Ideas for a bachelorette party: how to hold a bachelorette party so that everyone remembers it. How to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding? Original, interesting and unusual ideas When celebrating a bachelorette party before

The idea of ​​holding hen parties came from our ancestors

Surprisingly, the tradition of saying goodbye to girlhood came from America, although in Ukraine there has also long been a custom of holding a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding. In Rus' this wedding tradition arose in the 18th century, especially in rural areas.

This ancient custom, of course, has nothing in common with modern ideas of holding a pre-wedding bachelorette party. Our great-great-great-grandmothers' farewell to girlhood was sad. The girl left her family with loving parents for a completely alien family, the period of carefree girlhood was ending, the time had come for her to become an adult, still incomprehensible and not always happy life. The girlfriends sang melancholy, sad songs that told about the hard lot of a married woman, most often with an unfamiliar guy who wooed and became the groom.

Modern hen parties before the wedding

Of course, holding modern hen parties has nothing in common with this ancient custom. The bride says goodbye to her girlhood in the company of her friends brightly and cheerfully; a new, unfamiliar period in her life begins, but she sees it as joyful and happy. Anticipation life together with the man you love, what more could you dream of.

Hen party ideas

How and where to hold a bachelorette party is usually decided by the girl together with her friends, unless it is a surprise bachelorette party that attentive friends prepare in secret from her.

Who is paying for this event? There is no single rule here, it all depends on the desire, financial condition and agreement of the girl and her friends, if this is not a surprise bachelorette party.

And another important factor is the timing of the bachelorette party. There is no need to hold a bachelorette party on the day before the wedding. It is unlikely that the bachelorette party will be alcohol-free and will end in “children’s time.” And the future newlywed should have a good rest on the eve of the wedding in order to look great at the wedding celebration.

There are many ideas for holding hen parties, let’s talk about some of them

The idea of ​​holding a bachelorette party in entertainment venues

If friends like to spend their free time in nightclubs, cafes, discos, then the idea of ​​holding a bachelorette party in a familiar and favorite environment is excellent.

You can pre-book seats in your favorite cafe or nightclub and spend your bachelorette party “having a blast.” Some cafes have separate VIP rooms; if you want to have fun and chat without anyone bothering you, you need to agree in advance to provide you with such a room.

It's not a bad idea to have a bachelorette party in one style, such as 60s style, or choose outfits of the same color or dress in stylized nun costumes. To emphasize that it is a bachelorette party, and not just a simple entertainment, you can come to this event with veils on your head, the bride in a white veil, the bridesmaids in colored ones.

Very often, during a bachelorette party, a male striptease is organized. This also needs to be agreed upon in advance with the club administration. And if they don’t have full-time strippers, you can invite someone from the outside, also having previously agreed on a certain time.

An original and unusual idea is to hold a bachelorette party, or at least the first half of it, in a SPA salon. Having relaxed your body and soul, physically rested, you can continue your bachelorette party anywhere, in the same club or cafe.

Idea for a romantic bachelorette party at home

This idea for a romantic bachelorette party can be carried out at the bride’s or one of her girlfriends’ home. And it is more consistent with the ancient custom of holding a bachelorette party, when the girls gathered in the house of the future newlywed.

To create a festive, romantic atmosphere in your apartment, decorate it with balloons and light candles. If the bachelorette party will take place in a friend’s apartment, it would be a good idea to place the bride’s favorite toys on the sofa and armchairs, quietly taking them from her apartment. You can prepare a wall newspaper collage with her photographs, starting with photographs childhood and ending with the present day, decorate the photographs with humorous inscriptions in verse, commenting on the “life path” of your friend.

In general, friends can make such an apartment decorated for a bachelorette party a surprise for the bride.

How to spend a bachelorette party in an apartment in a fun, romantic way, so that it remains in the memory as a bright holiday of farewell to girlhood? It all depends on imagination and creativity and various girlfriend ideas. It is they who must prepare the surroundings of the apartment and figure out what they will do. The bride at the bachelorette party, the main one, but only a guest, let everything be a surprise for her.

You can come up with a lot of interesting ideas and fun entertainment for a bachelorette party, we offer some of them:

Fortune telling

What better time to tell your fortune than on the eve of the wedding of one of the girls. One of them is interested in finding out what her future married life will be like, and the rest is interested in her personal life. A great idea is fortune telling during a bachelorette party. And even if you don’t always believe in fortune telling, it will be interesting and fun at a bachelorette party. That's just several ways of fortune telling, you can use some of your own:

  • Pieces of a wax candle are melted in a metal spoon, making a wish while the wax is melting what you want to know. When the wax is completely melted, pour it into a plate with cold water. The resulting figurine from frozen wax will slightly resemble an object, an animal, or even someone’s silhouette. Playful and cheerful comments about the fortune telling results will add fun and laughter to the atmosphere of the bachelorette party.
  • To find out when a happy couple's first child will appear, you can tell fortunes using a ring. TO wedding ring you need to tie a thread and bring the ring on the thread to a glass of water, without touching the ring either to the water or to the walls of the glass. You need to hold the thread with the ring motionless over the glass, while slowly counting the years of the bride, starting from the year following the wedding. When you announce what year the ring will start moving, at what age your friend will become a mother.
  • To find out how wealthy a young couple will be, you can perform the following fortune telling. You should tear a sheet of paper into small pieces, and bring a comb to them, with which the girl should comb her hair several times. The future well-being of the newlyweds is determined by the number of scraps of paper stuck to the comb.

Funny and romantic competitions for a bachelorette party

They say the best impromptu is the one that is prepared in advance. Therefore, it’s a good idea to prepare funny and “cool” competitions in advance that match the theme of the bachelorette party.

The purpose of competitions for a bachelorette party is not to determine the prize-winner, but to create an atmosphere of fun, humor, laughter, bright memories and joyful hopes for a happy future during various tests and tasks. Therefore, in these competitions there is no need to sum up the results and name the winner. The main prize is fun and good mood.

Competition "Guess the Girlfriend"

The girls bring their photos in advance as babies, mix them up and give them one at a time to their friend. She must guess her friends from baby photos. During this competition, girls laugh at their childhood images, their friend’s mistakes, remember their childhood, in a word, fun and pleasant memories during this competition are guaranteed.

Competition "Original wedding dress»

Pre-prepare pictures with various images. These could be pictures depicting firefighters, doctors, police officers, janitors (in their professional uniforms), strippers, various erotic photos of girls with a minimum of clothing, everything that the friends’ imagination suggests. This deck of pictures should also contain one or two images. wedding dresses. The bride, without looking at the pictures, must choose one of them. What is shown in the picture is what the girl’s wedding dress should be. This competition usually causes bursts of laughter. This competition may have others funny ideas, for example, “gifts from the spouse”, “what the newlywed will wear six months after the wedding.”

Competition “You love, but how well do you know”

Girlfriends first find out from the groom some information about him, for example, his favorite song, favorite brand of car, what sport he plays or what kind of sport he likes, what alcoholic drink he prefers, the name and patronymic of his grandmother (grandfather), favorite dishes, height groom, hobbies and so on. Information about the groom may be different. Questions are written on the petals of a large, pre-prepared chamomile. The bride, tearing off a petal, must answer the question posed about the groom. The bride's answers are compared with the groom's.

The same competition can be held using information about the groom’s chosen one. Ask the groom questions in advance about the various preferences, appearance, figure (for example, the size of her breasts, waist size) of his beloved. Write down the groom's answers, and then ask these questions to the bride and compare her answers with the groom's answers. In this way, girlfriends will find out who knows their chosen one (chosen one) better.

Competition “As a gift - a collection of recipes”

A good wife should be able to cook deliciously. This, of course, is a controversial statement, but in this competition we will take it as an axiom. The girls receive four cards of different colors on which they must write four recipes for their favorite dishes. For example, on a yellow card there is a first course, on a red card there is a second course, on a green card there is a salad, on a blue card there is a dessert. One of the recipes written by girls can be a humorous recipe, for example, “Nail soup”, salad “ Eternal love", "Roast from the husband's jealousy" and so on. Such recipes will bring smiles and laughter when discussed. Then all the written recipes are compiled into a small collection and such a product joint creativity at a wedding it is solemnly presented as a gift to the newlyweds.

Competition "Veselukha - clumsy"

This competition will add fun and laughter to the whole company. One half of the girls write notes with questions, the other half of the girls write answers. Questions and answers should be from the future family life young. Then the questions are put into one bag (box, hat), and the answers into another. One of the girls takes out a question and reads it out, the other takes out an answer and answers. Questions and answers are given randomly. If girls write questions and answers inventively and with humor, it will be very funny. For example, “What should you do if your husband comes home late and drunk?”, the answer is “Undress, go to bed and take a seductive pose”, the question “Where would you like to relax on your first vacation?”, the answer “Good sex is the basis of a happy marriage life" and so on and so forth.

And it would be a good idea to hold a farewell ceremony for the future newlywed with her past life.

Romantic rite - farewell to girlhood

The bride says goodbye to her carefree girlish life, now only one man should exist for her - her husband. Past gentlemen need to be released in peace, easily, carefree, without regretting anything.

The bride remembers all her past gentlemen, writes their names on different sheets of paper. He makes airplanes out of these sheets and flies them into the wind, thereby symbolically releasing former lovers “to freedom.” Or you can make small pieces of paper with names on them and tie them to balloons inflated with helium and release the balloons into the sky. If the bachelorette party takes place in the summer and there is a river or stream nearby, you can make paper boats from such sheets and set them free to float.

good and interesting ideas There are many ways to organize a bachelorette party, perhaps you will come up with your own scenario, but something from this article may be useful. The main thing is that it is interesting and fun. And, of course, all the surroundings for the bachelorette party need to be prepared in advance - this is the responsibility of the bridesmaids.

A bachelorette party is a great event before the wedding. Nowadays, many wedding companies offer different ideas for a bachelorette party. Previously, for Slavic girls this ritual took place with sad songs, tears of the future bride and her girlfriends during their girlhood. They recalled stories from the bride’s childhood and youth. The girlfriends were unraveling long braid the future bride is a symbol of girlish purity.

But in our time, a bachelorette party is a unique opportunity to have fun before your upcoming marriage. Every girl dreams of an unforgettable party with her friends before the wedding. This ritual is adored by both the bride and her bridesmaids. Both the bride herself and her bridesmaids can organize a bachelorette party before the wedding.

The format of this event depends on the desire, financial capabilities, imagination and even temperament of the girls. If the bride herself is in charge of hosting the celebration, then she can invite her girlfriends to the event with the help of interesting invitations. There are many great ideas to turn your bachelorette party into an original and unforgettable event.

Themed bachelorette party

Such ideas for a bachelorette party are perfect for adventurers and inventors. A themed party means identical outfits for all girlfriends. These could be T-shirts with different inscriptions, chiffon skirts, dresses in one tone, for example, very fashionable red or purple outfits. At the same time, the bride will definitely stand out from the team of her bridesmaids (perhaps a dress of a different color, a bow on her head, or a corresponding inscription on a T-shirt). In such outfits you can ride around the city in a limousine with glasses of champagne.

A very original idea - riding horses in themed costumes. Horseback riding led by the future bride in snowy winter is especially beautiful. A professional photographer will only preserve such beauty and unsurpassedness in the photo.

Nowadays, it is possible to hold a bachelorette party before the wedding in the style of a vampire party. Girls dress in black outfits, paint their lips with bright lipstick, and put on white clicks. The festive table must include red drinks (wine, compote), a red meat dish and a lot of ketchup. To have a great time, you can play original games and competitions with mandatory prizes and gifts.

Dance bachelorette party

Cheerful and lively bridesmaids can have a lot of fun in a nightclub or karaoke bar. Dancing and singing are always very fun and cool and, most importantly, modern youth like them so much. For example, for the points scored in a karaoke bar, you can give out original prizes to the participants (it all depends on the party’s budget and imagination). And in the dancing, the one who was applauded the most by the nightclub visitors wins. It’s great if at such dance events there is a host-toastmaster, entertaining the girls and holding various competitions.

Bachelorette party at the entertainment complex

An excellent option for a bachelorette party in winter, because you can organize active recreation bridesmaids and bridesmaids playing bowling and billiards. And in the summer you can have a great time in the open area with a swimming pool, bar, and dance floor. The holiday will be successful and fun if everything happens with competitions, sweepstakes, prizes and a photographer.

Bachelorette party on the beach

These ideas for a bachelorette party are suitable for sporty and active girls. On the beach there is an opportunity to play many fun and exciting games. Many people play beach volleyball or frisbee, shoot with water pistols, ride jet skis, boats, skis, tablets and bananas. You can rent a yacht and have fun with your girlfriends, sunbathing and swimming in the open sea.

Extreme bachelorette party

It’s a great idea to spend your bachelorette party before the wedding with your girlfriends, involving them in extreme activities. This could be group skydiving, flying hot air balloon, zorbing, karting, diving.
You can also have an unforgettable candlelit dinner with your girlfriends on the roof of a multi-story building.

Planning a picnic for a bachelorette party

Many girls like to take a break from the bustle of the city somewhere in the forest or near a lake. For a bachelorette party before the wedding on fresh air and even spending the night either with savages or at a recreation center is a great idea. How wonderful it is: to light a fire, fry kebabs, cook fish soup, dance in circles with girlfriends, sing songs and remember the unmarried times of the bride. Various competitions can be held at a picnic. For example, who can be the first to light a fire with one match or find a bottle of champagne hidden in the bushes. This bachelorette party is perfect for girls living in city apartments and working in stuffy offices.

Bachelorette party in a sauna or bathhouse

Bath lovers will have a great time and relax. It’s so nice to spread honey on each other, take a steam bath, jump into a cold pool and drink a cup of strong green tea. During breaks, girls can play various games, such as association, showing off and others. But still, the highlight of a bachelorette party in a sauna can be a male striptease. The stripper will give the future bride original and catchy dances. Many girls are sure that before the wedding they simply need to order a stripper as a gift for the bride.

Mysterious bachelorette party

Which girl wouldn’t want to play the role of a witch or fortune teller and spell an interesting future for her friends? To hold a bachelorette party in the “witch” style, each participant in the bachelorette party must dress in an outfit appropriate for a witch, prepare candles, tarot cards and other things. Friends can drink coffee and then tell fortunes in order to, for example, determine the next girl getting married.

Bachelorette party master class:

  1. culinary bachelorette party. You can organize a bachelorette party surrounded by chefs and pastry chefs. These professionals will conduct a master class on preparing incomparable sweets (cakes, cakes, chocolates). Every girl can short time realize yourself as a pastry chef and prepare amazing delicacies with your own hands. And the most important and interesting thing is that you can take all this with you and, perhaps, treat the groom and his friends;
  2. designer bachelorette party. To conduct a design master class you need an excellent professional specialist. Bridesmaids can gift the bride-to-be with a design workshop. The designer helps girls make their own wedding jewelry and various accessories and decorations for the wedding. This is a very relevant and necessary activity before the wedding;
  3. bachelorette party in hand-made style. Holding a bachelorette party in a hand-made style will not leave your girlfriends indifferent. Girls, under the guidance of a hand-made specialist, make beautiful soft toys or original accessories for a wedding (they decorate wedding champagne, a car, make flowers for guests, and others). You can even make wedding invitation cards. Master hand-made will definitely give you a hint original ideas. This is a very entertaining and enjoyable activity just for girls with original thinking.

Cocktail bachelorette party

The girls independently prepare various cocktails at home (depending on the wishes of their girlfriends - alcoholic or non-alcoholic), taste them and choose the winner. At the same time, everyone can tell funny stories and anecdotes. The author of the funniest story must be rewarded.

A bachelorette party is also a celebration and there must be delicious food and drinks. In addition, all interesting moments must be captured in photos. Take care of this and make the holiday unforgettable.

A bachelorette party is a fun pre-wedding party that should be held in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time. And one of the important components of the success of this event is the chosen location, which directly affects the atmosphere of the holiday. Don't know where to have your bachelorette party? The portal presents to your attention the top 12 places for a bachelorette party for different tastes and financial capabilities!


The first place that comes to mind when talking about a bachelorette party is home. This idea will suit an active and responsible bride, because the entire organization of such a holiday will fall on her shoulders. Having a bachelorette party at home has both advantages and disadvantages:

  • “+”: you can hold a bachelorette party any way you want, without fear of curious or judgmental glances (in the form of nice communication with each other, a mini-disco, a pajama party, etc., you can even hold some kind of master class or even arrange spa at home); you can save on food and drinks; you can decorate the room the way you want.
  • “-”: you can disturb your neighbors; if you have a lot of girlfriends, then your house should be spacious enough; you will have to take care not only of the table, but also of a sufficient number of seats for girlfriends; It’s not always possible to organize a truly fun and original holiday at home.

Advice: It’s not possible to hold a bachelorette party at home, but you want this event to take place in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere? Consider renting an apartment or a large hotel room, then the question of where to hold your bachelorette party will be resolved quickly and easily.


The bachelorette party can be held at your favorite bar, restaurant or cafe, where you can enjoy delicious dishes and all kinds of drinks. In addition, this is a great opportunity to show off your best self by wearing a beautiful cocktail dress, doing your makeup and hair. The main thing is to find an establishment that will suit your pastime: if you want to socialize, look for a quiet and cozy cafe, if you want to dance, look for a bar with a dance floor. Most importantly, don’t forget to consult with your friends so that you can decide together where to have your bachelorette party!

  • “+”: you can have fun from the heart by choosing your favorite establishment for the holiday; everyone can choose for themselves those treats that suit their taste.
  • “-”: may require a lot of expenses (depending on the level of the establishment).


If you and your girlfriends are active and cheerful girls, then why not have a bachelorette party in a nightclub, where you can dance to your heart's content and take a break from boring everyday life.

  • “+”: you can have a lot of fun; no need to think about entertainment.
  • “-”: treats and drinks will not be cheap; availability nearby large quantity strangers; because of loud music it is unlikely to be possible to communicate; Not everyone likes this type of holiday.


What girl doesn’t take care of herself: her health, her figure, her skin. Therefore, a spa or sauna would be an excellent option for a bachelorette party. The bride will not only have a pleasant time with her friends, but will also rest her body and soul, relaxing and forgetting about pre-wedding worries!

  • “+”: the bride and her bridesmaids will not only relax and socialize, but also improve their health by getting themselves and their bodies in order before the wedding; By ordering a separate room in the sauna/spa, you can hold any holiday program (competitions, games, etc.).
  • “-”: not everyone likes saunas and, especially, baths with steam rooms (therefore, you should consult with your friends in advance where to spend your bachelorette party - a spa, sauna or bathhouse - or look for a sauna with additional entertainment, for example, billiards or karaoke) ; such a bachelorette party venue can sometimes impose a “taboo” on drinking alcohol; in some cases you will have to worry about ordering treats and buying drinks.


If you and your friends love to sing, then karaoke will be a great place for a cool bachelorette party. Moreover, you can choose just a table in a karaoke club, or rent a separate room for your group of girls if you are embarrassed to sing in front of strangers.

  • “+”: you will not only be able to perform your favorite compositions for your pleasure, but also enjoy delicious treats and drinks.
  • “-”: not all friends will like this kind of entertainment (especially those who don’t like to sing); you are unlikely to be able to communicate, because... Such establishments are usually very noisy.

Photo studio

If the bride and her bridesmaids like to pose for the camera and post beautiful photos in social networks, then great idea for the bachelorette party there will be a photo shoot for them. Where to have a bachelorette party in such an original way? Of course, within the walls of a professional photo studio with an interesting interior!

  • “+”: you will receive many beautiful professional photos; The bachelorette party does not depend on the vagaries of the weather; You can choose a room in the interior that you like.
  • “-”: suitable for a small company; you should think about a buffet table with treats and drinks; a photo shoot will not be cheap; It’s unlikely that your friends will want to end the bachelorette party after 2-3 hours of a photo shoot, so most often a continuation will be required.


If your pre-wedding party falls during the warmer months, then you can throw away all the worries about where to hold your bachelorette party and go outdoors to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

  • "+": a lot free space for any holiday program (communication, competitions, games, etc.); the choice of places is quite wide (from a clearing in a forest or park to the bank of a river or lake).
  • “-”: the option of a bachelorette party in nature is suitable only for the warm season and depends on the vagaries of the weather; suggests a sports type of clothing; you will have to take care of insect repellent, sun hats and blankets if it gets cold in the evening; requires serious preparation (thinking through seating and tables, purchasing food and drinks, delivering girlfriends to the party site and everything necessary).

Water park

Where to have a bachelorette party in an original and fun way? In a water park where you have a variety of entertainment at your disposal: extreme slides, lazy rivers, artificial waves, etc. For the warm season, choose water parks with outdoor pools and slides; for the cold season, choose water parks with indoor recreation and entertainment areas.

  • “+”: the bride and her bridesmaids will be able to have an active time, having fun on the slides, treating themselves to drinks and chatting with each other.
  • “-”: not everyone likes this type of recreation, especially extreme slides.

Motor ship/yacht

Many vivid impressions and positive emotions will give a bachelorette party on a boat or yacht. Moreover, you can throw a party in any style: from cozy chatting with glasses of wine to a themed party in the style of “The Great Gatsby”.

  • “+”: your friends will appreciate such an original place for a bachelorette party.
  • “-”: not the cheapest option for a place to host a bachelorette party; someone may get motion sickness on a ship; you will have to take care of food and drinks, as well as thematic decoration of the ship (although all these worries can be transferred to the shoulders of professional organizers, spending additional money on this).

Limousine/party bus

For a bachelorette party, you can order a large limousine and spend several hours in it, driving around the city at night. Romantic and fun, isn't it?!

  • “+”: the bride and her bridesmaids will be able to enjoy delicious treats and drinks and chat with each other, feeling like real stars.
  • “-”: you will have to prepare treats and drinks; The limousine can't accommodate too many people.

Advice: if you have a lot of girlfriends, but you don’t want to give up the idea of ​​having a fun bachelorette party on wheels, pay attention to the party-bus (party bus) - a bus converted inside into a mini-bar with a disco.

We have prepared detailed instructions about how to organize the best bachelorette party. How to choose the right day, where to start preparing for the holiday, how to correctly draw up a list of guests and send out invitations, how much a cool party will cost and what you can save on. We will answer these and many other questions in detail in this article.

Traditionally, the bachelorette party is organized by the bridesmaids or bridesmaid. Usually, girlfriends happily respond to the offer to arrange a get-together and prepare a real surprise for the bride.

If The budget for a bachelorette party is unlimited, It makes sense to contact a holiday event agency and get a professional organization of a turnkey bachelorette party. This will help you save time and effort. Specialists will arrange everything, come to agreements with everyone, draw up a script, select presenters and photographers.

Cost of organizing a bachelorette party turnkey may vary depending on the location and number of services. On average, the price range is from 15,000-20,000 and above. But there is no need to be upset if you are limited in funds. A stylish, memorable bachelorette party can be held inexpensively and tastefully. Next we will tell you how.

Who should pay for the bachelorette party?

The second point that is worth paying attention to is at whose expense the event will be held. Usually girlfriends chip in for a gift for the bride. All expenses for holding a party: rent of a restaurant or SPA center, photo shoot, car rental, usually paid by the bride.

How many days before the wedding should you have a bachelorette party?

Previously, the bachelorette party was held immediately before the wedding day. Today it is more convenient to do this, firstly, on weekends, when most of the guests are not working. Secondly, it is better to hold a bachelorette party in advance, since sleepless night, fatigue, alcohol can significantly impair appearance girls. Hence, best option— the next weekend before the wedding.

Let's start preparing for the bachelorette party

It is very important to start preparing for your bachelorette party at least a couple of weeks in advance. You need to carefully plan the meeting place, the format of the event, book a table in a cafe, write a script, and agree with a photographer and driver.

When the date of the bachelorette party is set and the place is chosen, we begin make a guest list and send out invitations. You need to invite really close friends to your bachelorette party, with whom you will have a pleasant time. You can make invitations for guests yourself.

The invitation can be in the format of a short video or presentation with photographs that will notify friends about the event.

You can make classic printed invitations. The invitation must correspond to the general theme of the celebration and reflect its idea.

For example, bright, colorful invitations are suitable for a Hawaiian party. To go to nightclub, make invitations in the form of entrance tickets.

In the invitation, indicate the date, time, meeting place and style of the event and the festive dress code.

Learn more about what must be included in the invitation text.

The best bachelorette party ideas

Today, the possibilities for holding a bachelorette party are endless. It all depends on your imagination and budget. We offer you the top 10 ideas selected by us:

  • Outdoor picnic in Boho style, Rustic. This is a summer version of the event. An evening of bohemian relaxation in nature with friends. Dress code - light lace dresses, loose-fitting light-colored sundresses. An abundance of jewelry, wreaths of flowers in the hair, ribbons. You can organize a small table with snacks and cocktails. A wonderful holiday will be complemented by interesting competitions and photo sessions.
  • Sauna or SPA salon. An ideal option for girls who love to take care of themselves. Here you can combine business with pleasure - relax with close friends before a serious event, as well as tidy up your appearance and relax. Book a massage or beauty treatment. A small amount of light cocktails will set the mood for a friendly conversation. Relaxing in a sauna with a swimming pool and relaxation treatments will refresh you and give you positive emotions.
  • Snowboarding and skydiving– classes are not only for brutal men. For adrenaline lovers, we suggest organizing a bachelorette party in the very unusual place. Book a parachute jump or learn to fly in a wind tunnel. Play paintball, go to the skating rink. There are many options for holding it, the main thing is that your friends share these hobbies.
  • Home bachelorette party. This option is perfect for those who do not want to turn the celebration into an evening of wild madness. Organize a culinary battle or invite a specialist to conduct a master class for the bride and guests. One of the varieties of a “home” bachelorette party is the popular “Pajama Party”. In a cozy atmosphere with only your closest friends, watch old photographs or a movie. Organize a competition for the best story about meeting the bride, play board games.
  • Bachelorette party in a creative workshop or dance studio. This is an option for the most active and inquisitive. Have fun and useful time - take dance lessons. Then you can surprise your wedding guests. Or attend a seminar or master class on some interesting topic.
  • Amusement park. Bright and creative way hold a bachelorette party. Dress code: colorful dresses, suits. Go on the rides and have a lot of fun. If desired, the amusement park can be replaced, for example, with a water park.
  • Quest around the city. This is the most mysterious and intriguing option to celebrate a bachelorette party. Following the prescribed instructions, move from one point to another. It could be a walk down memory lane, or a chase for an interesting prize. You can continue the celebration in a cafe or restaurant.
  • Rent a limousine or small bus for the whole evening. Drive around the city, take a lot of funny photos. Along the way you can stop at various bars and clubs. If your city has navigable rivers, you can have a bachelorette party on a yacht.
  • Bachelorette party in the style of “Queen of the Dance Floor”. Book a table at a nightclub and have a night of dancing. Light up the dance floor! Well, what would a bachelorette party be without a hot male striptease? An alternative could be going to a bowling alley or karaoke bar.

When developing an event plan, you need to take into account, first of all, the interests of the bride.

Organizing a themed party- a more painstaking task. Choose a topic, for example, “ Hawaiian party", "Hipsters", "Party in the style of the 80s", "Retro party", "Mafia". Warn your guests in advance so they have time to choose outfits and accessories. An integral part will be a fantastic photo shoot in costumes and a visit to the Jazz club.

Dress code

The main highlight is same part Every girl has a toilet: a hat, a ribbon, a bow, a hairpin or a veil. The bride and her bridesmaids wear the same things: T-shirts, shorts or dresses of the same color.

Often, as an addition, a light mesh fabric is used, gathered at the back of the head with a pin and depicting the bride’s veil. Girlfriends' veils can be of different colors. How to quickly make it from scrap materials - detailed, step by step instructions .

Organza skirts reminiscent of ballet tutus are also popular.

If possible, order identical T-shirts in different colors with cool inscriptions on the back: “Waiting for offers,” “I’m next,” “My mom needs a son-in-law.”

You can get by with minimal costs if you sew your own skirts or use the denim style. Every girl has jeans in her wardrobe, and they go very well with white T-shirts or T-shirts.

Be sure to read the article in which we collected.

You can have an unforgettable bachelorette party at home. You can read about how to do this on the website.


Pay special attention to choosing a photographer. In a couple of years, you will want to revive pleasant memories, and good quality photographs are best suited for this.

When choosing a photographer, carefully view his portfolio. Some photographers specialize in portrait photography, others in street or studio photography. Choose a professional who is close to you in spirit. He will be able to capture not only the events of the day, but also capture your mood and emotions. Arrange with him in advance for the date you need.


The next thing to take care of is transportation. If you decide to order a limousine or yacht, you need to book a date in advance and make an advance payment.

Main expense items

In each specific case, the bachelorette party budget is calculated individually. The most budget-friendly option is to have a house party, or go to a nightclub with free entry.

Let's look at the main expense items for a bachelorette party. Prices may vary depending on the city.

  • Limousine rental– from 1500-2500 rub/hour
  • Rent a yacht, boat– from 7000-10 000 rub/hour
  • Photographer– from 1000-2000 rubles/hour depending on the degree of professionalism
  • Order a cake– from 1000 rub/kg
  • Program in the SPA salon– from 2000-4000 rubles/person.
  • Order a stripper– from 2500-3500 rub/hour or program
  • Master class– from 1500-2000 rub. Without material
  • Dance lesson– from 300-500 rubles/person.

For budget savings You can make some things yourself, for example, props for a photo shoot, costumes, accessories. Note: the so-called fixed price stores, where all products have the same price, are a treasure trove of inexpensive props for themed parties. You can find many interesting things in them.

The easiest option is to get together at someone's house, drink a couple of cocktails, watch a good movie and just have a good chat with the girls. Maybe among your friends there is someone who wants to teach a culinary master class. Making your own treats will significantly reduce costs.

The ideal bachelorette party is a carefully planned event. The most important component of his success is the pleasant, spiritual company of his closest friends. The rest is your imagination and a little creativity. Don't be afraid to experiment! This day should be one of better days in your life!

Date of publication: 11/27/2017 10:25

Just no latex nurse outfits, please!

If the ideas of t-shirts with the same slogans and pink boas seem banal to you, then this guide will help you decide on an original theme for your bachelorette party.

Most brides prefer to come up with a specific dress code or theme for the party. Not only is this a great way to get everyone involved festive mood and feel like part of a team, but also makes it easier to find your girlfriends in the crowd - which can come in handy. Not to mention, the uniform dress code looks great in photos!

Today we will tell you about 10 cool themed parties that will definitely please both the bride and her friends.

1. If you are planning a certain dress code, then inform your friends about it as early as possible! You can also create your own selection of pictures so that everyone correctly understands your wishes in appearance.

2. Choose a theme that is close to the bride’s heart. Think about how she dresses for special occasions, whether she likes noisy parties or more home gatherings.

3. Think about money. If you know that some of your guests are on a budget, choose a theme that each of your friends will have in their wardrobe.

1. Sex and the City

The cult series is especially popular among women. Organizing such an event is very easy! Pair tutu skirts with simple tops and cute heels for inspiration from Carrie Bradshaw. Add accessories and jewelry for

extra glamor.

Do you remember how Kerry’s bachelorette party went in “Sex in big city"? She planned to move and her friends came to help her in this difficult matter. And Keri staged an impromptu fashion show and walked like a catwalk in front of her friends, who voted on which dress to keep and which to throw away.

Surely, like any girl, your closet is full of things, and not all of them you will take into later life. So stock up on champagne and arrange such a modeling show for yourself and your friends. Turn on loud music - it will be a lot of fun!

2. Visiting the Great Gatsby

The party is imbued with the atmosphere of the era of the 20s of the last century: luxury, jazz, golden color.

Be inspired by vintage dresses, retro hairstyles and bright makeup. Add headpieces and lots of jewelry for the perfect art deco look. A small pile of glasses of champagne, delicious snacks and exotic fruits will add a special atmosphere of chic. Recreate the atmosphere of those times, play mafia, cards. And remember, Little party never kill anyone!

3. Pajama Party

This ideal option for a home party. Wear fancy pajamas, fun eye masks, and cute fuzzy slippers! Or vice versa, organize a sexy party with translucent negligees, silk nightgowns and garters. In the end it will turn out like

4. Little black dress

Simple but stylish theme! All guests can wear a black dress, and the bride will wear white. What girl doesn't have a little black dress in her wardrobe? Modernize this theme into a Breakfast at Tiffany's style by adding pearls, gloves and sunglasses!

5. Lovely Boho

One of the most popular bachelorette party themes nowadays. The most best place for organizing a pre-wedding party - it's outdoors, by the lake. For stylish look the bride and her bridesmaids are perfect for light, loose maxi dresses, lots of fringe or

floral kimonos. Add flower crowns as well as temporary tattoos. Shoes are selected with flat soles. These can be shoes or woven sandals to create the image of beautiful forest nymphs. To organize a buffet, a blanket and snacks of fruits, berries, cookies and other things will be enough.

6. Marine style

Celebrate the bride's farewell to single life with this creative theme. Any nautical themed clothing and matching decorations, such as a fun sailor hat, will do! These can be shorts, vests, skirts, blouses with a square collar, T-shirts or T-shirts.

Colors used in marine-themed clothing: blue, white, yellow. A fun option might be to use a pirate outfit.

Undoubtedly, a stylish yacht is best suited for a nautical themed bachelorette party. Today there are no problems with renting a sea vessel. The only limitation may be your budget. If it's winter, then go to a seafood restaurant!

7. In tuxedos

A bomb idea that will surprise everyone around you! It is not at all necessary to buy a full tuxedo set; guests can dress in black trousers, white shirt and a bow tie, and the bride will be in white! And don't forget about red lipstick!