If you rarely change your bed linen. How often to change bed linen at home - basic rules

Despite progressive views modern people, superstitions still play a huge role in their lives. There are corresponding signs for almost every occasion in life. Replacing bed linen is no exception. So, when is the best time to change your sheets?

When can bed linen be changed?

A person spends most of his life in contact with bed linen— there is nothing strange in the fact that we transfer to him a piece of our own energy. That is why it is worth paying more attention to various signs - popular beliefs say that the situation in the house will depend on what day you deal with “linen problems”.

The most optimal time to change linen is Saturday - in this case it is better to combine the procedure with weekly cleaning of the house. And if a new moon also falls on Saturday, then you are guaranteed happiness and harmony in your relationship with your spouse. Some healers recommend doing laundry on Thursday, before sunrise - this promises happiness and good health.

When is it better not to touch it?

There are days when it is better not to touch the laundry. For example, you cannot change it on days church holidays- on these dates it is better not to work unless absolutely necessary, as this can lead to misfortune.

It is not recommended to do this on Sunday either. Many psychics say that this can lead to insomnia and nightmares. Friday is not a very suitable day either - this way you will only reward yourself with minor, but completely unnecessary problems. You should not do laundry on Wednesday - this is a difficult day on which you need to fast and indulge in reflection, and not solve everyday problems that can wait until the next day.

As for Monday and Tuesday, there are no special prohibitions on these days. However, it is better to start the week by doing more important and useful things.

Other signs and superstitions about bedding

Changing clothes - not so much simple thing. We offer you a few more signs that you will probably be interested to know about.

  • Don't give up ironing. If you store wrinkled linen, then remember - it attracts adversity into the house. But neatly ironed sheets and pillowcases will ensure harmony.
  • Accidentally made your bed inside out? This is a bad sign, prepare for failure. But you can remove an incorrectly worn pillowcase or duvet cover, spread it on the floor and walk on it barefoot.
  • Don’t be lazy to make your bed in the morning, otherwise your life will not be as successful as it could be.
  • When changing linen you noticed in bed ladybug? This promises a love adventure or a long life together, If we're talking about about spouses.
  • If your pet relieves itself on your bed, this promises dramatic changes in life. They can be either pleasant or not very pleasant - it depends on what emotions you react to the incident. So don't get angry at the animal.
  • Spouses are not recommended to sleep on red or orange underwear - this promises betrayal.
  • Under no circumstances should you give someone bedding that you have already used. This is indecent. And together with a set of pillowcases and duvet covers, you convey to the person part of your well-being and health.

Do you believe in omens?

Would you like to discuss how often you should change bedding for children and adults? Especially for you, we have created a detailed review with rules and tips - you will learn how to maintain comfort and cleanliness in your favorite apartment or house. Let's share and little tricks, we will answer all your questions - you will receive all the necessary information.

How often should you change your bed linen at home?

The question of how often bed linen should be changed worries many housewives - not everyone knows whether there are strict instructions in this regard. Let's take a closer look if you want to maintain cleanliness and take care of the health and well-being of your household.

Algorithm for changing bed linen for people different ages is different - let's divide consumers into groups and discuss each one!


First, let's talk about how often adults need to change bedding:

  • The usual accepted value is to re-lay the set once a month at least;
  • Sanitary standards state that bed linen should be changed twice a month to maintain freshness and cleanliness.

Of course, there are certain factors that influence how often bed linen is changed - we will talk about this in more detail below. For now let's move on to the next one age group.


Before you figure out how many times you need to change bedding for teenagers, that is, people who have reached puberty, adolescence, it is worth noting important information.

Teenagers suffer from increased sweating - this is due to the development and restructuring of the body. In addition, grown children often “sin” by eating in bed and spend a lot of time on pillows and sheets. These factors influence the desired value of how often bed linen should be changed at home for teenagers:

  • It is enough to change 2-3 times a month;
  • If you notice that this is not enough, you need to change the kits twice a week.

Frequent replacement of the kit allows you to get rid of rashes on delicate youthful skin. Shall we continue?

It's always nice to sleep on bedding that smells clean. For a full and comfortable sleep, special attention should be paid to its cleanliness. How often should linen be changed and how to wash sets correctly? Answers to all questions in our material.

How do laundry get dirty?

On average, each of us spends eight hours a day in bed. This is exactly how much time is required for a complete and healthy sleep. In order to have a pleasant and comfortable sleep, each person gets a comfortable bed, high-quality mattresses, pillows and blankets. Particular attention is paid to the choice of bed linen.

A set of linen should be of high quality and naturalness, because this directly affects our sleep.

Even though a person takes a shower or bath in the evening, bed linen still gets dirty and should be changed regularly. How and with what do sheets and other accessories become soiled?

The most basic problem of all houses and apartments is dust. Dust accumulates not only on furniture and various objects, but also on bedding. Of course, it is almost impossible to see dust particles on sheets or pillowcases, but this does not mean that they are not there. Every morning, making the bed, shaking the blanket or sheet can be replaced, just as columns of dust rise in the sun's rays. Dust is a serious allergen that can harm the body. Children's bodies are especially sensitive to it.

The skin of any person contributes to the rapid contamination of bedding. If a person is used to sleeping without pajamas, then sebum will quickly be absorbed into the sheets and pillowcases, especially in the hot season, when the body sweats. The skin has the ability to renew itself. Small parts of the keratinized integument also remain on the bed. Of course, it is impossible to see them, since they are very small. For these reasons, bed linen changes color, bad smell and spots. Such soiled laundry can cause itching or an allergic reaction.

There may still be particles of dirt on the body, for example, if you simply rinse the body with water, without soap or a washcloth, rather than bathe. If you don't put on slippers on the way to the bedroom, then all the dirt from your feet will end up on the bed linen and this is another reason for its contamination.

Those who like to eat cookies before bed or drink morning coffee in bed themselves pollute their sleeping place with food particles. No matter how carefully you eat, small crumbs can still remain on the bed.

If there are pets in the house, then particles of their fur and fluff will fall on the linen sets. Of course, this will negatively affect the cleanliness of the sheets.

All of the above factors affect not only the cleanliness of linen, but also health. Scientists have proven that bed linen contains many different microorganisms, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

If you do not change your bed linen in time, the situation will worsen and bacteria will spread with redoubled force. All this will negatively affect your overall health, weaken your immune system and can trigger the appearance of allergic diseases.

Optimal frequency of kit changes

Many people wonder how often should they change their bed linen at home? Of course, the more often you do this, the better for you. A timely change of bed linen can contribute to a comfortable and restful sleep. Within five or six days, the fabric easily becomes clogged with dust particles and stops “breathing.”

As a result, a person may feel discomfort during sleep and will sweat more often and profusely. Contaminated laundry negatively affects not only general condition health, but also on skin health. After sleeping, rashes, irritations, etc. may appear on such underwear.

Due to the contamination of the kit, proper sleep is disrupted, and the person will feel tired and irritated in the morning.

For adults

Adults should change their bed linen once a week. This is the case if the person is completely healthy. In the case where there is a sick person in the house who is constantly in bed, the kit needs to be changed every two days. If you spill something on a sheet or a stain appears on the linen, then the entire set should be changed immediately.

Considering the fact that a sheet and pillowcase get dirty much faster than a duvet cover, it can be changed every ten or fourteen days.

By the way, the frequency of changing linen depends on the season. For example, in the hot season, when the body sweats a lot, you can change sets every two to three days, otherwise a heavy and unpleasant odor will appear. In addition, in summer and spring, the windows in the house are open most of the time. Therefore, a lot of dust and dirt penetrates into the room. In the winter season, you can change your linen every ten days.

For children

A child's body is very different from an adult's. For this reason, there are certain standards and recommendations regarding how often the linen on a child’s bed should be changed.

For babies under one year old, it is recommended to change their bedding every five days. Of course, if the newborn stains the sheet, it must be changed immediately. The same goes for bedding for preschool children.

Children aged seven years and older need to change bedding sets once a week. If the child is sick, the shift should be done every other day.

When a child is sick, has a fever and sweats a lot during sleep, the pillowcase and sheet should be changed every time he sleeps. The baby should sleep on clean and dry linen.

Teenagers, given their age-related changes, should change bedding every five to six days. In addition to the fact that parents need to promptly change the bedding on their children’s beds, they should monitor the personal hygiene of their children. Children often go to bed without taking a shower or washing their face. All this will negatively affect health, immunity and cleanliness of linen.

Washing rules

In order for all bedding sets to be in perfect condition, they must be washed correctly. There are some subtleties that every housewife must know.

  • Before you start washing, be sure to study the fabric composition and washing recommendations for the set. All features of the fabric, its composition and washing method must be indicated on a special label or label of the bed linen. Each fabric requires an individual approach and this must be taken into account.
  • If the linen set is made entirely of cotton or linen, it must be washed at temperature conditions no more than 60 degrees.
  • Colored sets should not be washed at too high temperatures, this will negatively affect the quality of the products. It is better to limit yourself to 40 degrees. In addition, for such kits it is best to use special detergents, which do not contain active bleaching agents. Such recommendations will help preserve the original color of the set for a long time.

  • To ensure that snow-white fabrics do not lose their appearance, it is recommended to add very little bleach during each wash. Bleach, which contains chlorine, works great for white fabrics. This product not only returns whiteness, but also helps destroy harmful organisms.
  • Products made from fabrics such as silk should be washed in a special cycle. A silk set can only be refreshed using the delicate wash cycle. It is better to turn off the spin, as this spoils the capricious fabric fibers. In addition, it is worth remembering that silk products do not withstand repeated washing, so such sets should be used less often.
  • If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is better to soak it first and only then start washing.
  • It is recommended to wash pillowcases and duvet covers inside out.
  • When you just purchased a new set of bed linen today, before making it, be sure to wash it on the recommended cycle. Before sale, fabrics are impregnated with special agents that can cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

Everyone approaches everyday life differently, but most do it the way it is customary in the family: they change bed linen as it gets dirty or when unpleasant odor. These are absolutely not the criteria that need to be followed in relation to things that come into contact with the body every day, for a long time.

Frequency affects physical comfort, health and emotional state, intertwined with all aspects of life. To understand how often to change bedding, you need to understand why you should do it. Visible to the eye pollution is nothing compared to the danger that lurks at the level of microorganisms.

Why do you need to change your underwear promptly?

During the period of use without cleaning, mattresses, pillows and blankets accumulate all the small debris that ends up in the bed. And sweat, dandruff, human hair and pet fur create an ideal environment for the activity of pathogenic bacteria and insect pests.

Accumulated microorganisms enter the body through pores, cause pathological processes and interfere with life. Entry through the respiratory system provokes irritation of the mucous membrane, suppression of the immune system, the development of an allergic reaction or the formation of asthma.

There are bed mites that are not visible to the naked eye, but are felt every night. Insects feed on human blood and can not only create uncomfortable conditions, but also cause severe harm to health.

Washing all this is often difficult, and even destructive for the things themselves, and dry cleaning is expensive, you have to use pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets. They can be easily removed, washed and worn fresh. But even here the question arises of how long you can sleep on linen. The optimal frequency of replacement is calculated based on the characteristics of personal life, health, personal hygiene and everyday life.

How often to wash and properly care for bedding

Each bedding has its own individual period of use and care rules.

Bed sheets:

  • Patients are given a separate set, which should be washed only in hot water and changed after 1-2 days. For infectious or viral diseases - daily.
  • Children's beds are updated twice a week.
  • For preschoolers and primary schoolchildren - every 10 days, since due to their activity, children spend little time in bed.
  • For teenagers, due to hormonal changes - every 2 weeks.
  • For healthy newborns, it is enough to lay fresh linen once every 7 days, but the diaper that lies on top needs to be monitored more carefully, using a clean one as it gets dirty.
  • Adult married couple It is enough to change the bed with fresh linen once every 5-7 days.
  • Washing is carried out at a temperature not lower than 60°C, and drying is preferable by machine or in the fresh air.
  • If there is a need to use conditioner, it is better to choose hypoallergenic products for children and not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Each type of fabric has its own washing rules that cannot be ignored, otherwise there is a significant risk of ruining the item.
  • Bright and colorful bedding sets should be purchased based on the quality of the fabric. Cheap sets often become unusable after just a few washes, leaving traces of paint on the body and bedding. If in doubt, new clothes should be washed at high temperature and look at the result. If the shade changes to a duller tone, using the item is harmful to health.
  • For one bedding set you need to have on average 2-3 sets of linen.
  • When purchasing, you should give preference to products made of linen, cotton or satin - the most pleasant, hygienic and long-lasting types of fabrics.
  • Do not wash sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers with your clothes.
  • It is not recommended to use chlorine-containing substances for bleaching; it would be safer to add ¼ cup of lemon juice.
  • Viscose does not tolerate bleaches or machine drying. Only possible.


  • The cheapest synthetic products are recommended to be replaced at least once every 5 years.
  • Wet cleaning, if the material allows it, is carried out after 12 months.
  • The contents should be ventilated once every six months.
  • It is useful to fluff your pillow every day, in the morning, when you make your bed. This will help get rid of dust that accumulates during the night and skin and hair cells that have fallen on the bedding.
  • There is no universally suitable pillow. When choosing a product for yourself, you should consult with the seller about caring for the item so that it lasts longer and does not harm your health.


  • Wool products can only be washed in cool water - up to 30°C. Use automatic drying at minimum speed or select the “Wool” mode.
  • Electric blankets are not dry cleaned - there is a high probability that the wiring will be damaged. Only surface treatment with a damp cloth is possible. Frequent airing in the open air is appropriate.
  • To make washing your blanket less common, vacuum it every month.
  • Before wet cleaning in an automatic machine, you should check all seams for holes through which filler could fall out and ruin both the item and the unit.


  • The giant itself is not washable, only the mattress cover, which is rarely included, is usually purchased separately.
  • The only possible way to clean a mattress is to vacuum both sides.
  • It varies depending on the quality of the materials and the integrity of the filler with the springs. Each type has its own service life, which rarely exceeds a period of 20 years.

Bedspreads and blankets:

  • If the product fades, it is better to have it dry cleaned.
  • Wash blankets and bedspreads in cool water using the “Hand Wash” mode.
  • Dry at low speed or on a clothesline.

Before you start washing or cleaning your bedding, you need to find a tag from the manufacturer on the item, with instructions on permissible cleaning procedures.


Not every housewife in the city can afford to hang bed linen on lines - many apartments lack such an important element as a balcony. The only way out of the situation is machine drying.

Advice: It is better not to hang bedding on hot radiators - the fabric may be damaged and will obviously dry out, becoming rough.


A procedure that requires special endurance and patience, but it pays off with the almost sterile cleanliness of the tissue. If any bacteria survive after washing, ironing and steaming will finish them off completely.

Important: Not every type of laundry can be ironed at maximum temperature. The exception is silk sheets and combination sets that require individual approach. First you need to carefully study the sewn-on leaflet with instructions.

Another advantage of ironing is the ease of further folding for storage. But if you don’t have time to process the entire sheet of a sheet or duvet cover, which is not so easy to iron properly due to its size, it is enough to steam only the edges.

  • Calico - ironed slightly moistened with water or wet.
  • Satin is easy to iron because it does not form a lot of wrinkles after washing. But you can only iron it dry, from the inside.
  • Cotton is ironed on both sides.
  • Silk is ironed wet from the inside out.
  • The chintz is ironed from the face, having previously been sprayed with water from a spray bottle.
  • It is better to touch synthetic materials with an iron through gauze and only when dry.


Methods for saving bed linen when it is not used for its intended purpose differ, but have a general classification.

On shelves, in stacks:

  • This is what most housewives do: just put clean, ironed and folded laundry on top.
  • A separate type classification (pillowcases, sheets, duvet covers) or color classification is practiced. The disadvantages include the difficulty of getting an item from the bottom of the stack - you will have to disturb it all. Often there is a need to sort out the upper elements that lie unevenly.
  • The problem can be easily solved if the bed linen is complete: the rest of the set components are collected in the pillowcase.
  • On hanging shelves.
  • The compact fabric shelf has proven itself to be excellent for storing linen not in closets, but, for example, in pantries.
  • It is convenient to combine by type, color or any other sorting method.

In chests of drawers and drawers:

  • Compact and convenient. Similar to storing on shelves in a closet.
  • The visibility gets worse and sometimes you have to go through the entire stack to find and get the right thing.
  • If the laundry is lying very closely, if stored for a long time and high humidity in the room, it can fade, become damp, and become moldy.
  • When there are few things, they are stored in a drawer of the closet - excellent ventilation, and everything is visible.

Rolls on shelves:

  • Very original, but costly and impractical.
  • Relevant for storing in boxes or furniture organizers, when you need to take it out not from the side, but from the top.
  • It doesn’t always look pretty - you get the feeling that things are just thrown together in a heap.
  • There is a chance that the remaining rolls will unwind if you take one out.

In containers:

  • Store bed linen in special plastic containers, vacuum bags, organizers or shaped fabric containers with mesh “windows” are convenient and practical.
  • Dust does not settle on the fabric.
  • Looks beautiful anywhere you store it.
  • It is convenient to sort according to the accepted methodology.

Each housewife needs to independently decide for herself how it will be convenient to store laundry in a particular case.

Advice: next to other things of the same type, the differences are immediately visible and it becomes clear how often it is necessary to change old bedding for new ones. This is done as it wears out.

The dangers of dirty laundry

If you look under a microscope at the structure of the fabric that was used as a pillowcase for two weeks, you can find:

Sleeping on clean linen is good for your health and just feels good for your body. But, as mentioned earlier, each fabric requires a special approach. If you don’t want to worry about this, it’s better to purchase bedding from the same material.

Reading time: 6 minutes

A person spends a lot of time in bed. Linen should be clean, fresh, so that diseases do not develop and you feel good. How often should bed linen be changed? It depends on the time of year, the age of the person, the presence of diseases, and the presence of pets.

The bed is the place where a person spends a third of his time. Bed linen should be changed quite often. Dust mites feed on skin cells and live and die on the bed along with their waste. You can get away with a temporary allergy; in the worst case, your immunity will decrease and your body will weaken. A simple allergy can develop into asthma if bedding is not changed regularly.

What accumulates on the bed besides mites:

  • dust, pieces of insects, pollen from house plants;
  • mold, mildew, bacteria;
  • pet hair, dander;
  • your own sweat, dead skin cells, cosmetics;
  • crumbs of food - many people like to eat in bed while watching a movie.

Mixed with sweat cosmetics, microorganisms multiply more actively. Many people use the cream for the face and hands, some use the product for the whole body. It is not always possible to wait until the cream is absorbed and the person goes to bed. In the nutrient medium of the cream, microbes from the bed are quickly activated. Therefore, it is necessary to remake the bedding at least once every week and a half.

Frequency of bed changes

How often should you change your bed linen at home? It depends on age, health, and the presence of pets.

For adults

In summer, a person secretes sweat more often and in larger volumes. In summer, the windows are open longer, and there is more street dirt in the room. The set is changed at least once a week. Adults are not so afraid of germs, especially if their immunity is strong. In winter, it is enough to do this every two weeks.

Important individual characteristics. A person with hyperhidrosis will have to remake their bed more often: every five days in the summer, every seven to ten days in the winter. Lovers of long pajamas and shirts will wait a couple of days. Those who sleep without clothes will have to change their outfit earlier.

The more animals there are at home, the more often you need to make clean bedding. If your pet sleeps in the owner's bed, you will have to put on new sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers twice a week. What matters is the length of the coat and its quantity after molting.

To the child

Doctors recommend changing underwear for a newborn baby every three days. Some parents are afraid of germs and change clothes daily. The baby spends almost all his time in the crib. Frequently changing textiles will protect against pathogenic bacteria and help the baby sleep peacefully. Children who sleep in stale beds are more likely to develop allergies and dermatitis.

If you have a pet at home, the bed is changed many times. If the animal does not sleep next to the child, particles of fur and skin still settle on the surface. Be sure to change it earlier if any contamination appears. Linen must be dry and clean.

The frequency of changing clothes for older children is 4-7 days. Depends on the characteristics of the child. One can calmly play in the corner, the other will jump on the bed, making a pirate lair on it, spacecraft, Indian forest.


Children's body begins to rebuild, internal processes change and go astray. No longer a child, but still far from an adult. At 11-13 years of age, sweating increases, and the composition of sweat becomes different.

A teenager needs to change his laundry twice a week. Many people get acne. It is recommended to change your pillowcase daily.

For diseases

The frequency of changing kits varies depending on the disease:

  • For a bedridden patient or an elderly person, their underwear is changed daily. For any contamination, you must change the sheet, duvet cover or pillowcase. A sick person should sleep on dry, clean material.
  • If the doctor recommends bed rest, the kit is changed daily. At elevated temperature Usually more sweat is produced and the sebaceous glands work more actively. Microbes should not have time to multiply, otherwise effective treatment it won't work. When a person is recovering, underwear is changed a couple of times a week.
  • For a common cold or any other illness, remake the bed every three days. A person does not stay in bed for days, but at the same time, bacteria act faster.
  • For skin diseases, the bed is changed once a day. If there are blackheads or acne on the face, the pillowcase is replaced daily, as is a separate face towel.
  • If you have asthma or frequent allergies, it is recommended to re-cover the entire set every couple of days. In some cases, the pillowcase will have to be replaced daily.

In preschool

There are certain standards establishing the procedure for changing beds in preschool educational institutions. They are determined by SanPiN:

  • the child is provided with 3 sets of linen, 2 mattress covers, 3 towels;
  • all kits are marked;
  • bed change schedule - weekly or as needed;
  • the blanket, mattress cover and pillow are aired outside during general cleaning.

If your child gets sick a lot and “brings” the infection home, you can ask them to change the kit more often. If in kindergarten This is not possible, it is recommended to bring your own set periodically, then take it home for washing.

Other cases

How many times do you need to change large bed elements? It is recommended to air pillows, blankets, mattresses and mattress covers 2-3 times a year. This is usually done in spring, summer, sometimes in autumn. Those items that can be washed are washed.

It is not always necessary to change the entire set. This is usually done like this:

  • duvet cover - once every two weeks;
  • sheet – once a week;
  • pillowcase – every 3-5 days;

This order usually gets the bedding dirty.

In the hospital, linen is changed once every week and a half. In the health resort and children's camp, bed linen is changed weekly.

If you follow all the rules of care, your bedding will stay clean longer:

  • New kit must be washed before use. This will make it softer and remove any residue. chemicals left over from production.
  • How often to wash bedding depends on the material. Linen textiles will withstand many washes and can be used constantly. Cotton is also quite durable. But calico will not withstand as many washes as poplin. But satin can be washed multiple times. Silk does not like frequent washing, it is recommended to use it less often.
  • To destroy microorganisms, wash at a temperature of 60 degrees. The more, the better, if the material allows.
  • Bleach is used to kill germs if it does not spoil the material. Dirty kits are soaked. Before washing, turn pillowcases and duvet covers inside out and clean out dirt and dust from the corners.
  • Dry in a machine with hot air or outside to ventilate.
  • Ironing is not necessary. A hot iron destroys germs, but at the same time the fibers are “sealed.” This prevents the skin from breathing and the person sweats more.

It’s not easy to determine after how many days to change the bedding set. To do this, you need to know individual characteristics.