Back bandage for stooping. A product for correcting the position of the back or a corset for the back against slouching: how to choose and use an effective product to restore correct posture

A stooped person looks unhappy and, so to speak, unsuccessful. He radiates a sense of self-doubt. But posture affects not only the aesthetic and social aspects. Most importantly, slouching leads to serious health problems.

Keeping your back straight all day on your own is not easy. You can control your posture only by a titanic effort of will, which few are capable of in the crazy rhythm of modern life. But if this is not done, muscle balance is disturbed and the load on the muscles is incorrectly redistributed. Some of them are overstrained, others atrophy, ceasing to fully support the spine.

Orthopedic chair

The vertebrae become deformed, shift, hernias, protrusions and other problems occur, leading to a number of serious diseases that are not always subject to therapeutic treatment. Often only surgery can save the situation. And sometimes it doesn’t help, and the person gets a disability, the root cause of which was the inability to keep his back straight.

By the way. A person's spine is subject to stress throughout his life. And it is not surprising that the shoulders drop, the figure bends, the back slouches. But maintaining the spinal column in an even state is so important that numerous devices have been invented to help correct postural disorders at an early stage and prevent the development of stoop. One of them is .

Of course, if the stoop is severe and there is a curvature of the spine, a supportive corset will help little. In this situation, you will need a corrective orthopedic product, which should be prescribed and selected by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis of the degree of curvature.

Back health and many internal organs directly depends on the condition of the spine and muscles. Many people today have varying degrees of scoliosis, abnormal kyphosis and other problems because they spend a lot of time in a sitting position with insufficient general activity.

Adolescents and young people are especially susceptible to postural distortions. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a straight back from a young age, when the formation of the skeleton has not yet been completed and the changes have not become irreversible. Get rid of slouching mature age when the spine is fully formed, it is almost impossible.

Important! At the first sign in a child, it is necessary to begin posture correction immediately. The sooner it is started, the better the result will be. Of course, you must first consult with your doctor and choose the most effective correction method.

How to understand that your posture is crooked

Independently, especially in children and adolescence, it is not easy for a child to understand that the position of his back is beginning to take on irregular shapes.

Important! To determine the beginning of stoop, you need to perform the following steps. Stand tightly with your back to the wall, relax your body and determine whether your head, shoulders, shoulder blades and heels touch the wall at the same time. If not, then your posture is incorrect.

When the spine begins to curve, it immediately affects the condition of other organs.

  1. The muscles weaken and their tone is lost.
  2. The lungs and heart begin to work worse.
  3. The nervous system suffers.
  4. Pain, dizziness, and malaise occur.
  5. There is a deterioration in the general condition.
  6. The functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.
  7. Spinal diseases develop.

Of course, stooping needs to be treated. Under no circumstances should its manifestations be ignored. Surely, after contacting a doctor with this problem, the patient will be prescribed a set of therapeutic measures, which will include:

  • massage;
  • physical therapy exercises;
  • sports activities;
  • swimming;
  • medical procedures;
  • manual therapy.

You will also need to organize your working and sleeping space in such a way as to control your posture and keep your back straight, wear comfortable clothes that do not pinch your body and do not restrict movement. And in almost all cases of incipient stooping, a corrective back corset can be prescribed.

Types and forms

To correct posture, you can use corsets, which are divided into two large groups: supporting and correcting. Each group includes several types of products.

Supportive corset for the spine

Table. Types of support corsets.


The simplest corset, which is a combination of elastic belts. They cross in the chest or back area. Additionally, there is a liner on the back. Prescribed for use in cases of initial stoop, including in children. You can wear a single product or complement it with a more complex orthopedic design, if there is a medical indication for this. The main function of wearing a reclinator is to relieve the spine. It keeps your muscles toned and forces you to keep your back straight. Of course, it will not be possible to straighten a curved spine using this corset, but it can stop the curvature at the initial stage. Wear the product for up to two hours a day or as directed by a doctor.

On the back there is a semi-rigid frame in the form of a wide stripe. Two stripes secure the shoulders. It can be fastened under the chest or at the back. Or the structure is attached with elastic bands, which can be tied with the necessary force around the body. The corset does not allow slouching and can be used for moderate spinal distortions. A corset is a vest that covers most of the back. It can both relax muscles, eliminating spasms, and maintain their tone. This is very good remedy getting rid of the initial stoop. You can wear it three to four hours a day.

A semi-rigid variety that can be used for severe stoop (medium variant of the development of the disease). The corset covers the chest, ribs and the entire back. This is more of a corrective orthopedic product than a supporting one, although due to its semi-rigidity it is still classified in the first group. In essence, a combination of a reclinator and a thoracolumbar corset is used here. It is worn to correct stoop of the first and second degree, no more than four hours a day.

If you want to find out in more detail what types there are, as well as familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting and wearing, you can read an article about this on our portal.

You can exercise in a supportive corset everyday affairs, work and wear it when playing sports, even without a doctor’s prescription (but consultation is still advisable). But if the stoop progresses and cannot be corrected, then it is already a disease (scoliosis, kyphosis), and it is necessary to reach a new level of therapy, in which a corrective corset is used.

Table. Types of corrective corsets.


It has a rigid frame, which is not produced universally, but is made specifically for the patient, adjusting the template to his anatomical features. Plastic construction with foam pads. The free cavities inside help to even out the bulges. This type is the most popular of the existing corrective corsets.

This type is most often prescribed for wearing by children, since it is semi-rigid, but has rigid guides. Since children are mobile, it is uncomfortable for them to wear a regular rigid corset, but they use this design easily. It is also made according to the figure, but the model has growth regulators, allowing it to be used for growing children until the stoop is corrected, or the time comes to switch to a support corset.

How to choose

Which corset is the best? What to choose? How to wear? These questions must be asked to a doctor, since only the attending physician can answer them completely and correctly.

Important! You can independently choose for yourself when stooping begins. As for any corset, it is an orthopedic product, the wearing of which must be approved and controlled by a doctor.

Undoubtedly, this is a useful acquisition that brings health if you choose and use it correctly.

  1. The purchase of the product must be carried out in a specialized store (possibly a supporting model - in an online store, but it must have the appropriate certification).
  2. Having decided on the design with the help of a doctor, you need to pay attention to the material from which the corset is made. These should be breathable, but at the same time wear-resistant materials that do not cause allergies.
  3. Both size and shape are important. If possible, it is better to order an individual product, according to your anatomical parameters.

After purchasing, you should immediately start wearing a corset, as it will take some time to get used to.

By the way. Even when putting on a soft elastic reclinator for the first time, a person will feel discomfort. Therefore, you need to start wearing the product for a few minutes, gradually bringing it to the norm recommended by a specialist.

The general period of wearing a corset is three to four months. The doctor who prescribes the corset will provide you with a diagram of how to wear it. And if you did purchase a support product yourself, follow the instructions that came with it.

By the way. Wearing a corset for too long or too little time is equally bad. The muscles are not strengthened enough or are over-strained, and instead of doing good, you can cause harm to yourself.

Corrective corset for the spine

At first, the wearing time increases, then, having reached the required mark, it begins to decrease. If the course is completed, but the result is unsatisfactory, the stoop remains, it means that the product was selected incorrectly, or the course will have to be repeated. During wearing, every month or more often, the corset is adjusted in accordance with the changes in posture that have occurred (belts are tightened, fasteners are changed).

Choose among the best specialists based on reviews and the best price and make an appointment

Correct posture is not only incredibly beautiful, but also very good for health. However, not many people can boast of such wealth these days. A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, heavy lifting, insufficient intake of nutrients - all this is only part of the reasons leading to stooping. How can you straighten your shoulders and learn to maintain your posture without regular visits to massage therapists and chiropractors? Today you can buy a corset for stooping at any pharmacy. What is this product and can it really help?

Types of posture correctors

Back straightening corsets can look different. These include products that resemble backpack straps that fit over the shoulders, models that resemble body armor, and belts for the lumbar region. In addition to the shape, corsets differ from stoop and in the density of the material used for manufacturing. They can be soft, resembling elastic bandages, or, on the contrary, have hard inserts.

You can choose a corset for stooping on your own only if the deviation from the norm is insignificant. In the presence of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, correction should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Instructions for use

Using a posture corrector is very simple - just buy it and wear it periodically. Check the package directions for your specific model. Some corsets for stooping should be worn on the naked body (over underwear), while under others it is recommended to wear thin cotton T-shirts. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable in the orthopedic product. The corrector should not rub or cause discomfort when worn. If there is an adjustable clasp, loosen it to a comfortable position. Soft corsets are usually invisible, even under fairly thin clothing, and can be worn in any situation.

Most models for correcting mild forms of stoop should be worn for 2-4 hours a day. It is more convenient to wear a corset for 1-2 hours twice a day. It is not recommended to lie in the corrective product; it should also be removed while sleeping.

How to choose a posture corset?

Orthopedic products should be purchased with fitting. Any corset against stooping has a size, the main measure for determining which is girth chest. It is very good if the straps of the product are adjustable. In this case, you will not have to buy a new corset, provided that you lose a little weight or gain weight while using it. Pay attention to the quality of the materials used. It is good if the elements adjacent to the skin are made of natural fabrics. As for choosing a specific style, you should also focus on your own feelings.

As products used without a doctor's recommendation, the most common are lumbar belts and corsets, consisting of straps, a part covering the spine, and a belt under the chest. Try on different styles for comparison and decide which one you feel most comfortable in. Today you can find posture corsets with magnetic inserts on sale. However, despite all the advertising promises of manufacturers, official medicine does not confirm the usefulness and miraculousness of this invention.

Corset for stooping: customer reviews

Even the most simple models Posture correctors have their fans. If a person with minor back problems starts using such a product, he usually notices improvements. However, not everyone can benefit from a corset to correct stoop. Many modern people They start taking care of their health too late. If the problem is advanced, the simplest corrector will not help correct your posture, but will turn out to be a waste of money. That's why best way To begin the fight against stooping is to consult a specialist.

Pay sufficient attention to the choice of product. A corset for stooping should only be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. Choose the size carefully and rely on your own feelings. Remember that a corrector is not a panacea. This product can only help you achieve correct posture and “show” your back the desired position. Wearing a corset gives the best results in combination with massage and gymnastics, provided that all these types of correction are performed regularly.

Incorrect posture not only spoils appearance person or indicates the presence of psychological problems.

Stooping, as one of the types of postural disorders, is interpreted by experts as a symptom and indicates the presence of a spinal disease to varying degrees.

Problems associated with curvature of the spinal column and accompanying muscle dysfunction begin to develop in childhood.

As you get older, the situation becomes more complicated, affecting your life. important systems body.

Physiotherapy, manual therapy, and a specially selected corrector, also known as a stoop corset, help prevent the development of serious pathologies.

Appointment of proofreaders

Physiological kyphosis, which is a backward bend of the spine, is the norm for people. It is this design that allows it to withstand significant loads and also avoid injuries.

However, if the angle of inclination back begins to increase and is more than 45°, specialists diagnose.

The disease is most often localized in the thoracic region, although it is often found in the cervical and lumbar region.

Stooping is an external manifestation of pathological kyphosis of the thoracic spinal column.

Even with a slight stoop, a person should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid serious complications in the future, such as cerebral circulation, diseases of the pelvic organs, pain syndrome, hunchback (round back syndrome).

To treat disorders in the early stages, excluding surgical intervention, special sets of exercises are used therapeutic exercises, manual therapy sessions, physiotherapy. In addition, special devices help cope with the problem.

Special correctors for the spine are recognized as the most accessible and effective of these devices. Such corsets have a number of advantages:

  • light weight;
  • convenience;
  • no restriction of movements;
  • The device is invisible under clothing.

The posture corrector is a special design that straightens the back while being worn and helps the muscles return to the correct position.

Manufacturers in the product description indicate an almost immediate positive effect. However, patients who have experienced the effect of the corrector note significant discomfort associated with the muscles getting used to the new position.

For some people, it turns out to be a problem to wear shoes made of non-breathable material.

Unpleasant sensations and even pain present in the first days of use allow us to ask the question: does the corset help with stooping? Experts say that yes, it helps.

Provided that its use is started in the early stages of the disease, and the corrector itself is chosen correctly, you can:

  • eliminate stoop;
  • improve blood and lymph flow in muscles;
  • reduce or completely get rid of pain due to scoliosis and stoop;
  • strengthen the muscle corset;
  • relieve excessive tension;
  • restore the physiological line of the spinal column.

At the same time, an incorrectly selected anti-stoop corset can cause a number of complications.

Types and design of correctors

If there is no doubt whether a corset is needed for stooping, you need to figure out which device will be the most convenient and effective. The attending physician will help solve this problem by determining the type, size and degree of required rigidity.

The specific division of devices will help you choose a corset for your back so as not to slouch and get rid of problems.


Intended for use in the early stages of disorders. They work gently, with the shoulders and upper region of the spinal column moving back. They are a simple design of several straps.

Functional purpose

The choice of the appropriate type of orthopedic device also depends on the functional purpose:

  • corrects deformities of the spinal column and at the same time performs a supporting function.
  • designed to correct spinal curvatures, reduce stress, eliminate stoop, and form correct posture.

Separation by target audience

Correctors are available for children, men and women. Let's look at how they differ and what features they have.

For children

Unlike adult models, the anti-stoop corset intended for a child does not contain rigid inserts. Corset inserts are allowed, which can be bent or removed if necessary.

The most acceptable option is . The main task of the product is to restore the functions of the muscles that support the spine.

Wearing such a corrector ensures the restoration of muscle memory, due to which the muscles regain their ability to hold the spine in a normal position.

Also, a children's posture corrector should be made of hypoallergenic materials and adjusted individually before use, depending on the characteristics of the little patient.

For adults

Corsets for stooping for adults are not divided into men's and women's.

This is not necessary. It all depends on individual characteristics shapes, sizes, material requirements, conditions of use.

The male version may be heavier than the female version. It is easier to hide under or over clothing without risking a significant change in appearance.

Accordingly, for men, medium or large size proofreader

As for women, in addition to the size, material and stiffness, they will have to ensure that the belt of the product does not pinch the chest while wearing.

How to deal with the price

A corset for correcting stoop in children or adults is not a cheap pleasure. Of course, you should not spare any expense to restore your posture, but if the situation does not allow you to buy an expensive product, you can make it yourself to treat an adult, provided that the mildest degree of impairment has been diagnosed.

It is also necessary to consult your doctor to find out whether correcting stoop with a homemade device is acceptable. If there are no objections, you can start working.

How to make a corset for stooping with your own hands? To do this you will need at least 6 meters of elastic bandage. The width of the tape is 10 cm. The algorithm for creating the device is as follows:

  • The middle of the bandage is located at the level of the shoulder blades.
  • One end of the tape is thrown over the shoulder.
  • The other end of the tape is directed to the axillary area on the opposite side.
  • The ends are twisted twice in a figure eight to pull the shoulders back.
  • Then both ends are pulled under the arms and wrapped around the waist.
  • You can secure the ends of the elastic bandage on your stomach or back.

It is impossible to correct stoop in children using homemade corsets. The result may be the opposite of the expected effect.

Exception to the rule

Manufacturers of corsets designed to eliminate stooping point to the complete safety of the products and the absence of any reasons for refusing to use them. However, there are contraindications in cases where:

  • Corrector materials cause an allergic reaction.
  • There are damages to the skin where the straps of the device are located.
  • Severe diseases of the respiratory system were diagnosed.
  • A person is sick with heart failure, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Correction is required for a pregnant woman, regardless of the timing.
  • The child has not reached 12 years of age (the use of corsets is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician).

Models of magnetic correctors are prohibited from being used if a pacemaker is installed and intolerance to magnetic influences. It is not difficult to determine the presence of such intolerance.

Main symptoms: weather sensitivity and frequent headaches after using electrical appliances for a long time.


The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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A back corset helps to form correct posture in case of poor posture and relieve the spine during severe physical work. Correct posture is an important aspect that characterizes a healthy and confident person. With excessively pronounced kyphosis (stooping), a person is characterized as an unconfident, depressed person.

A childhood disease, the situation only gets worse as you get older. Violation of the position of the vertebrae leads to weakening of muscles, displacement of internal organs, and the development of diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, osteoporosis).

Correction of the problem is carried out using conservative methods including manual therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, spinal traction and wearing an orthopedic device known as a corrector or corset for stooping.

What is the effectiveness of a back corset?

The stoop corset is used to correct postural disorders in children and adults in the early stages. Wearing the device is designed to “accustom” the muscles and spine to the anatomically correct position and is used along with exercise therapy and massage. All 3 procedures mutually enhance the effectiveness of the previous ones and consolidate the effect.

A back corset is selected by a specialist and solves the following problems:

Back corset - varieties

There are 3 types of orthopedic devices for correcting spinal defects:

  • The reclinator is designed to spread the shoulders and reinforce the habit of correct muscle position. Presented with an elastic band, it is prescribed for the early stage of scoliosis, stoop, and poor posture. Reclinators are often prescribed to adults for the period of work; they must be removed at night;

  • the corset supports the entire length of the spine. Has stiffening ribs or magnets that help keep your back in place correct position. Selected individually according to size and wearing time must be strictly observed as prescribed by the doctor;
  • a bandage (elastic belt) secures the required area (thoracic, lumbar) from excessive bending and reduces mobility in case of vertebral instability or increased load (for example, during pregnancy). Wearing a bandage while working reduces the load on the spine. Recommended for people with heavy physical labor for prevention. Reduces pain from spinal hernia.

Which back corset to choose?

The choice of a posture corrector depends on the degree of curvature of the spine, the age of the patient and concomitant (background) diseases.

An initial degree of stoop allows you to choose a bandage or reclinator yourself (after being prescribed by a doctor) at the pharmacy. You can make it yourself.

In case of serious disorders of the spine, the corset is selected together with the attending physician. It is important to consider the comfort and composition of the fabrics. The device must be worn for a long time and significant discomfort in use will lead to the child not using it.

How to choose the right corset for posture correction and not spoil it in everyday wear, watch the video


Wearing a back corset when stooping should be strictly dosed. This correction method can be compared with using medicines. Overuse or underuse has a negative effect.

The time of wearing the corset is selected individually from 6 to 12 hours a day. Duration 6 - 24 months.

Abuse of corrective devices without simultaneous strengthening of muscles with the help of exercise therapy leads to weakening and subsequently atrophy of muscles. Which has a negative impact on the spine.

Indications for wearing a back brace

A posture corrector should be used strictly according to indications, and not at will. The need for use arises in the following situations:

  • children during the period of growth with the development of scoliosis or stoop;
  • scoliosis of 3-4 degrees in case of disruption of the functioning of internal organs caused by displacement;
  • a corset is prescribed after a spinal injury during the period of rehabilitation treatment;
  • postoperative period during recovery treatment;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spinal hernia;
  • spondylosis;
  • during pregnancy, wearing a bandage may be prescribed in the event of the development of osteochondrosis, scoliosis or the appearance of pain;
  • for the purpose of preventing back pathologies during long-term sedentary work or while moving heavy loads.

The listed pathologies are not absolute indications for wearing a corset. Posture correction methods are selected taking into account all research data and lifestyle.


Orthopedic products are available to everyone and are available without a prescription, however, it is recommended to purchase a back brace only with a doctor’s prescription and an option selected by an orthopedist.

The use of a corset is not allowed when:

  • allergies to the material;
  • damage to the skin in the localization (location) of fixation of the corset or straps;
  • insufficiency of the circulatory or respiratory system;
  • pregnancy;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • The magnetic corrector is prohibited for persons with a pacemaker.

There are exceptions to all the listed contraindications. If there are contraindications, wear correctors only as directed and under the supervision of a specialist.

Basic rules for wearing posture correctors

It is better to wear a posture corrector on a T-shirt made of natural fabric, which will prevent chafing of the body and excessive sweating.

Dress in a lying or standing position, depending on the device.

Wear for a strictly defined time, from 6 hours a day. During treatment with correctors, be sure to train the muscles that will hold the spine in the correct position after removing the device.

The corset should hold, but not squeeze. The tension of the belts is adjusted gradually during wearing. The first days the belts are tensioned minimally to get used to the straightened position. Subsequently, the density increases.

After a course of wearing the device, gradual weaning follows, which consists of: That wearing time is gradually decreasing. The muscles must get used to working independently without support. The process of removing the corrective device lasts from 2 weeks to 2-3 months, depending on the duration of use and the body’s reaction to its cancellation.

Corsets for children

Children's corsets differ from adults; in most cases, they are elastic correctors designed to give the correct position to the back and accustom the muscles to the correct redistribution of weight.

The stiffeners are rarely used and can be easily removed.

The material is natural, which protects little patients from allergies and chafing.

If serious correction is necessary, the corset is made individually.

Corsets for adults

Back corsets are universal; they are not divided into men's and women's. The only requirement for women is a free position of the chest. Otherwise, the choice depends on the purpose of the corrector and the material.


A corset or corrector for stooping is not included in the list of free medicine. The price of posture correctors depends on the purpose. For prophylactic wear and slight stoop, reclinators are prescribed, costing from 300 to 1500 rubles.

In case of severe scoliosis and the need for correction, corsets are made to individual measurements (Chenault) and cost 10 - 15,000.

Rigid corsets for spinal hernia or scoliosis in the range of 2-9 thousand.

DIY posture corrector

If it is impossible to buy a corset, you can make it yourself, but subject to slight curvature. Do not use homemade correctors for children.

You will need:

  • elastic bandage 10 cm wide and 6 m long

Progress of posture fixation:

  • fold the bandage in half and place the middle between the shoulder blades;
  • throw the first end over your shoulder;
  • point the other under the arm in the direction opposite to the first;
  • wrap with bandages in the shape of a figure eight;
  • Pull the loose ends under the armpits and wrap around the waist;
  • You can fasten the ends on your stomach or back, whichever is more convenient.

Adequate use of corsets to correct posture has a positive effect. Studies have proven its effectiveness in correcting posture and correcting initial degree spinal curvatures. When wearing any type of corset, it is important to pay attention to the physical exercises necessary to strengthen the back muscles. plays an important role in the fight against back pathologies.

The use of corsets for spinal hernias also has a positive effect in restoring intervertebral discs and eliminating pain.

People first of all pay attention to a person’s external characteristics, the ability to stand and sit straight, to walk and move beautifully. And only then on internal qualities.

A slouched person does not look beautiful and lacks self-confidence. But human posture is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also has consequences for human health.

Back health depends on the condition of the spine and muscle corset.

In the twenty-first century, this problem occurs very often, because many people work sitting at a computer and lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to stagnation of muscle function.

This problem is clearly expressed among children and young people in connection with computerization and the replacement of physical work with mental work.

You need to watch your posture early age when the muscles are just forming. In adulthood, getting rid of problems is much more difficult, since the spine is already formed.

The weaker the muscles, the more incorrect posture is formed. At the first signs of this disease in children, you need to start treatment, since it is easier to get rid of it. initial stages.

The child may not notice the incorrect position of the back; parental attention is necessary.

How to determine stoop?

To check your posture you need to stand close to the wall. If your heels, shoulders and head do not touch the wall at the same time, this indicates signs of poor posture.

Consequences of spinal curvature

The spine is the basis and “corset” of the body. It also affects the condition of other organs.

  • Weakening of muscles, loss of tone;
  • Poor functioning of the lungs and heart;
  • Getting worse general condition person;
  • The consequences affect the nervous system. Pain syndrome becomes more frequent, symptoms such as malaise and dizziness are possible;
  • Glitches appear in the robot musculoskeletal system;
  • Development of scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and other diseases.

READ ALSO: What corsets are used to correct stooping in children and adults?

To prevent consequences, you should promptly pay attention to problems that arise and consult a doctor. Treatment is mandatory.

Methods for treating stoop

There are many ways to get rid of the problem associated with incorrect posture.

The main ones:

  • Exercise and physical therapy;
  • Massage warms up muscles, eliminates pain;
  • Sports activities. Swimming, dancing, aerobics, and gymnastics have a beneficial effect on muscle condition;
  • Treatment procedures;
  • Compliance with workplace organization rules;
  • Posture control. Monitor your body position while walking, sitting at the table, getting ready for bed;
  • Cloth. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Back corset for stooping.

Properties of a corset against stooping

  • The best and most effective way is to use a back corset for stooping. It is often recommended by attending physicians.
  • The corset fixes the correct posture. Straightens the man's shoulders.
  • It prevents further deterioration and progression of the disease, relieves fatigue and back pain.
  • It has stiffening ribs that are located on the back of the corset. They help in full impact on the back and thoracic region.
  • The advantage is that the back corset is not noticeable under clothing. It can be worn under sweaters and jackets.
  • Also, the corset against stooping is simple and effective way for a straight back. They do not contain allergic materials. They are mainly made from high quality materials: cotton or latex.

The cost of corsets is affordable; almost everyone in need can afford it.

Types of corsets

There are the following types:

  1. Reclinators.
    Used in the initial stages of spinal curvature. They are figure eight in shape. They are used to reduce stooping in the thoracic region. Often used by children.
  2. Breasts.
    Consist of a large stripe on the back with two stripes holding the shoulders. Fastened at the back or above the belly. They are used for stooping and scoliosis, for pathologies of the cervical and thoracic regions. The main task is to eliminate curvature.
  3. Thoracolumbar.
    There are metal layers on the back that support it in the correct position. They are used for first and second degree scoliosis, kyphosis, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis.

An important factor is an integrated approach to treatment. Exercise, massage and swimming along with wearing a corset will help get rid of the problem and make the muscles stronger.

The right choice

You can purchase a corset via the Internet, at a pharmacy or special places where medical equipment is sold.