How to properly pluck eyebrows at home? Detailed step-by-step instructions. How to pluck eyebrows correctly: tips and tricks How to pluck the correct eyebrow shape

Correctly plucked eyebrows can correct the shape of the eyes and at the same time add elegance to the face. Even the most attractive appearance can be ruined by unkempt or improperly plucked eyebrows. Therefore, it is better to monitor their condition constantly.

Choice of length, width and shape

The choice of eyebrow shape directly depends on the shape of the face, which can be varied.

And yet, there are 5 main forms:

  1. Round face. For girls with a similar type of face, raised, pointed eyebrows with a break near the outer edge are suitable.
  2. Square shaped face. They should be slightly raised and shaped like a rainbow. The head should be wide with a smooth transition into a straight line near the center of the eye. Pointed corners will complement the cheekbones of a square face.
  3. Triangular face type. The best option is a rounded and slightly raised arch of the eyebrows.
  4. Long face. Straight eyebrows will help visually expand the shape of your face. Their width should be medium, since thin eyebrows will not be able to emphasize the look. It is better to raise the tail a little up.
  5. Oval face will be decorated with a curved shape, which should be slightly raised.

Preparing the instrument and eyebrows

Before you begin the plucking procedure, you should prepare your tools and work area. You can use tweezers or tweezers; in any case, the tool must be of good quality. Before using tweezers, you must disinfect them; you can use alcohol for this.

The next step will be choosing a mirror. It should be large so that you can see the entire face, and of course both eyebrows at the same time to give them the same shape. The mirror must be fixed so that both hands are free to work.

Before starting the procedure, the working area must be wiped with lotion or any other liquid that contains alcohol. Work areas are treated; if the skin is inflamed, it is better not to apply alcohol to it.

For overly sensitive skin, you can apply hot compresses to open up the pores. For pain relief, you can use ice cubes, which should be applied to the plucking area.

Step-by-step plucking instructions

  1. Sit in front of a well-lit mirror. Comb your eyebrows with a small comb or brush. The movements are performed in such a way that the hairs remain in their natural position.
  2. The pencil or pen must be placed parallel to the nose. The beginning of the brow line will start where the pencil touches it. Using a cosmetic pencil, you can draw a vertical line along the beginning of the eyebrow. The same manipulation should be done with the second half.
  3. All hairs are removed with tweezers, which protrude beyond the drawn line. The hair must be held at its very base and pulled out with a sharp movement.
  4. Next, the pencil is placed along the line of the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. In the place where the pencil intersects the eyebrow line, you should put a dot - this is its end.
  5. All hairs protruding beyond the point are removed. These manipulations are carried out simultaneously on both sides.
  6. Use a white pencil to outline each eyebrow from above and below. The line must follow the boundary to be processed.
  7. All hairs that extend beyond the white line are removed. There is no need to rush here so that the shape is the same.
  8. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the white pencil lines. The areas where hairs have been plucked can be treated with a soothing lotion.

How to minimize pain?

The plucking procedure is not very pleasant, since pulling out hairs causes pain.

In order to minimize them, the following recommendations should be applied:

  1. 20 minutes before the procedure you need to apply a warm compress. To do this, you can use pieces of gauze soaked in hot water or a decoction of herbs, for example, you can use chamomile.
  2. Also, the skin can be frozen, using ice cubes from plain water or herbal decoction.
  3. 20 minutes before plucking You need to apply a softening eye cream to your skin. Before the procedure, you will need to wipe it with lotion so that the tweezers do not slip.
  4. You can hold your face over the steam for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Can use gel, used for rubbing into the gums of teething children. After the effect occurs, it should also be removed from the skin using lotion.
  6. If you stretch the skin on your eyebrows, then the pain will be felt less.
  7. It is better to pluck hairs on both sides at once., that is, a couple of hairs on one side, then on the other. So the pain will decrease, and the uniformity will be the same.
  8. During menstruation, it is better not to pluck hair., since sensitivity increases during this period.

What to do after the procedure?

After the procedure, you should not forget about your eyebrows until your next hair plucking. They must be monitored every day and adhere to the following rules:

  1. To make hair more manageable If their growth improves, you should brush your eyebrows daily with a brush. As a comb, you can use a mascara brush, which must first be washed.
  2. Adjustments should be made once a week using tweezers.
  3. Long hairs that do not fit well into the eyebrow can be trimmed.
  4. You should choose the right colors of pencil or shadows. For blondes, it is better to use one or two shades darker than their hair; for brunettes, on the contrary, it is better to use a half tone or tone lighter.

Plucking with thread

Even in ancient times, women looked after their beauty and eyebrows were also subject to correction. But there were no special devices, and ordinary thread was used for this.

This ancient method is now widely used. Although the thread is more painful, the rate of removal is increased. With one movement you can pull out several hairs at once.


  1. The hairs become thin and soft with each removal procedure.
  2. The risk of infections is reduced.
  3. Soreness, irritation and redness of the skin are reduced to a minimum.
  4. Thanks to the thread, you can get rid of even the lightest hairs.
  5. Ingrown hairs into the skin are prevented.
  6. This method is suitable for both women and men who can correct their mustache or beard.
  7. The hair follicle is completely removed, so the time between corrections increases to a month.
  8. There is no need to buy expensive high-quality tweezers or wax to remove hair.
  9. This method leads to, which is very difficult to achieve from using tweezers.


  1. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, it will be very painful.
  2. For those who cannot tolerate pain, such a cosmetic procedure is contraindicated.
  3. Practicing with thread is quite difficult.
  4. The thread can catch a piece of skin, and this will lead to pain.
  5. If there are moles or moles on the skin in the eyebrow area, the procedure is contraindicated.
  6. During menstruation or pregnancy, the pain threshold increases, so the thread should be abandoned.

Few people succeed in plucking hairs with a thread the first time. You shouldn't be upset about this. After just a few training sessions, the correction will take place much faster.

Before the procedure, preparatory work is performed:

  1. Contrast wash, which ends with hot water. Open pores will not hold the hair follicle so tightly.
  2. You can also use the freezing method using ice cubes.
  3. The work area should be disinfected.
  4. After these procedures, the hairs must dry, since when wet they will not cling well to the thread.
  5. The shape can be drawn with a pencil.
  6. Combing them with a brush towards the forehead against the growth of the eyebrows will help ensure access to all the hairs.
  7. Next, you should prepare the thread.
  8. It needs to be tied to make a circle.
  9. The thread is thrown onto both hands, so that the thumbs are free.
  10. In the middle it twists, forming 7-10 turns. To do this, just twist your palms in an “X”-like position.
  11. After this, the thread must be transferred to the thumb and index finger of both hands.
  12. Then, alternately spreading your fingers, direct the twist to the hair, which will pluck the hair.
  13. Hair inside the outlined contour should not fall into the loop.
  14. Hair is removed according to growth, and not vice versa.
  15. Upon completion of the procedure, treat the work area with an antiseptic.

In order not to create a new form each time, it should be maintained after a successful correction.

Not everyone knows how to properly pluck eyebrows at home. Eyebrows add charm to the eyes, emphasizing their depth. In order to give your face expressiveness, you should know a few tricks that will help you easily and without any problems carry out a simple procedure yourself.

Thanks to the advice of experts, you can easily cope with eyebrow plucking at home. So, to expand your pores, it is best to take a shower or wash your face with warm water. Thanks to this, you can carry out this procedure painlessly. It is best to start this in the evening or an hour before going out. The skin turns red and swells slightly after plucking. To achieve maximum effect, lubricate the skin with soothing agents, getting rid of adverse effects. In order not to risk your beauty, it is better to gradually remove unnecessary hairs. This way, you don’t risk ruining the shape of your eyebrows. Hair should be plucked in the direction of its growth. Be sure to remove hair from the roots. Otherwise they will grow back quickly and you will have to start over. If the hair is too long and out of line, use scissors to trim it carefully.

How to correctly determine the appropriate eyebrow shape?

The first mistake is distorting your own, natural eyebrow shape. It makes your eyes look emphasized. Just by adjusting them a little, you will achieve the desired result and be able to change your eyebrow.

The contours of your face will help you decide on the shape of your eyebrows. Each face shape has a specific type of eyebrow. For a square face, oblong eyebrows with a slightly curved shape are most often suitable. For chubby women with a triangular face shape, raised eyebrows will be just right. Arched eyebrows look best on an oval face. If you find it difficult to determine your face shape on your own, seek outside help without starting the procedure. The shape and bend also depend on the shape of the eyes. Thick and slightly arched eyebrows are perfect for wide and large eyebrows. For little ones - thin and twisty. When plucking eyebrows at home, caution is necessary.

To determine your own shape, you need to take any thin stick or even a regular pencil. Place one end of it against the wing of your nose and follow its tip. First, the line perpendicular to the nostril is the starting point of the eyebrow. Secondly, in the place where the pencil touches, there is a point where the eyebrow bends. Third, a line touching the corner of the eye marks the end point of the eyebrow. With three pencil strokes you can easily identify the main points to work on.

How to pluck eyebrows with tweezers?

Before starting work, check the quality of lighting in the room. The light should be bright, preferably daylight if possible. The work is quite painstaking. Pre-wash your face by treating it with a special lotion.

Pay most attention to the skin around the eyebrows. Having chosen the desired size of tweezers, wipe them well in alcohol or any other antibacterial solution.

Then comb your eyebrows in the direction of their growth to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary plucking of hairs.

Before you start working, remember: you absolutely cannot touch the upper part of your eyebrows. This part is always perfectly smooth and beautiful. When plucking, try to grab the hair at the very root. It is necessary to make sharp movements in the direction of hair growth.

How to pluck eyebrows painlessly?

Many women cannot stand pain, and this is quite natural. Wanting to have it, they try to endure the inconvenience during the procedure. Most girls complain that due to the unpleasant sensation, it becomes harder to pull out their eyebrows and this procedure lasts longer than planned.

To avoid unnecessary expenditure of effort and time, there are several tips to reduce pain. Firstly, a piece of ice is perfect for this. It will ideally soften the skin and open the pores, which will have a beneficial effect on further work.

Secondly, you can apply a warm compress to the skin, which will soften it and dull the pain threshold. The third method is to pull back the skin. Thanks to tension, the pain dulls and becomes weaker. There is also a special cream that completely relieves pain.

How to pluck eyebrows using a thread?

There are several ways to create beautiful eyebrows at home.

Not everyone prefers to pluck their hair with tweezers; some women do it with a thread. This method came to us from Ancient India, in which devices such as tweezers did not yet exist.

This method is more painful, but after it the hair grows twice as slow. You can pull out two hairs at the same time, which speeds up the process.

Take a cotton thread of any length convenient for you and tie it on your fingers using a special design, when formed, the thread is tied into a ring so as to form a figure eight. To prevent the thread from moving apart, cross it together twice.

By easily grasping hairs with a thread, you can remove several at once. Due to the effectiveness of the procedure, you will have to slightly adjust them and only do it again after a month.

Learning how to pluck your eyebrows beautifully at home is not difficult. By following the rules and advice of experts, you can easily achieve the desired result on your own. Thanks to several existing technologies, you will choose the most convenient and effective one for yourself.

Some tips will help you get rid of pain during the procedure. Now you know how to create a beautiful eyebrow shape.

Not every girl knows how to pluck her eyebrows correctly, but this is one of the easiest ways to quickly transform her appearance. If you remove unnecessary hairs according to all the rules, you can significantly simplify the process, reduce pain, and get perfect eyebrows as a result.

Form selection

To pluck your eyebrows correctly, you need to choose their shape. The right choice will help highlight your strengths and hide your facial imperfections. Therefore, it is important to determine the shape of your face and boldly pluck your eyebrows, taking into account the nuances.

Hair removal methods

There are several ways to properly remove unwanted hair. Inside:

  • with tweezers - the master independently selects the correct shape and carefully plucks out unnecessary hairs;
  • thread - this type of depilation is more gentle, due to the fact that eyebrows are plucked faster, in whole rows at a time;
  • waxing is a quick way to give your eyebrows the desired shape. Typically, wax strips are used to remove unnecessary hair in almost a couple of operations. There is a minus - you should choose a specialist with caution; if you move awkwardly, there is a chance of being left without an eyebrow;
  • laser - with this method, not only hairs are removed, but the hair follicles are destroyed, so the result is long-lasting. You cannot get rid of excess hair in a single procedure - they will need to be done 4-5 times for an ideal result. The downside is the significant price.

At home, you can pluck your eyebrows correctly:

  • with tweezers - with the right skill, you can quickly and accurately correct the shape of your eyebrows.
    Pros - it’s convenient to carry tweezers with you so you can correct your eyebrows on the go, low cost of the tool, pain decreases with each procedure;
  • thread - the procedure requires skill and practice, but the quick result is worth it;
  • wax - when depilating yourself using this method, you should be more careful. You need to carefully follow the instructions for the wax, glue the strips evenly, taking into account the desired shape of the eyebrows. But it is better to entrust the procedure to a professional.

How to properly pluck eyebrows with tweezers

To properly pluck your eyebrows you need to prepare:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly- do not neglect this advice, with clean hands there is less chance of infection in the wound;
  2. Treat tweezers and skin in the depilation area with an antiseptic- you can purchase the product at a pharmacy or cosmetic store;
  3. Choose a mirror for the procedure, turn on the light— under such conditions it is most convenient to carry out depilation. If the mirror stands/hangs, two hands will be free - as a result, it will be easier to pluck eyebrows. A bright light will help you see and remove the smallest hairs. After the procedure there are fewer defects, the eyebrows will turn out neater than if depilation is carried out in the dark.

You can start plucking your eyebrows:

It is also permissible to pluck the hairs on top of the eyebrows. This should be done more carefully - if you remove too much, the look will become “scowling”, the eyebrows will hang over the eyes. If your forehead is short, this technique will help increase it.

How to pluck eyebrows with thread

To pluck your eyebrows correctly and beautifully with thread, you first need to choose a tool. Not every thread is suitable, it is better to use natural options: silk, cotton, ideal choice. It is theoretically possible to pluck eyebrows with a synthetic thread, but this will be more painful, not only for the skin of the face, but also for the hands. After the skein is selected you need to:

After completion, you can start plucking, but it would be correct to practice, for example, on your legs. First, you need to move the knot in the center of the thread from side to side: you need to spread the fingers of one hand, while moving the fingers of the other hand.

Depilation occurs with this movement. The thread should be positioned against the hair growth, the compression of the fingers should be sharp to remove the hairs. It is necessary to position the thread in such a way that the hand with unclenched fingers is on the side where the hair grows, then you should apply the thread to the skin of your face and remove a row of hairs by sharply squeezing your fingers. You can see how to properly pluck your eyebrows in the photo below.

Preparation before depilation with a thread should be carried out in the same way as when plucking with tweezers, with one difference - the thread does not need to be processed, because it needs to be used once and replaced during the next procedure.

It is useful to powder the skin/treat it with talcum powder, this will make the depilation process easier. By the way, you can not only pluck your eyebrows with a thread, but also remove vellus hair from your cheeks and above your upper lip.

How to reduce pain during plucking

There are several ways to reduce pain during plucking:

  1. Wipe the depilation area with an ice cube; for greater benefit, you can freeze herbal decoctions;
  2. Steam the skin - a steam bath will open the pores, make the procedure easier, and reduce pain. The main thing is to wipe the skin dry after steaming;
  3. Use a special product - you can buy anesthetic ointment at any pharmacy and use it before plucking.

Tricks for plucking eyebrows at home

To pluck your eyebrows correctly without harming your skin, you can use several tricks:

  • Sharp tweezers - do not skimp on the tool. If the tweezers are of high quality, with beveled edges, sharp, and comfortable, then you should not spare money. It is most convenient to pluck with tweezers;
  • Stretch the skin - if you work with two hands, one holds the tweezers, and the other stretches the skin at the site of hair removal, then the procedure will go faster. Painful sensations, by the way, will be less;
  • Magnifying mirror- if you pluck your eyebrows in front of such a mirror, you can perform the procedure more thoroughly, removing the smallest hairs.

When should you not pluck your eyebrows?

Many experts do not recommend plucking hairs that grow on top of the eyebrows. There is a good reason for this - each removed hair can radically change the expression of the face. The area above the eyebrow is a rather difficult place for depilation - if you do not have confidence in your own abilities, it is better to entrust the treatment of this area to a specialist.

Also, you should not pluck your eyebrows before leaving the house. It is better to carry out the procedure at night, when there is no need to go outside. If you pluck your eyebrows and then go for a walk, for example, the skin will turn red and look inflamed. And makeup applied on top will not help (redness will still be visible), and can cause harm - particles of shadows and foundation that get into the wounds after plucking can delay their healing, and the eyes will look unattractive for several more days.

After plucking

After depilation, you need to treat the skin with an antiseptic; it would even be right to let it rest for a couple of hours. You can apply the ice cube repeatedly to reduce pain. It is advisable not to touch the skin in the depilation area for the next couple of hours to avoid infection. Do not apply makeup, maximum care cream after a couple of hours.

Correctly pluck your eyebrows 1-2 times a week - during this time a sufficient number of hairs will grow and correction of the shape is possible.

Before you learn how to pluck your own eyebrows, you need to correctly determine their most suitable shape depending on your face type. Then choose a technique and pluck your eyebrows according to the instructions.

The shape of the eyebrows determines the expression of a person's face. If the shape of the eyebrow is chosen incorrectly, it can give the face a gloomy, surprised and even stupid look. To find your ideal image, you should sit in front of the mirror.

Using a cosmetic pencil, you need to mark three main points on the superciliary arch, which, when connected, form the ideal eyebrow line for every woman.

These are the points:

  • the first point is the head of the eyebrow, to mark its beginning, you should apply a pencil so as to connect the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye (the entire part of the hairs that extend beyond the pencil closer to the bridge of the nose must be plucked);
  • the second point falls on the highest part of the eyebrow (to correctly determine the peak, you need to connect the wing of the nose and the pupil with a pencil);
  • to find out where the eyebrow should end, you need to draw a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye until it intersects with the eyebrow (pluck out the hairs outside the pencil on the outside).

If for some reason it is not possible or desirable to use this algorithm, you can make eyebrows in the shape of a “gull wing”; such a bend, according to world-class makeup artists, is suitable for all face types. Imitating the wing of a bird, the eyebrow smoothly rises from the nose to the temple with a slight bend. At the moment, this image is the most popular and fashionable.

Should I pluck my eyebrows from above?

Most of the unwanted hair should be removed from the bottom, but this can also be done from the top of the eyebrow. This need arises if the eyebrows are asymmetrical, too thick, or if the vellus hair above the eyebrow is too dark and noticeable. To determine whether you need to pluck the hairs along the upper eyebrow line, you should comb them with a brush. After this, the excess hairs will become clearly visible.

Preliminary preparation

Few people know how to properly pluck their own eyebrows.

This procedure does not require special preparation, however, to achieve a good result, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Depending on the chosen eyebrow plucking technique, you need to prepare the necessary accessories - tweezers, tweezers, threads or wax.
  • You should prepare a comfortable “workplace” with good lighting and a large enough mirror (so that the entire face is reflected in it).
  • It is necessary to remove makeup from the face and place cotton pads moistened with warm water or chamomile decoction on the eyelids for 5-10 minutes. This procedure will help moisturize the skin and reduce pain.
  • To ensure that the hairs are well separated from each other, you should comb them with an eyebrow brush along the line of natural growth.

How to pluck your own eyebrows with a thread: step-by-step instructions with photos

You can give a beautiful shape to your eyebrows using ordinary cotton thread, which is used for sewing. This method is effective and almost painless. How to properly pluck your own eyebrows with a thread is shown in the photo below.

Knowing the technique of removing hair with thread will help you understand how to properly pluck your own eyebrows.

After studying the simple instructions and practicing a little, you can get down to business:

  • You should prepare a thread 40-45 cm long and tie its ends with a knot so that you get a ring.
  • Next, you need to twist the thread in the middle 7-10 times, the resulting “figure of eight” is put on the index fingers and thumbs.
  • As the fingers expand and contract, the twisted part of the thread will move, capturing and tearing out unnecessary hairs.
  • You need to remove hairs slowly, against the growth direction, highlighting a small area with a triangle of thread.

Plucking technique with tweezers and tweezers

Most often, tweezers or special tweezers are used to pluck eyebrows at home and in a salon. Before the procedure, you need to disinfect the instrument with an alcohol-containing lotion, and wipe the skin with an external antiseptic (for example, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution).

Hairs should be removed in the direction of growth using sharp, confident movements. Each hair is grabbed at the base, while the skin must be held and slightly pulled with the second hand. Experts recommend plucking both eyebrows at the same time - 2-3 hairs on one, then the same amount on the other side, this way it is easier to achieve symmetry.

How to get beautiful eyebrows with wax

To make high-quality correction of eyebrow shape with wax at home, you need to have certain skills in working with this material.

Before starting the procedure, the skin should be degreased with lotion and lightly powdered with talcum powder. Wax heated to a temperature of 37 degrees should be applied with a thin wooden stick to a small area along the hair growth and pressed with your finger to better secure the hairs.

After a few seconds, when the wax stops being sticky (but does not harden completely), you need to attach a paper strip to it and, holding the skin with your other hand, remove the mass in the direction of hair growth. After the procedure, the skin is treated with talcum powder to prevent irritation.

Smooth eyebrows through a stencil

Another option with which you can give your eyebrows the desired shape is a ready-made stencil. More often they are sold in sets consisting of stencils of different shapes.

The blank must be applied to the eyebrow and traced along the contour with the pencil included in the kit. Hairs located outside the drawn line must be plucked. Using this method, eyebrows are symmetrical and beautiful without any extra effort.

Anesthesia of the procedure

Often the eyebrow plucking procedure causes pain.

The pain is tolerable, but people with a low pain threshold are recommended to use the following tips to reduce discomfort:

  • wipe the skin with an ice cube wrapped in cellophane or make cold lotions;
  • generously lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with a rich cream with chamomile or calendula;
  • 30 minutes before the procedure, treat the area with unwanted hairs with lidocaine cream (for example, Emla), however, this can only be done if you are not allergic to this drug;
  • make corrections after taking a bath or visiting a sauna, when the skin pores are open.

Eyebrow correction

Even the most perfect eyebrows require correction from time to time. The frequency of this procedure depends on the speed of hair growth; usually it is enough to correct the shape of the eyebrows once every 2-3 weeks. But if the hairs grow quickly and are very noticeable, you will have to do the procedure more often.

Practice has shown that The more often you pluck your eyebrows, the weaker the hairs become. and the less noticeable they are. Over time, corrections can be made much less frequently.

If the hairs are too long, you can cut them using nail scissors, helping yourself with a small, fine-toothed comb. Experts recommend cutting off no more than 2-3 mm of hair, otherwise the eyebrows will look unnatural.

Professional makeup artists will teach you how to pluck your eyebrows in a way that pleases not only yourself, but also those around you.

The correct approach requires compliance with several rules:

  • You should not pluck your eyebrows just before leaving the house - redness and swelling cannot be masked with anything, in addition, pathogenic microorganisms can get into microscopic wounds and cause inflammation.
  • To reduce irritation after plucking eyebrows, wipe the skin with an ice cube or a napkin soaked in chamomile infusion.
  • The eyebrow should not be too thin, like a thread, today this is a sign of bad taste. However, too thick, “shaggy” eyebrows will also not decorate a modern girl.
  • Nowadays, the natural shape of eyebrows is in fashion, but this does not mean that they do not need at least minimal correction.
  • From the beginning to the middle, the eyebrow should be slightly wider than at the end and have a slight bend in the center. You should not form your eyebrows in the form of a comma or a question mark, this will give your face an awkward expression.
  • Eyebrows that are closely spaced or fused on the bridge of the nose give a person a stern appearance, but the distance between them should not exceed the width of two fingers.
  • Eyebrows should not differ much from the main hair color.
  • Initially, most people have asymmetrical eyebrows, so you need to pluck them carefully to achieve complete symmetry.
  • To style eyebrows, you should use special gels and mousses, which are applied in small quantities with a brush.
  • To achieve the perfect eyebrow shape, it is useful to take advice from a friend or take a selfie. When viewed from the outside, all the shortcomings are immediately visible.
  • When plucking your eyebrows yourself, it is important not to overdo it.

Eyebrows according to face shape

To determine the shape of the face, you need to trace the reflection of the face on the mirror with a felt-tip pen, excluding hair and ears. Having examined the drawing from afar, it is easy to determine what figure it resembles.

What kind of eyebrows should you have based on your face type?

  • If oval face(in the forehead area it is slightly wider than below, the features are soft, pronounced cheekbones), the main task is not to spoil what is given by nature. The eyebrows should resemble a horizontal, slightly rounded line. You should not make a strong bend - this will visually make the face elongated, and overly wide eyebrows will give an overly strict appearance.
  • Round face approximately equal in length and width, characterized by a low forehead and a small lower jaw. For girls with this type of face, eyebrows with a distinct bend, moderately raised, and the head of the eyebrow should be slightly wider than the tip, are suitable. This eyebrow shape will “lengthen” the face and add expressiveness to the look.
  • Long face(with a high forehead and an elongated chin) will visually acquire rounded outlines thanks to absolutely straight eyebrows, and a high arch will narrow the face even more.
  • For girls with wide cheekbones and chin Thin eyebrows with a sharp bend should be avoided. Neat, rounded eyebrows of medium thickness will help soften the lines of a square face.
  • A face that resembles heart shaped(with sharp angles of the cheekbones and chin and a wide forehead), can be visually aligned using slightly raised eyebrows with a smooth curve (“wing”), it is better to avoid straight lines.
  • Classic, slightly rounded eyebrows of sufficient width are what you need for diamond-shaped face. The main task in this case is to make the face less wide in the area of ​​the cheekbones, so when correcting the eyebrows, sharp angles and straight lines should be avoided.

Correctly plucked eyebrows can not only give the face softness and proportionality, but also visually enlarge the eyes, making the look more expressive.

The most important thing is to honestly admit to yourself what shortcomings exist and correctly correct them.

Well-groomed, properly shaped eyebrows are the main “decoration” of the face, so even with a minimal amount of makeup (or lack thereof), a girl will look beautiful and neat.

Video on how to properly pluck your own eyebrows

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows, watch the video:

Find out how to pluck eyebrows correctly in this video:

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the eyebrows are a worthy frame that turns them into a true masterpiece. It is no secret that when meeting people, they pay attention to the eyes of a beautiful lady, which form the first impression. The main task of a woman is to make them as attractive and open as possible; skillful makeup and competent correction will help achieve success. To do this, you need to know how to pluck your eyebrows beautifully.

But you should always remember that any manipulation of the face carries some danger. Careless and improper handling of the tool can cause rashes. And, of course, we should not forget that excessive enthusiasm for the process can change a person beyond recognition, alas, not for the better.

Secrets of perfect eyebrows

To pluck eyebrows at home, you do not need to have an art education. But to do it perfectly, you still have to have some skills. First of all, you need to choose the right eyebrow shape and size. Even a slight discrepancy can change the facial expression, giving it a dejected or comical appearance.
The easiest way to figure out how to beautifully pluck eyebrows at home is to carefully study all the recommendations, try to draw the desired shape with a pencil and evaluate the results.
For a more accurate perception, you can ask your mother or friend to express their opinion, or take a photo and look at yourself from the outside. These rules are not universal; you need to choose the optimal eyebrow shape individually.
So, for owners of an oval face, straight or slightly curved eyebrows without a significant break will suit them. Ladies with a triangular face shape will be transformed by a slightly raised face. Chubby beauties will look harmonious with arched eyebrows that taper significantly towards the ponytails. Women with a square face shape usually look good with slightly arched eyebrows of sufficient length. But this information is not enough for high-quality correction at home.
You definitely need to calculate the length and proportions of the eyebrows. You can do this yourself, just arm yourself with a long cosmetic pencil and a mirror. To find the ideal starting point for the eyebrow, you need to draw an imaginary line from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow. You can mark a conditional point with a pencil.
The top point of the arch of the eyebrow is the end of a line running from the wing of the nose through the pupil of the eye looking forward. The tip is the end of the line connecting the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye. All three most important points can be marked directly on the skin and guided by them when choosing the shape according to which you should pluck your eyebrows at home.
Next, you can start modeling perfect eyebrows. To pluck your eyebrows beautifully, you should outline the future shape in advance; this can be done using a regular cosmetic pencil. There is no need to rush and start the procedure; it is better to erase the sketch several times than to wait until the hairs grow back. Return to contents

Tools and preparation procedures

In order for you to be pleased with the result of your painstaking work, you must learn how to make the correction correctly and prepare all the necessary tools in advance. You will need:

  • large mirror;
  • tweezers;
  • nail scissors;
  • cotton pads;
  • disinfectant or alcohol-containing lotion;
  • cream.

All tools and available means must be prepared in advance so that you do not have to interrupt the not-so-pleasant procedure. Tweezers and scissors should be treated in advance with an alcohol-containing lotion; you can use any disinfectant.
Lighting should be direct and sufficient, but not blinding. The best option is two lamps located on both sides of the mirror. Too bright a light will show off even hairs that are not visible to the eye, there is a danger of working too carefully with tweezers, after which you will have to wonder not how to pluck your eyebrows beautifully, but how to stimulate their growth. Insufficient lighting is a bad help; you may not notice hairs that will appear in bright light.
Before you begin practically jewelry work, you need to wash yourself thoroughly using a cleanser. Apply moisturizer to the eyebrows, after 5 minutes, remove any remaining residue with a cotton pad and wipe the skin with lotion. This step can be skipped, but such manipulations will first soften the skin and then disinfect it, which will reduce the likelihood of inflammation and irritation. After this, you can proceed directly to eyebrow correction at home.