Library of Psychology. Betrayal by a close friend - a lesson or a blow? I betrayed my friend, what should I do?

I was betrayed by a friend.. very close.. too close.. although we didn’t communicate for long, she got into my soul.. I believed... then she betrayed me by telling the secret to the people who surrounded us.. a terrible thing began.. I don’t care. I wanted to live... no one talked to me... no one needed me.. everything lasted for about 7 months... then I changed myself.. became a bitch.. the attitude of other people changed... changed tastes.. everything .. became different... everything worked out in the team... but I never got her back.. and I won’t get her back... impossible.. she doesn’t need me.. but I need her, no matter how trite.. like air .. all this has been going on for 2 years since I met her.. I don’t forget about her for a second.. I.. I.. I just have constant hysterics.. tears.. I always dream about her.. I’m glad though I wish this... I know that it was she who did everything.. only she doesn’t realize it... help... I don’t know what to do... no one knows about this.. I don’t want to tell.. they won't understand...
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Bitch for life, age: 16 / 08/08/2012


Dear girl, why do you allow yourself to depend on the person who betrayed you? What kind of friend is she and why do you need her?!
You must be able to repel evil, but this does not mean being a bitch. If a girl betrayed you, this does not mean that all people are evil and that you should be evil. You just need to learn to understand people and not depend on them.
You should not trust people with such secrets, the disclosure of which could cause harm.
If you need to open your soul, then it is better to go to church for confession.
God help you!

Varvara, age: 50 / 08/08/2012

How sometimes we want to believe that if one person’s attitude towards us changes, magically, and here it is, happiness... But the reality is completely different.
“Do not make for yourself an idol...” is told to us, to all who seek an ideal on earth. I’ll tell you a secret: the problem is not in this person (he is who he is), but in ourselves. The light has converged like a wedge in our souls, this is our problem It's up to us to solve it.
And therefore... get busy with your life, look at it from the outside. Maybe you can change something? Learn something? Does someone need you?
Don’t live in dreams, but in reality. Keep yourself busy, fill your life. Draw conclusions about who you can let into your soul and who you can’t.
I am writing from my own hard-won experience, and therefore valuable.)
All the best to you.

Alla, age: 36 / 08/08/2012

Why do you need such unreliable companions in life? Well, if not now and not this “girlfriend” would tell about you, then at another time she would give away another secret. This is natural, because having betrayed once, a person will betray again. Well, these are the principles of your “friend”. She will have to answer to God for her meanness. And to you - for your despondency and self-betrayal. Why did I decide this? Here is your quote: "...then I changed myself....became a bitch....". Have I changed myself or still myself? If you are not a bitch in life, then there is no need to break yourself.
Yes, as we age, life makes our “skin” thicker, but this is a normal protective reaction. The situation should have taught you that you need to trust people selectively. Not everyone and not everything. Come out of this difficult but necessary period renewed and bright, I beg you. We will support you!

Laura, age: 30 / 08/08/2012

No need to worry so much. I also had a friend, and we had a lot in common. I told her what I couldn’t even tell my mother and sister, with whom I am now very close...
When you stop communicating with your best friend, it always feels like a part of you, your heart, is being cut off and thrown away. But you have to endure it)
when you don’t want to live, lie down on the bed and fall asleep - this always helps me. When you wake up, you will be able to appreciate everything in a new way.

Loya G., age: 22 / 08/09/2012

My dear, my best friend betrayed me when
I was 15 years old, I was crying terribly, depressed. My
"best" friend knew that I was unrequited
I've been in love with a guy for several years now, and having learned this
I secretly fell in love with this guy. I saw how
he idolizes her, she tormented herself, cried,
I did not expect such betrayal. Remember
There are no best friends, women are envious and
cruel creatures. I'm sure your friend
the best, but I can tell you with
absolute responsibility that after this
betrayal you will come to your senses, you will
another, stronger, smarter, you will only trust
to your family and those closest to you. you will
better. You will go through a period of bitchiness and
a period of loneliness, but then awaits you
surprise, you'll be happy because it's faster
you will grow up, you will be smart and proud of yourself, for
your endurance. Always to build a new one
house, you need to break the old foundation. You're smart
and everything will be fine with you. Forever yours
Iron Lady

Iron Lady, age: 18 / 08/09/2012

You go to her first. My friend betrayed me, I also suffered, but then I pretended that I didn’t care about her, and she came running herself. But listen, if that doesn't work, try getting a new best friend.

Nastya, age: 13 / 04/01/2013

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  • You can survive your friend's betrayal! You just need to understand that you were not her friend!
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  • It has long been a well-known truth: “If you want to have an enemy, get a friend!”
  • A friend's betrayal is like a blow below the belt... It's always unexpected and very painful.

The most important rule: do not consider yourself smarter than your enemies and do not rely too much on your friends - betrayal always lives next to them.

It is impossible to be good in this life. Once you offer help, they start looking for a catch. If you accept help, you run into betrayal!

A person who has committed treason lives in endless torment, constantly expecting retribution... (Fazil Iskander)

False comrades are nearby when the sun shines brightly, but as soon as the shadows appear, betrayal is born.

Best status:
Centuries flow like an endless river, space and the universe change, but the rotten essence of betrayal remains the same.

Only true comrades will go through not only your joy, but also your tears!

It is much better to love your friends more than to hate your enemies more.

In the animal world there is no betrayal, treachery, or betrayal. Alas, only people are inherent in the disgusting!

Don’t be afraid to offend your friend with the truth - no one but you can do this!

“Judas Iscariot, when he realized that he was a traitor, hanged himself. Luckily for you, you’re not very intelligent at all.”

Keep your friends with you and you will keep your enemies.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

A man can forgive a woman everything - betrayal, stupidity, even betrayal. The only thing that a Man will never forgive a Woman is superiority over himself...

Two are more than You and Me. Two are Us...

It’s good when a dog is a friend, it’s bad when a friend is a dog...

You and I were an absolutely perfect couple. I am perfection, you are ideal :-)

Betrayals are most often committed not due to deliberate intention, but due to weakness of character

The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution

A betrayed friend is a friend who has been betrayed...

The only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor...

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart...

Pain. Betrayal. Resentment. Silenced the beating of the heart, I recognized this power, Revenge... yes! her name is!

I'll get burned, but I'll leave a smoke for a friend

Friendship is when you arrive half an hour late, knowing that no one will be offended by you, and you see that no one is there yet.

The wider you open your arms, the easier it is to crucify you

It is not the lack of love, but the lack of friendship that makes marriages unhappy.

“A friend is not the one who will jump out of the window after you, but the one who will catch you from below...”

Trust is the first condition of friendship. (Jean de La Bruyère)

Cheating is the most cruel betrayal towards a loved one, because of which it hurts so much that life becomes black and white, and the world simply ceases to exist!

“I don’t need a hundred friends... I don’t need a hundred rubles!” I need a friend who will give me a thousand.”

looking at animals, one becomes ashamed of people... anger, betrayal, hatred are characteristic only of humans..

“The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.”

Betrayal is pain, whatever you call it, there is no resentment, because it is stupid to be offended, no anger, because it is a waste of energy... Just aching pain!!!

A true friend is like a bra - close to the heart and always supports...:-D

if there is noise and fighting somewhere, if bottles are being broken, if girls are screaming, it means our people are drinking

My friendship is great: I swore at him for half an hour - it never happened again!!!

Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.

Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect

Never alienate your friends, much less your enemies.

Betrayals are most often committed not out of deliberate intention, but out of weakness of character.


Unite people! Look: zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something.

Friendship, like life, is a complicated thing. But if life passes, then true friends remain...

The most vile crime is abusing a friend’s trust.

Friends - how good health: you don’t appreciate it until you lose it.

A dog is man's friend. I had a friend...a dog 😀

After losing her best friend Illusion, she met another woman Reality, but their relationship did not work out.

Why do people who are usually protected with their breasts get stabbed in the back?

There is no mercy for a person who betrays friendship.8oI

Finding a good friend is only half the battle, you also need to be one yourself.

Friendship is love without wings. (Byron)

The betrayal of a friend cannot be forgiven... but in the future we must take into account that in life there will still be such scum..

Betrayal is a blow to the ribs that you are not prepared for...

A friend is someone who knows the melody of your heart and can sing it when you forget the words!!!

One of the common basenesses is to blame absent friends in order to please others.

You don’t need to have friends... You need to be friends with them.

If a Boy follows you persistently, This boy is blue, Which is very dangerous) 😀

Yes, we are not perfect, so what? but we are perfect for each other!

Each of us is an angel, but with only one wing. And we can only fly by hugging each other


Friends, they may not be alike. But friends will always see support in each other’s eyes...

All the unpleasant things that your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends they talk about you behind your back.

Your best friend is your pillow. Trust your pillow, not your girlfriend. 😀

A friendship that ended never actually began :-)

a friend is that person who knows everything about you but nevertheless loves you!!!

Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.

Women's friendship exists as long as women's interests do not intersect!

Much makes sense as long as there are people with whom you can drink tea in the attic and sip martinis on the roof.©.

Before they come to visit you, real friends will first ask: “Do you have anything to eat?”

if you have friends, then they have you...

Friends are people who will remind you of your mistakes all your life and laugh at them!…

There is no justice in this life... you want what’s best, you help people, but you come across betrayal and mistrust.

The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution. (Fazil Iskander)

Betrayal is the worst thing you can expect from a loved one.

the first betrayal taught me not to trust first impressions

If all my friends are jumping from a bridge, then instead of jumping with them, I will catch them under the bridge.

Friends are known in times of need... or when you need guarantors...

If things get tough in life, look at your friend’s face))

It's good to have a dog as a friend. But when your friend is a dog... is only with their tacit consent that betrayal and murder exist on earth.

It’s better to have a boot squeeze your foot than to have a scoundrel shake your hand!

I will drive away the dull pain that hurts my heart like a knife. I could forgive everything, but not betrayal and lies!

A friend can be closer than a brother, and a brother is more than a friend...

Thank you friends for having me!!!

Lie at least once - say that I am your friend...

Evil enemies don't bother us as much as cunning friends!!!

People love to call the most vile things by noble names. For example, betrayal is called a tactical necessity, and lying is called protective mimicry.

Betrayal, like the law, has no retroactive effect

The betrayal of a friend, and like any other betrayal, is very difficult to survive. And the fact is that the person turned out to be completely different from what you thought he was, but a coward or a scoundrel, but the fact is that it is very difficult for a person who has experienced the betrayal of a loved one to cope with his own resentment and hatred, in this case, for a close friend. So, in order to survive betrayal, you need to learn to value your nerves and your health, and throw the offender out of your life forever. But it’s not always possible to do this...

It’s very interesting that there are tips regarding betrayal different countries and religions are very different. Well, for example, among our ancestors, and among you and me, there is a proverb that says: “If a person betrayed once, he will definitely betray a second time.” According to this proverb, you and I should never forgive our offenders, even if they beg our forgiveness on their knees and swear that they have realized their mistake.

It turns out that your friend does not deserve your forgiveness. More precisely, she certainly deserves forgiveness, you won’t carry the weight of resentment on your shoulders for the rest of your life, but naturally, you shouldn’t let her into your life again, trust her and consider her your friend. So, no matter how rude and selfish it may sound, if your friend betrayed you, consider that you no longer have a friend, regardless of what exactly she did.

On the contrary, very interesting wisdom exists in Arab countries. Arab sages are sure that “if a person has committed one betrayal, then he may not commit a second, but if he has committed a second, then he will definitely commit a third.”

It turns out interesting, doesn't it? It turns out that the sages are sure that any person deserves forgiveness, as well as a second chance. And in this decision they are very generous and friendly, but if you look at it logically and from the point of view of your own dignity, how can you let into your life and trust again the person who betrayed you?

So, you have just learned two sides of the same problem, and what exactly you should do, of course, is up to you to decide. The only thing you must do is be sure to forgive your friend, since the severity of the offense is too great. Forgive her, but to trust her again or not to trust her is a personal matter for everyone

Are you worried about your friend? In vain!

It goes without saying that you are very worried about this, but it is understandable, because you were betrayed by the person with whom you have been together for many years, or maybe only a few years, but what great ones! But in order to survive her betrayal, you need to look at this situation, putting aside emotions and feelings. So, let's look at this situation from a personal and social psychology.

So, did you know that friendship, in general, and female friendship, in particular, does not exist. Yes, yes. Did you think this girl was your friend? Friendship does not exist - there are mutually beneficial mutual conditions for the interaction of two or more people. And when one of the participants in this interaction no longer needs this relationship, betrayals, disagreements and quarrels occur.

So, in fact, you should not be upset and worried for the simple reason that she was not your friend, you were simply united by common interests, common leisure, and, perhaps, work, but nothing more. So, you have not lost a close and reliable person, as you initially assumed, just one of the members has broken away from your “habitat and existence”, and there is nothing wrong with that.

It's time to remember old acquaintances and find new ones

Believe it or not, but experts in the field of bioenergy are sure that if a person leaves voluntarily from your life (and betrayal is, in fact, voluntary departure), then he does it only in order to free a place for someone or something better. So, the betrayal of a friend is a great kick to remember old acquaintances and establish new ones.

In addition, communication and new acquaintances are an excellent way of therapy against depression, anxiety and nervous disorders, since new emotions will help you forget old grievances, and this is a fact.

Get ready for the fact that you will want to engage in self-flagellation, that is, you will begin to reproach yourself that it was all your fault, you were a bad friend, since she decided to betray, you are now left alone - alone. Immediately throw these thoughts out of your head, since no one is safe from betrayal: neither good friends, neither bad.

Don't hold a grudge

I would like to say again that you should not hold a grudge against your ex-girlfriend and be sure to forgive her. The fact is that if you forgive her with all your heart and let her go from your life with a smile, all the evil that she wanted to cause you will not affect you, but will fall on her with double force. But, if you hatch a plan for revenge and hate her in your soul, it turns out that she will win this battle and achieve her goal. So, there is no need to take revenge, forgive her, and fate will put everything in its place. Believe me, you can see everything from above.

And finally, I would like to give you one last piece of advice: smile and thank fate that such a person has finally left your life. That you now understand how unreliable it is and, in general, you don’t need it. Imagine how hurtful it would be if you became even more attached to her and she betrayed you much later and much more strongly. So, say “thank you” for the fact that fate saved you and made you understand as early as possible that this friend is a traitor. Smile and open the door of your heart to new friends, girlfriends and positive emotions!


A person cannot go without communication for a long time; he needs to discuss what he saw, heard, consult, and brag. But it is impossible to approach the first person you meet and dump your joys and problems on him. That's why we have friends and family.

Every girl has a close friend with whom she shares her innermost secrets and desires. But often life presents an unpleasant surprise - your best and most beloved friend betrays you.

For a person who does not expect anything bad, the betrayal of a friend is a knife in the back, an event that horrifies and drives. All people are different, some experience the situation in their souls, others go into depression, stop believing people, others vomit and rush.

So what is betrayal? Is your friend deceiving, keeping secrets, revealing your secrets to a third party, or maybe seducing your boyfriend? Be that as it may, and no matter how serious the offense on her part is, it is a betrayal. This attitude towards friendship is unacceptable and sooner or later a conflict situation occurs that leads to a major quarrel.

What’s better: forget and communicate as before, forgive and stop communicating, or maybe take revenge? Hurt her as much as it hurts you now?

What to do if your friend betrayed you?

Psychologists advise not to take revenge, even if you want to. You need to treat your ex-girlfriend with indifference and ignore her. For a traitor, the fact that nothing has changed in your life will be unpleasant, you continue to live calmly and happily. Such a punishment will be severe for any person; such behavior will hurt more than any revenge.

If, nevertheless, revenge clouds your reason and you want to humiliate your ex-girlfriend, you can disgrace her. Making a mockery of other people is an easy method of revenge - you know about all the secrets of your ex-girlfriend. You can even do this carefully and anonymously, so that you are not judged by people you know weaknesses and the disadvantages of this person. But do you really want to be like her? What is this for?

If your friend puts you in an unpleasant light in front of others, do not rush to do the same to her, approach the situation wisely. If a friend spreads untrue rumors about you, appeal them. Thus, the ex-girlfriend will appear as a liar and a gossip. If your friend reveals the deepest secrets that you told her, act in such a way that everyone will take it as a joke. If the traitor laughed at you in front of mutual friends, laugh with them, then the situation will go away, and your friend will look stupid.

All this is very unpleasant, but nothing really terrible happened, even if strangers found out your secrets. Soon everything will be forgotten, people have their own problems. But both you and others will know that the person who betrayed you...

If you decide to remind your ex-friend of her betrayal, do not lose sight of the fact that when you do dirty tricks on another person, no one goes unpunished. This rule works throughout a person’s life. If you make and send to environment negative, then it will definitely come back to you in the future. Let go of the situation and forgive your friend.

How to behave with a friend who betrayed?

First of all, pull yourself together. If you don’t want to part with your friend, then take a closer look and watch her. After some time after such a decision, you will feel whether it is worth communicating with this person further.

Figure out why your friend treated you this way? What if this situation is also your fault? If the traitor asks to listen to her, agree and let her explain her behavior.

Women are emotional and therefore friendship between them constantly encounters various problems, which sometimes lead to quarrels, conflicts and showdowns.

To avoid possible misunderstandings and make sure that there was a place for betrayal, carefully consider the situation:

Make sure of the betrayal 100%.
Women are impulsive in life. This character trait leads to rash actions in moments of rage and despair, which are later regretted. Therefore, first of all, calm down, think about it, and only then take action against your friend.
Sometimes people make mistakes, so understand the situation. Maybe your friend didn’t want to betray you, it’s just the circumstances.
If your friend did something bad to you consciously, try to understand why this happened. Maybe you could have offended her and acted wrongly towards her.

Only after you fully understand the situation, accept the right decision, which will allow you to get out of the situation with minimal losses. If your friend acted deliberately, then it is better to break off the relationship with such a person. Such people cannot be trusted. If you decide to forgive the traitor, then over time a similar situation may repeat. Of course, this does not mean that you need to completely remove it from your life. Communicate with her, be in the same company, but show that you no longer trust her.

How to forgive a friend?

The opinions of most psychologists agree on one thing: in case of betrayal, it is best to simply forget it, erase it from your life. This is better for you. By forgiving, you let go of the situation and the stone from your soul, and life becomes simpler and easier.

Every person in life can make a mistake in their actions at least once. Maybe she didn’t want to do this, but now she wants to correct the situation and make peace with you. And if you decide to continue the relationship, you don’t need to remind your friend of your mistakes every time and reproach her for the offense she committed. Over time, you will understand your friendship and understand whether it can be trusted further.

Why do friends betray?

To answer this question, first of all, let’s understand the psychology of betrayal. There are cases when a person unknowingly betrays a friend. And this happens not only with friends, but also with other close and dear people. Sometimes a person does not understand that he is betraying a close friend, and the retribution is always very unpleasant.

People living at the present time misunderstand the meaning of some things and words, since it was incorrectly laid down for them. That is why such situations arise and serious problems arise in life. Most people understand that they did something wrong only when they are old, and this is a sad fact.

Betrayal by a friend is a nuisance in a girl’s life. If you look at this story from reverse side, then everything is not so terrible.

After analyzing the situation, you will understand how important this person is to you as a friend. After all, she was able to cause you a lot of pain, and even your friendship did not stop her. Even though you have lost your friend, there is no need to be upset. You don't need that kind of friendship. If you have a part in the betrayal, just learn a lesson and don’t make similar mistakes in the future.

For every person, the betrayal of a loved one brings grief and disappointment. Most people say that betrayal from someone close to you cannot be forgiven. If you look at it, each case is individual, and it is you who should make the decision, not someone else. Only a sober look at the problem will allow you to do the right thing.

When you can’t deal with betrayal yourself, it’s best to turn to a psychologist who will help you make the right decision and teach you not to be angry with your friend.

The main thing to remember is that there is no need to cry or worry after such situations. You are surrounded by people who are capable of truly being friends, take a closer look. Yes, even when forgiving a betrayed person, it is difficult to forget the very fact of betrayal and it is difficult to start trusting other people again. But you need to live on and it’s better to do it with a light soul and without the burden of revenge on your heart.

30 March 2014, 18:30