Creative workshop in the dhow. Summary of joint activities with older children in kindergarten

Pedagogical workshop - This original way organizing the activities of educators as part of a small group with the participation of a teacher-master who initiates the exploratory, creative nature of the participants’ activities. In the workshop, a master teacher (who has professional experience, masters modern technologies for educating preschoolers, and has his own pedagogical position) transfers his professional skills to educators.

Researchers N.I. Belova, A.A. Okunev, G.A. Russkikh, V.A. Stepikova et al. define a pedagogical workshop as an interactive technology that includes gaming, research, and problem-based activities. This is an open system for searching and selecting actions, generalizations and information exchange.

Purpose of the pedagogical workshop – contribute to the training of educators to model their own teaching experience, experimentally test the effectiveness of their model, develop methodological recommendations based on your own achievements. The basis of training in the workshop is individual approach“teacher-master” to discover and improve the creative abilities of the “educator-student”.

The main ideas and principles of the pedagogical workshop:

  • non-violence and the right to choose in the process of activity in the workshop;
  • lack of evaluation, competition, rivalry;
  • a combination of individual, pair, group and collective forms of work, which is based on communication in the form of dialogue;
  • creativity;
  • priority of the process over the result of creative activity, protection of the right to make mistakes;
  • the moral responsibility of each participant for their choice, process and result of activity.

The work of the pedagogical workshop is based on the concept of a personal-active approach, which contributes to the professional and personal development of educators, the disclosure and realization of their creative potential.

Professional development carried out:

  • through active , independent, conscious determination of activity goals, ways and means of achieving them;
  • through the search for an individual style pedagogical activity;
  • through an active process of interaction between all participants in the pedagogical workshop.

Work in the pedagogical workshop system ends with professional self-reflection, which manifests itself in self-esteem, introspection and the achievement of personal and professional qualities.

Methodological support for the work of the pedagogical workshop


  1. Ensuring interaction between modern theory and practice in the “teaching college - preschool educational institution” system, as a search for optimal methods for organizing and managing gaming activities;
  2. Formation of the creative personality of a teacher who has both theoretical knowledge and professional skills in guiding various types of games for preschool children;
  3. Development of the individuality of each child in the process of organization various types play activities during the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution.

The problem of gaming activity is quite widely and fully represented in the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature. Being the leading activity in preschool age, playing lately ended up on the margins pedagogical process at the preschool educational institution. This is due to the requirements of the school, to get a future student who has a whole range of skills: reading, writing, counting, analyzing the composition of words, etc. Hence, the residual principle of time applies to the game: children play little, their forms and methods of play behavior are not sufficiently developed.

The current situation in preschool educational institutions in Russia as a whole needs to be overcome. “The game is like a flooded Atlantis” - in the figurative expression of Professor S. A. Shmakov - is on the verge of extinction.

Based on research in domestic pedagogy and psychology, a number of aspects should be noted when considering the role and place of play in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions:

  • play as a means of personality development;
  • game as a means of learning;
  • play as a form of organizing children's society;
  • game as a way of learning and self-learning; play as a means of correcting child development;
  • game - as a means of leisure;
  • game as a diagnostic tool;
  • game as a psychotherapeutic tool.

Educators unite in a pedagogical workshop, the basis of which is:

- the desire to delve deeply into the problem being studied;

- independent search for children’s mastery of gaming skills set out in methodological literature and its analysis through a free exchange of opinions;

- designing your own pedagogical activities - developing and designing creative games in different age groups;

— carrying out your own project in the form of business games.

Allowed to expand the work of the pedagogical workshop conditions of preschool educational institution No. 77 Irkutsk:

  1. Creating a psychologically favorable, developmental, creative environment that gives the teacher the opportunity for individual self-development;
  2. The presence of a developmental gaming environment that facilitates the organization of various types of games in children’s independent activities;
  3. Security methodological literature, consultation on this problem from the head of the kindergarten, methodologist, teacher of the pedagogical college.

The main directions of work of educators in a pedagogical workshop

  • Seminar: immersion in the theory of children's play problems preschool age(information support of professional skills);
  • Workshop (entry into practical professional activities);

Immersion in the theory of play problems for preschool children (information support for professional skills)

1. Game theory, the place of games in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

2. Classifications of children's games.

3. Role-playing game, its role in the development of a preschool child. The originality of the plot role playing game,

4. Techniques for managing role-playing games in different age groups.

5. Theatrical games, their originality, types. Conditions for the development of theatrical games, pedagogical guidance.

6. Games with building materials.

Entry into practical professional activities

Workshop No. 1


In our age of faux fur
And the oil-smelling caviar
There is nothing more valuable than laughter
Love, sadness and games.

Igor Guberman

1. Say the word game with different timbre intonations. What do you hear in this word? What words and images appear that are similar in sound and meaning? Write these words down.

2. Socialization - presentation of the result.

3. Read carefully and choose the definition you like best

game concepts. (The statements are freely placed on the walls and tables of the audience).

— Play is a special type of activity for preschoolers; it is always creative in nature. It reflects reality, but in imaginary circumstances.

— Game is a historically emerged type of activity of children, consisting in the reproduction of the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

— A game is a voluntary, internally motivated activity that provides flexibility in deciding how to use a particular object.

— Play is a child’s concrete self-expression and a way of adapting to his own world.

— A game is a voluntary, internally motivated activity that provides flexibility in deciding how to use a particular object.

— A game for a child is a “time machine”: it gives him an amazing opportunity to live the life that he will have in many, many years.

(E. Subbotsky)

— Play is a special type of activity for preschoolers; it is always creative in nature. It reflects reality, but

imaginary circumstances.

— Game is a historically emerged type of activity for children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them.

4. Socialization. Explain how you understand this.

5. Give your own definition of the concept of game. (Task individually with access to a subgroup).

6. Each subgroup is offered the text of a poem that helps build knowledge about the game. Everyone in the subgroup chooses a thought they like, which they share or refute, read it out and comment on it.


The descent from the mountain is not bad at all:
He who has known storms appreciates wisdom.
I only regret one thing: the games...
Even wisdom cannot replace it.

The game is the most mysterious of all
And more selfless in the world.
She is always for nothing
How children laugh at nothing.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball,
The sea plays with constancy...
And everyone was in charge - while driving -
A thoughtless game with space.

The poet plays with rhymes,
And foam - around the edges of the glass...
And here, on the descent, is there a trace -
There was little trace of the game left.

Let it go! When the time comes
And all the roads will end,
I'll ask Peter about the game,
Stopping at the threshold.

And if there's no game in heaven,
I will say that I do not accept heaven,
I'll take my bag again
And again I will ask to come to earth.

(Z. Gippius)

8. Reflection. Mini-essay on the topic “The game is the most mysterious and selfless in the world...”, in which the participants write about their impressions

from working in the workshop and thinking about the game and its meaning.

Workshop No. 2

"Classification of children's games."

1. Evoking childhood memories. To help those sitting in a circle remember and experience the joy of playing in childhood, everyone is invited to choose one of the toys that they like and hold it in their hands (this is a teddy bear, funny monkey, doll, New Year's ball, ball, jump rope, paints, etc.).

Each of the participants talks about their favorite childhood games, which are stored in their souls as memories. A necklace of memories is assembled, games are written down on pieces of paper and placed on a board around the painting “Childhood” by E. Romanova.

2. What classifications of games are known? What are their reasons? (Suggested below).

* researchers (D.B. Elkonin, A.P. Usova) consider the patterns of development of thinking, imagination, abilities, skills, and creativity to be the basis for this classification);

* the basis of this classification are the features of the formation of gaming activity, its sources, nature, content;

* the basis of this classification is the development of interest, curiosity, the foundations of dialectical thinking;

* the basis of this classification was the emergence of new technologies and their use in the educational process of preschool educational institutions (V.V. Bezmenova, E.V. Zvorygina, I.O. Ivakina);

* the basis of this classification is “initiative coming from the subjects of the game” (research by S.L Novoselova).

Task: various classifications of gaming activities are proposed. Each subgroup selects a basis and selects a classification for it.

3. Socialization – presentation of the result.

4. Create your own classification of gaming activities and give your justification. (Task for subgroups).

5. Remember one game that became especially significant for you (in your profession or life), where you were a child or a teacher. Remember and write down individual parts this game, some information, the course of the game, yourself in it. Try to understand why this particular game came to mind.

6. Socialization – presentation of the result.

7. Reflection.

— How is today’s workshop useful for you?

— What am I leaving the workshop with?

Workshop No. 3

“Plot-role play, its role in the development of a preschool child. The originality of a role-playing game."

« The game, like a flooded Atlantis,” in the figurative expression of Professor S. A. Shmakov, is on the verge of extinction.

1. These thoughts of the scientist can be attributed, first of all, to the role-playing game. Prove or disprove this point of view.

2. Socialization – exchange of opinions.

3. Based on the name of the game, give its definition, write it on a piece of paper and compare it with the proposed concepts of this type of game.

4. Assignment for a subgroup. Answer problematic questions:

- What is the indispensability of role-playing games, the uniqueness in the development of all the potential capabilities of children?

— Why is a role-playing game a form of modeling social relationships?

— what psychological new formations arise in a role-playing game?

— why is role-playing play an indicator of a child’s health?

5. Socialization.

6. Present the structure of the role-playing game in drawings, diagrams, tables (task for each subgroup). Set up an exhibition.

7. For each subgroup, select and reveal the features of a role-playing game: pre-preschool, junior, middle, senior preschool age: plot and content, role, game actions, relationships (work with methodological literature).

9. Presentation creative tasks:

— explain the words of L.S. Vygotsky, that a child of primary preschool age in play goes from action to thought, and in the fourth year of life is able to go from thought to action (support your reasoning with examples of children’s games that you have observed);

- show in schematic form what means of portraying a role are used by children of primary, middle and senior preschool age;

- prove what children’s mastery of conventional play actions depends on, and for what purpose the child resorts to verbal substitutions in the game;

Determine how modern life is reflected in children’s games “Family”.

10. Socialization.

11. Reflection

— what did you discover for yourself today?

- Which tasks were easy to complete and which were difficult?

Workshop No. 4

“Techniques for leading role-playing games in different age groups.”

Each team draws up several rules, which are discussed in a circle, advertised and accepted by all workshop participants:

  • try to be yourself;
  • do not criticize or offend anyone with your assessments;
  • Discuss any problem first, and then look for solutions;
  • exercise the right to your opinion;
  • learn to understand yourself and others, this will lead to understanding children and the ability to communicate with them;

1. B recent years due to the fact that it is not noted enough high level formation of play activity in preschool children, scientists N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko consider the management of a role-playing game as a process of gradual transfer of increasingly complex ways of constructing a game. Transfer of methods is carried out in cooperative game adult and children.

Each subgroup is asked to find ways to build a role-playing game:

* the first way to build a game is a sequence of object-game actions;

* the second method is role behavior;

* the third method is plot composition.

This information is placed on the board.

2. Schematic game small child can be represented as “person – object”. Complete the diagram of the expanded form of the role-playing game: “person - .....”.

3.. Socialization – voicing answers.

4. Design a complication of the themes and plots of games from group to group (work in subgroups).

5. Socialization – voicing answers.

6.Task for a subgroup. Answer the problematic question. Why is it necessary to direct a role-playing game?

7. Socialization.

8. Create a project for a role-playing game (theme of the game and age group at the discretion of the workshop participants):

— the goal of the game;

— preliminary work for the role-playing game;

— subject-game environment;

— approximate plot of the game;

— approximate course of the game;

— techniques for managing a role-playing game.

What can be added to this project?

9. Socialization: exhibition of projects.

10. Business game.

Question for the workshop participants. What difficulties do you think a young teacher experiences when leading children’s role-playing games?


11. Reflection

— How did I live in the workshop?

— What did you discover today?

— What questions did you have while studying this topic?

Workshop No. 5

“Theatrical games, their originality, types. Conditions for the development of theatrical games, pedagogical guidance."

“All life is a theater, and the people in it are actors.”

William Shakespeare

1. Write the word theater vertically and for each letter come up with words that may be useful to give the basic meaning to the concept of theatrical play. Define this type of game. Compare your definition with the definition proposed by L.V. Artyomova.

Theatrical game- this is a type of creative game, the content of which is the acting out of literary works in person, where the heroes become characters, and their life events, changed by children's imagination, are the plot of the game.

  1. Socialization – voicing answers.
  2. Work in groups.

Prove the educational value of theatrical games. A.N. Leontyev classifies games as dramatizations (for a long time in preschool pedagogy called theatrical games) to a kind of “pre-aesthetic activity” of the child. Do you agree with this statement?

Complete the diagram:

- in role-playing games, the child is attracted to the process of activity,

— in a theatrical play, a child is attracted to….

5. Do comparative analysis this type of games with a plot-role-playing game. What are the similarities and what are the differences?

6. Socialization.

7. Individual work with literature (replenishment, clarification of information) on the issue of types of theatrical games. Test yourself and complete the classification proposed above.

  1. The theatrical game itself, where children accurately copy a literary work;
  2. Theatrical games with creative elements (introduce characters, complement the plot, change the ending, etc.);
  3. Theatrical games are performances when children act out a literary work themselves, like artists, and in other cases they act as in a director’s game: they act out a literary work with the help of toys, voicing them:
  • toy theater;
  • tabletop theater with flat figures;
  • theater - flannelograph;
  • shadow theater;
  • finger theater;
  • puppet theater(bibabo theater, puppet theater).

8. Socialization – presentation of the result.

9. Make a pictogram of a fairy tale that can become the content of a theatrical play, using the book “What in the world does not happen?” / Ed. O.M. Dyachenko, E.L. Agayeva. - M., 1999.-p. 48-49.

Why did you choose these particular fairy tales? Requirements for the selection of literary works:

- the work should be very simple, but fascinating in content;

- images are bright, endowed characteristic feature;

— dynamic events, multiple repetitions;

- presence of monologues, dialogues, songs.

Illustrate with examples.

10. Using various alternative programs for preschool educational institutions, design the theme of theatrical games for different age groups. Having chosen one of them, each subgroup designs this game

11. Playing etudes, exercise games, elements of psycho-gymnastics, working on the text.

12. Business game. Conducting theatrical games using analysis.

13. Reflection.

— What resources have you discovered in your teaching activities?

— How was today’s meeting useful?

Workshop No. 6

"Games with building materials"

“In play, a child, an already maturing person, tries his hand and independently manages his own creations” (K.D. Ushinsky).

1. The task is individual.

Games with building materials can be classified as milestone games (as defined by A.N. Leontyev), through which the child develops skills, qualities and personality traits that prepare his transition to a new type of activity. What is the role of a construction game? What new activity does construction play prepare a child for?

Define a construction game. Try to make a comparative analysis of role-playing, theatrical and construction games, finding similarities and differences. Design using a diagram, drawing, table.

2. Socialization – voicing answers.

3. Types of building materials and topics of children's buildings (work in subgroups), make quantitative and qualitative analyzes from group to group.

4. Socialization – voicing answers.

5.Analysis of children’s constructive skills in each age group. The work is carried out in a subgroup based on the analysis of programs for preschool educational institutions.

6. Socialization – voicing results.

7. Designing a construction game. (Topics at the discretion of the subgroup).

8. Socialization – voicing results.

9. Playing business games.

10. Reflection. How was today's workshop useful for you? What has changed in your attitude towards this type of gaming activity?

What do I leave the workshop with?


1.G.N. Grishina Favorite children's games. - M., 1997.

2.E.V. Zvorygina First story-based games for kids. - M., 1988.

3. N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova How to play with a child. - M., 1990.

4. N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova Organization of a story game in kindergarten.- M.- 1997.

5. Materials and equipment for kindergarten: A manual for teachers and managers. / Ed. T.N. Doronova and N.A. Korotkova. M., JSC "Elti-ku-Kudits", 2003.

6. T. P. Shitova Development of fantasy and creativity of preschoolers in role-playing games // Child in kindergarten. - 2003, No. 5.

7. D.B. Elkonin Psychology of play. - M., 1978.

Creative workshop. Topic: “Help little Cheburashka”

The material was prepared by a teacher with 10 years of work experience. This development will be useful for children of older preschool age. In the educational process, our material will serve as an example of creative, productive activity with children.
Target: Development of children's creative abilities.
Tasks: improve children’s ability to conceive their work, select necessary materials and use known methods of fastening them; develop creative initiative and activity; improve the ability to use various non-traditional materials(fabric, sand, etc.); cultivate diligence, caring attitude towards the fruits of one’s labor and the labor of others; develop the ability to evaluate your work.
Equipment: diagrams for drawing, diagrams for construction, a box, disposable plates for handouts, plates for glue, rags, cotton swabs, sawdust (including dyed), dried flowers, feathers, sand, shells, seeds; exhibition table, easel, hole punch, hoop...

Workshop progress:

1. Organizational moment.
Today we have gathered with you again in our creative workshop. We have guests today. Greet them each in your own way.
If there are difficulties, the teacher can start first. For example, let’s greet each other like Eskimos: by rubbing our noses with the participants in our creative workshop, etc. Not all children can participate in this ritual. You can ask only one participant to greet the guests of the creative workshop if desired.
2. Motivational moment
In our workshop today appeared unusual item(showing the box). What do you think, magic box? How to find out what is there?
(Children's answer options.) Indeed, you need to open the lid slightly and then everything will become clear.
The teacher opens the box...
Educator: - A guest has come to us! Guess the riddle and find out who came to us:

This sweet, strange darling
With a nameless toy
I was once in a store
He was waiting for fairy tales in the window.
And he waited. Became famous
With your wonderful fairy tale.

Listen to me, baby,
He has big ears
It's brown
Everyone in the world loves him
Every mongrel knows
Well, of course - ..... (children - CHEBURASHKA)

Educator(shows Cheburashka, he is crying): Guys, why is he crying? Who has seen a cartoon or read a book about Cheburashka, tell us why Cheburashka can cry? (children - because he has no friends)
Educator: - And real masters can help our guest. You and I will now turn into real masters. I will speak magic words, and you turn around yourself three times: “1, 2, 3, turn around, turn into masters.”
3. Discussion of what you saw
Educator:- You and I are real masters of our craft. There is a lot of material in our workshop. Let's help our guest and make him friends. What materials can be used to make friends for Cheburashka? (children's answers) (children - plasticine, and paper, and paints, and pencils, and scissors, and fabric...)
Educator: (Planning work together with children)
- First we need to think about what kind of friend we want to make for Cheburashka. Then select the necessary materials and get to work. Guys, let’s remember the rules for using these materials. (Remember the rules)
- Let's move to the tables, only on the way each of you will take something from which he will make a friend for the Cheburashka. Don’t forget to use drawing and construction schemes...
4. Independent activity children.
(Joint activities of the teacher and children)
An audio recording of instrumental music is played. Children work individually at the table, and the teacher, in case of difficulty, helps the children decide on a plan or material.
Children who finish their work faster put it on a specially placed table near Cheburashka.
(In case of uneven completion of work, children who finish faster are offered to work with different construction sets prepared on a separate table.)
5. Summing up the work in the creative workshop.
(Analysis of performance results)
- Guys, come and join the friendly company that we have created thanks to you! Look what different friends we got it.
– What materials did you use? What difficulties did you experience?
– Which friends would you like to be friends with?
6. Summary.
– Today you were real masters of your craft. Cheburashka tells us: “Thank you.”
It's time for us to return to the group.
Let's turn back into guys.
Teacher: says the words, and the children spin around in place: “1, 2, 3 turn around, turn into a kid again.”
7. Reflection.
- Guys, come to the easel. Now here we will make a flower.
– If you found it easy and interesting to work in the creative workshop, choose light petals, and if you had difficulties, something didn’t work out for you – dark petals. Make flowers from the petals.
The works are used to create an exhibition of friends in the group.

“Creative workshops” is one of the modern forms educational activities, which is very attractive to children.
Children love everything bright and unusual; they like to sculpt, draw, cut, stick, experiment, and design.
Dear colleagues, use different non-traditional forms working with children!
Creative workshop for children - a foundation for the future
Children can participate in creative workshops from the age of 3. Moreover, the participation of parents in the workshops is allowed and even encouraged. During classes in the workshop, an atmosphere of friendliness reigns, creativity lifts the mood - this is an indisputable fact, therefore a creative workshop for children brings maximum emotional satisfaction.

Prepared by educators: Grishenkova T.D., Vlasova O.N.

“Ascension is available to everyone,

and crime against oneself and others

spend your whole life treading water"

Altshuller, Bertkin

The basis of any creativity is imagination. The preschool age of a child is characterized by activation of the functions of imagination. And if the imagination is not specifically developed during this period, a rapid decrease in the activity of this function subsequently occurs. Along with a decrease in the ability to fantasize, a person’s ability to think creatively also decreases. The role of creativity in the development of children and the realization of their potential is especially important, and our workshop was created.

Goals work in a creative workshop is to preserve the child’s creativity, provide assistance in realizing his capabilities, promoting the development of independence and creative personality. Development of cognitive interest of older preschool children in the objective world.

To develop creative activity in children, we created an atmosphere in the group that promotes the development of child curiosity. It is important to encourage original ideas expressed by the child and provide opportunities for practical implementation creative ideas in a wide variety of areas.

Working in a creative workshop involves integration with all educational areas.

In the process of working in our creative workshop, we decide tasks integration of educational areas.

educational field“Social and communicative development”: cultivate friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite for joint activities, engage in independently chosen activities, negotiate, help each other.

– educational field “ Cognitive development": cultivate a desire to participate in joint labor activity equal to everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, to enjoy the results of collective work.

– educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”: development of children’s artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity, satisfying children’s needs for self-expression.

– educational area “Speech development”: stimulate children’s speech activity through free communication with adults and children; encouraging preschoolers to discuss their activities.

– educational field “ Physical culture": conducting physical education minutes in the process of children's creative activity.

Therefore, to solve these problems and develop the creative personality of the child in group No. 4 “Sun”, a creative workshop “Solar Mosaic” (crafts, appliqué from buttons, beads, sequins and beads) was organized.

The best way to keep a child occupied and develop fine motor skills, and at the same time imagination - give him the opportunity to create crafts and appliqués from buttons. After all, this is not only a way to recycle waste items, but also a great opportunity to develop children's imagination, teach a creative vision of familiar things, and find in them the basis for creativity.

DIY button crafts are a great opportunity for children to train their fingers and hands, learn to carefully handle small objects and create new images from familiar things. For example, you can invite the children to create various pictures from buttons, beads, etc.

Do-it-yourself crafts develop children's imagination, attention, creativity, ability to concentrate, and train them.

To make crafts with children, first we prepare all the necessary supplies. These are buttons of different colors, sizes, shapes and textures, beads and sequins of different colors; cardboard or a ready-made picture. We attach the material with glue.

We arrange ready-made works in ready-made frames or make them ourselves with the children.

An exhibition was organized from the finished works in our group.

Marina Demur

IN kindergarten No. 4"Pearl" was created creative workshop. IN creative workshop the circle is working visual arts called "Colored Palms". Twice a week I teach classes with children of middle, high and preparatory age. I decided to use non-traditional methods of visual activity in my work. Children are very surprised by the use of their palms and fingers to draw stamps and stencils. The unconventional organization of visual activities delights and surprises, causing a desire to do interesting things.

The purpose of my work is creative workshop is preservation in the child creativity, providing assistance in realizing his capabilities, promoting the development of independence and creative initiative. The work is built in stages, where each stage roughly corresponds to an age period.

Unconventional drawing reveals creative possibilities of children, allows you to feel the colors, their character and mood. This develops fine motor skills of the fingers, concentration, and prepares the hand for writing. In development creative Parents are actively involved in determining the abilities of their children.

I suggest they, together with their children, draw or make a craft on a certain topic, this helps unite the child with their parents. And it’s not at all scary if your little artist gets dirty, the main thing is that he gets pleasure from interacting with paints and is happy with his results.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for educators “Teacher’s creative workshop” A lesson is the main part of the educational process, in which the educational activities of the teacher and student are concentrated. Preparing students c.

Creative workshop “WATERCOLOR” Autumn is a surprisingly tempting time for creativity and inspiration, and the collection autumn leaves on a fine autumn day.

Which one New Year no gifts? They are pleasant to receive and even more pleasant to give. Children especially love gifts. And beautiful packaging.

Target. Involve parents in working together in the group. Objectives: To expand interest and love for native nature and its beauty. Consolidate knowledge.

The purpose of work in a creative workshop is to preserve the child’s creativity, to provide assistance in realizing his capabilities, to promote.

Creative workshop with parents “Gift for Family Day” Goals: 1 to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with assistance in realizing responsibility for education and.

“Ascent is available to everyone, and it is a crime against oneself and others to stagnate in place all one’s life” (Altshuller, Bertkin, authors of the life strategy of a creative personality).

The basis of any creativity is imagination. The preschool age of a child is characterized by activation of the functions of imagination. And if the imagination is not specifically developed during this period, a rapid decrease in the activity of this function subsequently occurs. Along with a decrease in the ability to fantasize, a person’s ability to think creatively also decreases. . The role of creativity in the development of children is especially important, and creative workshops in preschool educational institutions help to realize the potential of children.

The purpose of the work in the workshop is to preserve the child’s creativity, provide assistance in realizing his capabilities, and promote the development of independence and a creative personality.

To develop creative activity in children, it is necessary to create an atmosphere in the group that promotes the development of the child’s curiosity. It is important to encourage the child's original ideas and provide opportunities for the practical implementation of creative ideas in a variety of areas. The personal example of adults in a creative approach to solving problems is one of the most important conditions.

Work in the workshops is organized sequentially from the middle group: “Drawing”, “Working with paper”, “Working with waste material”, “Working with natural material", "Working with plasticine", "Testoplasty". Work in a creative workshop involves integration with all educational areas outlined in the program “From birth to school”, which are focused on the development of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child.

Let's consider how, in the process of a creative workshop, the problems of integrating educational areas are solved.

– work in a creative workshop and the educational field “Social and communicative development”: to cultivate friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite for joint activities, engage in independently chosen activities, negotiate, help each other.
– work in the workshop and educational field “Cognitive development” »: to cultivate a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, and to enjoy the results of collective work.
– work in the workshop and educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”: development of children’s artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity, satisfaction of children’s needs for self-expression.
– work in the workshop and educational area “Speech development”: stimulate children’s speech activity through free communication with adults and children; encouraging preschoolers to discuss their activities.
– work in a creative workshop and the educational field “Physical Education”: conducting physical education minutes in the process of children’s creative activity.

One of the stages of the workshops is classes with salt dough. Getting started - getting to know the test. The child masters a new plastic material and makes “discoveries”, because now he explores not only the properties, but also the scope of his influence on the material. It turns out that he can tear off, pinch off, unscrew a small piece from a whole piece, which easily changes in his hands due to certain actions. To do this, you need to crumple it or flatten it, or roll it up, or stretch it out, you can press it to another piece, or do something else. In the process of these actions, ideas about the capabilities of the hands, the properties of the test, and learning various actions with the hand and individual fingers when performing various movements took place. Trying to convey the shape as accurately as possible, the child often actively works with ten fingers at once, which contributes to the development of the sense of touch of both hands. Using modular modeling, where children tear off pieces from the main piece of dough and roll it between their palms in a circular motion into small balls, placing them along a pre-drawn contour. The child, experimenting with the test, acts as a kind of researcher, independently influences in different ways on the material with the aim of changing and mastering it, while showing creativity.

Having introduced children to a new plastic material, it is necessary to introduce children to tools, devices and additional material. To make flat toys you need wooden board, rolling pin, ruler, stacks, straws from juice packaging. To cut out small parts, you can use molds for baking and playing with sand, various lids, caps from pens and markers, any household items that give an imprint or imprint (buttons, corks, coins).

To add expressiveness to the product, beads, sparkles, and natural materials are useful.

Texture plays a special role in giving expressiveness to a product. To create long or short “fibers” you can use garlic presses; to imitate the texture of wood, a coil of wire is ideal. Veins on the leaves can be easily depicted by pressing the side of a comb onto the workpiece. Children can independently find interesting solutions using synthetic washcloths, toothbrushes, coarse fabrics, leaves with large veins, springs, the walls of baskets of various weaves, and jam sockets.

Of great interest to children is the technique of “cutting” the dough, where children learn a new use for scissors. By making small and deep cuts with the tips of scissors along the already sculpted shape of a hedgehog, you can get needles. Using this method of work, you can depict the plumage of birds, spruce branches, and the mane of a lion. Working with scissors has a beneficial effect on the development of motor skills of the fingers and develops manual skill.

A very delicate and painstaking work in which children use their fingers to roll out thin flagella and fill a pre-drawn shape with them. Children learn to analyze the shapes and sizes of the object of labor and observe. compare, highlight the similarities and differences of objects by size, location in space, find the required number of parts and places of their connection, think figuratively.

Children are very attracted to the design of the work in a mosaic way. Such work contributes to the development of sensory and tactile sensitivity, perseverance, and patience, because laying out a pattern of small geometric shapes requires precise movements.

Using pasta to decorate sculpted works is another of the most interesting methods of working with dough. Children independently find uses for pasta of various configurations, thereby developing their imagination. From the very beginning of work in a children's creativity workshop, it is necessary to instill in children confidence in their strengths and capabilities.

The creative process is expressed by the algorithm “I pay attention - I consider - I think how to do it - I do it - I get the result.” In children's works there is always an element of surprise, unpredictability, a piece of their worldview. This gives the work individuality and allows you to express yourself, because great creativity is born from small ones.