Amethyst (stone): properties, zodiac sign. Amethyst crystal

Amethyst is a transparent stone that has a purple hue, but pink and green amethyst are also available. It is very attractive in appearance, so it is often used in the creation of jewelry. Even from a photo you can appreciate the beauty of the stone. However, this is not its main advantage. The main thing is that amethyst has magical properties, so it can be used as an amulet. Amethyst got its name from the Greek nymph Amethys.

If we translate the name literally, it means “not drunk.” The magical properties of the amethyst stone are so strong that they help it resist the forces of evil, as well as protect its owner from them. However, not everyone can wear it. It suits some zodiac signs perfectly, while for others its wearing is contraindicated. Today we will tell you who amethyst is suitable for and what its meaning is.

The main meaning of the amethyst stone is that it protects against intoxication and poisoning. Therefore, it was one of the most popular minerals in past times. Amethyst was used to decorate the dishes of the nobility so that people of high origin would not suffer from the effects of poisons, which at that time were often added to drinks or food. Nowadays, the stone is often used for the same purpose. In addition, it helps to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction.

In addition, the amethyst stone has the following properties: it attracts happiness and love. Thanks to him you can find your soulmate.

If the feelings are mutual, then you can give your chosen one jewelry with this stone. Then he will cement the union and help maintain the feeling of lovers for a long time. for many years. The mineral also helps create a strong family. However, you cannot give it as a gift if the object of your desire is already in another relationship. It does not help break up families and separate lovers. In this case, the stone will only strengthen their union and destroy the vicious relationship.

Another meaning of the amethyst stone is that it helps you get on the right path and does not allow you to deviate from it. In addition, it gives peace of mind and relieves the burden of past actions.

Amethyst has protective properties, and its meaning lies in the fact that it protects the owner from evil forces and evil witchcraft (evil eye, damage and love spells). In addition, the mineral helps to establish relationships with others and protects against gossip, intrigue, etc.

Amethyst has another meaning - it relieves insomnia and protects the owner from nightmares. Thanks to him, a person wakes up rested and full of strength.

Amethyst has magical properties that slow down external aging processes. It helps preserve your beauty and youth for many years. In addition, the mineral helps to recognize lies. With its help you can “bring to clean water"a deceitful person with bad intentions.

The magic stone, whose name is amethyst, reveals to a person the secrets of the universe, opens a short path to knowledge and relieves him of false truths. In addition, the mineral develops hidden talents and gives inspiration to creative people.

Amethyst has healing properties. There is an opinion that it helps to cope with some pathologies of the liver and kidneys, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and eases the course of colds. In addition, it relieves headaches, improves blood circulation, gastrointestinal function and eliminates problems with the epidermis.

Amethyst has the ability to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, it cannot be worn constantly. In order to rid the stone of it, you need to hold it in running water for a while. After this it can be used again.

As already mentioned, this stone is not suitable for everyone. Next, we will find out who this mineral is suitable for and who it is not.

Who is Amethyst suitable for by zodiac sign?

If you rely on the horoscope, you need to know which zodiac sign this mineral is suitable for and which it is contraindicated for. Such data will be shown in the table below.

Amethyst compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

If amethyst is suitable for your zodiac sign, then it is also important to know what properties it has in a particular case. So, the mineral is ideal for Aries. Amethyst calms him down and helps him find harmony both with himself and with the world around him. The stone “cools down” the hot ardor of Aries. It helps you make thoughtful decisions with a “cool head” and not in a fit of anger. In addition, the mineral softens the too harsh character of Aries.

Another zodiac sign for which this stone is ideal is Aquarius. In this case, he bestows wisdom and vitality that will help you cope with even the most difficult life situations. In addition, the mineral helps to get rid of negative character traits and grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft.

For Pisces, Cancers and Sagittarius, although this stone is not the main mineral, it will help them find happiness and love. With its help, these zodiac signs can build a strong family. In addition, in this case the mineral attracts good luck and bestows financial well-being.

Green amethyst

Green amethyst is a special variety of this mineral. It also has another name - . The green stone, unlike other amethysts, can be worn by all zodiac signs without exception.

It is ideal for Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries and Pisces. In this case, it gives peace and tranquility. It helps to get rid of bad thoughts, cope with depression and calm your anger. In addition, the mineral grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. It also helps to create a strong family and protects it from quarrels and scandals.

The green amethyst stone gives Gemini peace of mind and relieves insomnia. In addition, it protects against nightmares. Thanks to him, Cancers find harmony with themselves and with the world around them. For Taurus, green amethyst helps cope with depression and gives optimism.

How to choose and wear

For an amethyst to bestow protection, prosperity and love, you need to be able to choose and wear it correctly. This mineral, regardless of color, must be framed in gold or silver. In the first case, the metal will enhance the calming properties of amethyst. Therefore, a stone set in gold helps better cope with emotional distress and depression. As for silver, it helps to improve relationships with others. In addition, amethyst encased in this metal improves performance reproductive system women and even helps her get rid of infertility.

It is recommended to wear the stone in the form of a ring. Men should wear it on the ring finger of their right hand, and women should wear it on the ring finger of their left hand. In addition, the stone can be worn as a pendant or necklace.

Knowing what properties amethyst has and who this stone is suitable for, you can acquire a strong amulet for yourself and your loved ones.

Many people want to know what the stone is amethyst, its properties, who is suitable for this extraordinary decoration. A few centuries ago, Greek nymphs considered it one of the most powerful talismans. In modern times, the female half of humanity is still confident that this particular accessory will make the owner happy.

The magical power of the stone

If you delve into the history of ancient times, you will find out that this particular emblem was depicted on dishes. The person who drank the drink from the amulet cup saved himself from the penetration of poisons into the body and from intoxication. Believers also had no doubt about the power of this stone, so a similar emblem could be seen on the clothes of church workers.

This talisman was first mentioned in Sumerian inscriptions. They said that the stone has unique magical properties; it attracts happiness and love. Its owner could forget about his previous passion and open his heart to new feelings. However, these are not all the magical properties of the talisman. Sailors and fishermen believed that this stone would definitely tell them the right direction.

Meaning of the stone

Amethyst means the kindest and most tender feelings:

  • Devotion;
  • Integrity;
  • Purity.

This amulet has a great influence on dependent individuals, many people give a talisman to drug addicts and alcoholics with the hope that they will be able to get rid of their addiction.

If the stone is located next to the bed, then the person lying on it will forget about bad thoughts, bad dreams and amnesia.

The main power of the stone is aimed at attracting happiness. Its owner will protect himself from gossip, illness and the evil eye. It is advisable to place amethyst in houses where families live, as its influence protects from conflicts.

Since ancient times this stone has been called third eye. The person who touches it becomes the most developed spiritually. People living in different parts of the planet are confident in the power of this talisman. For one people he is a symbol of sincerity, and for residents of some countries this is indispensable fountain of youth.

The owner of the talisman can control his thoughts, thus saving himself from melancholy, mental pain and evil intentions. Amethyst is responsible for all the purest feelings: love, sincerity and peace of mind. A person who is under the influence of this stone begins to feel freedom. Such people begin to create, fall in love and share their wisdom.

Proper use of amethyst

The stone truly has universal properties, this has already been tested by a huge number of people. In order for it to “work”, it needs to be apply correctly.

  • You need to carry an amethyst with you all the time, put it under your pillow, take it on the road and keep it with you at all times. Only in this case will it endow the owner with happiness.
  • The talisman has the ability to change mood, so you need to protect it from negative energy.
  • It is forbidden to wear the stone in places where there are quarrels, conflicts and scandals; under such circumstances, it accumulates negativity and transfers it to its owner.
  • If this does happen, then you need to “calm” the talisman and charge it with positive energy; to do this, you need to hold it under running water for about 5 minutes.
  • It is advisable that the owner buy the stone himself. Such a talisman can also be presented as a gift, but it can only be given to a loved one with good and bright intentions. When giving it away, you must charge it with positive energy, saying what it will bring to the owner strong love, mutual understanding and family life without conflicts.
  • You should not give a talisman with bad intentions, for example, if a girl wants to fall in love with a man and take him away from the family, in this case she will not be happy even when she manages to do this.

Putting a stone on the window you can determine the weather, before precipitation falls, it will change color.

Talisman and astrology

By looking at the horoscope of a certain zodiac sign, you can see that it corresponds to a certain stone that will bring him good luck. Amethyst was no exception; astrologers believe that if people wear it air elements, then they will undoubtedly be happy.

According to official data, this talisman symbolizes Aquarius. They have similar changeable personalities. This stone is also good for Aries. This zodiac sign has a hot temper, and the stone will calm the person at the necessary moments. Aquarians need to wear amethyst in a special insert, which will allow them to become the most responsible.

If necessary, people of other zodiac signs who need to restore vitality can wear the stone.

Another suitable sign- This Fish. It will bring them prosperity in all areas. Only with people of this sign does the stone accumulate negative energy to a lesser extent under the influence of external factors. From Sagittarius, on the contrary, the stone takes on positive qualities, since this sign is endowed with optimism. For Libra, amethyst will help improve family relationships. But there are also people for whom this stone is not suitable, such as Leos and Taurus.

The stone also symbolizes number three, so it is also suitable for those born 3, 12, 21 and 30 numbers.

What does the mineral look like?

Besides everyone positive qualities, amethyst is also incredibly beautiful stone. Its ability to change color depending on weather conditions is also surprising. The most best place to wear it, it is the ring finger, so it is advisable to purchase a talisman in the form of a symbolic ring.

It is worth noting that women must wear jewelry only on the left hand, and the men are on the right. Many people decorate this stone with an additional setting, but this can only be done if it does not affect its magical abilities. You can use silver as an insert; it will additionally bring good luck. And if you place the talisman in a gold frame, it will reward the owner and energy balance.

Amethyst from a medical point of view

A few centuries ago, amethyst in its natural form was an indispensable healer for people who had problems with the nervous system; it had a calming effect on them.

It is believed that this talisman can save a person from many diseases:

  • The mineral is able to cope with headaches and panic fears. Using the mineral you can also cure a number of diseases associated with the kidneys and liver.
  • Amethyst is necessary for people who have memory problems. For the stone to start working, you need to place it on the problem area and believe in its power.
  • You can be treated not only with the talisman itself, but also with the water that was charged with it. For example, to get rid of freckles you need to wipe your face with a healing liquid.

Each person carries his own energy, which depends on the time of his birth. Therefore, before buying a talisman, you should think about what an amethyst stone is, what its properties are and who this mineral is suitable for. Otherwise, this symbolic amulet will not bring the desired result.

Video about amethyst

Amethyst stone is a luxurious mineral known to mankind since ancient times. It belongs to the generally accepted category, the category of second-order precious stones, due to its noble color, transparency and variety of shades. For its beauty, luxury and rarity, purple amethyst is generally recognized as a gemstone of the first order.

Interesting! Amethyst is a stone that, in terms of composition and properties, is classified as quartz.

Origin story: a glimpse into the past

The history of the mineral goes back to ancient times. Research by scientists confirms that amethysts were found in the ancient East and medieval Europe. It was also noted in Egypt, and in the ancient state the stone was considered to have truly magical properties and was considered blessed. IN Ancient Rome used as ornamental materials that decorated small decorative items. In Ancient Greece they always sincerely believed that the mineral protected the owner from drunkenness, which is why this name was given to it.

Amethysts owe their name to the Greek language. The name of the mineral literally translates as “not drunk.” There are other more poetic names for the amethyst stone - “stone violet”, “lilac stone nobility”, bishop’s or apostle’s stone.

It's interesting that in Ancient China We have also heard about amethyst. Ancient manuscripts of the Celestial Empire indicated that the mineral was used to make small bowls and vessels that were used to store aromatic oils. Amethysts were also famous in Rus'. Here he was especially revered by the archbishops, which is why they named them after the clergy. Such noble material was loved by noble princes, nobles, and crowned, crowned persons. Therefore, along with the stone, amethyst adorned the crown of Queen Irina Godunova.

This is interesting! Only from the 18th century. Amethyst stone has become a favorite mineral of many jewelry houses, where it is used to produce a variety of jewelry. They were intended not only for noble nobles, but were also offered to everyone who could pay for them.

Properties of amethyst stone

Typically, an amethyst stone grows on a nondescript gray base and resembles an elongated thin scepter. The well-known properties of the amethyst stone are its deep purple hue, which can be light or rich, deep dark. Green amethyst is found in nature and is also highly valued by jewelers. But black amethyst is a real rarity with a deep opaque color. Much less common is pink amethyst, which is classified as quartz.

Important! Under the influence of ultraviolet light ( sunlight) the stone burns out quickly. For each year of exposure to the sun, the material loses about 1% of its color intensity.

Amethysts are stones that are a variety of silica, and have the formula of all quartz – SiO2. Minerals such as manganese, iron, and cobalt may be found as impurities. In nature, it occurs in an oblong, elongated shape, and can be translucent. It is the latter that are highly valued by jewelers.

The different shades are explained by the presence of special impurities of cobalt, iron or manganese. Some attribute this to the disrupted structure of the crystal lattice, while others talk about natural dye impurities.


In nature you can find amethyst stone, the properties of which can change over time, found in the form of brushes, druses, and crystals. Russia and Asia, Africa and South America are especially rich in deposits. The color, impurities and quality of the stones will differ depending on the depth of the deposit. The highest quality nuggets are found in Africa, but only a small number have been found. There are a lot of amethysts in Brazil, but the quality is not the best. But the Ural amethyst is recognized as the most valuable, expensive, and beautiful - a stone with properties of the highest order. It is named "deep Siberian" after the deposit.

Healing properties of amethyst stone

Lithotherapists claim that the properties of the amethyst stone can be healing. This material is endowed with characteristics and features that will help:

  • forget about skin ailments;
  • relieve stress;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • get rid of depression;
  • forget about insomnia;
  • improve vision;
  • forget about the headache;
  • relieve muscle fatigue and fully relax.

It is believed that amethyst, which a person carries with him constantly, can protect against infectious diseases and allow him to prolong youth.

Magical properties of amethyst

  1. Since ancient times, purple amethyst has been credited with a variety of properties. The main property was that it prevents the development of hangover syndrome and generally prevents the owner from falling asleep. It is enough to use purple amethyst to inlay jewelry or as a pendant to overcome the craving for alcohol.
  2. The features and unique capabilities of the stone included the ability to give cheerfulness to the owner in the morning and replenish energy. This stone of blessing and prudence was highly valued by the ministers of the church. Often used to direct one's mind in a certain direction for the subsequent development of a person in a chosen field.
  3. Especially valuable is pink amethyst, which was considered the patron of emotions, feelings, and love. It is this beautiful stone of deep color that is recommended to be presented as a gift to the object of your love. Since ancient times, amethysts have been ranked among the stones of peace, blessing, pacification, they became the key to long and successful relationship, became a symbol of reconciliation.
  4. Until now, purple and green amethyst is considered a symbol of success in business; it becomes a talisman of business relationships and business development. This valuable mineral contributes to the transformation of a person, his inner world, appearance, and feelings.

Interesting! Amethyst has always been classified as very strong magic stones, which was even applied to the forehead to relieve headaches, is also used in esoteric rituals.

Talismans and amulets

Green, purple or black amethyst is a talisman of protection against extraneous anger, rage and malice. It is also an amulet that saves its owner from drunkenness.

Amethyst set in gold becomes a symbol of success and balance, both in personal and business affairs. But in combination with silver, amethyst can bring real happiness to the house - often a woman who chooses such jewelry quickly becomes pregnant. Even disembodied women brought the long-awaited child just such a stone.

To dispel alcohol intoxication and wine fumes, it is recommended to constantly carry such a talisman with you. It is believed that constantly wearing an amulet that contains amethysts, not necessarily natural ones, allows you to get rid of addiction, develop willpower and even recover from alcoholism.

Amethyst colors

In nature, the most common purple mineral grows on a gray, nondescript substrate. Deposits of other types of stones have also been found, which are presented in green, purple, pink, and black colors.

These are amazing stones of natural origin. For their luxurious, delicate shade they received another name - proselytes. The very rare material has become precious and is used by jewelers to create single or collectible pieces. To give a special shade, a unique cut is used that amazes the imagination.

The cost of precious and rather rare material is low. This can be explained simply - in such material you can often find needle-shaped inclusions, which reduce, and significantly, the price natural material. Some people purchase stones with just such needle-like inclusions, because they believe that such an addition makes the mineral piquant, unique, and original.

This is a rare, unique material for which you should choose an extremely expensive and valuable frame. This material is classified more like quartz, and it can be opaque, with speckled inclusions, which only adds to its special, unique charm.

Important! Since the pink amethyst stone is quite rare, it is recommended to store it only in opaque packaging or a dark place. In the light, pink amethyst (quartz) quickly loses color, it becomes pale gray. It is the pink shade that is recognized as a symbol of health.

Black amethyst is a real king, which is quite rare in nature. It is created by nature itself, and it spends several million years on its brainchild, therefore such a treasure cannot be cheap. This is a truly expensive mineral that requires high-quality, refined and expensive cutting.

It is valued not only by jewelers, but also by those people who believe in its magical, healing properties. It is believed that the material is able to combat stress and eliminate the consequences of the harmful effects of radioactive radiation. Psychics believe that amethyst is capable of “opening” inner vision – the “third eye”.

The pure purple hue is what made the stone so valuable and sought after by jewelers. In nature, there are various shades of purple amethyst - from the most delicate lilac to rich, deep and luxurious violet. Scientists say the main reason for this shade is inclusions of iron ions.

And this material can also lose shade depth if kept in the open. Ultraviolet radiation and even short-term heating will discolor the stone. Only a small fraction of the color will return to the mineral after complete cooling.

How to distinguish a fake?

Technologies make it possible to produce even artificially, let alone amethyst. Non-natural material is significantly inferior to its natural counterpart in terms of color depth, hardness and strength, and resistance to temperature fluctuations. To verify the naturalness of the proposed amethyst, the potential buyer is invited to conduct his own mini-test:

  • Check the mineral for inclusions, foreign impurities, and defects.
  • Check the uniformity of coloring and distribution of shades.
  • When immersed in water, artificial material will not lose its color around the edges, as will certainly happen with natural material.

There is another difference - the effect of temperature. When heated to 250 degrees natural stone able to lose color intensity, but do so evenly. But artificial material will only partially and fragmentarily lose color.

Artificial amethyst

Humanity has successfully synthesized artificial amethysts, which can be grown in special laboratories with specified color parameters. You can even choose the size of the stone that should be obtained after the procedure. The cost of artificial amethyst on the jewelry market is close to the price of a natural stone.

Amethyst stone - luxury of color and unique magical properties

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Amethyst shimmering with purple color leaves no one indifferent.

The rich color, transparency and crystalline appearance of the stone attracts jewelers and mineral lovers.

Until recently, it was believed that manganese, found in its composition, gives amethyst its unique color.

But later scientists proved:

This chemical element has nothing to do with it, and the purple color appears due to iron.

Amethyst acquires other shades if it stands for a long time under the sun, which affects its crystal lattice.

Meet Amethyst!

Amethyst belongs to quartz. It can have different colors - from dark purple to faint lilac. Direct rays of the sun make its color pale. There are even pink, bright red and purple stones found in nature. All of them have a glassy sheen.

From Greek, “amethyst” is translated as “not drunk.” The mineral received this name for a reason. There are rumors that it saves a person from alcoholism and prevents the development of an addiction.

The stone absorbs alcohol vapor, and the interesting thing is that its color does not change at all. That is, amethyst, so to speak, does not get drunk.

According to another legend, Bacchus, who patronized winemakers, once became angry with the earthly inhabitants because they no longer respected him.

Enraged, God cast a curse:

The first person he sees in front of him in the next few minutes will suffer a terrible punishment - wild tigers will attack him.

Just at that time a nymph was walking along the road with beautiful name Amethyst. When the animals attacked the unfortunate woman, she called for help from Diana, the goddess of the hunt, and she made a stone out of the nymph. The tigers retreated. Bacchus soon regretted his action and began pouring wine into the stone so that Amethyst would come to life again. But it was all in vain. The statue just changed color. Since then, amethyst has been purple.

Medicinal properties

The mineral is used as an anti-stress agent. It helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system, strengthens the central nervous system, and activates the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain.

The pituitary and pineal glands under the influence of amethyst begin to show greater activity, the blood is cleansed of harmful impurities, and the person feels a surge of strength and energy.

The stone is used in the treatment of mentally ill patients, as it has a beneficial effect on human consciousness, develops the intellect and personality as a whole.

They say that thanks to amethyst you can get rid of various vices. Speech problems disappear, skin wounds heal, and headaches go away. The mineral improves the well-being of the patient in case of poisoning, gives clarity of mind and good sleep.

If you drink water that has been infused with this stone, you can more easily cope with drunkenness. Amethyst is also placed on the solar plexus area, which also helps in the fight against alcoholism.

Magic properties

Amethyst has long been believed to be useful for mental trauma. With its help, you can calm mental anxieties and pains, and stop worrying. A person becomes kind, calm, and stops thinking about bad things. The aura surrounding him grows stronger.

Indian yogis believe that the mineral has the ability to relax, which is especially good for meditation.

If you wear a ring with an amethyst on your finger, success in the sports field will not keep you waiting. Many people place the mineral under the pillow they sleep on: this attracts pleasant dreams.

Amethyst increases insight and alertness.

Meaning of zodiac signs

Amethyst stone is good for almost all representatives of the zodiac circle, but is most suitable Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces. Fire signs Sagittarius and Aries, as well as an air sign Aquarius. Aries Those wearing amethyst jewelry will become more careful, stop taking pointless risks, and will delight others with their restraint. It will be possible to realize even the most unrealistic dreams and achieve your goals.

Representatives of the fair sex who do not yet have children will become pregnant and give birth if they have a purple mineral in their feminine “treasury”.

Taurus born before the first of May will become happy and happy thanks to amethyst. successful people. The stone helps fight melancholy and depression. For Taurus girls contributes to the development of your own business.

Irritable Gemini They will soften and sleep better. Gemini Spouses will feel the need for each other. Their relationship will become more sincere and pure. If Gemini woman– a creative person, amethyst will be something like a Muse for her.

Cancer, whose birthday falls on any day before July 1, the mineral will provide real protection against diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs and malfunctions of the immune system. Cancer Woman will find common language with other people, will make acquaintances that will benefit her.

Leos Amethyst is unlikely to help you achieve success, but it won’t lead to failure either, so wearing jewelry with this stone is harmless. But to the Lioness woman It will be useful to have an amethyst ring or brooch, because with their help she will be able to cope with troubles and problems and become stronger for further struggle with life's adversities.

Scorpios, on whose little finger there is a ring with a purple mineral, will soon feel how life is changing in better side. But Sagittarius Those seeking harmony and building good relationships with loved ones should wear a stone edged with silver.

Capricorn women the splendor of amethyst will restore youth and smoothness to the skin, and also eliminate dark spots on the face. As for the inner world, your heart will become light and free, negative emotions and negative thoughts will disappear.

Aquarius Intuition with amethyst will become aggravated, women will find long-awaited calm. Pisces Girls They will more easily endure the pain of parting with their loved ones and become wiser.

The mineral protects against bad relations with superiors, rage and anger of persons holding high positions. As already mentioned, it is a powerful protection against drunkenness.

It is best for women to wear the stone on the ring finger of their left hand, and for men on their right.

To last a long time - care

In order for amethyst to delight you with its bright colors and shine for a long time, it is advisable to keep it in the dark, wrapped in a cloth made of soft material. Avoid exposure to moisture and sunlight.

High temperatures harm the mineral - it turns pale and becomes ugly. Protect amethyst from chemicals(washing gels and powders).

A couple of times a month you need to place the stone under tap water: all the negative energy will come out of it.

If an amethyst has lost its rich color, it should be cleaned. It is best to entrust this matter to jewelry craftsmen who will expose the stone to ultraviolet radiation. Well, at home, just hold the mineral in soapy water, and then gently clean it with a brush.

Any stone, whether precious or semi-precious, has an impact on a person with its energy field. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of jewelry inserts a person can wear in order to maximize their best qualities and, if possible, avoid unpleasant moments.

Each astrological sign represents an ancient system that has its own characteristics. These include right choice stone to be inserted into jewel. The energy of a correctly selected crystal can increase a person’s capabilities and protect him. In the 20th century, the International Association of Jewelers approved a table of correspondence between stones and zodiac signs.

Amethyst, according to this table, is suitable for representatives of almost all zodiac signs. It is especially relevant for those born under the signs of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. The stone can give positive energy to Sagittarius, Aries and Aquarius.

Amethyst is an unusual stone. It requires careful handling; it cannot be used every day, otherwise the mineral can have a detrimental effect on human health. You should turn to jewelry with amethyst only when you especially need its support. Being the most expensive variety of quartz, the gem has been valued since ancient times. Biblical writings indicate that this crystal, along with twelve other precious stones, adorned the pectoral of the high priest Aaron.

Amethyst will give Aries caution, prudence and restraint. The energy of the stone is creative, and with it, even the most incredible plans become reality. Women who dream of children should definitely have in their box jewelry with this stone.

Amethyst can be lucky for Taurus born before May 1st. The gem will help them cope with attacks of melancholy, activate mental abilities. For Taurus women involved in business, the mineral will bring good luck in business.

For Gemini, amethyst will help cope with nervousness and insomnia. Being a stone of sincerity and purity, it will bring harmony to the love relationship between spouses. For Gemini women, amethyst will be useful as additional inspiration, and will allow these natures to reveal themselves to the fullest.

According to the horoscope, for Cancers born before July 1, amethyst - the best talisman. He is able to make the life of his owner harmonious and sincere. For representatives of this sign, the stone reveals its healing qualities. The mineral can help normalize digestion, improve kidney function and increase immunity. For a Cancer woman, amethyst will help establish friendly relations with others, arrange her personal life and make new, useful acquaintances in the future.

People born under the sign of Leo have the highest success rate. But they are also subject to the most terrible failures. Therefore, amethyst, a stone of calm and balance, cannot overcome this powerful energy. However, it will not bring any harm to Leos. Moreover, for female lionesses, amethyst will help in overcoming all kinds of obstacles, help in the fight against annoyances, and in finding strength for the decisive throw.

Characteristic feature Virgo – accuracy and precision. These qualities do not need support. However, if Virgos choose amethyst, then these should be pendants or pendants on a chain with small links. For Virgo women, the stone will help them gather their spiritual strength at the right moment and overcome all bad weather.

A light, changeably mobile stone of air - amethyst, will contribute to Libra in the development of intuition, and in the multifaceted improvement of personality. Framed in silver, amethyst is able to demonstrate all its magical properties in relation to representatives of this sign. For the female gender, silver earrings with green amethyst would be an excellent choice; they will definitely promise attractive looks to their owner.

For Scorpios, amethyst is not just a talisman, but also a powerful amulet. Scorpio women should wear the stone in their pinky ring. This attracts prosperity and luck into their lives.

Amethyst is able to emphasize the sincerity and peacefulness characteristic of Sagittarius. Framed in silver, the mineral will bring harmony and mutual understanding to the lives of representatives of this sign.

For women born under the sign of Capricorn, amethyst will help cleanse the soul of negativity. They can use the stone to smooth out wrinkles and brighten their facial skin.

Amethyst is considered one of the luckiest stones of Aquarius. It helps relieve nervous overexcitation and enhance intuition. The healing properties of the gem are especially useful for Aquarius. For irritable and picky Aquarius women, the majestic shine and status of jewelry with amethysts will come in handy.

Amethyst will also be a good choice for people born under the sign of Pisces. It makes it easier to cope with the bitterness of a breakup, brings good luck and calms your nerves. For girls, the crystal will help them better develop their intuition, impart wisdom and give confidence to their personality.

Of course, you can buy gold jewelry with amethyst for yourself. But this gem has great magical power if it is received as a gift or inheritance.