chemical dyes did not fade for a long time.

Modern tattoos for girls on the arm are akin to paintings filled with colors that are able to convey all the richness of natural shades.

Each shade has a meaning:

  • white is a symbol of purity, goodness and innocence (in the East it symbolizes death);
  • black - lust, evil, desire to increase the degree of vitality;
  • red - vitality, wisdom and energy;
  • yellow - warmth, light, separation, betrayal, betrayal, wealth and power. According to Eastern mythology - an abundant harvest and a rebellious spirit;
  • green and blue - success in everything, blessings, luck, energy from within;
  • gold - wealth and leadership;
  • purple - commitment to the intended goal, perseverance and desire for power.

Captions: select a phrase

There can be no restrictions from a design point of view. Execution can occur in any style, decorating different parts of the hand. The main thing is the artistic taste and capabilities of the girl herself.

Small inscriptions on the hand can be black or resemble colorless scars, which is unusually stylish lately.

Tattoos on the wrist for girls in the form of inscriptions symbolize their position in life and relationships with others. Instead of inscriptions with translations, hieroglyphs are popular among fashionistas.

Often the inscription is a tattoo on the inside of the arm, because girls choose phrases with personal content. The following have gained particular popularity among young connoisseurs of original fashion:

  • Latin expressions without translation;
  • Arabic sayings about love;
  • initials: own or close people’s;
  • phrases associated with a specific religion;
  • memorable phrases based on dates.

Exquisite inscriptions are printed on the shoulders, forearm area and wrists in the form of letters and other symbols.

Bracelet tattoo

A tattoo in the shape of a bracelet looks quite discreet due to its small size. Ideal for girls who are required to strictly adhere to a strict dress code at work, since they are not visible from under their blouse. They are imitation of beautiful jewelry with meaning. Particularly popular:

  • unusual patterns with graphics and a chain of figures;
  • imitation of jewelry: baubles, chains, beads, necklaces;
  • imitation steel metal bracelets and barbed wire;
  • neat patterns of lace and ribbons;
  • inscriptions with phrases about life and love;
  • imitation of cuts, scars and other damage.

A tattoo bracelet on the arm expresses the inner world and emphasizes the degree of individuality of its owner. Jewelry lovers are delighted with it.


A sleeve tattoo is an extremely bold and informal option because the design is quite large. The girls’ hands decorate entire landscapes and paintings filled with deep meaning. In painted tattoo sleeves, the range can be either dark or multi-colored. There are three sleeve options in total:

  • full - from the wrist to the shoulder area;
  • half - from elbows to forearms and vice versa;
  • quarter - to the middle part of the forearm;

Flowers, fruits, hieroglyphs, cartoon characters, etc. can be intertwined in women's tattoo sleeves. Applying a tattoo with henna on the arm for girls and other materials requires at least 6 visits to the salon. The long-awaited result can be obtained after 6 months.

Mini options

For graceful girls, small tattoos on the arm are suitable. They are discreet, compact, and hide well under clothing.

Tattoos on the hand serve as an expression of individuality, tell about character traits and express a life position. They are made in the form of amulets and reliably protect against troubles.

The following styles of small-sized tattoos are distinguished:

  • realistic – with clear details;
  • new school – mischievous, fairy-tale, cartoon characters and heroes of different colors;
  • old school – amulets against troubles based on the sea theme, very bright;
  • various inscriptions and symbols;
  • ethnic drawings with meaning.

For a mini-tattoo on their arm, girls choose:

  • anchor - associated not only with the sea, but also with tranquility, good luck, family life;
  • birds - symbolizes the freedom of creative natures;
  • the bow is a symbol of beauty, but does not carry much meaning;
  • butterfly is an image of lightness, prosperity and well-being;
  • The cat is a symbol of sexuality, sharp mind, grace, independence, grace and mystery.

Small tattoos are best done by professionals. An inexperienced artist can turn a small drawing into a blurry spot.

On the fingers

Tattoos applied to fingers should be modest and discreet. They are like stylish jewelry. The first to introduce such an original decoration into fashion was the mischievous Rihanna. Gradually fashionistas picked up this idea. Using phrases, they began to apply the following tattoos to their thin fingers:

  • cross (most often a Latin cross is depicted on the fingers);
  • a ring that can be applied to any finger, be massive or neat, with elements in the shape of a bow, heart, and even a crown;
  • brass knuckles (suitable for brave girls with a special lifestyle, since this image cannot be hidden);
  • various phrases and inscriptions;
  • abstractions that may carry hidden meaning.

Since a girl’s fingers are always visible, a smart step would be temporary tattoos that can be made permanent.

On the wrist

The girl's wrists are very delicate and her skin is thin. Therefore, tattoo artists must be very careful. You should choose to apply inscriptions that will not be completely covered:

  • plexuses or phrases near the wrist;
  • numerous small elements lacking clear detail;
  • floral patterns;
  • tattoos paired with the other hand;
  • randomly applied designs from wrist to elbow.

Often on girls’ wrists you can see tattoos in the form of butterflies, doves, stars, dolphins, cats and, of course, vine-like flowers.

Fashionable tattoos for girls, which are applied to the arm, are experiencing the peak of their popularity. Many of them have a hidden meaning. This is a great way to express your character traits and communicate your position in life to the world.

Video about tattoo on hand