The meaning of the proverb is the law that the drawbar is where you turn and it comes out. What is a drawbar? The semantic meaning of this word The law is like a drawbar: wherever you turn, that’s where it goes

A drawbar is “a single shaft (between two horses), attached to the front axle for turning the cart when harnessed in pairs.” (Explanatory Dictionary, 1935-1940). Accordingly, the proverb indicates that the law can be controlled like a team of horses.

A variant of the proverb is also used - The law is that the drawbar, what it wanted, came out.

A similar idea, “According to need and law, change occurs” is indicated in (1717) - rules of good manners and behavior in society, prepared according to the instructions. This phrase was often used by the writer (1826-1889).


V. Ya. Shishkov

"Gloomy River", 1933: " Law that drawbar“Heh heh,” Ezdakov muttered, “where I turned, that’s where it came out.” Laws are written in offices. On paper everything is smooth and good... No, try it in the taiga... with these convict people."

(1895 - 1958)

“They darned” (1925) - “It’s not just the assembly, but the drawbar - as I turned it, so it came out.”

"Poshekhon Antiquity" (1888), ch. 9 - an example of the attitude towards disputes in court in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century is given. Conversation between a client (Mother) and a lawyer (Mogiltsev): “Mother used to ask:

Tell me how the law...

According to the law, this is so and so.

And they (that is, the opposing side) say the same thing “according to the law,” but in their own way it turns out that the law is not on our side.

And in this case, another law can be introduced. One law does not fit, another will. You can rummage through the “Full Assembly” and find a Senate decree. Yes, madam, don’t worry, leave it to me.

Mother was thinking. For a long time she could not get used to these quick and sudden answers, but finally she became convinced that if there are different laws, and in addition to them, Senate decrees are issued, then, therefore, this is the essence of the litigation. Whoever “rewrites” whom, whoever has more laws, is right.

Well, let’s say,” she said, “you find another law, and they will find you a third meeting.”

And for the third law, you can write an explanation or arrange it in such a way that the petition with the third law with the inscription will be returned. There would be a king in my head, a pen, and ink, and the rest would come by itself. The main thing is that there is no need to rush, but to conduct the business slowly, so as not to miss deadlines. The enemy will see that the matter is dragging on without end, and over time, perhaps, it will cost him more - well, he will get confused. Then at least weave ropes out of it. Either he will miss the deadline or he will make a deal."

I think that people whose goal is to raise the Russian State should support each other and not divide power and spheres of influence. There are only a few such people! In these difficult times, it's every man for himself...

I, a non-public person, a complete outsider, have a lot of problems, but I don’t ask for myself, because I understand that we need to support those people who can really change life for the better, and I am grateful to those true Patriots who stand for the Russian World, Russian-speaking population and friendly peoples! The other population has already been taken care of beyond measure, and they themselves are ready to take everything they need without hesitation, without false modesty.
I appeal to the public in defense of Dmitry Babich, a volunteer of the voluntary community “Companions of Novorossiya”, who has been under arrest in Rostov prison since June 8 on charges of smuggling a bulletproof vest (moreover, previously declared)

They wanted it and closed it! Some media outlets, public bloggers on social networks, and false patriots of Russia unanimously unfoundedly accuse Dmitry Babich of fraud. It turns out that a bulletproof vest is only a reason for arrest? Dmitry Babich himself is deprived of a voice and the ability to defend himself. A conspiracy of silence has formed in the information field. His associates, relatives and caring people tried to appeal to authorities, famous personalities, whose opinions the public could have listened to in order to publicize the arrest and detention of Dmitry Babich, but most of them simply remained silent...

Before writing, I got acquainted with the information objectively, from both sides, went through the pages of opponents interested in Dmitry’s arrest, since Dmitry had his own social and public position, and he, apparently, had to repel the attacks of some foreign elements who consider themselves Russian patriots who tried in every possible way to denigrate his activities. While their “patriotic” activities are represented by empty chatter on social networks, etc.

Regarding the failed transportation of the bear from the shelling zone: he was probably no longer healthy. Very, very sorry! Those who blame Babich for the death of the bear, turn your efforts to fight the torturers of our Russian bears in the Far East! I definitely recommend!!!

On the subject of reports! It’s really not easy: purchasing, assembling, paying, trying to save money. That’s why there are often no documents or receipts. The work of an accountant-economist must also be paid! No one simply can or will work for thanks.

And the main accusation: Babich is a thief and a fraudster...
If I personally do not have the opportunity to drop all my affairs and go, sparing no personal time and effort, putting my life in danger, to a hot spot of military operations to help people in need, children, then, of course, I would rather transfer some amount for this good cause! And if I can’t do either one, what’s the demand? It is better to sponsor a person who has taken on such a burden and is engaged in this difficult task! This is his job! If the state, having destroyed all production, arranged it so that the population would find work for itself or, the worthless part of it, would die of hunger, alcohol and drugs without a means of subsistence, or would wander into worthless offices, working with their mouths and shuffling papers, which is absolutely nothing does not produce, being merely incapable intermediaries? In a country where the main professions are: trader and security guard? What are liberals doing when they scream that Babich is a thief? What material assets and useful products? Nothing!!! For me, scammers are those who do not know how to do anything with their own hands, but supposedly work with their smart brains to make a profit. Everyone needs to remember well that mental activity is directly related to the ability to work with your hands! These cunning people are poisoning the air of the planet, not doing anything useful, growing their carcasses, they only know how to crap in the literal and figurative sense! If you are so honest, brave, sitting in your cozy holes, try it, go and do, repeat what Babich did for four years: collected and sent 20 humanitarian aid supplies for the population of Donbass, help people in need!

In fact, you are protecting your swampy mud, because prey is caught so well in muddy water, and you try to mark truly good deeds with the same mud. Like, he found a “gold mine” and is not sharing it... With the world one by one - a naked shirt! But not diamond skirts and golden toilets... I didn’t see much luxury in Babich’s house! Perhaps Ilyich’s carpet and lamp for the cheerful Parrot Abram. How much does a normal Russian person need? By the way, the character Abram, despite his witty criticism, from whom everyone gets it, not with evil, but with humor, is a real peacemaker! Does anyone not like his educational, reconciling monologues calling for sanity? People, the world will be saved not only by beauty, but also by laughter! I watch Dmitry’s channels on Youtube more than a year and I don’t feel any hostility or hatred! Only hope appeared that there are still people like Dmitry Babich, smart, kind, active, strong, reliable. And what happened is wrong, unfair!

How many bloggers, publicists, public figures, writers and creative people who are helped by grateful listeners and readers by transferring monetary rewards to their accounts? This is a personal voluntary contribution from wealthy and not so wealthy people! Do any of the patriotic bloggers account for the fees and donations for the development of their activities in social networks and the media space? I can't believe it! Parrot Abram was also sent bananas and a microphone!
The reason why Dmitry was detained and has been in prison for four months is surprising! Is a declared body armor contraband? After all, this is a means of protection! If you lived there, you, too, would not refuse a bulletproof vest to protect yourself from shelling, shrapnel and snipers aiming not only at the defenders of Donbass, but also at civilians! What, do you want to expose yourself to bullets? Are there not enough casualties in Donbass?! Are there not enough people, old people, children suffering from pain, tears and hardships?!

09.25.18. Companion of Parrot Abram, peacemaker, Tatyana Zhukova

A smart and cunning person can always apply the law to his advantage.

  • ⚜ There is a law where the judge is familiar
  • ⚜ Don't be afraid of the law - be afraid of the judge
  • ⚜ Don’t fight the strong, don’t sue the rich
  • ⚜ The law is that: a bumblebee will slip through, but a fly will get stuck

Lifestyle wisdom that has entered into Russian everyday life since ancient times.

The peasants who tried to sue the landowners very soon realized that the judges were using them in a way that was beneficial to the rich.

It is not for nothing that the following proverb was widespread among the peasantry: “Where there is law, there is resentment.”

Drawbar - a shaft, a long horizontal pole attached to the front axle of the cart. A couple of horses are tied to it, which, turning the drawbar, turns the entire cart.

This version of the proverb speaks about the same thing: “whatever the horse wants, you turn it there.”

- The worker is always to blame, but the owner is right...
- Well, the ministers are not responsible for this...
- And who? After all, they write the laws in such a way that they can be turned in any way. This, brother, is the whole rub: the law is that whatever the drawbar is, wherever you turn it, that’s where it comes out. They are written not for our benefit, but for the master’s.

Ivan Andreevich Kozlov. "Life in Struggle"

The law is what the drawbar is: wherever you turn, that’s where it goes

A smart and cunning person can always apply the law to his advantage.

❀ ❀ ❀

Budget-financed TV channels State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia", Republican Television Network (RTS), "Abakan 24", "NotaBene. Main News of the South of Siberia" and other media are conducting veiled campaigning against the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the election of the head of the region, Valentin Konovalov. Local officials also joined anti-communist actions in the republic. Deputy Minister of National and Territorial Policy of Khakassia Natalya Salata organized an internal conference with Khakassian politicians and activists who called for voting against the communist candidate.

You ask - what's wrong here? But that's not the case here. Since Valentin Konovalov is on at the moment is the only politician who will be represented on the ballot, the situation is not developing in the most beautiful and, most importantly, illegal way.

The point is that Federal law “On the basic guarantees of voting rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens Russian Federation» expressly prohibits conducting an election campaign against any candidate not from the funds of the election fund of another candidate.

Since there will be only one candidate in the elections, there is no opponent’s election fund from which to pay for campaigning against Konovalov.

Election campaigning carried out during the election campaign includes, among other things, the following:

B) Description possible consequences in the event that a particular candidate is elected or not elected;

D) Dissemination of information in which information about any candidate clearly predominates in combination with negative comments;

E) Activities that contribute to the creation of a negative attitude of voters towards the candidate.

The scientific and practical commentary to Federal Law No. 67 “On Basic Guarantees...” also explains that citizens who are not candidates and do not speak on behalf of candidates in the manner prescribed by law have the right to conduct election campaigning in such forms and by such methods as which do not require financial costs: they can organize public campaign events and participate in them, carry out oral campaigning, and campaign in other ways.

With the consent of the candidate, citizens have the opportunity to conduct election campaigning within the framework of the airtime and print space provided to the candidate, as well as create and distribute printed, audiovisual and other campaign materials, provided that the corresponding financial costs are made exclusively from the election fund.

Organizations that produce mass media, in the event that they disclose (publish) campaigning and information materials (including those containing reliable information) that could damage the honor, dignity or business reputation of a candidate, are obliged to provide the relevant candidate with the opportunity to publish free of charge before the end of the campaign period (publish) a refutation or other explanation in defense of one’s honor, dignity or business reputation.

However, apparently, for the local press, which receives financial support from budget money, the law is like a drawbar: wherever you turn, it goes there.

Red landing in Khakassia. State Duma deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were sent to help Konovalov

Parliamentarians expect provocations from local authorities during elections October 16, 2018

Manipulation of public opinion

In the period from October 16 to 19, the republican TV channels of Khakassia released a whole series stories that form a negative image of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valentin Konovalov.

It all started on October 16 with news releases on the RTS and Abakan 24 channels, in which the League of Khakass Women Altynai opposed the young and green 30-year-old candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the election of the head of the republic.

On the air of the Khakassia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company there also appeared a story about the local election commission setting the date of the elections, where the Khakass interviewed and included in the news release either spoke out sharply against the young candidate or against the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as such. They also mentioned those same Khakass women who are afraid that Konovalov will return the republic to the nineties. Through the mouth of the correspondent, the voter is instilled with the idea of ​​what if the elections take place. this will work against everyone. However, already on October 23 the video was deleted from the official channel of State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia" on YouTube.

The next day, October 17, VTsIOM released a survey that actually formed public opinion, and, according to the results, “the majority (62%) of residents of the Republic of Khakassia consider gubernatorial elections in which only one candidate participates unacceptable.”

State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia" (on October 23 the video was also deleted), RTS and “NotaBene. Main news of the South of Siberia" (video was deleted) picked up this survey and covered it in their news, accompanied by comments from people on the street. Everyone who was included in the final layout of the issues clearly expressed the position that elections with one candidate are not elections, but a mockery. They say there should be at least two candidates so that people have someone to choose from.

The fact that everyone who could participate in the second round elections, one after another, withdrew their candidacies, except for Konovalov, is preferred not to be recalled on television, and the voter has already partially forgotten.

On the same day, the RTS television channel reported that the youth leaders of Khakassia also spoke out against Konovalov, who at a special press conference called on the candidate to withdraw from the elections. Among the so-called youth leaders are the acting head of the Khakassian branch of the Union of Volunteers of Russia Nikita Malchikov, the head of the republican branch of the pro-government organization “Volunteers of Victory” Anzhelika Makarenko and the head of the Khakassian youth public organization “Askhyr”, affiliated with the local government, Ayla Tyundesheva.

It is noteworthy that the Union of Volunteers of Russia at the federal level is headed by people from the Young Guard of United Russia (MGER) - now the chairman of the Youth Chamber at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia Elena Erakina and former member of the coordination council of MGER Sergei Bondarenko.

On October 18, local athletes also campaigned to vote against the young and supposedly inexperienced Konovalov on the air of the news broadcasts of RTS, “Abakan 24” (the video was deleted still on October 23), “NotaBene. The main news of the South of Siberia" (and this video was deleted October 23). All three episodes showed the same faces, filmed at the same time in the gym - an Honored Master of Sports, a boxing coach at the Olympic Reserve School of Martial Arts, an Honored Kickboxing Coach of Russia and a World Kickboxing Champion.

The very next day, October 19, representatives of national diasporas and religious organizations also called on communist Konovalov to withdraw. The corresponding stories were aired on the RTS and " Abakan 24"(the video from this channel was also deleted on October 23). The message is still the same: elections without choice, Konovalov - get out!

Also on October 19, on the air of the local TV channel “NotaBene. Main News of the South of Siberia” showed a news release that pitted voters against candidate Konovalov. By an amusing coincidence, the issue used a commentary by political strategist Andrei Kolyadin, which he gave to our publication. However, the phrase was taken out of context and presented from a convenient angle for the TV channel.

Heavy artillery

The apogee of what was happening was a meeting of public and political activists in the building of the Khakass branch of the ONF on October 22. As it later turned out, the meeting was organized through the mediation of the Deputy Minister of National and Territorial Policy of Khakassia Natalya Salata.

Viktor Lebedev, who previously worked as a correspondent for the local government newspaper Khakassia and ex-deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic from United Russia, together with representatives of other public organizations that had previously appeared in the above-mentioned television news broadcasts, called on citizens to sabotage the second round of elections for the head of Khakassia.

In this case, social activists see the only possible scenario for the development of events in the failure of the communist Konovalov, the calling of new elections and the nomination of the acting head of the republic, Mikhail Razvozhaev.

“People who go to the polls will have to take the following steps, Lebedev explained to the activists. - They must come to the polls and vote against an uncontested candidate. At the exit from the polling stations, a mass public poll will be launched, in which people will be presented with a ballot paper in which they can choose the very people's candidate whom they will support in a competitive election."

This incident with United Russia members and social activists, and even within the walls of a branch of the All-Russian Popular Front, required the intervention of the leaders of the Khakass ONF themselves. In a conversation with local journalists, they disowned all statements and initiatives proposed at the meeting.

“When they came from the Ministry of National Policy and said that they would have an event, they explained to us that there would be a meeting between Deputy Minister Salata and social activists. Therefore, we did not consider it necessary to remove our symbols... We were not warned what type of event it would be, and they did not coordinate it with us. We have nothing to do with this event and the campaigning at it. Otherwise, we would have removed all our symbols from the conference room. I would say we were misled", - Svetlana Gerasimenko, media relations coordinator of the ONF branch in the republic, commented to the portal.

There is one more interesting detail. On October 11, the latest issue of the government newspaper “Khakassia” was published. It was released not in the usual circulation of 2.5 to 20 thousand, but increased to 170 thousand copies. Almost the entire issue is dedicated to the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valentin Konovalov, who is presented in the newspaper in, to put it mildly, an unsightly light. It’s enough just to give an example of a couple of headings to understand everything: “Konovalov’s headquarters is in agony”, “Zimin’s puppet meanly abandoned him”, “Maybe I can handle it, maybe not, but how lucky you are.”

And the final chord: today, October 23, Konovalov, being the only candidate for the post of head of the Republic of Khakassia, came to debate with himself. The standard scenario in this case should look like this: the presenter asks questions, the candidate answers them.

However, this time a woman who has nothing to do with the elections was put up against the communist in the election debate - a certain Elena Dukhmina, who heads the public organization “Kind Heart of Khakassia”. A woman who, by the way, was present at the press conference at the ONF headquarters on October 22 as one of the speakers.

For all these incidents, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation sent seven complaints to the prosecutor's office, Roskomnadzor and filed a complaint with the Khakass Election Commission.

The working group of the election commission has already considered the complaints of the communists during the meeting today, but no violations of the law were noticed. The position of the media representatives present - RTS, Abakan 24, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Khakassia and Nota Bene - was that they did not campaign against Konovalov, but only informed citizens. The Communist Party also submitted its complaints to the Central Election Commission.