Chemical composition of urinary stone (infrared spectroscopy method). Analysis of kidney stones: where to make and where to donate a stone Where to donate a kidney stone

Chemical analysis of a kidney stone consists of determining its properties and characteristics.

The study is necessary to determine the causes of the development of urolithiasis and select further treatment tactics.

Chemical analysis of kidney stones is done by specialized laboratories.

Classical medical institutions do not study the composition of kidney stones.

They send the material to specialized laboratories at pathology bureaus or research institutes.

X-ray analysis of a kidney stone can be done not only in the laboratory. Urates and oxalates (calculi based on uric and oxalic acid) are visualized on x-rays. They often contain calcium ions, which can also be seen on an x-ray.

X-ray department staff do not have knowledge regarding the composition of renal stones. Chemical analysis is not part of their functional responsibilities.

Determination of the structure is possible when performing survey urography. The procedure is prescribed for urolithiasis to study the structure, contours, and shape of the urinary tract.

In Moscow, the composition of stones can be professionally examined at the Research Institute of Urology. In St. Petersburg, this service is provided to the population by the Center for Remote Lithotripsy.

Some industrial institutions working with granite, ceramics, and crushed stone can analyze kidney stones using the following methods:

Gas chromatography

Thermogravimetry; Spectroscopy; Dry and wet chemistry; Neutron activation research; Chromatography; Determination of porosity.

Spectroscopy is a method that is based on analyzing the degree of absorption of the light spectrum by a sample when passing through infrared light. The study is rational for multi-structural formations.

Polarization microscopy is performed in laboratory conditions. The procedure involves studying the reflection of a light beam incident on an object in different planes by a stone. The polarization of substances of different degrees of density is different, which makes it possible to determine the structure of an object.

Photoelectron spectroscopy

Using dry chemistry, stone mineralization (ashing) is carried out. Then its structure is studied using dry chemistry. In this case, the sample is crushed and dried on paper. The stone is divided into parts, which makes it possible to study the structure of the core, consistency, and heterogeneity.

Labtest on Tishinsky Lane offers thermogravimetry of kidney stones in Moscow. The method can be rationally used for industrial purposes. Medical chemical analysis is more convenient and cheaper to carry out using alternative methods.

Thermogravimetry is a method of recording changes in the weight of a sample under the influence of different temperatures.

Determining the porosity of a dried object helps determine the type of stone, but does not allow one to study the composition of multiple stones. It is rational to combine the method with chromatography - dividing an object into separate parts distinguished by physical and chemical properties. By distributing substances between two media (gas-liquid, solid-water), chemical analysis is carried out.

Liquid chromatography method

Neutron activation research helps determine small inclusions in the structure of a sample when a substance is bombarded with neutrons.

The above methods have historical significance. Medical practice shows that to study the structure of a stone, X-ray analysis and a number of procedures are sufficient:

Sediment microscopy (to identify small inclusions); Assessment of urine acid-base level; Bacteriological culture of urine; Cystine test (study of cystine stones).

Kidney stones are insoluble deposits.

Most of them are formed on the basis of tripelphosphate, calcium oxalate, uric acid (urate), and cystine.

The size of the stones depends on the area of ​​localization of the primary substrate.

The volume of stones varies significantly - from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. The third part of the stones consists of the following chemical compounds:

CaC2; МgNH4PO4; Ca3(P04)2.

This is the composition of phosphoric acid, oxalic acid and mixed formations.

Composition of kidney stones

If the object contains calcium, the following conditions are the cause of urolithiasis:

Osteoporosis; Hyperparathyroidism; Gout.

Cystine stones appear in people with cystinuria.

The core of most kidney stones is composed of oxalate and calcium. The outer part is the struvite layer. It can contain 65 different compounds, including bacteria.

In gout, formations consist of uric acid. Less commonly, sodium or ammonium salts are detected.

The approximate cost of paid quantitative spectroscopy is 2300-2500 Russian rubles.

The price of polarization microscopy in specialized institutions and laboratories starts from 380 rubles.

Cost of combined chemical analysis of kidney stones in some Moscow clinics:

JSC "Medicine" - from 1809 rubles; Patero Clinic – 3325; MC “Petrovskie” – 3952; Artis – 1050; Clinic “Chaika” – 2850.

The price of the analysis depends on the volume and complexity of the procedure.

Postoperative chemical analysis of stones in most public medical institutions is carried out free of charge to determine further tactics for treating the disease. If desired, a person can have the test done for a fee in a private clinic.

Many of us know what urolithiasis is, but not everyone realizes that kidney stones come in different origins and compositions. But by the composition and characteristics of the stone one can understand the cause of the formation of kidney stones. Understanding the causes of the disease, in turn, will help the doctor choose the right and effective treatment tactics. To find out the composition of the formation in the kidneys, you need to conduct a chemical analysis of it. Research can be carried out in different ways.

Kidney stone analysis can be done in a specialized laboratory. As a rule, classical clinical laboratories at hospitals and clinics do not study the properties and composition of kidney stones. Any medical institution sends material for research to specialized laboratories located at research institutes and pathology bureaus.

However, fluoroscopic examination of a kidney stone can be carried out not only in a laboratory setting. This applies to urates and oxalates - stones that are based on oxalic and uric acid. These formations are clearly visualized on x-ray. If they contain calcium ions, they will also be clearly visible on the x-ray. But if you decide to contact the X-ray department to obtain information about the composition of the stone, then you should know that its employees do not have the necessary knowledge to determine chemical composition stone from the photograph.

To determine the structure and composition of the stone, you need to perform a survey urography. This procedure is quite often prescribed for kidney stones and urolithiasis in general. With its help, you can draw conclusions about the structure of the formation, its shape, contours and configuration of the urinary tract.

Analysis of kidney stones can be carried out at some industrial plants that work with ceramics, granite and crushed stone. The following methods can be used:

Spectroscopy. This method is based on analyzing the degree of spectral light absorption of the stone when infrared light passes through it. This type of research is advisable to carry out when multi-structural stones are deposited in the kidneys. Thermogravimetry is a method based on recording changes in the weight of a sample under the influence of different temperatures. This is a rather expensive method, so it is best used only for industrial purposes. Wet and dry chemistry. To carry out the analysis, mineralization of the stone (ashing) is performed. After this, the structure of the formation is examined using dry chemistry. To do this, the stone is crushed and dried on a sheet of paper. This technique allows us to identify the structure of the core, heterogeneity and consistency.
Chromatography is a special method of dividing a calculus into its constituent substances. Chromatography is a special method of dividing a calculus into its constituent substances, which is based on the difference in the absorption capacity of substances passing through the absorbent layer. Neutron activation study of the formation helps to identify small inclusions in its structure. To do this, the stone is bombarded with neutrons. Analysis to determine porosity. Based on the porosity of the dried stone, it is very easy to determine the type of stone. But using this method it is impossible to study the composition of multiple formations. That is why this technique is best combined with chromatography, in which an object is divided into separate parts that differ in physical and chemical properties. In this case, chemical analysis is carried out by distributing the constituent substances into two different media.

Important: to carry out analysis in laboratory conditions, the method of polarization microscopy is used.

Its essence is to analyze the structure of the stone by the reflected light beam, which falls on the formation in different planes. Stones of different densities have different polarization. Thanks to this, it is easy to determine the structure of the stone.

In most cases, a number of procedures and X-ray diffraction analysis are sufficient to study the structure of the stone:

To identify small inclusions, microscopy of the sediment is performed. An assessment of the basic and acid levels of urine is made. It is imperative to do a bacteriological urine culture. When studying cystine stones, a test for cystine is done.

As a rule, no special preparation of the stone is required to perform a sediment analysis. It is enough to have only a sample of a kidney stone. You can obtain a sample after surgical removal of stones or if they pass spontaneously during urination. Typically, deposits are removed with urine after the completion of the stone crushing procedure using modern techniques.

If the kidney stones in the urine are very small, then you can get them in the following way:

During urination, urine must be passed through a clean, thin cloth or a special filter purchased from a pharmacy. After you finish urinating, the fabric or filter should be carefully inspected. Sometimes the stone is so small that it resembles a tiny grain of sand. The stone sample should be dried on a cloth and placed in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. The resulting sample should be taken to your doctor or directly to the laboratory.

Since it is not always possible to obtain kidney deposits for analysis, sometimes they are used simple ways diagnostics that allow you to determine the chemical analysis of the stone with high accuracy. So, one of the following methods can be used:

X-ray examination of education. As a rule, if a stone is very clearly visible on the image, then most likely it is of calcium origin. The contrast will be slightly lower for struvite and cystine stones. If nothing is visible in the picture, but there is reason to believe that the person has kidney stone disease, then there is a high probability that the stones are urate or xanthine. Since the basis for the growth of stones are microscopic crystals (microlites), by identifying them in the urine, conclusions can be drawn about the presence of urolithiasis. To find crystals, you need to do a microscopic analysis of the urinary sediment. Chemical test to determine the acidity of urine. If the acidity is increased, this may indicate the presence of urates, which grow very well in such an environment. Since various microorganisms cause the formation of mixed and protein stones, it is necessary to do a bacteriological analysis of urine. The presence of cystine formations can be concluded from the results of cystine tests.

All kidney stones are insoluble deposits. In some cases, with a small size of stones and a certain chemical composition, they can be crushed and softened with the help of medications, decoctions, infusions and teas based on medicinal herbs.

Most deposits are formed from calcium oxalate, tripelphosphate, cystine and uric acid (urate). As a rule, the size of the formation depends on its location. The size of the stone can range from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters.

If the formation contains calcium, then the following conditions may be the cause of urolithiasis:

Gout. In this case, the calculus will consist predominantly of uric acid. Ammonium and sodium salts are less common. Osteoporosis. Hyperparathyroidism.

Cystine stones form in people suffering from cystinuria.

Important: Most kidney stones are composed of calcium and oxalate. The outer struvial layer may contain bacterial inclusions and about 65 different compounds.

Background information on deciphering the results of studies and analyzes will help you draw conclusions about the presence of certain types of deposits in the kidneys. However, only a doctor, based on these results, can choose the right treatment and appropriate diet for the patient.

There are several types of renal deposits:

Oxalate or calcium stones are the most common. They occur in almost 80% of patients with urolithiasis. From the name you can understand that the main composition of the stone is calcium salts. Such patients should avoid products containing large number calcium. Struvite or phosphate formations are composed of ammonium phosphate. They occur in 15% of cases. Excess uric acid salts in the body leads to the formation of urate stones in the kidneys. They are detected in 5-10% of patients with urolithiasis. The least common are formations of mixed origin and protein calculi. But they account for only 1 percent of cases.

In addition to choosing a treatment method, a chemical analysis of the deposits will allow the doctor to determine the cause of their formation. This will help the patient after effective treatment avoid recurrence of the disease in the future, since he will be able to use the necessary preventive measures.

Alternative names: study of the composition of urinary stones, study of urinary stones, chemical composition of urinary stones.

Urolithiasis is the most common disease of the urinary system. Its various forms occur in 13-15% of the population, about 35% of all urological patients are admitted to the hospital with this pathology. Its essence lies in the formation of crystalline formations in the lumen of the kidneys - stones from various salts.

The formation of stones is associated with a violation of the acid-base state of urine, predisposing factors are infections of the genitourinary system, various types kidney damage. As a result of such diseases, protein inclusions appear in the renal pelvis and calyces, which become the basis for the crystallization of stones.

Analysis of kidney stones is necessary in order to determine which salts the stones are predominantly composed of. The result of the analysis influences further tactics of treatment of urolithiasis. Some stones can be dissolved by dietary adjustments or prescription medicines. Other types of stones cannot be dissolved in this way; in this case, the issue of surgical treatment is decided.

Study chemical structure urinary stones will allow the attending physician to better understand the reasons for their formation, decide on further examination, choose the optimal treatment tactics and, most importantly, choose the most effective ways prevention of kidney stones.

Small infectious, brushite, and cystine stones can be dissolved by washing them with special solutions through a catheter inserted into the renal pelvis.

Calcium stones undergo conservative treatment with difficulty; most often they are crushed using shock wave therapy. Coral stones and large stones are removed through kidney surgery.

As urolithiasis develops, stones form in the human kidneys. They can have not only different origins, but also composition. To determine these characteristics, kidney stones are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, the doctor can judge the reasons for the formation of stones, as well as create the most effective treatment regimen.

Types of Kidney Stones

The formation of dense formations is in most cases a long process. For some it happens faster, for others slower. In any case, the composition of all stones is a mixture of minerals and organic substances.

Types of kidney stones:

  1. Phosphates and oxalates. They are based on calcium salts. These stones are considered the most common. They are found in most patients suffering from urolithiasis.
  2. Urats. These are stones, the formation of which is a consequence of excess uric acid in the body. In addition, they can form against the background of organ pathologies digestive system.
  3. Cystines and xanthines. These types of stones are diagnosed extremely rarely. The reason for their formation is anomalies in the development of the organs of the urinary system. IN pure form cystines and xanthines are practically not found. As a rule, they contain various impurities.
  4. Phosphate-ammonium-magnesium stones and struvite. The reason for their formation is the long course of the infectious process in the body.

In many other ways. For the analysis of kidney stones, the following indicators are clinically significant: size, shape, number and location.

Indications for the study

It is prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with urolithiasis. Using the analysis, the doctor can determine the cause of the pathology and create the most effective therapeutic regimen. Assessing the structure of stones also allows us to assess the state of human health as a whole.

Is preparation necessary?

Analysis of the composition of kidney stones is a study that is carried out on biological material obtained from the human body. The amount of substances in stones does not change if a person does not comply with the daily routine and diet. Thus, no preparatory measures are required before the study.

Obtaining biological material

Before submitting kidney stones for analysis, they must be removed from the body. In order to obtain a sample for testing after surgery, it is enough to inform the doctor of your desire. After the operation, the stones removed from the kidneys can be freely given to the patient.

Sometimes stones leave the body on their own along with urine flow. As a rule, very small stones or those that have been crushed in the recent past using modern medical techniques are excreted in urine.

In the process of urination, it is necessary to pass the stream through a dense but thin tissue. You can also purchase a special filter at the pharmacy for this purpose. After completing the act, the fabric must be carefully inspected. Sometimes the size of the stones is so small that they look like tiny grains of sand.

The resulting sample must be dried on a cloth or filter. After this, it must be taken to the laboratory or taken to the attending physician.

Instructions for preparing biomaterial

In order for the analysis of kidney stones to be as reliable and informative as possible, certain rules must first be followed.

Preparation of biomaterial consists of the following steps:

  • After receiving samples, rinse them with cold clean water(drinking water can also be used).
  • Then the stones must be placed on a cloth or filter and dried thoroughly.
  • After this, the stones must be placed in a container with a tightly screwed lid. This medical product can be purchased both at a pharmacy and directly in a laboratory.
  • The container must be signed. It is important to clearly indicate the patient's first and last name, as well as his year of birth. Some institutions have additional labeling guidelines. For example, in the well-known laboratory “Invitro” there is the following requirement: if the linear size of the stone is less than 1 mm, the word “micro” must be added to the container.
  • The product with the sample must be placed where exposure to sunlight is excluded. It must remain there permanently until it is sent to the laboratory.

Analysis of kidney stones is carried out only if the linear dimensions of the stones in 3 dimensions are more than 0.1 mm. Samples must be delivered to a medical facility within six months from the moment they are removed from the body.

Basic research methods

In most cases, classical laboratories do not perform chemical analysis of kidney stones. They send biological material to specialized medical institutions (pathological bureaus and research institutes).

Regarding what kidney stone tests are currently performed:

  • Spectroscopy. In most cases, the biological material is multi-structural stones. The essence of the method is to influence the stones infrared radiation, after which the degree of its light absorption is assessed.
  • Thermogravimetry. This is a test during which the sample is exposed to different temperatures. After this, his changes in weight are recorded. This method is very expensive; due to its high cost, it is performed less frequently than others.
  • Dry and wet chemistry. Before analysis, the sample is ashed (mineralized). After this, the structure of the stone is assessed using dry chemistry. To do this, the formation is crushed as much as possible and dried on a sheet of paper. Using this method, the structure of the kernel, its consistency and heterogeneity are studied.
  • Chromatography. During this study The absorption capacity of the constituent substances into which the calculus is previously divided is analyzed.
  • Neutron activation analysis. The essence of the method is to bombard the calculus with neutrons, thanks to which the smallest inclusions can be detected in it.
  • Determination of porosity. This is a characteristic that makes it easy to determine the type of stone. But using only this method is inappropriate if the stone has a mixed structure. In such cases, the method is combined with chromatography.
  • Polarization microscopy. A light beam is directed at the calculus in different planes. After this, the nature of the reflected rays is assessed. Each type of stone has a certain polarization indicator. Due to this, the structure of the stone is easily determined.

In all cases, microscopy of urine sediment is also carried out, its acidity is assessed, and bacteriological culture is carried out. In the process of chemical analysis of urinary stones from the kidneys, an additional test for cystine is done.

Indirect methods of analysis

If it is impossible to obtain biological material, an x-ray examination is indicated. However, you can take pictures not only in laboratory conditions.

Oxalates and urates are easiest to detect. These types of stones contain uric and oxalic acid. Thanks to this, they are clearly visible on x-rays. If calcium ions are present in the stones, the stones will also be clearly visible.

You need to be aware that employees of the X-ray department cannot assess the chemical composition of the formation from the image. For this purpose, survey urography is indicated. Using this method, it is possible to determine the structure of the stone, evaluate its shape, contours, as well as the configuration of the urinary ducts.

Interpretation of results

The bases of most stones are: calcium oxalate, cystine, tripelphosphate and uric acid. The sizes of the stones may vary depending on their location. Some stones grow to the size of the kidney itself.

If the stone contains calcium, the following pathological conditions may be the cause of its formation:

  • Gout. In such cases, uric acid will also be present in the stone. Less commonly, sodium and ammonium salts are found in the composition.
  • Hyperparathyroidism.
  • Osteoporosis.

In most cases, the core of kidney stones is composed of oxalate and calcium. Its outer part is represented by a struvite layer. The latter may contain about 6 dozen different compounds and the inclusion of pathogenic microorganisms. According to statistics, calcium stones are diagnosed in 85% of patients. As a rule, the formation of other types of stones is associated with genetic defects or the activity of infectious agents.

Where to do it?

Analysis of kidney stones is not carried out in classical medical institutions. The patient can deliver the biological material to the laboratory, whose staff will send it for analysis to a research institute or pathology office.

State clinics also study the chemical composition of stones extracted from the kidneys. Stones can be sent to specialized laboratories immediately after surgery. As a rule, an assessment of the chemical composition of stones is necessary if the doctor has not decided on further treatment tactics.

Regarding the availability of services in private clinics, you must inquire directly at the reception of the selected institution.

Cost and reviews

The price of kidney stone analysis directly depends on the complexity and volume of the procedure. Average cost quantitative spectroscopy in the capital varies between 2300 - 2500 rubles. The polarization microscopy method is the most accessible. Its minimum cost is 400 rubles.

The price of a comprehensive analysis of kidney stones in Moscow depends on the policy of the medical institution. At the Medicine clinic, the cost of the study is 1,800 rubles. Highest price recorded at the Petrovskie MC. It is 4000 rubles. The minimum cost was found at the Artis clinic - 1000 rubles.

According to patient reviews, the price of the study is completely justified. This is due to the fact that, based on the results of the analysis, the doctor is guaranteed to determine the root cause of the formation of deposits and create a truly effective treatment regimen for the underlying disease. Judging by medical reviews, the study helps not only to correctly develop a treatment plan, but also to significantly reduce the risk of relapses in the future.

In conclusion

The course of urolithiasis is accompanied by the formation of stones. They can have different structures, sizes, shapes and consistency. After surgery, each patient has the right to have the extracted deposits removed and have kidney stones analyzed. Also, such an initiative often comes from the attending physician. Based on the results of the research obtained, a specialist can determine the real reason development of urolithiasis and create the most effective therapeutic regimen. In addition, by assessing the chemical composition of the stone, the doctor has the opportunity to make adjustments to the previously prescribed treatment.

Kidney stones differ in their composition and structure. Depends on the type of stones clinical picture urolithiasis in a particular patient, its treatment tactics and measures to prevent the formation of stones.

How to determine the composition of a stone?

The only way to reliably know the composition of a stone is to carry out its chemical analysis. To do this, you need to deliver to the laboratory a stone that has passed in the urine on its own, was obtained by lithotripsy or as a result of surgery.

Depending on the composition, the following types of stones from the urinary system are distinguished:

  • oxalates– stones consist of calcium salt of uric acid
  • phosphates– calculi from calcium salt of phosphoric acid
  • tripelphosphates– ammonium magnesium phosphate stones, or struvite stones
  • urates– uric acid salts
  • cystine stones– from the amino acid cystine
  • mixed stones

The doctor’s recommendations will depend on what result is obtained when analyzing kidney stones. Dietary therapy may be recommended. Correction of the diet is of great importance in preventing the formation of phosphates and oxalates. Drugs may also be prescribed to dissolve stones that have not yet passed.

How to obtain material for research?

If the patient has a stone that was somehow obtained from the urinary system, you just need to take it to the laboratory.
If a diagnosis of urolithiasis has been made, but visible stones have not yet passed, you need to urinate through a filter to separate the liquid part of the urine from insoluble impurities. The filter is then delivered to the laboratory.

Where can I get a kidney stone test?

Our center analyzes stones using infrared spectroscopy. This means that rays of the infrared spectrum are passed through the existing sample (concrete or sand). Depending on how the characteristics of light change after it passes through the material under study, a conclusion is made about the composition of the sample.

The advantage of analyzing the composition of a stone using this method is that to obtain a reliable result, a small amount of the studied material is sufficient.

Many of us know what urolithiasis is, but not everyone realizes that kidney stones come in different origins and compositions. But by the composition and characteristics of the stone one can understand the cause of the formation of kidney stones. Understanding the causes of the disease, in turn, will help the doctor choose the right and effective treatment tactics. To find out the composition of the formation in the kidneys, you need to conduct a chemical analysis of it. Research can be carried out in different ways.

Where is the analysis done?

Kidney stone analysis can be done in a specialized laboratory

Kidney stone analysis can be done in a specialized laboratory. As a rule, classical clinical laboratories at hospitals and clinics do not study the properties and composition of kidney stones. Any medical institution sends material for research to specialized laboratories located at research institutes and pathology bureaus.

However, fluoroscopic examination of a kidney stone can be carried out not only in a laboratory setting. This applies to urates and oxalates - stones that are based on oxalic and uric acid. These formations are clearly visible on x-rays. If they contain calcium ions, they will also be clearly visible on the x-ray. But if you decide to contact the X-ray department to obtain information about the composition of the stone, then you should know that its employees do not have the necessary knowledge to determine the chemical composition of the stone from the image.

To determine the structure and composition of the stone, you need to perform a survey urography. This procedure is quite often prescribed for kidney stones and urolithiasis in general. With its help, you can draw conclusions about the structure of the formation, its shape, contours and configuration of the urinary tract.

Analysis of kidney stones can be carried out at some industrial plants that work with ceramics, granite and crushed stone. The following methods can be used:

  • Spectroscopy. This method is based on analyzing the degree of spectral light absorption of the stone when infrared light passes through it. This type of research is advisable to carry out when multi-structural stones are deposited in the kidneys.
  • Thermogravimetry is a method based on recording changes in the weight of a sample under the influence of different temperatures. This is a rather expensive method, so it is best used only for industrial purposes.
  • Wet and dry chemistry. To carry out the analysis, mineralization of the stone (ashing) is performed. After this, the structure of the formation is examined using dry chemistry. To do this, the stone is crushed and dried on a sheet of paper. This technique allows us to identify the structure of the core, heterogeneity and consistency.

Chromatography is a special method of dividing a calculus into its constituent substances

  • Chromatography is a special method of dividing a calculus into its constituent substances, which is based on the difference in the absorption capacity of substances passing through the absorbent layer.
  • Neutron activation study of the formation helps to identify small inclusions in its structure. To do this, the stone is bombarded with neutrons.
  • Analysis to determine porosity. Based on the porosity of the dried stone, it is very easy to determine the type of stone. But using this method it is impossible to study the composition of multiple formations. That is why this technique is best combined with chromatography, in which an object is divided into separate parts that differ in physical and chemical properties. In this case, chemical analysis is carried out by distributing the constituent substances into two different media.

Important: to carry out analysis in laboratory conditions, the method of polarization microscopy is used.

Its essence is to analyze the structure of the stone by the reflected light beam, which falls on the formation in different planes. Stones of different densities have different polarization. Thanks to this, it is easy to determine the structure of the stone.

In most cases, a number of procedures and X-ray diffraction analysis are sufficient to study the structure of the stone:

  • To identify small inclusions, microscopy of the sediment is performed.
  • An assessment of the basic and acid levels of urine is made.
  • It is imperative to do a bacteriological urine culture.
  • When studying cystine stones, a test for cystine is done.
  • Preparing for analysis

    As a rule, to do a sediment analysis, you do not need any special preparation of the stone; it is enough to have only a sample of the kidney stone

    As a rule, no special preparation of the stone is required to perform a sediment analysis. It is enough to have only a sample of a kidney stone. You can obtain a sample after surgical removal of stones or if they pass spontaneously during urination. Typically, deposits are removed with urine after the completion of the stone crushing procedure using modern techniques.

    If the kidney stones in the urine are very small, then you can get them in the following way:

  • During urination, urine must be passed through a clean, thin cloth or a special filter purchased from a pharmacy.
  • After you finish urinating, the fabric or filter should be carefully inspected. Sometimes the stone is so small that it resembles a tiny grain of sand.
  • The stone sample should be dried on a cloth and placed in a jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • The resulting sample should be taken to your doctor or directly to the laboratory.
  • Indirect methods of analysis

    Since it is not always possible to obtain kidney deposits for analysis, simple diagnostic methods are sometimes used

    Since it is not always possible to obtain renal deposits for analysis, sometimes simple diagnostic methods are used that make it possible to determine the chemical analysis of the calculus with high accuracy. So, one of the following methods can be used:

    • X-ray examination of education. As a rule, if a stone is very clearly visible on the image, then most likely it is of calcium origin. The contrast will be slightly lower for struvite and cystine stones. If nothing is visible in the picture, but there is reason to believe that the person has kidney stone disease, then there is a high probability that the stones are urate or xanthine.
    • Since the basis for the growth of stones are microscopic crystals (microlites), by identifying them in the urine, conclusions can be drawn about the presence of urolithiasis. To find crystals, you need to do a microscopic analysis of the urinary sediment.
    • Chemical test to determine the acidity of urine. If the acidity is increased, this may indicate the presence of urates, which grow very well in such an environment.
    • Since various microorganisms cause the formation of mixed and protein stones, it is necessary to do a bacteriological analysis of urine.
    • The presence of cystine formations can be concluded from the results of cystine tests.

    Decoding the results

    In addition to choosing a treatment method, chemical analysis of deposits will allow the doctor to determine the cause of their formation

    All kidney stones are insoluble deposits. In some cases, if the stones are small in size and have a certain chemical composition, they can be crushed and softened with the help of medications, decoctions, infusions and teas based on medicinal herbs.

    Most deposits are formed from calcium oxalate, tripelphosphate, cystine and uric acid (urate). As a rule, the size of the formation depends on its location. The size of the stone can range from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters.

    If the formation contains calcium, then the following conditions may be the cause of urolithiasis:

  • Gout. In this case, the calculus will consist predominantly of uric acid. Ammonium and sodium salts are less common.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Hyperparathyroidism.
  • Cystine stones form in people suffering from cystinuria.

    Important: Most kidney stones are composed of calcium and oxalate. The outer struvial layer may contain bacterial inclusions and about 65 different compounds.

    Background information on deciphering the results of studies and analyzes will help you draw conclusions about the presence of certain types of deposits in the kidneys. However, only a doctor, based on these results, can choose the right treatment and appropriate diet for the patient.

    There are several types of renal deposits:

  • Oxalate or calcium stones are the most common. They occur in almost 80% of patients with urolithiasis. From the name you can understand that the main composition of the stone is calcium salts. Such patients need to avoid foods containing large amounts of calcium.
  • Struvite or phosphate formations are composed of ammonium phosphate. They occur in 15% of cases.
  • Excess uric acid salts in the body leads to the formation of urate stones in the kidneys. They are detected in 5-10% of patients with urolithiasis.
  • The least common are formations of mixed origin and protein calculi. But they account for only 1 percent of cases.
  • In addition to choosing a treatment method, a chemical analysis of the deposits will allow the doctor to determine the cause of their formation. This will help the patient, after receiving effective treatment, to avoid recurrence of the disease in the future, since he will be able to use the necessary preventive measures.

    On the eve of the study, consumables (container) must first be obtained from any laboratory department.

    Spectroscopy, quantitative

    Analysis of urinary stones is important step when examining patients with stones in the urinary system. Knowledge of the composition of stones provides basic information about the pathogenesis of the disease, including metabolic disorders, the presence of an infectious process, and even the metabolism of medications taken.

    Obtaining stones for study is possible through natural excretion in urine, as well as through surgery and lithotripsy (crushing stones). Stones (calculi) are insoluble substances (deposits), which are most often formed from mineral salts - calcium oxalate and phosphate, tripelphosphate (ammonium and magnesium phosphate), urate (uric acid) or cystine. They can form in any part of the urinary system and vary significantly in size (from 1 mm to several centimeters). About a third of the stones consist of Ca 3 (P0 4) 2, MgNH 4 PO 4, CaC 2 4 or their mixtures, that is, these are oxalic acid (oxalate), phosphate (phosphate) or mixed urinary stones. The formation of stones is facilitated by excessive release of Ca ions, for example in hyperparathyroidosis, osteoporosis and in cases of unusually high calcium content in food. In patients with gout, as a rule, there are stones consisting mainly of uric acid, less often - of its ammonium or sodium salt. These stones are called uric acid, or urate. Cystine stones (deposition of cystine) are almost constantly observed in patients with cystinuria. Typically, stones form in the collecting system of the kidney, migrate to the ureter and bladder, and then pass out during urination. However, not all stones can pass away on their own; in these cases, surgical intervention (lithoextraction or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) is necessary.

    In the Hemotest Laboratory, urinary stone analysis is performed using spectroscopy is a method based on recording the absorption spectra of a sample in the infrared range. The advantage of this method is the use of a minimal amount of the test substance and the rapid acquisition of spectrograms of sufficient specificity. In case of multiple stones or fragments of urinary stones, at least one sample of material should be examined.

    Before the study:

    • If the patient collects stones on his own, they must be collected by collecting urine and filtering it. At the same time, no restrictions on diet or nutrition are required.
    • If stones are delivered to the laboratory as a result of surgery, the surgeon explains the preparation rules.

    Conditions for collecting and storing biomaterial:

      It is necessary to collect the entire filtered portion of urine. To do this, you will need a dry, clean container for storing stones and a filter (gauze napkin measuring 10x10 cm or a mesh with small cells).

    1. The patient needs to urinate through a filter to separate the stones from the liquid phase.
    2. Inspect the surface of the filter carefully, as the stone may be very small (no larger than a grain of sand).
    3. Place the stones in a container.
    4. Deliver the stones to the laboratory in dry form.