How can I find a good girl. How to find a girl for a serious relationship

With the onset of a certain age, many guys begin to seriously think about where to find good girl who will be interested in serious relationships and starting a family. Exists large number places where you can meet girls of different age categories and with different views on life. Which of them are the most popular and what categories of girls can be found in them?


Modern youth prefers to communicate on social networks and in chat rooms. You can use this method to meet a girl. In order to find her, you just need to monitor the pages of your acquaintances and friends from your hometown to find a suitable passion. As soon as you find one, you can start communicating with her - everything is quite simple.

By the way, you can find not only young girls on social networks - today women who are at a fairly serious age also have their own pages on them, so adult, but single men can also try to look for the love of their life on the Internet.

In order to have the most successful dating with girls online, you need to fill out your profile correctly, indicating the maximum amount of truthful information about yourself. This is especially true for sections that talk about interests and hobbies. The photo must also be real.

Parties and themed events

Another option for a place where you can find a girl is some theme party. As a rule, for such events it is chosen more quantity people who want to find their soulmate. Among them, of course, there are girls. If you wish, you can freely approach the person you like and casually start a conversation - she will definitely support it if you behave confidently.

If you make acquaintances on thematic events, then in this case the guy may know about the interest of the fair sex - otherwise why would she come to an event on this particular topic?

Public transport

Every day, when heading somewhere, guys may not even realize that they are in a place where they can easily meet girls - this is crowded public transport. It doesn’t matter what it is - metro, bus, trolleybus, minibus or something else - there are always representatives of the fair sex in it, one of whom can become a soul mate for life.

It is also very easy to make new acquaintances at bus stops. Often, beautiful girls stand on them while waiting for transport - at such moments it is very easy to start communicating with him. As soon as the stranger’s bus arrives, you can take advantage of the situation and go in her direction, continuing the conversation. Who knows: maybe you will be on the same path?

Catering establishments

During the lunch break, you can also find a smart and beautiful girl, for which you just need to look into a cafe or restaurant - in such establishments there are always representatives of the fair sex. Some of them come to such places not only to eat. They also want to meet young and interesting guys.

Before starting a conversation with the girl you like, you can treat her to something or offer to pay her bill, after first making a positive impression on her. As practice shows, in this case there are practically no refusals to meet someone.

Shopping complex

In any major city in Russia there are large shopping complexes, which are equipped not only with shops, but also with recreation areas and places for entertainment - these are ideal places where you can find the girl of your dreams.

As a rule, such places are visited by a huge number of women and girls every day. Among them there are many beautiful ones who prefer to visit expensive shops and salons - it is quite possible to get to know them. If desired, a guy has the opportunity to take a girl to some entertaining place and immediately get to know her better and make a positive impression.


IN lately it has become popular to go to gyms. Couples and then families often form in such places. The gym is a place where finding a beautiful girl with a great figure will not be difficult. By the way, many guys start going to the gym precisely in order to find a suitable passion for themselves, which in practice is a very right choice.

When visiting this place to meet someone, a guy may assume that one of the girl’s hobbies is sports and healthy image life. You can start a conversation with her on this topic, and later look for other points of contact, if, of course, this is necessary.


A nightclub is a place that both boys and girls often visit to meet each other. Establishments of this kind are perfect as places where you can find a girl, and, most likely, she will be bright, stylish, well-groomed and with an active lifestyle. As a rule, the fair sex also loves fun and parties, which also needs to be taken into account, so if a guy is a homebody by nature, then it is best not to look for his beloved there - you can choose a quieter and more peaceful place.


If a guy doesn’t know where to find a good girl, he can always turn to friends and acquaintances for help. Each of them has its own separate social circle, in which, undoubtedly, there are representatives of the fair sex. If you wish, you can attend some friendly party where a large number of interesting representatives of the fair sex will gather.

Also, many experienced guys, before thinking about where to find a beautiful girl, recommend remembering all the fair sex they know. Perhaps there is some attractive person among them with whom you can try to build a serious relationship?

Stores with women's goods

The original place where you can find a girl is a store women's clothing or cosmetics. Only in this case, you don’t need to place him, but get a job there. To do this, of course, it will be necessary to study some issues related to such labor activity, but the attention of young and beautiful people is guaranteed. You can start getting acquainted with each of them without much difficulty - she herself will even show some interest in the sales guy who will recommend this or that thing to her. In addition, in such an environment it will be possible to give the beauty several pleasant compliments that will definitely not leave her indifferent.

Other places

Where to find your soul mate? Of course, in the place where the girls “live”! There are actually a lot of such places. For example, any guy can get a job in a women's club, a catering establishment, or a beauty salon. There are quite a few guys who apply makeup professionally, cosmetics, color your hair or get your nails done. Their clients are exclusively women and young girls, with whom you can always meet and maintain contact. Perhaps among them there will be the one and only one!

A great opportunity to start an active search for your love is to get a job as a massage therapist or doctor. Level of communication with women of different ages among representatives of such professions is also quite large.

Cultural places

If a guy is a fan of art and wants to get a highly educated girl with common interests as his companion, it is best not to go to nightclub, but to some exhibition or museum. It will be very good if it is some sensational out-of-town project that many people want to attend.

Another place where finding a girl for a serious relationship will not be difficult - the theater. As a rule, only girls with a special type of intelligence and outlook on life go to such places. Therefore, if a guy belongs to the category of lovers of this art, then he should look for a partner in such places.


Girls often go to such events, some of them in the company of their friends. If you want to start a conversation with the person you like, you can simply sit down with her and ask what she thinks about a particular issue that was raised during the event. The guy also has the opportunity to discuss with the girl some issues that might arise during the event, and after it ends, invite her to spend time in a cafe or restaurant.

It will be very good if a guy chooses a training or other educational event based on his interests, because girls who will have similar problems or views will be present - having common ground will help develop relationships in the right direction.

How to impress a girl

In order for the acquaintance to take place and have some kind of continuation, the guy must impress his chosen one. To do this, you need to know what women want to see in the men who are next to them.

As a rule, among representatives of the fairer sex, the overwhelming majority has a desire to get an accomplished and independent man, strong in spirit and mind. In addition, external data at the first meeting is also of no small importance. Therefore, when asking questions about where to look for a girl, you should also pay attention to your appearance. In particular, this concerns neatness and neatness.

During the meeting, you can make some pleasant gestures and thereby draw her attention to you. For example, you can shake your hand to an unfamiliar girl when getting off the bus or offer to pay her bill in a cafe. In addition, you can start meeting a beautiful girl with a simple compliment that will definitely make her smile at the guy.

Good day, dear reader! Here you will learn about how to find a girl for a relationship and how to overcome your shyness. After implementing the advice, you will be able to find a girl despite your shyness and learn to communicate with the opposite sex confidently and at ease.

Very often, young people wonder: complain that during a conversation they feel constrained, nervous, and as if all eloquence and topics for communication instantly disappear. Moreover, it is very difficult for such guys to overcome themselves, to approach a girl on the street and start a conversation. If you want to make a positive impression on a girl, you need to develop self-confidence. It is very important not to be shy and behave naturally during a conversation.

How to achieve this, you ask? Remember, friend: you need to constantly leave your comfort zone. For each of us, this comfort zone has its own boundaries: for one person the comfort zone allows one to feel calm and relaxed when speaking in public, but for some it does not even allow them to approach a passing beauty and say “hello”, for others it does not It is difficult to communicate with strangers, and some are afraid to come up and ask for directions or find out the time.

So, in order to expand your comfort zone, you need to make a list of things that are difficult for you to do. The more discomfort they bring you, the more suitable they are. For example, the list might look like this:

  • Say hello to a girl on the street.
  • Talk to a stranger for at least 10 minutes.
  • Get the girl's phone number.
  • Approach two girls at once.
  • Sing a song in a crowded place.
  • Speak publicly.

By following these points, you will gradually expand your boundaries and fight your shyness, you will gain experience communicating with strangers and you will already know what phrases you should use when meeting people on the street. It is important to carry them out in sequence from the simplest to the most complex. As practice shows, 7 days after completing all these tasks, shyness goes away. This method is an excellent “cure” for shyness., because nothing else will help you overcome yourself except practice and effort on yourself. Now you know what you need to do in order to feel more comfortable when starting an acquaintance. Next we’ll talk about how to successfully meet a girl to create a relationship.

What you should know when starting to meet a charming stranger. Treat dating like a game: more attempts - more chances to win. Meet a girl for serious relationship You can do it anywhere: the main thing is a positive attitude, calmness and confidence. It is also important to let the girl know that you are interested in at the moment doesn't care about anything but herself.

If you approach a group of girls and ask one of them for a number, don’t make a mistake. In no case should you immediately ask someone else for a phone number if they refuse. The girls' reaction will make you regret what you did.

The stereotype that only dissolute and partying young ladies go to nightclubs is no longer relevant. Nowadays, people go to such establishments not only to sleep with someone, but also to simply relax, chat and dance. So a nightclub should also not be ruled out as an option where to find a girl for a relationship. Take a closer look at your surroundings: perhaps there are also beautiful and pleasant girls in your educational institution or at work. The advantage is that even if you are too shy, you don’t need to look for reasons to get acquainted, because there are so many of them.

You can meet your companion among your friends. The larger your social circle, the more likely it is that one of them has a cute sister. Just meet people on the street. You can go up to an unknown beauty and give her a flower picked from a nearby flower bed and tell her a compliment. This gesture will most likely make the stranger smile and cheer you both up.

Places where you can easily find a girl for a serious relationship

1. The metro is a place where hundreds of beauties are found every day. I advise you to meet at the station that is closest to your home, because if the dating process is successful, there is a high probability that the young lady also lives nearby and you will not have to go to the other end of the city on a date with her.

2. Cafe. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see a girl sitting alone and drinking tea or coffee in a cafe. She is not necessarily waiting for someone - perhaps she is just resting after a hard day at work. This is a very good opportunity to make acquaintances: the beauty sits alone, nothing distracts her and she is in no hurry. You just need to not miss the opportunity, come up and start getting acquainted. If she reacts positively and smiles, then everything is going according to plan, perhaps she was just waiting for you to approach her, and for you to find what you were looking for.

3. Shopping complex- this is a wonderful place where you can find a girl: on average, about 30 thousand women visit the shopping center per day - from such a number of representatives of the fair sex, you will definitely find yours.

4. Hypermarket – this place is also visited by a lot of girls. Here you don’t even need to figure out where to start getting acquainted. For example, you take any perfume, go up to the young lady you like and say: “Hi, I want to buy a gift for my sister, do you think she will like it?” Such an acquaintance can be played out with anything, the main thing here is to act confidently. The advantage of this method is that you first of all talk about distant topics: talk to the girl about perfume or something else, after a while you can ask her name or ask for her phone number.

5. Minibuses or other public transport. For example, you get into a minibus and see a stranger sitting alone - sit down next to her and start a conversation. An important point there is a need to do this right away. After this it will be much more difficult to do this, the longer you tune in, the more fear and doubt you will have. If you first sit down with a young lady, and only after some time you start a dialogue with her, the girl may guess that you are experiencing fear and uncertainty. So, feel free to meet people on public transport, but don’t hesitate!

6. Pedestrian crossing. As long as the traffic light is red, the girl will communicate with you, the main thing is to choose the right phrases to meet a girl on the street. If the acquaintance goes well, go with her as if you were on the same road and take her phone number.

Here we describe the most optimal places for dating, available to every guy. Even if your entire daily route consists only of work and home, you will probably meet a lot of cute girls along the way. Don’t miss the opportunity, fight your inner complexes and fears, be brave and confident - then luck will definitely smile on you and the best girl in the world will definitely become yours. Good luck!

Many guys and men don't know how and where find a girl your dreams, for a serious relationship or just for once, so that she doesn’t refuse you and she likes you. Since the main problem is not with the girls, but with you, since the girl who liked you doesn’t like you, or you haven’t even started searching yet.

In this article you will learn how and where find a girl your dreams for a serious relationship or for a one-time relationship, but the most important thing is not just to know these secrets, but to put them into practice and talk about the result in the comments below. To find a girl, you need, first of all, to start looking for her, how and where, read below in the article.

To find the girl of your dreams and know how to do it, you need not knowledge, but experience and practice, but knowledge can help you not make unnecessary mistakes and find the girl of your dreams faster. First of all, you need to remain brave and confident, as girls love them, and not be afraid of rejection, since there are much more girls than guys, so you have a wide choice.

To know how and where to find a girl for once, you need to understand that with such a girl you will not have to think about any serious relationship and it is unlikely that such a girl will be your dream. There are such girls in almost every nightclub, on the Internet and on the street, but remember that this does not mean that there are no good girls in these places, so learn to distinguish them by their behavior.

Girls at one time behave easily and can even be the first to meet you, they do not have any complexes, are very bold in conversation and talk mainly about non-cultural things, swear. Therefore such girls easy to distinguish from modest and good girls who generally don’t go to nightclubs and don’t meet just anyone on the Internet.

If you want to know how and where to find a girl for life, then think about what you personally like and go to those places where you feel fun, calm and good. First find yourself in life, and then start looking for a girl.

Finding yourself means understanding what you want from life, finding your favorite thing, purpose and meaning of life. Only after this you can find a girl for life, for a serious relationship for a long time. Walk in those places where you feel good, don’t adapt to the majority, think for yourself and then you will meet your girl exactly where you often walk and relax. Find out: since this best way dating and seduction.

If you have found yourself in life and now want to find the girl of your dreams for a serious relationship for a long time, then you need to relax, since the girl herself will find you and make sure that you meet her first. You won’t even notice it, and perhaps all your life you will think that it was you who found the girl, but in fact, it was she who found you and seduced you.

Therefore, if you want to live your life with a decent and good girl, become such a guy yourself. Like reaches out to like. If you have not achieved anything in life, then you will not be able to fill the best with anything. girl the one you want to be with.

There are a lot of girls and even more than guys. But because of this, it is they who suffer, turning from worthy and modest into accessible girls and at one time. It's your own fault that girls are like this. Change yourself and then girls will change.

psycho- olog. ru

Invite your girlfriend to do something fun. This will allow you to indirectly express your interest. Offer some fun and ask what she thinks about it. If she is interested, then offer to meet. If not, suggest another activity that matches her hobbies. If you refuse again, just don’t force yourself.

  • For example, say: “There's a cup final this weekend. Do you want to go?"
  • Another option: “Haven’t bowled in so long. And you?"

Warning: Remember that hints can lead to misunderstandings. The girl may decide that you are simply offering to meet as friends.

  • Ask a girl out on a date , if you are not decisive. A direct approach is the surest option, but there is always a chance of being rejected. Tell the girl that you are interested in her and ask her to meet.

    • Say, “I think we have a lot in common. I would like to invite you on a date. How about dinner on Friday?"
  • Be attentive on a date to make the girl feel special. A date is your chance to make a good impression on her. Be polite and attentive. How to show your interest:

    • put your phone aside;
    • ask different questions;
    • look the girl in the eyes when she speaks;
    • take an interest in the girl’s affairs and life;
    • give compliments.
  • At the end of the date, ask to meet again. Show that you had a great time and don't give up new meeting. After the date, text the girl or call her and tell her again that you enjoyed the meeting.

    • Say, “I would like to meet you again.”
    • If you want, you can ask about a new date later. For example, write the next day after the meeting and arrange a second date.
    • If you are already an adult, it is better to wait a few days.
  • Give your girl time to develop your relationship. The amount of time depends on your age and employment. Post and interact on social media every day. Plan regular dates and get-togethers, even if you see each other at school all the time. Always try to sit next to a girl during a class or event.

    • It is advisable to go on several dates or chat for a while before asking a girl to date. Be patient and don't rush the girl.
    • Conversations, correspondence and meetings will help you get closer and interest the girl.
  • Invite the girl to meet in person when you are ready. Go to a private place and tell her that you really like her. Then ask if she would agree to date you.

    • Say: “I feel very good with you, and I would like to ask directly. Will you agree to be my girlfriend?
  • Hello dear reader! Of course, I understand that this topic is hackneyed, there are a lot of articles with the same content on this issue, but if they helped, then I would not have written this question now. I’ll say the following about myself: I’m 23 years old, I work as a KamAZ driver and I’m very happy about it, because I really respect serious, charismatic cars. In general, and, one might say, a way of life. You see, I absolutely don’t know how and where to find a girl. It would seem that life has settled down now, I bought a vintage car (again, as a hobby, not a means of transportation), got a job official work not far from home, but the thought that I don’t even know a girl, not even with friends (I mean free), is haunting. , I don't know either. With the boys, I can talk about my loved one, and they will understand me. And the girls... It feels like this aspect of life has passed me by. There is no need to say that everything is ahead, because I imagine that Varick will remain alone all his life. Where to look for them, free girls? I tried to meet people on the Internet, and in the end they all freeze me, a loser. I won’t call myself a dirty chump, and I won’t call myself a trash either. An ordinary working guy. So what should we do? Please advise, bro!

    Answer: on social networks or the real world. The main thing is to look, not to wait!

    Well, great, working class! Your cars are truly charismatic. If I had one, I would have been married and divorced 30 times already. All my life I was sure that the driver of a KamAZ truck only had to drive up, sing: “Let’s go, beauty, for a ride,” and that’s it, life was settled. And there’s nothing to say about retro cars. If you signaled to me beautiful girl in a '69 Mustang, offering to go for a ride, I wouldn't hesitate to take it. But for some reason they don’t signal.

    Your problem, my friend, is precisely that you are not looking for, but expecting, that in your cramped, not at all feminine world, an ideal young lady will appear with whom you can do an engine overhaul and discuss which of your mutual friends has the biggest ass. Where to look for available girls? Somewhere outside the circle where they only talk about cars. To do this, you need to somehow get out of your cozy microworld and try something new. To be honest, we have written so much on this topic. There are, for example, dry cleaners and supermarkets. Something tells you that you don’t really like going to the theater, but you can sign up for courses that interest you. You never know, suddenly you are interested in something other than cars.

    I understand perfectly well that drivers of heavy-duty vehicles do not have arms, but steel hooks, but if you suddenly want to pump up the rest of your body, go to.

    Get acquainted, especially in such heat, anywhere. But first you need to get out from behind the wheel. You see, you won’t find a decent woman with just a retro car. In general, beware of women who are bribed by your property. To attract a good girl, you need to be something. And you know what your interests are. Demeanor - God bless them, but judging by what you wrote, your range of interests is small. What are you going to talk to her about? Are you interested in anything other than cars? If not, then it’s very sad, the likelihood of finding a madam who is ready to discuss the lack of money in the family and carburetors until the end of her days is zero. Therefore, I strongly recommend developing your horizons. Maybe there are things that you would like to do earlier, but you still haven’t had enough time for them? So, it’s time to do them, find time in your schedule.

    Don't stop trying to find a girlfriend through dating sites or social media, even if you were unlucky the first couple of times. This is a great way, I personally know people who were brought into the registry office by a well-known service and a well-known social network. But who will be won over by your virtues? What do you have except permanent job and cars? I don’t want to upset you, but you’ll have to be content with what the others haven’t figured out. So don’t lean on the material, tighten up the spiritual. If you are too busy, then the Internet can help. Maybe you'll find a car driver on a dating site. Then catch some to boot. Everything is written here.

    We have also written a lot about talking. you can, but to maintain a conversation, you need to develop yourself, read books. However, the main thing with a woman is to talk, and then it will become clear what to talk about. The main thing is that, oddly enough, they are also people, so you are simply overestimating the situation.

    The entire BroDude team believes in you and wishes you good luck!