Funny congratulations to doctors. Funny short congratulations on Doctor's Day. Ridiculous congratulations on Medical Worker's Day.

The medical profession is considered one of the most noble and necessary for society. Indeed, many medical workers perform feats every day, saving dozens of human lives. Mercy, kindness, compassion - all these traits should be inherent in a real doctor, because often in his hands not only the health, but also the life of the patient. Every year in many countries of the post-Soviet space, Doctor's Day is celebrated, which falls on the third Sunday of June. So, beautiful congratulations With Doctor's Day 2017, colleagues can prepare for June 18 - this is a holiday for everyone related to the field of medicine. In addition to doctors, representatives of this important and respected profession include nurses, laboratory assistants, orderlies, biologists, and chemists. On the eve of such a wonderful event, we have made a selection of the most beautiful comic congratulations in poetry and prose - they can be dedicated to colleagues (women and men), as well as pronounced on behalf of grateful patients. Original version There will be congratulations on Doctor's Day in funny pictures - pick up the funniest bright cards, handwriting warm lines of wishes on a “medical” theme.

Comic congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 to work colleagues

Every day, doctors and other medical workers experience significant stress - both physical and moral. After all, the work of a physician requires high self-discipline and the ability to quickly make decisions in various, often stressful, situations. Therefore, doctors are always “saved” common sense and an excellent sense of humor - there are many anecdotes and funny stories on medical topics. According to tradition, on Doctor’s Day 2017, colleagues exchange comic congratulations with wishes good mood, good luck in your work, good health. We bring to your attention comic congratulations on Doctor's Day, which can be said among your family or sent to a colleague in writing - in the form of a bright postcard.

A selection of comic congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017 for colleagues:

You can say, our guardians,

You are our healers for various ailments.

Today is your bright holiday - Doctor's Day,

Not an astronaut and not cybernetics.

Love your job, treat people,

So that there are fewer queues for you.

So that your personal life flows like a river,

And always use rubbing alcohol with your hand.

On Doctor's Day we kiss you warmly,

We wish you love and good luck

To you, doctor or nurse,

Veterinarian or rural doctor!

Let there be no instruments, chambers

Sometimes old and cramped,

But your souls are like robes,

Light. They contain the first spirit of spring!

Treat us: patch us, glue us,

Take a chair, give me iodine!..

But just yourself - don’t get sick,

And happiness will find you on its own!

Doctors are equal to Gods on earth

And they entrust their lives to them.

Let’s say “thank you” to them together,

For the fact that in any way

They own it one hundred percent

And they take care of us like no one else!

We wish them happiness and love

And in the heart of kindness there are lights!

Cool funny congratulations to the doctor on Doctor's Day 2017 - short poems

Doctor's Day 2017 is an excellent occasion to congratulate a doctor you know on his professional holiday. After all, for everyone medical worker It is important to hear words of recognition and gratitude for your hard work, especially from family and friends. When choosing congratulations to a doctor on Doctor’s Day, we advise you to pay attention to cool funny poems - such short messages can easily be “fitted” into an SMS message. Alternatively, you can send a funny poem by email, accompanied by a bright humorous picture with a medical twist. We are sure that such a cool congratulation on Doctor’s Day will lift your spirits and become a pleasant sign of attention for any representative of the most humane and noble profession.

Examples of cool funny congratulations in verse for Doctor's Day 2017:

Let all the doctors walk wildly,

Celebrating your legal holiday,

And the sick sit quietly,

Or at least once let them get treatment at home.

Measuring each other's blood pressure

And having drunk some caustic medicine for you,

Let them send congratulations with translation

We wish you good health.

We congratulate the doctors,

Associate professors and professors,

Sisters, nurses, paramedics:

Favorite doctor! Be healthy!

A good doctor is always held in high esteem

I send you congratulations,

You conquer illnesses at work,

Let them only infect you with happiness.

Congratulations on Doctor's Day 2017 - in funny pictures and postcards

The work of a physician involves a huge commitment of time, effort and nerves - this is the specificity of the profession. So, most often, doctors become people with a special character and soul, capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of others. Therefore, on Doctor’s Day, I really want to brighten up the “harsh” everyday life of doctors, nurses and orderlies at least a little - with the help of congratulations in funny pictures and postcards. We have prepared several bright congratulatory pictures for Doctor’s Day 2017, which can be supplemented with warm, sincere lines of wishes for all the best. Such cool funny cards and pictures will “dilute” the strict atmosphere of the holiday with notes of humor and fun - Happy Doctor’s Day to you, dear doctors!

The funniest greeting pictures and cards for Doctor's Day:

Doctor's Day - funny congratulations to colleagues in prose, funny SMS

The medical profession has long been considered one of the most respected, sought-after and well-paid in society. With the development of technology, methods of treatment and patient care have significantly improved - modern doctors are successfully treating many diseases that until recently were considered incurable. So medical workers deserve the most sincere words of gratitude in their professional holiday. In our country, on Doctor’s Day, thousands of “people in white coats” receive sincere congratulations with wishes for success in their work, optimism, grateful patients and, of course, good health! Here you will find options for cool congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017 in prose to colleagues for whom the most heartfelt words of wishes are heard on this wonderful summer day. According to tradition, such funny congratulations to colleagues are said at the festive table - in the form of comic toasts. In 2017, Doctor's Day falls on Sunday, so you can send an SMS to your colleagues with short congratulations in prose.

Options for funny congratulations to colleagues on Doctor’s Day – prose:

Dear colleagues! And even if our workdays at times resemble Sisyphean work, but, nevertheless, you and I are doing truly important and necessary work. Congratulations on this wonderful day! Let there be as little stress as possible in your life and as many fun and joyful moments as possible! Happy holiday!

Positive emotions are good for health! Therefore, congratulations on Doctor’s Day!

On Doctor's Day - congratulations! Let there be no vitamin deficiency in your life, but maximum positive emotions!

Beautiful congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017 to a woman - in verse and prose

In every medical institution, the majority of workers are women - doctors, nurses, orderlies, and laboratory assistants. Indeed, the ability to compassion and support are considered truly feminine qualities, which, combined with the professionalism of a physician, gives excellent results. Of course, sometimes a huge responsibility lies on the fragile shoulders of a female doctor - for the health and even the life of the patient. The work of a nurse or orderly also requires a lot of strength and patience, because thanks to their caring and skillful hands, patients receive proper care and procedures prescribed by the doctor. How to congratulate a female doctor on Doctor's Day 2017? Our pages present the most beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose - such words will warm the heart of every beautiful lady who has dedicated her life to the difficult but important profession of medicine. With our congratulations, may Doctor’s Day be remembered for a long time by all women workers in the medical field - good luck, joy and happiness to you!

How to beautifully congratulate a female doctor on Doctor’s Day - poetry and prose:

To my sister, a doctor from God

I want to wish for a little bit of everything!

May there be happiness and love forever!

I cordially congratulate you on Doctor’s Day!

I wish you fewer difficult trials

And fulfillment of sweet dreams!

I wish you a lot of joy and good luck!

Let it be only this way and not otherwise!

Today, on Doctor’s Day, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you that life gives you only joy! Never get upset over trifles, don’t be sad, believe in yourself and your strength! May everything in your life be the way you have always dreamed!

You to patients instead of “Goodbye”

Say “Be healthy!” with a smile.

For your daily efforts

The whole world congratulates doctors today!

And you will accept our congratulations,

We wish you good health and love,

And so that only the best moments

You could be made happy in life!

Short congratulations on Medical Day to a male doctor - surgeon, ENT specialist, dentist

Thousands of male doctors work in the field of medicine and have chosen this important and difficult profession as their life’s work. So, for a skilled surgeon or dentist there is a job in any medical institution, and an experienced ENT specialist with “experience” always has a queue of patients. Indeed, to become a good doctor, it is important not only to get an education, but also to learn to apply your knowledge in practice, to be able to contact people and sympathize with the pain of others. On the eve of Doctor's Day, we have collected short congratulations to the male doctor, as well as to all representatives of the stronger sex, whose calling is to treat, save, and help!

A selection of short congratulations on Doctor’s Day - for a male doctor:

The surgeon will easily help,

If you have appendicitis,

Or what else hurts?

Our surgeon will easily help -

It will destroy all the diseases,

We only wish you good luck

Become, my friend, richer,

Help patients

No troubles.

If your throat hurts,

We wish it from the bottom of our hearts, -

You are always, my friend, brave,

Rush to see an ENT specialist.

It relieves pain

Everything will help you survive.

We sincerely wish ENT

We are always happy to be!

Conspiracies don't help me

Folk remedies do not remove pain,

I go to the dentist with hope,

And I slowly moan in pain.

Even though it’s your holiday, help me,

And you free me from pain,

Celebrate Dentist Day

Accept congratulations from patients.

So, what to prepare for congratulations on Doctor’s Day 2017? Take a look at our holiday collection and pick up a humorous greeting to your fellow doctors - beautiful poems for a woman or lines of prose for a male doctor. Bright, funny pictures or postcards will be an excellent addition to the words of your most sincere wishes on Doctor's Day. Happy holiday, dear healthcare workers!

Life without humor is not life. Without jokes and gags, we would receive much less positivity and positive emotions from life. Smiling and laughter make us rejoice, feel delighted, and feel happy. Each of us loves fun, so your idea of ​​presenting cool congratulations on Doctor's Day is not so bad. On the contrary, it is very good, and now you simply have to stick to it.

The main thing is that the humor that you offer to the hero of the occasion is appropriate. Unfortunately, a bad joke can have the exact opposite effect on a person than you expect. Therefore, carefully select jokes and gags so that your congratulations can easily be called appropriate and appropriate.

If you doubt your creativity, then do not hesitate to take advantage of our help. Take a couple of funny and cool congratulations in this section of our site, and you will no longer have to compose anything or think about anything. You will have in your hands a ready-made version of humorous words that you just have to read. Together with Vlio, you can congratulate a person exactly the way you want. Good luck!

On Doctor's Day they celebrate their holiday
And the doctor, and the orderly, and the nurse,
With all my heart, all the people wish you
Health, happiness, joy, goodness.

Let your skill grow over the years,
And I am pleased with the successful result,
Let patients, when parting with you,
You are always sincerely thanked!

Congratulations on mobile

Nurses, shorter skirts,
Put on a suit, doctors,
On the day of the doctor I wish you from the night
Walk until the morning!

Let your health not fail you,
Salary will increase this year
Let the crisis pass by
And only joy awaits in life!

In this festive and bright hour,
We sincerely congratulate you with all our hearts,
People in white robes, who every time
We trust our lives and health without hesitation.

To all the doctors to whom we are responding today,
With great reliability, respect and love,
We wish you goodness, prosperity and long years,
Happiness, love, fortitude and good health.

May your salary be meager
And you can’t feel it
But without the Hippocratic oath
You won't be able to live through the day!

I'm rooting for your health,
And you will drive away the disease,
Without looking for peace
And a car of vanity!

But on Doctor's Day at least
Step away from things a little bit
Become carefree and weak,
After all, it's time to relax!

A wonderful holiday has arrived today,
We congratulate our doctors,
There is no nobler profession of a doctor,
He is always ready to help the sick.

We wish you goodness and love from the bottom of our hearts,
Patience is what you always need,
After all, the Hippocratic oath is unbreakable,
Well, good health to you for many years to come!

Diagnoses, medications, healing recipes,
And crowds of patients in succession...
This one gets injections, and this one gets two tablets,
And by evening our doctor is not himself.

Therefore, it is useful for doctors today
Relax and forget difficulties.
We wish you grateful and kind patients,
And so that they are easy to treat!

People love the medical profession
Everyone is afraid of hospitals like fire.
And the doctor calmly comes to the hospital -
He is like family to all his patients.

He will stroke someone, hug someone,
Whom can he heal with a kind word?
Let you, beloved health worker,
In general, nothing ever hurts!

Today, health worker, take a walk and drink,
Dance, and don’t spare your knees!
Today is your day, take a break from work,
Leave all your affairs and worries for later,
And tomorrow you will return in a white robe,
To serve a noble cause again.

Two Sundays in June will pass, and on the third Sunday our doctors and nurses will celebrate Medic Day. Yes, this holiday is not marked “red” on the calendar, since it always falls on a day off. The specifics of the medical profession simply do not allow doctors all over the country to take time off. Doctor is the most popular and necessary profession of all existing ones. The patient’s life often depends on the experience and knowledge of the doctor, his talent to recognize the disease in time. Doctor is both a profession and a title. A real doctor is a person who combines the talent of a doctor, has enormous knowledge and experience, tolerance and a sense of tact. Despite all the hardships of the medical profession, the number of doctors in Russia and other countries is constantly growing. Working every day, even on weekends, accepting congratulations from loved ones on Medic’s Day, they never stop thinking about their patients. Work is their life, on which the lives of others depend. Remember this, and be sure to congratulate your friends and family medical workers in prose or poetry on Doctor’s Day. You can write a postcard to your favorite doctor who is far away from you in advance, send it by mail or send an SMS with congratulations on the morning of the holiday. Your words don’t have to sound pretentious: short jokes and funny anecdotes “on topic” are excellent congratulations on Medic’s Day.

Funny and funny congratulations on Doctor's Day to colleagues and friends

Doctors are people with humor; Colleagues and friends who received cheerful congratulations from their comrades on Medic’s Day will definitely understand and appreciate the joke. Of course, more serious words can be dedicated to the boss, humorous ones to the nurses, and respectful ones to the senior comrades.

I want to joke, but not at all as a joke
Congratulate all colleagues today!
I'll ask for your attention for a moment now,
To credit you with a couple of the best phrases!

Happy Doctor's Day, dear colleagues!
May God give us strength in valiant work!
May all deeds throughout the ages be good!
Let us be held in high esteem everywhere!

And may everyone always be at their service
He will understand the importance and significance of himself!
I congratulate you today urgently,
After all, there is no other way on this day!

I'll borrow words from inspiration,
To express love and admiration!
I would like to congratulate my colleagues on Doctor’s Day,
I want to glorify the profession again!

And on this day, even with a little joke
I want to wish you not to bear your ducks!
I want to wish to always treat skillfully,
It’s very bold to make diagnoses for everyone!

And may you be full of talent,
And you will be giants in medicine!
Let your patients be happy forever!
I wish you all to be worthy!

No joke, but joking and inspired
I want to congratulate you on Doctor’s Day!
I certainly wish you good luck,
Good luck every day and every hour!

And let everything in your soul be as before,
May there be joy, happiness and peace...
Let there be room for faith and hope!
May God always lead with His hand!

I wish you, colleagues, from the bottom of my heart,
So that everything in life is as only in dreams!
Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate you in verse!
Let everything in life be in your hands!

Short comic congratulations on Doctor's Day

A joke is a doctor's best friend. Without her, the profession of a doctor would simply be hard work. Doctors are used to joking: it’s easier to relate to life, which regularly confronts them with seriously ill, dying people, injuries and death. Comic congratulations Happy Doctor's Day will bring a spark of fun into their lives to your doctor friends. Congratulate them at the table with a humorous toast, or use mail (traditional or electronic) to send them funny cards.

On the day of great medicine
Stay at home, don't be impudent,
Otherwise, next to the fountain
They'll hang stars
Doctors are hot people,
It's better not to joke with them,
Otherwise you will be bandaged
They'll beat you to death!
And they’ll stain it with green paint,
The legs are cast into the pelvis,
And in the place where you are sitting
Your eyes will be strained.

To work, the spruce crawling,
Even from the very morning,
Dragging my legs,
It looked like a doctor.
Blue muzzle, no eyes
I have beer in my backpack,
Well, it’s terrible from a hangover,
That's the price of fun.
The holiday was over, hurray!
Let the body protest
The soul still rejoices!
What's bad is nonsense
Doctors are always strong!

I'm afraid to go to the doctor
I always grumble at him
I'm very afraid of him
Although he doesn't seem to be a coward.
But today is an exception -
It's jam day for doctors!
I wish them stronger nerves,
Fewer harmful patients
Get more salary.
Happy Doctor's Day! Hurray guys!

Beautiful congratulations on Medic’s Day in prose

Often, kind words spoken sincerely at a table or during a meeting are enough to make the person who hears them warm in the heart. Read congratulations on Doctor's Day in prose to the doctors, obstetricians, paramedics, and nurses gathered at the table. Remember their merits, mention special cases from their medical practice.

Our job is to congratulate you, your job is to get you back on your feet after a stormy celebration. But forgive me, because today we celebrate Medical Worker Day! Dear friend, I wish you nerves of iron to be able to listen to your patients, beautiful handwriting, so that they understand you, as well as good wages, so that you can celebrate each of your professional holidays on a grand scale.

How many times have you been thanked for your work! Don't count! And now there is a reason to do it again! And even if you have a day off today, you won’t be able to avoid congratulations, because it’s International Medical Worker Day! Hurray for healers and physicians! And accept the most unusual and non-standard wish - health to you! Here!

Human life is priceless, but the medicine that supports it, unfortunately, is not. Therefore, I wish everyone involved in this most important profession to satisfy the needs of both doctors and patients! Namely, free medical care and unlimited salary! Happy Medical Worker's Day to you!

Beautiful congratulations on Doctor's Day in verse

Happy Doctor's Day, congratulations written in verse are a universal way to convey greetings and sincere wishes for happiness and health to your fellow doctors living in other cities and even countries. Write the poems yourself or choose something from our suggestions.

How cute is your image in a white robe,
Everyone knows about this in our ward.
We congratulate you on Doctor's Day,
Always remain humble too!

We wish you great happiness,
And so that advertising and spam do not interfere.
Dare, create, always heal,
And let your hand remain firm with the injection!

Let it be thirty six and six all the time,
Well, at least on average for the hospital,
Although there is almost always a desire
Work to help all your sick,

Let at least on this day secretly
All thermometers will conspire with each other,
You can work later -
Today you need to relax!

Happy Doctor's Day!
I sincerely wish you a wonderful life:
Good friends, joy, luck,
Love, flowers, smiles, admiration!
Let everything you wish come true
And every day predicts success,
Adults and children will be healthy
May you be the happiest in the world!

Short SMS congratulations on Doctor's Day

Today everyone is in a hurry. In a hurry, we forget about basic things: say a kind word to a friend or family member, hug him, kiss him, wish him happiness, tell him how much we love him. SMS can be the simplest and most in a fast way Congratulations to your friends on Doctor's Day. You won’t spend more than a minute or two on a telephone message, but you will give your loved ones a pleasant surprise.

With medicine you are on your own
And you are a great doctor!
Let your dreams come true
Life will be wonderful!

Health worker, congratulations
Happy holiday to you!
May all diseases disappear
Once and for all!
There will be laughter, love and happiness,
Next to you!
To make life wonderful
Happy destiny!

You are so beautiful in a white robe,
And without him you are even more beautiful! 🙂
On Doctor's Day I wish you
May your body and soul be healthy!

Cool congratulations on Doctor's Day in pictures

Hundreds of thousands of cartoons and funny pictures. Find the most interesting of them (in your opinion), accompany it with an appropriate comment and congratulate your friends or family on Medic’s Day.

On Medic's Day, congratulations can be anything. The main thing is just not to forget to say kind words people close to you or send them poems written in postcards. Don’t forget about the professional day of all medical workers - send SMS to your colleagues with written comic congratulations or say a kind toast in prose at the festive table. For doctor friends who love good humor, you can draw funny pictures or send funny congratulations.


Cool congratulations Happy Doctor's Day in verse

Happy Medical Worker's Day:

Comic congratulations on Doctor's Day

Well, finally, this day has come
Today everyone is free to congratulate doctors
Without medical workers, I didn’t even know
How, what, and how badly sick you are.

I wish you a happy weekend,
New heights in your difficult business,
Calm and understanding patients
Love, luck, joy and money.

"Cool congratulations to the doctors"

Happy Doctor's Day, health genius!
Let diseases unquestioningly
They take their feet in their hands and walk away,
So that they can’t stand you anymore!

Let the money flow in bags,
Health speaks in verse,
Celebrate your day today
Give all advice to the sick,

Let them walk with their own feet
Not with sticks and crutches,
To do this, help them
Save me from illness soon!

Cool congratulations on Doctor's Day in prose

People say: if a patient really wants to live, then medicine is powerless! Dear doctors, congratulations on Medical Worker’s Day and wish to live up to it - giving patients a real chance for recovery! Show concern not only for the health of patients, but also for your own. Let your refrigerators, in addition to chocolate and cognac given as a token of gratitude, also store normal products bought for a decent salary!

"Merry congratulations Happy Doctor's Day"

Let all the doctors walk wildly,
Celebrating your legal holiday,
And the sick sit quietly,
Or at least once let them get treatment at home.

Measuring each other's blood pressure
And having drunk some caustic medicine for you,
Let them send congratulations with translation
We wish you good health.

Cool congratulations on Medical Worker's Day in your own words

On Medical Worker's Day, I wish you patience and inspiration. So as not to promise large quantity I wish visitors who are not always healthy productive activities that bring brilliant results. Let patient satisfaction be the key to a successful career.

"Cool poems for doctors"

One Sunday
June sultry summer
Let's not celebrate April Fools' Day
And not even a holiday of the planet -

We honor all doctors
From the chiefs to the orderlies,
We wish you, seeing success,
Create a soulful couple with him!

Let the glances of the sick heal
(Only your wonderful views).
Long live the doctor! Vivat!
Everything will come true as it should!

Congratulations on Medical Worker's Day
(in Russia it is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June, in the world - on the first Monday of October)


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We are proud of our doctors
And on this holiday we want to say,
What is even difficult to express in words,
How grateful we all are to them.
We congratulate doctors on Doctor's Day,
The whole people respects them for their work,
We wish everyone good luck and health,
Let medicine move forward!


To all who took the Hippocratic oath,
We want to say a lot of kind words
And wish you a decent salary,
And so that love surrounds you.
So that your patients get better,
May you always be successful,
And let life's beautiful moments
I gave it to you! Happy Doctor's Day to all of you!


On Doctor's Day they celebrate their holiday
And the doctor, and the orderly, and the nurse,
With all my heart, all the people wish you
Health, happiness, joy, goodness.
Let your skill grow over the years,
And I am pleased with the successful result,
Let patients, when parting with you,
You are always sincerely thanked!


We celebrate Doctor's Day today,
It is known that in the world you cannot find
Professions are more useful, nobler.
Good luck on your life's journey,
So that you don’t regret your efforts
For the benefit of those who trust you,
Health, fulfillment of desires,
We wish the doctors success!


You are entrusted with life and health,
This is destined for you,
You, treating your profession with love,
You are fighting a difficult battle with diseases.
We wish you patience, good luck,
And success will certainly come to you,
Let everything in life be solved.


Congratulations on your holiday today,
Wear your white robe with honor.
We wish you good health,
Let your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm.
Gratitude, love you deserve
Based on the results of your work.
We want patients to be
We are always grateful for your help!


Thank you for being there in difficult times
You try to help everyone,
You are doctors, and for the lives of patients
Sometimes you fight day and night.
There are few professions like this, probably
Where there is absolutely no room for error.
We respect you immensely for your work.
And on this holiday we wish you all happiness!


To all doctors, nurses, orderlies
We wish you high salaries.
And there is no better gift for them on this holiday,
Than the patient's grateful look.
Let everything be great at work,
We wish you prosperity, victories,
Harmony and happiness in personal life,
Good luck to everyone, health, long years!


A wonderful holiday has arrived today,
We congratulate our doctors,
There is no nobler profession of a doctor,
He is always ready to help the sick.
We wish you goodness and love from the bottom of our hearts,
Patience is what you always need,
After all, the Hippocratic oath is unbreakable,
Well, good health to you for many years to come!


Today is an extraordinary holiday,
And on this day we want to say to doctors:
Human life, in general, is priceless,
But we can trust you with it.
We wish you health with all our hearts,
So that everything is safe in the family,
Always be surrounded by love.
Happy Doctor's Day, we congratulate you all!

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