Environmental actions in preschools as an active form of work to develop the environmental consciousness of preschool children. Environmental actions as a means of socialization of preschool children Environmental actions in pre-school

Zvonar Lidiya Vasilievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 "Spikelet"
Locality: KHMAO - Yugra, Tyumen region, Nefteyugansk
Name of material: article
Subject:"Ecological actions in kindergarten
Publication date: 19.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Environmental actions in kindergarten

Environmental education of the younger generation in recent years goes to

first plan, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation in general. Preschool

age is considered the most favorable in terms of the formation of environmental

culture. IN preschool institution the child spends most of his time

which allows him to imbue every moment of his stay in kindergarten with love and

respect for nature. Today, various forms are used

teaching children, forming environmental consciousness and activating

cognitive needs of preschoolers: excursions, various targeted walks,

environmental events, holidays, entertainment, lessons of kindness, exhibitions.

Interesting and effective form I consider the work to be environmentally friendly

(environmental) actions - socially significant events carried out by employees

and children, parents.

What is an environmental action?

An environmental action is a socially significant complex event. Promotion

may affect a circle of listeners and actors: children of one kindergarten group,

children and their parents of one or more kindergartens, residents of a microdistrict, city of the country and

even the whole world. The promotion allows you to integrate information from different areas of knowledge for

solutions to one problem and apply them in practice. The object of the action may be

trees, birds, plants, kindergarten territory. These events are usually

timed to coincide with any dates or events of public importance.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of environmental culture, consciousness and



to form cognitive interest, communication skills, humanistic

attitude, aesthetic responsiveness

develop positive emotional attitude to nature, the desire to protect it and

take care of her.

Algorithm for holding promotions

purpose (each action has its own purpose);

tasks (general and specific are performed);

object (what are they aimed at - birds, trees...);

participants (children - parents - employees - children - parents);

Any promotion includes the following stages:

1. Preparatory stage:

The text of the announcement about the beginning of the action is drawn up and posted, indicating the topic, purpose,

period, composition of participants, conditions;

Equipment and materials and an action plan are being prepared.

2. Cognitive and research stage (organizational):

Organization of observations, experiences, experiments, classes, conversations, reading


Solving logical, problematic problems.

3. Practical activity stage:

Production of posters in defense of the objects of the action;

- “ecological mail” - correspondence with the objects of the action;

Development of rules, exercise in labor actions; - staging of works,

leisure, holidays;

Exhibition of drawings, books

Crafts, newspapers, collages, photo exhibition;


Summing up,

Reflection. (can take the form of an award ceremony, production of a photo album,

video films, making homemade books, holding exhibitions, etc.).



“A seed and a grain in reserve!” (collecting seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds,

seed for feeding birds);

“Good winter for birds” (feeding wintering birds. In the group there is a container where

children and parents bring bird food. In the “Panorama of Good Deeds”, educators

express gratitude to active families).


“The Christmas tree is a green needle” (in defense of the Christmas tree, children make posters and carry

home. Along the way they might hang you in a public place. Final stage

can get in shape

Vitamins on the windowsill" competition and exhibition - "Christmas tree - green needle");

“(growing onions for yourself, observing the growth of onions in different conditions,

maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).


water". The promotion may start earlier and end with the “Sorceress” holiday

water". Posters, experimental activities- the rein is life-giving force).

“My favorite is a clean city!” (this is the city campaign “Clean City” taking place

traditionally, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: cleaning

territory, landscaping and landscaping).

“A palace for every singer!” (together with parents production and

attaching birdhouses. You can stick it in the yard of your house, in your country house).

In the spring, the environmental campaign “Let’s decorate the planet with flowers” ​​begins (beginning

promotions in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).


“Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(layout of flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings,

planting care).

“Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!” (call on how to behave in the forest,

careful handling of fire in the forest. Fire causes lasting harm to nature,

its inhabitants, people).

A wide range of structural components of the action allows this work to be done

the most interesting and attractive.

The structural components of environmental actions are both methods and forms

environmental education. I would like to dwell on the most interesting ones in more detail.

Ecological excursions-expeditions.

The goal is to find answers to the questions posed, accumulate information, teach

formation of ideas about the surrounding natural conditions, terrain,

conditions, ecological situation, presence of animals and plants. During the expedition

children can prepare medicinal herbs, gather natural material For

collections, explore plants, soil, water in different conditions (including

favorable environmental conditions: along a fence, in a vacant lot, etc.).

In addition to living nature, inanimate objects can also become objects of research

nature: granite boulders, stones; sand scree; wind and water, their variety

impact on nature.

For environmental expeditions, as a rule, special equipment is required: a magnifying glass,

pencil, felt-tip pen; several plexiglass plates, a folder for the herbarium; boxes;

packages; camera, etc.

Expeditions are most often planned in a school preparatory group. Work results

arrange in the form of albums, drawings, collections.

Environmental exhibitions and expositions.

The goal is to become familiar with natural phenomena that are inaccessible to children.

Exhibitions and displays include material designed for working with children and

with adults.

The topic can be very diverse: “The forest is man’s friend”; "The riches of the subsoil

our Earth"; "Space"; “Man and his good deeds on Earth”; "Native spaces" and

The exhibition may include works of art, children's work and

educators, various collections. The exhibition usually serves as an excellent backdrop for

conversations with children, for excursions that can be conducted not only by the teacher, but also

Ecological Museum.

It is a real school of nature for a child. The following are appropriate in the museum:

exposition: flora(herbarium); rare, endangered plant species and

animals (albums and photographs); minerals and rocks (children's collections); water,

its use, protection (illustrations); green pharmacy (medicinal herbs);

ecosystems (models); environmental disasters and disasters (albums, illustrations).

Such material allows children to visually present a wide variety of

topics: “Who are conservationists”; "Blue and green patrols, their activities",

“Animal life in the forest”; “The Mysterious World of Insects”, etc.

But no museum can replace communication with living nature. And this is of great importance

have environmental observations.

Ecological observations.

The goal is to form an understanding of animals and plants as living organisms,

show the relationships that exist in nature.

It is important to consider the observed object from all points of view: for example, in observations of

plants, the following cycles can be distinguished: name (interesting information,

associated with the name); classification (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant);

appearance, parts, purpose; conditions necessary for growth and development; Wednesday

habitat; plant as a habitat for animals; plant as food for animals;

methods of seed dispersal, reproduction; meaning in human life; as a person

helps plants; rules of behavior in nature.

In animal observations, it is advisable to find out the following: name

(interesting information related to the name); appearance, features;

classification (insects, birds, fish, mammals); way of transportation,

adaptation of limbs to the method of movement; way of getting food,

adaptation to the method of obtaining food; food, habitat, adaptation to

habitat; reproduction; relationships that exist in nature; meaning in life

person; the role of humans in the lives of animals; rules of behavior in nature.

Ecological knowledge is the basis of environmental consciousness, but only

Educating children is not enough; it is necessary to introduce them to practical


Lessons in kindness.

Conducted individually or with a small subgroup of children (older) in

moments of their appeal to the natural world.

Goals: develop interest in nature; create positive emotional

attitude towards her, the desire to protect her and take care of her; cultivate sensitivity and feeling


Such events that affect the child’s soul should not be verbose;

can be combined with music, perception of works of art.

The duration is not regulated (from one to several minutes depending on

the child’s mood on a given topic).

The topic of kindness lessons: “What does it mean to be kind?”; "When I was kind

Does the child treat nature with care?”; “What is beauty?”; “Why is a flower beautiful?”;

"The Beauty of Man"; "Harmony of Colors"; "Harmony of Sounds"; "How amazing

frog?"; “What is fear?”; “How do animals that feel fear behave?”;

“When are they afraid?”; “What should you do to avoid scaring animals?”; "How are you

Do you feel the love of your loved ones?”; “How do you show love to animals?”;

“Love - what does it mean?”; "Ornament of the Earth"; “Are rules needed in life?”; "What you

do you feel it when you step on the ground?”; “What do you feel when you hug a tree?”;

“What do you feel when you look at the sky?”; “What did nature tell you?” etc.

Ecological games.

Role-playing environmental games based on social content modeling

environmental activities, for example the game “City Building” (its participants

perform the roles of builders, architects, city residents; the goal of the game is to form

the idea that construction can only be carried out if

compliance with environmental standards and regulations).

Simulation environmental games are based on environmental simulation

activities. The game "Ecosystem of a Reservoir" allows you to trace the role of each

component of this system, model the consequences of anthropogenic impact on

biocenoses, and the game “Ecological Pyramids” helps show food chains (child

clearly sees that disruption of one link in the food chain leads to death

the rest).

Competitive environmental games stimulate the activity of their participants in

acquisition and demonstration of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities. These include:

auction competition, marathon competition, KVN, environmental quiz, “Field of Miracles”, etc.

Travel games are widely used in the practice of preschool institutions, in

in which children, with the help of TSO, get to the North Pole, to the bottom of the ocean, etc.

When working with preschoolers, they are of great importance didactic games: "Who's where

lives? “Flies, runs, jumps” (about the adaptation of animals to their environment);

“Living - nonliving”; “Birds – fish – animals” (for classification according to given characteristics);

“What comes first, what comes next” (growth and development of living organisms); "Choose right

road" (about the rules of behavior in nature), etc.

Environmental posters.

How to awaken civic engagement in children towards all living things? I think that

Each child can “speak out” on this topic in a drawing or sketch. Sketch

work is the primary source of awakening children’s activity aimed at fighting

for environmental protection.

Many people are surprised when they learn that children will draw environmental posters. After all

An environmental poster is a serious thing. Why does the child need it? But, after thinking, we realized

that this is correct. A child cannot be isolated from the problems of life. Little man

looks into the world and often sees (especially on TV) things that his imagination cannot even imagine

can accept (burning taiga, dying, oil-stained birds, ruined

fish). All this traumatizes the child’s psyche. One of the ways to get rid of this

nervous stress and there may be environmental drawings-posters in which the child

calls for effective assistance to the environment, which means he himself makes an attempt not to

harm your “home” and those who live and grow next to it.”

Children's drawings do not leave anyone indifferent. You can call this type of work

gymnastics for the mind, which, among other things, shapes personal qualities

Environmental actions are a truly effective form of work

on developing children’s ideas about the relationship between man and nature,

Ecological trail

An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural

conditions where there are environmentally significant natural objects.

Main types

Children's activities during walks on the trail are play, experiment, observation.

On these routes you can introduce children and adults to the diversity of plants and

animals, the connections that exist between them, imagine in practice

environmental activities. The ecological trail is designed primarily for

organized passage. When choosing a route, accessibility is taken into account,

emotional intensity and information capacity.

The ecological trail takes important place in the savings system for each child

personal experience, environmentally correct interaction with the nature of the nearest

environment that is safe both for the child and for nature itself, in accordance with

their interests, inclinations, level of cognitive development.

The objects of the ecological path can be: various types tree species,

(alleys, garden, corner of the forest; shrubs; floral plants of various shapes and selection

flower beds; rock gardens; small reservoirs (artificial); corner of the meadow; corner

untouched nature; anthill; a bed with medicinal plants; garden,

individual beautiful flowering plants, etc.

Stages of creating and designing a path:

1) Detailed examination of the territory of the kindergarten and identification of the most

interesting objects.

2) Drawing up a map of the path with the route and all its objects:

general, which will be located in the methodological room, and diagrams in groups, taking into account

age of children, in older groups preschool age maybe a layout

ecological path.

3) Together with the children, choose the owner of the path - a fairy-tale character.

4) Drawing up a passport of all points of the path.

5) Making callout signs indicating each point.

Working on an ecological trail allows you to solve the following tasks: educate

love and respect for nature native land, to develop behavioral skills

nature, healthy lifestyle, caring for nature and its inhabitants, expand children’s knowledge about the meaning

each object of nature, to give an idea of ​​the interconnection of phenomena in nature.

Develop aesthetic feelings, imagination, attention.

Children observe nature in different seasons of the year, live in it, and enjoy it. Reading

fairy tales and poems, learning proverbs and sayings, singing songs, participating in games

allow children to expand their understanding of the natural environment and help express

attitude towards him in a bright emotional form. IN summer period on environmental

Along the way, educators instill in children a love of work.

Labor activity on an ecological trail in summer

1. Natural history work

Caring for garden beds (loosening, watering, weeding, thinning).

Caring for flowers on an ecological trail.

Collecting grass seeds to feed birds in the winter garden.

Harvesting in the garden.

Preparation of medicinal herbs.

Collection of fallen leaves and twigs for herbarium - with different trees and bushes.

2. Household work

Washing research equipment (jars, cups, etc.)

3. Environmental work

Production of environmental signs and installation of them on the ecological trail.

Inspection of vegetable crops (for pests) and treatment (by the teacher) with infusion

their herbs, onion and garlic peels.

Inspecting ant paths and feeding the ants.

Operation “Broken Branch” (tying and covering broken branches).

4. Manual labor

Making crafts from natural materials.

Application made from natural materials.

Use walks to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and

improving children's health in the fresh air.

Use observations of wildlife to develop sensory skills

every child.

Introduce various objects of living nature and show its relationship with

the surrounding world.

Make the child’s communication with nature safe for the child and nature itself.

To form feelings of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, care and

respect for nature.

Develop the ability to convey your impressions of communicating with nature in

drawings, crafts, stories and other creative works.

Conduct observation along the path different times years, games, excursions,

research, drama classes and other activities.

In our preschool, environmental campaigns take place throughout the entire




natural history






serve as good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children

They see the attitude of the parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves.

The action takes place under its own motto, has visual propaganda (leaflets, posters,

memos). The content of the promotions includes holidays, entertainment, quizzes, exhibitions,

competitions dedicated to the objects of the action. (slide)

Carrying out an environmental campaign in a kindergarten helps to promote

the progressive development of children's cognitive interest in the natural world,

fostering respect for plants, animals and birds, developing

skills in environmental activities, as well as revaluation of worldviews

guidelines (perception of oneself as part of nature, understanding of the relationship between man and

nature). Thus, this activity is aimed at creating conditions for development

child, opening up opportunities for him successful socialization, comprehensive

personal development.

All environmental events and promotions are held under the common motto: “Only together,

just together, we need to help nature!”

“Come on, friends, wherever we live,

We will plant trees and create gardens.

Let's strive for this

So that both the beast and the bird love us,

And they trusted us everywhere,

Like your best friends!”

Medvedeva Svetlana Alexandrovna,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1"

KHMAO - Yugra, Nefteyugansk

Purpose of the action:

Prevent environmental pollution with plastic utensils.


  1. Expand the understanding of children and adults about the harm of abandoned plastic dishes to the environment.
  2. To develop a sense of responsibility for the cleanliness of the nature around us by recycling plastic utensils.
  3. Introduce in various ways making crafts and flowers from plastic dishes.
  4. Involve parents and children in environmental and creative activities.

Expected result:

A child who is respectful of the environment, Decorating the earth with flowers.

Participants of the action




Stages of the promotion:

Preparatory stage
Duration: September – October
Dates: November – March
Duration: April – May

Event plan

  1. Excursion with children to the forest.

  2. Cleaning the forest belt and park area near the kindergarten.

  3. Issue of the newspaper “The Earth is Crying”.

  4. Inventing and designing posters, leaflets, “Do not litter the park area, forest belts.”

  5. Design of the propaganda stand “The second life of plastic tableware”.

  6. Distribution of leaflets.

  7. Making flowers from collected plastic dishes.

  8. Distributing flowers to passersby.

  9. Conducting a survey “Who carried away the garbage from the forest.”

  10. Decorating a flower bed near a kindergarten with plastic flowers made by students, parents, and teachers.

  11. Carrying out a flower festival.

  12. Ecological raid.

Photo report from the scene.

One day we went to the woods, we wanted to frolic!

They came, they saw. Nightmare!

We had to work hard.

Bottles, cups, plastic, stench. We removed it all. We took them with us to the city, and then moved them around.

We decided to give bottles and glasses a second life. We decided to collect a bouquet and use it to decorate the earth.

A lot of work has been done for this.

We came up with our own flowers and taught them to our mother.

They gave flowers to passers-by. So that they love the earth and take away garbage from the forest

Leaflets were distributed. We gave advice to people.

We conducted a social survey “Who took the garbage out of the forest”, passers-by answered and promised to improve.

There are holidays for mother, and there is a holiday for the earth.

And we will congratulate the flowers. We will decorate the earth.

After all, believe us, you cannot offend nature.

Let's save it. For the future. Yes?

Creative report on environmental activities.

In 2010 - 2011 When organizing the educational process, one of the directions in my work with students was designated as environmental education. All work on environmental education was aimed at developing in students a humane and value-based attitude towards nature, the main manifestations of which are:

Interest in natural objects

Kindness towards living beings

Emotional responsiveness to their condition,

The desire to actively interact with them,

The desire and ability to care for living things and create the conditions necessary for them.

During the year, the projects “Indoor plant”, “Feed the birds in winter”, “Take care of the Christmas tree - a green needle”, “Let's decorate the earth with flowers” ​​were implemented.

The most significant project was “Let’s decorate the earth with flowers.” This project was started in the fall. During a walk to the nearest forest belt in October, my pupils and I noted that the area was very polluted. Particularly highlighted was the fact that vacationers in the forest area leave behind a lot of plastic dishes and various plastic containers. The children did not remain indifferent: there was no end to their indignation. The children explained that it was impossible to do this, that nature was crying, she was hurt and offended. My students know well that we need to take care of nature, protect it and protect it.

Then the children and I thought about how we could help nature. Everyone understood that it was necessary to teach people to pick up trash after themselves. But how?

To begin with, to attract the attention of parents pupils of preschool educational institutions to the problem of environmental conservation, we designed the wall newspaper “Nature is Crying”, where we posted photographs about how people pollute nature, in particular the place where all city dwellers like to relax - in the forest park.

We conducted a survey among parents of pupils and found out that 60% of parents with children visit public gardens and parks, forests, cottages, river banks on weekends and all use disposable tableware. True, almost all parents answered that they pick up trash after themselves and leave it in specially equipped places or bury it. We were glad that it was not our parents and their children who polluted the environment.

But how can we teach and accustom those others, adults and children, who pollute it, not to do this?

At the first stage, we issued leaflets calling on vacationers not to leave trash behind, and distributed these leaflets on Fridays to the parents of those kindergarten students who planned to go out into the countryside. Later, we figured out how to get people interested in taking dishes home - we decided to tell people that disposable tableware there is a second life. We have supplemented the leaflets with information that it is easy and simple to make from disposable plastic tableware various crafts, and that it is interesting and exciting, useful activity for the whole family. We posted information on how to make a craft on the preschool educational institution’s website and on the preschool educational institution’s main stand in the central hall. Of course, among those to whom we distributed leaflets, there were also people who honestly laughed and said that they would not do crafts, but agreed that garbage should not be left in the forest.

At the second stage, everyone, parents, kindergarten staff, and students began searching for interesting information about what and how can be made from disposable plastic tableware.

Since the priority direction in the activities of our preschool educational institution is the artistic and aesthetic development of children, our pupils are accustomed to usefully organizing their leisure time and know how to do a lot with their own hands, gluing, cutting, and sculpting with pleasure. A new direction - working with plastic - has aroused interest. I myself, the students, and even entire families got involved in creative activities. I prepared and conducted a master class for parents “We use plastic dishes in creative activities.” Every day, a new craft made by my hands, the hands of my parents, appeared on the beauty shelf in the group, and later the children learned to work very well with plastic. On long winter evenings, on frosty days, when it is impossible to organize walks on the street, the children were happy to engage in creative activities. All the crafts amazed us with their beauty and originality. When it was cold winter outside, flowers made from plastic dishes delighted us with their brightness and beauty.

The group organized exhibitions of crafts made from disposable plastic tableware. Flowers made by children's hands served to decorate the interior of the group and kindergarten, they were used to decorate music hall for the holiday. When the snow melted early in the spring and our flower beds were gray and unattractive, my students and I decided to decorate them with flowers made by ourselves. Parents and children from all over the neighborhood came to admire our flowerbeds.

During the implementation of the project, experimental activities were also organized: in the fall, the students buried plastic bottles. When we dug up the ground in the spring, we saw that the dishes were still lying there. I explained to them that the bottle would lie in this state in the ground for many, many years, and together we came to the conclusion that a flower would never grow in this place.

In the spring, we again began publishing leaflets with calls not to pollute nature and distributing them to residents of the neighborhood and parents who were planning to relax in nature. Preschool teachers picked up the idea of ​​leaflets, and if one of our groups issued only 15 leaflets, then all groups issued 80 of them. The leaflets will be distributed to parents all summer. And we believe that our students and parents will not leave dishes in the forest, no matter whether because they want to keep our Earth clean or because they will engage in manual labor.

Participation in project activities provided the opportunity for students to understand the full depth of the problem of nature pollution and environmental protection, to experience it personally, to independently seek a solution to this problem, to show creativity, and to evaluate the results of their activities.

When epidemiologists allow us to visit the forest belt in the fall, we will definitely go to our places and assess the state of the environment, and if it suddenly turns out that people are leaving garbage behind, then it will be necessary to try again to solve the problem of environmental pollution in some other way, but be sure to try to help nature. And even though my students have become only a year older and they are only 6 years old, it is necessary that they are also concerned about these problems and that they are already looking for ways to solve environmental problems and learn how to organize environmental protection activities.


  1. Zenina T. “Environmental actions in working with preschoolers” preschool education 2002 No. 7 p.8
  2. Ashikov V.I. Ashikova S.G. “Semitsvetik” Program and guidance on cultural and environmental education and development of preschool children. M. 1997
  3. Nikolaeva S.N. “How to introduce a child to nature.”
  4. Nikolaeva S.N. “Formation of the beginnings of ecological culture” preschool education 1998 No. 2 page 13
  5. Hofman Petra “Crafts from cocktail tubes.”
  6. G.N. Davydov "Crafts from waste material."
  7. Internet resources.

“Certificate of Publication” Series A No. 0000839, date of dispatch December 18, 2012, receipt No. 62502655103667

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Environmental events in our kindergarten have already become traditional, in which everyone together - parents, children and teachers - help make the territory of our kindergarten a cozy natural corner.

If you want to take part in subsequent promotions, follow the announcements on the Main News page.

In April 2017, our students and teachers took part in the city environmental competition-action "Take care of the birds!" , in which they took first place.


On May 2-5, 2017, a campaign was held for graduates of our preschool educational institution “Memorial Tree of Kindergarten Graduates.” We invited all of this year's graduates to make a planting in honor of the end of kindergarten. Thanks to everyone who helped make our area greener!


Our Sokol microdistrict is only 10 years old. Mostly young families with children live here. Beautiful comfortable houses, a modern kindergarten, shopping centers and green areas, alas, filled with cars.
And for complete happiness, all residents of “Sokol” lack Nature!
Our kindergarten is attended by pupils from the neighborhood, so families always actively participate in all environmental events carried out by the preschool educational institution. And the “Ecological cleanup” has already become a spring tradition for us.

Events within the framework of the "Ecological Cleanup Day 2016":

1. Planting pine trees on Academician Kolmogorov Street.
2. Planting deciduous trees: rowan trees, chestnuts, maples, birches along the street. Leskov in a green area that had previously been turned into a spontaneous parking lot for cars ( "Alley of Graduates").
3. Updating plaques with the names of heroes of the Great Patriotic War, St. George's ribbons, adding fresh soil and fertilizing the bushes on the Victory Lilac alley, planted by our students last year (more than 100 bushes).

The events were held on May 4, 5, 6 with musical accompaniment (children's songs for Victory Day, songs about Russia).

Everyone was provided for
-necessary equipment (shovels, scoops),
- pegs and ropes for tying trees.
-fertile soil with sapropel,
- watering cans and water for irrigation,
-ribbons (each participant in the action could tie a colored commemorative ribbon to their tree).

Results of the environmental cleanup:

1. Pine Alley - more than 30 trees
2. Leafy alley - more than 50 trees
3. Alley "Lilac of Victory": all conditions have been created for the further growth of lilac bushes and many of them have already bloomed!

At the end of the event, all participating families were given thank you letters and a photo report was prepared and posted on the website of our preschool educational institution.

In November 2015, school preparatory group No. 7 (teachers: Zoya Viktorovna Shilnikova and Tatyana Vitalievna Kuznetsova) took part in the environmental project of the library named after. F.M. Dostoevsky"Let's make the Danube clean" . The children, together with their teachers, prepared work for the exhibition using plasticineography technique.

They also composed a fairy tale and made a real book. You can read it here, as well as in the library named after. F.M. Dostoevsky, to whom the guys presented their book.

In the fall of 2015, we planted primroses as part of a promotion "Plant your primrose". The children and their parents planted more than 200 hyacinth and crocus bulbs. In the spring they will be the first to notify us about the coming summer. We thank all the parents, teachers and children who took part in the event! We are looking forward to the coming of spring!

In the spring of 2015, a promotion was held in May"Lilac of Victory"We invited not only our students, but also residents of neighboring houses to participate in the action. We planted lilacs around the kindergarten. We planted several dozen bushes, each of which was dedicated to one of our grandparents who died in the war. St. George's ribbons with their names were attached to the lilac trunks.

Tatyana Naumkina
Environmental actions in preschool educational institutions

Environmental actions in preschool educational institutions

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that without participation nature Neither the development nor the education of the younger generation can take place. The idea of ​​ecology in education is not something new in pedagogy; it runs like a red thread through all progressive humanistic pedagogical teachings. The problems of ecology themselves are not considered primitively, only as a preventive activity, but first of all as the unity of man and nature. Today, every thinking person cannot help but think about the question of the relationship between man and nature, the basis of which is ecological culture.

Ecological culture is one of the complex mental formations - it is formed through the development of moral personality traits.

N. F. Vinogradova emphasizes that in ecological culture “all spheres of consciousness are integrated personalities: cognitive, affective (emotional - value) and psychomotor. The basis of environmental consciousness is an understanding of the connections and relationships that exist in nature and the role of man in them, on the one hand, and the ability to understand and love all living things, on the other. To solve this complex problem, the interest of preschoolers is important.

L. S. Vygotsky wrote: “Interest is like a natural engine child behavior, it is a true expression of instinctive striving, an indication that the child’s activities coincide with his organic needs.” When considering the issue of a child’s interest in one activity or another, it is advisable to turn to a more scientific concept - cognitive activity. Development of a child’s cognitive activity - current problem modern pedagogical science and practice, one of the main activities of preschool institutions.

The cognitive activity of preschool children is considered as a manifestation of independence, initiative, and creativity.

One significant circumstance should be pointed out, especially important for teachers. As a result of many experimental studies, it was discovered that not every intellectual activity leads to the development of abilities, but only that which is associated with pronounced positive emotions. In other words, the education of cognitive activity is associated with cognitive interest in the environment.

In my opinion, cognitive interest in the environment and the most positive emotional intensity are optimally realized in environmental education, in the process of communicating with nature: after all, ecology is a space for children’s activities (observation, work, play, experimental and speech activities).

Knowledge about nature, proposed to preschoolers, should represent not a sum of disparate facts, but an interconnected, consistent chain of ideas that reveal the most important patterns natural world.

Various forms of teaching children are used, forming environmental consciousness and activating cognitive needs preschoolers: excursions, various targeted walks, ecological stock, holidays, entertainment, lessons of kindness, exhibitions.

I consider environmental protection to be an interesting and effective form of work. (environmental) shares- socially significant events held by employees, children, and parents.

What is environmental promotion?

Ecological action - a series of actions undertaken to achieve any goal, primarily to develop an ecological culture, environmental consciousness, and ecological worldview in children and adults. Promotion may affect the circle of listeners and actors persons: children of one kindergarten group, children and their parents of one or more kindergartens, residents of a microdistrict, city of the country and even the whole world. Promotion allows you to integrate information from different fields of knowledge to solve one problem and apply it in practice.

Any promotion includes the following stages: preparatory, educational and research, practical activities, summing up.

1. Preparatory stage (environmental anxiety):

The text of the announcement about the beginning is compiled and posted promotions indicating the topic, purpose, period, composition of participants, conditions;

Equipment and materials and an action plan are being prepared.

2. Cognitive and research stage (ecological trail):

Organization of observations, experiences, experiments, classes, conversations, reading fiction;

Solving logical, problematic problems.

3. Practical activity stage (ecological newspaper, signs):

Making posters to protect objects stock;

- "ecological mail"- correspondence with objects stock;

Development of rules, exercise in labor actions; - staging of works, leisure activities, holidays;

Exhibition of drawings, books

Crafts, newspapers, collages, photo exhibition;

4. Summing up (final events):

Determining the effectiveness of an event (among groups, employees, parents);

Declaration of gratitude, awarding diplomas, "medals" for active participation(at the end of the event or at a celebration "Earth Day").

Object shares can become trees, birds, plants, kindergarten territory. These events, as a rule, are timed to coincide with some dates or events of public importance.

Examples of implementation shares

Title Motivation Planning and Action


"Clean Coast" River (stream) gives us water, pleases us with coolness and will be grateful if we take care of her. On-site exploration, discussion of possible work; preparation of materials (bags, gloves, etc.) with the help of parents; collecting and sorting garbage - what decomposes - into the ground in a special place, but not on the shore itself; what requires processing (plastic)– with you and in a container. If you can reach an agreement with the village administration, let them immediately remove the collected garbage from the shore

Drawing on a theme "Beauty River"; exhibition of drawings in a public place

"Bird's Dining Room" Traditional – caring for wintering birds Bird watching, keeping records: what birds winter with us; discussion: different birds need different feeders (a bottle is for the small and brave, an open bottle is for the large and timid); considering feeder options; collecting preparations together with parents; joint work with dads, grandfathers, brothers on making and strengthening feeders; passing them on to kids (fix it near the window)

Letters of gratitude to older child helpers - to school; Dad - off to work

"Batteries" A story about how a discarded battery causes pollution environment Collection of used batteries. Equal number of tokens as for one brought (not thrown away) battery, and for ten; work with table: how many batteries were brought, how many moles, worms, beetles and other living creatures were saved Letter to the Biological Museum. K. A. Timiryazeva

"Alumni Alley" A story about how important it is to green areas of the city, why and why it is important. Choosing a location for an alley; planting tree seedlings; making nameplates for your tree Opening of alumni alley

Environmental actions in kindergarten.

"True education consists

not only in the rules,

how much in exercises"

Our preschool institution presents experience in working with children in the field of environmental education, as well as unconventional shape working with the parent community, where environmental actions are considered a socially significant event. A clear form of expression of the attitude of environmental culture is the activity of the child, as well as all participants in the environmental process. The presence of elements of environmental information in the content of an activity serves as an indicator of its attitude to the natural world, people, and oneself. A variety of activities naturally connects environmental education with the entire process of development of the child’s personality. An adult, and above all a family, is for a child a play partner, a role model, and an expert in assessing knowledge, skills, behavior and attitude. One cannot keep in mind that kindergarten is the first social institution in a child’s life. The child’s first contact with the sociocultural environment occurs in the family. It is there that the child acquires norms of behavior and relationships. The formation of an ecological culture depends on how high-quality the process of assimilation of social rules, actions, and relationships will be. A promotion is a socially significant, active, complex event event. Has an extension in time. In our preschool, environmental events take place throughout the entire academic year. During the events, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. The promotions serve as good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of their parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves. The action takes place under its own motto and has visual propaganda (leaflets, posters, memos). The content of the promotions includes holidays, entertainment, quizzes, exhibitions, competitions dedicated to the objects of the promotion. The purpose of carrying out environmental actions is to form the foundations of environmental culture, consciousness and worldview of preschool children.
Objectives: to form cognitive interest, communication skills, a humanistic attitude towards nature, aesthetic and practical responsiveness, instilling work skills. Algorithm for carrying out promotions:
 purpose (each action has its own purpose);  tasks (general and specific are performed);  object (what is directed at - birds, trees...);  participants (children + parents, employees + children + parents);  stages: 1. Preparatory (development of a plan to achieve the goal, collection of information, volume and accumulation of material, cost estimate); 2. Organizational and practical (i.e. activity-based, implementation of the activity plan); 3. Analytical (summarizing, reflection. Can take the form of awards, making a photo album, video, making homemade books, holding exhibitions, etc.).
1. “A seed and a grain in reserve!” (collecting seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds); 2. “Good winter for birds” (feeding wintering birds. In the group there is a container where children and parents bring food for birds. In the “Panorama of Good Deeds”, educators note their gratitude to active families).
1. “Christmas tree - green needle” (in defense of the Christmas tree, children make posters and take them home. Along the way they can hang them in a public place. The final stage can take the form of a competition and exhibition - “Christmas tree - green needle”); 2. “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, observing the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).
1. “Close the tap tightly so that the ocean doesn’t leak out!”
(March 22 is International Water Day.” The action may begin earlier and end with the holiday “Water Sorceress.” Posters, experimental activities are the reinforcing life-giving force).
2. “My favorite is a clean city!” (this city campaign “Clean City” is held traditionally, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: we clean the territory, improve it and plant it with landscaping). 3. “A palace for every singer!” (together with parents, making and attaching birdhouses. Can be placed in the yard of your house, in the country). 4. In the spring, the environmental campaign “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​begins (the campaign begins in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).
1. “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(laying out flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings). 2. “Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!” (a call on how to behave in the forest, careful handling of fire in the forest. Fire causes indelible harm to nature, its inhabitants, and people).
All environmental events and actions are held under the common motto: “Only together, only in harmony, we need to help nature!” “Let’s, friends, wherever we live, let’s plant trees and create gardens. Let's strive for this, So that both animals and birds love us, And trust us everywhere, Like their best friends!