Ballerina Malika Sabirova was the hallmark of Soviet Tajikistan. Dancer from Tajikistan who changed gender: “I love high heels! Let them say: Arthur became Samira

Malika Kalandarova, whose biography is interesting to many people, is a person with a difficult fate. At home, in the USSR, everything turned out more than successfully. But when she emigrated to the United States, family affairs went awry.


Malika Kalandarova, whose biography begins in our presentation, was born in warm regions, in Central Asia, more precisely, in Dushanbe in 1950. The family was large and simple, not related to art. His father, a Bukharian Jew, was a hairdresser. Actually, she was called differently, in documents Mazol Yashuvaevna, in the yard Margaritka, and later Malika Kalandarova. The biography, which was not particularly influenced by nationality, at first had neither special ups nor downs. She danced in the yard and received her first applause from her neighbors. But I wanted to dance correctly, and the child went to dance at the House of Culture, and then to the children's studio of the theater. Mayakovsky. It was a Jewish theater, that is, the girl did not break away from her native roots. And this, of course, is correct: a person should always feel involved in a certain nation and culture. And among the Jewish people it dates back four thousand years.

Ensemble "Lola"

At the age of 14, Malika Kalandarova, whose biography is marked by the manifestation of will and perseverance, begins to study in the state ensemble “Lola”. They didn’t even want to look at her when she was recruiting, but she quickly ran to the musicians and asked them to play. The leader didn't even look at her when she started dancing. However, the sounds of music attracted the choreographer's attention to dancing girl, and she was taken into the dance group. Just six months later, when Mazol was fifteen years old, the ensemble gave its first performance on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater. Margaritka had a solo dance, the name of which can be translated as “ Broken Heart" In a whirlwind of music, the young dancer showed strict, polished movements.

Everything danced - eyes, shoulders, arms. Even the kicks were expressive. She made a great impression on the Minister of Culture, who told her backstage that her name would now be Malika.


Study in a regular high school due to intense rehearsals it was impossible. Therefore, Malika Kalandarova, whose biography continues, went to evening school, and studied independently on tour. The ensemble traveled all over the country and in 1969 went abroad for the first time. They were applauded both in the West and in the East. Malika only had one dance.

But the management of the ensemble noticed how enthusiastically she was received by the audience, and she was given several more dances. One of the best was “Chodien,” which featured high jumps, flights, and precise landings. Igor Moiseev valued this dance very highly and asked Malika, whom he considered a miracle from the East, to choreograph several dances in his ensemble that would convey the national flavor. The year was 1979. The biography of Malika Kalandarova began to take shape not only as a dancer, but also as a director and tutor. With Moiseev, she created the dance “Mountain Women of Tajikistan,” with which the master traveled all over the world. By this time she was already a People's Artist of the Tajik SSR, and later another title would be added to this title - People's Artist of the USSR.


For many, the years of the collapse of the country divided life into before and after. In 1993, a civil war began in Tajikistan. Living in the country was simply scary. People with weapons could have entered the apartment. And they came in. And not believing that this was a dancer well-known and beloved by the country, they demanded proof by dancing, and then left. Therefore, I had to leave my homeland and go into the unknown. After all, even the family of the famous dancer in the West and in the United States was not expected with bouquets. They were simple emigrants who first had to survive by selling dishes. Dancer Malika Kalandarova, whose biography has undergone such strange changes, lived with the dream of creating a dance school.

East and USA

Despite the difficulties, more than ten years ago, Malika, with the support of her entire family, managed to open the International Dance School in New York. It employs about one hundred and fifty people who immerse themselves in the magical world of the East, learning all the intricacies of Tajik, Khorezm and Indian dances. In addition to the school, Malika, who is known in the States as Maya, also has an ensemble that gives performances, performing dances of the peoples of the USSR. This is an exotic thing that attracts the attention of viewers.

Malika Kalandarova: biography. Children

In 1972, Malika got married, greatly tormenting the dombra player Iskhak Gulkarov, who was in love with her, with anticipation of this happy event. They had two sons - Mark and Gulkarov turned out to be very artistic and flexible.

He organically entered the world of dance. He first appeared on stage when he was only five years old. Mom, whom he now idolizes, choreographed the dance, and dad accompanied him, playing the dombra. At the age of six he danced in front of a friend of their house. The dancer liked the kid so much that the unique dancer promised to someday pass on his costumes to this young successor. Arthur performed a lot in different countries. His tours took place in the USA, then in Tajikistan, then in Russia. But in his homeland, in Dushanbe, his most memorable concert took place when he appeared there after a long break. He performed a medley of different dances, ending his performance with “Kalinka”. Arthur performed until 2009. And then he did and now there is a girl named Samira. It was a difficult event for the whole family. Father and brother never accepted Samira, but mother is mother, and she supported her child.

This is how the life of the talented dancer and teacher Malika Kalandarova developed.

22:44 / 23 Apr. 2015

Five years ago, the son of world-famous dancer Malika Kolontarova from Tajikistan, Arthur, disappeared. But she had a daughter.

Today, April 23, on the air of “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov on Channel One, People’s Artist of the USSR Malika Kolontarova and her daughter Samira, who two years ago was a well-known dancer in Russia and in the world, Arthur Kolontarov.

Andrei Malakhov introduces the heroine of the program “Let Them Talk” - People’s Artist of the USSR Malika Kolontarova, strong woman, who lost one of her two sons and found a daughter.

Let them say: Malika Kolontarova

During the Soviet era, a dancer from Tajikistan, Malika Kolontarova, at the age of 34, was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union and toured all over the world. Her husband, the famous musician Ishat Vulkarov, toured with his wife. After the collapse of the Union, a civil war begins in Tajikistan, and the family with two sons, Mark and Arthur, leaves for the United States.

They literally started from scratch. Apartment in Brooklyn. Malika went from house to house and sold dishes.

But very soon life began to pick up again. The dance group of Malika Kolontarova has earned fame in America. The eldest son was fond of sports - karate, boxing. Got a job and started a family. Now he has four children.

The youngest son Arthur became a soloist in Malika Kolontarova’s ensemble. In 2005, Arthur moved to Moscow and was on his way to becoming a great dance star.

Anita Tsoi, in the show in which he performed, still admires his talent.

But suddenly Arthur returns to New York. And then he completely disappears from the sight of fans. And a couple of years later, Malika suddenly has an adult and beautiful daughter, Samira.

Let them say: Arthur became Samira

Malika Kolontarova, today, April 23, decided to publicly tell the story of her family for the first time. She and her daughter Samira take turns recalling the journey they had to go through. First, a report from America is shown on the screen in the Let Them Talk studio.

I thought: she lived until she was 25, and she will live longer. I understood that society would condemn me. You can’t imagine yourself in my place when he shouted to me “I’m not your son, I’m your daughter. Do you hear, mom! Hear me! I looked and could not answer anything.


My name was Arthur. I never liked this name. I was never a boy, I lived in the body of a boy. I grew up in Tajikistan, in a family very famous people. I didn’t even know how to admit and talk about it. But since I was very feminine, my mother was always very often told: he’s like a girl.

I don't know what would have happened if I had said this earlier. Maybe they got married, maybe they beat him up. They specifically thought I was crazy. Mom just thought I was gay. Gay is an orientation. Psychologically, I always felt like a woman. She said: “Mom, you always dreamed of a daughter. God gave you a daughter at the age of 60. In a year Arthur will be gone.” By that time I was already on hormones. I was famous, popular, achieved everything, but I was unhappy. Tried to commit suicide.

Mom asked how much the operation cost and said, “I’ll help you.” She paid for the entire operation. The sex change and breast surgery cost about $30,000. I didn’t change my face—it was all mine.

I decided that I would be next to her and help. It's better than losing a child. I looked everywhere for support, but there was none. It’s easy to discuss: “we read, it turns out you have a daughter.” They kept saying that my husband and I didn’t live, that there was a split in the family. Of course, this is a problem. At first, my son and husband could not accept this. They suffered greatly. They didn't want to talk about it. The husband was proud of his two sons and said that they were two wings. He accused me of keeping my second son to myself, which is why he became like this. Many people accused me of loving my son too much. There was a blow from all sides. But no matter what anyone says, I love her.


The last time my dad even called me a woman's name.

Samira: I've always been a woman

In the Let Them Talk studio, Samira unexpectedly openly and very poignantly recalls what she experienced. Her monologue is not interrupted by either guests or host Andrei Malakhov.


I tried to commit suicide. I didn’t understand suicide before. But by that time I was already like a vegetable: I get up, take sleeping pills, sleep, wake up, take pills, sleep... I lost a day or night, what a week or a month. For me, life did not exist, I did not dance. It was unbearable.

Mom didn’t understand me either. I locked myself in the room, yelling at my mother: “I’ll kill you or myself.” I told my mother that I wouldn’t leave a note - I’ll tell you everything during my lifetime.

And she answered me: “What do you want to prove to anyone? We'll celebrate the annual wake, and they'll forget about you. And it pushed me. Why would I kill myself? I took a small purse and went to see my friends.

I went to clubs as a woman. She drove far, went to Starbucks, changed clothes in the toilet, and then came back the same way.

Before that, I had everything - money, recognition. I signed a great contract, but according to it I was a boy. I called the producer, he is such a conservative, and admitted everything. And he said, “We didn’t take a boy or a girl. We hired you for your talent."

Let them say: I was embarrassed by my child

Two years have passed since the operation. A mother and daughter walk through the area where they lived for the first time after emigrating. Malika will be recognized.

Samira recalls:

My friends were only girls. The memories are bittersweet now. Here we fooled around and played. On the other hand, there was no childhood. This is my school - it was hell for me. The guys teased me all the time: “There goes the chick, woman.” Now my mother is walking around the area and is calm. I lived here as a woman, but even before the operation, and my mother was embarrassed.


Yes, I was embarrassed that she was in women's dress. I thought what my friends would say when they saw me.

They go to a neighbor's house. Samira sees her embarrassment and the fact that the neighbor’s husband didn’t say hello, as if he didn’t recognize her. And he comments on this action of his as follows: “When I began to live a woman’s life, I became convinced that men very often behave like cowards.”

But Brooklyn childhood friends are greeted with hugs. Some of them also came from Dushanbe.

Anita Tsoi in “Let Them Talk”: Arthur created magic on stage

Andrey Malakhov invites Anita Tsoi to the Let Them Talk studio. Arthur performed in 2007 in her show “In the East”.

Anita Tsoi:

Eight years ago I was shown a video of Arthur. They said that he does this... And it turned out to be true. I remember 15 thousand people looked at one dancer. He created magic on stage. I have remembered your talent all these years.

Andrey Malakhov:

And if your son came like this and said...

Anita Tsoi:

It's a difficult question. Probably a mother's heart will accept it. But what to do with husbands?! No, I'm serious, I have this kind of husband - Husband. With strong Korean traditions...

Malika's family has not yet been able to accept her daughter Samira

Malika Kolontarova’s family also has strong Eastern traditions, but she believes that peace will return to the family.

I keep one chair at the dining table in our big beautiful house for my daughter. Because she has been with me all my life. Samira doesn’t live with us, she left 5 years ago. Because we didn't understand her. She locked herself alone in the room. I cried. Now I'm waiting for her. But she doesn't come.

Andrey Malakhov:

Thank you for your courage. You don't always have the courage to accept a child as he is.

Even at 5-6 years old it was impossible. I forced him to cut his hair - it was always war. She comes into the bedroom, she’s wearing bracelets and beads. And begins to repeat my movements. The eldest son runs in and calls - let's go fight with the boys. And he shouts: “Mom, save me, I don’t want to fight,” and runs into the room.

Andrey Malakhov:

At what age have you felt like a woman?


Back in kindergarten, I asked the nanny why I sleep with boys - I want to go with girls. She yelled at me. After that I was silent.

Andrey Malakhov:

Are there people who left your life after the changes?


Yes, sure.

Andrey Malakhov:

I understand that now the brother and sister are not communicating?


Yes, they haven't communicated for five years. But he asks “where is your favorite,” how is she doing. That is, he doesn’t talk to her, but he remembers her. I think another year or two and they will start communicating.

Andrey Malakhov:

What would you tell your mom today?


I would never have thought that my mother would be able to accept me. Thank you mom (kneels) for being such a strong person.

In the family of People's Artist of the USSR Malika Kalontarova, everything is unusual. Let me start with the fact that she also has another name, given to her by her parents at birth - Mazal. Because she is Jewish. When I did an interview with her in New York in the 90s, I called it “Mazal - happiness in Jewish.”

Even Maliki’s surname is spelled differently: sometimes Kalontarova, sometimes Kalondarova. Her husband, Honored Artist of Tajikistan, who plays the doira, has the name Isaac, but everyone knows him as Ilyas Gulkarov. Well, the youngest son of Malika and Ilyas, the famous dancer Arthur, is generally called Samira today. Because he is no longer a guy, but... a girl. If you want, a woman. It seems that this is the first case in Central Asia when a person changed gender.
But everything from the beginning...
The Star of the East, as she was called, People's Artist of the USSR, the brilliant Malika Kalontarova became famous for her dancing. She was applauded in all the countries where she performed. At 34, she becomes People's Artist of the USSR. At the invitation of Igor Moiseev, Malika is a soloist in his world-famous ensemble. Government concerts cannot take place without it. In the early 90s, fleeing the Central Asian cataclysms of those years, the artist and her family moved from their native Dushanbe to the United States.
In New York, she founded a dance school, which soon became famous throughout the continent. Naturally, her son Arturchik became a star in the theater. When Makhmud Esambaev first saw the little dancer back in Dushanbe, he said: “Finally, I have an heir.” Several years have passed. Arthur began to shine on the stages of Europe and America, Asia and Russia. They say that Luzhkov himself gave him an apartment in Moscow. I don't know, it may well be.
I interviewed Artur Gulkarov more than once in New York and followed his successes with delight. I, and not only me, were fascinated by his plasticity and sensuality, unusual dance steps, energy and fouette, endless risky pirouettes and... femininity...
Then Arthur disappeared.
At the end of April 1915, his mother Malika unexpectedly appeared in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk.” What happened there came as a shock to everyone. Malika said that after her first child, Mark, she dreamed of a girl, but a son was born. “He was strange, my Arturchik. Even as a child, he tried to convince me that he was not a son, but a daughter. And as a child, he was friends only with girls, wore my jewelry, tried on my dresses.
Arthur's talent was visible to the naked eye. He worked a lot, studied my movements, and performed successfully on stages - from Moscow to Las Vegas. And at the same time, I saw that something was tormenting him. In the end, my son admitted to me that he could not wear his male shell, they say, you cannot hide the truth - it will still come out. Because at heart he is... a girl. And one day he said that he wanted to change... his gender. Otherwise he will commit suicide...
“And now Samira, Malika’s daughter, will come out to us,” Andrey announced. And everyone gasped: a beautiful, slender girl entered the studio. She continued Malika's story.
“I’m unhappy,” I told my mother then. – In a year Arthur will be gone. Help me, mom, do the operation.
“Whatever happens,” I decided, “but I will be with my child... There were two operations.”
“I’m tired of living a double life,” Samira interrupted her. “I felt like a girl; I played with them and only with them as a child.” School was hell for me. The boys laughed at me. When one day my brother Mark ran home and called me outside to fight with the boys, I was deathly scared,” the girl admits. “And then I dropped out of school altogether.”
And Samira in the studio laughs and cries at the same time: “What a blessing that my mother was next to me.” And the audience empathizes with her.
And then the studio showed a video: Samira with her mother, or even alone, walks the streets of Queens and tells which stores she bought shoes from. And only in high heels.
- I love high heels, she says. In another boutique, Samira looks at dresses and says that she has loved sparkly dresses all her life. And generally brilliant things. They recognize Samira, hug her, and give her gifts. Including young people. And this is in the traditional Bukharan community, where it’s time to act like Tevye the Milkman from the musical “Fiddler on the Roof” - raise your finger to the sky and shout: “Tradition!!!”
“Only dad didn’t recognize me,” Samira continues. “He was worried, he was ashamed in front of everyone. But dad gradually thawed out and even began to say hello. Another year or two - and he will probably talk to me. But brother Mark doesn’t want to hear about me. But today I’m happy, dancing in a women’s ensemble. I have a friend who supports me in everything...
…Last week I met Samira in Brighton. Seeing me, she rushed towards me. We hugged, and Samira introduced me to her friend, a handsome young American...
Photographer Kolya Komissarov and I conducted a photo shoot. As a farewell, I said in her ear: “Be happy, Samira.”
“I will,” the girl answered seriously.
By the way, today Samira has a new surname - Mazal...

letter for Malika Kalandarova
Hello, editors of the program Let them talk. I ask you to convey this parable to Malikya Kalandarova, and
Let her read it to her husband and eldest son.

One true believer once came to the prophet Elias. He was very concerned about what heaven and hell were because he wanted
live righteously.

Where is hell and where is heaven?

The man turned to the prophet with this question, but Elias did not answer. He took the questioner by the hand and led him
dark alleys to the palace. Through the iron gates they entered a large hall with many people, poor
and rich, in rags and precious garments. In the middle of the hall there was a huge cauldron on the fire, soup was boiling in it. From
There was a pleasant smell of the brew throughout the room. People with sunken cheeks and senseless expressions crowded around the cauldron.
eyes, trying to get his portion of soup.

The companion of the prophet Elias was amazed when he saw in their hands a spoon as big as themselves. The whole spoon was from
metal, hot from the soup, and only at the very end of the handle there was a wooden handle. Greedily hungry
people poked their spoons in the cauldron. Everyone wanted to get their share, but no one succeeded. They have difficulty
they pulled out heavy spoons from the soup, but since they were too long, even the strongest could not send
them in your mouth. Those who were too zealous burned their hands and face and, overwhelmed by greed, poured soup on their neighbors’ shoulders. WITH
They attacked each other with curses and fought with the same spoons with which they could satisfy their hunger.

Prophet Elias took his companion by the hand and said: “This is hell.”

They left the hall and soon no longer heard the hellish screams. After long wanderings through dark corridors, they
entered another room. There were also a lot of people sitting around here. In the middle of the hall there was a cauldron with boiling soup. U
each had the same huge spoon in his hand as Elias and his companion had already seen in hell. But there were people
well-fed, only quiet, contented voices and the sounds of spoons being dipped were heard in the hall. People came in pairs.
One would dip the spoon and feed the other. If a spoon turned out to be too heavy for someone, then immediately
another couple helped with their spoons, so that everyone could eat in peace. As soon as one was satiated, his place
occupied by another.

Prophet Elias said to his companion: “This is paradise!”

P.S.: “Hell” is working next to each other, but against each other; everyone is only for himself and against others.
“Heaven,” on the other hand, involves a willingness to engage in positive relationships with others. Both groups are people in heaven and
people in hell have the same or similar problems. But whether they live in heaven or hell depends on how they
they are trying to solve these problems. Heaven and hell are within ourselves. We have the opportunity to choose!



Profession: Career:

1965 - present time


Mazol (Malika) Yashuvaevna Kolontarova (Kalandarova)(taj. Malika Kalandarova; genus. September 2, Stalinabad, USSR) - Soviet Tajik dancer, actress, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR ().


She toured with ensembles in cities of the USSR and abroad: Afghanistan, Japan, Spain, Türkiye, India, etc.

She acted in films.

Since 1993 he has lived and worked in New York (USA). She continued her dance career by opening " International School Malika’s Dance School” (“Malika’s International Dance School”), where she teaches young girls how to dance.


Awards and titles

  • Honored Artist of the Tajik SSR ()
  • People's Artist of the Tajik SSR ()
  • People's Artist of the USSR ()
  • State Prize of the Tajik SSR named after. Rudaki ()


  • - Zumrad - episode
  • - Bride and Groom - Gulnora
  • - The Legend of Rustam - episode
  • - Hurricane in the valley - Gulchehra
  • - And another night of Scheherazade... - episode
  • - New tales of Scheherazade - episode
  • - Scheherazade's last night - episode
  • - Sherali and Oybarchin - episode

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Excerpt characterizing Kolontarova, Mazol Yashuvaevna

Pierre, having unexpectedly become a rich man and Count Bezukhy, after recent loneliness and carelessness, felt so surrounded and busy that he could only be left alone with himself in bed. He had to sign papers, deal with government offices, the meaning of which he had no clear idea of, ask the chief manager about something, go to an estate near Moscow and receive many people who previously did not want to know about his existence, but now would offended and upset if he didn’t want to see them. All these various persons - businessmen, relatives, acquaintances - were all equally well disposed and affectionately disposed towards the young heir; all of them, obviously and undoubtedly, were convinced of the high merits of Pierre. He constantly heard the words: “With your extraordinary kindness,” or “with your wonderful heart,” or “you yourself are so pure, Count...” or “if only he were as smart as you,” etc., so he He sincerely began to believe in his extraordinary kindness and his extraordinary mind, especially since it always seemed to him, deep down in his soul, that he was really very kind and very smart. Even people who had previously been angry and obviously hostile became tender and loving towards him. Such an angry eldest of the princesses, with a long waist, with hair smoothed like a doll’s, came to Pierre’s room after the funeral. Lowering her eyes and constantly flushing, she told him that she was very sorry for the misunderstandings that had happened between them and that now she felt she had no right to ask for anything, except permission, after the blow that had befallen her, to stay for a few weeks in the house that she loved so much and where made so many sacrifices. She couldn't help but cry at these words. Touched that this statue-like princess could change so much, Pierre took her hand and asked for an apology, without knowing why. From that day on, the princess began to knit a striped scarf for Pierre and completely changed towards him.
– Do it for her, mon cher; “All the same, she suffered a lot from the dead man,” Prince Vasily told him, letting him sign some kind of paper in favor of the princess.
Prince Vasily decided that this bone, a bill of 30 thousand, had to be thrown to the poor princess so that it would not occur to her to talk about Prince Vasily’s participation in the mosaic portfolio business. Pierre signed the bill, and from then on the princess became even kinder. The younger sisters also became affectionate towards him, especially the youngest, pretty, with a mole, often embarrassed Pierre with her smiles and embarrassment at the sight of him.
It seemed so natural to Pierre that everyone loved him, it would seem so unnatural if someone did not love him, that he could not help but believe in the sincerity of the people around him. Moreover, he did not have time to ask himself about the sincerity or insincerity of these people. He constantly had no time, he constantly felt in a state of meek and cheerful intoxication. He felt like the center of some important general movement; felt that something was constantly expected of him; that if he didn’t do this, he would upset many and deprive them of what they expected, but if he did this and that, everything would be fine - and he did what was required of him, but something good remained ahead.