Getting rid of caries at home. Treatment of caries at home using folk and pharmacy remedies.

Dentists are often asked the same question: “How to stop tooth decay?”

This problem today occupies a global scale and worries every second inhabitant of our planet.

What can you do yourself at home, what solutions to the problem do clinics offer?

The first item on the list of how to stop the development of tooth decay is proper care of your teeth.

Prevention of caries in adults and young children is carried out by eliminating susceptibility to caries

This is very simple to do and anyone can do it, especially at home. All work consists of daily removal of food debris from the surface layer of tooth enamel.

A set of hygienic procedures for oral care is mainly a mechanical method of removing plaque that forms on teeth.

To do this, you need to purchase personal hygiene items:

  • toothbrush;
  • toothpaste;
  • rinse aid;
  • dental floss.

It is also worth considering that it can significantly help in the fight against major dental disease.

If it is not possible to brush your teeth after your next meal, you can use a mouthwash. Simply rinsing your mouth with its composition will help remove stuck food from the surface of your teeth.

Interdental floss is good for cleaning interdental spaces that are inaccessible to a toothbrush. It is enough to treat the interdental spaces with this floss just once a day, and the risk of developing caries will decrease significantly.

Mouth rinses can be hygienic, medicinal or combined

In addition to caring for your teeth at home using the above method, you must visit the dental office at least once every six months for professional oral hygiene.

At the same time, professional cleansing teeth, among which, is carried out using special devices that are only available in medical institutions.

To maintain healthy gums and teeth, oral hygiene is one of the most important components of success, so you should practice good oral hygiene.

Remineralization and fluoridation

Remineralization refers to the independent comprehensive strengthening of tooth enamel.

Toothpastes with a high calcium or fluoride content, as well as a special series of mouth rinses, are well suited for this.

Proper remineralization helps restore the outer enamel layer when it is damaged.

Fluoridation is the saturation of dental tissue with fluoride molecules in a professional setting. There are two main methods of fluoridation:

  • simple (for minor damage);
  • deep (saturation of enamel with fluoride-containing preparations).

Fluoridation and remineralization help protect teeth from the ravages of tooth decay.

Fissure sealing

Fissures are cavities located on the tooth surface.

There are fissures on all teeth except canines with incisors.

When sealing fissures, the doctor covers these depressions with a special hermetic composition.

Thanks to fissure sealing, tooth enamel becomes protected from many diseases, including caries. Sealing is carried out only on chewing teeth, where there are quite deep fissures.

High-quality filling

To firmly protect the diseased tooth from further destruction, a special filling is performed. The better this procedure is done, the longer the life of the tooth will be.

In order for the installed filling to last as long as possible, a responsible approach from the dentist and high quality materials used are required.

There are several rules that a dentist must follow when applying prosthetics:

  1. The attentive and responsible attitude of each dentist to his work;
  2. Formation of a filling that is as similar as possible to the natural surface of the tooth, with grooves and tubercles. This chewing surface copes with its main task better and longer;
  3. Creating the correct contact point between the tooth and the filling to prevent the formation of gaps where food particles will fall;
  4. The healed tooth should not contain voids between its surface and the surface of the filling material;
  5. Mandatory filling of microvoids with a special fluorine-based composite material.

How to stop caries at home?

To adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. treat damaged tooth surfaces with gels designed to restore the enamel layer;
  2. rinse the mouth with special tinctures (based on propolis);
  3. Use a paste with a high concentration of fluoride when brushing your teeth.

Useful video

A specialist explains how to independently diagnose and prevent development:

More recently, the presence of a carious cavity implied a mandatory visit to the dentist. Treatment technology has not changed for decades. The equipment was improved, but the essence remained the same. It was possible to remove caries from teeth only with the help of a drill.

To date, scientists have developed several techniques that allow caries removal at home without discomfort.

Toothpaste for caries

The action of anti-caries toothpastes is based on the strengthening of mineral tissues of teeth with fluoride compounds. They increase the resistance of enamel to adverse factors and block the growth of bacteria in soft dental plaque.

The following pastes show good results in the prevention and treatment of caries in the early stages:

  • Lacalut Fluor
  • Fluorodent
  • New Pearl Fluorine
  • Colgate Maximum
  • Pepsodent

The dentist should select medicinal pastes depending on the fluoride content in the patient’s diet. They should be used for regular hygienic teeth cleaning. Courses of treatment last 2-3 months with a mandatory break between them.

The paste stands apart from other representatives of anti-caries agents Apadent, which can both cure caries without the participation of a dentist and prevent its reappearance. This treatment method is based on the use of nano-hydroxyapatite, a substance that has a high affinity for natural dental and bone tissue.

Apadent toothpaste

Features of Apadent toothpaste:

  • the nano-size of the paste particles allows you to remove plaque from the entire surface of the enamel;
  • due to its high similarity to the natural tissues of human teeth, nano-hydroxyapatite is able to fill the smallest cracks and defects on the surface of tooth enamel;
  • nano-hydroxyapatite enhances the mineral flow from saliva, promoting the restoration of areas of tooth enamel and the natural treatment of caries;
  • The active ingredients of Apadent toothpaste do not have a toxic effect.

Treatment of caries with Apadent paste with nano-hydroxyapatite is easy. You just need to brush your teeth with it twice a day for at least thirty days. The duration of one cleaning procedure should not be less than two minutes. And for preventive purposes, it is enough to constantly use the paste once in the evening before bed.

Anti-caries gel

Dental medicinal gels are highly effective due to the possibility of combining chemically incompatible components (the aqueous shell prevents the reaction between them). The action of the gels is based on increasing the mineralization of enamel due to saliva substances. More often, such drugs are used to prevent caries, but they are also quite effective in treating the disease at the spot stage.

Gels are used for therapeutic purposes:

  • Fluodent
  • Fluocal
  • Elmex
  • Blend-a"med

Every evening after hygienic cleaning, rub the gel into the tooth enamel with a brush. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes.

The Fluoritray device from the Israeli company Fluorinex can be used not only in the dentist’s office, but also at home. This technology is based on the use of fluoride (fluoride) gel for the treatment of caries. During the treatment, an electrochemical reaction occurs in the replacement of hydroxide ions in tooth enamel with fluorite ions. A protective mineral layer is formed on the surface of the tooth, resistant to acids and bacteria.

The device kit includes:

  • a preparatory kit, including a special passive tray with a sponge inside and a solution of copper salts in a closed bottle;
  • set for electrophoresis consisting of a bath with a plug-in battery and fluoride gel.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to protect the gums by applying a thin layer of Vaseline to them.

In the preliminary stage, liquid copper chloride is applied to the sponge, after which the passive tray should be placed in the mouth. For 1 minute, the teeth of the upper jaw are immersed in the solution.

It is very important to ensure that your head is in a strictly vertical position during the procedure. Otherwise, the copper chloride solution may enter the stomach.

After 60 seconds, rinse your mouth thoroughly. The preliminary stage is repeated similarly for the lower teeth.

To carry out the main stage of treatment (alternately for the upper and lower jaws), fluoride gel is applied to the bath, after which a power supply is attached to it. The tray is placed in the mouth so as to ensure maximum contact of the gel with the teeth. The current turns on. The duration of the procedure is 4 minutes for each jaw.

After using the gel, do not smoke, drink or eat for 30 minutes.

The effect of the gel can last up to 5 years, but it is recommended to carry out the procedure once a year.

Laundry soap

A good effect against caries is obtained by rinsing the mouth with a solution of ordinary laundry soap, which should not contain any flavorings. Grate 5 g of soap on a fine grater and dissolve in a glass of water. Use only fresh solution each time. Rinse morning and evening.

Folk remedies and recipes

Treatment of advanced deep caries folk ways is not effective and may even be dangerous. In such cases, therapy in a dental office is required. But at the initial stages of the process, removing caries at home is quite possible.

Propolis tincture

Propolis has a huge number of active components that have a detrimental effect on bacteria that cause caries. In addition, resins and mineral complexes “seal” microcracks in tooth enamel, thereby preventing the re-development of the disease and damage to healthy teeth.

After daily hygienic cleaning, the oral cavity is rinsed with a solution prepared from two tablespoons of 20% propolis tincture and a glass of warm boiled water. During the day, or if you are unable to brush your teeth, you can chew a piece of propolis unchanged for several minutes. This will freshen your breath and in a good way prevent the occurrence of caries.

Treatment of caries with salt

After each meal you should rinse your mouth with a salt solution. If possible, it is better to use sea salt, but regular table salt will do. Dissolve 40 g of salt in a glass of warm water. This concentration has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Keep the solution in your mouth for 2-3 minutes.

Treatment of caries with medicinal herbs

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for treating caries using medicinal herbs.


Sage essential oils are destructive to pathological microorganisms that cause caries. 2 tablespoons of the dry plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for an hour in a warm place. Regularly rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion, and at night moisten a tampon with it and apply it to the problem tooth. The duration of treatment is at least two months.

Chinese lemongrass

Tea made from Chinese lemongrass has a powerful anti-bacterial effect. Pour a tablespoon of crushed bark and small twigs of the plant into half a liter of water and leave for 30 minutes in a water bath. Take regularly warm to drink, holding the decoction in your mouth for a few seconds.


Pour half a glass of calamus with 250 ml of vodka and 250 ml of water and leave for 10 days. Dilute a tablespoon of the resulting tincture with a glass of warm water and use it to rinse your mouth twice a day.

You can also prepare a decoction of calamus. Boil 2 tablespoons of the dry plant with a glass of water. Rinse your mouth after eating. The course of treatment is 5 weeks.


3 tablespoons of onion peels are infused for 8 hours in 500 ml of boiled hot water. The resulting solution is used to treat the oral cavity three times a day.

Relieve toothache Onion juice helps with caries. Squeeze the juice from a fresh onion and moisten a cotton swab with it. Apply to the affected tooth for several hours. Phytoncides have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

Medicinal herbal preparations

A combination of several medicinal herbs allows you to greatly enhance the effect of all components included in the collection.

  1. Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort flowers into two glasses of boiling water and leave for an hour. Rinse your mouth with this infusion after each meal and before bed.
  2. Mix strawberry, nettle and lemon balm leaves in equal proportions with dry wheatgrass and knotweed roots. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 300 ml of hot water and simmer in a thermos for two hours. Use morning and evening to rinse your mouth.
  3. Mint leaves and fennel fruits are mixed in equal quantities. 50 g of the mixture is infused in half a liter of alcohol or vodka for 3 months. Mix a teaspoon of the resulting tincture with a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth after each meal. The course of treatment is a month.
  4. Pour 50 ml of wine vinegar over raspberry and mint leaves and leave for 3-5 days. To rinse the mouth, use a solution obtained by mixing a teaspoon of tincture and a glass of clean warm water.

Homeopathic treatment

Classical homeopathy offers several remedies for the treatment of dental diseases, including caries. Adherents of traditional medicine doubt whether tooth enamel can be restored with homeopathic remedies. Of course, such drugs will not fill the defect, but they can easily cope with inflammation and pain, as well as suppress the growth of bacteria. Thus, they stop the pathological process of tooth decay.

Homeopathic toothpaste “Belka-K”

The toothpaste contains the following active substances in homeopathic concentrations:

  • Silicea— neutralizes the effects of acidic foods, increases the hardness of tooth enamel.
  • Calcarea phosphoricum— prevents demineralization of teeth, normalizes calcium metabolism.
  • Comfrey— increases the absorption of calcium salts by tooth tissues, stimulates healing processes.
  • Sambucus- reduces tooth sensitivity, has an analgesic effect.
  • Rataniya- eliminates bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
  • Plantago— restores enamel, returns its whiteness.
  • Camphor- has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • horse chestnut— normalizes blood flow in the gums, eliminates bleeding gums.
  • Chamomile— stimulates restoration processes in the gums and dental tissue, has an antibacterial effect.
  • Fir oil— removes tartar and plaque, whitens enamel.

Belka-K toothpaste should be used to brush your teeth twice a day for three minutes. The course of treatment is two months.

Remember! Self-treatment of caries is possible only in the earliest stages! In advanced cases, it is imperative to carry out therapy only in a dental office with an experienced doctor.

Caries is a dental disease in which depressions and cavities form in the hard dental tissues. The cause of tooth decay is carious bacteria; they produce lactic acid, which destroys tooth enamel and dentin, forming cavities. How to treat caries and is it possible to treat dental disease at home?

Caries: the essence of the disease

Tooth decay, called caries, affects most of the world's population. Carious destruction is formed in the presence of two factors:

  1. The presence of infection - so-called carious bacteria.
  2. Disruption of the normal microflora inside the oral cavity.

Bacteria are always present in the oral cavity. Their destructive effects are prevented by saliva. If a person’s diet is too high in carbohydrates or there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the composition of saliva changes and ceases to perform its protective functions. Tooth decay begins.

The situation is aggravated by a lack of calcium, which is formed under the following conditions:

  • Insufficient amount of calcium in food.
  • Insufficient calcium absorption (gastrointestinal diseases, vitamin D deficiency).
  • Environmental impact, influence of radiation.

Treatment of caries with folk remedies is based on understanding the causes of carious destruction. To successfully counteract the disease, the following is necessary:

  • normalize the composition of saliva;
  • neutralize existing pathogenic bacteria inside the oral cavity;
  • provide dental tissues and the body with calcium, fluoride, vitamin D.

What natural pharmacy products provide this effect and successfully counteract caries?

Treatment of dental caries in folk medicine

How to fight caries at home using traditional medicine? The positive effect of self-treatment is possible in initial stage diseases. With deep holes, it is difficult to clean the internal cavity from the bacteria present in it using rinses and baths. Therefore, traditional medicine methods are more often used for the prevention or treatment of other dental diseases - inflammation of the roots or gums (periodontitis).

How to treat caries at home? If the caries is shallow, it can be stopped with frequent disinfecting rinses. For this purpose several folk remedies from caries:

  • Alcohol tinctures of propolis and calamus. They are diluted with water (2 parts alcohol tincture to 1 part water) and kept in the mouth in the form of oral baths around the resulting hole. Rinses and baths are the most accessible form of dental treatment at home.
  • Exposure to pine needles and salt. Substances contained in pine needles and natural salt (sodium chlorine) are disinfectants. This allows you to successfully use them at home. Young needles are placed between the teeth and squeezing movements are made to “chew” the needles. Do this for 10-15 minutes two to three times a day. Salt treatment also helps stop caries. To do this, rub the teeth and gums with salt with your fingers. Later, when the teeth are strengthened and the inflammation is stopped, you can use a soft toothbrush for salt brushing.
  • The cure for tooth decay is a calcium supplement enriched with vitamin D3. This product is made at home from egg peels dissolved in lemon juice.
  • Also successful in preventing tooth decay is bactericidal toothpaste. You can use coniferous tree resin against caries at home. Resin is a natural bactericidal substance that can effectively clean teeth and interdental space from plaque and food debris. Pharmacy toothpaste against caries contains disinfecting additives and substances to normalize the acidity on the surface of the teeth.

When using natural remedies, it is necessary to monitor their effectiveness. If you can’t stop caries at home, you need to urgently visit a dentist. If treatment is not carried out, then after one and a half to two years the nerve will need to be removed and the tooth root filled.

The most effective treatment is to clean the carious cavity and fill it with filling material.

Treatment of caries in dentistry

How to cure caries? A dentist performs treatment using a drill. He drills and removes the black layer inside the cavity. It is necessary to completely remove the black plaque; it is in it that carious bacteria develop.

Cleaning black plaque with a drill often creates painful sensations. After cleaning, the cavity is washed with a bactericidal solution and filled with filling material. If necessary, medicine is placed at the bottom of the cavity (if there is inflammation).

Many patients find the buzzing sound of the drill unpleasant. If drill work has ever been associated with pain, a person is afraid of new painful sensations and often does not go to the dentist. Is it possible to treat caries without a drill? And is it painful to treat caries using alternative dentistry methods?

Alternative dentistry: laser, ozone and ICON treatment

Treatment of carious cavities without a drill is possible and successfully used in modern dental clinics. For this, several alternative types of exposure are used: laser beam, ozone, ICON technique. How to get rid of caries without using a drill?

Treatment of caries with laser

The use of laser is a promising treatment method that can successfully solve the question “how to get rid of caries without pain?” The method is non-traumatic, does not create pain, effectively disinfects the carious cavity, and efficiently cleans the hole from the inside. Laser treatment of caries has not only advantages. Among the shortcomings, we highlight the most important:

  • Warming up of the hard tissues of the tooth, which results in worse adhesion of the filling material.
  • Deterioration of the dentist’s visual capabilities due to working in dark glasses. The consequence may be accidental opening of the pulp chamber, removal of the root and filling of the root canal.
  • The high cost of treatment due to the high cost of equipment and the need to acquire new professional skills.

Due to the high cost and the requirement for new equipment and new professional skills, laser treatment of caries has not yet gained much popularity in dental clinics.

Treatment of caries with ozone

In this technique, ozone is used to disinfect the internal carious cavity. Triatomic oxygen (ozone) oxidizes and disinfects the infected layer, and 99.99% of carious microorganisms are removed. Treatment of caries with ozone is not widespread in dental practice for adults for the following reason: The affected area of ​​the tooth after treatment with ozone remains porous and cannot be a reliable support for filling material. Under chewing loads, the filling cannot be held in place and falls out. Therefore, for further filling after ozone treatment, it is necessary to remove the porous, fragile layer with a drill drill.

Ozone treatment is used in pediatric dentistry to treat shallow carious holes, without drilling the tooth.

ICON – a new word in dental practice

Icon is a new treatment method that appeared 10 years ago. This is the name of a polymer material that fills pores and shallow holes. The method is used to treat superficial and intermediate caries when the enamel is affected or when the destruction has reached half the thickness of the dentin layer. How to fight caries using Icon methods?

In the area of ​​tooth decay formation, the surface layer of enamel is etched. For this, hydrochloric acid is used. To prevent the destructive effects of hydrochloric acid on neighboring tissues, the gums are covered with a protective latex plate. After which the hearth is filled with a synthetic polymer. This action in the Icon method is called “infiltration of tooth enamel.”

Advantages of the Icon method:

  • The treatment is performed without the use of a drill. Removing the source of infection does not require the use of a dental drill.
  • Icon is a non-traumatic, painless technique, without the need for anesthesia.
  • High speed of the treatment process (15-20 minutes per carious spot).
  • After treatment with the Icon method, the tooth surface looks like healthy enamel.

Icon – technology of the future in dental treatment.

PhotoLatex gum protection around the tooth

PhotoStages of treatment in the ICON method

Treatment of dental caries might not be relevant if people ate healthy foods that supported normal microflora. The introduction of a large amount of carbohydrate foods into the menu creates an acidic environment inside the oral cavity, especially in those places where food debris accumulates (interdental spaces, the lower part of the teeth above the gums). Caries treatment is possible by various means, traditional or new medical technologies.

Treating teeth is an expensive pleasure today, so many people are interested in treating caries at home as an alternative to visiting the dentist.

The women's website "Beautiful and Successful" decided to find out whether it is possible to cure a bad tooth without the help of a dentist, what traditional methods used to combat caries and when such treatment will be effective. Our readers will be able to find out all this information by reading this article.

Caries: what is this disease and why does it appear?

This is called a bacterial infection of dental tissues, as a result of which these tissues are destroyed. The disease can occur in several stages:

  1. Appearance white spot. This spot usually does not bother a person in any way and can remain in a “frozen” state for a long time, without developing in any way.
  2. Damage to tooth enamel. At this stage, the integrity of the tooth enamel is compromised, and when cold or hot foods come into contact with it, teeth appear.
  3. Damage to dentin. If the carious cavity has reached the dentin, then the tooth will respond with acute pain to every contact with cold or sugar.
  4. Inflammation of the pulp. At this stage, the tooth hurts, even if it is not disturbed, for some time after the onset severe pain Flux may develop.

Dental caries most often occurs due to poor nutrition. The fact is that bacteria live on the surface of human teeth and produce acid that corrodes dental tissue. The number of these microorganisms depends on the conditions in which they have to exist. If they don't have enough food, they don't reproduce. When they get enough food, the colonies begin to grow.

The number of bacteria increases even if nothing prevents them from reproducing safely.

Thus, the causes of caries can be:

  • Incorrect, infrequent brushing, neglect of hygienic procedures for cleansing the oral cavity.
  • Presence of diseases that weaken skeletal system human, including teeth. Such ailments include scurvy, osteochondrosis, diabetes, rickets, and diathesis.
  • Decreased immunity.

Almost every modern person is confident that only a dentist can cure a carious cavity.

It turns out that teeth, just like other tissues of our body, are capable of repairing themselves. American dentist Weston A. Price has been studying the issue of how to treat tooth decay at home for many years.

He made amazing conclusions: just adjust your diet, and damaged teeth will be restored.

Based on his observations and research, Dr. Price created an entire nutritional system for the treatment of caries. It will be useful for anyone who suffers from “bad” teeth to get acquainted with it.

Treatment of caries using the Price method at home

Like every modern dentist, Dr. Price argued that the biggest enemy of teeth is sugar. In addition to this sweet product, the doctor recommended that his patients avoid refined oils, as well as skim and powdered milk, which tends to attach to teeth and become food for pathogenic bacteria there. Price recommended including in the diet of a person suffering from caries:

  1. Whole milk products and especially butter.
  2. Animal fats and unrefined oils: olive, sesame, flaxseed, coconut, palm.
  3. Meat and offal. Eating lamb, beef and game is especially good for your teeth. It is also important to eat bone broths.
  4. Fish and shellfish living in natural conditions. To treat tooth decay, you should also eat cod liver oil.
  5. Fruits and vegetables.
  6. Natural vinegar. It can be used as a starter.
  7. Sauerkraut, cucumbers, kvass and other products that have undergone fermentation processes.
  8. Natural sweeteners: maple syrup, honey, date sugar.

Thanks to a diet rich in enzymes, vegetable and animal fats, proteins, the body begins to receive a sufficient amount nutrients. This allows its defenses to independently cope not only with caries, but also with other diseases.

Price's observations showed that when changing the diet, carious cavities heal within 1.5-2 months, and tooth pain goes away. In some cases, even complete restoration of tooth enamel occurs, especially if the problem appeared in a young person.

However, if the caries has become deep enough, and the pain does not allow you to wait several months, it is impossible to treat the disease solely with nutrition. In this case, home methods to combat the problem will help.

How to treat deep caries at home

Since caries is a bacterial infection, you can get rid of it with the help of folk remedies that have antiseptic properties. People have many such recipes. But the following home remedies are recognized as the most effective cures for caries:

  1. – the strongest natural antibiotic. Rinsing with an aqueous solution of alcohol tincture of propolis will help remove inflammation and pain in the tooth, even in the case of an abscess. Chewing propolis also helps stop the development of caries. If your tooth hurts, you can take a piece of chewable propolis, make a cake out of it and apply it to the gum.
  2. Sage is an excellent natural antibiotic. Its infusion is also used for rinsing, compresses, and internal use. To cure tooth decay using sage at home, you need to rinse your mouth with it every day for several weeks.
  3. Calamus is a home remedy for caries and gum disease, which our ancestors once often resorted to. Traditional medicine recommends chewing calamus roots every day to get rid of caries. But since this plant grows in wetlands, and not in city parks or public gardens, it is difficult for an ordinary city dweller to find its fresh root. But in every pharmacy you can buy dried calamus, which can be brewed, infused and used for rinsing.
  4. Garlic is a good anesthetic and antiseptic. You can remove caries at home using it by turning to several recipes. The simplest of them involves applying a cleaned and cut clove to the diseased teeth. You can also rinse your mouth with garlic tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 5 large heads of garlic, peel them and chop the cloves. The pulp must be transferred to a glass container and placed in a cool place for 2 days. After this, you need to squeeze the juice out of the mass, mix it with half a liter of chilled boiled water, and let it steep for another 3 days. The resulting homemade cure for caries is used for rinsing teeth and for applications to sore gums.
  5. Mint. It is recommended to chew fresh leaves of the plant for caries. The good thing about this remedy is that it is quite possible to grow mint at home: in a pot on the windowsill.
  6. Fir oil is a good natural preparation for the treatment of caries accompanied by pain. You can get rid of toothache by applying a cotton wool soaked in fir oil to the sore spot.
  7. A mixture of iodized salt and crushed beets. For home treatment of caries, you need to apply this mixture, tied in a gauze bag, to the sore spot for half an hour.
  8. A mixture of St. John's wort, chamomile and calendula is an excellent medicine that will help solve the problem of how to quickly cure caries at home. Herbs for the mixture are taken in a ratio of 1:1:1. Three tablespoons of raw material should be brewed with 400 ml of boiling water and left for an hour under the lid. Rinse your mouth with the prepared product after eating.

For most modern people, the information that at home you can not only relieve toothache, but also completely cure caries will probably come as news. Meanwhile, this is quite real.

It is impossible to treat at home only those teeth that have already been severely damaged and literally crumbled.

Of course, only a dentist can restore or remove them. In other cases, the question of how to cure caries at home can be solved quite easily. To remove from a tooth dark spots and small cavities, you just need to support its natural defenses with appropriate nutrition and proper hygiene.

Author - Pelageja, website – Beautiful and Successful
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It is important to understand that any home treatment will not get rid of caries forever, but will only stop the development of the disease and remove unpleasant symptoms.

There are a huge number of folk recipes that promise to get rid of caries, but only some of them are absolutely safe for human health.

Features of the pathology

Caries is a lesion of the crown of the tooth, which is caused by cariogenic bacteria that live in food debris.

First, the tooth enamel is destroyed, after which the rest of the tooth is damaged.

You can learn more about caries on this website, everything is collected there better ways treatment.

First, the disease manifests itself in the form of a white spot, which can remain in this state for a long time.

At first, the damage affects only the top of the tooth - the enamel, and this is manifested by excessive sensitivity to hot and cold.

The pain appears while eating and goes away fairly quickly. Gradually, the disease penetrates deeper and reaches the insides of the tooth, which are located next to the nerve bundle.

The pain with such damage is very strong, sometimes completely unbearable, especially when eating hot and cold foods.

Why does caries occur?

  • improper oral care;
  • irregular cleaning;
  • the presence of various pathologies - rickets, scurvy, osteochondrosis, diabetes, diathesis - which provoke the development of caries and aggravate it;
  • weakening protective forces body;
  • genetic predisposition is a rather ambiguous cause of caries.

It has been noticed that in Africans this disease practically does not occur, but in Asians, on the contrary, the lesion occurs quite often.

However, this may also be due to dietary habits, amount of sunlight and other factors.

Home treatment methods

When the first signs of caries appear, you should immediately go to a doctor, who will clean the tooth of carious areas and fill it.

However, if you can’t see a doctor right now, you can try to alleviate the condition with home remedies.

It is important to understand that such treatment makes sense only for minor damage to the tooth, and for extensive damage only a doctor can help.

All folk recipes The treatments that are used for teeth are very simple, and they are easy to prepare yourself, without having special knowledge and skills.

Ointments, solutions and tinctures prepared at home will be especially effective in combination with preventive measures.

An excellent natural antiseptic that kills bacteria that cause this pathology is sage.

A tincture is prepared from the plant: 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs and leave the liquid to steep for about an hour. The tincture is used in the form of lotions, moistening cotton wool and applying to a sore tooth.

Propolis is very effective in fighting caries at home. A piece of the product is placed on the sore spot for about half an hour.

For this purpose, propolis is formed into a pea, and a cotton swab is placed on top.

You can treat caries yourself using camphor alcohol. The solution is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the affected area.

You need to hold it for several minutes. In addition, you can lubricate the gums around the sore tooth with alcohol.

Fir oil, which has powerful healing properties. A cotton swab is soaked in the medicine and placed on the top of the tooth.

After a few minutes, the cotton wool is moved to the front surface of the tooth, and after the same amount of time - to the inner surface. Rinsing your mouth with onion skins is old method dental treatment.

You can prepare the medicine very simply: 3 tsp. pour 500 liters of boiling water over onion peels and bring the mixture to a boil. Then the liquid is filtered and infused for about 8 hours.

You need to rinse your mouth with the infusion several times a day. The medicine relieves pain and disinfects the oral cavity, preventing the development of cariogenic microorganisms.

It should be noted that in each specific case the same medicine works differently and depends on the general condition of the patient and the intensity of the disease.

When deciding whether to treat caries at home, you need to carefully study the recipe and the possible risks of such therapy.

If unwanted symptoms appear or pain intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.