Who will have their pensions increased on January 1? Minimum pension in Russia

If a foreigner who has reached the established age or a stateless person applies for the corresponding payment, he needs confirmation that he has lived in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years.

There are different situations in life. As they say, I’ll take away someone else’s misfortune with my hand. Gave birth healthy child and due to the fault of the doctors, he became disabled. No help from grandparents, and over time, friends moved away because the child was mentally ill. People have a cry from the heart. The same thing flashed through your mind, since you wrote. But in our country, people with disabilities are really not needed and they are not provided with any assistance compared to other countries. Although we live in the richest a country with a large number of millionaires. And when you walk around the city with such a child, people look as if you were leading an elephant on a string. Be healthy!

Previously – January 1, 2018 – insurance pensions(including fixed payments) of non-working pensioners increased by 3.7%, which is higher than the inflation rate for 2017. The size of the fixed payment after indexation is 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of the pension point is 81.49 rubles. The average annual old-age insurance pension eventually increased to 14,137 rubles, the average annual old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners increased to 14,416 rubles.

The department explained that as a result of indexation, the average size social pension will increase by 255 rubles and after the increase will amount to 9,062 rubles. At the same time, the average pension for disabled children and disabled children of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles, respectively.

More than four million people receive a social pension in Russia, including disabled people, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the required length of service.

At the direction of GorGaz, she submitted an application to install a gas meter. I paid 3,100 rubles for the work and 265 for the maintenance of the stove. I bought a gas meter for 2,300 rubles, a 2-meter hose for 450 rubles. Total came out: 6115 rubles. But if it was a new apartment and it was necessary to connect the stove, it would be even more expensive. The man standing behind me kept asking if there were any benefits for pensioners, if there were any discounts for anyone, to which there was only one answer: “No!” So the work itself was paid for by me 3365 rubles. Of which VAT 18% is 513.30 rubles. Revenue for the work of 1 point for Gorgaz: 2851.70 rubles. How interesting are these funds then proportionally laid out? How much for welding materials (electricity was running through my meter)? How much for the salary (the work was completed in 30 minutes, well, taking into account the road, let’s say 1 hour)? You understand, and it’s a shame that of this money, paid by me, (paid by all of us), the largest part of the salary will be received not by those who compete with hoses and cylinders, but by those who are in charge in the offices. “Hey, you’re up there, I can’t shout to you!” Stop robbing the people and the country! To more people they didn’t complain, they removed the golden parachutes from the bureaucrats, gave them three average salaries, as if they didn’t know it, their salaries are millions, and people work for tears.”

Pension increase from April 1, 2018: table, indexation. Recent events.

I am a group 2 disabled person and have not received any increase. Let the government live on 5,000-8,000 thousand when you have children who need to be dressed and put on shoes. In the Astrakhan region, in the city of Akhtubinsk, prices are terrible, especially for utilities, gas is becoming more expensive every quarter, electricity too, water generally costs gold. There is no such thing anywhere. So think about whether you can live on such a pension. If Putin had such a salary, I would see how he would live...

I completely agree with you, these PARISTS have done well! Since February I have been receiving 10100, disability pension, first group, I worked for AVTOVAZ. And these parasites spent their whole lives sitting on a bench in the yard, drinking beer and receiving almost the same pension, about 9600.

Pensions will increase three times, but once each for different categories of pensioners: in January, April and August. For the most part, everything is as usual, but in 2018 there were some changes in the rules for indexing pensions. Read more about them in our material.

Galina, I hate reading your “smart” advice! Otherwise we didn’t know how to live or what to do! Dictate your rules to your children if they are healthy! That is why you rejoice and are blissful! How many people lie motionless, chained to a bed? Do you know about this? Do you know how much money is spent on such people? Yes, you haven’t seen anything further than your nose! Therefore, be silent, I ask you!

EDV is monetary compensation for a disabled person’s expenses for medications, transportation and other needs if the person refuses the set of social services that is provided in in kind(NSU). Let us remind you that the NSO includes the free provision of medicines, sanatorium-resort treatment, as well as travel to and from the place of treatment both within the city and outside it.

A housing and communal services worker (mechanic) works for a salary from the state. budget. The money he took from you is not taken into account; he put it in his pocket and shared it with the site foreman. This happened to me, I handed over a drunken plumber to the police and the next day I wrote a statement for extortion and the plumber was fired from his job. Then they come and install everything for free. You just need to write complaints about them more often. The President alone cannot cope with theft and embezzlement cash civil servants. We write few complaints about them.

In 2017, it is 13,657 rubles, so the average increase will be about 400 rubles. By the way, in 2019 and 2020, the old-age pension is planned to be increased by 4% per year.

The exact amount of additional payment to the pension will depend on the class rank (special rank) of the person dismissed from the authorities, and you should expect it on February 1, 2018. Through the Prosecutor General's Office, the increase will affect 22 thousand people, the Investigative Committee - 2.4 thousand people. For this purpose, 2.5 billion rubles were allocated in the 2018 federal budget, and 3.1 billion each in the following years.

My son is disabled group 2. We were waiting for indexation, hoping to get at least these pennies. But the amount of the pension and the daily allowance have not changed. And all the sites are buzzing about a 4% increase. What is this, an April Fool's prank?

Pension increase from April 1, 2018. Indexation of social pension. Latest news.

I think that 2% will be quiet horror. Remember, during Putin’s second presidential term, 30 rubles were added and Russian pensioners, including me, were seriously outraged and sent these pennies to the president. Then the government promptly corrected itself.

Initially federal authorities announced that social pensions will increase by 4.1%. However, a little later, the enthusiasm of officials subsided, as it became known that the inflation rate was 2.5%. As a result, the decision was revised and the indexation of social payments was established at 2.9%.

Pensions of non-working pensioners, including fixed payments, will be increased by 3.7% from January 1.

Pension increase from April 1, 2018. Table. Latest events.

During my military service, I ended up in Chernobyl, June-July 1986, I was constantly at the station, I was 19 years old, I got a disease associated with exposure to radiation and became disabled. I don’t have much experience - 13 years, my pension is based on state pension provision, but it is indexed in the same way as social security. If I had been a “partisan” in Chernobyl, it would have been easier - they receive a good salary, but for us, conscripts, we again get pennies in a flat sum. Also among the “Afghans” and “Chechens”. Everyone who risked their health defending the Fatherland receives, one might say, a social pension.

Children under the age of 18, as well as over this age, studying full-time in educational institutions all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, with the exception of educational institutions additional education, before they complete such training, but no longer than before they reach the age of 23, who have lost one or both parents, and children of a deceased single mother;

Comrades, will our Government decide to use the money planned for indexation of social pensions to help Crimea? I think this is quite possible, they will say that money is needed there, and instead of 17.6%, they will again add 2% like last year.

The increase in pensions in Russia in 2018 will occur in three stages, separately for each category of pensioners.

Pension increase from April 1, 2018. Indexation of state pensions. Main news today 04/01/2018

Anna, my dear! You know that pensions are raised for DISABLED people once a year, and the increase fluctuates on average 500 rubles! Are you saying it's wonderful? Do you know the regime of a disabled person, are you familiar with the expenses of a disabled person? God forbid you find out about this! She herself worked and worked hard from the age of 14, did not complain about the state, humbly received the same pennies as you do now! But a tragedy in my life ruined my beautiful plans for life! A disabled son was born, in serious condition! So I’ve been sitting next to my lying, motionless Sun for 10 years. And this ridiculous pension is barely enough for me to pay for thousands of dollars in medicine. And I’m only 33 years old.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation also clarifies that the monthly income of older people cannot be lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. Therefore, all non-working pensioners will receive a social supplement to their pension up to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level in the region of residence.

The average social pension after the increase increased by 255 rubles and is 9,062 rubles. The average size of the social pension for disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood of group I increased by 378 and 382 rubles respectively and is 13,410 and 13,556 rubles. The average size of pensions of citizens with disabilities due to war trauma and participants of the Great Patriotic War receiving two pensions, after indexation increased to 30,694 rubles and 35,387 rubles, respectively.

They didn’t add a penny, the pension was minimal, she worked all her life, gave birth to 3 children, two sons served in the army. You know what the earnings were, they weren’t enough for a pension, they gave me an additional payment of 600 rubles and for each increase they take a minus, now with an additional payment of 200 rubles, as I received 5700, I still get it. So that you deputies and your children can live on the pennies that you pay people.

The authorities promised to index pensions in full in 2017 - according to the inflation rate in 2016, and they kept their promise in full. The insurance pension was raised by 5.4% in February 2017, and by another 0.38% in April. Inflation in Russia in 2016, according to official data from Rosstat, amounted to 5.6%.

“Since 2016, working pensioners receive insurance pension without any indexation, the Pension Fund reminds. - When a pensioner stops labor activity, he begins to receive a pension in full, taking into account all indexations, that took place during his work."

More than 4 million people receive a social pension in Russia. As a rule, these are disabled people, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the required length of service. Now the average social pension is 8,742 rubles. From April 1, 2018 it will increase by 4.1%.

Of course, they themselves can calculate what increase in pension they will receive from April 1, 2018. To do this, you just need to multiply its current size by 1.029. We also performed these simple arithmetic operations for some categories of payment recipients.

I personally fought in Afghanistan and have 17 years of work experience in production, am disabled group 2, and what do I need this compensation of 212 rubles with inflation of 7%? Once again the state has robbed all pensioners. How can there be a % compensation for inflation for 2013? labor pension 10%, and for us, who fought for our Motherland, 0.081, or we eat air! Another stupid trick by our government. This is only the beginning of the United Russia program “Accessible environment for people with disabilities.” It seems that the further into the forest, the more firewood there will be! United Russia has lost about 10 million more potential supporters! VIVAT, RUSSIA!

Pension payments increase every year. The amount of the increase depends on the inflation rate over the past year. The largest pension increase is expected on April 1, 2018. But it is worth noting that not all pensioners can count on it.

The increase in pension payments will affect:

  • citizens receiving social benefits;
  • disabled people of all groups;
  • citizens who receive survivor assistance;
  • old age pensioners;
  • military pensioners;
  • pensioners working in internal affairs bodies;
  • employees of government agencies.

Will the pension still be increased from April 1, 2018?

The government committee spent a long time deciding on the issue of establishing a minimum pension and increasing it for vulnerable segments of the population.

From April 1, 2018, the following will already receive an increased pension:

  • long service pensioners;
  • People retirement age;
  • citizens receiving pension payments for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • citizens who are not entitled to pension payments.

According to the latest bill minimum size pensions should not be less than the subsistence level in a particular region. Let us remind you that the cost of living is calculated separately for each region.

Today, the average cost of living is 8,726 rubles, but after indexation it should increase by three percent.

How much will pension payments increase from April 1?

Minimum pension from April 1, 2018 will be 9,062 rubles, which is 255 rubles higher than the previous one. The increased pension will be accrued automatically to everyone who is entitled to it, so pensioners will not need to go to the Pension Fund and check. The increase will also apply to military pensioners who suffered from man-made disasters.

In total, from April 1, almost four million people will receive increased pension payments, who are at the moment receive a minimum pension. The increase will affect everyone whose pension does not reach the minimum subsistence level.

According to the decree of the President of Russia, children with childhood disabilities must receive at least 382 rubles, and disabled children - at least 378 rubles. Citizens receiving benefits for the loss of a breadwinner will receive 303 rubles more.

The highest bonus will be for Russians who have any merit to their Motherland - 484 rubles.

Non-working pensioners will also receive increased pensions from April 1

The increase will also apply to pensioners who do not work. These include those who should have already retired, but have not earned the minimum length of service. Such payments will increase by 255 rubles, and as a result, these categories of people will receive 9 thousand rubles monthly. Let us remind you that in this case, men must reach the age of 65 years, and women - 60 years.
These payments will also apply to foreigners who have lived in Russia for at least fifteen years, but only if the insurance period is minimal or completely absent.

For pensioners, there has always been, is and will be the most pressing issue, the issue of increasing pensions. This is the most socially vulnerable category of citizens, who can only count on state help.

The next big increase in pension payments is scheduled for the first of April this year, but it will not apply to all categories.

The following may apply for this type of pension:

  • people who receive social assistance;
  • disabled people of any group;
  • people receiving a survivor's pension;
  • those who are not entitled to an old-age pension;
  • military pensioners;
  • pensioners who worked in internal affairs bodies;
  • government employees.

Pension indexation from April 1 will not affect old-age pensioners

In 2017, the indexation of old-age pensions for elderly Russians took place twice: in February and April. The main increase then happened on February 1 - according to the tradition of many recent years, and the indexation percentage was 5.4%, in accordance with inflation in the country at the end of 2016. From April 1, pensions increased by another 0.4% - the budget included an increase in pension payments by 5.8%, and the government, after thinking, decided to direct all allocated funds for their intended purpose.

Russian pensioners perceived the April 2017 indexation rather ambiguously - 0.4% meant in practice an increase of a maximum of several tens of rubles. The government wanted to do what was best, but older Russians perceived the second indexation as a handout.

What the media says

Already news that life will become much better for pensioners from the first day of next month is published everywhere, everyone is writing about this step social media. According to the latest news about the indexation of pensions from April 1, 2018, people’s pension savings old age will grow significantly. But again, there are limitations here.

  • those who have a fairly long length of service;
  • if a citizen has not yet retired, then increasing his pension savings will be made only after he officially becomes an age pensioner;
  • those citizens who already receive pension contributions from the state due to the loss of their only breadwinner in the past;
  • those citizens who, for some other reason, do not have the right to receive pension contributions.

Pension increase from April 1, 2018. Conclusion

A condition for assigning a social pension to disabled people and people of retirement age may be the absence of insurance coverage.

The coefficient of increase in pension benefits depends on the increase in the cost of living.

It was originally planned that in 2018 the social pension would be increased by 1.2%.

For pensioners, there has always been, is and will be the most pressing issue, the issue of increasing pensions. This is the most socially vulnerable category of citizens, who can only count on state help.

The next big increase in pension payments is scheduled for the first day of April this year, but it will not apply to all categories.
The following may apply for this type of pension:
– people who receive social assistance;
– disabled people of any group;
– people receiving a survivor’s pension;
– those who are not entitled to an old-age pension;
– military pensioners;
– pensioners who worked in internal affairs bodies;
- employees of government agencies.

Indexation of old-age pensions from April 1, 2018
In 2017, the indexation of old-age pensions for elderly Russians took place twice: in February and April. The main increase then happened on February 1 - according to the tradition of many recent years, and the indexation percentage was 5.4%, in accordance with inflation in the country at the end of 2016. From April 1, pensions increased by another 0.4% - the budget included an increase in pension payments by 5.8%, and the government, after thinking, decided to direct all allocated funds for their intended purpose.
Russian pensioners perceived the April 2017 indexation rather ambiguously - 0.4% meant in practice an increase of a maximum of several tens of rubles. The government wanted to do what was best, but older Russians perceived the second indexation as a handout.
What they write in the media
Already the news that life will become much better for pensioners from the first day of next month is published everywhere, all social networks are writing about this step. According to the latest news about the indexation of pensions from April 1, 2018, pension savings for older people will increase significantly. But again, there are limitations here.
The categories that will have their pension savings increased first include the following categories of citizens:
– those who have a fairly long length of service;
– if a citizen has not yet retired, then his pension savings will be increased only after he officially becomes an old-age pensioner;
– those citizens who are already receiving pension contributions from the state due to the loss of their only breadwinner in the past;
– those citizens who, for some other reason, do not have the right to pay pension contributions.
Pension increase from April 1, 2018 – let’s summarize
– A condition for assigning a social pension to disabled people and people of retirement age may be the absence of insurance coverage.
– Categories such as military and disabled people of the Second World War receive state pension, calculated on the basis of social.
– The coefficient of increase in pension benefits depends on the increase in the cost of living.
– It was originally planned that in 2018 the social pension would be increased by 1.2%.
– The latest news reports that the indexation of social benefits will take place by 4.1%.
– Insurance benefits increased in April 2017.
– In 2018, they will be indexed only once – on January 1.

Due to growing inflationary processes, pensions are increased annually to provide financial support for disabled Russians in the country, and 2018 was no exception. Thus, from January 1, 2018, there was a planned increase in the amount of payments for non-working pensioners with a certain length of service, who are among the recipients of an insurance pension. Who should expect an increase in the social pension from April 1, 2018 and for how long?

Social pension is a type of pension provision that is provided to citizens who have no work experience for any reason. It is assigned for an indefinite period, but its payment may be terminated for citizens who decide to engage in activities that require payment of compulsory pension insurance. The amount of security is set by the Government in a fixed amount, which depends on the subsistence level (ML) and, as a rule, is significantly lower than insurance (labor) payments to pensioners.

In the Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 “On state pension provision in Russian Federation» Article 11 establishes that this type of security is provided to the following categories of disabled recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children;
  • disabled children;
  • children who have lost one or two parents, under the age of 18 (or until the age of 23, subject to full-time education in educational institutions), if the parents did not have length of service(otherwise the insurance pension is due);
  • citizens representing small peoples North, over 50 (for women) and 55 (for men) years, with permanent residence in places of residence approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • unemployed men over 65 years of age and women over 60 years of age (provided there is no insurance record), including foreign citizens and stateless persons who can confirm permanent residence in Russia for 15 years or more.

Note! In the Russian Federation, more than 4 million disabled citizens are recipients of social pensions.

Mandatory conditions for obtaining also include the need for permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. The benefit is not available to persons who:

  • make a decision to migrate (even while maintaining Russian citizenship);
  • have two official places of registration.

Read the full text Federal Law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ as amended on July 18, 2017.

Increase size

In Art. 25 of Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 approved the procedure for indexing social pensions based on the subsistence level for pensioners, approved in the previous year. It is set annually and depends on the actual growth of consumer prices for food and non-food products,

The indexation date is April 1 every year. At the same time, the increase coefficient is calculated annually by the Government of the Russian Federation, but it is worth considering that the indexation amount for social and insurance pension payments may differ.

In recent years, Russia has seen a reduction in pension indexation coefficients. For example, in April 2017 they were indexed by only 1.5%. For 2018, it was initially planned to set the indexation coefficient at 1.2%, but as a result, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin announced that from April 1, 2018, indexation will be 4.1%. In monetary terms, the increase will be 175-495 rubles. (depending on the category of the recipient).

Thus, in 2017, the average social pension was 8,742 rubles, and from 1.04. In 2018 it will increase to 9045 rubles. (103.7% of the minimum wage for pensioners), and for disabled children and disabled children of group 1 - up to 13,699 rubles.

For comparison, let’s look at how social security will change for different categories of recipients from April 1, 2018 compared to 2017:

Important! The size of the Russian pension cannot be less than the subsistence level for the region of residence, otherwise he is entitled to social supplements (federal or regional), which, together with the pension benefit, should not be less than the minimum wage. The total size of the monthly minimum wage in Russia for pensioners, on the basis of which the amount of federal social security payment is calculated, was approved at the level of 8,726 rubles. (compared to RUB 8,540 in 2017).

Since 2010, applications for pension benefits have already included a subclause on social supplements. Citizens who began receiving benefits before 2010 and whose amount is less than the minimum monthly wage in the region can independently contact the nearest branch Pension Fund RF with a separate application for additional payment.

According to Alexander Kurtin, deputy chairman of the Russian Pension Fund, in the next 2019 and 2020, it is planned to increase the social pension by 3.9% and 3.5%, respectively.

Video on the increase and revision of social pensions: